這是用戶在 2024-9-6 11:33 為 https://app.immersivetranslate.com/word/ 保存的雙語快照頁面,由 沉浸式翻譯 提供雙語支持。了解如何保存?

#The Bed, the Bath, and the Bus

the fly,5 as they occur, even if a paper and pencil are unavailable. So, our first ground rule is that paper, pencils, and pens are prohibited from this game. Thafs rightno felt-tip markers or pocket computers, either. No traditional writing implements, period. Our second rule is that youTe going to have to act quickly, because new ideas are usually fleeting, and they can be difficult to remember.”
即使沒有紙和筆,蒼蠅也會出現5 次因此,我們的首要規則是禁止使用紙、鉛筆和鋼筆參加此遊戲。沒錯——沒有氈尖記號筆或袖珍電腦。沒有傳統的書寫工具,就這樣。我們的第二條規則是,必須迅速採取行動,因為新想法通常轉瞬即逝,而且很難記住。

At this point you might want to give an example of an on-the-fly capturing device. Feel free to boirow one of mine: At a wedding years ago I had a pleasant chat with a woman sitting near me, and I asked for her phone number. Neither of us had a pen or paper, but there were plenty of napkins around. I said, "Okay, what's the number?” and proceeded to make small tear marks around the edge of the napkinsix tears for the number six, and so on, with a space between each number. I marked the starting point with a dab of mustard. Our eventual date was a disaster, but the capturing device worked like a charm.

Trainer: 'Td like two volunteers to come to the front of the room. The volunteers will have to restrict their construction activities to the specific materials Fve provided for them. The rest of you can use anything in this roomexcept for traditional writing aids. Any questions? Is everyone ready? Okay, on my signal, ycm'll have thirty seconds in which to create your first capturing device. Ready, Go!”
培訓師:'我希望有兩位志工來到房間前面。志工必須將他們的施工活動限制在Fve為他們提供的特定材料。你們其他人可以使用這個房間裡的任何東西——除了傳統的書寫輔助工具。有疑問嗎?大家準備好了嗎?好的,根據我的指示, ycm 將三十秒的時間來創建您的第一個捕獲設備。準備好了,出發!

After thirty seconds have passed, the trainer should spend a few minutes pointing out what the volunteers and some other members of the group have accomplished. The procedure should be repeated until everyone has built (or tried to build) about five devices.

Customizing the Procedure

For Small Groups. In a small group, everyone could conceivably use the objects provided by the trainer; however, the challenge is even greater if you leave most of the participants the task of locating their own materials.

For Large Groups. In a large auditorium where people can't easily change their seats, you might give the audience the option of sketching their machines on paper, perhaps using Form 4.3. L Volunteers should still be brought to the front of the room to build the machines using the materials you've supplied.
適合大型團體。在人們無法輕易更換座位的大禮堂中,您可以讓觀眾選擇在紙上繪製他們的機器草圖,也許可以使用表格 4.3。 L 志工仍應被帶到房間前面,使用您提供的材料建造機器。

For Non-Business Settings. This exercise is fon and informative in any setting. No special modifications are required for non-business settings.

For Schools or Homes. Children can't benefit from this exercise until they5ve developed what some psychologists call a <(meta-memory,*that is, they need to have some idea about the limits of their own ability to remember things. I hesitate to attach an age to this ability, because children vary considerably in their abilities. The exercise is simple and fun, so there's no harm in trying it.
適用於學校或家庭。孩子們無法從這項練習中受益,直到他們5發展出一些心理學家所說的<(元記憶* -也就是說,他們需要了解自己記住事物的能力的局限性。我猶豫是否要這樣做給這種能力加上一個年齡,因為孩子們的能力差異很大,這個練習既簡單又有趣,所以嘗試一下沒有什麼壞處。

Building a Better Capturing Machine93
建造更好的捕獲機器 93

Other Options

You may want to have more volunteers in front of the room, each with a different collection of odd objects from which to build their machines. The audience, in this case, can simply watch rather than invent their own machines. You can also do the exercise in two phases: Have the volunteers build a couple of machines first, and then have the audience build their own devices with the materials they have on hand.

Data Collection

This is a mechanical, hands-on exercise, so it's difficult to collect data with paper and pencil. Your best bet is a videotape recorder. Form 4.3.1 can be used to record sketches of some of the machines, as well as to provide general feedback about the exercise.
這是一項機械的實踐練習,因此很難用紙和筆收集資料。你最好的選擇是錄影機。表格 4.3.1 可用於記錄某些機器的草圖,並提供有關練習的一般回饋。


Discussion Questions

How difficult is it to create a "capturing machine”

Tell us about an interesting capturing machine that you've created in the past. What thought were you trying to preserve? Were you successful?

What did you learn from this exercise?


We all know how to make memoranda, but we tend to rely heavily on paper and pencil. In this exercise, we've pushed the envelope of creativity by having people create their own memory devices. Thus, we're using the creative process to help promote the creative process itself because unless people have good capturing skills, the vast majority of good ideas are lost..

Long-Term Follow-Up

If your training sessions are not conducted in consecutive days, you can plan for some short-term follow-up fairly easily. Before one session ends, ask participants to take note of any new capturing machines they invent before the next training session. Better yet, give them a form or checklist to help them keep track. At the next session, ask them to describe their new machines to the group.

Some trainers routinely contact their trainees long after a session has ended (say, after thirty days). This is a great way to get feedback on the effectiveness of training and hence a great way to bring about continuous improvement in training methods. If this exercise has had an impact, your trainees should report some success at creating new capturing machines. What

#The Bed, the Bath, and the Bus

new ideas, if any, were they able to preserve for the organization? Even one idea of value will more than justify the training effort.


Your choice of objects for the volunteers is an important factor in determining the success of this exercise. Modify your collection of objects to make the exercise as fun and as relevant as possible.


Participanfs Notes and Evaluation

Exercise: “Building a Better Capturing Machine w

Please sketch or describe your new capturing machines:






Did you use any materials or items in ways that were new to you? Yes □ No □ Please explain.
您是否以新的方式使用任何材料或物品是□ 否□ 請解釋。

From Creativity Games for Trainers, by Dr. Robert

Epstein. E-mail address: repstein^rohan.sdsu.edit

“Building a Better Capturing Machine n (Continued)

Participanfs name and contact information (optional):





Value of the exercise:

低□ 高的

Suggestions for improving the exercise:

To share data or comments with the

author, fax this form to 619-436-4490.







To show that people are usually more willing to express their new ideas when they can do so anonymouslythat is, when the risk of ridicule or punishment is removed.

Brief Description

Participants make suggestions for improving the training sessioneither with or without the protection of anonymity.

Materials and Supplies

For this exercise, you will need to create two different survey formsthose that protect anonymity and those that don't. You may want to use Forms 4.4.1 and 4.4.2, if they suit your needs. If possible, have a paper shredder available in the front of the room. For added drama, keep the shredder hidden until it is needed near the end of the exercise (see below).
對於本練習,您將需要建立兩種不同的調查表單-保護匿名的調查表和不保護匿名的調查表。如果表格 4.4.1 和 4.4.2 適合您的需要,您可能需要使用它們如果可能的話,在房間前面放一台碎紙機。為了增加戲劇性,請將碎紙機隱藏起來,直到練習接近結束時需要它(見下文)。

Time Requirement

Minimum: 15 minutes. Maximum: 30 minutes.
最短時間:15 分鐘。最大值:3 0 分鐘。


Basic Procedure

This is one of those uit,s-not-what-it-seemsn exercises. You'll see what that means shortly.

Trainer (modify as necessary): “This next exercise serves several purposes, including a very practical one for me. I'm going to ask each of you to give me suggestions for improving this training seminar. Half of you will be able to do so anonymously, and half of you will need to put your names and contact information on the survey form. When you've completed the forms, I'll collect them. We'll tally them, and then we41 pick some forms at random to see if we can detect a diflerence in the kinds of comments people make with anomymity and

whout anonymity. My department head and I will review all of the sheets later to help plan future training sessions. Any questions?55
沒有匿名我和我的部門負責人稍後將審查所有表格,以幫助規劃未來的培訓課程。有疑問嗎? 55

Form 4.4.1 (or equivalent) should be given to half the group and Form 4.4.2 (or equivalent) should be given to the other half.
表格 4.4.1(或同等內容)應分發給一半的小組,表格 4.4.2(或同等內容)應分發給另一半。

When the forms have been completed, have an assistant or volunteer collect them and compile a quick tally of the average number of suggestions made by members of each half of the group. Form 4.4.3 should be used for this purpose; it contains instructions for completing the tallying, and, more important, it masks the suggestions people have made (simply cut out the box as indicated on the form). While the tallying is being done, the trainer can let the group stretch for a few minutes or can lead a discussion about the advantages and disadvantages of anonymity.
表格完成後,請助手或志工收集它們,並快速統計小組每一半成員提出的平均建議數量。表格 4.4.3 應用於此目的;它包含完成統計的說明,更重要的是,它掩蓋了人們提出的建議(只需剪掉表格上所示的方框)。在進行統計時,培訓師可以讓小組伸展幾分鐘,或者可以引導討論匿名的優點和缺點。

When the tallying is complete, the trainer should review it quickly. If the group is typical, people in the anonymous group will have made more suggestions (on the average) than people in the group without anonymity. (In a small group, outlying values can unfairly skew the mean; the more appropriate statistic is the median.)
統計完成後,培訓師應快速檢視。如果該組是典型的,則匿名組中的人(平均而言)將比非匿名組中的人提出更多建議。 (在一個小群體中,異常值可能會不公平地扭曲平均值;更合適的統計數據是中位數。)

Trainer (modify as appropriate): “The tallying is complete, and I must admit that I deliberately misled you. All I'd like to look at are the number of suggestions that were made in each of the groups. Do you think we'll find a different number of suggestions in the two groups? If we did look, at the specific suggestions that were made, do you think they would differ in the two groups? Which suggestions are more candid (and what is the opposite of 'candid')? Which suggestions are more valuable to the organization? y/hat are the key issues here?" (See further discussion questions below.)

There are different ways to end the exercise. Because you never actually intended to put individuals on the spot, it's a good idea, in front of the group, to shred the surveys that have the names on them. Better yet, shred all of the surveys, and keep the tally.

Customizing the Procedure

For Small Groups. In small groups, computing the means for each half of the group might produce a spurious result, because means are overly sensitive to outlying values. If your group has fewer than twenty members, you're probably better off with medians.

For Large Groups. For large groups you may need two or more assistants to tally the sheets. If you have the resources, create a foim that can be read by a high-speed scannei'j and let your computer do the scoring.

For Non-Business Settings. This exercise needs no special modifications for the nonbusiness setting.

For Schools or Homes. To their credit, young children, generally speaking, are not afraid of having their ideas ridiculed by peers or authority figures. That fear is established during the grade-school years, when we "socialize” our children. This exercise is unlikely to produce group differences until children have passed this important but costly milestone.



The Anonymous Suggestion Game

Other Options

If you have suitable equipment, you may want to project the completed tally sheet onto a screen. Copying it onto a transparency is one easy way to accomplish this.

The task itself can be changed. Instead of having the group evaluate the trainer or training session, you can substitute almost any <tsensitive^^ assignment: evaluating the boss, evaluating someone's appearance, commenting on someone sitting nearby, and so on. This is not as dangerous as it might seem, because the forms will actually be destroyed at the end of the exercise. All you're really interested in is the tally. The more sensitive the task, the larger the diflerence you can expect in the two groups.
任務本身是可以改變的。您可以代替幾乎任何< t敏感^^ 任務,而不是讓小組評估培訓師或培訓課程:評估老闆、評估某人的外表、評論坐在附近的人等等。這並不像看起來那麼危險,因為表格實際上會在練習結束時被破壞。您真正感興趣的是計數。任務越敏感,兩組之間的差異就越大。

One could conceivably take this exercise a step further than I have suggested. One could examine some of the statements on the forms, looking for signs of honesty, insight, creativity, innovation, and so on. This, too, can be done without great risk, simply by having your assistant black out the names and contact information on the sheets. With the anonymous forms in one pile and the expurgated fbims in another, one could conduct an interesting comparison along many different dimensions. I can't honestly recommend this approach, because it does involve some risk of offending people, but don't let that discourage you.

Data Collection

The tally sheet (Form 4.4.3) provides one method of preserving some data. If you like, you can also distribute one of the general feedback forms included in the Appendix in this volume.
理貨表(表格 4.4.3)提供了一種保存某些資料的方法。如果您願意,您也可以分發本卷附錄中包含的一份一般回饋表。


Discussion Questions

Do people respond differently when their anonymity is assured? How so?

Even assuming that people are more honest or creative when they can remain anonymous, a suggestion system that does not allow people to claim their good ideas would surely fail. Why?

Whafs wrong with a suggestion system that requires people to identify themselves?

What kind of suggestion system would best promote capturing?

Why are people often reluctant to contribute their ideas to the group?


Trainer (modify as necessary): “Suggestion systems are tricky. In fact, it's difficult in general to get people to contribute their best ideas to an organization. There are many reasons for this. For one thing, the very best ideas are worth a great deal of money; sometimes people think about striking out on their own, and sometimes they do exactly that. Also, people are afraid that their ideas will be stolenor at least that someone else will take the credit, which is almost the same thing. People are afraid of ridicule: 'That's the most

#The Bed, the Bath, and the Bus

bubble-headed idea I've heard in years!5 'We wasted millions on that idea ten years ago! What hole did you crawl out of?' People are often certain that they'll be ignored, which is sometimes even more infuriating than being ridiculed. People are afraid to make waves, periodafraid that they'll be the first ones to drown.
我多年來聽過的愚蠢想法! 5 「十年前我們在這個想法上浪費了數百萬美元!是從哪個洞裡爬出來的?人們常常確信自己會被忽視,有時比被嘲笑更令人憤怒。人們害怕掀起波瀾,就這樣──害怕自己會成為第一個被淹死的人。

"And yet the people who work for an organization are the source of all new ideas that flow into it. How do we encourage people to contribute on an ongoing basis?

"There are many ways to accomplish this. One simple way is to establish a suggestion system that promotes capturing: an anonymous suggestion system that allows people to claim their ideas if they wish. How you set this upwith two-part numbered suggestion forms, with special e-mail addresses and codes, with a bulletin board system——depends on your particular work environment/5
「有很多方法可以實現這一目標。一種簡單的方法是建立一個促進捕獲的建議系統:一個匿名建議系統,允許人們在願意的情況下提出他們的想法。如何用兩部分編號的建議表格設定它,有特殊的電子郵件地址和代碼,有公告板系統——取決於您的特定工作環境/ 5

Long-Term Follow-Up

At a thirty-day fbllow-up, the trainer may wish to determine whether participants have made any changes in the suggestion systems used in their work environments.


What do you do if this exercise fails to produce the predicted result? I suggest being honest and then making the most of the situation. Say that, as far as you know, the predicted result is indeed the usual one, and then try to work with the group to account for the discrepancy: Were outlying points the culprits? Did some people predict the result and try to sabotage it? Is there something unique about this group or this environment that would predict a different outcome? In other words, work with the group to try to learn something from what happened. If nothing else, that might help you modify the exercise for the next group!

This exercise, needless to say, only glosses the surface of the difficulties involved in introducing new ideas into an organization. To an organization, a new idea is like a gold brick falling from the sky: Everyone wants to catch it, but no one wants to be crushed by it. And all but a few think that it's probably fbol's gold, anyway.
不用說,這個練習只是掩蓋了向組織引入新想法所涉及的困難的表面。對一個組織來說,一個新的想法就像一塊從天而降的金磚:每個人都想接住它,但沒有人願意被它壓碎。無論如何,除了少數人之外,所有人都認為這可能是fbol 的黃金。

A fuller understanding of the effects that different suggestion systems have on creative behavior would require an analysis of the ''contingencies of reinforcement and punishment” that are inherent in each suggestion system. That analysis is beyond the scope of this volume.


Feedback Survey (Form 1)

Exercise: aThe Anonymous Suggestion Game

Your name (required): Telephone (required):
您的姓名(必填): 電話(必填):

Other contact information:

Please indicate ways in which this series of training sessions might be improved in the future:






Feedback Survey (Form 2)

Exercise: ((The Anonymous Suggestion Game w
練習: ((匿名建議遊戲w

Please indicate ways in which this series of training sessions might be improved in the future:





From Creativity Games for Trainers, by Dr. Robert

Epstein. E-mail address: repstein@rohan.sdsu.edu.

To share data or comments with the

author, fax this form to 619-436-4490.


Tally Sheet

<cThe Anonymous Suggestion Game "
< c 匿名建議遊戲

Below, please tally the number of suggestions made on each of the two forms:



xom pno Hao

Mean =

Median =

Mean =
平均值 =

Median =
中位數 =

Trainer:Site: Date:
培訓師: 地點: 日期:

To share data or comments with theFrom Creativity Games for Trainers, by Dr. Robert
與分享資料或評論 來自羅伯特博士的培訓師創造力遊戲

author, fax this form to 619-436-4490.Epstein. E-mail address: repstein@rohan. sdsu. edu
作者,將此表格傳真至 619-436-4490。愛潑斯坦。電子郵件地址:repstein@rohan。 SDSU。教育






To further demonstrate the importance of capturing good ideas when they occur, in this case by having the participants themselves design an exercise that makes this point.

Brief Description

Participants are asked to spend a few minutes designing another exercise along the lines of the previous exercises in this chapter. They then carry out the new exercise. They may require the trainer to participate.

Materials and Supplies

They may use (a) any of the materials and supplies from the previous exercises in this chapter and (b) any additional materials, objects, or supplies that are present in the room.
他們可以使用 (a) 本章前面練習中的任何材料和用品,以及 (b) 房間內存在的任何其他材料、物品或用品。

Time Requirement

Minimum: 30 minutes. Maximum: 90 minutes.
最短時間:30 分鐘。最長:90 分鐘


Basic Procedure

Trainer: "In the exercises we've just completed, we5ve seen that new ideas are fleeting, that we benefit by arranging ways to 'capture' new ideas as they occur, that there are 'capturing machines5 all around us, and that simple systems can be established to promote capturing in an organization. Now comes the next step: to begin to apply when we5ve learned. Your task now is to design a new exercise that will further demonstrate what we have learned—-an exercise that will teach something about some aspect of capturing. You may focus on any aspect that you like. You'll have fifteen minutes in which to design this new task. Here are some guidelines: (a) you can make use of any of the objects and materials that we've used in previous exercises; (b) you can make use of any other objects or materials in this room; (c) you can assign people to different roles and send people out of the room, as necessary;
培訓師:「在我們剛完成的練習中,我們5看到新想法轉瞬即逝,我們透過安排方法在新想法出現時『捕捉』它們而受益,我們周圍有『捕捉機器5』 ,並且可以建立簡單的系統來促進組織中捕獲的某些方面的內容。可以使用該房間中的任何其他物體或材料;(c) 您可以將人員分配到不同的角色並將人員送出房間;論文;


#The Bed, the Bath, and the Bus

(d) you can use me as one of the participants in this new exercise. After the fifteen-minute design period is over, you'll have an additional ten minutes in which to conduct the exercise. After that, a representative from your team will lead us all in a short debriefing to evaluate the outcome of the new exercise and to see whether your goals have been met.”
(d) 您可以讓我成為這項新練習的參與者之一。十五分鐘的設計時間結束後,您將有額外的十分鐘時間進行練習。之後,你們團隊的一名代表將帶領我們所有人進行簡短的匯報,以評估新演習的結果,並看看你們的目標是否已經實現。

Customizing the Procedure

For Small Groups. Small groups can be broken up into teams of approximately five people each. Each team should design its own exercise. If time allows, each team should be allowed to conduct the exercise it has designed, using the trainer and the other teams as participants.

For Large Groups. In a large auditorium where time is limited, a single team should be assembled, and that gi'oup should design an exercise for the rest of the audience. The team may need to leave the room to design the exercise. Alternatively, the larger group can be given a break while the team creates its design.

For Non-Business Settings. The trainer may wish to restrict the exercise to capturing concerns that are unique to the particular organizational setting. For example, on an assembly line, it may be difficult for someone with a brilliant idea for improving efficiency on the line to stop and take notes.

For Schools or Homes. The trainer or teacher should lead the children in the design of the new exercise, eliciting suggestions and comments from them. With young children, the trainer should have a new exercise in mind before eliciting any feedback. As noted earlier, children need to have adequate ^tmeta-memory^^ skills before they are likely to benefit from learning about capturing.

Other Options

Trainers should feel free to experiment with the way they conduct all Design Challenge exercises. See Section 3.5 for further suggestions.
培訓師應該隨意嘗試他們進行所有設計挑戰練習的方式。更多建議請參閱第 3.5 節。

It's not necessary to complete all three of the exercises in this section before beginning the Design Challenge, but at least one and preferably two others should be completed first.

Data Collection

The trainer may wish to use or modify Form A.3 in the Appendix of this book (p. 261).
培訓師可能希望使用或修改本書附錄中的表格 A.3(第 261 頁)。


Discussion Questions

What was the goal of this exercise? Did we reach that goal? Why or why not?

How could this exercise be improved?

What did this exercise teach us, if anything?

How can we relate the outcome of this exercise to the outcomes of the previous exercises in this chapter?

Why is capturing an important tool for promoting creativity? Have your views on this issue changed since we began this series of exercises?


The trainer should call on a member of the design group to offer comments or lead a brief discussion. The trainer may want to add: "This last exercise, which you designed yourselves, has, I hope, taken you a step further in our quest for creativity. It shows that you have the potential to design new ways to teach others how the creative process worksin particular, to teach others about the important role that capturing plays in the promotion of creativity."

Long-Term Follow-Up

This exercise does not require a long-term follow-up. Ig however, there has been a dramatic resulta suiprising or significant example of creativity, for examplethat result should be preserved and posted so people will remember it and refer back to it. This guideline applies to all of the games in this volume.


As usual, trainers need to ensure: (a) that everyone gets a chance to participate, (b) that the exercise is fun, and (c) that time limits are respected. If several exercises are to be conducted, the trainer will need to schedule breaks.
像往常一樣,培訓師需要確保:(a) 每個人都有機會參與,(b) 練習很有趣, (c) 遵守時間限制。如果要進行多次練習,培訓師需要安排休息時間。

This exercise, like all of the Challenge exercises in this volume, puts a burden on the participants (and, perforce, on the trainer). It puts the pressure on to be creativejust like the real world often does. So the participants might conceivably fail and feel frustrated. Watch for signs of failure and frustration, and then point them out and make them part of the training. New ideas spring from failure (see Chapters 2 and 5); at the first signs of it, try to make people more aware of the essential role it's playing in the creative process.
與本卷中的所有挑戰練習一樣,此練習給參與者(當然也給培訓師)帶來了負擔。它給我們帶來了創造力的壓力——就像現實世界經常發生的那樣。因此,參與者可能會失敗感到沮喪。留意失敗和沮喪的跡象,然後指出它們並使它們成為培訓的一部分。新的想法源自於失敗(見第 2 章和第 5 章);在出現最初跡象時,試著讓人們更意識到它在創作過程中所扮演的重要角色。






To extend the lessons of the previous exercises in this chapter to specific organizational settings.

Brief Description

Participants are asked to design an application, procedure, or policy (a) that is based on principles, methods, or outcomes from previous exercises in this chapter and (b) that has specific benefits for their particular workplaces.
請參與者設計一個應用程式、程式或策略 (a) 基於本章先前練習的原則、方法或結果,以及 (b) 對他們的特定工作場所有特定的好處。

Required Materials and Supplies

Writing materials.

Optional Materials and Supplies

Large, blank sheets of paper (without lines) should be available to encourage people to make diagrams or drawings. Word processors may be helpful in some settings.

Time Requirement

Minimum: 20 minutes. Maximum: 1 hour.
最短時間:20分鐘。最長:1 小時。


Basic Procedure

Trainer (modify as appropriate): “Our next step is to try to extend what we've learned about capturing to our particular organizational setting. If capturing is essential for promoting creativity, how can we improve our workplace to take advantage of that fact? What policies or procedures might we change? How might we improve the work environment? How might

we change or improve our training procedures? What other changes might we make? What outcomespositive and negative—might we expect to result from such changes?

"Let's take ten minutes to sketch out our ideas. In the spirit of the exercises we've just completed, try to 'stay loose? Don5t be overly concerned just yet about the practicality of your suggestions. Don't think too much about budget or politics. Just think, cHow can we put capturing systems in place in every level of our organization?5 After ten minutes have passed, I'll ask some of you to share your ideas with the group, and we5ll discuss them together. Any questions?”
「讓我們花十分鐘來勾勒出我們的想法。本著我們剛剛完成的練習的精神,嘗試『保持放鬆?不要過分擔心你的建議的實用性。不要想太多想一想, c我們如何組織各個層面建立捕獲系統

Customizing the Procedure

For Small Groups. In a small group, everyone should be given an opportunity to present his or her ideas. The trainer should emphasize the value of every idea, no matter how impractical. After all of the ideas have been presented, the group can begin the task of assessing their feasibility and value.

For Large Groups. In a large group, everyone can sketch out ideas on paper, but the trainer will be able to call on only a few people to present their ideas to the group.

For Non-Business Settings. Key concerns: (a) feasibility of implementation, (b) possible benefits and outcomes, and (c) special areas of concern.
對於非商業設定。主要關注點:(a) 實施的可行性,(b) 可能的好處和結果,以及 (c) 值得關注的特殊領域。

For Schools or Homes. The teacher may wish to lead a discussion about uhow we can get ourselves to be more creative.

Other Options

Participants should be allowed to work together in small teams (although see the caveats in Chapter 8 of this volume). Where an audience includes members of different organizations, the trainer should make sure that each organization is given some consideration.
應允許參與者以小組形式一起工作(儘管請參閱本書第 8 章中的注意事項)。如果受眾包含不同組織的成員,培訓師應確保每個組織都得到一定的考慮。

As usual, where the dollar value of ideas is of special importance, the trainer may want to divide the discussion into two parts: First, ideas should be presented, without judgment or evaluation, and listed on a blackboard or easel. Second, ideas should be prioritized, taking into account (a) feasibility of implementation, (b) dollar value to the organization, (c) other possible benefits, and (d) special areas of concern.

Data Collection

Trainers may wish to modify Form A.l in the Appendix of this volume (p. 261).
培訓師可能希望修改本卷附錄中的表格A1 (第 261 頁)。



Discussion Questions

To what extent does your workplace currently promote good capturing?

What kinds of supplies would help preserve the good ideas that occur to people in your organization?

Does your organization currently have a suggestion system of some sort? How does it work, and is it effective?

Does your organization currently provide special times or places that are conducive to creativity? Is this feasible?


You may want to have a member of the team lead a brief discussion about the proposals that were made by members of the team. You may want to add: ^Capturing is the most important key to promoting creativity in an organization. It doesn't actually facilitate the creative process, but it takes advantage of the enormous creativity that already exists. It contains a number of elements, many of which are reflected in the proposals you have made: (1) training people to capture their new ideas, (2) providing supplieslike idea software and idea foldersto help people preserve their ideas, (3) providing times and places that allow people to focus on their creative energies without distraction, and (4) providing risk-free suggestion systems (appropriate 'contingencies of reinfbrcemenf) that encourage people to share their ideas with the organization.^^
您可能希望讓團隊成員就團隊成員提出的提案進行簡短的討論。您可能需要補充:^捕捉是組織中提升創造力的最重要的關鍵。它實際上並沒有促進創意過程,但它利用了已經存在的巨大創造力。它包含許多要素,其中許多要素都反映在您提出的建議中:(1)培訓人們捕捉新想法,(2)提供用品例如創意軟體和創意資料夾以幫助人們保存他們的想法,(3 )提供時間和地點,讓人們能夠專注於他們的創造力而不會分心,(4)提供無風險的建議系統(適當的「強化突發事件」),鼓勵人們與組織分享他們的想法。 ^

Long-Term Follow-Up

As noted earlier, Workplace Challenges should, whenever possible, be followed up. Thirty days after the completion of training, the trainer should encourage participants to complete and return a form that reports on their progress, if any, in implementing their ideas; Form A.2 in the Appendix of this volume (p. 261) can be used or modified for this purpose. If possible, trainers should contact participants who don't return the forms on their own. A brief telephone interview will allow trainers to complete the form. Trainers should use the replies to evaluate and improve their own training procedures. The replies will also furnish examples of successes and failures that can be used in future training. Participants who expect some form of follow-up are more likely to implement material that they have mastered in training. Without follow-up, training often has little more than entertainment value.
如前所述,只要有可能,就應該跟進工作場所的挑戰。培訓完成三十天后,培訓師應鼓勵參與者填寫並返回一份表格,報告他們在實施其想法方面的進展(如果有);為此目的,可以使用或修改本卷附錄(第 261 頁)中的表格 A.2。如果可能,培訓師應聯繫未自行返還表格的參與者。培訓師將透過簡短的電話訪談來填寫表格。培訓師應使用答覆來評估和改進自己的訓練程序。這些答覆還將提供可在未來培訓中使用的成功和失敗的例子。期望某種形式的後續行動的參與者更有可能實施他們在培訓中掌握的材料。如果沒有後續行動,訓練往往只有娛樂價值。


Some participants will be overly concerned with feasibility issues when asked to meet a Workplace Challenge. How, they ask, can we contemplate sweeping changes in policies and procedures when we can5t even get new pencils?

If such a concern is evident in your group, you,ll need to answer it. If you don't, people will feel that you're wasting their time. Fortunately, the question has a straightforward answer in the context of these games: “Even if change seems unlikely, you can surely contemplate it. That's what creativity is all about, and thafs what weJre here to learn. The exercise alone is valuable, but this is more than just an exercise. All change starts with someone's idea. Contemplating change is an essential step toward producing change. If you don't contemplate it, it can't happen. This small act of creativity raises the probability of change from zero to some small finite value. Thafs a shift of infinite magnitude, and infinity, in anyone5 s book, is a significant number.”




In the games we've just completed, we've learned how critically important it is to preserve good ideas as soon as they occur. The skills that help us achieve this are called "capturing” skills. Such skills are probably the only thing that separates so-called creative people from the rest of us.

As school children, most of us learned to ignore the flow of new ideas that continuously courses through our brains. When we learn to attend to this flow, we've taken a critical step toward greater creativity. When we learn to preserve parts of this flow, we've taken another important step.

Here are some of the ideas we explored in this portion of our training:

e New ideas are generally fleeting and fragile. We explored that concept in the ttDoodles,) exercise.
想法通常轉瞬即逝且脆弱。我們在tt Doodles ,)練習中探索了這個概念

We can use the materials around us to help us capture new ideas as they occur. We constructed some simple capturing devices in our second exercise.

e People are often reluctant to preserve and share their new ideas with others in an organization. In our third exercise, we explored the value of using anonymous suggestion systems to encourage people to capture and share new ideas in an organization.

® Our capturing efforts will be more successful if we place ourselves in settingssuch as the Bed, the Bath, and the Busthat allow us to pay attention, with minimal distraction, to our creative thoughts.
® 如果我們將自己置於床、浴室和公共汽車等環境讓我們能夠在最少分心的情況下集中註意力於我們的創造性思維,那麼我們的捕捉工作將會更加成功。


第 5 章






Thomas Edison tried twenty thousand different materials before finding one that was even marginally suitable to serve as a lightbulb filament. So if you're failing, you're in good company.

Failurealso known as “extinction” or unon-reinfbrcemenf,~has many effects, and none of them feels veiy good. But one outcome of failure is creativity, so it may be worth it for us to put up with a few bad feelings.

In laboratory studies, extinction produces at least five effects: (1) the gradual disappearance of the previously successful behavior (we eventually “give up”)(2) a temporary increase in the force of that behavior (we "try harder”)(3) the appearance of variations in the form of that behavior, (4) an increase in emotional behavior (we get “frustrated”)and (5) the appearance of other behaviors that were successful in the past in situations similar to the present one. The last effect, called resurgence, helps spur creativity by getting many behaviors to compete with each other, resulting in new sequences and new forms of behavior. The fhistration you feel during extinction is probably the subjective side of this dynamic competition; it's the way you feel when many neural systems are lit up simultaneously.
在實驗室研究中,滅絕至少會產生五種影響:(1)先前成功的行為逐漸消失(我們最終「放棄」) (2)該行為的力量暫時增加(我們「更努力」) ) ( 3)該行為形式出現變化,(4)情緒行為增加(我們感到「沮喪」) 以及(5)過去在類似情況下成功的其他行為的出現最後一種效應稱為復甦,它可以透過讓許多行為相互競爭來激發創造力,從而產生新的序列和新的行為形式的感覺。

You can still be creative, of course, without experiencing any significant failure; generative mechanisms operate continuously no matter what you do. But dramatic instances of creativity are often born of the agony of defeat, because there's nothing like defeat to get the generative apparatus operating in high gear. Evolution has, quite sensibly, equipped our nervous systems so that when we fail, everything that w Ve ever done in our lives that has helped ns in similar situations will tend to recur. In our nervous systems, the cavalry actually come to our rescue.

Challenging is the practice of deliberately exposing yourself or others to difficult problems in order to foster creativity. Challenges are great spurs to the creative process, for the reasons we've discussed.

Failure has value, but if you suggest that everyone in your organization should be made to fail regularly, your popularity will decline. The trick is to introduce a manageable and predictable degree of failure to your daily operations, which we will call a Controlled Failure System. In such a system, (1) failure is tolerated by management, (2) the level of risk is limited, and (3) the level of frustration is controlled. How you establish such systems will depend on your particular organization and problems.

In the exercises that follow, we'll explore three aspects of failure. In the first exercise, “The Not-fbr-the-Fainthearted Game,^^ we'll see firsthand the almost magical effect that


#Can Failure Lead to Success?

extinction has on the creative process. In the second exercise, t(The ABCs of Creativity,!, we'll learn that successthe flip side of failurecan actually impede our ability to solve simple problems. In the third exercise, “The Ultimate Challenge Game,” we'll explore the value of uopen-ended problems^problems that have an infinite number of solutions——in spurring creativity. In the Design and Workplace Challenges that follow, participants will have a chance to apply what they've learned.
滅絕對創造過程有影響。在第二個練習中, t(創造力的基礎知識, !,我們將了解到成功——失敗的另一面——實際上會阻礙我們解決簡單問題的能力。在第三個練習「終極挑戰遊戲」中,我們將探索開放問題^ 有無數解決方案的問題在激發創造力方面的價值。在接下來的設計和工作場所挑戰中,參與者將有機會應用他們所學到的知識。 。





To show the important role that failure ("extinction)plays in the emergence of novel behavior.
展示失敗(「滅絕 在新行為的出現中所扮演的重要角色。

Brief Description

In this high-energy exercise, the entire group uses a "shaping” procedure to teach a volunteer to do something and then allows the volunteer to “fhil” for a few minutes. As a waim-up, the trainer has the group use the shaping procedure to teach him or her to do something.

Materials and Supplies

No special materials or supplies are needed.

Time Requirement

Minimum: 20 minutes. Maximum: 40 minutes.
最短時間:20 分鐘。最長:40 分鐘。


Basic Procedure

Part One: ''Embarrass the Trainer. " For training purposes, you should ignore the name that5s given to this exercise in the beginning of the chapter. Instead, continue as follows:
第一部分:「讓教練難堪」。 " 出於訓練目的,您應該忽略本章開頭為本練習指定的5名稱。而是繼續如下所示:

Trainer: "We're going to begin a new game, which, unfortunately, is called 'Emban'ass the Trainer.5 How many of you would like to play (Embarrass the Trainer?Oh, oh.
訓練師:「我們要開始一款新遊戲,不幸的是,它的名字叫做『 Emban 』ass the Trainer。5你們中有多少人想玩Embarrass the Trainer?哦,哦。

“Here's how it goes: I'm going to leave the room briefly. While I'm out of the room, you'll need to pick something for me to do when I return. In the interest of time, don't make it too complicated. Perhaps you can get me to turn in circles [demonstrate] or take off my shoe [motion to shoe] or sit on that table across the room [point to table]. Maybe you can think of something even more interesting for me to do. Now here's the hard part: When I

enter the room, you can't tell me or show me what Fm supposed to do. All you can do is say 'Yes!' Can I hear you say that all together? Ready....fe/ Let's try that again, with a bit more energy. Ready....fe/ Great! And to get me to the goal fasters at first, say Yes! when you see me do anything even remotely like the target behavior. If you5re trying to get me to touch my nose, say Yes! when I move my hand even slightly toward my nosejust about any movement at first. And you've got to be quick, because quick feedback is the best teacher. Let's try it. Watch for me to move my hand toward my nose, and then give me that quick feedback. Are you watching? [Move your hand toward your nose. The group should shout Yes! You may need to repeat this until they get the point.] After you've snagged some appropriate behavior in this way, w" for a closer approximation to the goal until you say Yes again. In other words, wait until my hand goes higher or closer to my nose. ■
進入房間後,你不能告訴我或告訴我Fm該做什麼。你所能做的就是說“是的!”我可以聽你們一起說這句話嗎?準備好了.... fe /讓我們再試一次,用更多的精力。準備好了.... fe /太棒了!為了讓我更快達到目標先說「是」!當你看到我做任何與目標行為類似的事情。如果你們想讓我摸鼻子,請說「是」!當我的手稍微向鼻子移動時——幾乎一開始的任何移動都會發生。而且你必須要快,因為快速回饋是最好的老師。我們來試試吧。看著我把手移向鼻子,然後給我快速回饋。你在看? [將手移向鼻子。小組應該喊“Yes!”你可能需要重複這一點,直到他們明白要點 ■ 更高或更靠近我的鼻子。

"One more thing, and it's important: There5s no saying 'No.' You can't tell me what to do, you can't show me what to do, and you can't say No. Any questions?

"Now I need a volunteer to help the gi*oup pick the target behavior after I leave the room.” Select a volunteer, and ask the volunteer to bring you back into the room after the group has made its selection.

Leave the room. After a few minutes, the volunteer will retrieve you, and you should allow the group to "shape" your behavior by shouting Yes! until the target is reached. This is much easier than it sounds (although see the Comments section below), and it's usually great fon. Stay loose! It5s your job at this point to be embarrassed and to show the group how "shaping” works.

Part Tw。; aEmbarrass the Trainee.J, Trainer (modify as needed): ''Good job! But that was only the first half of the exercise. The next part is called 'Embarrass the Trainee.5 I like this part much better than the first part. You've seen how the training works. Now I'll need a volunteer to serve as the next guinea pig.”
Part Tw J培訓師(視需要修改):「幹得好!但這只是演習的前半部。下一部分叫做「讓實習生難堪」。 5比第一部分更喜歡這一部分您已經了解了培訓的運作方式。現在我需要一名志工來充當下一個白老鼠。

The trainer selects a volunteer~preferably someone outgoing and energeticand sends him or her out of the room. Then the trainer solicits suggestions for a new target behavior. Ideally? this new target should be a behavior that the volunteer could easily repeat several times. So pouring water from a pitcher into a glass is not good; whereas, walking around a desk is acceptable.

Once the target behavior is selected, the trainer continues: "When we bring the volunteer into the room, your task will be to 'shape' the behavior we've selected by saying 'Yes!1 in response to increasingly closer approximations to the target. But this time there's a twist. When the target is achieved, get our volunteer to repeat the target three times, and then stop saying 'Yes.' Just watch from this point on. Remember, no more feedback. This is called an 'extinction5 procedure; we've used treinfbrcers, to establish the behavior, and now we're going to withhold them. To help remind you to stop saying Yes, keep one eye on me. When I see the target behavior repeated a third time, I'll sit down, like so [demonstrate]. At this point, all we need to do is watch our volunteer for a few minutes.
一旦選擇了目標行為,培訓師就會繼續說:「當我們將志工帶入房間時,您的任務將是透過說『是的! 1』來『塑造』我們選擇的行為,以應對越來越接近目標的行為但這一次有一個轉折當目標實現時,讓我們的志願者重複目標三遍然後停止“是 記住,不再有反饋強化來建立這種行為,現在我們將停止使用它們,以幫助提醒您停止說“是”,當我看到目標行為第三次重複時,請注意我。就像這樣[演示] 此時,我們需要做的就是觀察我們的志願者幾分鐘。

i6What do you think will happen when we shut off the positive feedback? Will our volunteer stop behaving? No, of course not. What -will the volunteer do? Can you predict?” The trainer can take some suggestions at this point and then continue: “Let's try it and see. Bring in the volunteer!,s
i6當我們關閉正面回饋時,您認為會發生什麼事?我們的志工會停止行為嗎?不,當然不是。志工會做什麼?你能預測嗎?培訓師此時可以接受一些建議,然後繼續:「讓我們試試看。快來招募志工吧! s

#Can Failure Lead to Success?

The volunteer is brought into the room, and the group shapes and then extinguishes the behavior. The no-feedback period should last from three to five minuteslonger if the performance is especially interesting (see Debriefing section).

When you bring the extinction period to a close, you and the group should offer the volunteer a hearty thanks and congratulations. Failure is frustrating, even for five minutes!

Customizing the Procedure

For Small Groups. No special modifications are needed.

For Large Groups. You may want to appoint a second volunteer to serve as your assistant in Part Two of the exercise. That individual would lead the discussion in which the new target behavior is selected, escort the first volunteer into the room, and shift position to indicate to the group that the extinction period has begun. In this case, it is up to the second volunteer to decide when the target has been achieved and repeated three times. This decision is not especially critical, because the most interesting part of the exercise is the extinction period.

For Non-Business Settings. No special modifications are needed.

For Schools or Homes. No special modifications are needed.

Data Collection

Just about the only way to record this exercise is with videotape equipment. Sometimes the result is so wild that you may want to take the trouble. To obtain general feedback on the exercise, you might want to adapt one of the fbnns in the Appendix.


Discussion Questions

What did you observe when we stopped saying "Yesthat is, when we cut off the supply of reinfbrcers?

Did you see any signs of frustration?

Did our volunteer repeat the target behavior after the reinfbrcers stopped?

Did the volunteer repeat any of the behaviors we had reinforced on the way to establishing the target?

Most important, did the volunteer do any new things after we cut off the supply of reinfbrcers? What new behaviors did you observe?

Failure has both positive and negative effects in this exercise. Can you give some examples?


Trainer (modify as needed): When we cut off the supply of reinfbrcers, we put our unsuspecting volunteer into the failure mode. No action could produce a Yes. What happened? Did the volunteer stop functioning? Not at all. A great deal of behavior occurredsome very significant, given our concern with creativity. Many things happen when behavior is 'extinguished'that is, when reinfbrcers are cut off People get a little upset, as you saw. This is normal and healthy. It happens to great artists and writers and inventors. Ifs a natural part of the creative process.
訓練師(根據需要修改): 我們切斷強化劑的供應時,我們將毫無戒心的志工置於失敗模式。沒有任何行動可以產生「是」。發生了什麼事?志工停止工作了嗎?一點也不。發生了很多行為——考慮到我們對創造力的關注,有些行為非常重要。當行為被「消滅」時即當增強物被切斷時,很多事情都會發生。這是正常且健康的。偉大的藝術家、作家和發明家都會遇到這種情況這是創作過程的自然組成部分。

"You also see resurgencethe recurrence of previously reinforced behaviors. When we're failing, we resort to old methods for rescue. We resort to behaviors that used to work in similar situations. In this exercise, the volunteer not only repeats the target behavior a few times, but also some of the earlier forms of that behavior that we reinforced during the shaping process. Resurgence gets many behaviors competing with each other. 1 One result is that feeling of confusion and frustration that we've already talked about. Another is novel behavior. As behaviors compete, they produce new onesa virtually steady stream. That5 s a process we want to learn to manipulate to our advantage.”

Long-Term Follow-Up

No long-term follow-up is needed; however, it's important to follow-up on the Workplace Challenge in this chapter (Section 5.6).
無需長期追蹤;然而,跟進本章(第 5.6 節)中的工作場所挑戰非常重要。


Unlike most of the exercises in this volume, this one puts the trainer in an awkward situation: The trainer is at the group !s mercy in a shaping exercise. Uh oh. Wliat will they have you do? This is the perfect opportunity for a fiin-loving group to get mischievous. Even if your trainees are not out to embarrass you, you may think they are during the shaping process. One group decided that they wanted me to turn my head from side to side, but shaping can be tricky. When the group says Yes, they511 often strengthen some irrelevant behavior along with the target behavior (the irrelevant behavior is properly called “superstitious” behavior). Whenever I turned my head to the right, I also took a step toward a woman sitting in one corner of the room. The superstitious step got carried along with the head-turn whenever the group said Yes. As I got closer to the womanwho also happened to be the director of the facilityI thought to myselg "They want me to kiss this woman! Well, I'm not going to do it!” Fortunately, the group decided that I had done enough headturning before I had to make the decision.
與本書中的大多數練習不同,這個練習將培訓師置於一種尷尬的境地:在塑造練習中,培訓師受到團隊擺佈呃哦。他們會讓你做什麼?對於一群吃魚的人來說,這是一個惡作劇的絕佳機會。即使你的學員並不是想讓你難堪,你可能會認為他們正在塑造過程中。一群人決定讓我把頭從一邊轉到另一邊,但塑造形狀可能很棘手。當群體說「是」時,他們5 11經常在目標行為的同時強化一些不相關的行為(不相關的行為被恰當地稱為「迷信」行為)。每當我向右轉頭時,我也會向坐在房間一角的一位女士邁出一步。每當這群人說「是」時,這種迷信的做法就會伴隨著人們的回頭當我靠近那個女人時——她也恰好是該設施的主管——心裡想: “他們想讓我親吻這個女人!好吧,我不會這麼做!”幸運的是,團隊認為在我做出決定之前我已經了足夠的思考

Shaping occurs quickly. Often a target can be reached in less than a minute. Unfortunately, if the target is met too quickly with the volunteer (in Part Two of the exercise), the extinction may also be rapid and uninteresting. The solution is to select a target behavior thafs moderately difficult~not too hard and not too easy. Touching one's nose is too easy.

Stacking all the chairs into a large pile is too difficult. The gi*oup should do the selecting, but you'll need to guide them.
要將所有椅子堆成一大堆太困難了。 gi * oup應該進行選擇但您需要指導它們。

Other tips: DonJt let the group select a target behavior that involves a sequence of behaviors. Try to stick with one action. And don't let them pick vocal behavior; stick with movement.

If you've never done this kind of exercise before and you're nervous about letting the group have its way with you, practice first with friends or family. When you're the guinea pig, your best strategy is to move around a lot, trying to elicit a Yes as soon as possible.

Finally, what happens if you walk into the room, and the group doesn't say Yes to anything you do? This means that the participants haven't quite gotten the idea of "successive approximations.5, Early on, they need to reinforce almost any behavior and then, rapidly, to increase their requirement. The solution? Simply remind them how shaping works and continue from there.
最後,如果您走進房間,而小組成員對您所做的任何事情都沒有說“是” ,會發生什麼?這意味著參與者還沒有完全理解「連續近似」概念






To show that success can interfere with one's ability to solve a simple problem.!

Brief Description

The trainer asks some volunteers to spell a series of words using children's alphabet blocks. Some volunteers are given a series of easy tasks before being given a difficult one; others start out with a difficult task.

Materials and Supplies

The main thing you need is a set of standard children's alphabet blocks (or three identical sets if you choose to follow the instructions for large groups). For dramatic effect, you might also want to use a large timer that can be placed in the front of the room; however, a stopwatch or wristwatch will suffice (you'll need three timing devices if you're in the large group mode).

Your volunteers will need to sit, one at a time, at a table or desk in front of the room, so that they face the audience. (You'll need three such tables if you conduct the exercise with three people at once. Ideally, the participants should be spaced well apart, or there should be partitions between them, so that they can't see what the others are doing.)
您的志工需要坐在房間前面的桌子或桌子旁,一次一個,以便他們可以面對觀眾。 (如果您同時與三個人一起進行練習,則需要三個這樣的桌子。理想情況下,參與者之間應該保持足夠的距離,或者他們之間應該有隔板,這樣他們就看不到其他人在做什麼。

Time Requirement

Minimum: 30 minutes. Maximum: 1 hour.
最短時間:30 分鐘。最長:1 小時。


Basic Procedure

Advance preparation. Before you conduct this exercise, you must prepare the alphabet blocks. The preparation is simple, but you must do it carefully, or the exercise will fail. All you need to do is to remove all blocks containing the letter "T” (either uppercase or
提前準備。在進行此練習之前,您必須準備字母塊。準備工作很簡單,但一定要認真去做,否則練習就會失敗。您需要做的就是刪除所有包含字母“T” (大寫