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9.5. /DV.09/ Vibration test

Table 109: DV.09 System Parameters for Test
Identifier Description
State of charge 充电状态 Any
Test temperature 测试温度 Эtype
Battery operation modes 电池操作模式 standby, run 待机,运行
Cell voltage regulator off
DC link capacitance Do not use 不要使用
Cooling 冷却 off

Test Purpose 测试目的

This test simulates the vibration load of the component during vehicle operation. It is used to ensure the resistance of the component to electrical and mechanical fault patterns. This test includes a test bench test with mechanical stress on new parts. For this purpose, the battery is applied by means of a shaker test bench with a noise profile in the main excitation direction ( -axis vertically). In condensed form, this noise profile is intended to show the real use of the battery over a distance of max. of battery life.
该测试模拟车辆运行过程中零部件的振动负载。它用于确保零部件对电气和机械故障模式的抵抗力。该测试包括对新零件施加机械应力的试验台测试。为此,通过振动试验台施加电池,主要激励方向( 轴垂直)上的噪声轮廓。简而言之,这种噪声轮廓旨在展示电池在最大 电池寿命距离内的真实使用情况。
A resonant sweep is also performed before and after the noise profile in order to characterize the natural frequencies and to detect any changes in the natural frequencies caused by the noise profile.

Test equipment

This is based on the hardware requirements defined in Section 2.1.7 (incl. metrology). In addition, the following equipment is required:
这是基于第 2.1.7 节(包括计量)中定义的硬件要求。此外,还需要以下设备:
  • Supply LV circuit 供应 LV 电路
  • LV1: LV supply with constant voltage incl. sensors
    LV1:LV 供电,包括传感器的恒定电压
  • Supply HV circuit
  • by means of a breakout box (requirement level HV1) or HV source/sink (requirement level )
    通过一个分支盒(要求级别 HV1)或 HV 源/汇(要求级别
  • HV cable set
  • HV current/voltage measurement
    HV 电流/电压测量
  • Datalogger with min. 3-channel (Vehicle CAN, Measurement CAN, additional measurement signals)
    数据记录仪,最少 3 个通道(车辆 CAN、测量 CAN、额外测量信号)
  • When using the BoB, an additional channel must be provided for control.
    在使用 BoB 时,必须提供额外的通道用于控制。
  • Uniaxial shaker to perform the resonance sweep and noise profile
  • Device for mounting the HV battery on the test bench (hereinafter referred to as "clamping")
    在测试台上安装 HV 电池的装置(以下简称“夹紧”)
  • Ambient temperature sensor

Test Preparation

  • Fully assembled, fully functional battery
  • The battery must be attached to the shaker together with the clamping. It is important to ensure that the battery is mounted in the correct spatial direction. The center of gravity of the battery should be centered above the shaker.

Advice 建议

The vehicle interfaces (HV cable, LV cable) must be supported and fixed after a distance of from the battery interface (plug, connection, etc.) (requirement according to MBN 11215).
车辆接口(HV 电缆,LV 电缆)必须在距离电池接口(插头,连接等) 后得到支持和固定(根据 MBN 11215 的要求)。
  • The battery/clamping construct must be equipped with accelerometers as shown in Figure 22 in order to be able to use the shaker to regulate the excitation signal to the required accelerations. In addition, additional sensors are needed to monitor the resonator signal at other points of the battery. In summary, the following sensor positions are required:
    电池/夹持结构必须配备加速度计,如图 22 所示,以便能够使用振动器调节激励信号至所需的加速度。此外,还需要额外的传感器来监测电池其他点的谐振器信号。总之,需要以下传感器位置:
  • Position for detecting the excitation signals (ES-x)
  • Position for detecting the resonator signals (RS-x)
  • The condition of the battery must be documented photographically (housing & connections). Furthermore, the test setup must be documented photographically (battery clamped, attachment of sensors, correct cabling including locking of the plug contacts).
  • Ensure that the battery temperature at the start of the test is within the specified range of as set out in Table 57 and remains within the limits of during the test.
    确保测试开始时的电池温度在表 57 中规定的 范围内,并在测试过程中保持在 的限制范围内。
  • The battery's internal cooling circuit must not be used for thermal conditioning. Only ambient temperature control is permitted.
  • The battery is put into "standby" mode as described in section
    电池被放置在第 节中描述的“待机”模式中。
Sensors position
Figure 22: DV. 09 Sensor Positions Housing Face Top
Table 110: DV.09 Sensor Assignment
Sensor type Sensor type Description Designation
Acceleration 加速

control (excitation
Front left, housing (vehicle screw connection)
Front right, housing (vehicle screw connection)
Rear left, housing (vehicle screw connection)
Rear right, housing (vehicle screw connection)

(resonator signals)
Center front left RS-5
Center front RS-6
Center back left 中后卫左 RS-7
Center back 中后卫 RS-8

Notes on sensor application (control sensors)

The ES-1 to ES-4 control sensors are to be mounted on the side of the housing, as shown in Figure 22. It is recommended to use triaxial, capacitive accelerometers, where the control is carried out exclusively in the -direction. If there is a restriction due to the number of existing control and measurement channels due to the use of triaxial sensors, the attachment of adapter cubes in conjunction with uniaxial sensors at the respective positions is permitted.
ES-1 至 ES-4 控制传感器应安装在外壳的侧面,如图 22 所示。建议使用三轴电容加速度计,其中控制仅在 方向进行。如果由于使用三轴传感器导致现有控制和测量通道数量受限,允许在相应位置使用适配器立方体与单轴传感器结合。

Test execution 测试执行

(The "Bookmark_Counter_Teststep" to be assigned in the measurement data acquisition should correspond to the test phase numbering selected here. In the test preparation and test follow-up, the "Bookmark_Counter_Teststep" should be given the value 0 .)
在测量数据采集中分配的“Bookmark_Counter_Teststep”应与此处选择的测试阶段编号相对应。在测试准备和测试后续中,“Bookmark_Counter_Teststep”应赋值为 0。
  1. A waiting period of should be observed.
    应观察 的等待期。
  2. Execution of the sweep cycle (frequency ramp up)
A sinusoidal exciter pulse is applied with an acceleration of in direction. The frequency is continuously increased from fmin to fmax with a sweep rate . The excitation signal is regulated to the required accelerations by the mean value of the sensor signals ES - 1, ES - 2, ES3 and ES-4.
应用正弦激励脉冲,加速度为 ,方向为 。频率从 fmin 连续增加到 fmax,扫描速率为 。通过传感器信号 ES-1、ES-2、ES3 和 ES-4 的均值调节激励信号以达到所需的加速度。
As soon as a mechanical load is applied to the DUT by the Shaker, the signal "Bookmark_Counter_1" shall be set to the value 1. It is recommended that bookmark signal be coupled to the control/regulation of the tool. On completion of the sweep cycle (frequency ramp up), the signal shall be immediately reset to the value 0 .
一旦振动器对 DUT 施加机械负载,信号“Bookmark_Counter_1”应设置为值 1。建议将书签信号与工具的控制/调节耦合。在扫描周期(频率逐渐增加)完成时,信号应立即重置为值 0。
  1. A pause time of tpause shall be maintained.
    维持 的暂停时间 tpause。
  2. Execution of the sweep cycle (frequency ramp down)
A sinusoidal exciter pulse is applied with an acceleration of in direction. The frequency is continuously increased from fmax to fmin with a sweep rate . As soon as a mechanical load is applied to the DUT by the Shaker, the signal "Book-mark_Counter_1" shall be set to the value 1. It is recommended that bookmark signal be coupled to the control/regulation of the tool. On completion of the sweep cycle (frequency ramp down), the signal shall be immediately reset to the value 0 .
应用正弦激励脉冲,加速度为 ,方向为 。频率从 fmax 连续增加到 fmin,扫描速率为 。一旦振动器对被测物施加机械负载,信号“Book-mark_Counter_1”将被设置为值 1。建议将书签信号与工具的控制/调节耦合。在扫描周期完成(频率下降)时,信号将立即重置为值 0。
  1. Then observe a pause of twait.
    然后观察 秒的暂停。
  2. The battery is set to the "run" operating mode as described in section In this version, the BMS is fully active. Terminal 30 is energized. The contactors are closed (PT4_BMS_BatCutSw_Stat_ST3 ) by transmitting an "energy request ".
    电池设置为第 节中描述的“运行”操作模式。在此版本中,BMS 完全激活。端子 30 通电。通过发送“能量请求”,接触器关闭(PT4_BMS_BatCutSw_Stat_ST3 )。
  3. Then observe a pause of twait.
    然后观察 秒的暂停。
  4. Apply the noise profile from Table 59 to the battery for the duration of and observe the ancillary conditions from Table 60. The excitation signal is regulated to the required accelerations by the mean value of the sensor signals ES - 1, ES - 2, ES3 and ES - 4. As soon as a mechanical load is applied to the DUT by the Shaker, the signal "Book-mark_Counter_1" shall be set to the value 1. It is recommended that bookmark signal be coupled to the control/regulation of the tool. On completion of the noise profile, the signal shall be immediately reset to the value 0 . Check that the contactors of the battery are permanently closed during the duration of the vibration profile and that no impermissible measurement value fluctuations occur.
    将表 59 中的噪声配置应用于电池,持续时间为 ,并观察表 60 中的辅助条件。激励信号由传感器信号 ES-1、ES-2、ES3 和 ES-4 的均值调节到所需的加速度。一旦振动台施加机械负载到 DUT 上,信号“书签_计数器_1”应设置为值 1。建议将书签信号与工具的控制/调节耦合。完成噪声配置后,信号应立即重置为值 0。检查电池的接触器在振动配置的持续时间内始终闭合,并且不会出现不允许的测量值波动。
  5. Then observe a pause of twait.
    然后观察 秒的暂停。
  6. The battery is set to standby mode as described in section In this state, the BMS is completely active. Terminal 30 is energized. The HV contactors of the battery must be opened (PT4_BMS_BatCutSw_Stat_ST3= 0).
    电池设置为待机模式,如 节所述。在此状态下,BMS 完全活动。端子 30 通电。必须打开电池的高压接触器(PT4_BMS_BatCutSw_Stat_ST3= 0)。
  7. Then observe a pause of twait.
    然后观察 秒的暂停。
  8. Execution of the sweep cycle (frequency ramp up) A sinusoidal exciter pulse is applied with an acceleration of asinus enactment in direction. The frequency is continuously increased from fmin to fmax with a sweep rate . The excitation signal is regulated to the required accelerations by the mean value of the sensor signals ES - 1, ES - 2, ES3 and ES - 4. As soon as a mechanical load is applied to the DUT by the Shaker, the signal "Book-mark_Counter_1" shall be set to the value 1. It is recommended that bookmark signal be coupled to the control/regulation of the tool. On completion of the sweep cycle (frequency ramp up), the signal shall be immediately reset to the value 0 .
    扫描周期的执行(频率逐渐增加)采用正弦激励脉冲,加速度为正弦执行在 方向。频率从 fmin 连续增加到 fmax,扫描速率为 。激励信号通过传感器信号 ES-1、ES-2、ES3 和 ES-4 的平均值调节到所需的加速度。一旦振动器对 DUT 施加机械负载,信号“书签_计数器_1”将设置为值 1。建议将书签信号与工具的控制/调节耦合。完成扫描周期(频率逐渐增加)后,信号应立即重置为值 0。
  9. A pause time of tpause shall be maintained.
    维持 的暂停时间 tpause。
  10. Execution of the sweep cycle (frequency ramp down) A sinusoidal exciter pulse is applied with an acceleration of -asinus in direction. The frequency is continuously increased from fmax to fmin with a sweep rate Vsweep,down. As soon as a mechanical load is applied to the DUT by the Shaker, the signal "Book-mark_Counter_1" shall be set to the value 1 . It is recommended that bookmark signal be coupled to the control/regulation of the tool. On completion of the sweep cycle (frequency ramp down), the signal shall be immediately reset to the value 0 .
    执行扫描周期(频率降调)在 方向上施加正弦激励脉冲,加速度为-asinus。频率从 fmax 连续增加到 fmin,扫描速率为 Vsweep,down。一旦由振动器对 DUT 施加机械负载,信号“Book-mark_Counter_1”应设置为值 1。建议将书签信号与工具的控制/调节耦合。完成扫描周期(频率降调)后,信号应立即重置为值 0。
  11. Finally, wait at least twait.
    最后,至少等待 twait。


If the limit values for temperatures according to Table 57 or voltages according to Table 16 are exceeded, the test shall be aborted immediately!
如果温度限值超过表 57 或电压超过表 16,则测试应立即中止!


If the insulation resistance decreases rapidly and reaches the limit value (as per Table 64 or CANiso, err), the test must be aborted immediately!
如果绝缘电阻迅速下降并达到极限值(根据表 64 或 CANiso,err),测试必须立即中止!
Table 111: DV. 09 Test parameters
表 111:DV. 09 测试参数
Characteristic 特点 Target
Otype - - Battery temperature at start of test
type Battery temperature during test execution
LV,30,int Utype - - LV supply voltage, KL 30, internal
- Waiting time 等待时间
205 - Break time 休息时间
Resonance sweep test implementation
Lower frequency spectrum limit
- Upper frequency spectrum limit
1 Oktave /
- - Sweep rate from low to high frequencies
-1 Oktave
Sweep rate from high to low frequencies
Acceleration of sinusoidal vibrations pulse
Test implementation of noise profile
- Duration of vibration cycle
Table 112: DV. 09 Measured variables
Time of

Data collection
(signal name, sampling interval.
accuracy. unit)
SoC vehicle gateway SoC 车辆网关
Entire test 整个测试 PT4_BMS_Bat_SOC_ST3 State of charge 充电状态
Kbatt,max Kbatt,max Entire test 整个测试 PT4_BMS_Bat_SOC_Max_ST3

Current maximum charge
level of drive battery
Kbattmin Entire test 整个测试 PT4_BMS_Bat_SOC_Min_ST3

Current minimum charge
level of drive battery
Vehicle voltage gateway 车辆电压网关
Ubatt Entire test 整个测试 PT4_BMS_Bat_Volt_ST3

电池当前电压由 BMS 确定
Battery current voltage
determined by the BMS
Entire test 整个测试 PT4_BMS_LinkVolt_ST3

BMS 确定的车辆内部实际电压
Vehicle-internal actual
voltage determined by the
Entire test 整个测试 PT4_BMS_Bat_CellVolt_Max_ST3 Maximum cell voltage 最大电池电压
Entire test 整个测试 PT4_BMS_Bat_CellVolt_Min_ST3 Minimum cell voltage 最低电池电压
Ucell,  Ucell, Entire test 整个测试
CES_S_SyncCellVolt_a250f_[000 ..
Voltage of each logical cel
(module 1)
Ucell,  Ucell, Entire test 整个测试
CES_S_SyncCellVolt_a250f_[000 ...
Voltage of each logical cel
(module 2)
Ucell,  Ucell, Entire test 整个测试
CES_S_SyncCellVolt_a250f_[000 ...
Voltage of each logical cel
(module 3 )
Ucell,  Ucell, Entire test 整个测试
CES_S_SyncCellVolt_a250f_[000 ...
Voltage of each logical cel
(module 4 )
,int  ,整数 Entire test 整个测试 T30CVolt

电路 30 c LV 电压。内部
Circuit 30 c LV voltage.
Gateway vehicle temperatures
Entire test 整个测试 PT4_BMS_Bat_Temp_ST3 Battery temperature 电池温度
Entire test 整个测试 PT4_BMS_Bat_Temp_Max_V2_ST3
Maximum battery
Entire test 整个测试 PT4_BMS_Bat_Temp_Min_V2_ST3
Minimum battery
Entire test 整个测试

单元块/模块温度(模块 1)
Cell block/module
temperatures (module 1)
Entire test 整个测试

单元块/模块温度(模块 2)
Cell block/module
temperatures (module 2)
Entire test 整个测试

单元块/模块温度(模块 3)
Cell block/module
temperatures (module 3 )
Entire test 整个测试

单元块/模块温度(模块 4)
Cell block/module
temperatures (module 4 )
Gateway vehicle currents
Ibast Entire test 整个测试 PT4_BMS_Bat_Curr_ST3

Actual current of
Ibms,dch,max Entire test 整个测试 PT4_BMS_ChrgCurr_Max_ST3

Maximum charging current
(Upper limit for charging
Ibms,ch,max Ibms,ch,max Entire test 整个测试 PT4_BMS_DschrgCurr_Max_ST3

Maximum discharge current
(Upper limit for discharge
Gateway vehicle status signals
CANstat, SW CANstat,SW Entire test 整个测试 PT4_BMS_BatCutSw_Stat_ST3

电池断开开关(高压接触器)状态 OPN 预充 CLS SNA
Status of battery
disconnect switch (HV
CANiso,wam CANiso,wam Entire test 整个测试 PT4_HVBat_Iso_Warn_ST3

Insulation fault warning
high-voltage on-board
electrical system
CANiso,err,ext CANiso,err,ext Entire test 整个测试 PT4_HVBat_Extlso_Err_ST3

Status of external insulation
monitoring/insulation fault
CANiso,err,int CANiso,err,int Entire test 整个测试 PT4_HVBat_Intlso_Err_ST3

Status of internal insulation
monitoring/insulation fault
CANGen,intrik: Entire test 整个测试 PT4_HVBat_Intrlk_Stat_ST3

HV 电池互锁状态(锁定错误) SNL。 OPN CLS
HV battery interlock status
(locking error)
External measurements
env Entire test 整个测试 ECS_Temp_Act Ambient temperature 环境温度
Entire test 整个测试 MEAS_Volt_LV_CL30_Act
LV supply voltage KL30.
ULV,30c,ext ULV,30c,ext Entire test 整个测试 MEAS_Volt_LV_CL30c_Act
LV supply voltage KL30C.
Entire test 整个测试 MEAS_Volt_HV_Act HV-Voltage
Entire test 整个测试 MEAS_Curr_HV_Act HV-current
Table 113: DV. 09 Support points noise profile z-direction
表 113:DV. 09 支撑点噪声轮廓 z 方向
Frequency in   中的频率 Power spectral density in
5 0,0800
7 0,0170
9 0,0360
11 0,0237
20 0,0032
38 0,0025
50 0,0015
68 0,0009
200 0,0001
Table 114: DV.09 Additional Conditions for Noise Profile
表 114:DV.09 噪声配置文件的附加条件
Condition 条件 Target Lower limit 下限 Upper limit Description
RMS-Spectrum RMS 频谱 - -

峰值因子 西格玛剔除
- -
Degree of freedom 自由度 140 120 160
1,25 1,00 1,50
Warning limit 警告限制 -
Shutoff limit 关闭限制 -

Test follow-up 测试跟进

After completing the test, check the actual battery for any visual anomalies. Any anomalies shall be documented photographically.

Data storage

See Section 2.3" Documentation "and Section 7.3" Logging data format and additional signal for test step identification ".
查看第 2.3 节“文档”和第 7.3 节“记录数据格式和测试步骤识别的附加信号”。
Table 115: DV. 09 Data storage
Bookmark Signal 书签信号
Test step
Data type User data 用户数据 Description
Bookmark_Counter_Teststep Testschritt 测试步骤 uint8_t

A zero is set during test
preparation and after the
last test step.
Bookmark_Counter_1 书签_计数器_1
zeige Shaker

Shaker-tooldeactivated 1= 控制搅拌器激活
1= Control Shaker active
Bookmark_Test_Spec - uint20_t -

Version of test
specification used for
test implementation
Bookmark_Version 书签版本 - uint5_t -

Version of the
measurement data
process instruction

Sweep analysis & documentation

The natural frequencies are determined by comparing the excitation signal with the resonator signal. To do this first determine the peaks of the resonator signal. If an acceleration of at least alim is reached in a peak of the response signal, i.e. if the excitation signal is amplified by , the corresponding frequency is evaluated as resonance inducing. For each individual sensor, the quotient of response and excitation is formed at each natural frequency to document the resonance strength via the positions.
自然频率是通过将激励信号与谐振器信号进行比较来确定的。首先确定谐振器信号的峰值。如果响应信号的峰值至少达到 alim 的加速度,即如果激励信号被放大 ,则相应频率被评估为诱导共振。对于每个单独的传感器,在每个自然频率处形成响应和激励 的商,以通过位置记录共振强度。
In addition to this evaluation, the response curves of all sensors in the frequency range must be transferred as graphics and raw data.

Advice 建议

The analysis and documentation shall be carried out for the execution of the sweep cycle before and after the own noise profile!
The file name for raw data and graphic files should follow the specifications from Section 7.3.3, whereby the counter should assume the value "1" for the input and the value" 2 " for the output measurement. The file format for raw sensor signal data shall be coordinated with the client. The graphics shall be provided in. eps file format (vector graphics).
原始数据和图形文件的文件名应遵循第 7.3.3 节的规范,其中 计数器应假定输入值为"1",输出测量值为"2"。原始传感器信号数据的文件格式应与客户协调。图形应以.eps 文件格式(矢量图形)提供。
Table 116: DV.09 Sweep analysis and evaluation parameters
表 116:DV.09 扫描分析和评估参数
Parameter Value Description

Threshold value for acceleration at resonator as of which the resonance case

至少达到 a 值的峰值频率(索引 n 必须用作计数变量)的频率
Frequencies of peaks at which at least aalim is achieved (indices n must be used
as a count variable)
- Quotients of "resonator acceleration" and "excitation acceleration"
The determined natural frequencies fe, and quotients QRE shall be documented in a table. The following form shall be used for this purpose:
确定的固有频率 fe, 和商 QRE 应记录在表中。应使用以下形式进行此目的:
Table 117: DV.09 Sweep evaluation matrix per execution
表 117:每次执行的 DV.09 扫描评估矩阵
 1. 自然频率
1. Natural
 2. 自然频率
2. Natural
 2. 自然频率
2. Natural
 2. 自然频率
2. Natural
Sensor 1
Sensor 2
Sensor m
Mean value via


The test is considered successful if the mechanical profile has been successfully run through and the specified limit values have not been reached throughout the entire runtime.
No faults may occur during vibration. Contactor chattering (continuous voltage) and jamming must not occur.
Mechanical defects must not occur at or in the battery. The HV safety test (insulation resistance) shall be passed by checking the battery's internal measurement value. No fault messages may occur. The mechanically supporting structures shall not have any cracks, deformations or fractures.
机械缺陷不得发生在电池内或电池中。 HV 安全测试(绝缘电阻)应通过检查电池的内部测量值来通过。不得出现故障消息。机械支撑结构不得有任何裂缝、变形或断裂。
Document the battery condition photographically after the test. Mountings of the test specimen itself (to reflect the condition of the housing) and the connections are necessary here. The specific content of the images shall be coordinated with the client during initial commissioning. . JPG should be used as the file format.
在测试后,用照片记录电池的状态。必须拍摄测试样品本身的安装(以反映外壳的状态)和连接。图像的具体内容应在初次投入运行时与客户协调。应使用 JPG 作为文件格式。
Table 118: DV. 09 Parameters and pass criteria
表 118:DV. 09 参数和通过标准
time point
Target Lower limit 下限
Verification of test implementation
Entire test 整个测试 - -

电池 SOC 不应有任何重大跳变。 (仅供参考,不作评估!)
Battery SOC should not have
any major jumps. (Informative
only, not assessed!)
Entire test 整个测试 -
cell Entire test 整个测试
Entire test 整个测试 - -

Individual cell voltage should
not have any major jumps.
Entire test 整个测试 - -

Battery voltage should not have
any major jumps.
Entire test 整个测试 Utyp -
ULV,ent ULV,ent Entire test 整个测试 Utyp - -
Entire test 整个测试 - - - -

Battery temperature should not
have any major jumps.
Entire test 整个测试 - - - -

Temperature at Cell-sensors
should not have large jumps.
Test step 1 typ  类型 - -

Battery temperature at start of
Entire test 整个测试 typ  类型

Battery temperature during test
implementation (informative
only, not assessed!)
env Entire test 整个测试 typ  类型

Battery temperature during test
implementation (informative
only, not assessed!)

测试步骤 1。测试步骤 5,测试步骤 7。测试步骤 9。测试步骤 11。测试步骤 15。
Test step 1.
Test step 5 ,
Test step 7.
Test step 9.
Test step 11.
Test step 15
- Waiting time 等待时间
tpause  暂停
Test step 3 ,
Test step 13
205 - Duration of breaks
Battery validation 电池验证
Riso,ent Entire test 整个测试 - -
Insulation resistance (internal
CANisp,er,est Entire test 整个测试 - -

No insulation fault due to
vibration tests
CANiso,errint Entire test 整个测试 - -

No insulation fault due to
vibration tests
CANstersw Entire test 整个测试 - -

Contactors of the battery
CANGen,intrik Entire test 整个测试 TRUE Readiness of the interlock

A. Resonance sweep A. 共振扫描

Figure 23: DV. 09 Resonance sweep curve
图 23:DV. 09 共振扫描曲线