American-Eurasian Journal of Sustainable Agriculture, 6(4): 344-348, 2012 ISSN 1995-0748
美国-欧亚可持续农业杂志, 6(4): 344-348, 2012 ISSN 1995-0748
In Vitro Screening of Potato Cultivars for Salinity Tolerance
C. Sudhersan, S. Jibi Manuel, J. Ashkanani and A. Al-Ajeel
C. Sudhersan、S. Jibi Manuel、J. Ashkanani 和 A. Al-Ajeel
Biotechnology Department, Food Resources and Biological Sciences Division Kuwait Institute for Scientific Research P.O. Box 24885, Safat 13109, Kuwait
科威特科学研究所食品资源和生物科学司生物技术部 P.O. Box 24885, Safat 13109, Kuwait.
C. Sudhersan, S. Jibi Manuel, J. Ashkanani and A. Al-Ajeel: In Vitro Screening of Potato Cultivars for Salinity Tolerance
C. SudhersanS.Jibi Manuel、J. Ashkanani 和 A. Al-Ajeel:马铃薯品种耐盐性的体外筛选
ABSTRACT Potato is one of the world’s most important crops next to wheat, maize and rice. It is highly sensitive to soil salinity and needs fresh water irrigation for tuber production. Salinity is a major problem for potato cultivation in Kuwait. In order to select salt tolerant cultivars attempts were made to screen many potato cultivars using tissue culture technology. Potato cultivars Ajiba, Almera, Anabelle, Arnova, Atlas, Bellini, Charlotte, Costanera, Desiree, Diamant, Fontane, Lola, Maria Tropica-1, MF-1, MF-II, Matador, Nicola, Primavera, Rembrandt, Safrane, Santae, Spunta, Tacna, Timate, and Unica were established in tissue culture via meristem culture technique using Murashige and Skoog (MS) shoot proliferation medium. Stem nodal segments isolated from established cultures were planted on MS culture media containing different concentrations of NaCl (0,750, 1000, 2000, 3000 and 4000 ppm). According to the percentage of shoot elongation against the NaCl stress, the cultivars were grouped as tolerant, sensitive and highly sensitive to salinity. Among the 25 potato cultivars tested in vitro, seven cultivars were tolerant, 6 cultivars were sensitive and remaining 12 cultivars were highly sensitive to salinity. Salt toxicity levels and related morphological symptoms on plant growth were also studied for each cultivar. This study helped to identify the salt tolerant potato cultivars suitable for cultivation in Kuwait and other countries where soil salinity is a major problem in potato production. Key words: Solanum tuberosum, tissue culture, NaCl, salt tolerant. |
Introduction Plants are subjected to different biotic and abiotic stresses from their environment. Light, temperature, drought and salinity are the major constraints that affect the plant growth in nature. High soil salinity accounts for large decrease in the yield of a wide variety of crops all over the world (Tester and Devenport, 2003). Almost 1000 million ha of land or 77 million out of 1.5 billion of cultivated lands is affected by soil salinity (Szabolcs, 1994; Munns, 1999). High temperature coupled with low rainfall increase the soil salinity due to high rate of evapo-transpiration. Salinization of irrigated soils is an increasing threat to agriculture in many countries. Potato (Solanum tuberosum L.), a major food crop next wheat, maize and rice is highly sensitive to salinity and needs fresh water for better yields. Fresh water is a precious and costly resource in Kuwait and it must be managed properly. Increasing soil salinity and brackish water irrigation affects potato production in Kuwait. Desalinization of the brackish water and remediation of the saline soil are the solutions to solve the salinity problem towards potato production. However, it is an expensive process. Therefore, the most promising solution for the salinity problem is to grow crops which have been adapted to tolerate the salinity. Salinity tolerance in plants can be increased through traditional breeding or genetic manipulation techniques. Certain plants adopt themselves naturally to the soil salinity through developing physiological changes. Such tolerant cultivars can be identified through screening method. Conventional screening methods for the selection of salt tolerant variants is difficult and time consuming. Therefore, in vitro screening technique was used to select the salt tolerant potato cultivars in this study. A limited number of potato cultivars have been evaluated for salinity tolerance in vitro (Arslan et al., 1987; Morpurgo,1991; Morpurgo and Rodriguez, 1987; Naik and Widholm, 1993) through growing stem nodal cuttings in growth media containing different concentrations of NaCl. In the present study, potato cultivars Ajiba, Almera, Anabelle, Arnova, Atlas, Bellini, Charlotte, Costanera, Desiree, Diamant, Fontane, Lola, Maria Tropica-1, MF-1, MF-II, Matador, Nicola, Primavera, Rembrandt, Safrane, Santae, Spunta, Tacna, Timate, and Unica were screened for salt tolerance in vitro. |
Corresponding Author: C. Sudhersan, Biotechnology Department, Food Resources and Biological Sciences Division
通讯作者: C. Sudhersan, 生物技术部, 食品资源与生物科学部
Kuwait Institute for Scientific Research P.O. Box 24885, Safat 13109, Kuwait
科威特科学研究所 P.O. Box 24885, Safat 13109, Kuwait.