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GSBS6040 Human Resources Management
 GSBS6040 人力资源管理

Assignment 1 – Reflective note
作业 1 – 反思笔记

Guideline Part II – Reflection (individual, 10 points)
指南第 II 部分 – 反思(个人,10 分)

Individual Submission for Karl Peters C3367931
Karl Peters 的个人提交 C3367931

Team PBL outcome self-evaluation
团队 PBL 结果自我评估

In addition to this, please add your self-evaluation of the team project based on the marking grid below.


Your self-evaluation (i.e., mark your own team project)

Problem-based learning (6)
基于问题的学习 (6)


Research (6)
研究 (6)


Argument (6)
参数 (6)


Structure and writing (2)
结构和写作 (2)


PBL team members contributions
PBL 团队成员的贡献

Please indicate in the table below the contributions of each team members, in your opinion


Evaluate the contribution in %
以 % 为单位评估贡献

(the sum should be 100)
(总和应为 100)

Member 1: Karl Peters
成员 1:Karl Peters


Member 2: Fabiola Leon Gonzalez
成员 2:Fabiola Leon Gonzalez


Member 3: Avril Armstrong
成员 3:艾薇儿·阿姆斯特朗


Member 4: Chris Urquhart
成员 4: Chris Urquhart




How did you experience working in a team that you have not chosen and how much does this relate to the notions of fit and plausible HR real-life work issues such as fairness, individual vs group performance appraisal?

Being advanced in my degree, I brought goals and expectations for myself to this project relating to my tendency to step in and lead the group when others do not step forward. On past projects I have tended toward autocratic group leadership due to there being tight timelines and variable commitment from team members (Hunt, 2010)
由于我的学位很先进,我为这个项目带来了自己的目标和期望,这与我倾向于在其他人不站出来时介入并领导团队有关。在过去的项目中,由于时间紧迫且团队成员的承诺各不相同,我倾向于专制的团队领导(Hunt,2010 年)

In this group I openly shared my own goals with the team to try operating differently. When we established the group, we focused for an hour together on behaviours and norms as a team before working on the PBL. This was explicitly undertaken to establish agreed behaviours and align on values within the working group (Sansfacon & Amiot, 2014). This is how project groups and teams are established at my place of usual work. A key difference to work is the lack of formal authority (Robbins et al, 2018), and limited influencing ability balanced against interpersonal interaction and superordinate goal of the achievement of the task.
在这个小组中,我公开与团队分享了我自己的目标尝试以不同的方式操作。在我们建立小组我们作为一个团队一起关注了一个小时的行为和规范,然后再进行PBL工作这是明确进行的,以建立一致的行为并在工作组内达成一致 Sansfacon & Amiot,2014)。 这就是在我平时工作的地方建立项目组和团队的方式。 与工作的一个关键区别缺乏正式的权威(Robbins et al, 2018),以及有限的影响力与人际互动和 完成任务 上级目标相平衡

At work a hierarchy is often informally established in working teams that is loosely aligned to bases of power (French & Raven 1959); the benefit of this is that working groups in companies, even when unknown to each other have a common corporate language and can use this to rapidly establish expert and referent power strengths with respect to group contribution. In my experience this has enabled work to get underway quickly.
在工作中,一个等级制度通常是非正式地建立在与权力基础松散对齐的工作团队中(French & Raven 1959);这样做的好处是,即使彼此不了解,公司的工作组也有共同的公司语言,并且可以利用这个语言快速建立专家和参考权力优势,以达到团队贡献。 根据我的经验,这使得工作能够迅速进行。

In the case of this of post project group / individual appraisal, reflecting on my own experience, in a corporate setting the speed of operation and focus on execution within highly matrixed organisations reduces reflection. Whilst my organisation has regular performance touchpoints, these are often driven by individual and manager, but do not always take on board the feedback from cross functional stakeholders. This process of group and individual reflection provides value for an individual to focus on their own contribution and where they could improve. While there is value in feedback reaching other project stakeholders, this self-reflection is a valuable step which I will explore including within my own project teams.
在项目后小组/个人评估的情况下,反思我自己在企业环境中的经验,在高度矩阵化的组织中,运营速度和对执行的关注 会减少反思。虽然我的组织有定期的绩效接触点,但这些接触点通常由个人和管理者驱动,但并不总是采跨职能利益相关者的反馈。这种团队和个人反思的过程为个人提供了价值,让他们专注于自己的贡献以及他们可以改进的地方。 虽然反馈传达给其他项目利益相关者是有价值的,但这种自我反省是一个有价值的步骤,我将在我自己的项目团队中探索。

Relating to this project team, unfortunately the work was primarily done by two team members until 36 hours prior to the due date and only one section was incomplete at this time, which Chris completed. Avril mainly provided proofreading and referencing in the final 36 hours prior to completion. This said, Chris completed his section 12 hours prior to the submission deadline and required revisions to align to the rest of the report. Avril’s proof read also required repeating.
与这个项目团队有关不幸的是,在截止日期前 36 小时之前,工作主要由两名团队成员完成,此时只有一个部分未完成,Chris 完成了Avril 主要在完成前的最后 36 小时内 提供校对和参考也就是说,Chris 在提交截止日期前 12 小时完成了他的部分,并要求进行修订以与报告的其余部分保持一致。艾薇儿的校对也需要重复。

This unfortunately, however, can be typical to the work of project teams where 1-2 team members undertake and complete the majority of work, or ownership of the deliverable. In this case the team delivered an acceptable project output, and this ended amicably for the team. There was some strain in the final hours as the work largely fell on Fabiola and I to complete, submit, check the work of others who were largely disengaged. This aspect was a disappointment.
然而,不幸的是,这可能是项目团队工作的典型情况,其中 1-2 名团队成员承担并完成大部分工作,或交付物的所有权。在这种情况下,团队交付了可接受的项目输出,这对团队来说以友好的方式结束。在最后几个小时里,我感到有些紧张,因为大部分工作都落在了 Fabiola 和我身上,他们需要完成、提交、检查其他基本上不参与的人的工作。这方面令人失望。

How can your experience developing a group PBL assignment help you reflect on psychological contract, unitarist or pluralist perspectives?
您开发小组 PBL 作业的经验如何帮助您反思心理契约、单一主义或多元主义观点?

As mentioned above, historically preferring an autocratic style in group work of unitarism, assuming alignment across the team. Completing my 10th subject I have realised that pluralism is a far more pragmatic approach to group work as conflict should be expected, welcome and can lead to better outcomes for all parties (Bray et al, 2017). In establishing a group level psychological contract for which individuals feel equal and shared accountability relating to their rights and obligations, this is a real challenge for a virtual team where some may be aiming for a HD and others are happy to simply put in the effort to achieve a pass grade (Sonnenberg et al., 2011)
如上所述,历史上更喜欢单一主义的团队工作中的专制风格,假设整个团队保持一致。完成我的第 10 门科目后,我意识到多元化是一种更务实的团队工作方法,因为冲突应该是预料到的、受欢迎的,并且可以为各方带来更好的结果(Bray 等人,2017 年)。在建立个人感到平等并共同承担与其权利和义务相关的集体层面的心理契约时,这对虚拟团队来说是一个真正的挑战,有些人可能以 HD 为目标,而另一些人则乐于简单地努力达到及格分数(Sonnenberg 等人, 2011)

I feel there has been a strong understanding and psychological contract between our working members, although commitment has been highly variable.

Personally, I found that by embracing a pluralist mindset to this group project, I have felt less concerned with disagreement and less stressed about the project than I have on others. I have been able to trust that the team will achieve its objectives together and that misalignment could lead to better outcomes. I was enormously appreciative of the collaboration of Fabiola to complete the project in the final hours prior to submission.
就我个人而言,我发现通过在这个小组项目中采用多元主义的心态,我对分歧的担忧和对项目的压力都比其他人少。 我能够相信团队将共同实现其目标,并且不一致可能会带来更好的结果。 我非常感谢 Fabiola 在提交前的最后几个小时内完成该项目的合作

How can your experience developing a group PBL assignment help you reflect on gender and cross-cultural management issues?
您制定小组 PBL 作业的经验如何帮助您反思性别和跨文化管理问题?

Working in a team of 2 females and 2 males (at varying career stages), this PBL exercise was an excellent opportunity to explore and discuss a contemporary issue and explore it from multiple angles.
在一个由 2 名女性和 2 名男性(处于不同职业阶段)组成的团队中工作,这个 PBL 练习是探索和讨论当代问题并从多个角度探索它的绝佳机会

The PBL exercise quickly identified different strengths in the team, and it was important to ensure that all voices in the team were heard and understood by the group. At the end of meetings, actions were repeated and agreed upon with assigned roles. Team members updated the group when completing tasks and they were again reviewed at our weekly progress calls. While voices were heard, as mentioned earlier a challenge emerged with agreed actions or voices to be added to the report were not, and this fell to Fabiola and I.
PBL 练习很快就确定了团队中的不同优势确保团队中的所有声音都能被团队听到和理解非常重要。在会议结束时,重复操作并与分配的角色达成一致。团队成员在完成任务时更新了小组,并在我们的每周进度电话会议上再次接受了审查。虽然听到了声音,但如前所述,出现了一个挑战,即商定的行动或没有添加到报告中的声音,这落在了 Fabiola 和我身上。

Operating with transparency across the team with identified tasks was helpful to ensure that when individuals were not able to complete or contribute on time, others could step in as needed and offer contributions. This was required at the end where two team members who had not contributed to the essay until the last 24 hours then contributed work which resulted in a regrettable scramble to submit.
在整个团队中以透明的方式运营并确定的任务有助于确保在个人无法按时完成或做出贡献时,其他人可以根据需要介入并做出贡献。这在最后是必需的,两名直到最后 24 小时才为论文做出贡献的团队成员随后贡献了工作,这导致了令人遗憾的争先恐后地提交。

On reflection, the success of our team was that at different times 3 of the 4 team members stepped up and led the weekly progress discussions to develop and critically appraise the PBL. Working as a mixed group on a gendered work issue, hearing all perspectives and inviting perspective on all matters was critically important. We used both written and verbal reflection methods to ensure if people were not comfortable to speak up, that their voice was heard.
经过反思,我们团队的成功在于,4 名团队成员中有 3 名在不同时间挺身而出,领导每周的进度讨论,以发展和批判性地评估 PBL。作为一个混合小组就性别工作问题进行工作,听取所有观点并邀请对所有问题的看法至关重要。我们使用书面和口头反思方法,以确保如果人们不愿意说出来,他们的声音会被听到。

How can your experience developing a group PBL assignment help you reflect on working in global and hybrid settings (e.g., multi-countries, half face-to-face, half online)?
您开发小组 PBL 作业的经验如何帮助您反思在全球和混合环境(例如,多个国家/地区,一半面对面,一半在线)中工作?

Within my professional capacity, my work is mostly undertaken in a hybrid setting and I have not met the majority of my colleagues in person. The PBL development at the outset of the assignment represented a significant hurdle for the team due to different professional and academic backgrounds. We spent approximately 3 weeks completing, reviewing and discussing the PBL and as three of the group were ready to move onto writing a fourth was still asking that we redo the PBL another time. While this did not cause issue within the team, I do not think it led to them being as engaged with the project as they otherwise could be – although it was apparent that significant challenges outside university was also impacting their ability to take part
在我的专业能力范围内,我的工作主要是在混合环境中进行的,我没有亲自见过我的大多数同事。 由于专业和学术背景不同,任务开始时的 PBL 开发对团队来说是一个重大障碍。我们花了大约 3 周的时间完成、复习和讨论 PBL,当小组中的三个人准备继续编写时,第四个小组仍然要求 我们再重做一次 PBL。 虽然这没有在团队内部造成问题,但我认为这并没有导致他们像以前那样参与项目——尽管很明显,大学以外的重大挑战也影响了他们参与项目的能力

This said, much like project teams I operated with professionally in a hybrid setting, the team openly discussed our alignment and allocated work accordingly. This said there were several instances where individuals committed to work which was then not delivered, leading to a scramble at the last moment to make the deadline. Similar to hybrid and virtual teams professionally, holding or maintaining accountability is a challenge without formal authority.
也就是说,就像我在混合环境中专业运作的项目团队一样,该团队公开讨论了我们的调整并相应地分配了工作。 这表明,有几次个人承诺工作但随后没有交付,导致在最后一刻争先恐后地赶上最后期限。 专业上的混合和虚拟团队类似,在没有正式授权的情况下,保持或保持问责制是一项挑战。

Similarly to the work setting as individuals each had short term priority shifts around professional and personal matters, the group were able to accommodate. Being non-competitive with each other and focused on the larger goal, I think we were able to talk through any issues and reach workable compromises in the moment. At no point did the variable commitment levels in the team become an area of friction
与工作环境类似,由于个人在专业和个人事务方面都有短期的优先权转移,因此该小组能够适应。 由于彼此之间没有竞争关系,并且专注于更大的目标,我认为我们能够讨论任何问题并在当下达成可行的妥协团队中可变的承诺水平从未成为摩擦的领域

On reflection, the completion of this project closely mirrored the completion of successful working group projects. While the project output was not perfect, each team member contributed, although some disproportionately compared to others.


Bray, M., Waring, P., Cooper, R., & Macneil, J. (2017). Employment relations: Theory and practice. McGraw-Hill Education Australia
Bray, M., Waring, P., Cooper, R., & Macneil, J. (2017). 雇佣关系:理论与实践。麦格劳-希尔教育集团 澳大利亚

French, J. & Raven, B. (1959). The bases of social power. In D. Cartwright (Ed.), Studies in social power (pp. 150–167). University of Michigan.
French, J. & Raven, B. (1959年)。社会权力的基础。在 D. Cartwright(编辑)中,社会权力研究(第 150-167 页)。密歇根大学。

Hunt, J. (2010). Leadership style orientations of senior executives in Australia: an analysis of 54 Australian top managers. The Journal of the American Academy of Business, Cambridge. 16(1). 207 - 217.
亨特,J.(2010 年)。澳大利亚高级管理人员的领导风格取向:对 54 位澳大利亚高级管理人员的分析。The Journal of the American Academy of Business(《美国商学院杂志》),剑桥。 16(1). 207 - 217.

Robbins, S., Judge, T., Edwards, M., Sandiford, P., Fitzgerald, M. & Hunt, J. (2019). Organisational Behaviour. (9th Ed.) . Pearson.
罗宾斯,S.,贾奇,T.,爱德华兹,M.,桑迪福德,P.,菲茨杰拉德,M.和亨特,J.(2019)。组织行为学。 (第 9 版) .皮尔森。

Sansfaçon, S., & Amiot, C. E. (2014). The impact of group norms and behavioral congruence on the internalization of an illegal downloading behaviorGroup Dynamics: Theory, Research, and Practice, 18(2), 174–188. https://doi.org/10.1037/a0035797

Sonnenberg, Marielle & Koene, Bas & Paauwe, Jaap. (2011). Balancing HRM: the psychological contract of employees. Personnel Review. 40(6). 664 - 683. https://doi.org/10.1108/00483481111169625 .