Version 2.0 Specification for D-PHY
144 Mbps Megabits per second
145 MSB Most Significant Bit
146 PHY Physical Layer
147 PLL Phase-Locked Loop
148 PPI PHY-Protocol Interface
149 RF Radio Frequency
150 RX Receiver
151 SE Single-Ended
152 SoT Start of Transmission
153 TLIS Transmission-Line Interconnect Structure: physical interconnect realization between Master
154 and Slave
155 TX Transmitter
156 UI Unit Interval, equal to the duration of any HS state on the Clock Lane
157 ULPS Ultra-Low Power State| | Version 2.0 | Specification for D-PHY |
| :--- | :--- | :--- |
| | 23-Nov-2015 | |
| 144 | Mbps | Megabits per second |
| 145 | MSB | Most Significant Bit |
| 146 | PHY | Physical Layer |
| 147 | PLL | Phase-Locked Loop |
| 148 | PPI | PHY-Protocol Interface |
| 149 | RF | Radio Frequency |
| 150 | RX | Receiver |
| 151 | SE | Single-Ended |
| 152 | SoT | Start of Transmission |
| 153 | TLIS | Transmission-Line Interconnect Structure: physical interconnect realization between Master |
| 154 | | and Slave |
| 155 | TX | Transmitter |
| 156 | UI | Unit Interval, equal to the duration of any HS state on the Clock Lane |
| 157 | ULPS | Ultra-Low Power State |
Interconnect Side| Lane |
| :--- |
| Interconnect Side |
Direction Escape Mode Features Supported| Forward |
| :--- |
| Direction Escape Mode Features Supported |
反向方向逃逸模式支持的功能 ^(1){ }^{1}
Direction Escape
Mode Features Supported ^(1)| Reverse |
| :--- |
| Direction Escape |
| Mode Features Supported ${ }^{1}$ |
M - 主控 S - 從屬 X - 不在乎
M - Master
S - Slave
X - Don't Care| M - Master |
| :--- |
| S - Slave |
| X - Don't Care |
F - 僅前進 RR - 反向和前進 X - 不在乎 ^(2){ }^{2}
F - Forward Only
R - Reverse and Forward
X - Don't Care ^(2)| F - Forward Only |
| :--- |
| $R$ - Reverse and Forward |
| X - Don't Care ${ }^{2}$ |
A - 全部(包括 LPDT) E - 事件 觸發器和 ULPS 只有 X - 不在乎
A - All (including LPDT)
E - events Triggers and ULPS Only X - Don't Care| A - All (including LPDT) |
| :--- |
| E - events Triggers and ULPS Only X - Don't Care |
A - All (including LPDT) E-events - Triggers and ULPS Only N - None Y - Any (A, E, or A and E) X - Don't Care
N - 不適用
N - 不適用
Prefix "Lane
Interconnect Side" High-Speed Capabilities "Forward
Direction Escape Mode Features Supported" "Reverse
Direction Escape
Mode Features Supported ^(1)"
CIL- "M - Master
S - Slave
X - Don't Care" "F - Forward Only
R - Reverse and Forward
X - Don't Care ^(2)" "A - All (including LPDT)
E - events Triggers and ULPS Only X - Don't Care" A - All (including LPDT) E-events - Triggers and ULPS Only N - None Y - Any (A, E, or A and E) X - Don't Care
C-Clock N - Not Applicable N - Not Applicable| Prefix | Lane <br> Interconnect Side | High-Speed Capabilities | Forward <br> Direction Escape Mode Features Supported | Reverse <br> Direction Escape <br> Mode Features Supported ${ }^{1}$ |
| :---: | :---: | :---: | :---: | :---: |
| CIL- | M - Master <br> S - Slave <br> X - Don't Care | F - Forward Only <br> $R$ - Reverse and Forward <br> X - Don't Care ${ }^{2}$ | A - All (including LPDT) <br> E - events Triggers and ULPS Only X - Don't Care | ```A - All (including LPDT) E-events - Triggers and ULPS Only N - None Y - Any (A, E, or A and E) X - Don't Care``` |
| | | C-Clock | N - Not Applicable | N - Not Applicable |
推薦的 PHY 協議介面包含以位元組格式的數據輸入和數據輸出、輸入和/或輸出時鐘信號以及控制信號。控制信號包括請求、握手、測試設置和初始化。附錄 A 中描述了一個邏輯內部介面的提案。雖然這不是一個要求,但使用提議的 PPI 可能非常有用。對於 IC 的外部使用,實現可能會在相同的引腳上多路復用許多信號。然而,出於功率效率的原因,PPI 通常位於 IC 內部。
Supported Directions for Escape mode including LPDT
(Bi-directional, Forward Only or Reverse Only)| Supported Directions for Escape mode including LPDT |
| :--- |
| (Bi-directional, Forward Only or Reverse Only) |
Clock Direction
(by definition from Master to Slave, must point in the same direction as the "Clock Only Lane" arrow)| Clock Direction |
| :--- |
| (by definition from Master to Slave, must point in the same direction as the "Clock Only Lane" arrow) |
This Other Options Meaning
C1CCCCCCC1 Supported Directions for High-Speed Data Transmission (Bi-directional or Unidirectional)
C1[I-][In][IH]1 C1C[I-][I-]1 Clock Lane
longleftrightarrow longrightarrow Supported Directions for Escape mode excluding LPDT (Bi-directional or Forward Only)
⊮ longrightarrow ⋙≪ "Supported Directions for Escape mode including LPDT
(Bi-directional, Forward Only or Reverse Only)"
rarr larr "Clock Direction
(by definition from Master to Slave, must point in the same direction as the "Clock Only Lane" arrow)" PPI: PHY-Protocol Interface| This | Other Options | Meaning |
| :---: | :---: | :---: |
| <smiles>C1CCCCCCC1</smiles> | ![]( | Supported Directions for High-Speed Data Transmission (Bi-directional or Unidirectional) |
| <smiles>C1[I-][In][IH]1</smiles> | <smiles>C1C[I-][I-]1</smiles> | Clock Lane |
| $\longleftrightarrow$ | $\longrightarrow$ | Supported Directions for Escape mode excluding LPDT (Bi-directional or Forward Only) |
| $\nVdash \longrightarrow$ | $\ggg \ll$ | Supported Directions for Escape mode including LPDT <br> (Bi-directional, Forward Only or Reverse Only) |
| $\rightarrow$ | $\leftarrow$ | Clock Direction <br> (by definition from Master to Slave, must point in the same direction as the "Clock Only Lane" arrow) |
| ![]( | | PPI: PHY-Protocol Interface |
Observes transition from LP-11 to LP-01 on the
Lines| Observes transition from LP-11 to LP-01 on the |
| :--- |
| Lines |
驅動橋樑狀態 (LP-00) 於時間 THS-PREPARE
觀察從 LP-01 到 LP-00 的轉換,並在時間 TD-TERM-EN 之後啟用線路終止
Observes transition form LP-01 to LP-00 on the
Lines, enables Line Termination after time TD-TERM-EN| Observes transition form LP-01 to LP-00 on the |
| :--- |
| Lines, enables Line Termination after time TD-TERM-EN |
Enables HS-RX and waits for timer THS-SETTLE to
expire in order to neglect transition effects| Enables HS-RX and waits for timer THS-SETTLE to |
| :--- |
| expire in order to neglect transition effects |
驅動器 HS-0 持續時間 THS-ZERO
在識別到領導序列 'O11101' 時進行同步
Synchronizes upon recognition of Leader Sequence
'O11101'| Synchronizes upon recognition of Leader Sequence |
| :--- |
| 'O11101' |
TX Side RX Side
Drives Stop state (LP-11) Observes Stop state
Drives HS-Rqst state (LP-01) for time TLPX "Observes transition from LP-11 to LP-01 on the
Drives Bridge state (LP-00) for time THS-PREPARE "Observes transition form LP-01 to LP-00 on the
Lines, enables Line Termination after time TD-TERM-EN"
"Enables High-Speed driver and disables Low-Power
drivers simultaneously." "Enables HS-RX and waits for timer THS-SETTLE to
expire in order to neglect transition effects"
Drives HS-0 for a time THS-ZERO Starts looking for Leader-Sequence
"Synchronizes upon recognition of Leader Sequence
on a rising Clock edge | TX Side | RX Side |
| :--- | :--- |
| Drives Stop state (LP-11) | Observes Stop state |
| Drives HS-Rqst state (LP-01) for time TLPX | Observes transition from LP-11 to LP-01 on the <br> Lines |
| Drives Bridge state (LP-00) for time THS-PREPARE | Observes transition form LP-01 to LP-00 on the <br> Lines, enables Line Termination after time TD-TERM-EN |
| Enables High-Speed driver and disables Low-Power <br> drivers simultaneously. | Enables HS-RX and waits for timer THS-SETTLE to <br> expire in order to neglect transition effects |
| Drives HS-0 for a time THS-ZERO | Starts looking for Leader-Sequence |
| | Synchronizes upon recognition of Leader Sequence <br> 'O11101' |
| on a rising Clock edge | |
6.4.3 傳輸結束
TX 端
RX 端
在最後一個有效載荷數據位之後立即切換差分狀態,並保持該狀態一段時間 THS-TRAIL
Toggles differential state immediately after last
payload data bit and keeps that state for a time
THS-TRAIL| Toggles differential state immediately after last |
| :--- |
| payload data bit and keeps that state for a time |
禁用 HS-TX,啟用 LP-TX,並驅動停止狀態 (LP-11) 持續時間 THS-EXIT
Disables the HS-TX, enables the LP-TX, and drives
Stop state (LP-11) for a time THS-EXIT| Disables the HS-TX, enables the LP-TX, and drives |
| :--- |
| Stop state (LP-11) for a time THS-EXIT |
檢測離開 LP-00 狀態並進入停止狀態 (LP-11) 的線路並禁用終止
Detects the Lines leaving LP-00 state and entering
Stop state (LP-11) and disables Termination| Detects the Lines leaving LP-00 state and entering |
| :--- |
| Stop state (LP-11) and disables Termination |
忽略上個時期的 THS-SKIP 位元以隱藏過渡效果
Neglect bits of last period THS-SKIP to hide transition
effects| Neglect bits of last period THS-SKIP to hide transition |
| :--- |
| effects |
Detect last transition in valid Data, determine last
valid Data byte and skip trailer sequence| Detect last transition in valid Data, determine last |
| :--- |
| valid Data byte and skip trailer sequence |
TX Side RX Side
Completes Transmission of payload data Receives payload data
"Toggles differential state immediately after last
payload data bit and keeps that state for a time
"Disables the HS-TX, enables the LP-TX, and drives
Stop state (LP-11) for a time THS-EXIT" "Detects the Lines leaving LP-00 state and entering
Stop state (LP-11) and disables Termination"
"Neglect bits of last period THS-SKIP to hide transition
"Detect last transition in valid Data, determine last
valid Data byte and skip trailer sequence"| TX Side | RX Side |
| :--- | :--- |
| Completes Transmission of payload data | Receives payload data |
| Toggles differential state immediately after last <br> payload data bit and keeps that state for a time <br> THS-TRAIL | |
| Disables the HS-TX, enables the LP-TX, and drives <br> Stop state (LP-11) for a time THS-EXIT | Detects the Lines leaving LP-00 state and entering <br> Stop state (LP-11) and disables Termination |
| | Neglect bits of last period THS-SKIP to hide transition <br> effects |
| | Detect last transition in valid Data, determine last <br> valid Data byte and skip trailer sequence |
State "Line
Condition/State" Exit State Exit Conditions
TX-Stop Transmit LP-11 TX-HS-Rqst "On request of Protocol for High-Speed
TX-HS-Rqst Transmit LP-01 TX-HS-Prpr End of timed interval TLPX
TX-HS-Prpr Transmit LP-00 TX-HS-Go End of timed interval THS-PREPARE
TX-HS-Go Transmit HS-0 TX-HS-Sync End of timed interval THS-zERO
TX-HS-Sync "Transmit
HS-00011101" TX-HS-0 After Sync sequence if first payload data bit is 0
TX-HS-1 After Sync sequence if first payload data bit is 1
TX-HS-0 Transmit HS-0 TX-HS-0 Send another HS-0 bit after a HS-0 bit
TX-HS-1 Send a HS-1 bit after a HS-0 bit
TX-HS-1 Transmit HS-1 TX-HS-0 Send a HS-1 bit after a HS-0 bit
TX-HS-1 Send another HS-1 bit after a HS-1
Trail-HS-0 Last payload bit is HS-1, trailer sequence is HS-0
Trail-HS-0 Transmit HS-0 TX-Stop End of timed interval THS-TRAlL
Trail-HS-1 Transmit HS-1 TX-Stop End of timed interval THS-TRAlL
RX-Stop Receive LP-11 RX-HS-Rqst Line transition to LP-01
RX- HS-Rqst Receive LP-01 RX-HS-Prpr Line transition to LP-00| State | Line <br> Condition/State | Exit State | Exit Conditions |
| :--- | :--- | :--- | :--- |
| TX-Stop | Transmit LP-11 | TX-HS-Rqst | On request of Protocol for High-Speed <br> Transmission |
| TX-HS-Rqst | Transmit LP-01 | TX-HS-Prpr | End of timed interval TLPX |
| TX-HS-Prpr | Transmit LP-00 | TX-HS-Go | End of timed interval THS-PREPARE |
| TX-HS-Go | Transmit HS-0 | TX-HS-Sync | End of timed interval THS-zERO |
| TX-HS-Sync | Transmit <br> sequence <br> HS-00011101 | TX-HS-0 | After Sync sequence if first payload data bit is 0 |
| | | TX-HS-1 | After Sync sequence if first payload data bit is 1 |
| TX-HS-0 | Transmit HS-0 | TX-HS-0 | Send another HS-0 bit after a HS-0 bit |
| | | TX-HS-1 | Send a HS-1 bit after a HS-0 bit |
| TX-HS-1 | Transmit HS-1 | TX-HS-0 | Send a HS-1 bit after a HS-0 bit |
| | | TX-HS-1 | Send another HS-1 bit after a HS-1 |
| | | Trail-HS-0 | Last payload bit is HS-1, trailer sequence is HS-0 |
| Trail-HS-0 | Transmit HS-0 | TX-Stop | End of timed interval THS-TRAlL |
| Trail-HS-1 | Transmit HS-1 | TX-Stop | End of timed interval THS-TRAlL |
| RX-Stop | Receive LP-11 | RX-HS-Rqst | Line transition to LP-01 |
| RX- HS-Rqst | Receive LP-01 | RX-HS-Prpr | Line transition to LP-00 |
Condition/State| Line |
| :---: |
| Condition/State |
Proper match found (any single bit error allowed if
deskew calibration feature is not used) for Sync
sequence in HS stream, the following bits are
payload data.| Proper match found (any single bit error allowed if |
| :--- |
| deskew calibration feature is not used) for Sync |
| sequence in HS stream, the following bits are |
| payload data. |
接收 HS-0
接收 HS-1
線路過渡到 LP-11
State "Line
Condition/State" Exit State Exit Conditions
RX-HS- Prpr Receive LP-00 RX-HS-Term End of timed interval TD-TERM-EN
RX-HS-Term Receive LP-00 RX-HS-Sync End of timed interval THS-SETTLE
RX-HS-Sync "Receive HS
...00000011101" RX-HS-0 "Proper match found (any single bit error allowed if
deskew calibration feature is not used) for Sync
sequence in HS stream, the following bits are
payload data."
RX-HS-0 Receive HS-0 RX-HS-0 Receive payload data bit or trailer bit
RX-HS-1 Receive HS-1 RX-HS-0 Receive payload data bit or trailer bit
RX-Stop Line transition to LP-11| State | Line <br> Condition/State | Exit State | Exit Conditions |
| :--- | :--- | :--- | :--- |
| RX-HS- Prpr | Receive LP-00 | RX-HS-Term | End of timed interval TD-TERM-EN |
| RX-HS-Term | Receive LP-00 | RX-HS-Sync | End of timed interval THS-SETTLE |
| RX-HS-Sync | Receive HS <br> sequence <br> ...00000011101 | RX-HS-0 | Proper match found (any single bit error allowed if <br> deskew calibration feature is not used) for Sync <br> sequence in HS stream, the following bits are <br> payload data. |
| | | RX-HS-1 | |
| RX-HS-0 | Receive HS-0 | RX-HS-0 | Receive payload data bit or trailer bit |
| | | RX-HS-1 | |
| RX-HS-1 | Receive HS-1 | RX-HS-0 | Receive payload data bit or trailer bit |
| | | RX-HS-1 | |
| | | RX-Stop | Line transition to LP-11 |
Observes the transition from LP-10 to Bridge state
and waits for a time TAA-SURE. After correct
completion of this time-out this side knows it is in
control.| Observes the transition from LP-10 to Bridge state |
| :--- |
| and waits for a time TAA-SURE. After correct |
| completion of this time-out this side knows it is in |
| control. |
停止駕駛線路,並使用其 LP-RX 觀察線路狀態,以便查看確認。
Stops driving the Lines and observes the Line states
with its LP-RX in order to see an acknowledgement.| Stops driving the Lines and observes the Line states |
| :--- |
| with its LP-RX in order to see an acknowledgement. |
驅動橋樑狀態 (LP-00) 持續時間 TTA-GET
驅動器 LP-10 持續時間 TLPX
觀察 LP-10 在線上,解釋為承認對方確實已經掌控。等待停止狀態完成周轉程序。
Observes LP-10 on the Lines, interprets this as
acknowledge that the other side has indeed taken
control. Waits for Stop state to complete Turnaround
procedure.| Observes LP-10 on the Lines, interprets this as |
| :--- |
| acknowledge that the other side has indeed taken |
| control. Waits for Stop state to complete Turnaround |
| procedure. |
Initial TX Side = Final RX Side Initial RX Side = Final TX Side
Drives Stop state (LP-11) Observes Stop state
Drives LP-Rqst state (LP-10) for a time TLPX Observes transition from LP-11 to LP-10 states
Drives Bridge state (LP-00) for a time T TPX Observes transition from LP-10 to LP-00 states
Drives LP-10 for a time T TPX Observes transition from LP-00 to LP-10 states
Drives Bridge state (LP-00) for a time TTA-GO "Observes the transition from LP-10 to Bridge state
and waits for a time TAA-SURE. After correct
completion of this time-out this side knows it is in
"Stops driving the Lines and observes the Line states
with its LP-RX in order to see an acknowledgement." Drives Bridge state (LP-00) for a period TTA-GET
Drives LP-10 for a period TLPX
"Observes LP-10 on the Lines, interprets this as
acknowledge that the other side has indeed taken
control. Waits for Stop state to complete Turnaround
procedure." | Initial TX Side = Final RX Side | Initial RX Side = Final TX Side |
| :--- | :--- |
| Drives Stop state (LP-11) | Observes Stop state |
| Drives LP-Rqst state (LP-10) for a time TLPX | Observes transition from LP-11 to LP-10 states |
| Drives Bridge state (LP-00) for a time T TPX | Observes transition from LP-10 to LP-00 states |
| Drives LP-10 for a time T TPX | Observes transition from LP-00 to LP-10 states |
| Drives Bridge state (LP-00) for a time TTA-GO | Observes the transition from LP-10 to Bridge state <br> and waits for a time TAA-SURE. After correct <br> completion of this time-out this side knows it is in <br> control. |
| Stops driving the Lines and observes the Line states <br> with its LP-RX in order to see an acknowledgement. | Drives Bridge state (LP-00) for a period TTA-GET |
| | Drives LP-10 for a period TLPX |
| Observes LP-10 on the Lines, interprets this as <br> acknowledge that the other side has indeed taken <br> control. Waits for Stop state to complete Turnaround <br> procedure. | |
初始 TX 端 = 最終 RX 端
初始 RX 端 = 最終 TX 端
確認,切換到正常的 LP 接收
Initial TX Side = Final RX Side Initial RX Side = Final TX Side
Observes transition to Stop state (LP-11) on the
Lines, interprets this as Turnaround completion
acknowledgement, switches to normal LP receive
mode and waits for further actions from the other
side | Initial TX Side = Final RX Side | Initial RX Side = Final TX Side |
| :--- | :--- |
| Observes transition to Stop state (LP-11) on the | |
| Lines, interprets this as Turnaround completion | |
| acknowledgement, switches to normal LP receive | |
| mode and waits for further actions from the other | |
| side | |
Condition/State| Line |
| :---: |
| Condition/State |
任何 RX 狀態
觀察 LP-11 在行上
傳輸 LP-11
傳輸 LP-10
結束計時區間 TLPX
傳輸 LP-00
結束計時區間 TLPX
傳輸 LP-10
結束計時區間 TLPX
傳輸 LP-00
計時區間結束 TTA-GO
接收 LP-00
線路過渡到 LP-10
接收 LP-10
線路過渡到 LP-11
接收 LP-11
線路過渡到 LP-10
接收 LP-10
線路過渡到 LP-00
接收 LP-00
線路過渡到 LP-10
接收 LP-10
線路過渡到 LP-00
接收 LP-00
定時區間結束 TTA-SURE
傳輸 LP-00
計時區間結束 TTA-GET
Transit LP-10
結束計時區間 TLPX
State "Line
Condition/State" Exit State Exit Conditions
Any RX state Any Received RX-Stop Observe LP-11 at Lines
TX-Stop Transmit LP-11 TX-LP-Rqst On request of Protocol for Turnaround
TX-LP-Rqst Transmit LP-10 TX-LP-Yield End of timed interval TLPX
TX-LP-Yield Transmit LP-00 TX-TA-Rqst End of timed interval TLPX
TX-TA-Rqst Transmit LP-10 TX-TA-Go End of timed interval TLPX
TX-TA-Go Transmit LP-00 RX-TA-Look End of timed interval TTA-GO
RX-TA-Look Receive LP-00 RX-TA-Ack Line transition to LP-10
RX-TA-Ack Receive LP-10 RX-Stop Line transition to LP-11
RX-Stop Receive LP-11 RX-LP-Rqst Line transition to LP-10
RX-LP-Rqst Receive LP-10 RX-LP-Yield Line transition to LP-00
RX-LP-Yield Receive LP-00 RX-TA-Rqst Line transition to LP-10
RX-TA-Rqst Receive LP-10 RX-TA-Wait Line transition to LP-00
RX-TA-Wait Receive LP-00 TX-TA-Get End of timed interval TTA-SURE
TX-TA-Get Transmit LP-00 TX-TA-Ack End of timed interval TTA-GET
TX-TA-Ack Transit LP-10 TX-Stop End of timed interval TLPX| State | Line <br> Condition/State | Exit State | Exit Conditions |
| :--- | :--- | :--- | :--- |
| Any RX state | Any Received | RX-Stop | Observe LP-11 at Lines |
| TX-Stop | Transmit LP-11 | TX-LP-Rqst | On request of Protocol for Turnaround |
| TX-LP-Rqst | Transmit LP-10 | TX-LP-Yield | End of timed interval TLPX |
| TX-LP-Yield | Transmit LP-00 | TX-TA-Rqst | End of timed interval TLPX |
| TX-TA-Rqst | Transmit LP-10 | TX-TA-Go | End of timed interval TLPX |
| TX-TA-Go | Transmit LP-00 | RX-TA-Look | End of timed interval TTA-GO |
| RX-TA-Look | Receive LP-00 | RX-TA-Ack | Line transition to LP-10 |
| RX-TA-Ack | Receive LP-10 | RX-Stop | Line transition to LP-11 |
| RX-Stop | Receive LP-11 | RX-LP-Rqst | Line transition to LP-10 |
| RX-LP-Rqst | Receive LP-10 | RX-LP-Yield | Line transition to LP-00 |
| RX-LP-Yield | Receive LP-00 | RX-TA-Rqst | Line transition to LP-10 |
| RX-TA-Rqst | Receive LP-10 | RX-TA-Wait | Line transition to LP-00 |
| RX-TA-Wait | Receive LP-00 | TX-TA-Get | End of timed interval TTA-SURE |
| TX-TA-Get | Transmit LP-00 | TX-TA-Ack | End of timed interval TTA-GET |
| TX-TA-Ack | Transit LP-10 | TX-Stop | End of timed interval TLPX |
Entry Command Pattern (first
bit transmitted to last bit
transmitted)| Entry Command Pattern (first |
| :---: |
| bit transmitted to last bit |
| transmitted) |
Reset-Trigger| Reset-Trigger |
| :--- |
HS 測試模式的進入序列
Escape Mode Action Command Type "Entry Command Pattern (first
bit transmitted to last bit
Low-Power Data Transmission mode 11100001
Ultra-Low Power State mode 00011110
Undefined-1 mode 10011111
Undefined-2 mode 11011110
"Reset-Trigger" Trigger 01100010
Entry sequence for HS Test Mode Trigger 01011101
Unknown-4 Trigger 00100001
Unknown-5 Trigger 10100000| Escape Mode Action | Command Type | Entry Command Pattern (first <br> bit transmitted to last bit <br> transmitted) |
| :--- | :--- | :---: |
| Low-Power Data Transmission | mode | 11100001 |
| Ultra-Low Power State | mode | 00011110 |
| Undefined-1 | mode | 10011111 |
| Undefined-2 | mode | 11011110 |
| Reset-Trigger | Trigger | 01100010 |
| Entry sequence for HS Test Mode | Trigger | 01011101 |
| Unknown-4 | Trigger | 00100001 |
| Unknown-5 | Trigger | 10100000 |
如果在逃逸模式進入命令之後發送超低功耗狀態進入命令,則通道應進入超低功耗狀態(ULPS)。此命令應標記給接收方協議。在此狀態下,線路處於空間狀態(LP-00)。超低功耗狀態的退出是通過一個長度為 Twakeup 的 Mark-1 狀態,然後是停止狀態。附錄 A 描述了一個退出程序的示例以及控制在 Mark-1 狀態中花費時間長度的程序。
6.6.4 逃逸模式狀態機
逃脫模式操作的狀態機如圖 20 所示,並在表 9 中描述。
圖 20 逃脫模式狀態機
表 9 逃脫模式狀態機描述
任何 RX 狀態
觀察 LP-11 在行上
傳輸 LP-11
根據對 Esc 模式(PPI)協議的要求
傳輸 LP-10
在時間 T_("LPX ")\mathrm{T}_{\text {LPX }} 之後
傳輸 LP-00
After time T TPX
傳輸 LP-01
在時間 T LPX^("a ")\mathrm{LPX}^{\text {a }} 之後
傳輸 LP-00
After time T TPX
傳輸 8 位元(16 行狀態)單空格熱編碼的輸入命令序列
After Low-Power Data
Transmission Command| After Low-Power Data |
| :--- |
| Transmission Command |
傳輸 LP-00
根據協議(PPI)要求的 ULP 狀態結束
State Line Condition/State Exit State Exit Conditions
Any RX state Any Received RX-Stop Observe LP-11 at Lines
TX-Stop Transmit LP-11 TX-LP-Rqst On request of Protocol for Esc mode (PPI)
TX-LP-Rqst Transmit LP-10 TX-LP-Yield After time T_("LPX ")
TX-LP-Yield Transmit LP-00 TX-Esc-Rqst After time T TPX
TX-Esc-Rqst Transmit LP-01 TX-Esc-Go After time T LPX^("a ")
TX-Esc-Go Transmit LP-00 TX-Esc-Cond After time T TPX
TX-Esc-Cmd Transmit sequence of 8-bit (16-line-states) One-Spaced-Hot encoded Entry Command TX-Triggers After a Trigger Command
TX-ULPS After Ultra-Low Power Command
TX-LPDT "After Low-Power Data
Transmission Command"
TX-Triggers Space state or optional dummy bytes for the purpose of generating clocks TX-Mark Exit of the Trigger State on request of Protocol (PPI)
TX-ULPS Transmit LP-00 TX-Mark End of ULP State on request of Protocol (PPI)| State | Line Condition/State | Exit State | Exit Conditions |
| :---: | :---: | :---: | :---: |
| Any RX state | Any Received | RX-Stop | Observe LP-11 at Lines |
| TX-Stop | Transmit LP-11 | TX-LP-Rqst | On request of Protocol for Esc mode (PPI) |
| TX-LP-Rqst | Transmit LP-10 | TX-LP-Yield | After time $\mathrm{T}_{\text {LPX }}$ |
| TX-LP-Yield | Transmit LP-00 | TX-Esc-Rqst | After time T TPX |
| TX-Esc-Rqst | Transmit LP-01 | TX-Esc-Go | After time T $\mathrm{LPX}^{\text {a }}$ |
| TX-Esc-Go | Transmit LP-00 | TX-Esc-Cond | After time T TPX |
| TX-Esc-Cmd | Transmit sequence of 8-bit (16-line-states) One-Spaced-Hot encoded Entry Command | TX-Triggers | After a Trigger Command |
| | | TX-ULPS | After Ultra-Low Power Command |
| | | TX-LPDT | After Low-Power Data <br> Transmission Command |
| TX-Triggers | Space state or optional dummy bytes for the purpose of generating clocks | TX-Mark | Exit of the Trigger State on request of Protocol (PPI) |
| TX-ULPS | Transmit LP-00 | TX-Mark | End of ULP State on request of Protocol (PPI) |