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Chapter 4 Inside the Cell Lecture Outline >>
第4章 细胞内部 讲义提纲 >>

4.1 Cells Under the Microscope >>
4.1 显微镜下的细胞 >>


4.1 Cells Under the Microscope >>
4.1 显微镜下的细胞 >>

Cells >>
细胞 >>

Are extremely diverse >>
极其多样化 >>

Nearly all require a microscope to be seen >>
几乎所有的都需要显微镜才能看到 >>

Each type in our body is specialized for a particular function >>
我们身体中的每一种类型都有其特定的功能 >> 。

Light microscope >>
光学显微镜 >>

Invented in 17th century >>
发明于 17 世纪 >>

Limited by properties of light >>
受限于光的特性 >>

Electron microscope >>
电子显微镜 >>

Invented in 1930s >>
发明于 1930 年代 >>

Overcomes limitation by using beam of electrons >>
利用电子束克服限制 >>

Cell Size >>
细胞大小 >>

Why are cells so small? >>

Need surface areas large enough for entry and exit of materials >>
需要足够大的表面积,以便材料进出 >> 需要足够大的表面积,以便材料进出

Surface-area-to-volume ratio >>
表面积体积比 >>

Small cells have more surface area for exchange. >>

Adaptations to increase surface area >>
增加表面积的适应性 >>

Microvilli in the small intestine increase surface area for absorption of nutrients >>
小肠中的微绒毛增加了营养吸收的表面积 >>

4.2 The Plasma Membrane >>
4.2 等离子体膜 >>


4.2 The Plasma Membrane >>
4.2 等离子体膜 >>

Marks boundary between outside and inside of a cell >>
标记细胞内外的边界 >>

Regulates passage in and out of a cell >>
调节进出细胞的通道 >>

Phospholipid bilayer with embedded proteins >>
内嵌蛋白质的磷脂双分子层 >>

Polar heads (hydrophilic) of phospholipids face into watery medium >>
磷脂的极性头(亲水性)朝向含水介质 >>

Nonpolar tails (hydrophobic) face each other >>
非极性尾部(疏水)朝向对方 >>

Fluid-mosaic model—the structure of the plasma membrane >>
流体镶嵌模型--质膜的结构 >>

Figure 4.4 A Model of the Plasma Membrane >>
图 4.4 等离子体膜模型 >>


Figure 4.5a Membrane Protein Diversity – Channel Protein >>
图 4.5a 膜蛋白多样性 - 通道蛋白 >>

Membrane proteins >>
膜蛋白 >>

Channel proteins >>
通道蛋白 >>

Form tunnel for specific molecules >>
为特定分子形成隧道 >>


Figure 4.5b Membrane Protein Diversity – Transport Protein >>
图 4.5b 膜蛋白多样性 - 运输蛋白 >>

Transport proteins >>
运输蛋白 >>

Involved in passage of molecules through the membrane, sometimes requiring input of energy >>
参与分子通过膜的过程,有时需要输入能量 >>


Figure 4.5c Membrane Protein Diversity – Cell Recognition Protein >>
图 4.5c 膜蛋白多样性 - 细胞识别蛋白 >>

Cell recognition proteins >>
细胞识别蛋白 >>

Enable our body to distinguish between our own cells and cells of other organisms >>
使我们的身体能够区分自己的细胞和其他生物的细胞 >>


Figure 4.5d Membrane Protein Diversity – Receptor Protein >>
图 4.5d 膜蛋白多样性 - 受体蛋白 >>

Receptor proteins >>
受体蛋白 >>

Allow signal molecules to bind, causing a cellular response >>
允许信号分子结合,引起细胞反应 >>


Figure 4.5e Membrane Protein Diversity – Enzymatic Proteins >>
图 4.5e 膜蛋白多样性 - 酶蛋白 >>

Enzymatic proteins >>
酶蛋白 >>

Directly participate in metabolic reactions >>
直接参与代谢反应 >>


Figure 4.5f Membrane Protein Diversity – Junction Proteins >>
图 4.5f 膜蛋白多样性--连接蛋白 >>

Junction proteins >>
连接蛋白 >>

Form junctions between cells >>
细胞之间形成连接 >>

Cell-to-cell adhesion and communication >>
细胞间的粘附和通讯 >>


4.3 The Two Main Types of Cells >>
4.3 两种主要类型的细胞 >>


4.3 The Two Main Types of Cells >>
4.3 两种主要类型的细胞 >>

Cell theory >>
细胞理论 >>

All organisms are composed of cells. >>

All cells come only from preexisting cells >>
所有细胞都来自原有细胞 >>

All cells have: >>

A plasma membrane to regulate movement of material >>
调节物质运动的质膜 >>

Cytoplasm where chemical reactions occur >>
发生化学反应的细胞质 >>

Genetic material for growth and reproduction >>
用于生长和繁殖的遗传物质 >>

2 main types of cells >>
2 种主要细胞 >>

Based on organization of genetic material >>
基于遗传物质的组织 >>

Prokaryotic cells—lack membrane-bounded nucleus >>
原核细胞--缺乏以膜为界的细胞核 >>

Eukaryotic cells—have nucleus housing DNA >>
真核细胞--有容纳 DNA 的细胞核 >>

Prokaryotic Cells >>
原核细胞 >>

Organisms from the domains Bacteria and Archaea >>
来自细菌和古细菌领域的生物 >>

Generally smaller and simpler in structure than eukaryotic cells >>
一般比真核生物细胞小,结构简单 >>

Allows them to reproduce very quickly and effectively >>
使它们能够快速有效地繁殖 >>

Extremely successful group of organisms >>
极为成功的生物群体 >>

Bacteria >>
细菌 >>

Well known because some cause disease >>
众所周知的原因是有些会导致疾病 >>

Others have roles in the environment >>
其他人在环境中发挥作用 >>

Some are used to manufacture chemicals, food, drugs, etc. >>

Bacterial Structure >>
细菌结构 >>

Cytoplasm surrounded by plasma membrane and cell wall >>
被质膜和细胞壁包围的细胞质 >>

Sometimes a capsule—protective layer >>
有时是胶囊保护层 >>

Plasma membrane is the same as eukaryotes >>
质膜与真核生物相同 >>

Cell wall maintains the shape of a cell >>
细胞壁保持细胞的形状 >> 细胞壁保持细胞的形状

DNA—single circular, coiled chromosome located in nucleoid (region—not membrane enclosed) >>
DNA--位于核仁(区域--不被膜包裹)中的单环状盘绕染色体 >>

Ribosomes—site of protein synthesis >>
核糖体--蛋白质合成的场所 >>

Appendages >>
附属物 >>

Flagella—propulsion >>
鞭毛-推进 >>

Fimbriae—attachment to surfaces >>
附着在物体表面的纤毛 >>

Conjugation pili—DNA transfer >>
共轭纤丝-DNA 转移 >>

Figure 4.6 A Prokaryotic Cell >>
图 4.6 原核细胞 >>


4.4 Eukaryotic Cells >>
4.4 真核细胞 >>


4.4 Eukaryotic Cells >>
4.4 真核细胞 >>

Protists, fungi, plants, and animals >>
原生动物、真菌、植物和动物 >>

Have a membrane-bounded nucleus housing DNA >>
具有容纳 DNA 的膜状细胞核 >>

Much larger than prokaryotic cells >>
比原核细胞大得多 >>

Compartmentalized and contain organelles >>
分隔并含有细胞器 >>

4 categories of organelles: >>
4 类细胞器:>>

Nucleus and ribosomes >>
细胞核和核糖体 >>

Endomembrane system >>
内膜系统 >>

Energy-related >>
能源相关 >>

Cytoskeleton >>
细胞骨架 >>

Figure 4.7 Structure of a Typical Animal Cell >>
图 4.7 典型动物细胞的结构 >>


Figure 4.8 Structure of a Typical Plant Cell >>
图 4.8 典型植物细胞的结构 >>


Nucleus and Ribosomes >>
细胞核和核糖体 >>

Nucleus >>
核心 >>

Stores genetic information >>
存储基因信息 >>

Chromatin—diffuse DNA, protein, some RNA >>
染色质-扩散 DNA、蛋白质和一些 RNA >>

Prior to cell division, DNA compacts into chromosomes >>
细胞分裂前,DNA 被压缩成染色体 >> 。

DNA organized into genes, which specify a polypeptide >>
DNA 组织成基因,基因指定一种多肽 >>

Relayed to ribosome using messenger RNA (mRNA) >>
利用信使核糖核酸(mRNA)转达核糖体 >>

Nucleolus—region where ribosomal RNA (rRNA) is made >>
核仁--制造核糖体 RNA(rRNA)的区域 >>

Nuclear envelope—double membrane >>
核膜-双膜 >>

Nuclear pores permit passage in and out >>
核孔允许进出 >>.

Figure 4.9 Structure of the Nucleus >>
图 4.9 细胞核的结构 >>


Ribosomes >>
核糖体 >>

Carry out protein synthesis in the cytoplasm >>
在细胞质中进行蛋白质合成 >>

Found in both prokaryotes and eukaryotes >>
存在于原核生物和真核生物中 >>

Composed of 2 subunits >>
由 2 个亚基组成 >>

Mix of proteins and ribosomal RNA (rRNA) >>
蛋白质和核糖体核糖核酸(rRNA)的混合物 >>

Receive mRNA as instructions sequence of amino acids in a polypeptide >>
接收作为多肽氨基酸序列指令的 mRNA >>

In eukaryotes >>
在真核生物中 >>

Some ribosomes free in cytoplasm >>
一些核糖体游离在细胞质中 >>

Many attached to endoplasmic reticulum >>
许多附着于内质网 >>

Figure 4.10 The Nucleus, Ribosomes, and Endoplasmic Reticulum (ER) >>
图 4.10 细胞核、核糖体和内质网 (ER) >>


Endomembrane System >>
内膜系统 >>

Consists of nuclear envelope, membranes of endoplasmic reticulum, Golgi apparatus, and numerous vesicles >>
由核包膜、内质网膜、高尔基体和许多囊泡组成 >>.

Helps compartmentalize cell >>
有助于分隔细胞 >>

Restricts certain reactions to specific regions >>
将某些反应限制在特定区域内 >>

Transport vesicles carry molecules from one part of the system to another >>
运输泡将分子从系统的一个部分运送到另一个部分 >>

Endoplasmic Reticulum >>
内质网 >>

Complicated system of membranous channels and saccules >>
复杂的膜通道和囊系统 >>

Physically continuous with outer membrane of nuclear envelope >>
与核包膜外膜物理上连续 >>

Rough ER >>
粗糙的急诊室 >>

Studded with ribosomes >>
布满核糖体 >>

Modifies proteins in lumen >>
改变管腔中的蛋白质 >>

Forms transport vesicles going to Golgi apparatus >>
形成进入高尔基体的运输囊泡 >>

Smooth ER >>
流畅的急诊室 >>

Continuous with rough ER >>
连续与粗糙 ER >>

No ribosomes >>
没有核糖体 >>

Synthesizes lipids like phospholipids and steroids >>
合成磷脂和类固醇等脂质 >>

Function depends on cell >>
功能取决于细胞 >>

Produces testosterone, detoxifies drugs >>
产生睾酮、解毒 >>

Figure 4.11 Endoplasmic Reticulum (ER) >>
图 4.11 内质网 (ER) >>


Endomembrane System II >>
内膜系统 II >>

Golgi apparatus >>
高尔基体 >>

Stack of flattened saccules >>
一堆扁平的囊状物 >>

Transfer station >>
转运站 >>

Receives vesicles from ER >>
接收来自 ER 的囊泡 >>

Modifies molecules within the vesicles >>
改变囊泡内的分子 >>

Sorts and repackages for new destination >>
为新目的地进行分类和重新包装 >>

Some are lysosomes >>
有些是溶酶体 >>

Lysosomes >>
溶酶体 >>

Vesicles that digest molecules or portions of the cell >>
消化分子或部分细胞的囊泡 >>

Digestive enzymes >>
消化酶 >>

Tay-Sachs disease >>
泰-萨克斯病 >>

Figure 4.12 Endomembrane System >>
图 4.12 内膜系统 >>


Vacuoles >>
空泡 >>

Membranous sacs >>
膜囊 >>

Larger than vesicles >>
比囊泡大 >>

Rid a cell of excess water >>
清除细胞中多余的水分 >>

Digestion >>
消化 >>

Storage >>
存储 >>

Plant pigments >>
植物色素 >>

Animal adipocytes >>
动物脂肪细胞 >>

Figure 4.13 Vacuoles >>
图 4.13 空泡 >>


Chloroplast Structure >>
叶绿体结构 >>

Energy-related organelles >>
与能量有关的细胞器 >>

Chloroplasts >>
叶绿体 >>

Use solar energy to synthesize carbohydrates through the process of photosynthesis >>
利用太阳能通过光合作用合成碳水化合物 >> 利用太阳能通过光合作用合成碳水化合物 >> 利用太阳能通过光合作用合成碳水化合物 >> 利用太阳能通过光合作用合成碳水化合物 >> 利用太阳能通过光合作用合成碳水化合物

Plants and algae >>
植物和藻类 >>

Three-membrane system >>
三膜系统 >>

Double membrane enclosing stroma >>
包裹基质的双层膜 >>

Thylakoids formed from third membrane >>
由第三层膜形成的葡萄孢 >>

Thylakoid membrane contains pigments that capture solar energy >>
类色素膜含有捕获太阳能的色素 >>

Chloroplasts have their own DNA and ribosomes >>
叶绿体有自己的 DNA 和核糖体 >>.

Figure 4.14a Chloroplast Structure >>
图 4.14a 叶绿体结构 >>


Figure 4.14b Electron Micrograph of a Chloroplast >>
图 4.14b 叶绿体电子显微图 >>


Energy-Related Organelles >>
与能量有关的细胞器 >>

Mitochondria >>
线粒体 >>

Found in BOTH plants and animals >>
存在于动植物体内 >>

Usually only visible under an electron microscope >>
通常只能在电子显微镜下看到 >>

Bounded by double membrane >>
以双层膜为界 >>

Break down carbohydrates to produce adenosine triphosphate (ATP) >>
分解碳水化合物以产生三磷酸腺苷 (ATP) >>

Cellular respiration—needs oxygen, produces carbon dioxide >>
细胞呼吸--需要氧气,产生二氧化碳 >>

Inner membrane folds called cristae >>
被称为嵴的内膜褶皱 >>

Increase surface area >>
增加表面积 >>

Inner membrane encloses matrix >>
内膜包裹基质 >>

Mixture of enzymes assisting in carbohydrate breakdown >>
协助碳水化合物分解的混合酶 >>

Reactions permit ATP synthesis >>
反应允许 ATP 合成 >>

Matrix also contains its own DNA and ribosomes >>
基质还含有自己的 DNA 和核糖体 >> 。

Figure 4.15 Mitochondrion Structure >>
图 4.15 线粒体结构 >>


The Cytoskeleton and Motor Proteins, 1 >>
细胞骨架和运动蛋白,1 >>

The cytoskeleton and motor proteins >>
细胞骨架和运动蛋白 >>

Cytoskeleton—network of interconnected protein filaments and tubules >>
细胞骨架--由相互连接的蛋白质丝和小管组成的网络 >>

Extends from the nucleus to the plasma membrane >>
从细胞核延伸到质膜 >>

Only in eukaryotes >>
仅在真核生物中 >>

Maintains cell shape >>
保持细胞形状 >>

Motor proteins—allow cell and organelles to move >>
运动蛋白--让细胞和细胞器运动起来 >>

Myosin, kinesin, and dynein >>
肌球蛋白、驱动蛋白和动力蛋白 >>

The Cytoskeleton and Motor Proteins, 2 >>
细胞骨架和运动蛋白,2 >>

Motor proteins >>
运动蛋白质 >>

Instrumental in allowing cellular movements >>
有助于细胞运动 >>

Myosin >>
肌球蛋白 >>

Interacts with actin >>
与肌动蛋白相互作用 >>

Cells move in amoeboid fashion >>
细胞以变形方式运动 >>

Muscle contraction >>
肌肉收缩 >>

Kinesin and dynein >>
驱动蛋白和动力蛋白 >>

Move along microtubules >>
沿着微管移动 >>

Transport vesicles from Golgi apparatus to final destination >>
将囊泡从高尔基体运送到最终目的地 >>

Figure 4.16b Motor Proteins >>
图 4.16b 运动蛋白 >>


The Cytoskeleton and Motor Proteins – Microtubules and Intermediate Filaments >>
细胞骨架和运动蛋白--微管和中间丝 >>

Microtubules >>
微管 >>

Small, hollow cylinders >>
小型空心圆柱体 >>

Assembly controlled by centrosome >>
由中心体控制的组装 >>

Help maintain cell shape and act as track for organelles and other materials to move >>
帮助维持细胞形状,并作为细胞器和其他物质移动的轨道 >>

Intermediate filaments >>
中间丝 >>

Intermediate in size >>
中等大小 >>

Ropelike assembly >>
绳索式装配 >>

Run from nuclear envelope to plasma membrane >>
从核包膜运行到质膜 >>

Figure 4.17 Microtubules >>
图 4.17 微管 >>


Figure 4.18 Actin Filaments >>
图 4.18 肌动蛋白丝 >>


Actin filaments >>
肌动蛋白丝 >>

2 chains of monomers twisted in a helix >>
2 条单体链扭曲成螺旋状 >>

Forms a dense web to support the cell >>
形成致密的网状结构,支撑细胞 >>

The Cytoskeleton and Motor Proteins – Centrioles >>
细胞骨架和运动蛋白 - 中心粒 >>

Made of 9 sets of microtubule triplets >>
由 9 组微管三联体组成 >>

Two centrioles lie at right angles >>
两个中心粒成直角 >>

In animal cells; not present in plant cells >>
动物细胞中;植物细胞中不存在 >>

Figure 4.19 Centrioles >>
图 4.19 中心粒 >>


Cilia and Flagella >>
纤毛和鞭毛 >>

Eukaryotes >>
真核生物 >>

For movement of the cell or fluids past the cell >>
用于细胞或流体经过细胞的运动 >>

Similar construction in both >>
两个 >> 中的结构相似

9+2 pattern of microtubules >>
微管的 9+2 模式 >>

Cilia shorter and more numerous than flagella >>
纤毛比鞭毛短且多 >>

Figure 4.20 Cilia and Flagella >>
图 4.20 纤毛和鞭毛 >>


4.5 Outside the Eukaryotic Cell >>
4.5 真核细胞之外 >>


4.5 Outside the Eukaryotic Cell >>
4.5 真核细胞之外 >>

Plant cell walls >>
植物细胞壁 >>

Primary cell walls >>
原生细胞壁 >>

Cellulose fibrils and noncellulose substances >>
纤维素纤维和非纤维素物质 >>

Wall stretches when cell is growing >>
细胞生长时壁会拉伸 >> 细胞生长时壁会拉伸

Secondary cell walls (some plant cells) >>
次生细胞壁(某些植物细胞) >>

Forms inside primary cell wall >>
在主细胞壁内形成 >>

Woody plants >>
木本植物 >>

Lignin adds strength >>
木质素增加强度 >>

Plasmodesmata >>
质膜 >>

Plant cells connected by numerous channels that pass through cell walls >>
植物细胞由许多穿过细胞壁的通道连接 >>

For exchange of water and small solutes between cells >>
用于细胞间的水和小溶质交换 >>

Figure 4.21 Animal Cell Extracellular Matrix >>
图 4.21 动物细胞细胞外基质 >>


Exterior Cell Surfaces in Animals >>
动物的细胞外表面 >>

No cell wall >>
无细胞壁 >>

Extracellular matrix (ECM) >>
细胞外基质(ECM) >>

Meshwork of fibrous proteins and polysaccharides >>
纤维蛋白和多糖的网状结构 >>

Collagen and elastin—well-known proteins >>
胶原蛋白和弹性蛋白--众所周知的蛋白质 >>

Matrix varies—flexible in cartilage, hard in bone >>
基质不同--软骨有弹性,骨骼坚硬 >>

Figure 4.22 Junctions Between Cells of the Intestinal Wall >>
图 4.22 肠壁细胞之间的连接 >>


Adhesion Junctions >>
粘合连接 >>

Adhesion junctions >>
粘合连接 >>

Junctions between cells >>
细胞之间的连接 >>

Internal cytoplasmic plaques joined by intercellular filaments >>
由细胞间丝连接的内部细胞质斑块 >>

Sturdy but flexible sheet of cells >>
坚固而灵活的电池板 >>


Tight Junctions >>
紧密连接 >>

Junctions between cells >>
细胞之间的连接 >>

Tight junctions >>
紧密连接 >>

Impermeable barrier >>
防渗屏障 >>

Adjacent plasma membraned joined >>
相邻质膜连接 >>


Gap Junctions >>
间隙连接 >>

Junctions between cells >>
细胞之间的连接 >>

Gap junctions >>
间隙连接 >>

Allow communication between two cells >>
允许两个单元之间进行通信 >>

Adjacent plasma membrane channels joined >>
相邻的质膜通道连接 >>
