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Developing a Song’s Message When the Lyrics are Complex

If you look at a lyric from a typical pop song, you’re not usually looking at something that’s deep or complex. Usually that’s by design: the purpose of most pop songs is to create emotions within the listener, and it’s hard to create emotions when the words and their contextual meanings are intricate or convoluted. Words that often appear in casual conversation are the most common ones to use in song lyrics.

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But there are exceptions. There are songs that have been chart toppers where the meaning of the lyric is elusive. Sometimes it’s a case that the lyrics, line by line, are making perfect sense, but what’s actually being talked about is less Led Zeppelin- Stairway to Heavenobvious when you put it all together, as in the lyric to Led Zeppelin’s “Stairway to Heaven” (1971):
但也有例外。有些歌曲一直是排行榜上的佼佼者,歌詞的含義難以捉摸。有時候,歌詞一行一句地說得很有道理,但Led Zeppelin- Stairway to Heaven當你把它們放在一起時,真正談論的內容就不那麼明顯了,就像齊柏林飛艇的“通往天堂的階梯”(1971)的歌詞一樣:

There’s a lady who’s sure all that glitters is gold
And she’s buying a stairway to Heaven
When she gets there she knows, if the stores are all closed
With a word she can get what she came for
Ooh, ooh, and she’s buying a stairway to Heaven

Peter GabrielOr Peter Gabriel’s “Solsbury Hill” (1977):
或者彼得·加布里埃爾(Peter Gabriel)的《索爾斯伯里山》(Solsbury Hill,1977):

To keep in silence I resigned

My friends would think I was a nut

Turning water into wine

Open doors would soon be shut

So I went from day to day

Though my life was in a rut

‘Til I thought of what I’ll say

Which connection I should cut

John LennonSometimes, as in the case of several John Lennon songs, the lyric might be purposely abstract, simply to throw a wrench into the brains of listeners prone to over-analysis, as in “Come Together”:
有時,就像約翰·列儂(John Lennon)的幾首歌一樣,歌詞可能故意抽象,只是為了向容易過度分析的聽眾的大腦猛地插上一把扳手,就像“Come Together”一樣:

He wear no shoe shine
He got toe jam football
He got monkey finger
He shoot Coca-Cola
He say I know you, you know me
One thing I can tell you is you got to be free

In a weird sort of way, the songs where the meaning is not immediately apparent can often still work, and can even, in combination with the melodies, chords and performance style, create an emotional reaction in the minds of the listeners.

How can a complex lyric do that, if the overall meaning isn’t obvious?

The Power of a Single Line

If you take a song that seems lyrically dense, but then simply go line by line, your brain becomes more likely to create significance to the lines that, on their own, seem quite clear. So in “Come Together”, when Lennon sings “One thing I can tell you is you got to be free“, we find ourselves nodding vigorously and agreeing.
如果你拿一首看起來很抒情密集的歌曲,但只是一行一行地播放,你的大腦就更有可能為這些本身看起來很清楚的臺詞創造意義。 因此,在《Come Together》中,當列儂唱到“我可以告訴你的一件事是你必須是自由的”時,我們發現自己用力點頭並表示同意。

And not only agreeing, but valuing the meaning of that line all the more, simply because we understand it: it’s a moment of powerful clarity in an otherwise jumbled up collection of words and lines.

I love complex lyrics — the ones where I can tell there’s something there that I’m not seeing right away, but I know it’s there. It makes me want to go back and listen again, and hopefully to eventually come up with a theory of what the songwriter had in mind.

And I may be wrong when I finally decide the meaning, but for me, the fact that I could be wrong doesn’t necessarily diminish my interest in the song. And most good songwriters accept that different people will derive different meaning from lyrics, and they’re usually fine with that.

So this is not a plea from me to encourage you to write complex lyrics that, taken together, form nothing more than garbage, with a few lines that make sense. I’m suggesting though that if you like writing lyrics that are complex, realize that your audience will start to focus on single lines if the entire lyric is beyond them.

Once you’ve written a lyric where you realize that the fuller more comprehensive meaning may be elusive, read back through your lyric and see what you think listeners might choose to focus on as single lines. Do those lines have the potential to create emotions in your listeners. I find myself wondering if “Come Together”, without those moments of clarity (even just that simple line, “Come together”) would have succeeded?

Gary EwerWritten by Gary Ewer. Follow Gary on Twitter.
加里·尤爾(Gary Ewer)撰寫。在 Twitter 上關注 Gary。

Essential Secrets of Songwriting 9-Lesson CourseYes, songwriting CAN be practiced. The 9-Lesson Course, developed by Gary Ewer, will get you practicing your songwriting skills daily, and make you a better and more consistently excellent songwriter. Get the course separately, or as part of “The Essential Secrets of Songwriting” 10-eBook Bundle.
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