Node.js and Python are two of the most popular technologies for backend development. When it comes to web development, it can be challenging to choose between Node.js vs Python. They both have their pros and cons.
Node.js 和 Python 是后端开发中两种最流行的技术。在 Web 开发方面,在 Node.js 与 Python 之间做出选择可能具有挑战性。它们都有其优点和缺点。

Selecting the right technology stack for your project is critical. It will dictate your project’s cost and launch timeline and how efficient it is to maintain and scale.

Hiring developers for a popular tech stack is also much more manageable than hiring developers for a less popular stack.

In this article, we’ll cover the key differences between Node.js and Python to help you decide what to choose for your next project.
在本文中,我们将介绍 Node.js 和 Python 之间的主要区别,以帮助您决定为下一个项目选择什么。

Brief Overview of Node.js and Python
Node.js 和 Python 简介

Python is a popular programming language, while Node.js isn’t (but it’s based on JavaScript). Hence, before we compare Node.js vs Python, it’s essential to learn their basics. Later, we’ll cover their differences on nine separate criteria.
Python 是一种流行的编程语言,而 Node.js 不是(但它基于 JavaScript)。因此,在我们比较 Node.js 与 Python 之前,必须了解它们的基础知识。稍后,我们将介绍它们在九个不同标准上的差异。


Node.js logo

Node.js is a single-threaded, open source, cross-platform runtime environment for building fast and scalable server-side and networking applications. Unlike Python, a programming language, Node.js is a runtime environment for running JavaScript outside the browser.
Node.js 是一个单线程、开源、跨平台的运行时环境,用于构建快速且可扩展的服务器端和网络应用程序。与编程语言 Python 不同,Node.js 是一个用于在浏览器外部运行 JavaScript 的运行时环境。

It’s written in C, C++, and JavaScript, and runs on the V8 JavaScript runtime engine. Node.js uses event-driven, non-blocking I/O architecture, which makes it suitable for developing real-time applications.
它是用 C、C++ 和 JavaScript 编写的,并在 V8 JavaScript 运行时引擎上运行。Node.js 使用事件驱动的非阻塞 I/O 架构,这使其适用于开发实时应用程序。

Key Node.js Features 主要Node.js功能

Some of the critical features of Node.js include:

  1. Easy: With tons of tutorials and a large community, Node.js is relatively easy to start with — it’s a go-to choice for web development beginners.
    简单:凭借大量的教程和庞大的社区,Node.js相对容易上手——它是 Web 开发初学者的首选。
  2. Scalable: Node.js is single-threaded, which means it can handle a massive number of simultaneous connections with high throughput and provides vast scalability for applications.
  3. Speed: Non-blocking thread execution makes Node.js fast and efficient.
  4. Packages: A vast set of open source Node.js packages is available that can simplify your work. There are more than one million packages in the NPM ecosystem today.
    软件包:有大量开源Node.js软件包可用,可以简化您的工作。如今,NPM 生态系统中有超过 100 万个软件包。
  5. Strong backend: Node.js is written in C and C++, making it faster for running a server and adding features like networking support.
    强大的后端:Node.js是用 C 和 C++ 编写的,可以更快地运行服务器并添加网络支持等功能。
  6. Multi-platform: Cross-platform support allows you to create websites for SaaS products, desktop apps, and even mobile apps.
    多平台:跨平台支持允许您为 SaaS 产品、桌面应用程序甚至移动应用程序创建网站。
  7. Maintainable: Node.js is an easy choice for developers since both the frontend and backend can use JavaScript.
    可维护:Node.js开发人员来说是一个简单的选择,因为前端和后端都可以使用 JavaScript。


Python logo
Python logo Python 徽标

Python is an open source, object-oriented, high-level, dynamic programming language. Its syntax and dynamic typing with interpreted nature make it an ideal language for scripting.
Python 是一种开源、面向对象的高级动态编程语言。它的语法和动态类型具有解释性质,使其成为脚本编写的理想语言。

The first version of Python was released in 1991 by Guido van Rossum, also known as the creator of the Python programming language. According to GitHub, it’s now the second most popular language out there, and it’s the most popular one for machine learning.
Python 的第一个版本由 Guido van Rossum 于 1991 年发布,他也被称为 Python 编程语言的创造者。根据 GitHub 的数据,它现在是第二流行的语言,也是机器学习中最受欢迎的语言。

Python mainly runs on Google’s App Engine. It also brings the benefits of various libraries and tools that are used and maintained by developers worldwide.
Python 主要运行在 Google 的 App Engine 上。它还带来了全球开发人员使用和维护的各种库和工具的好处。

Key Python Features Python 的主要功能

  1. Open Source: It’s a free, open source, high-level language. Anyone can learn it, use it to build applications, and contribute to the language and its packages.
  2. Packages: Python provides thousands of modules that allow programmers to build complex applications with ease.
    软件包:Python 提供了数以千计的模块,允许程序员轻松构建复杂的应用程序。
  3. Multi-paradigm: It supports both functional and structured programming methods as well as Object-Oriented Programming.
  4. Cross-platform support: Python can be written and run on any operating system, including Windows, Mac, or Linux.
    跨平台支持:Python 可以在任何操作系统上编写和运行,包括 Windows、Mac 或 Linux。
  5. Extensible: Python is highly versatile, and you can easily integrate it with C, C++, Java, and other languages.
    可扩展:Python 用途广泛,您可以轻松地将其与 C、C++、Java 和其他语言集成。
  6. GUI-supported: Python supports a vast number of GUI frameworks. Some popular libraries for GUI support include PyQT, Tkinter, and Pygame. You can use them to create a wide range of applications.
    GUI 支持:Python 支持大量 GUI 框架。一些流行的 GUI 支持库包括 PyQT、Tkinter 和 Pygame。您可以使用它们来创建各种应用程序。

Here’s what Rossum has to say about Python’s comparison with other languages:
以下是 Rossum 对 Python 与其他语言的比较的评价:

“If you’re talking about Java in particular, Python is about the best fit you can get amongst all the other languages. Yet the funny thing is, from a language point of view, JavaScript has a lot in common with Python, but it is sort of a restricted subset.”

Check out our Python tutorials to learn more!
查看我们的 Python 教程以了解更多信息!

An In-Depth Comparison of Node.js vs Python

Python and Node.js are popular backend technologies that each support many features. They also bring with them a vast, dedicated developers community.
Python 和 Node.js 是流行的后端技术,它们都支持许多功能。他们还带来了一个庞大、专注的开发者社区。

In the following sections, we’ll take a closer look at the two and compare them according to various parameters:

Architecture 建筑

Software architecture refers to the structure or organization of a software system. In other words, it explains how the software behaves. Each structure comprises software elements, relations among them, and the properties of both. Good architecture is vital for large applications.

Otherwise, the system will slow down over time, and it will become more expensive to add new features in the future.

Let’s explore how the architecture of Node.js is different from Python.
让我们来探讨一下 Node.js 的架构与 Python 有何不同。


Node.js use a single-threaded event loop architecture.
Node.js uses a single-threaded event loop architecture.
Node.js 使用单线程事件循环体系结构。

Node.js uses the single-threaded event loop model to handle multiple clients at the same time. It uses fewer threads and utilizes fewer resources overall, resulting in faster task execution.
Node.js 使用单线程事件循环模型同时处理多个客户端。它使用更少的线程并总体上使用更少的资源,从而加快任务执行速度。

Additionally, the non-blocking nature of Node.js allows it to handle thousands of concurrent connections, making it a perfect choice for real-time applications.
此外,Node.js 的非阻塞特性使其能够处理数千个并发连接,使其成为实时应用程序的完美选择。


Python works differently compared to Node.js. First, Python doesn’t convert its code into machine code directly. Instead, it compiles the code into bytecode, which is later converted to machine code using an interpreter.
与 Node.js 相比,Python 的工作方式不同。首先,Python 不会将其代码直接转换为机器代码。相反,它将代码编译为字节码,然后使用解释器将其转换为机器码。

Second, Python doesn’t support multi-threading. Although, you can build asynchronous and event-driven applications using modules like asyncio.
其次,Python 不支持多线程。虽然,您可以使用 asyncio 等模块构建异步和事件驱动的应用程序。

Working of the Python interpreter.
How the Python interpreter works.
Python 解释器的工作原理。

Speed 速度

Speed is an important parameter to consider before choosing a programming language. The performance of an application reflects how fast the software completes the task. When you’re scaling an application, every single bit of efficiency helps to reduce the operating costs.

The higher the code’s execution speed, the faster the response times.


Node.js executes the code outside the web browser; thus, the app is more resource-efficient and performs better. The non-blocking nature of Node.js and the V8 engine’s execution makes it even faster. Thus, Node.js is one of the preferred choices for real-time applications.
Node.js 在 Web 浏览器之外执行代码;因此,该应用程序资源效率更高,性能更好。Node.js 的非阻塞特性和 V8 发动机的执行速度使其更快。因此,Node.js是实时应用程序的首选之一。


Python lacks speed when compared with Node.js. Python is an interpreted language, meaning it doesn’t directly convert to machine code — instead, it first compiles it to byte code, resulting in a longer execution time.
与 Node.js 相比,Python 缺乏速度。Python 是一种解释型语言,这意味着它不会直接转换为机器代码——相反,它首先将其编译为字节码,从而导致更长的执行时间。

With single-flow, requests process much more slowly. So, Python is not the best choice for apps that prioritize speed and performance or involve many complex calculations.
使用单流时,请求处理速度要慢得多。因此,对于优先考虑速度和性能或涉及许多复杂计算的应用程序来说,Python 并不是最佳选择。

Scalability 可扩展性

Imagine building an app that gets good traction. You don’t want your application performance to dive down as the number of users grows. Scalability refers to the system’s ability to increase or decrease in performance and cost in response to changes in the application without impacting the performance.


Scalability is at the very core of the Node.js runtime. Scaling to multiple microservices is efficient and straightforward due to lightweight communication and fast execution for each process.
可伸缩性是 Node.js 运行时的核心。由于每个进程的轻量级通信和快速执行,扩展到多个微服务既高效又直接。

Apps developed with Node.js can quickly scale both horizontally and vertically:
使用 Node.js 开发的应用可以快速水平和垂直扩展:

  • To scale it horizontally, add new nodes to the system.
  • For scaling vertically, add extra resources to the existing nodes.

Node.js also has a built-in module cluster to make it easier to implement the cloning strategy on a single server. Cloning is one of the best techniques for scaling applications.
Node.js 还具有内置的模块群集,可以更轻松地在单个服务器上实现克隆策略。克隆是扩展应用程序的最佳技术之一。


Python is not the best when it comes to scaling. The reason is, again, the slower execution due to the Python interpreter. It does not support multithreading because it uses Global Interpreter Lock (GIL), which doesn’t let the Python interpreter perform tasks simultaneously.
在扩展方面,Python 并不是最好的。原因再次是由于 Python 解释器导致的执行速度较慢。它不支持多线程,因为它使用全局解释器锁 (GIL),它不允许 Python 解释器同时执行任务。

Instead, it makes Python run only one thread at a time.
相反,它使 Python 一次只运行一个线程。

Extensibility 扩展

Extensibility is a measure of the amount of effort required to extend the system and implement additional functionalities. An application is extensible if it is not affected by new or modified functionality.

Both Node.js and Python are easily extensible and provide several packages to support extensibility.
Node.js 和 Python 都易于扩展,并提供多个包来支持扩展性。


Node.js can be easily customized, extended, and integrated with various packages and tools. Node provides a built-in API for developing HTTP and DNS servers. You can extend Node.js to build web applications with frameworks like Express, Angular, Vue, etc. It extends to deployment monitoring and troubleshooting with, tools like Webpack for data migration, process management, and module bundling.
Node.js可以很容易地定制、扩展,并与各种软件包和工具集成。Node 提供了一个内置的 API,用于开发 HTTP 和 DNS 服务器。您可以扩展Node.js,使用 Express、Angular、Vue 等框架构建 Web 应用程序。它扩展到使用、用于数据迁移、流程管理和模块捆绑的 Webpack 等工具进行部署监控和故障排除。


Python supports extensibility by allowing the writing of Python code in other languages like C, C++, and Java. Python bindings will enable you to call functions and pass data from Python to C or C++, giving you the strengths of both languages.
Python 通过允许用其他语言(如 C、C++ 和 Java)编写 Python 代码来支持可扩展性。Python 绑定将使您能够调用函数并将数据从 Python 传递到 C 或 C++,从而为您提供两种语言的优势。

Python also provides lots of libraries and frameworks such as Django, Flask, Web2Py, or Pyramid.
Python 还提供了许多库和框架,例如 Django、Flask、Web2Py 或 Pyramid。

Libraries 图书馆

One of the primary reasons for the growth of programming languages like Node.js and Python is their vast library support. This gives developers modules that you can directly use without getting into details. Good library support also increases overall development speed.
Node.js 和 Python 等编程语言增长的主要原因之一是它们庞大的库支持。这为开发人员提供了可以直接使用的模块,而无需详细介绍。良好的库支持还可以提高整体开发速度。


Node has millions of packages to support development. These libraries and packages are managed by NPM — the Node Package Manager.
Node 有数以百万计的软件包来支持开发。这些库和包由 NPM(节点包管理器)管理。

NPM is the largest ecosystem of all open-source libraries globally, with over 1 million packages and growing. NPM is free to use, and thousands of open source developers contribute to it daily.
NPM 是全球所有开源库中最大的生态系统,拥有超过 100 万个软件包,并且还在不断增长。NPM 是免费使用的,每天都有成千上万的开源开发人员为它做出贡献。

Node.js attracts a large number of developers primarily due to its excellent package support.

Here are some popular NPM packages:
以下是一些流行的 NPM 包:


The libraries and packages in Python are managed by pip, which stands for “Pip Installs Python.” In other words, it’s the package installer for Python. pip is fast, reliable, and easy to use, resulting in efficient development.
Python 中的库和包由 pip 管理,pip 代表“Pip 安装 Python”。换句话说,它是 Python 的包安装程序。pip 快速、可靠且易于使用,从而实现高效开发。

Here are some popular Python packages:
以下是一些流行的 Python 包:

Use Cases 使用案例

Each backend technology has its pros and cons, and these two are no exception. Node.js is recommended for building fast, real-time applications, while Python is a popular language for machine learning and data analytics.
每种后端技术都有其优点和缺点,这两种也不例外。建议Node.js用于构建快速、实时的应用程序,而 Python 是用于机器学习和数据分析的流行语言。

That said, both languages have lots of use cases. We’ll explore them in the next section.


Applications of Node.js
Applications of Node.js. Node.js的应用。

Node.js is best suited for real-time applications that have numerous concurrent requests due to its event-based architecture.
由于其基于事件的架构,Node.js 最适合具有大量并发请求的实时应用程序。

Here are some of the many applications that employ Node.js:

  • I/O bound applications I/O 绑定的应用程序
  • Data streaming applications
  • Data-intensive, real-time applications (DIRT)
    数据密集型实时应用程序 (DIRT)
  • JSON API-based applications
    基于 JSON API 的应用程序
  • Single-page applications


Python is one of the top choices for data science apps that involve data analysis and visualization, image-processing software, neural networks, and machine learning systems.
Python 是涉及数据分析和可视化、图像处理软件、神经网络和机器学习系统的数据科学应用程序的首选之一。

Python also supports web development with some frameworks like Django and Flask. You can create desktop and business applications or even games with Python.
Python 还支持使用 Django 和 Flask 等一些框架进行 Web 开发。您可以使用 Python 创建桌面和业务应用程序甚至游戏。

Community 社区

Both Node.js and Python enjoy support from widespread, thriving communities. We’ll take a closer look at each.
Node.js 和 Python 都得到了广泛、蓬勃发展的社区的支持。我们将仔细研究每个。


Node.js is one of the most active programming communities. There are all kinds of tutorials, videos, and modules that have been built by the community for the community.

NPM has over a million packages, all managed by the community. Also, when you find yourself stuck on a problem, there’s a good chance that someone’s already solved it and shared the solution on Stack Overflow.
NPM 有超过一百万个软件包,全部由社区管理。此外,当您发现自己遇到问题时,很有可能有人已经解决了它并在 Stack Overflow 上分享了解决方案。

You can join the Node.js community and start seeking answers — or contributing your own — today.


Python has a large community with millions of developers. Being the older language, it naturally has a larger community when compared with Node.js.
Python 有一个拥有数百万开发人员的庞大社区。作为较古老的语言,与Node.js相比,它自然拥有更大的社区。

Python-dedicated forums, including those on Stack Overflow, are good places to post queries. The Python online community has fantastic resources for learning and conferences that happen all around the globe, popularly known as PyCon.
Python 专用论坛,包括 Stack Overflow 上的论坛,是发布查询的好地方。Python 在线社区拥有出色的学习和会议资源,这些资源在全球范围内举行,通常称为 PyCon。

Another advantage of such a sizable community is the ease of finding developers. Various companies that use Python use the community to find good developers.
这样一个庞大的社区的另一个优势是很容易找到开发人员。各种使用 Python 的公司都使用社区来寻找优秀的开发人员。

Popularity 人气

Popularity is an important aspect to consider. The number of developers available for a given language depends on how popular that language is.

Popular languages naturally result in larger communities with more contributions and active development. This is particularly important for enterprises to consider — it’s easier to find the right talent if your tech stack is popular.


The popularity of Node.js has grown significantly in recent years because it’s incredibly lightweight, highly flexible, and has a vast set of libraries that make development easier. Also, it’s used by thousands of companies, including big names like Twitter, Spotify, Reddit, Linkedin, and many more.
近年来,Node.js 的受欢迎程度显着增长,因为它非常轻量级、高度灵活,并且拥有大量使开发更容易的库。此外,它被成千上万的公司使用,包括Twitter,Spotify,Reddit,LinkedIn等大牌。

Even on Github, Node.js has a whopping 75.9k stars, 19k forks, and 3k watchers. It’s also the most widely used non-language, non-operating system, non-database tool according to a Stack Overflow survey from 2020.
即使在 Github 上,Node.js 也有高达 75.9k 的星星、19k 分叉和 3k 的观察者。根据 2020 年的 Stack Overflow 调查,它也是使用最广泛的非语言、非操作系统、非数据库工具。


Python is the second most loved language according to the Tiobe index, which measures programming languages’ popularity. As per the  Stack Overflow survey mentioned earlier, Python stood as the third most loved program and the most wanted language. Over 66% of developers expressed interest in continuing development in Python.
根据 Tiobe 指数,Python 是第二大最受欢迎的语言,该指数衡量编程语言的受欢迎程度。根据前面提到的 Stack Overflow 调查,Python 是第三大最受欢迎的程序和最想要的语言。超过 66% 的开发人员表示有兴趣继续开发 Python。

Python is also one of the top choices for data science and machine learning projects.
Python 也是数据科学和机器学习项目的首选之一。

Most loved languages - Stack Overflow
Most loved languages as per a Stack Overflow survey
根据 Stack Overflow 调查,最受欢迎的语言

Ease of Learning 易学性

Both Python and Node.js are easy to learn. However, Python is more readable and can even be understood by those who aren’t developers.
Python 和 Node.js 都很容易学习。但是,Python 更具可读性,甚至可以被非开发人员理解。

We’ll next explore basic syntax by creating a “Hello World” server in Node.js and Python.
接下来,我们将通过在 Node.js 和 Python 中创建“Hello World”服务器来探索基本语法。

Hello World In Node.js

Let’s create a server in Node.js that will be returning a “Hello World” output on a server request.
让我们在 Node.js 中创建一个服务器,该服务器将在服务器请求中返回“Hello World”输出。

// server.js
const http = require('http');
const hostname = '';
const port = 3000;

const server = http.createServer((req, res) => {
    res.statusCode = 200;
    res.setHeader('Content-Type', 'text/plain');
    res.end('Hello World! Welcome to Node.js');

server.listen(port, hostname, () => {
    console.log(`Server running at http://${hostname}:${port}/`);

Save this file as server.js.
将此文件另存为 server.js。

Now head over to the terminal and start the server using the following command:

node server.js

The server should start running now. To verify the output, open http://localhost:3000 in your browser. If successful, you should see the following message:
服务器现在应开始运行。若要验证输出,请在浏览器中打开 http://localhost:3000 。如果成功,您应该会看到以下消息:

Hello World! Welcome to Node.js

Hello World In Python
Python 中的 Hello World

We’ll use a Python framework, Flask, to create our “Hello world” server:
我们将使用 Python 框架 Flask 来创建我们的“Hello world”服务器:

from flask import Flask
app = Flask(__name__)

def hello_world():
	return 'Hello World! Welcome to Python'

if __name__ == '__main__':

Save this file as Run the server using the following command in the terminal:


You can verify the server is running in your browser. Go to, and the following output should appear:
您可以验证服务器是否在浏览器中运行。转到 ,应显示以下输出:

Hello World! Welcome to Python

Node.js vs Python: Which One Should You Pick?
Node.js vs Python:你应该选择哪一个?

Both Python and Node.js have their own sets of advantages and disadvantages. In addition, there are multiple use cases for each.
Python 和 Node.js 都有自己的优点和缺点。此外,每种用例都有多个用例。

Here’s a summary of the differences we’ve discussed in this article:

Node.js Python
Runtime environment for building fast and scalable server-side and networking applications.
Object-oriented, high-level, dynamic, multipurpose, high-level programming language.
It runs on the V8 JavaScript runtime engine by Google.
它在 Google 的 V8 JavaScript 运行时引擎上运行。
Python uses PyPy as an Interpreter.
Python 使用 PyPy 作为解释器。
Node.js was written initially by Ryan Dahl in 2009.
Node.js最初由 Ryan Dahl 于 2009 年编写。
Relatively older. The first Python version was released 30 years ago, in February 1981.
比较老。第一个 Python 版本发布于 30 年前的 1981 年 2 月。
Node.js is easily scalable, both vertically and horizontally.
Python is not so scalable for large projects. Although it’s dynamically typed, it’s still difficult to manage a large Python codebase.
Python 对于大型项目来说不是那么可扩展。尽管它是动态类型的,但管理大型 Python 代码库仍然很困难。
Node.js is faster due to its underlying powerful V8 engine.
由于其底层强大的 V8 发动机,Node.js速度更快。
Python is slower due to the single flow. It first converts the code to byte code, after which an interpreter converts it to machine code.
由于单流,Python 速度较慢。它首先将代码转换为字节码,然后解释器将其转换为机器码。
Highly flexible and offers full-stack development, making it suitable for both backend and frontend.
Python is usually preferred for server-side development, though there are libraries that can support frontend development. It can also be used for developing standalone apps for desktop and mobile.
Python 通常是服务器端开发的首选,尽管有一些库可以支持前端开发。它还可用于开发桌面和移动设备的独立应用程序。
Node.js is an ideal platform for building real-time web applications, gaming, and ecommerce platforms.
Node.js 是构建实时 Web 应用程序、游戏和电子商务平台的理想平台。
Python is a good option for building server-side, data science, business, and desktop applications.
Python 是构建服务器端、数据科学、业务和桌面应用程序的不错选择。

Summary 总结

Python and Node.js are both very popular and powerful options to develop web and backend applications. There is no direct winner; it depends on the use case or problem you’re trying to solve.
Python 和 Node.js 都是开发 Web 和后端应用程序的非常流行且强大的选项。没有直接的赢家;这取决于您尝试解决的用例或问题。

It also helps to consider how comfortable you would be working with either of these technologies.

Kinsta has taken a different route to power its high-speed and performance-optimized infrastructure. However, you may find Node.js, Python, or even Apache more suitable for your project.
Kinsta 采取了不同的路线来为其高速和性能优化的基础设施提供动力。但是,您可能会发现 Node.js、Python 甚至 Apache 更适合您的项目。

We hope this article has given you some context about Python vs Node.js. You should now find it easier to choose the right option for your next project.
我们希望本文能为您提供有关 Python 与 Node.js 的一些背景信息。您现在应该会发现为下一个项目选择正确的选项变得更加容易。

Check out Kinsta’s Node.js hosting solutions with our dev-centric cloud platform.
通过我们以开发为中心的云平台查看 Kinsta 的Node.js托管解决方案。

Do you have any questions about Python or Node.js that we didn’t cover? Let us know in the comments section!
您有关于 Python 或 Node.js 的任何问题,我们没有涵盖吗?请在评论部分告诉我们!

Mohit Khare 莫希特·哈雷

Developer soul from India who loves building and breaking stuff. I share learnings on my blog and on Twitter - @mkfeuhrer
来自印度的开发人员灵魂,喜欢构建和破坏东西。我在我的博客和 Twitter 上分享学习成果 - @mkfeuhrer

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