Polynomial Fitting – C PROGRAM
多项式拟合 – C PROGRAM

Okay, so here I am sharing a code for fitting a polynomial to a given set of data-points using the Least Squares Approximation Method(Wikipedia).

Let’s say we have N data-point pairs and we are trying to fit them using a polynomial of degree n . If N=n+1 then the polynomial will pass exactly through each point and it will correspond to the interpolating polynomial that I wrote about earlier.
假设我们有 N 数据点对,我们试图使用多项式 n 来拟合它们。如果 N=n+1,那么多项式将正好通过每个点,它将对应于我之前写的插值多项式。

Let’s say the polynomial we are using is given as:


with errors given by 给出的错误由

Here, we are using Y_i to represent the observed data-points corresponding to x_i . We now minimize the following quantity
在这里,我们用来 Y_i 表示对应于 x_i 的观测数据点。我们现在最小化以下数量


At the minimum all the partial derivatives with respect to the coefficients will vanish. This will give us the following n+1 equations:
至少,所有与系数相关的偏导数都将消失。这将为我们提供以下 n+1 方程式:

\frac{\partial S}{\partial a_0}=0=\Sigma_{i=1}^N2(Y_i-a_0-a_1x_i-....-a_ix_i^n)(-1),
\frac{\partial S}{\partial a_1}=0=\Sigma_{i=1}^N2(Y_i-a_0-a_1x_i-....-a_ix_i^n)(-x_i),
\frac{\partial S}{\partial a_n}=0=\Sigma_{i=1}^N2(Y_i-a_0-a_1x_i-....-a_nx_i^n)(-x_i^n),

Dividing each by -2 and rearranging gives the n+1 normal equations to be solved simultaneously:
将每个除以 -2 并重新排列得到要同时求解的 n+1 正态方程:

\begin{bmatrix}   N&  \Sigma x_i&  \Sigma x_i^2&  \dots&  \Sigma x_i^n& \\    \Sigma x_i&  \Sigma x_i^2&  \Sigma x_i^3&  \dots&  \Sigma x_i^{n+1}& \\    \Sigma x_i^2&  \Sigma x_i^3&  \Sigma x_i^4&  \dots&  \Sigma x_i^{n+2}& \\    &  \vdots&  &  &  \vdots& \\    \Sigma x_i^n&  \Sigma x_i^{n+1}&  \Sigma x_i^{n+2}&  \dots&  \Sigma x_i^{2n}&   \end{bmatrix}\begin{bmatrix}  a  \end{bmatrix}=\begin{bmatrix}  \Sigma Y_i\\  \Sigma x_iY_i\\   \Sigma x_i^2Y_i\\   \vdots\\  \Sigma x_i^nY_i     \end{bmatrix}
where x_i and Y_i are the data-points entered by the user and [a]=[a_0,a_1,..a_n]^T  which are the required coefficients.
其中 x_i Y_i 是用户输入的数据点, [a]=[a_0,a_1,..a_n]^T  哪些是所需的系数。

So we just need to build up the above system of equations and then solve it using Gaussian elimination to get the coefficients.

The following program illustrates the process.

CODE: 法典:

*************Chi-square fitting**************
Polynomial Fitting
 Function that performs Gauss-Elimination and returns the Upper triangular matrix and solution of equations:
There are two options to do this in C.
1. Pass the augmented matrix (a) as the parameter, and calculate and store the upperTriangular(Gauss-Eliminated Matrix) in it.
2. Use malloc and make the function of pointer type and return the pointer.
This program uses the first option.
void gaussEliminationLS(int m, int n, double a[m][n], double x[n-1]){
    int i,j,k;
        //Partial Pivoting
            //If diagonal element(absolute vallue) is smaller than any of the terms below it
                //Swap the rows
                    double temp;
        //Begin Gauss Elimination
            double  term=a[k][i]/ a[i][i];
    //Begin Back-substitution
Function that prints the elements of a matrix row-wise
Parameters: rows(m),columns(n),matrix[m][n]
void printMatrix(int m, int n, double matrix[m][n]){
    int i,j;
    //no. of data-points
    int N; 
    //degree of polynomial
    int n; 
    printf("Enter the no. of data-points:\n");
    //arrays to store the c and y-axis data-points
    double x[N], y[N]; 
    printf("Enter the x-axis values:\n");
    int i,j;
    printf("Enter the y-axis values:\n");
    printf("Enter the degree of polynomial to be used:\n");
    // an array of size 2*n+1 for storing N, Sig xi, Sig xi^2, ...., etc. which are the independent components of the normal matrix
    double X[2*n+1]; 
    //the normal augmented matrix
    double B[n+1][n+2]; 
    // rhs
    double Y[n+1];     
    double A[n+1];
    printf("The polynomial fit is given by the equation:\n");


So that’s it! That’s how you perform a polynomial fit to a given set of data.

Note: You can run the program yourself and verify the results here: https://www.onlinegdb.com/yd6DgVP98

I had written a C++ code for this a long time ago, and coincidentally it got very popular for some reason. But then I felt the need to make an Android app that does the same.
我很久以前为此编写了 C++ 代码,巧合的是,由于某种原因它变得非常流行。但后来我觉得有必要制作一个能做到这一点的 Android 应用程序。

So I ported my code to JAVA so that it works in my Android App.
因此,我将我的代码移植到 JAVA,以便它在我的 Android 应用程序中运行。

So if you want you can check out those posts too.

Hope you guys find it useful!

If you have any questions/doubts, hit me up in the comments section below.

You can refer to the following links for more info:

Linear Fitting – Lab Write-Up
线性拟合 – 实验室报告

Linear Fitting – C++ Program
线性拟合 – C++ 程序

Linear Fitting – Scilab Code
线性拟合 – Scilab Code

Curve Fit Tools – Android App (using the above code)
Curve Fit Tools – Android 应用程序(使用上述代码)

Curve Fit Tools – Documentation
曲线拟合工具 – 文档

Curve Fit Tools – Play Store
Curve Fit 工具 – Play 商店

Curve Fit Tools – GitHub Repository
曲线拟合工具 – GitHub 存储库

Curve Fitters – Scilab Toolbox
曲线钳工 – Scilab Toolbox

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26 thoughts on “Polynomial Fitting – C PROGRAM
关于“多项式拟合 – C 程序”的 26 条思考

  1. Well done, this is a bit cleaner implementation. Also, this balances out to a database implementation that I have developed.

  2. I already have a couple of .dat files, and do not want to type the X and Y values, because it would take too long. Basically, let a single program give the polynomial fit equations for different sets of data.
    我已经有几个.dat文件,并且不想键入 X 和 Y 值,因为这会花费太长时间。基本上,让单个程序给出不同数据集的多项式拟合方程。

    1. That’s extremely easy. 这非常容易。
      Just add a few lines.

      If you’re looking for some code go through some codes on this blog, for ex: plotting exercises

  3. Thanks for leading me here, this is quite handy! So I am still trying to incorporating weights to perform a weighted least squares fit. Considering the theoretical equation I would incorporate the weight in the following position as ‘w’:

    Y[i]=Y[i]+ w * pow(x[j],i)*y[j];
    Y[i]=Y[i]+ w * pow(x[j],i)*y[j];

    Since their it should be reside after the derivations.

    Thank you in advance for you input!

    Greetings 问候
    Eric 埃里克

    1. Hi Eric, 嗨,埃里克,
      I’m looking at doing the same thing, weighted LS fit. Did you ever try this? Do you have hints?
      我正在考虑做同样的事情,加权 LS 拟合。你试过这个吗?你有提示吗?

      Thanks, 谢谢
      Randy 兰迪

  4. Wonderful program! It just worked without any problems.

    And the explanation too is really easy to understand.


  5. Hello Manas,

    can you share a surface fit polynomial c/c++ code or the logic to write one?


  6. Hello Manas,
    I am trying to write a linear surface fit algorithm f(x,y)=A+Bx+Cy+Dxy+Ex^2……..; having the order of 3, 4; 4, 4 and/or 4, 3; Can you suggest me how does the augmented matrix looks like? what is the best approach to get PseudoInverse? what changes to the above code, I should be doing to address a surface fit on z; Any pointers would be much appreciated.

  7. I do not think you even compiled it 🙂
    a) gaussEliminationLS(int m, int n, double a[m][n], double x[n-1])
    <== cannot have variable array sizez

    b) Y[i]=Y[i]+pow(x[j],i)*y[j];<== 'y' is not even declared

    c) indecis i,j are not declared anywhere …

    1. These do work on certain compilers. For example if you use Dev C++ it will run guaranteed.

      1. No it doesnt….I compiled it with Dev C++ which I installed last month and it fails just like Hook says….plus you did not answer Hooks questions about how to fix this problem.

        1. You’ve got to be blind if you cannot see the indices i and j being declared. Secondly, not only is y[N] declared, it is also explained what it is with a comment. Y[n+1] is the RHS of the ‘normal’ system of equations.

          I didn’t explain because there was nothing to explain. I will make a video of me running it in DevC++ if you can give me a proper error that you get. You just say that it fails. Can’t you give the error you get? How can I help with you just the information you give.

  8. It does not even compile

    a) cannot declare the variable array size like function (m,n, a[m][n] ..)
    b) indecis i,j are never declared
    c) “y” is not declared ( should be capital Y

  9. Hi Manas
    Thanks for the code I have adapted this and have it running VS 2019 as a C++ program. I made the some changes to make it run properly they are:
    //arrays to store the c and y-axis data-points
    //double x[N], y[N];
    double* x = new double[N];
    double* y = new double[N];
    this needs to be done for all single dimensioned arrays.

    he following change is needed for 2 dimensional arrays:
    //the normal augmented matrix
    // double B[n + 1][n + 2];
    double** B = new double* [n + 1];
    for (int i = 0; i < n + 1; i++)
    B[i] = new double[n + 2];
    Then when passing the arrays as parameters to the functions the following changes are required.
    void gaussEliminationLS(int m, int n, double **a, double *x) {
    void printMatrix(int m, int n, double **matrix) {
    Also the compiler doesn't like scanf this needs to be replaced with scanf_s
    Then it will build with out errors.
    Note many compilers do not handle dynamic arrays, but most will allow the changes I have made. It seem that some of the above commenters don't understand how to create dynamic arrays in C++.

    1. Hi, Thanks a lot for your efforts. I am sure these would be helpful for others. What you say is correct about arrays. But I still think that a lot of compilers can run this code contrary to what the others have pointed out above.

      For example you can even run it online:

      1. Hi Manas
        You are correct I have just tried this on my personal PC using the gcc compiler version 8.3.0 an d it compiles and runs exactly as you show. This shows that the open source is often ahead of proprietary compiler.

  10. This is amazing! I’ve been looking for a way to use polynomial regression for my capstone project. Would it be okay with you if I use this code to analyze a dataset based on Google PlayStore apps? Thank you!

  11. Hi, I’m from south korea.
    I was impressed with your research and it helped me a lot.
    In case of overfitting, what part of the code above can be modified?

  12. Hi Manas, This code is extremely useful for me. Can you write a code on curve fitting using any equation?

    Thanks a lot

    Tamal Pal

  13. Hi and greetings from Finland, ;>)
    I’m old engineer with some programming background and I remember having
    this solution using HP 9816 technical workstation running basic.
    I used it for solving many given tables to formulas in my work. Now I have a
    a new table to be solved, but the code has vanished.
    Here I found this, which you have written in C++. I know some of C, but
    this is new to me. Have you written it in VisualBasic, so that I
    could port it to my Excell app+ ??
    BR Matti

    1. Unfortunately, I have no experience with Visual Basic. Fortunately, ChatGPT exists, so you can use that to port the code. Here is what I got:

      Please note: It is prone to making mistakes, so you would need to spend some time debugging. I haven’t checked the code and I don’t even know how to run it.

      ‘*************Chi-square fitting**************
      ‘Polynomial Fitting

      Module Module1

      'Function that performs Gauss-Elimination and returns the Upper triangular matrix and solution of equations:
      'There are two options to do this in C.
      '1. Pass the augmented matrix (a) as the parameter, and calculate and store the upperTriangular(Gauss-Eliminated Matrix) in it.
      '2. Use malloc and make the function of pointer type and return the pointer.
      'This program uses the first option.
      Sub gaussEliminationLS(m As Integer, n As Integer, a(,) As Double, x() As Double)
          Dim i, j, k As Integer
          For i = 0 To m - 2
              'Partial Pivoting
              For k = i + 1 To m - 1
                  'If diagonal element(absolute vallue) is smaller than any of the terms below it
                  If Math.Abs(a(i, i)) < Math.Abs(a(k, i)) Then
                      'Swap the rows
                      For j = 0 To n - 1
                          Dim temp As Double
                          temp = a(i, j)
                          a(i, j) = a(k, j)
                          a(k, j) = temp
                  End If
              'Begin Gauss Elimination
              For k = i + 1 To m - 1
                  Dim term As Double = a(k, i) / a(i, i)
                  For j = 0 To n - 1
                      a(k, j) = a(k, j) - term * a(i, j)
          'Begin Back-substitution
          For i = m - 1 To 0 Step -1
              x(i) = a(i, n - 1)
              For j = i + 1 To n - 2
                  x(i) = x(i) - a(i, j) * x(j)
              x(i) = x(i) / a(i, i)
      End Sub
      'Function that prints the elements of a matrix row-wise
      Sub printMatrix(m As Integer, n As Integer, matrix(,) As Double)
          Dim i, j As Integer
          For i = 0 To m - 1
              For j = 0 To n - 1
                  Console.Write(matrix(i, j) & vbTab)
      End Sub
      Sub Main()
      ' No. of data-points
      Dim N As Integer
      ' Degree of polynomial
      Dim n As Integer
      Console.WriteLine("Enter the no. of data-points:")
      N = Console.ReadLine()
      ' Arrays to store the c and y-axis data-points
      Dim x(N - 1) As Double
      Dim y(N - 1) As Double
      Console.WriteLine("Enter the x-axis values:")
      For i As Integer = 0 To N - 1
          x(i) = Console.ReadLine()
      Console.WriteLine("Enter the y-axis values:")
      For i As Integer = 0 To N - 1
          y(i) = Console.ReadLine()
      Console.WriteLine("Enter the degree of polynomial to be used:")
      n = Console.ReadLine()
      ' An array of size 2*n+1 for storing N, Sig xi, Sig xi^2, ...., etc. which are the independent components of the normal matrix
      Dim X(2 * n) As Double
      For i As Integer = 0 To 2 * n
          X(i) = 0
          For j As Integer = 0 To N - 1
              X(i) = X(i) + Math.Pow(x(j), i)
      ' The normal augmented matrix
      Dim B(n, n + 1) As Double
      ' rhs
      Dim Y(n) As Double
      For i As Integer = 0 To n
          Y(i) = 0
          For j As Integer = 0 To N - 1
              Y(i) = Y(i) + Math.Pow(x(j), i) * y(j)
      For i As Integer = 0 To n
          For j As Integer = 0 To n
              B(i, j) = X(i + j)
      For i As Integer = 0 To n
          B(i, n + 1) = Y(i)
      Dim A(n) As Double
      Console.WriteLine("The polynomial fit is given by the equation:")
      PrintMatrix(n + 1, n + 2, B)
      gaussEliminationLS(n + 1, n + 2, B, A)
      For i As Integer = 0 To n
          Console.Write("{0}x^{1}+", A(i), i)

      End Sub

      1. Here is a version generated completely by ChatGPT without using my input

        Public Class Form1
        Private Sub btnFit_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles btnFit.Click
        ' Input data
        Dim xVals() As Double = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6}
        Dim yVals() As Double = {1.2, 1.5, 1.8, 2.1, 2.4, 2.7}

            ' Degree of polynomial
            Dim degree As Integer = 2
            ' Fit polynomial
            Dim coefficients() As Double = FitPolynomial(xVals, yVals, degree)
            ' Output coefficients
            txtOutput.Text = ""
            For i As Integer = 0 To degree
                txtOutput.Text &= "a" & i & " = " & coefficients(i) & vbCrLf
        End Sub
        Private Function FitPolynomial(xVals() As Double, yVals() As Double, degree As Integer) As Double()
            ' Build matrix of system of equations
            Dim n As Integer = xVals.Length
            Dim matrix(n - 1, degree + 1) As Double
            For i As Integer = 0 To n - 1
                Dim x As Double = xVals(i)
                Dim y As Double = yVals(i)
                For j As Integer = 0 To degree
                    matrix(i, j) = Math.Pow(x, j)
                matrix(i, degree + 1) = y
            ' Solve system of equations using Gauss-Jordan elimination
            For k As Integer = 0 To degree
                Dim maxRow As Integer = k
                For i As Integer = k + 1 To n - 1
                    If Math.Abs(matrix(i, k)) > Math.Abs(matrix(maxRow, k)) Then
                        maxRow = i
                    End If
                If maxRow <> k Then
                    For j As Integer = k To degree + 1
                        Dim temp As Double = matrix(k, j)
                        matrix(k, j) = matrix(maxRow, j)
                        matrix(maxRow, j) = temp
                End If
                For i As Integer = k + 1 To n - 1
                    Dim factor As Double = matrix(i, k) / matrix(k, k)
                    For j As Integer = k To degree + 1
                        matrix(i, j) -= factor * matrix(k, j)
            Dim solution(degree) As Double
            For i As Integer = degree To 0 Step -1
                Dim sum As Double = matrix(i, degree + 1)
                For j As Integer = i + 1 To degree
                    sum -= matrix(i, j) * solution(j)
                solution(i) = sum / matrix(i, i)
            Return solution
        End Function

        End Class

  14. Thanks for the straightforward code. I tested it against my routines for base lining spectra and it works well. I ran it against 200 spectral points with sharp peaks at O(6). I find round off error is problematic with the coefficients spanning around 10**12. Adding the “.15” designator on the printf output gives enough decimal places to do the job.
    printf( “%+.15lf*x^%d “, A[i],i);

    thanks again

    1. Thanks a lot for the helpful suggestion!
      This was never a production-quality code so there might be such oversights that would need to be sorted by the users.
      I had written these codes during my bachelor’s and master’s for assignments, but somehow they got a lot of views.

      Maybe when I find time in the future I will try to improve them.

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