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Part I Listening Comprehemsion
第一部分 听力理解

Section A 部分 A

Directions: In this section, you will hear three news reports. At the end of each news report, you will hear two or three questions. Both the news report and the questions will be spoken only once. After you hear a question, you must choose the best answer from the four choices marked and .
方向:在本节中,您将听到三条新闻报道。在每条新闻报道的结尾,您将听到两到三个问题。新闻报道和问题都只会被朗读一次。听到问题后,您必须从标有 的四个选项中选择最佳答案。
Questions 1 and 2 are based on the news item you have just heard.
问题 1 和问题 2 是基于您刚刚听到的新闻项目。
1 A. Expand its distribution to other countries.
1. 将其分销扩展到其他国家。
B. Become a multi-media information platform.
B. 成为一个多媒体信息平台。
C. Develop its own multi-media products.
C. 开发自己的多媒体产品。
D. Promote communication between China and the world.

2 A. Its development path.
2 A. 它的发展路径。

B. Its development philosophy.
B. 其发展理念。

C. Its development opportunities.
C. 其发展机遇。

D. Its development achievements.
D. 其发展成就。
Questions 3 and 4 are based on the news item you have just heard.
问题 3 和问题 4 是基于您刚刚听到的新闻项目。

3 A. Japan. 3 A. 日本。
B. China. B. 中国。
C. The UnitedStates. C. 美国。
4 A. Learn how to use electronic devices.
4 A. 学习如何使用电子设备。
B. Interact actively with children on new media.
B. 积极与孩子们在新媒体上互动。
C. Travel to other countries to get more experiences.
C. 前往其他国家获取更多经验。
D Give top priority to face-to-face communication with children.
D 优先考虑与孩子面对面沟通。
Questions 5 to are based on the news item you have just heard.
问题 5 到 是基于您刚刚听到的新闻项目。

5 A. Parents. 5 A. 父母。
B. Teachers. B. 教师。
C. Administrators. C. 管理员。
D. Young students. D. 年轻学生。
6 A. 6.5 percent.
6 A. 6.5%。

B. 22.5 percent. B. 22.5%。
C. 11.1 percent. C. 11.1%。
D. 15.4 percent. D. 15.4%。
7 A stressful. 7 一个有压力的。
B. Sorrowful. B. 悲伤。
C. Depressed. C. 沮丧。
D. Concerned. D. 关注。

Section B 部分 B

Directions: In this section, you will hear two long conversations. At the end of each conversation, you will hear four questions. Both the conversation and the questions will be spoken only once. After you hear a question, you must choose the best answer from the four choices marked A, B, C and D.
方向:在本部分,您将听到两段长对话。每段对话结束后,您将听到四个问题。对话和问题都只会被朗读一次。听到问题后,您必须从标记为 A、B、C 和 D 的四个选项中选择最佳答案。
Questions 8 to 11 are based on the conversation you have just heard.
问题 8 到 11 是基于您刚刚听到的对话。
8 A. Her aunt will move to a new flat. B. She wants to live in a bigger room.
8 A. 她的阿姨将搬到一个新的公寓。B. 她想住在一个更大的房间。
C. She is unwilling to live with her aunt. D Her aunt needs the room for her cousin.
C. 她不愿意和她的姑姑住在一起。D 她的姑姑需要房间给她的表弟。
10 A. Overseas students.
10 A. 海外学生。
B. A woman living alone.
B. 一个独居的女人。
C. Old couples living with grandchildren.
C. 与孙子孙女同住的老夫妇。
D. Young people working for companies.
D. 为公司工作的年轻人。

11 A. .
B. . B. .
C. 8320 . C. 8320.
D. . D. .
Questions 12 to 15 are based on the conversation you have just heard.
问题 12 到 15 是基于您刚刚听到的对话。
12 A. Ways for parents to become wise.
12 个家长变得聪明的方法。
B. Fierce competition among young people.
B. 年轻人之间的激烈竞争。
C. Older people's misunderstanding of young people.
C. 老年人对年轻人的误解。
D. Relationship between the speakers and their parents.
D. 演讲者与他们的父母之间的关系。
13 A. They often interfere with her plans.
B. They always force her to do something.
C. They allowed her to have her career.
C. 他们允许她继续她的事业。
D. They provided enough money for her studies as a nurse.
15 A. They are unwilling to understand their children.
B. They give their children too much freedom.
C. They persuade their children to study abroad.
D. They encourage their children to be financially independent.

Section C C 部分

Directions: In this section, you will hear three passages. At the end of each passage, you will hear three or four questions. Both the passage and the questions will be spoken only once. After you hear a question, you must choose the best answer from the four choices marked A, B, C and D.
方向:在这一部分,您将听到三个段落。在每个段落结束时,您将听到三到四个问题。段落和问题都只会被朗读一次。听到问题后,您必须从标记为 A、B、C 和 D 的四个选项中选择最佳答案。
Questions 16 to 18 are based on the passage you have just heard.
问题 16 到 18 是基于您刚刚听到的段落。
16 A. Their different opinions on happiness.
16 A. 他们对幸福的不同看法。
B. Their different expectations for their children.
B. 他们对子女的不同期望。
C Their different ways of showing love for their children.
C 他们展示对子女爱的不同方式。
D. Their different attitudes toward family rules for their children.
D. 他们对子女家规的不同态度。
17 A. Give up anything for their children.
17 A. 为了他们的孩子放弃任何东西。
B. Provide ready solutions to their children.
B. 为他们的孩子提供现成的解决方案。
C. Share their children's interests and respect them.
C. 分享他们孩子的兴趣并尊重他们。
D. Ask their children to act upon their instructions.
D. 要求他们的孩子按照他们的指示行事。
18 A. A free and friendly environment at home.
18 A. 家庭中自由友好的环境。
B. The educational background of parents.
B. 父母的教育背景。
C. Deep and selfless love from parents.
C. 父母深沉无私的爱。
D. Parents' constant concern about their children's academic results.
D. 父母对子女学业成绩的持续关注。
Questions 19 to 21 are based on the passage you have just heard.
问题 19 到 21 是基于您刚刚听到的段落。

19 A. To know them better.
19 A. 更好地了解他们。

B. To enjoy dinner together.
B. 一起享用晚餐。

C. To show their generosity.
C. 展示他们的慷慨。

D. To create a more relaxed atmosphere.
D. 创造更加轻松的氛围。
20 A. Dangerous. B.Perfect. C.Romantic. D. Wasteful:
20 A. 危险。 B.完美。 C.浪漫。D.浪费:
21 A. Places far away from the office.
21 A. 离办公室很远的地方。
B. Places convenient for both parties.
B. 双方方便的地方。
C Places where she's most likely to be seen by colleagues.
D. Places within walking distance of the client.
D. 客户步行范围内的地点。
Questions to are based on the passage you have just heard.
问题 是基于您刚刚听到的文章。
22 A. They live in a rather unreal atmosphere.
B. They feel it hard to get along well with other children.
C. They are too young to go to grand parties.
D. They have to help relieve family burdens.
D. 他们必须帮助减轻家庭负担。
23 A. He learns the value of everything.
23 岁。他学会了一切事物的价值。
B. He drives his own expensive car.
B. 他开着自己昂贵的车。
C. He earns more than his father.
C. 他比他父亲赚得更多。
D. He has money to do whatever he wants.
24 A. To do all the housework for Amanda.
24 A. 为阿曼达做所有家务。

B To buy care and attention for Amanda.

C. To make Amanda stronger physically.
C. 让阿曼达在身体上更强壮。

D. To help Amanda do homework more efficiently.
D. 帮助阿曼达更有效地做作业。
25 A. Worried. B.Optimistic. C. Neutral. D.Sympathetic.
25 A. 担忧。B.乐观。C.中立。D.同情。

Part II Vocabulary and Structure
第二部分 词汇和结构

Directions: There are ten incomplete sentences in this part. For each sentence there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the ONE that best completes the sentence.
方向:这部分有十个不完整的句子。每个句子有四个选项,标记为 A、B、C 和 D。选择最能完成句子的一个选项。
26 She is old enough to spend all her money on clothes.
26 岁的她已经够大了,可以把所有的钱都花在衣服上。

A. know better to
A. 更了解

B. know better not to
B. 最好不要知道

C. know better than not to
C. 比不知道更好

D. know better than to
D. 比知道更好
27 Doubts about its safety much importance is attached to the development and promotion of traditional Chinese medicine.
27 个关于其安全性的疑问 非常重视传统中医药的发展和推广。

A. fading to A. 褪色至
B. fading into B. 褪色为
C. fading away C. 褪色
D. fading down D. 褪色下
28 The royal scandal has media attention from the economic crisis.
28 皇室丑闻已经吸引了媒体对经济危机的关注。

A. attracted A. 吸引
B distracted B 分心
C. dismissed C. 解雇
D. distinguished D. 优秀
29 They are waiting to hear what the jury's verdict will be.

A. in suspense 悬念中
B. in surprise B. 惊讶
C. in sight C. 在视线内
D. in progress D. 进行中
30 It's just of lan to spend all that money on the equipment and then lose interest halfway through the course.
30 花费那么多钱购买设备,然后在课程进行到一半时失去兴趣,这只是浪费。

A. accountable A. 负责任
B. typical B. 典型
C. descriptive C. 描述性
D. dramatic D. 戏剧性
31 I'm sorry! That was a stupid thing to say - I don't know what me.
31 对不起!那是一个愚蠢的话 - 我不知道是什么 我。

A. went about A. 进行
B. came about B. 发生
C. went over C. 走了过去
D. came over D. 过来
32 How could you me by questioning my judgment in front of everyone like that?
32 你怎么能在大家面前质疑我的判断力呢?

A. frustrate A. 挫败
B. generate B. 生成
Q. humiliate Q. 羞辱
D. demonstrate D. 展示
33 Iorject to being told what to do by someone me.

A. junior to A. 初级到
B. senior to B. 高级到
C. junior than C.比初级更低
D. senior than D. 高级比
34 There is a very angry customer in the shop who wants to know who's ,
34 店里有一个非常生气的顾客想知道是谁,

A. out of control
A. 失控

B. on the scene
B. 现场

C. in charge C. 负责
D. on charge D. 负责
35 There were a couple of lectures that I thought were a bit dull but it was a really good week.
35 有几场讲座我觉得有点枯燥,但这是一个非常棒的一周。

A. overall 总体而言
B. overalls B. 工装裤
C. in all 在所有情况下
D. all together D. 全部一起

Part III Reading Comprehemsion

Section A 部分 A

Directions: In this section, there is a passage with ten blanks. You are required to select one word for each blank from a list of choices given in a word bank preceding the passage. Read the passage through carefully before making your choices. Each choice in the bank is identified by a letter. Please write the corresponding letter for each item in the blank. You may not use any of the words in the bank more than once.
A. preferences A. 偏好 B. crucial B. 关键 C. evenly C. 均匀 D. remote D. 远程
E. currently E. 目前 F. intelligence F. 情报 G. designed G. 设计 H. addressed H. 地址
I. rigid I. 刚性 J. involvement J. 参与 K. interference K. 干涉 L. beneficial L. 有益
M. required M. 需要 N. glorious N. 辉煌 O. open-mindedness O. 开放思想
Aside from the different ideas, practices, age, and behavior of different generations, technology became part of these differences. In today's time, most of our technologies are geared toward mobile devices, artificial 37 software, apps, and the Internet. These forms of technologies are new to some generations.
Looking at the statistics and different 38 it shows that technology can create a gap between generations. Older people prefer to use their mobile devices for calling and their desktops for social media, reading emails, and browsing through the news section. Meanwhile, the younger group uses this technology and other apps for work and leisure purposes. Furthermore, the younger age group is more open to learning new or the latest trends, which can also be 39 to the workplace.
查看统计数据和不同的 38 ,显示技术可以在不同年龄段之间产生差距。老年人更喜欢使用他们的移动设备打电话,使用他们的台式机进行社交媒体、阅读电子邮件和浏览新闻栏目。与此同时,年轻群体使用这种技术和其他应用程序进行工作和休闲目的。此外,年轻群体更愿意学习新的或最新的趋势,这也可以 39 到工作场所。
We have moved forward to more advanced practices in the workplace. Businesses, companies, and small or large enterprises all have adapted or are slowly adapting to the use of workplace technology. Cloud computing, data storage, communication

in real-time, management software, and more are a few of the technologies we are 40 using. For younger generations, these technologies are exciting, and they adapt to the use of them as they are open to learning new skills, new technologies, and practices. In addition, for younger generations, technology helps create 41 employment, which is suitable for their current lifestyle.
For older generations, technology sort of becomes a bit of trouble to them, as they are 42 to learn more and put more effort into learning a new skill. Sometimes, some older folks aren't open to these changes, which can cause them to either lose their job or be left behind. Moreover, it creates a distance between the younger and older generations, as young folks think that older generations are 43 , and most are not open to changes that could affect the workflow.
对于老一辈人来说,技术有点成为他们的麻烦,因为他们已经 42 年了,需要学习更多并付出更多努力来学习新技能。有时,一些老年人不愿接受这些变化,这可能导致他们失去工作或被抛在后面。此外,这也在年轻人和老一辈之间造成了距离,年轻人认为老一辈人保守,大多数人不愿接受可能影响工作流程的变化。
Despite all these misunderstandings created by technology, there is a way to bridge the gap between generations and create a safe and good working environment. If technology is the cause of this gap, it is also the solution to the problem. Technology is not only 44 for the younger generations. It is also created to bring ease and comfort to older generations. With the right tech, proper training, and 45 the so-called generation gap created by technology can be bridged.

Section B 部分 B

Directions: In this section, you are going to read a passage with ten statements attached to it. Each statement contains information given in one of the paragraphs. Identify the paragraph from which the information is derived. You may choose a paragraph more than once. Each paragraph is marked with a letter. Answer the questions by marking the corresponding letter in each blank.

China and the World Share the Global Generation Gap

A China's reform and opening-up over the past 40 years has been the focus of much media attention over the past years. The challenges that China has overcome in rising out of poverty to become a modern society and the second-largest economy in the world have been highlighted by both domestic and foreign media.
中国过去 40 年的改革开放一直是近年来媒体关注的焦点。中国克服贫困,成为现代社会和世界第二大经济体所面临的挑战,得到了国内外媒体的强调。
B The new challenges that China is facing have also been discussed. Among these, the widening income gaps in the country have been a focus of concern. This, however, is a global phenomenon as the widening of income gaps has created social complaints in both Europe and the United States.
C What observers are not noticing in China is the huge generation gap. Like the widening income gap, this is also a challenge shared in Europe and America. Are the policymakers in touch with youth? Is mainstream media in touch with youth? Probably not. Because they are no longer speaking the same language. Technology is widening the generation gap. It's creating a new language.
D Language today among young people is very different than the language used in my generation. Just as all languages evolve over time, the Chinese language over its thousands of years of history has evolved considerably. English has evolved, too. Most people say that they like Shakespeare, but they don't really understand Shakespeare. To read and understand Shakespeare, you almost have to have a translation of every single sentence, because the English language has changed so much over the centuries.
D 语言在当今年轻人中使用的方式与我这一代使用的语言非常不同。正如所有语言随着时间的推移而演变一样,中国语言在其数千年的历史中也发生了很大变化。英语也在演变。大多数人说他们喜欢莎士比亚,但他们并不真正理解莎士比亚。要阅读并理解莎士比亚,你几乎必须对每个句子进行翻译,因为英语在几个世纪以来发生了如此巨大的变化。
E Technology is just driving this change for language everywhere - in America, Europe, Asia - and likewise the Chinese language is changing as fast as any language anywhere. But is this new tech language in China all that different from the language of youth in America or Europe? No. We are living in a very competitive environment right now. Couples in many ways are thinking about their own livelihoods, about how to get by, and how to prosper.
E 技术正在推动语言变革的浪潮 - 在美国、欧洲、亚洲 - 同样,汉语正以任何其他语言一样的速度发生变化。但是,中国的新科技语言与美国或欧洲年轻人的语言有多大不同呢?没有。我们现在生活在一个非常竞争的环境中。许多夫妇在许多方面都在考虑自己的生计,如何生存下去,如何繁荣发展。
F In some cases, couples in China are not having children, but rather focusing on careers, travel and their own lifestyles. It's no different than Europe. It's a very similar trend. With that trend, we find that that's not something related to Chinese culture, but global economics and technology.
G Chinese in the past attached great importance to carrying on the family line, but some young couples are unwilling to have children. Is this a step forward or backward? I think this experience of China now, of couples not wanting to have children, is very similar to what's happening in Europe. Education is increasingly expensive. And of course, you want your children to have the best education. For many young couples, in China as in Europe and North America, the costs of raising kids are so high that they cannot afford them.
H Moreover, technology has created the "I" generation. Young people are more centered on their own lives, living for today and happy doing that. They are less concerned about the concept of family and leaving a future generation to follow. Many might ask, "Why should they care? Robots will replace people anyway."
I In short, due to technology and social media communications, young people in China today have more similarities with American and European youth than differences. It is the language and simplicity of communication through technology that makes the generation gap between today's global youth so distant from their parents.
J One perspective is that reform and opening up has brought Chinese young people a foundation to go beyond the material. Il's giving them the opportunity to be able to be a part of the rest of the world. It's giving them the opportunity in the next generation to even be the leaders in a very integraled, dynamic and cooperative planet.
K I believe at the core of Asian values is a belief in harmony and cooperation. Yin and yang, black and white, are not opposites. They are part of an integrated whole. Can China's youth share this ideal with the world? Can they create the apps and social media videos to do this? I think that young people from China, Southeast Asia and South Asia have harmony and balance at the core of their value systems. It's in their cultural DNA.
L Can we combine that philosophy with the technologies for the environment, communication, healthcare and new realms such as space travel? I think we could have a very different planet in the future. Having only one country as No. 1 is a view that is only going to drive us backward, not bring us forward on this planet. Therefore, it's really up to us to look to the younger generation both in China and in the rest of the world. That generation is totally integrated through modern communications across the planet. Hopefully they can look at the success of their parents, as well as the mistakes, and work together for a much better world. In them, I have hope.
46 The generation gap, which is now a global phenomenon, is a challenge shared in China, Europe, and America.
46 代沟,现在是一个全球现象,在中国、欧洲和美国都是一个共同面临的挑战。

47 Some young couples in China are unwilling to have children, owing to the high costs of raising kids.
47 中国一些年轻夫妇不愿意生育子女,因为抚养孩子的成本太高。

48 The simplicity of communication through technology widens the generation gap between young people and their parents.
49 The widening of income gaps is one of the new challenges that China is facing.
50 Young people from China, Southeast Asia and South Asia have harmony and balance at the core of their value systems.
50 名来自中国、东南亚和南亚的年轻人将和谐与平衡作为其价值体系的核心。

51 China has overcome the challenges in rising out of poverty to become a modern society and the second-largest economy in the world.
51 中国已经克服了摆脱贫困的挑战,成为一个现代社会和世界第二大经济体。

52 Most people don't really understand Shakespeare because the English language has changed so much over the centuries.

53 Having only one country as No. 1 is a view that is not going to bring us forward on this planet.
53 只把一个国家视为第一是一个不会让我们在这个星球上前进的观点。

54 Some couples in China are focusing on careers, travel and their own lifestyles, which is related to global economics and technology.
54 中国一些夫妇正在专注于事业、旅行和他们自己的生活方式,这与全球经济和技术有关。

55 The Chinese language over its thousands of years of history has evolved considerably.
55 中国语言在其数千年的历史中发生了相当大的变化。

Section C C 部分

Directions: There is one passage in this section. The passage is followed by some questions or unfinished statements. For each of them there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. You should decide on the best choice.
方向:本节中有一个段落。段落后面跟着一些问题或未完成的陈述。对于每一个问题,都有标记为 A、B、C 和 D 的四个选择。你应该决定最佳选择。
As one of "China's new four great inventions", China's high-speed rail eyes the world again with "Fuxing", the next-generation bullet train which boasts a top speed of and a consistent speed of , the fastest among the world's high-speed trains put into passenger service.
作为“中国新四大发明”之一,中国的高铁再次以“复兴号”瞄准世界,这是下一代子弹头列车,拥有 的最高时速和 的持续速度,是世界上投入客运服务的高铁列车中最快的。
This is not the first time that China's high-speed train has won applause, but it does reflect the great development of China over the past five years. Now China's highspeed train has not only become the first choice for traveling, but also opened a new era in the global high-speed rail market.
Over the past five years, China has built the world's largest high-speed rail network, including four rail lines north to south and four lines east to west. The network is spread over 22,000 kilometers, which is about 60 percent of the world's total.
在过去的五年里,中国建成了世界上最大的高铁网络,包括四条南北向铁路和四条东西向铁路。该网络覆盖了 2.2 万公里,约占世界总量的 60%。
China has mastered the key technologies of building high-speed trains. With completely independent intellectual property rights, China keeps breaking world records in the high-speed train construction history.
Fuxing, whose name means "rejuvenation", is totally designed and manufactured by Chinese engineers without any help from the West. It marks a great innovation, laying the foundation for exporting domestic high-speed trains and making it a new Chinese brand.
China's high-speed train is known not only for its amazing speed, but also for its comfort, convenience, safety, affordability and punctuality. The service on China's high-speed rail is still improving. The new bullet train plans to increase the height to make it more spacious, and the Wi-Fi network will cover the whole train. Its air conditioning system is designed to reduce the impact of the external pressure wave when the train is passing through tunnels, easing the discomfort of ears.
中国的高铁不仅以惊人的速度而闻名,还以舒适、便利、安全、价格实惠和准点著称。中国高铁的服务仍在不断改善。新的子弹头列车计划增加高度,使其更加宽敞,而 Wi-Fi 网络将覆盖整个列车。其空调系统设计旨在减少列车通过隧道时外部压力波的影响,缓解耳朵的不适。
Since China's high-speed rail has gained worldwide popularity, Chinese trainmakers have quickened the pace of "going out", exporting China's mature construction techniques. China helped Turkey, Indonesia and Russia to build its first high-speed rail.
China's high-speed rail also plays a significant role in promoting the Belt and Road Initiative. It will benefit countries along the Belt and Road, updating and improving the existing transportation system. As a competitive product, it provides a platform to promote global cooperation in production capacity, reconfirming China's position as the world's second-largest economy.
The rapid development of China's high-speed rail in the past five years marks China's increasing strength in technology and innovation. It has become a new symbol, showing China's great progress to the world.
56 The underlined word "consistent" in Paragraph 1 is closest in meaning to ". .
第 1 段中划线的词“consistent”最接近的意思是“一致的”。

A. habitual A. 习惯性
B. regular B. 定期
C. typical C. 典型
D. normal D. 正常
57 The completely independent intellectual property rights of China's high-speed train show that .
57 中国高速列车完全独立的知识产权表明
A. China's high-speed train has won applause
B. China opens a new era in the global high-speed rail market
B. 中国在全球高铁市场开启新时代
C. China's high-speed rail has gained worldwide popularity
D. China has grasped the key technologies of building high-speed trains
58 All of the following statements about China's high-speed train are true EXCEPT that .
58 以下关于中国高铁的陈述都是真实的,除了
A. China's high-speed train is known for its comfort, convenience, safety, affordability and punctuality
B China's high-speed train keeps breaking the world records for speed
C. China's high-speed train is the fastest among the world's high-speed trains put into passenger service
D. China's high-speed train will benefit countries along the Belt and Road
59 The rapid development of China's high-speed rail in the past five years indicates .
59 过去五年中国高铁的快速发展表明
A. China's significant role in updating the existing transportation system of the world
B. China's significant role in promoting the development of many countries
B. 中国在推动许多国家发展中的重要作用
C. China's increasing strength in technology and innovation
D. China's greatest contribution to the world
60 Which of the following statements can best summarize the main idea of the passage?
60 以下哪个陈述最能概括文章的主要观点?
A. China's high-speed train is known for its amazing speed.
B. China helped many countries to build their first high-speed rails.
C China's high-speed train wins applause from the world.
D. China's high-speed train is its greatest contribution to the world.

Section D 第 D 部分

Directions: There is one passage in this section. Read the passage and complete the sentences that follow. Choose NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS from the passage for each answer. Write your answers in the blanks.
Google China's former chief Kai-Fu Lee never imagined he would write a book about death. The book recalls Lee's battle with cancer over the past 17 months and his self-reflection on how to live a better balanced, and more meaningful life. "I am a workaholic, and I love my job," the 54 -year-old said at the book launch. "But faced with cancer, none of the thoughts flashing through my mind have to do with work. Death reminds me to live every day fully, rather than using them to chase fame and fortune."
谷歌中国前首席 Kai-Fu Lee 从未想过会写一本关于死亡的书。这本书回顾了李开复过去 17 个月与癌症的斗争,以及他对如何过上更平衡、更有意义的生活的自我反思。“我是一个工作狂,我热爱我的工作,”这位 54 岁的李开复在书发布会上说道。“但面对癌症,我脑海中闪过的所有想法都与工作无关。死亡提醒我要充分地活每一天,而不是用它们来追逐名利。”
Doctors discovered about 20 tumors when he underwent a medical examination at his wife's insistence. His career was just peaking then. Lee made Time magazine's annual list of the world's 100 most influential people in April 2013.
医生在他妻子的坚持下进行医学检查时发现了大约 20 个肿瘤。当时他的事业正处于巅峰时期。李在 2013 年 4 月入选《时代》杂志年度全球 100 位最具影响力人物名单。
He went to Microsoft in 1998 and moved to Beijing, where he helped establish Microsoft Research Asia, the company's fundamental research arm in the Asia-Pacific region. In 2005, Lee jumped to Google and became the founding president of the U.S. IT giant's China operation. His hiring made headlines because of Google's unexampled high offer and Microsoft's subsequent court action against him for breaking his noncompetition agreement,
1998 年,他加入微软,后来搬到北京,在那里帮助建立了微软亚洲研究院,该公司在亚太地区的基础研究部门。2005 年,李开复跳槽到谷歌,成为这家美国 IT 巨头在中国的创始总裁。他的雇佣成为头条新闻,因为谷歌提供了前所未有的高薪,并且微软随后对他提起诉讼,指控他违反了竞争禁止协议。
Lee left Google in 2009 and founded Chinese tech startup incubator (䑀化器) Innovation Works. He has since devoted himself to helping young Chinese entrepreneurs start businesses. And he had posted actively on China's main microblogging platform, Sina Weibo, until he was diagnosed with cancer in September 2013.
李开复于 2009 年离开谷歌,创立了中国科技初创企业孵化器创新工场。自那时起,他致力于帮助年轻的中国创业者创办企业。直到 2013 年 9 月被诊断患癌症前,他一直在中国主要的微博平台新浪微博上积极发帖。

Part ■ Listening Comprehension
第一部分 听力理解

Section A 部分 A

Directions: In this section, you will hear three news reports. At the end of each news report, you will hear two or three questlons. Buth the news report and the questions will be spoken only once. After you hear a question, you must choose the best answer from the four choices marked , C and D.
方向:在本部分,您将听到三条新闻报道。在每条新闻报道的末尾,您将听到两到三个问题。新闻报道和问题只会朗读一次。听到问题后,您必须从标记为 ,C 和 D 的四个选择中选择最佳答案。
Questions 1 and 2 are based on the news item you have just heard.
问题 1 和问题 2 是基于您刚刚听到的新闻项目。

1 A. They listen to music all the time.

B. They use smartphones frequently.
B. 他们经常使用智能手机。

C. They listen to unsafe levels of sound.
C. 他们听到了不安全的声音水平。

D. They build new relationships online.
D. 他们在网上建立新关系。
2 A. About 90 million.
关于 2 A. 大约 9000 万。
B. About 466 million.
大约 4.66 亿。
C. Over 900 million.
C. 超过 9 亿。
D. Nearly 1.1 billion.
D. 近 11 亿。
Questions 3 and 4 are based on the news item you have just heard.
问题 3 和问题 4 是基于您刚刚听到的新闻项目。

3 A In Canada.
3 A 在加拿大。

B. In Britain. B. 在英国。
C. In Columbia University.

D. In some American junior high schools.
4 A. They suffered more from memory loss.
4 A. 他们更多地遭受了记忆丧失的痛苦。
B. They felt more anxious and depressed.
C. They felt more confident when answering online questions.
D. They benefited more from watching online sports events daily.
Questions 5 to 7 are based on the news item you have just heard.
问题 5 到问题 7 是基于您刚刚听到的新闻项目。

5 A. A fashion designer.
5 A. 时尚设计师。

B. A businessman selling clothes.
B. 一个卖衣服的商人。

C. An organizer of public events.
C. 公共活动的组织者。

D. A member of a nonprofit organization.
6 A. To sell the clothes better.
6 A. 为了更好地销售衣服。
B. To make the clothes more fashionable.
B. 使衣服更时尚。
C. To provide convenience for various disabled people.
D. To earn more money to help those disabled children.
7 A. Their steps are too big to be steady.
7 A. 他们的步伐太大,无法稳定。
B Their choices of clothes are limited.
C. Their efforts are to change the fashion industry.
C. 他们的努力是为了改变时尚产业。
D. Their limitations prevent them from achieving great success.

Section B 部分 B

Directions: In this section, you will hear two long conversations. At the end of each conversation, you will hear four questions. Both the conversation and the questions will be spoken only once. After you bear a question, you must choose the best answer from the four choices marked A, B, C and D.
方向:在本部分,您将听到两段长对话。每段对话结束后,您将听到四个问题。对话和问题都只会被朗读一次。在听完问题后,您必须从标有 A、B、C 和 D 的四个选项中选择最佳答案。
Questions 8 to 11 are based on the conversation you have just heard.
问题 8 到 11 是基于您刚刚听到的对话。
8 A. He entered university there.
8 A. 他在那里上大学。
B He learned kickboxing there.
B 他在那里学习了踢拳。
C. He started learning karate there.
C. 他在那里开始学习空手道。
D. He frequently took part in kickboxing competitions there.

9 A. Light and easy training.
9 A. 轻松简单的训练。

B. Professional training.
B. 专业培训。

C. Amateur training. C. 业余培训。
D. Strict military training.
D. 严格的军事训练。
10 A. His friend.
10 A. 他的朋友。
B. His head coach.
B. 他的主教练。
C. The boxing referee.
C. 拳击裁判。
D. The opponent he would fight with next.
D. 他接下来要与之对抗的对手。
  1. . They also learn martial arts.
B. They may have severe brain damage.
B. 他们可能有严重的脑损伤。
C. They usually retire at an early age.
D. They appear older than people of their age.
Questions 12 to 15 are based on the conversation you have just heard.
问题 12 到 15 是基于您刚刚听到的对话。
12 A. The man's dream of opening a bakery.
12 A. 男人开面包店的梦想。
B. The man's daily visit to a bakery.
B. 男子每天去面包店拜访。
C. The man's previous job as a baker.
C. 男子之前的工作是面包师。
D. The man's past experience in making bread at home.
D. 男子在家里制作面包的过去经验。
13 A. Get up very early to work.
13 A. 非常早起床工作。
B. Work out ways to make bread more appetizing.
B. 制定方法使面包更加开胃。
C. Fix the oven before opening up the shop.
D. Design new types of bread customers come up with.
D. 设计顾客提出的新类型面包。
14 A. Being surrounded by the nice smell.
14 A. 被美妙的气味包围。
B. Being appreciated by the customers.
B. 受到客户的赞赏。
C. Selling out all the fresh bread every day.
D. Making all those fancy desserts.

15 A. The extremely low pay.
15 A. 薪酬极低。

B The working hours.

C. The hard work.
C. 辛勤的工作。

D. The heat while baking.
D. 烘烤时的热量。

Section C C 部分

Directions: In this section, you will hear three passages. At the end of each passage, you will hear three or four questions. Both the passage and the questions will be spoken only once. After you hear a question, you must choose the best answer from the four choices marked A, B, C and D.
方向:在这一部分,您将听到三个段落。在每个段落结束时,您将听到三到四个问题。段落和问题都只会被朗读一次。听到问题后,您必须从标记为 A、B、C 和 D 的四个选项中选择最佳答案。
Questions 16 to 18 are based on the passage you have just heard.
问题 16 到 18 是基于您刚刚听到的段落。

16 A. His open-mindedness.
16 A. 他的开明。

B. The wonderful world.
B. 美妙的世界。

C. His urge to compose all the works.
C. 他创作所有作品的冲动。

D. The treatments doctors gave him.
D. 医生给他的治疗。
17 A. He gave up his pursuit of art.
B. He became very hard to get along with.
C. He gradually lost the trust of his friends.
D. He was no longer willing to share his house with other people.
18 A He remained single all his life.
B. He had few friends in his life.
C. He never gave performances in public.
C. 他从不在公共场合表演。
D. He never revealed his deafness to anyone.
Questions 19 to 21 are based on the passage you have just heard.
问题 19 到 21 是基于您刚刚听到的段落。
19 A. His professional video-making ability.
19 A. 他的专业视频制作能力。
B. His unusual skills in controlling the ball.
B. 他在控制球方面的不同寻常技能。
C. His capability of publicizing himself online.
C. 他在网上宣传自己的能力。
D. His good sense of investment in basketball players.
D. 他对篮球运动员的投资眼光很好。
20 A. To pass the ball onto any of his teammates more effectively.
20 A. 更有效地将球传给任何队友。
B. To make sure of handling the ball all alone.
B. 确保独自处理球。
C To help him shoot the ball closer to the rim.
D. To prevent the opposing team from performing well.
D. 防止对方球队表现出色。
21 A. Through micro-blog.
21 A. 通过微博。
B. Via e-mail. B. 通过电子邮件。
C. Through WeChat. C. 通过微信。
D. By telephone. D. 通过电话。
Questions 22 to are based on the passage you have just heard.
问题 22 到 是基于您刚刚听到的文章。

22 A. A shipwreck.
22 A. 一次船难。

B. A plane crash.
B. 飞机失事。

C. A train accident.
C. 火车事故。

D. A car collision.
D. 一次车辆碰撞。
23 A. The challenge from his classmates. B. The scene he once saw on TV.
23 A. 他同学们的挑战。B. 他曾在电视上看到的场景。
C. The encouragement from his parents.
C. 他父母的鼓励。
D. The picture given by a disabled athlete.
D. 一位残疾运动员提供的图片。
24 A. He eventually achieved his goal of jumping 2 meters.
24 岁时,他最终实现了跳 2 米的目标。
B. He jumped 1.92 meters at two Paralympics in his life.
B. 他在他的两次残奥会比赛中跳高 1.92 米。
C. He broke the world record at the 2008 Atlanta Paralympics.
C. 他在 2008 年亚特兰大残奥会上打破了世界纪录。
D. He won the championship in the Paralympics several times.
25 A. One should be full of fantasies.
25 A. 一个人应该充满幻想。
B. Life has no limit.
B. 生命没有限制。
C. Championship must be defended.
C. 冠军必须被捍卫。
D. Disabled people should make efforts to become athletes.

Part II Vocabulary and Structure
第二部分 词汇和结构

Directions: There are some incomplete sentences in this part. For each sentence there are fow choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the ONE that best completes the sentence.
方向:这部分有一些不完整的句子。每个句子有四个选项,标记为 A、B、C 和 D。选择最能完成句子的一个选项。
26 Your performance was the of the show.
26 你的表现是整个节目的

A. highlight A. 突出
B. height B. 高度
C. element C. 元素
D. detail D. 详细
27 Sometimes a sudden shift in color can be used to potential predators or threaten intruders.

A. start A. 开始
B. startle B. 吓一跳
C. attract C. 吸引
D. decorate D. 装饰
28 An idea came to her she might do the experiment in another way.
28 她突然想到,她可以用另一种方式来做这个实验。

A. when A. 当
B. what B. 什么
C. that C. 那
D. which D. 哪一个
29 If the heavy rain had with an extremely high tide, it would have resulted in a serious flooding.

A. caused A. 导致
B. recurred B. 再次发生
C. coincided C. 巧合
D. confronted D. 面对
30 This classic advertisement attracted ice cream lovers who became regulars.
这则经典广告吸引了 位冰淇淋爱好者,他们成为了常客。

A. progressive A. 进步的
B. optimistic B. 乐观
C. impatient C. 不耐烦
J numerous
31 They their clients' medical injuries and treatment to defraud insurance companies.
31 他们利用客户的医疗伤害和治疗来欺骗保险公司。

A. understated A. 不夸张
B. inflated B. 夸大
C. monitored C. 监控
D. stretched D. 拉伸
32 Lesley has agreed to Jim to go skiing in years.
32 莱斯利已同意吉姆在 年去滑雪。

A. selective A. 选择性
B. optional B. 可选
C. alternate C. 替代
D. alternative D. 替代方案
33 I won't go into over the phone, but I've been having a few little problems with my health recently.
33 我不会在电话里详细讨论 ,但最近我的健康出了一些小问题。

A. detain A. 拘留
B. detect B. 检测
C. tension C. 紧张
D. detail D. 详细
34 In order to keep fit, I at a gym or swim twice a week.

A. work up A. 全力以赴
B. work on B. 工作。
C. work off C.工作完成
D. work out D. 解决
35 His her made him blind to everything else.
35 他的 使他对其他事物视而不见。

A. passion for A. 热情对待
B. passion about B. 热情关于
C. passion in C. 热情中
D. passion to D. 热情至极

Part III Reading Comprehension

Section A 部分 A

Directions: In this section, there is a passage with ten blanks. You are required to select one word for each blank from a list of choices given in a word bank preceding the passage. Read the passage through carefully before making your choices. Each choice in the bank is identified by a letter. Please write the corresponding letter for each item in the blank. You may not use any of the words in the bank more than once.

A. release A. 发布
B. tension B. 紧张
C. global C. 全球
D. adapt D. 适应
E. confronted E. 面对
F. positive F. 积极
G. reconstruction G. 重建
H. recognition H. 认可
I. patiently 我。耐心地
J. contributed J. 贡献
K. impact K. 影响
L. reward L. 奖励
M. existence M. 存在
N. firmly N. 坚定
O. progressive O. 进步
On August 6, 2019, record-breaking fires broke out in the Amazon rainforest, known as the "lungs of the Earth", triggering 36 concern. The fires are still burning today.
2019 年 8 月 6 日,亚马逊雨林爆发了创纪录的火灾,被称为“地球之肺”,引发了 36 个 的关注。这些火灾至今仍在燃烧。
"First, the fires 37 a large amount of carbon dioxide into the air. Second, mass deforestation reduces the forests' ability to absorb carbon dioxide," said Lin Yanluan, professor at Tsinghua University.

How to Overcome Obstacles

A Everyone encounters obstacles at some point in life, and while they can be frustrating, it's actually overcoming obstacles that makes achieving your goals and getting what you want so gratifying. How can you overcome obstacles instead of letting them discourage you or make you quit? It's all about taking a hard look at what's standing in your way and coming up with a plan to tackle it.
B Sit down and work out exactly what stands in the way of your goals. Get as specific as possible about what your goals are, and exactly why you are having trouble meeting them. You'll need plenty of self-awareness to chart out a course of action. Try not to mention your usual list of complaints, as this often falls apart into excuses. If you said "I don't have enough time", think about how you prioritize (优先考虑) your time and energy. If you said "I don't have enough money", this is also often about priorities. The more immediate obstacle might be a lack of motivation, or you might need to learn how to make money and save what you have.
C How long has the obstacle been in your path? What behaviors or negative thoughts keep the obstacle alive, or prevent you from working through it? Answering these questions may help you identify the changes you need to make. For example, if you've felt "stuck" ever since you moved to a new home, there could be something in your new environment or lifestyle that's affecting you.
C 障碍在你的道路上存在多久了?是什么行为或消极思维让障碍继续存在,或者阻止你克服它?回答这些问题可能会帮助你确定需要做出的改变。例如,如果自从搬到新家后你一直感到“卡壳”,可能是新环境或生活方式对你产生了影响。
D Take a minute to think about other obstacles you've encountered in your life. Whether or not your approach worked then, learn from your experience as you approach the next challenge.
E Some obstacles seem beyond your control, so discouraging that you have no idea how to get through them. This experience is often paired with fear or another strong emotional reaction. Take a deep breath, put pen to paper, and ask yourself what you can control. Can you control your attitude? Can you control how much effort you put in? Can you control your decision when an opportunity is offered to you? Can you control your diet, exercise, and sleep schedule, which can improve your mood?
F Some of the most frustrating obstacles are the ones that involve other people. Emotions or gut reactions can cloud your judgment and make the obstacle seem more impossible than it is. Try to break the problem down and discover what actually stands in your way. Often, it takes both people to contribute to the obstacle. Listen to the other person's problems, or try to think of them from his perspective. Solve what the other person sees as an obstacle, and you may solve your own problems.
G No one can leap to the top of Mount Qomolangma in one step. Shrink that high mountain into a series of more manageable goals. Write a checklist, then ask yourself what obstacles prevent you from achieving the first box. For instance, if your goal is to become a doctor, one looming obstacle might be getting a college education. After breaking it down, your new first goal becomes filling out a college application form. Overcome your first obstacle by picking up a pen!
H Once youve listed your obstacles, take a moment to think of alternative paths to your goals. Is there any way to reach your goal while avoiding the obstacles entirely? These shortcuts don't happen often, but it's worth taking the time to brainstorm. Talk to someone who's already attained the goal you're aiming for. He may be familiar with routes you've never heard of.
1 Put your plan in writing, starting with what you'll do today and ending with achieving your goal. Now recognize that your plan will change. This is just the first stage, which will set your feet on the road. As you learn, grow, and encounter new obstacles, adapt your plan to find the best path forward at each moment.
J Find people with similar goals, or encouraging friends. Make yourself accountable by sharing your goals and milestones. Seek advice from people with more experience than you, who may have overcome the exact same obstacles. There are thousands of people who share your career, hobby, bad habit, or relationship struggle. Look for local organizations and online forums where you can talk about your experiences and trade advice.
K Even if they aren't the obstacles you are trying to avoid, bad habits can set anyone back. Treat these as a whole new obstacle, overcoming the habit with goals and milestones just like any other.

46 Thinking about your history with this obstacle may help you get to know what changes you should make.
46 考虑你与这个障碍的历史可能有助于你了解应该做出哪些改变。

47 Breaking your goals into smaller chunks is a good way to set about overcoming obstacles.

48 After figuring out what's holding you back, you need to know yourself well enough to plan what should be done.
48 在弄清楚是什么在阻碍你之后,你需要充分了解自己,以便计划应该做什么。

49 It is worthwhile to consider creative solutions.
49 值得考虑创造性的解决方案。

50 You can learn from your experience by thinking about your previous obstacles.
50 通过思考你以前的障碍,你可以从经验中学习。
51 Analyzing interpersonal issues and standing in others' shoes can help you solve problems.
51 分析人际问题并站在他人的角度上可以帮助您解决问题。
52 You need to determine what you can control before getting through obstacles.
52 在克服障碍之前,您需要确定自己能够控制什么。
53 Bad habits should be treated as obstacles that need to be overcome.
53 个坏习惯应被视为需要克服的障碍。
.. 54 You can seek advice and support from people with more experience.

55 Your plan needs to be adaptable.
55 你的计划需要具有适应性。

Section C C 部分

Directions: There is one passage in this section. The passage is followed by some questions or unfinished statements. For each of them there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. You should decide on the best choice.
方向:本节中有一个段落。段落后面跟着一些问题或未完成的陈述。对于每一个问题,都有标记为 A、B、C 和 D 的四个选择。你应该决定最佳选择。
Each individual has a form of learning that suits them best. Some individuals achieve fantastic results in courses taught online. However, most people drop out of computer-led online courses.
Online education is becoming a popular and cheap means for delivering teaching to individuals outside the classroom. However, different methods of online education each have their own advantages and disadvantages.
Online education is still a relatively new concept, and in many respects still in the teething stages. As such, various problems arrive across different online education environments. First, the lack of immediate feedback: While some online education environments such as webcasts and virtual classrooms operate live with the addition of an instructor, most do not. Teaching that is delivered through a CD or website, although having the advantage of being self-paced, provides no immediate feedback from a live instructor. Second, more preparation required on the part of the instructor: In an online education environment, an instructor can not simply stand in front of a whiteboard and deliver a class. Lessons in online education environments must be prepared ahead of time, along with any notes and instructions that may accompany the teaching. Third, increased potential for frustration and confusion: In an online education environment, there are a greater number of parts making up the system that can fail. Software based teaching applications may require other specific components to operate. Computer viruses may infect software necessary to run online education environments. If these systems are complex, students may choose the ease of on-campus education.
在线教育仍然是一个相对较新的概念,在许多方面仍处于起步阶段。因此,在不同的在线教育环境中出现了各种问题。首先,缺乏即时反馈:虽然一些在线教育环境(如网络直播和虚拟教室)在添加教师的情况下实时运行,但大多数并非如此。通过光盘或网站传递的教学虽然具有自主学习的优势,但却无法获得来自现场教师的即时反馈。其次,教师需要更多的准备工作:在在线教育环境中,教师不能简单地站在白板前授课。在线教育环境中的课程必须提前准备好,包括可能陪伴教学的任何笔记和说明。第三,增加了挫折和困惑的可能性:在在线教育环境中,构成系统的部分更多,可能会出现故障。基于软件的教学应用程序可能需要其他特定组件才能运行。计算机病毒可能会感染运行在线教育环境所需的软件。 如果这些系统很复杂,学生可能会选择校园教育的便利。
Still the most common form of instruction is traditional classroom-style learning. These instructor-led environments are more personal than online education environments, and also have the advantage of allowing for immediate feedback both to

and from students and teachers. However, the classroom allows for less flexibility than courses run in online education environments.
Like online education environments, on-campus education comes with certain drawbacks, the most common of which is the classroom itself. This requires a group of people to gather in the same place at the same time. This requires enormous time,and financial commitment on behalf of the students and the educational institution.
On-campus education has one advantage that electronically delivered courses can not offer - social interaction. Learning comes from observing, not only what is written on a page or presented in a slideshow, but what is observed in others. Most students are naturally curious, and so will want to ask questions of their instructors. The classroom environment allows students to clarify what is being taught not only with their instructors, but with other students.
56 The underlined word "teething" in Paragraph 3 is closest in meaning to ". ".
第 3 段中划线的单词“teething”最接近的意思是“ ”。

A. primitive A. 原始
B. initial B. 初始
C. plain C. 平原
D. innovative D. 创新
57 All of the following details about online education are true EXCEPT that .
57 以下关于在线教育的所有细节都是真实的,除了

A. lessons in online education environments must be prepared ahead of time
B. online education is becoming a popular means of delivering teaching to individuals outside the classroom
B. 在线教育正成为向课堂外个人传授教育的流行方式
C. self paced online education suits all individuals
C. 自主 在线教育适合所有个人
D. online education cannot provide immediate feedback from a live instructor
D. 在线教育无法提供来自现场教师的即时反馈
58 In comparison with the instruction in online education environments, teaching in classroom environments is .
58 与在线教育环境中的教学相比,在课堂环境中的教学是

A. less personal A. 较少个人
B. less time-consuming B. 节省时间
C. less effective C. 不太有效
D. less flexible D. 不够灵活
59 On-campus education allows for which cannot be offered by online education.
校园教育允许 ,这是在线教育无法提供的。

A. social interaction A. 社交互动
B. self paced modules
B. 自主 自学模块

C. fantastic results C. 美妙的结果
D. more flexibility 更灵活
60 It can be inferred from the passage that .
60 可以从文章中推断出
A. online education will replace on-campus education
B. on-campus education has proved more effective
C. online education will never completely replace on-campus education
C. 网络教育永远不会完全取代校园教育
D. educational institutions can find a one-size-fits-all method of teaching