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PostgreSQL is the Database Management System of the Year 2024
PostgreSQL 榮獲 2024 年度最佳資料庫管理系統
von Tom Russell, 13. Januar 2025
湯姆·羅素,2025 年 1 月 13 日
DB-Engines is today announcing that PostgreSQL is our DBMS of the Year for the second year in a row, winning for the fifth time overall after also being top-ranked in 2017, 2018, 2019, and 2023. Second in the rankings was Snowflake, followed by Microsoft in third place. PostgreSQL has emerged as the most popular database management system over the past year, outpacing all other 423 monitored systems.
DB-Engines 今日宣布 PostgreSQL 連續第二年榮獲年度資料庫管理系統 (DBMS) 獎項,總計已五度獲獎,此前曾在 2017 年、2018 年、2019 年和 2023 年位居榜首。排名第二的是 Snowflake,緊隨其後的是微軟排名第三。PostgreSQL 在過去一年中已成為最受歡迎的資料庫管理系統,超越其他 423 個受監控系統。
Nearly 35 years ago, the database system known as Postgres made its debut. Since then, PostgreSQL has undergone significant transformations, driven by a continuous stream of enhancements that ensure it remains at the cutting edge of DBMS technology, while also offering a dependable and stable platform. PostgreSQL 17, launched in September 2024, introduced additional performance enhancements and expanded replication options, among other improvements. All of this continues to make PostgreSQL one of the most successful open-source projects ever.
近 35 年前,名為 Postgres 的資料庫系統正式問世。從那時起,PostgreSQL 歷經重大轉型,持續不斷的改進確保它始終保持在 DBMS 技術的前沿,同時也提供可靠且穩定的平台。2024 年 9 月推出的 PostgreSQL 17 引入了額外的效能提升和擴展的複製選項,以及其他改進。所有這些都讓 PostgreSQL 成為有史以來最成功的開源專案之一。
Snowflake is the runner up and is a cloud-based data warehousing company that has gained significant traction in recent years. Its unique architecture allows for the separation of storage and compute, providing flexibility and scalability. Snowflake's support for multi-cloud environments and its data sharing capabilities have made it a popular choice for businesses looking to leverage cloud data warehousing. Snowflake's rise in the rankings reflects its growing influence and adoption in the industry.
Snowflake 位居第二,是一家基於雲端的數據倉庫公司,近年來發展迅速。其獨特的架構允許儲存和計算分離,提供靈活性和可擴展性。Snowflake 支援多雲環境及其數據共享功能使其成為希望利用雲端數據倉庫的企業的熱門選擇。Snowflake 在排名中的上升反映了其在業界日益增長的影響力和採用率。
Microsoft's Azure SQL Database and SQL Server continue to be strong contenders in the DBMS market. Azure SQL Database offers a fully managed relational database with AI-powered performance optimization and scalability. SQL Server, with its hybrid capabilities, allows for seamless integration between on-premises and cloud environments. Microsoft's commitment to innovation and its comprehensive suite of data services have solidified its position in the top ranks.
微軟的 Azure SQL Database 和 SQL Server 仍然是 DBMS 市場上的有力競爭者。Azure SQL Database 提供一個完全託管的關聯式資料庫,具有 AI 驅動的效能優化和可擴展性。SQL Server 憑藉其混合功能,允許在本地和雲端環境之間無縫整合。微軟致力於創新及其全面的數據服務套件,鞏固了其在頂級排名中的地位。
For more information about navigating the complexities of managing multiple databases, read more here from Redgate, or visit
如需瞭解有關管理多個資料庫複雜性的更多資訊,請在此處閱讀 Redgate 的更多內容,或瀏覽
Notes to editors 編輯備註
Methodology 方法論
We calculate the DBMS of the year by subtracting the January 2024 from the January 2025 scores. We use the difference between each DBMS’s score, rather than a percentage growth, which would favor systems with lower popularity at the beginning of the year. The DMBS of the year is an illustration of how much each system increased in popularity during the year. You can read more about our exact methodology here, but in short we are ranking popularity of DBMS based on how much people are discussing and communicating about each system, including job offers, professional profile entries and citations on the web. job offers, professional profile entries and citations on the web.
我們通過將 2024 年 1 月的分數從 2025 年 1 月的分數中減去來計算年度 DBMS。我們使用每個 DBMS 分數之間的差異,而不是百分比增長,這將有利於年初普及率較低的系統。年度 DBMS 說明了每個系統在一年中普及程度的提高幅度。您可以在此處閱讀有關我們確切方法論的更多信息,但簡而言之,我們根據人們討論和交流每個系統的程度(包括求職機會、專業個人資料條目和網路引用)來對 DBMS 的普及程度進行排名。求職機會、專業個人資料條目和網路引用。
About Redgate Software 關於 Redgate 軟體
Redgate offers end-to-end database DevOps to help enterprises streamline software development and surface value from their data faster.
Redgate 提供端到端的資料庫 DevOps,以幫助企業簡化軟體開發並更快地從數據中獲取價值。
Redgate's portfolio of solutions helps organizations reliably solve the complex challenges of database management across the DevOps lifecycle on any database, any platform, anywhere. We make life easier for IT leaders, development and operations teams, increasing efficiency, reducing errors and protecting business-critical data.
Redgate 的解決方案組合幫助組織可靠地解決任何資料庫、任何平台、任何地方的 DevOps 生命週期中資料庫管理的複雜挑戰。我們讓 IT 領導者、開發和運維團隊的生活更輕鬆,提高效率,減少錯誤並保護業務關鍵數據。
More than 200,000 companies globally, including 92% of the Fortune 100, trust Redgate to deliver ingeniously simple software.
全球超過 200,000 家公司,包括 92% 的財富 100 強企業,都信任 Redgate 提供巧妙簡潔的軟體。
Media Contacts 媒體聯絡人
Meghana Shendrikar
Allison Worldwide for Redgate Software
Redgate 軟體的 Allison Worldwide
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