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Christel et al.  Christel 等人。

(10) Patent No.: US 6,369,893 B1
(10) 专利号:US 6,369,893 B1

(45) Date of Patent:  (45) 专利日期:
Apr. 9, 2002  四月 9, 2002

(54) 多通道光学检测系统

(75) Inventors: Lee A. Christel, Palo Alto; M. Allen Northrup, Berkeley; Kurt E. Petersen, San Jose; William A. McMillan, Cupertino; Gregory T. A. Kovacs, Stanford; Steven J. Young, Los Gatos; Ronald Chang, Redwood City; Douglas B. Dority, Mill Valley; Raymond T. Hebert, Los Gatos; Gregory J. Kintz, Mountain View, all of CA (US)
(75) 发明者:Lee A. Christel,帕洛阿尔托; M. Allen Northrup,伯克利; Kurt E. Petersen,圣何塞; William A. McMillan,库比蒂诺; 斯坦福大学的 Gregory T. A. Kovacs; Steven J. Young,洛斯加托斯; Ronald Chang,红木城; Douglas B. Dority,米尔谷; Raymond T. Hebert,洛斯加托斯; Gregory J. Kintz,山景城,加利福尼亚州(美国)

(73) Assignee: Cepheid, Sunnyvale, CA (US)
(73) 任务分配人:Cepheid, Sunnyvale, CA (US)

(*) Notice: Subject to any disclaimer, the term of this patent is extended or adjusted under 35 U.S.C. 154(b) by 0 days.
(*) 注意:根据任何免责声明,本专利的期限根据 35 U.S.C. 154(b) 延长或调整 0 天。
Appl. No.: 09/314,605  申请号: 09/314,605
(22) Filed:  (22) 提交:
May 19, 1999  1999 年 5 月 19 日
(63) Continuation-in-part of application No. 09/081,260, filed on May 19, 1998, now abandoned, and a continuation-in-part of application No. 09/194,374, filed on Jul. 25, 2000.
(63) 1998 年 5 月 19 日提交的第 09/081,260 号申请的部分延续,现已放弃,以及 2000 年 7 月 25 日提交的第 09/194,374 号申请的部分延续。

Int. Cl. 7 7 ^(7){ }^{7} qquad\qquad G01N 21/64
国际 Cl. 7 7 ^(7){ }^{7} qquad\qquad G01N 21/64

U.S. Cl. 356/417; 250/458.1; 422/82.08; 436/172
美国第 356/417 条; 250/458.1; 422/82.08; 436/172
356/317, 318,
356/417; 250/458.1, 459.1, 461.1, 461.2; 422/82.08, 82.07; 436/172

References Cited  引用的参考文献

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Primary Examiner-F. L. Evans
主要审查员-F. L. 埃文斯

(74) Attorney, Agent, or Firm-Heller Ehrman White & McAuliffe LLP
(74) 律师、代理人或公司-Heller Ehrman White & McAuliffe LLP


An apparatus for thermally controlling and optically interrogating a reaction mixture includes a vessel [2] having a chamber [10] for holding the mixture. The apparatus also includes a heat-exchanging module [37] having a pair of opposing thermal plates [34A, 34B] for receiving the vessel [2] between them and for heating/and or cooling the mixture contained in the vessel. The module [37] also includes optical excitation and detection assemblies [ 46 , 48 ] [ 46 , 48 ] [46,48][46,48] positioned to optically interrogate the mixture. The excitation assembly [46] includes multiple light sources [100] and a set of filters for sequentially illuminating labeled analytes in the mixture with excitation beams in multiple excitation wavelength ranges. The detection assembly [48] includes multiple detectors [102] and a second set of filters for detecting light emitted from the chamber [10] in multiple emission wavelength ranges. The optics assemblies [ 4 6 , 4 8 ] [ 4 6 , 4 8 ] [46,48][\mathbf{4 6 , 4 8}] thus provide a multi-channel system for detecting a plurality of different target analytes in the mixture.
用于热控制和光学询问反应混合物的装置包括一个容器 [2],该容器具有用于盛放混合物的腔室 [10]。 该设备还包括一个热交换模块[37],该模块具有一对相对的热板[34A,34B],用于接收它们之间的容器[2]以及用于加热/和/或冷却混合物 包含在容器中。 该模块 [37] 还包括光学激发和检测组件 [ 46 , 48 ] [ 46 , 48 ] [46,48][46,48] 定位以光学方式询问混合物。 激发组件 [46] 包括多个光源 [100] 和一组滤光片,用于用多个激发光束顺序照亮混合物中标记的分析物 激发波长范围。 检测组件 [48] 包括多个检测器 [102] 和第二组滤光片,用于检测从腔室 [10] 在多个发射波长范围内发射的光。 [ 4 6 , 4 8 ] [ 4 6 , 4 8 ] [46,48][\mathbf{4 6 , 4 8}] 因此,光学组件提供了一个多通道系统,用于检测混合物中的多种不同目标分析物。


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FIG. 1  图 1