The Bidder should provide details on this Form Sheet of the financial and economic assumptions 投标人应在此表格上提供财务和经济假设的详细信息
used in the Bidder’ s Model to calculate LWC, debt service coverage ratios and Equity rates of return. Any variations or simplifications to information provided in Form Sheets F of this Part IV (Form Sheets) of the RFP should also be noted where relevant. This should include amongst other things: 在投标人模型中用于计算 LWC、偿债覆盖率和股本回报率。 RFP 第 IV 部分(表格)的表格 F 中提供的信息的任何变化或简化也应在相关时注明。其中应包括:
Annual growth rate of Consumer Price Index of the KSA 沙特阿拉伯消费者价格指数年增长率
Electricity Price 电价
Discount Rate for Levelized Cost computation 平准化成本计算的折扣率
Underlying floating rate or reference swap rate on which the rates quoted are based 报价所依据的基础浮动利率或参考掉期利率
For swaps in accordance with RFP Part I, Bidders should use an appropriate mid market interest rate end of day curve as at close of business [insert date] supplied by the supporting financing institution providing the hedging indications 对于根据 RFP 第 I 部分的掉期,投标人应使用由提供对冲指示的支持金融机构提供的截止营业时间[插入日期]的适当中间市场利率日终曲线
Attached to this Form Sheet should be a statement from the aforementioned financial institution providing:- 此表格应附有上述金融机构的声明,其中提供:-
End of Day Curve for [insert date] [插入日期]的日终曲线
Debt profile assumed 假设的债务状况
Roll over dates 滚动日期
Market spread and credit spread added to mid market fixed rate quoted above 市场利差和信用利差添加到上述中间市场固定利率中
Brief explanation and justification of the floating rates used 使用浮动利率的简要说明和理由
Summary of rates used as published on the Reuters or equivalent Bloomberg Screen for Summary of Rates used as published on the Reuters or equivalent Bloomberg Screen for British Bankers Association Settlement rates for 11.00 am on [insert date]. 路透社或同等彭博屏幕上公布的利率摘要 路透社或同等彭博屏幕上公布的英国银行家协会结算利率摘要 [插入日期] 上午 11 点。
Post Project COD cash reserve requirements: 项目后 COD 现金储备要求:
by type (debt service, maintenance and others) 按类型(还本付息、维护及其他)
timing 定时
amounts 金额
providers 提供者
Working capital requirements: 营运资金要求:
debtors and creditors days 债务人和债权人日
minimum cash reserves to be sustained at the Project Company 项目公司维持的最低现金储备
funding of working capital 营运资金筹措
Working Capital Facility (if any) costing assumptions 营运资金贷款(如有)成本假设
VAT: 增值税:
overview of the VAT recovery assumptions 增值税退税假设概览
identity of credit support or counter indemnity provider 信贷支持或反赔偿提供者的身份
- amount
- base interest rate
- margins
- maturity
- provider
- identity of credit support or counter indemnity provider| - | amount |
| :--- | :--- |
| - | base interest rate |
| - | margins |
| - | maturity |
| - | provider |
| - | identity of credit support or counter indemnity provider |
Tax/Accounting: 税务/会计:
accounting treatment 会计处理
explanation on tax depreciation methodology 税收折旧方法说明
explanation on book depreciation methodology 账面折旧方法说明
explanation on the computation of the Zakat Base 天课基础计算说明
explanation on the computation of the CIT Base 企业所得税基数计算说明
- accounting treatment
- explanation on tax depreciation methodology
- explanation on book depreciation methodology
- explanation on the computation of the Zakat Base
- explanation on the computation of the CIT Base| - | accounting treatment |
| :--- | :--- |
| - | explanation on tax depreciation methodology |
| - | explanation on book depreciation methodology |
| - | explanation on the computation of the Zakat Base |
| - | explanation on the computation of the CIT Base |
Depreciation: 折旧:
asset types 资产类型
period of depreciation per asset type 每种资产类型的折旧期
method of depreciation 折旧方法
quad\quad % of total capitalized per asset type quad\quad 每种资产类型占总资本的百分比