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Siegwerk strengthens its position as a manufacturer of coatings

By establishing a global business unit for recyclable coatings, Siegwerk is reinforcing its strategic focus on the development of functional coatings to support sustainable packaging innovations in the sense of a circular economy.

Siegwerk has announced the establishment of a new business unit focussing on sustainable packaging innovations. Source: Siegwerk

Siegwerk, one of the world’s leading suppliers of printing inks and coatings for packaging applications and labels, announced the establishment of a new business unit focusing on the development of functional coatings for the realisation of sustainable packaging innovations in line with a circular economy. The expansion of the organisational structure, which came into effect on 1 April 2024, not only underlines the company’s increasing strategic focus on functional coatings, but also strengthens its position as a pioneer for recyclable packaging solutions across all business units.

“In addition to our broad portfolio of renowned printing inks and coatings, we have long concentrated on developing functional coating technologies for different substrates, processes and performance requirements,” says Dr Nicolas Wiedmann, CEO at Siegwerk. Especially in light of the sustainability trend, functional coatings offer great potential for the future of packaging. By providing specific functional properties that are crucial for the performance and durability of packaging, they play a key role in the realisation of packaging solutions in the sense of a circular economy.
“除了我们广泛的知名印刷油墨和涂料产品组合外,我们长期致力于开发针对不同基材、工艺和性能要求的功能性涂料技术,”盛威科首席执行官 Nicolas Wiedmann 博士说道。特别是考虑到可持续发展趋势,功能性涂料为包装的未来提供了巨大的潜力。通过提供对包装性能和耐用性至关重要的特定功能特性,它们在实现循环经济意义上的包装解决方案中发挥着关键作用。

Development of innovative coating technology

“Functional coatings can, for example, help to reduce the complexity of packaging or add functional properties to renewable raw materials such as paper so that they can be used for a wider range of packaging applications,” adds Gilles Le Moigne, Head of the CE Coatings business unit. “For this reason, we are increasingly focusing on the development of innovative coating technologies that prioritise recyclability to enable the seamless return of packaging to the circular economy.” The newly established Coating Unit will serve as a cross-divisional competence centre for recyclable solutions and will complement Siegwerk’s conventional coating range for the various packaging applications with special functional coating technologies.
“例如,功能性涂料可以帮助降低包装的复杂性或为纸张等可再生原材料添加功能特性,以便它们可以用于更广泛的包装应用,”CE 负责人 Gilles Le Moigne 补充道涂料事业部。 “出于这个原因,我们越来越关注创新涂层技术的开发,优先考虑可回收性,以使包装无缝回归循环经济。”新成立的涂层部门将作为可回收解决方案的跨部门能力中心,并将通过特殊功能涂层技术补充盛威科针对各种包装应用的传统涂层系列。

The company has appointed Gilles Le Moigne, an experienced expert in packaging coatings, as head of the CE Coatings business unit, who will lead the establishment and development of the new department from April 2024. “I am very much looking forward to this new challenge,” explains Le Moigne. “Siegwerk is already well positioned in the coatings sector and I will be happy to contribute my experience to take the circular coatings business to the next level.” In addition to effective primer solutions for delamination and deinking, among other things, and decorative printing varnishes for exceptional visual or tactile effects, Siegwerk customers can now also choose from a wide range of functional coatings. From barrier coatings against liquids, oils and greases, water vapour, oxygen and UV light to heat-sealable coatings and protective coatings, e.g. for heat resistance, scratch resistance, slip resistance or antistatic properties, Siegwerk’s portfolio of functional coatings already includes several water- and solvent-based technologies for different applications, substrates, coating processes and performance requirements. All coatings are produced worldwide and are always tailored to individual customer needs, including specific regional regulations and local market requirements.
公司已任命经验丰富的包装涂料专家 Gilles Le Moigne 为 CE 涂料业务部门负责人,他将从 2024 年 4 月起领导新部门的建立和发展。 ”,勒莫瓦涅解释道。 “盛威科已经在涂料领域占据了有利的地位,我很乐意贡献我的经验,将圆形涂料业务提升到一个新的水平。”除了用于分层和脱墨等的有效底漆解决方案以及具有卓越视觉或触觉效果的装饰印刷清漆外,盛威科客户现在还可以从各种功能性涂料中进行选择。从针对液体、油和油脂、水蒸气、氧气和紫外线的阻隔涂层到可热封涂层和保护涂层,例如针对耐热性、耐刮擦性、防滑性或抗静电性,盛威科的功能性涂料产品组合已包括多种水基和溶剂型技术,适用于不同的应用、基材、涂层工艺和性能要求。所有涂料均在全球范围内生产,并始终根据个别客户的需求进行定制,包括特定的地区法规和当地市场要求。

Every European generates 180kg of packaging waste per year
每个欧洲人每年产生 180 公斤包装垃圾

Today, Siegwerk can already look back on several successful development projects with customers and industry partners that have resulted in advanced packaging solutions with improved performance and recyclability. Together with Henkel, for example, Siegwerk has developed an innovative oxygen barrier coating that enables mono-material packaging solutions with better recyclability and improved barrier properties. In another development project, Siegwerk and Packiro have jointly implemented a sustainable fibre-based packaging solution with high protective barrier properties and 100% recyclability. With the development of the new UniNATURE water-oil barrier coating, Siegwerk has also launched the first barrier solution with 100% natural ingredients that enables the recycling of disposable paper plates via the existing paper cycle – to name just a few of the many development examples. “In order to continue paving the way for the increasing recyclability of packaging, we will expand our scope of cooperation to the entire packaging ecosystem in future,” continues Gilles Le Moigne. “After all, the sustainability of packaging is a complex issue that makes cross-industry collaboration essential for progress.”
如今,盛威科已经与客户和行业合作伙伴一起实施了多个成功的开发项目,这些项目带来了性能和可回收性得到改善的先进包装解决方案。例如,盛威科与汉高合作开发了一种创新的氧气阻隔涂层,使单一材料包装解决方案具有更好的可回收性和更高的阻隔性能。在另一个开发项目中,盛威科和 Packiro 联合​​实施了一种可持续的纤维包装解决方案,具有高防护阻隔性能和 100% 可回收性。随着新型 UniNATURE 水油阻隔涂层的开发,盛威科还推出了首款采用 100% 天然成分的阻隔解决方案,可通过现有的造纸循环回收一次性纸盘 - 这只是众多开发示例中的几个。 Gilles Le Moigne 继续说道:“为了继续为提高包装的可回收性铺平道路,我们未来将把合作范围扩大到整个包装生态系统。” “毕竟,包装的可持续性是一个复杂的问题,跨行业合作对于进步至关重要。”

Rethinking packaging design has never been more important. According to the European Commission, each European generates on average almost 180kg of packaging waste per year, and if nothing changes, this amount will increase by a further 19% by 2030, with the increase in plastic packaging waste reaching as much as 46%. For this reason, the Commission has agreed on EU-wide regulations for packaging to stop this trend. The European Green Deal aims to reduce packaging waste through reuse and recycling and to make sustainable packaging the norm. Therefore, there is an urgent need to rethink today’s packaging and make it fit for all kinds of regulations and possible upcoming bans on certain material combinations. “Here, functional coatings can help to enable the switch from multi-material to mono-material packaging and expand the use of renewable packaging materials,” adds Dr Nicolas Wiedmann. “As an expert in packaging inks and coatings, we are very familiar with packaging design and the latest regulations, including food safety, packaging sustainability and recycling. We know what it takes to develop packaging structures for the circular economy that are compliant with all relevant regulations.”
重新思考包装设计从未如此重要。据欧盟委员会统计,每个欧洲人平均每年产生近180公斤的包装垃圾,如果不做任何改变,到2030年这一数量将进一步增加19%,其中塑料包装垃圾的增幅高达46%。因此,欧盟委员会已就欧盟范围内的包装法规达成一致,以阻止这一趋势。欧洲绿色协议旨在通过再利用和回收来减少包装废物,并使可持续包装成为常态。因此,迫切需要重新思考当今的包装,使其适应各种法规以及可能即将出台的对某些材料组合的禁令。 “在这里,功能性涂料可以帮助实现从多材料包装到单一材料包装的转变,并扩大可再生包装材料的使用,”Nicolas Wiedmann 博士补充道。 “作为包装油墨和涂料领域的专家,我们非常熟悉包装设计和最新法规,包括食品安全、包装可持续性和回收利用。我们知道如何开发符合所有相关法规的循环经济包装结构。”

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