Where in the house can you typically find the following gadgets and appliances? 您通常能在家里的什么地方找到以下小工具和电器?
a blender
a dishwasher
a DVD player
a flat screen TV 平板电视
a freezer
a hi-fi system 音响系统
a hoover
an iron
an oven
a toaster
In the kitchen: 厨房里
In the storeroom: 在储藏室
In the living room: 在客厅
In pairs or groups, rank the above gadgets/appliances in order of necessity, from 1 (most important) to 10 (least important). Justify your reasons to each other. 以两人或小组为单位,将上述小工具/电器按必要性排序,从 1(最重要)到 10(最不重要)。相互说明理由。
2 UK/US English 2 英国/美国英语
Match the following British English words to their equivalent US names for appliances. 将下列英式英语单词与相应的美式电器名称对应起来。
British English 英国英语
a hoover 吸尘器
a torch 火炬
a tumble dryer 烘干机
a mobile 移动式
an aerial 空中
American English 美式英语
a. a cellphone a. 手机
b. a clothes dryer b. 烘干机
c. a flashlight C. 手电筒
d. an antenna d. 天线
e. a vacuum cleaner e. 吸尘器
Work in pairs. Tell your partner which of the gadgets/appliances you use often, sometimes, rarely and never. Use the British English names first, then repeat with American English. 两人一组。告诉同伴你经常、有时、很少和从不使用哪些小工具/电器。先使用英式英语名称,然后用美式英语重复。
3 What's it for? 3 用来做什么?
Match the appliances to their function. 将电器与其功能相匹配。
Gadget/appliance 小工具/用具
a lawnmower 割草机
a radiator 散热器
a remote control 遥控器
a refrigerator 电冰箱
a kettle 烧水壶
an MP3 player 一个 MP3 播放器
It's used for ... 它用于 ...
a. boiling water a. 沸水
b. changing the TV channel b. 改变电视频道
c. cutting grass c. 割草
d. keeping food cool and fresh d. 保持食物凉爽和新鲜
e. listening to downloaded music e. 听下载的音乐
f. warming up the room f. 暖房
Work in pairs. Take turns to choose a gadget or appliance from the previous page. Describe its function to your partner without saying its name. Your partner should try to give the correct word for the gadget/appliance. Example: 两人一组。轮流从上一页中选择一个小工具或电器。向你的伙伴描述它的功能,但不要说出它的名字。你的伙伴应尽量给出该小工具/设备的正确单词。举例说明:
Student A: It's used for washing dishes / You use it to wash dishes. / It's an appliance that washes dishes. Student B: A dishwasher. 学生甲:它用来洗碗/你用它来洗碗。/ 这是一种洗碗的器具。学生乙:洗碗机。
4 Guess the object 4 猜物体
Complete the questions below with the following verbs in their correct form, active or passive. 用下列动词的正确形式(主动或被动)完成下面的问题。
charge up
plug in
power up
use up
Can it by remote control? 它能通过遥控器 吗?
it by electricity or gas? 用电还是用气?
Does it on batteries or do you need to it 是使用电池还是需要 ?
How long does it take to the battery? 电池需要多长时间?
If you it, will it keep working? 如果 ,它还能继续工作吗?
Does it a lot of energy? 能源多吗?
How long does it take to after you switch it on? 打开 需要多长时间?
Can you it on standby or do you need to switch it off after using it? 您可以在待机状态下 ,还是需要在使用后将其关闭?
Can you it to work automatically at different times of the day? 您可以 ,让它在一天的不同时间自动工作吗?
Work in pairs. Student A, select a gadget/appliance from the list below, but don't tell your partner. Student B, ask Student A appropriate questions in order to guess the object that your partner has chosen. Change roles and repeat several times, selecting a different gadget/appliance each time. 两人一组。学生甲,从下面的列表中选择一个小工具/设备,但不要告诉你的同伴。学生乙,向学生甲提出适当的问题,以便猜出同伴选择的物品。变换角色,重复多次,每次选择不同的小工具/用具。
a boiler 锅炉
a laptop 笔记本电脑
a microwave oven 微波炉
an air conditioner 空调
an ebook reader 电子书阅读器
a smart phone 智能手机
a stove 灶
a torch 火炬
Talking point 谈话要点
Discuss any of the following questions: 讨论以下任何一个问题:
What gadgets and appliances do you use every day? For what purposes? 您每天使用哪些小工具和电器?用于什么目的?
Do you think our lives have been improved by new gadgets or we have been spoiled? 您认为是新玩意儿改善了我们的生活,还是我们被宠坏了?
"Technology makes our lives easier." How true is this statement? "科技让我们的生活更轻松"。这句话的真实性如何?