If a Provisionally-Certified Site receives a non-compliant result at a Wet Audit, its Provisional Certification will not be immediately withdrawn and it will retain its Provisional Certification
status until the end of the nine month Provisional Certification Period.
Full Certification will normally run for one year, in accordance with the provisions set out at
4.3 above for Sites not holding an existing valid Certificate, and this will be back dated to the date on which the first Wet Audit was concluded. If the Wet Audit extends the scope of
4.3 对于未持有现有有效证书的站点,该证书的日期将追溯到第一次湿审核结束的日期。如果湿审计扩展了
existing Full Certification for a Site, and there is significant overlap in controls between the
existing and new scope elements, the Audit Team may extend the Full Certification expiry
date for the new scope element to match the expiry date of the existing certification (if later).
5.1.4 Duration of Provisional Certification Audits
5.1.4 临时认证审核的持续时间
The initial Dry Audit is conducted over a four day period and all controls will be audited.
Production processes will also be examined but in the absence of live production it will not be possible to sample test controls. The duration of a repeat Dry Audit will depend on the areas to be re-audited and will be agreed with the supplier in accordance with section 8.4 below.
还将检查生产过程,但由于没有现场生产,将无法对测试控制进行抽样。重复干审核的持续时间将取决于要重新审核的领域,并将根据下文第 8.4 节与供应商达成一致。
The Wet Audit is normally conducted over a two day period to review the controls in
operation. If the Wet Audit is conducted together with a Renewal Audit for other fully certified scope elements, some time savings on the total Audit duration may be possible.
5.2 Auditing and Certification of Supporting Sites
5.2 支持站点的审核和认证
SAS provides auditing and certification on a Site-by-Site basis. However, Sites that
participate in the scheme may use additional physical Sites owned and operated by
themselves or by third party subcontractors to provide some supporting infrastructure or services within the scope of certification. This section specifies how Supporting Sites are formally handled within the scheme.
5.2.1 Definition
5.2.1 定义
A Supporting Site is one that meets all of the following criteria:
• Provides supporting infrastructure and/or services within the scope of SAS certification to the Primary Site seeking certification.
• 在SAS认证范围内向寻求认证的主站点提供支持基础设施和/或服务。
• Does not wish to hold its own SAS certification, or is not eligible to do so.
• 不希望持有自己的SAS认证,或者没有资格持有SAS认证。
• To be eligible for SAS-UP certification as a Primary Site, a Site must operate, or be planning to operate, live and primary (not just backup) production or services that fulfil at least one of the primary SAS-UP scope elements.
• 要获得 SAS-UP 认证作为主站点的资格,站点必须运行或计划运营至少满足一个主要 SAS-UP 范围要素的主要和主要(而不仅仅是备份)生产或服务。
• Exceptional applications for SAS certification by Sites that do not meet these criteria will be considered by the GSMA on a case-by-case basis.
• 不符合这些标准的站点的特殊SAS认证申请将由GSMA根据具体情况予以考虑。
In most cases the Supporting Site is primarily accountable (via internal or contractual
agreements) to the Primary Site rather than to the GSMA for its compliance with the SAS requirements. However, a Supporting Site must still be subject to the terms of SAS
协议)给主站点,而不是GSMA,以使其符合SAS要求。但是,支持站点仍必须遵守 SAS 的条款
participation, and therefore must be named on an SAS agreement signed by the Primary Site or the Primary Site’s parent company.
参与,因此必须在主站点或主站点的母公司签署的 SAS 协议上命名。