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Study on the joint allocation of continuous berths and quay cranes in container ports under different berthing rules

Guo Ruijun1, Zhou Kaishuo, Zhang Yiqian, Wang Wanxiang

(大连交通大学 交通运输工程学院,辽宁 大连116028)
(School of Traffic and Transportation Engineering, Dalian Jiaotong University, Dalian 116028, Liaoning, China).

摘 要按照船舶先到先停原则进行港口泊位与岸桥分配容易造成船舶停滞和压货导致泊位与岸桥利用率低,降低了港口的服务水平和竞争力针对连续泊位布局方式下的集装箱港口泊位与岸桥联合分配问题建立了基于船舶偏好靠泊位置、靠泊位置与起点的距离、可行岸线长度和可用岸桥数量的四种典型靠泊规则并构建了考虑惩罚成本的多船动态到达泊位与岸桥联合分配多目标优化模型.同时设计将四种靠泊规则考虑在内的启发式算法利用遗传算法对模型进行求解得出最优靠泊规则和调度方案将该方法应用于某集装箱港口连续到港船舶的实际案例计算不同规则下的集装箱码头泊位与岸桥联合分配模型的最优结果结果显示:规则一即按船舶偏好靠泊位置靠泊的规则为最优规则最优方案中船舶停靠的时间及岸桥利用率分别为93.81457小时和68.617%研究结论表明:按照船舶典型的靠泊方式建立四种靠泊规则是合理的.通过建立这种考虑惩罚成本的泊位与岸桥联合分配模型能够对不同规则下的泊位与岸桥分配方案进行比选并得出最优规则和最优方案
Abstract: The allocation of port berths and quay cranes according to the principle of first-come, first-stop is easy to cause ship stagnation and cargo pressing, resulting in low utilization rate of berths and quay cranes, and reducing the service level and competitiveness of ports. In order to solve the problem of joint allocation of container port berths and quay cranes under the continuous berth layout mode, four typical berthing rules based on the ship's preferred berthing location, the distance between the berthing position and the starting point, the feasible shoreline length and the number of available quay cranes are established, and a multi-objective optimization model for the joint allocation of berths and quay cranes for multiple ships considering the penalty cost is constructed. At the same time, a heuristic algorithm considering the four berthing rules is designed, and the genetic algorithm is used to solve the model to obtain the optimal berthing rules and scheduling scheme. The method is applied to the actual case of continuous arrival of ships in a container port, and the optimal results of the joint allocation model of container terminal berths and quay cranes under different rules are calculated, and the results show that the first rule, that is, the rule of berthing according to the ship's preferred berthing position is the optimal ruleIn the optimal scheme, the docking time and quay crane utilization rate are 93.81457 hours and 68.617%, respectively. The results show that it is reasonable to establish four berthing rules according to the typical berthing mode of ships. By establishing this joint allocation model of berth and quay crane considering the penalty cost, the allocation scheme of berth and quay crane under different rules can be compared and selected, and the optimal rules and optimal schemes can be obtained.

Keywords: container port; berth allocation; quay crane scheduling; berthing rules; Genetic algorithms


中图分类号U691.3 文献标识码A
CLC Number: U691.3 Document Identification Code: A

Research on the Joint Allocation of Continuous Berths and Shore Bridges in Container Ports under Different Berthing Rules

Guo RuijunZhou KaishuoZhang Yiqian,Wang Wanxiang

( School of Traffic and Transportation Engineering, Dalian Jiaotong University, Dalian 116028,China)

AbstractAccording to the principle of first-come-first-served, the allocation of berths and bridges in ports is easy to cause ship stagnation and cargo pressure, resulting in low utilization rate of berths and bridges, which reduces the service level and competitiveness of ports. For the problem of joint allocation of berths and bridges in container ports under continuous berth layout, four typical berthing rules based on ships' preferred berthing position, distance between berthing position and starting point, feasible shoreline length and the number of available bridges are established, and a multi-objective optimization model of joint allocation of berths and bridges for multi-ships arriving dynamically is constructed by considering the penalty cost. At the same time, a heuristic algorithm taking the four berthing rules into account is designed, and the model is solved using genetic algorithm to derive the optimal berthing rules and scheduling scheme. The method is applied to the actual case of continuous arrival of ships in a container port to calculate the optimal results of the joint allocation model of berths and bridges in a container terminal under different rules, and the results show that: Rule 1, i.e., the rule of berthing according to the ship's preference of berthing position, is the optimal rule, and the docking time of the ship and the utilization rate of the bridges in the optimal scheme are 93.81457 hours and 68.617%, respectively. The conclusion of the study shows that it is reasonable to establish four berthing rules according to the typical berthing mode of ships. Through the establishment of this joint allocation model of berths and bridges considering the penalty cost, it is possible to compare the berths and bridges under different rules and derive the optimal rules and optimal programs.

Key wordscontainer port; berth allocation; shore bridge scheduling; berthing rules; genetic algorithm

  1. 收稿日期2024-06-09

    Funds: National Natural Science Foundation of China (11702049).

    作者简介郭瑞军, , 教授、博士
    About author:GUO Ruijun, male, professor, Ph.D.;

    周凯硕, , 研究生
    Zhou Kaishuo, male, graduate student;

    Zhang Yiqian, female, graduate student

    通信作者:王晚香,E-mail:wangwanxiang4@ 163. com
    Corresponding author: Wang Wanxiang, E-mail: wangwanxiang4@ 163. com


0 引言
0 Introduction

Container ports are an important connection point in the international supply chain, which has the characteristics of concentrated resources and complex external environment. The port import and export operation system mainly includes the allocation of berths and the configuration of quay cranes, and whether the allocation of berths and quay cranes is correct will affect the operation efficiency of the portDue to the constraints of investment scale and geographical space, berths and quay cranes have become a very scarce resource in the scale of port operation, and their scheduling scheme directly affects the operational efficiency and effectiveness of the terminal. Therefore, how to allocate berths, how to allocate reasonable quay cranes and quantities for ships, and how to reduce the time of ships in port are all issues worth pondering in the operation of port container terminals.

At present, there is a large gap between different container ports in China in terms of the information level of ship calling, and most of the berths and quay cranes are allocated based on the principle of first-come, first-served. Based on past experience, the allocation of berths and quay cranes to ships can sometimes lead to stalled and crushed vessels, while at the same time reducing the service level and competitiveness of container ports to a large extent. Therefore, it is particularly important to formulate better berthing rules so that container port managers can better coordinate the joint allocation between berths and quay cranes.

In general, there are two types of berth allocations: one is a discrete berth and the other is a continuous berth. Based on different goals and constraints, the problem has become a variety of combinatorial optimization problems. Yang Chunxia and Wang Nuo [1] generally analyzed the three factors of average ship time in port, terminal production cost, safety and quality, and built a multi-objective berth allocation optimization model. Qin et al. [2] established a berth allocation model based on the time window constraint, and used the simulated annealing algorithm to solve the model. At the same time, Minyuan Zhang [3] also studied the influence of time window constraints on berth allocation, using the ant colony algorithm to solve the model with the minimum ship waiting time as the goal. Ouyang Lingping et al. [4] analyzed the problem of joint scheduling of continuous berths and quay cranes, built a nonlinear programming model, and used the improved ant colony algorithm to solve the problemYu Liuhai, Pang Hongjing et al. [5] analyzed the problem of cooperative scheduling of continuous berths and quay cranes without considering the influence of berthing time and berthing time. At the same time, a heuristic algorithm is proposed.

Quay crane operations include the configuration and scheduling of quay cranes. The researchers studied the optimization of quay cranes, and the research questions included single and multi-vessel situations. Li et al. [6] analyzed the deck constraints and the influencing factors of quay crane collision in all aspects for a single ship to be discharged, and proposed two heuristic rules considering the initial solutionThe purpose of this paper is to analyze the quay crane scheduling problem of a single ship loading and unloading operation, and several examples are designed for the task volume, problem scale and quay crane characteristics. Le Meilong et al. [7] analyzed the problem of berth allocation according to the influencing factors such as task priority and time window. Zeng Qingcheng and Gao Yu [8] used genetic algorithm to analyze the single-ship quay crane scheduling problem, and verified the feasibility of genetic algorithm to solve the problem. Peterkofsky and Daganzo [9] analyzed the quay crane configuration problem under multi-ship conditions as a whole, and used the branch delimitation method to solve the target problem. Chu Liangyong et al. [10] established a nonlinear mixed integer programming model for the collaborative scheduling optimization of automated quay cranes, AGVs and automated rail cranes by considering the connection operation of the quay crane double crane and the path selection of the AGV. Moccia et al. [11] used the branch demarcation method to analyze the scheduling problem of multi-ship quay cranes, and analyzed the priority problem of container tasks and the constraints of non-interference between quay crane operationsHowever, for large-scale instances, this algorithm is not suitable for solving.

There are two kinds of research on the optimization of the joint configuration of berths and cranes, one is the optimization of the joint configuration of berths and cranes under discrete berths, and the other is the optimization of the joint configuration of berths and cranes under continuous berths. Liang et al. [12] took the minimum ship time in port and the minimum number of quay crane movements as the goals, and used genetic algorithm to solve the modelAfter that, the model and algorithm were verified by example through the Shanghai port terminal. Zhang Haiyong and Yan Wei [13] analyzed the joint optimization problem of berth quay cranes under discrete berths, and built a dynamic model based on rolling planning according to the call rules of berth quay cranes

Compared with discrete berths, continuous berths can make better use of quantitative shoreline resources, but they also increase costs, including berthing costs and labor costs such as pilotage. Zheng Hongxing et al. [14]-[15] considered tidal factors,The integrated optimization problem of berth allocation and quay crane scheduling in discrete and continuous berths is analyzed, and a linear programming model is built with the minimum cost of ship operation in port as the goal, and the multi-stage improved genetic algorithm is used to solve the model. Jiao Xiaogang et al. [16] analyzed the berth allocation and quay crane scheduling problems based on the berth dredging conditions, and built an integer linear programming model with the minimum planning period of ship turnover time as the goal At the same time, a corresponding heuristic algorithm is proposed. Jiang Meixian [17] applied the combination of truck operation face and operation line to the model construction process, and established a continuous berth-quay crane-container truck scheduling model with the minimum total cost of all ships arriving at the port during the planning period as the objective function. The integrated scheduling of berths, quay cranes and container trucks has been realized. The genetic algorithm is designed and programmed to solve this model, and the relatively optimal scheduling scheme is obtained through the solution results. Birger [18] added the penalty of overtime operation of the quay crane, the penalty of the ship deviating from the preferred berth, and the penalty coefficient of the translation of the quay crane to the berth optimization problem of continuous berths, and took the minimization penalty value as the objective function. Based on the berthing priority of the ship, the genetic algorithm based on the rolling time window was used to solve the model.

When studying the optimization of the joint configuration of berths and quay cranes under the continuous berth mode, most scholars only realize the joint allocation of berths and quay cranes with the minimum time in port and the minimum number of ship movements in port. In fact, the joint allocation of berths and quay cranes also needs to consider whether the ship loading and unloading cargo is overdue to pay a certain penalty cost, so this paper introduces the penalty cost on the basis of previous research to obtain the optimal berthing rules and a more reasonable berth and quay crane allocation scheme.

In the face of the complexity of the problem of container port berth allocation and quay crane joint scheduling, the innovation of this paper lies in:

Based on the original research, this paper adds penalty cost, and establishes a multi-objective berth and quay crane joint allocation model with the goal of minimizing the ship's in-port time, production cost and penalty cost, and considering the dynamic arrival of multiple ships, which has better applicability than the previous single-objective optimization model.

Based on the principle of first-come-first-served service, combined with the existing practical berthing experience of ships and the existing berthing methods of ships in ports, four independent berthing rules were established according to the preferred berthing location of the ship, the distance between the berthing position and the starting point, the utilization rate of the feasible shoreline length, and the number of available quay cranes.

The heuristic berthing rules are combined with the genetic algorithm, and the improved genetic algorithm is used to solve the target model. Compared with the traditional genetic algorithm, the berthing rule is embedded into the target model as a heuristic rule, which can shorten the calculation time and improve the calculation efficiency while ensuring the calculation accuracy.

1 问题描述
1 Problem Description

Berth allocation and quay crane scheduling in the forward operation area of the terminal is an important process of container terminal operation, but the resources of berths and quay cranes are limited, in order to allow ships to complete the loading and unloading tasks faster, so as to make the ship more satisfiedIt is necessary to arrange a reasonable berth quay crane allocation scheme. Generally speaking, except for the berths that must be physically discrete, the berths in China are multi-berths with a long coastline [19], which are distributed according to the discrete situationDiscrete berths do not take into account the continuity of the shoreline or berths. At the same time, the survey found that continuous berths have high economic benefits and can reduce the average time of ships in port. Therefore, in order to make better use of the existing berths, this study focuses on the continuous layout of berths.

The shoreline of container ships berthing can be regarded as a continuous line segment, and the focus of this study is on the allocation of berths under the continuous berth layout mode, so container ships can randomly select berthing locations for berthing operationsThis operation mode not only increases the free space for ships to dock, but also can effectively use berth space resources, thereby improving the operation efficiency of the port. In view of the dynamic randomness of berth selection, how to formulate appropriate berthing rules and combine and standardize the quay crane allocation system of container port berths plays an important role in the orderly operation of container terminals

根据不同靠泊规则制定泊位与岸桥联合分配计划旨在解决为到达的船舶分配停泊位置和停泊时间的问题以及合理分配岸桥为对应船舶进行具体任务船舶靠泊时的岸桥位置及时间如图1所示: 横坐标是靠泊的岸线位置纵坐标是靠泊时间每个矩形指一艘船舶的靠泊计划矩形长是船舶的长度矩形宽是作业时间宽度越小表示作业时间越短按照靠泊位置、靠泊时间、船长及作业时间四个因素来明确船舶所占的面积把泊位分配问题转化成时间与空间的二维图依据以上要素可以找到任一矩形(集装箱船)的信息分布最后再针对四种靠泊服务规则基于先到先服务的原则根据优先权大小对船舶靠泊服务顺序做出调整然后在较优的可行泊位分配方案上完成岸桥分配调度以此得到泊位和岸桥的联合分配方案
According to different berthing rules, the joint allocation plan of berths and quay cranes is formulated, which aims to solve the problem of allocating berthing places and berthing times for arriving ships, as well as reasonably allocating quay cranes to carry out specific tasks for corresponding ships. The position and time of the quay crane when the ship is berthed are shown in Figure 1: the abscissa is the position of the shoreline of berthing, the ordinate is the berthing time, each rectangle refers to the berthing plan of a ship, and the length of the rectangle is the length of the ship, the width of the rectangle is the job time, and the smaller the width means the shorter the job time. According to the four factors of berthing location, berthing time, ship length and operation time, the area occupied by the ship is clarified, and the berth allocation problem is transformed into a two-dimensional diagram of time and space) information distribution. Finally, according to the four berthing service rules, the order of ship berthing services is adjusted according to the priority based on the principle of first-come-first-served service, and then the quay crane allocation and scheduling is completed on the optimal feasible berth allocation schemeto obtain a joint allocation scheme for berths and quay cranes.

图1 靠泊的岸线位置-时间坐标系示意图
Fig.1. Schematic diagram of the shoreline location-time coordinate system of berthing

Fig.1 Berthing shoreline position - time coordinate diagram

2 数学模型
2 Mathematical model

2.1 模型假设
2.1 Model Assumptions

(1) 进行泊位分配计划时有些船舶还未到港每艘船舶必须且只能靠泊一次不考虑船舶靠泊后的移泊情况[20];
(1) If some ships have not yet arrived at the port at the time of the berth allocation plan, each ship must and can only berth once, regardless of the berthing situation after berthing [20];

(2) 每台岸桥工作效率相同且装卸过程中不允许暂停; 每台岸桥只有服务完当前的集装箱船舶装卸的任务后才能服务其他船舶;
(2) The working efficiency of each quay crane is the same, and it is not allowed to be suspended during loading and unloading; Each quay crane can only serve other ships after serving the current task of loading and unloading container ships;

(3) 岸桥在同一水平轨道上依次进行编号排列即在坐标轴上从左向右依次编号排列;
(3) The quay cranes are numbered on the same horizontal track. That is, they are numbered and arranged in order from left to right on the coordinate axis;

(4) 每艘集装箱船舶拥有各自的船舶尺寸、货物装卸量、最大岸桥数及最小岸桥数; 且可以工作的必要条件是可用岸桥数达到最小岸桥数时才可工作;
(4) Each container ship has its own ship size, cargo handling capacity, maximum number of quay cranes and minimum number of quay cranes; And the necessary condition for work is that the number of available quay cranes can only work when the minimum number of quay cranes is reached;

(5) 码头岸线的水质深度能够达到所有到港集装箱船舶的吃水深度要求;
(5) The water quality depth of the quay shoreline can meet the draft requirements of all container ships arriving at the port;

(6) 不考虑由船舶技术或集装箱货物集散延误等情况造成的服务时间延长;
(6) Extension of service time due to delays in the technical or container cargo distribution of the vessel is not taken into account;

(7) 每艘船舶都有一个最优的靠泊位置即偏好靠泊位置[21];
(7) Each ship has an optimal berthing position, i.e., a preferred berthing position [21];

(8) 船舶的装卸货物量和码头作业效率决定船舶的装卸时间;
(8) The loading and unloading volume of the ship and the efficiency of the terminal operation determine the loading and unloading time of the ship;

(9) 若船舶分配的岸桥不止一台则它分配的岸桥一定相邻连续且不能相互跨越
(9) If the ship is assigned more than one quay crane, the quay cranes assigned to it must be adjacent and continuous and cannot cross each other.

2.2 靠泊规则
2.2 Berthing Rules

Based on the existing practical berthing experience of ships and the existing berthing methods of ports, four independent berthing rules were established according to factors such as the preferred berthing location of the ship, the distance between the berthing position and the starting point, the utilization rate of the feasible shoreline length, and the number of available quay cranes [22].They are:

(1) 规则一:集装箱船舶进行靠泊计划时在其可行岸线内靠泊优先选择离偏好位置最近的且其靠泊位置每次仅选择一个
(1) Rule 1: When a container ship plans to berth, it shall berth within its feasible shoreline, and give priority to the nearest preferred location, and only one berthing position shall be selected at a time.

(2) 规则二:集装箱船舶进行靠泊计划时在其可行岸线内每艘集装箱船舶优先选择离起点最近的靠泊位置
(2) Rule 2: When a container ship carries out a berthing plan, within its feasible shoreline, each container ship shall give priority to the nearest berthing position to the starting point.

(3) 规则三:集装箱船舶进行靠泊计划时在其可行岸线内靠泊位置优先选择最短可用空闲岸线
(3) Rule 3: When a container ship makes a berthing plan, it shall give priority to the shortest available free shoreline at the berthing position within its feasible shoreline.

(4) 规则四:集装箱船舶进行靠泊计划时在其可行岸线内优先选择岸桥数量足够的靠泊位置的基础上再选择离偏好位置最近且靠泊位置每次仅选择一个
(4) Rule 4: When a container ship makes a berthing plan, it shall give priority to the berthing position with a sufficient number of quay cranes within its feasible shoreline, and then select the nearest preferred positionand select only one berthing location at a time.

Rule 1 is that ships preferentially choose the nearest preferred position to berth, which is also the most commonly used berthing method for ships to arrive at the port, and additional transportation costs will be incurred due to berthing from the preferred position; Rule 2 is that ships should give priority to berthing at the nearest berthing location from the starting point, which is more suitable for ports where a small number of ships arrive and the starting point has a long available shoreline, which will cause the arriving ships to be concentrated near the starting point; Rule 3 is to give priority to the shortest available free shoreline berthing when ships berthing at the port, which can improve the utilization efficiency of the available free shoreline of the port, thereby reserving more space for large ships to dock; Rule 4 is that on the basis of giving priority to the number of quay cranes and sufficient berthing positions, the ship will choose the nearest position to berth, and whether the number of quay cranes is sufficient directly reflects the operation time of the quay cranesThe quay crane operation time determines whether the loading and unloading of the ship's cargo is overdue, resulting in a certain penalty cost. On the basis of the original constraints, the four rules described above are brought into the four times of programming to obtain the total goal constraints.

2.3 参数说明
2.3 Parameter Description

,,Ship serial number,;

,,quay crane serial number,;


, the shoreline length of the wharf, (m);

, the length of the container ship k, including the horizontal safety reserve length,


, the total number of quay cranes configured at container port terminals;

, the total number of container ships arriving at Hong Kong;

,Consolidation of pre-arrival container ships during the planning period,,,;

,set of discretized time periods,,;

, the arrival time of the container ship k (h: min),;

,集装箱船舶k的实际开始工作时刻(h:min), ;
, the actual start time of the container ship k (h:min), ;

, the expected departure time of the container ship k (h:min),;

,The actual departure time of the container ship K (h:min),;

,船舶时刻的岸桥船舶间移动次数, ,;
, the number of ship movements between quay crane ships at the moment, ,;

, Loading and unloading operations (TEU) of container ships k,;

, the berthing position of the container ship K,;

, the optimal berthing position of the container ship K,;

, berthing sequence of container ship K,;

, the number of quay cranes allocated by container ships k,;

, the working efficiency of the quay crane per unit (TEU/h);

,Quay crane interference index,g<1;

, penalty coefficient for delayed completion of container ship K operation task,;

, the minimum number of quay cranes required for container ships k;

, the maximum number of quay cranes that can be carried by container ship k,;

When the container ship deviates from the preferred berthing position, the additional transportation cost per unit distance of a single container (yuan/TEU ··);

, the hourly loading and unloading cost of each quay crane (RMB/quay crane ·h);

, the coordinate axis of the shoreline position of the berthing in Figure 1;

, if ship i is berthed on the left side of ship k, otherwise it is 0,;

, the coordinate axis of the time of berthing in Figure 1;

, if ship i is berthed before ship k, otherwise it is 0,;

, 1 if the quay crane q at time t serves the ship k, 0 otherwise, ;

, a maximum.

2.4 考虑惩罚成本的联合优化模型
2.4 Joint optimization model considering penalty costs

In the study of the joint allocation of continuous berths and quay cranes in container ports, Wang Hongyan et al. [23] set up a single-objective model with the goal of minimizing the arrival time of all container ships, and at the same time, Jiao Xiaogang et al. also constructed a model with the goal of the arrival time of all container ships[24], the objective function of both is the same, as follows:

(1) 基于已有模型的目标函数本模型引入了惩罚成本在船舶在港时间、船舶移动次数两者的基础上将船舶移动次数相关函数优化为生产成本函数并建立了一个考虑惩罚成本的多艘船舶动态到达泊位与岸桥联合分配的多目标数学模型
(1) Based on the objective function of the existing model, the model introduces penalty cost, which is based on the time of the ship in port and the number of ship movementsThe correlation function of ship movements is optimized into the production cost function, and a multi-objective mathematical model is established for the dynamic arrival of multiple ships at berths and the joint allocation of quay cranes considering the penalty cost.

2.4.1 改进模型的目标函数
2.4.1 Improve the objective function of the model





Model description: Equation (2) is the initial total objective function, which means that the total cost of berth and quay crane allocation is minimized, including the total time in port, production costs as well as penalty costs; Eq. (3) indicates the total time the vessel has been in port; Eq. (4) represents the production cost of the container port; Eq. (5) indicates the penalty fee of the container port when the loading and unloading task is overdue.

2.4.2 改进模型的约束条件
2.4.2 Improve the constraints of the model












Eq. (6) illustrates that the same quay crane can only serve other ships after one ship has completed its operation; Eq. (7) ~ Eq. (9) ensures that no two ships will cross the shoreline of the port terminal and during the time they are in port; Equation (10) ensures that each ship docks at the shoreline after arriving at the port; Equation (11) illustrates the connection between the completion time of the ship's operation and the berthing time, and the loading and unloading volume of the ship and the efficiency of the wharf operation determine the operation time; Eq. (12) ensures that the quay cranes cannot be crossed, i.e., the quay cranes assigned to the same ship are continuously adjacent [16]; Eq. (13) illustrates that the quay crane will only start operation when the number of quay cranes available for service is between the minimum and maximum number of quay cranes required by the vessel; Equation (14) shows that cross operations are not allowed on the quay bridge between ships; Eq. (15) shows that the total number of quay cranes used by ships at any one time shall not be greater than Q; Eq. (16) ensures that any ship is berthed at a feasible shoreline.

3 算法设计
3. Algorithm design

The genetic algorithm generates the optimal solution from generation to generation after the survival mechanism of survival of the fittest and elimination of the inferior, which has good advantages in global search and global optimization However, due to the complexity of the problem of integrated scheduling of berths and quay cranes, it is difficult to find a feasible solution in a reasonable time by using operations research methods. However, heuristics can solve this problem by finding feasible solutions to some large problems relatively quickly. However, because it is based on experience and judgment, it is possible to generate a good solution for the problem, but it is not guaranteed to generate an optimal solution. Therefore, this paper will use the combination of genetic algorithm and heuristic algorithm to deal with the scheduling optimization problem of container port berth-quay crane.

3.1 不同靠泊规则下的启发式算法构造
3.1 Heuristic algorithm construction under different berthing rules

According to the service rules of the four multi-ship berthing positions described in the problem description and the constraints described in the mathematical model, a heuristic algorithm is established. The main steps of the algorithm are as follows:

step1: 计划周期开始时记录到港船舶信息开始时间为0靠泊时间是靠泊时和开始时间之差船舶的编号是它预期到港时间的顺序第一艘船舶抵港后进行随机靠泊配给它随机产生的岸桥数量进行作业然后直接转到step6之后再转到step2
Step1: At the beginning of the planning cycle, record the ship information at the port. The start time is 0, and the berthing time is the difference between the time of berthing and the start time. The ship's number is the order of its expected arrival time, the first ship is berthed randomly upon arrival, assigned to its randomly generated quay crane number for operation, and then goes straight toStep6, then go to Step2.

step2: 在第一艘船舶到港停泊后后面要到港船舶的顺序根据先到先服务和有优先权的服务两个方面进行确定比如从第二艘到港船舶算起若两艘船舶到港时间很接近(≤15min)比较两艘船舶的优先级别假如船舶k的优先级别至少小船舶k+1两个等级则船舶k在船舶k+1之后分配找寻船舶k靠泊时在码头工作的船舶若没有一艘在作业的船舶则随机安排一个靠泊位置在它中心随机生成对应岸桥数量进行服务转到step6记录能够服务船舶的岸桥集合;反之测出各个空闲区间的长度和其中空闲的岸桥数记录各个区间相邻船舶服务的岸桥编号之后转到step3
step 2: After the first vessel arrives at the port, the order of the subsequent ships to be docked is determined according to two aspects: first-come, first-served and priority service. For example, if the arrival time of the two ships is very close (≤15min) from the second ship, the priority of the two ships is compared, if the priority class of ship K is at least two classes of small ship K+1, then ship K is assigned after ship K+1. Look for ships that work at the dock when ship K is berthed. If there is no ship in operation, a berthing position will be randomly arranged, and the corresponding number of quay cranes will be randomly generated in the center of it for service, and it will be transferred to STEP6, which records the collection of quay cranes capable of servicing vessels; On the contrary, the length of each free section and the number of free quay cranes in it are measured, and the quay crane number of adjacent ships in each section is recorded, and then transferred to the STEP3

step3: 当空闲区间的长度满足船舶靠泊需要的最小长度同时空闲岸桥的数量满足需要的最小岸桥数量则靠泊规则选择空闲岸线进行靠泊并且转到step4; 反之延迟靠泊时间三十分钟即:之后再寻找新的靠泊位置再转到step2
s tep3: when the length of the idle section meets the minimum length required for berthing the ship and the number of idle quay cranes meets the minimum number of quay cranes required, Then the berthing rule selects the idle shoreline for berthing, and turns to STEP4; Otherwise, the berthing time is delayed by 30 minutes, i.e., after which a new berthing position is found and then transferredstep2

step4: 更新染色体中第(k+N)个基因靠泊位置与第(k+2N)个基因岸桥数目及船舶k的靠泊时刻记录能为船舶k服务的岸桥集合并用实际分配的岸桥数目计算离港时间之后转到step5
S tep4: update the berthing position and the first (k+N) gene in chromosomes(k+2N) the number of quay cranes of genes and the berthing time of ship k, and record the set of quay cranes that can serve ship kThe departure time was calculated using the actual number of quay cranes allocated, after which it was transferred to STEP5.

step5: 令k=k+1继续分配下一艘船舶转到step2直到所有船舶都已分配
step5: let k=k+1, continue to assign the next ship, go tostep2 until all ships have been allocated.

step6: 根据所需岸桥数的基偶决定船舶对应的岸桥编号当岸桥数是奇数时先确定最中间的编号再分三种情形讨论:
step6: The ship's quay crane number is determined according to the base couple of the required number of quay cranes. When the number of quay cranes is an odd number, the middle number is determined first, and then it is discussed in three situations:

(1) 理论最小编号被左侧船舶占用则从第一个岸桥开始向右取;
(1) If the theoretical minimum number is occupied by the ship on the left, it will be taken from the first quay crane to the right;

(2) 理论最大编号被右侧船舶占用则从最后一个岸桥向左取;
(2) If the theoretical maximum number is occupied by the ship on the right, it will be taken from the last quay crane to the left;

(3) 理论最小、最大编号都未被占用则从确定好的最中间编号分别向两侧取
(3) If the theoretical minimum and maximum numbers are not occupied, the middle number is taken from the determined middle number to both sides.

When the number of quay cranes is 2m, first find the center position of the ship, and then discuss it in two situations:

(1) 中心位置未对齐岸桥原固定位置类似奇数情况分三种情形确定;
(1) The central position is not aligned with the original fixed position of the quay crane, and the odd number of similar cases is determined in three situations;

(2) 中心位置对齐了岸桥原先固定位置此时分成两种情况讨论决定哪一侧取m个岸桥若左侧能够取m个则右侧取(m-1)反之右侧取m个左侧取(m-1)
(2) The central position aligns the original fixed position of the quay crane, and at this time, it is divided into two situations to discuss and decide which side to take m quay cranes, if the left side can take m cranes, then take (m-1) on the right side, and vice versa, m on the right side, take (m-1) on the left.

In the feasible set of quay cranes, if the left end of the docked ship is close to the left endpoint, an appropriate number of continuous quay cranes are selected from the first quay crane backwards; If the right end of the docked ship is close to the right endpoint, an appropriate number of continuous quay cranes are selected from the last quay crane forward; If the docked ship is in the middle, the appropriate number of continuous quay cranes are selected from the set.

In the algorithm constructed above, the allocation principle is to allocate ships according to the time of arrival of the ships, although not all of them are first-come, first-served, but basically first-come, first-served. In order to achieve the condition of the minimum total cost of the objective function, the allocation order of ships is modified through the priority method, and the ships with a large priority weight are first allocated when they can berth at the same time

3.2 改进遗传算法的设计
3.2 Improve the design of genetic algorithms

Before the individual code is made, the ships are numbered in the order of their arrival at the port. The berthing position and quay crane assignment under flexible berthing deal with the three questions of the ship's berthing time, position, and the number and number of quay cranes assigned, so its chromosomes need to show the information of these three problems together. Therefore, its chromosome is composed of three aspects: the weight of the ship berthing service, the berthing position of the ship and the number of quay cranes allocated.

3.2.1 个体编码
3.2.1 Individual Code

(1) 首先靠泊优先权重的编码按照权重的大小对船舶比较排序设置不同的基因码
(1) First of all, the coding of the berthing priority weight. Compare and sort the ships according to the size of the weights, and set different gene codes.

(2) 其次靠泊位置的编码
(2) Secondly, the code of the berthing position.

(3) 最后岸桥数量的编码岸桥数量的编码方式和靠泊位置一样每艘船舶的服务岸桥数在区域中随机生成
(3) Finally, the coding of the number of quay cranes. The number of quay cranes is encoded in the same way as the berthing location, and the number of quay cranes served by each vessel is randomly generated in the region.

3.2.2 种群初始化
3.2.2 Population initialization

The initial population population is randomly generated, and the chromosomes are divided into three segments, the first gene is the arrangement of the total number of container ships, and the genes of the second berthing location part randomly select the berthing location in the area they allow, which is indicated by the position of the leftmost point of the ship on the shoreline. Let the leftmost end of the shoreline be 0, the rightmost end is L, and the berthing position is 500, indicating the distance between the leftmost end of the container ship and the end of the shorelinefor 500 meters. The third segment of genes is the quay bridge number gene, which is randomly selected from the region. N chromosomes are initially generated, and the individuals in them are randomly generated and then synthesized into a new individual.

3.2.3 适应度函数
3.2.3 Fitness function

At present, it is not easy to deal with the objective functions due to the inconsistency of dimensions, and can only achieve the relative overall optimum, which cannot meet the simultaneous optimality of all sub-objectives. As far as multi-objective optimization is concerned, there are many algorithms for large and complex systems [25], and this paper uses the traditional weighting method to Firstly, the priority weight of the sub-objective is calculated by fuzzy analytic hierarchy process, and then the multiple objective functions are synthesized into a scalar utility function based on the weights, and the multi-objective function weighting is transformed into a single-objective problem.

The fitness function of the objective function in this paper can be inverted and transformed from the objective function to be solved, and its formula is as follows:


where is a conservative estimate of the bounds of the objective function.

Using the fuzzy analytic hierarchy process, the weights of the three sub-objective functions can be obtained according to the importance of the three sub-objective functions: 0.4, 0.35 and 0.25. If the three sub-objective functions are unified to meet the characteristics of the fitness of the genetic algorithm, and the fitness function is represented by the transformation method above, the total objective function is:


3.2.4 选择、交叉、变异操作
3.2.4 Select, cross, and mutate operations

The parent was selected, crossed, and mutated to obtain a new coding string by mutating the individual code processed by the above operations.

3.2.5 基因修复操作
3.2.5 Gene repair operations

There may be some individuals who do not meet the constraints of the model after the crossover and mutation operations. After each iteration of the population completes crossover and mutation, the information about ship k in the newly generated chromosomes is checked in turn, and the berthing location, berthing time and service quay crane set of each ship are feasible. The key point is to constrain the minimum and maximum number of quay cranes for each ship, and the number of quay cranes and berthing positions in the area are in the feasible shoreline area. In summary, if the individual is feasible, there is no need to do anything; Otherwise, fix the non-viable genes in the individual based on a fixed berthing time.

4 实例分析
4 Case Studies

4.1 原始数据
4.1 Raw Data

某集装箱港口码头岸线长度是100012台岸桥可供服务12台岸桥最开始从左向右均匀分布在[40,940]的码头岸线上从预计到港船舶作业数据中任意抽取24艘连续到港船舶的原始数据当作原始输入数据从而开始对连续泊位布局方式下的集装箱码头泊位与岸桥联合分配进行研究到港时间以第一艘船到港日期的零点为基准24 艘集装箱船舶的各相关原始数据如下表1所示其中:E.T.A为船舶预计到港时间E.T.D为船舶预计离港时间岸桥作业效率为为45TEU/h岸桥移动速度为50m/ming为0.9为0.005元150
The shoreline of a container port is 1,000 meters, and there are 12 quay cranes that can be served. The 12 quay cranes were initially evenly distributed from left to right along the quay line of [40,940]. From the expected arrival ship operation data, the original data of 24 consecutive arriving ships were arbitrarily extracted as the original input dataTherefore, the joint allocation of container terminal berths and quay cranes under the continuous berth layout mode was studied. The arrival time is based on the zero point of the arrival date of the first ship, and the relevant raw data of the 24 container ships are shown in Table 1 below. Among them: E.T.A. is the estimated arrival time of the ship, E.T.D. is the estimated departure time of the ship, and the quay crane operation efficiency is45TEU/h, the quay crane moving speed is 50m/min, and g is 0.9,is 0.005 yuan, which is 150 yuan.

表1 集装箱船舶原始数据表
Table 1 Original data table of container ships

Table 1 Container ship raw data sheet

Ship I




Captain / m

Penalty factor

Prefer berthing location









































































































































































Each container ship has a maximum and minimum number of quay cranes to operate, the former being determined by the length of the vessel and the rules of operation, and the latter being determined by a combination of the contract between the shipping company and the terminal operator and the size of the loading capacity. The operating rules of the quay crane are usually determined by the width and principle of the quay crane, such as not crossing, not crossing, etc. The total width of the quay crane refers to the length of the distance between the ends of the outer buffers of two groups of walking trolleys on both sides of the same walking track in the free condition.

表2 到港船舶岸桥数据
Table 2 Quay crane data of ships arriving at the port

Table 2 Ship landing bridge data

Ship I


Maximum job

Number of quay cranes

Minimal job

Number of quay cranes

Ship I


Maximum job

Number of quay cranes

Minimal job

Number of quay cranes

































































































岸桥的最大数量由30 米以下的岸桥宽度决定同时还要考虑到船舶的长度和船舶间的安全距离通常大于大型万吨级船舶的安全距离是15-20米之因此在本研究中长度小于100米的小吨位集装箱船之间的安全距离为10米长度大于100米的中等吨位船舶间的安全距离是15米大于万吨级船舶间的安全距离是20米基于船舶的相关原始数可得船舶最大、最小作业岸桥数量以及船舶长度与安全距离之和如表2所
The maximum number of quay cranes is determined by the width of the quay cranes below 30 meters, taking into account the length of the vessel and the safe distance between the vessels. Usually the safety distance is between 15-20 meters for large 10,000-ton ships. Therefore, in this study, the safety distance between small tonnage container ships with a length of less than 100 meters is 10 meters, and the safety distance between medium-tonnage ships with a length of more than 100 meters is 15 metersThe safe distance between ships larger than 10,000 tons is 20 meters. Based on the relevant raw data of the ship, the maximum and minimum number of quay cranes and the sum of the ship's length and safety distance can be obtainedAs shown in Table 2.

4.2 运行结果分析
4.2 Running Result Analysis

4.2.1 目标函数设置
4.2.1 Objective Function Settings

The model proposed in this paper comprehensively considers three optimization objectives, namely the on-port time, production cost and penalty cost of container ships, and finally forms a total target value of the weighted sum of the three optimization objectives.

where the first sub-objective function is:


The second sub-objective function is:


The third sub-objective function is:


The total objective function is:


4.2.2 运行参数设置
4.2.2 Running Parameter Settings

In this study, Matlab was selected as the algorithm programming platform, and the heuristic algorithm including the improved genetic algorithm was used to solve the joint allocation model of berth and quay crane under the continuous berth layout modeIn the process of programming and implementation of the model, after many experiments, the algorithm can obtain a better optimization scheme in an acceptable time, and the main parameters of the selected genetic algorithm are as follows3.

表3 算法参数设置
Table 3 Algorithm parameter settings

Table 3 Algorithm parameter setting

Parameter settings

Parameter value

Population size


Crossover probability


Probability of variation


The number of iterations


4.2.3 四种靠泊规则下最优方案的适应度分析
4.2.3 Fitness analysis of the optimal scheme under the four berthing rules

The results obtained from the simulation of the joint allocation model of container terminal berth and quay crane under different rules are randomly selected from 20 consecutive initial solutions, and the scheme with the optimal total target fitness value under each rule is selected for further analysis.

The scheduling results of the optimal scheme under rule 1 are shown in Figure 2, which depicts the numerical evolution of the fitness of the simulation results obtained according to the algorithm

2 规则一适应度数值进化图
Fig.2 Numerical evolution of rule 1 fitness

Fig.2 Rule 1 Fitness numerical evolution diagram

After 22 iterations, the numerical evolution curve of the fitness tends to be stable, and the total fitness value reaches 0.6120. In the same way, the fitness evolution curve of the rest of the rules and the number of iterations that make the numerical fitness evolution curve tend to be stable can be obtained, and the iterations of rule 2, rule 3 and rule 4 are 20, 20 and 42, respectively.

The fitness curves of each objective function of the optimal scheme under the four berthing rules are shown in Figure 3.

3 四种规则下最优方案的各目标函数适应度曲线图
Fig.3 Fitness curves of each objective function of the optimal scheme under the four rules

Fig.3 Fitness curves of each objective function of the optimal scheme under the four rules

As shown in Figure 3, the fitness values of each objective function of the optimal solution under different berthing rules are differentFor example, the fitness values of each sub-objective function of the optimal solution are 0.5406, 0.7316, and 0.5587, respectively, and the total objective function fitness values are 0.6120. The objective function fitness values of the rest of the rules can be obtained. Since the fitness function is the reciprocal of the objective function, i.e., the larger the fitness value, the smaller the objective function. and 0.5707>0.5469>0.5447>0.5406, for the sub-objective function 1 (considering the shortest time in port), based onRule 3 yields the best solution. Similarly, for the sub-objective function 2 (considering the lowest production cost), Rule 1 is optimal; For the sub-objective function of 3 (considering the least penalty cost), rule 3 is optimal; For the total objective function, the fitness value of rule 1 is 0.6120 which is greater than the fitness value of the optimal solution under other rules, so it can be obtained based on rule 1The optimal berthing scheme for ships, that is, when the container ship is berthing planned, berthing within its feasible shoreline, and giving priority to the closest to the preferred locationand select only one berthing position at a time.

Although the fitness value of the optimal solution under the rule is 0.5406 in the sub-objective function 1 (considering the shortest time in port), which occupies a longer time in port, However, its production cost and penalty cost are relatively low. From a global point of view, the optimal solution under the rule is the optimal scheduling scheme.

4.2.4 四种靠泊规则下最优方案的调度结果
4.2.4 Scheduling results of the optimal scheme under the four berthing rules

4 规则一最优解位置-时间图
Fig.4. Position-time diagram of the optimal solution of rule 1

Fig.4 Rule 1 Optimal solution position-time graph

Figure 4 depicts the position-time plot of the optimal solution corresponding to rule 1. In the same way, the location-time diagram of the optimal berth and quay crane allocation scheme under other rules can be obtained.

Figure 5 shows the Gantt chart of quay crane scheduling for the optimal scheme. In the same way, the quay crane operation time and Gantt chart of the optimal solution under other rules can be obtained. From the quay crane operation time and Gantt chart, we can derive the berth time and quay crane utilization rate of the optimal berth and quay crane allocation scheme under each rule.

5 最优规则下最优解的岸桥作业甘特图
Fig.5 Gantt chart of quay crane operation with optimal solution under the optimal rule

Fig.5 Gantt chart of shore bridge operation with optimal solution under optimal rule

Table 4 shows the berth time and quay crane utilization rate of the optimal scheme under each rule.

4 最优规则下最优方案的在泊时间及岸桥利用率
Table 4 The berth time and quay crane utilization rate of the optimal scheme under the optimal rule

Table 4 Mooring time and quayside bridge utilization table of optimal scheme under optimal rule

Best Practices

At berth time/h

Quay crane utilization/%

Rule One



Rule two



Rule Three



Rule IV



Table 4 shows the optimal berth and quay crane allocation schemes, and the berth time and quay crane utilization rate are respectively93.81457 hours and 68.617%, which is not much different from the berth time under other rules, although it is not the shortest among all the optimal schemes. However, there is no situation where a large number of ships are waiting to be berthed; If the berth time is too short, the berths will be overly idle, and the resources will not be effectively utilized, which will seriously affect the economic benefits of the Hong Kong side. Therefore, a reasonable berth time should be able to balance the interests of the port, shipping and cargo. The utilization rate of the quay crane in Rule 1 is the highest among all the optimal solutions, which ensures the operational efficiency of the port.

5 结论
5 Conclusion

(1) 面对集装箱港口泊位分配与岸桥联合分配问题的复杂性结合船舶现有的实践靠泊经验以及港口已有的船舶靠泊方式建立了四种独立靠泊规则基于以上四种规则和连续型泊位的布局方式建立了以船舶总在港时间、码头生产成本和惩罚费用最小为优化目标的多船到港不确定优先权的泊位与岸桥分配多目标模型对于其他传统模型来说此模型有着更好的适用性同时更符合船舶在靠港时的实际应用
(1) In the face of the complexity of the allocation of container port berths and the joint allocation of quay cranes, combined with the existing practical berthing experience of ships and the existing berthing methods of ships in portsFour independent berthing rules were established, and a multi-objective model of berth and quay crane allocation with uncertain priority of multi-ship arrival was established based on the above four rules and the layout of continuous berths, with the optimization goal of minimizing the total time of ship in port, the production cost of the terminal and the penalty cost. Compared with other traditional models, this model has better applicability and is more in line with the practical application of ships when they are at port.

(2) 针对本文NP问题的特征通过改进的算法对染色体进行分段编码、交叉和变异等操作使算法得到更好的应用根据四种靠泊服务规则设计了基于遗传算法的启发式算法并分析了该算法在四种靠泊服务规则下的求解根据优先权大小再按照船舶先到先服务的原则下对船舶靠泊服务顺序做出调整较好地解决集装箱港口泊位与岸桥联合调度的优化问题
(2) According to the characteristics of the NP problem in this paper, the improved algorithm is used to perform segmentation coding, crossover and mutation operations on chromosomesMake the algorithm better applied. According to the four berthing service rules, a heuristic algorithm based on genetic algorithm is designed, and the solution of the algorithm under the four berthing service rules is analyzed, according to the priority size Then, according to the principle of first-come, first-served service, the order of berthing service of ships is adjusted, so as to better solve the optimization problem of joint scheduling of container port berths and quay cranes.

(3) 通过实例分析利用设计的遗传算法分别求解四种靠泊服务规则得到泊位与岸桥联合分配的最优方案和最优靠泊服务规则为:集装箱船舶进行靠泊计划时在其可行岸线内靠泊优先选择离偏好位置最近的位置靠泊且其靠泊位置每次仅选择一个为船舶靠泊决策提供调度优化方法为集装箱港口的泊位与岸桥调度决策提供依据
(3) Through case analysis, the designed genetic algorithm is used to solve the four berthing service rules respectivelyThe optimal scheme and optimal berthing service rules for the joint allocation of berths and quay cranes are as follows: when the container ship carries out the berthing plan, it will berth within its feasible shoreline, and give priority to berthing at the position closest to the preferred positionAnd only one berthing position can be selected at a time. It provides a scheduling optimization method for ship berthing decision, and provides a basis for berth and quay crane scheduling decision in container port.


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