Industrial vehicles generally refer to various wheeled handling vehicles with cargo loading and unloading, stacking and medium and long distances, because of their strong versatility, flexibility, large range of activities and other characteristics, they play an indispensable and important role in modern industrial production and social services, and at the same time, with the continuous enhancement of the global competitiveness of industry leaders, the product structure and added value of industrial vehicles continue to optimize and improve [1].。 In addition, for the safety, stability and reliability of industrial vehicles in the working process also put forward higher requirements, according to statistics, nearly 20% of logistics workplace accidents involve industrial vehicles, due to their own structural form and complex operating conditions, resulting in the work process is very prone to horizontal and longitudinal instability, including skidding, rollover, collision, etc[2]。 The main reasons are: if the road surface adhesion coefficient is low in the path following process, the wheel is easy to slip or side slip during the rolling process, resulting in lateral instability; In addition, compared with passenger vehicles, industrial vehicles have a larger curb weight, a higher height of the center of mass, and are more prone to rollover. Based on the above factors, it is necessary to analyze the tracking accuracy and sideslip stability of industrial vehicles in the path following process.
In terms of vehicle path following control,Nan Kang
In order to solve the problem of path following anti-jamming control of autonomous vehicles with lateral stability, they proposed an improved active disturbance rejection control (IADRC
) control method, which is controlled by an improved extended state observer (IESO
) and based onLQR
error compensator,IESO
The disturbance value is estimated using the output wheel rotation angle and external yaw moment, and the disturbance in the feedback is compensated[3],Wu
The results show that the proposed method can intervene in time according to the formulated intervention criteria and effectively improve the stability and accuracy of path tracking[4],Malmir与Bacur
et al. proposed a model predictive control method to drive the vehicle to reach the tire attachment limit, aiming to complete the optimality of path following closed-loop control, and the linear time-varying model predictive controller i.eLTV-MPC
Applied to this, it can adapt to the high nonlinearity of the model, and also has low computational complexity, and the proposed control method is verified by experiments[5],
Cai Yingfeng et al. from Jiangsu University designed a design based on the problem that the traditional single control algorithm cannot effectively coordinate the lateral control performance under different steering conditionsPID
A hybrid control strategy of control and model predictive control, which is used at low speed and high speedPID
control and model predictive control, and the path following performance, real-time and driving stability of the hybrid control strategy were verified after the experiment[6],
In order to improve the lateral stability in the process of autonomous driving, Li Shaosong designed a new linear time-varying (LTV-MPC
Method, pro
The rotation angle optimization sequence of model predictive control is used to predict the steady state of the vehicle, and the simulation results can be verified to improve the lateral stability and tracking accuracy of the test vehicle[7],
In order to solve the problem of the reduction of tracking accuracy and stability of active steering when the tire reaches the road adhesion limit, Li Yajun designed a coordinated control strategy of active steering and direct yaw torque based on phase plane theory, and verified the reliability and accuracy of the proposed method in a variety of experiments on road surface[8],Xie
In order to solve the problems of rollover on high-attachment road surface and sideslip instability on low-attachment road surface of four-wheel independently driven electric vehicle, a model predictive control algorithm and stability integrated controller were proposed to study the conditions and coordination strategies of vehicle rollover and lateral stability state in the process of vehicle path tracking[9],
Zhou Xiaochen designed a trajectory tracking controller that integrates the "side-longitudinal and vertical" coupling characteristics of the vehicle in extreme working conditions, and verified that the control method can achieve the path following effect after testing with different vehicle speeds under the double line shift condition of high and low adhesion coefficients[10]。
In the field of lateral stability control, Basilio Lenzo et al. proposed a parallel control method for yaw angle velocity and side slip angle based on single input single output (SISO) yaw angular velocity controller The controller is able to control the vehicle's sideslip angle within the threshold range [11], Wolfgang Sienel of GermanyIt is proposed to estimate important tire parameters such as lateral deviation stiffness by measuring dynamic vehicle parameters such as lateral acceleration and yaw rate, so as to analyze the force saturation of tires under extreme operating conditions [12].In order to make full use of the direct yaw control of the four-wheel in-wheel in-wheel motor, the research team proposed an adaptive SMC control scheme, designed a stability evaluation method based on the phase plane of the front and rear tire slip angles, and designed a sliding mode controller to track the vehicle motion, which was verified by CarSim-Simulink co-simulation[13] Wu Xitao et al. from Beijing Institute of Technology added the stability criterion considering the ultimate performance to the proposed model prediction controller constraints, and used the performance-driven mode to optimize the controller parameters[14] In order to solve the problem of lateral stability in the process of vehicle path tracking, Lian Yufeng proposed the SISO model, combined with the steering stability constraint and tire lateral stiffness information, and designed the H∞ robust controller. The uncertainty caused by the vehicle parameter perturbation and external lateral interference of the vehicle lateral motion system was suppressed, and the vehicle stability was improved [15].
Based on the previous research at home and abroad, it mainly focuses on the research and analysis of the path tracking accuracy and side-slip stability of vehicles, and has made quite important achievements and results, but there are relatively few related studies on industrial vehicles. In addition, there are few studies on vehicle sliding stability under medium and low adhesion conditions, and there are few literatures that take the study of tire characteristics as the starting point. Therefore, when studying the tracking accuracy and sideslip stability in the process of path tracking, it is necessary to integrate some characteristic analysis of the tire itself into it to improve the accuracy and rationality of the research analysis.
In this paper, under the premise of considering the working conditions of industrial vehicles, a three-degree-of-freedom vehicle dynamics model is established, a magic formula tire model is established, the sideslip stability state is judged based on the analysis of tire sideways deviation characteristics and the transient sideways stiffness is used as the basis, the least squares method with forgetting factor is used to estimate it, the state stiffness is introduced to linearize the tire model, and the LTI/LTV-MPC based is proposedThe path-following sideslip control strategy and design the corresponding controller. Co-simulation and hardware-in-the-loop testing will be performed using PreScan and MATLAB/Simulink.
Unmanned forklift vehicle modeling and tire characteristics
Dynamic model of an unmanned forklift
(1) 3-degree-of-freedom sideslip dynamics model
As an engineering vehicle, due to its own structural characteristics and operating environment, the force in the working process of unmanned forklift is different from that of structural road vehicles, so in order to facilitate the study of side-slip characteristics, the following simplifications are made [16]: (1) Assuming that the vehicle is driving on a flat road surface, the vertical motion of the vehicle is not considered, that is, the displacement of the vehicle along the Z-axis direction is always zero; (2) Only the translational motion of the vehicle in the horizontal plane is considered, that is, the pitch angle of the vehicle around the Y-axis and the roll angle around the X-axis are zero; (3) ignoring the influence of lateral winds; (4) ignoring the effect of the tire return torque; (5) The product of inertia of the body mass around the X and Z axes is very small and is not considered; (6) Assuming that the vehicle only steers the rear wheels, the steering angle of the front wheels is zero, and the rotation angles of the left and right wheels are constant and equal. A three-degree-of-freedom dynamic model considering the longitudinal, transverse and yaw movements of forklifts was established. Figure 1 shows the side-slip dynamics model of an unmanned forklift.

Figure 1: Side-slip dynamics model of an unmanned forklift
Figure 2: Schematic diagram of the three-degree-of-freedom dynamic model of an unmanned forklift
According to D'Alembert's principle, the center of mass of the unmanned forklift is used as the coordinate origin O, and Figure 2 is established The OXYZ vehicle coordinate system shown in the center of mass of the vehicle, according to Newton's second law, the dynamical equation along the X-axis is as follows:
where, for the quality of the whole vehicle; for the longitudinal speed of the forklift; for the lateral speed of the forklift; for the longitudinal acceleration of the forklift; is the lateral acceleration of the forklift; is the yaw angle of the vehicle; is the yaw angular velocity of the vehicle; is the yaw angular velocity of the vehicle; is the forklift rear wheel corner; , which is the force in the direction of the X-axis of the forklift; , which is the force in the Y-axis direction of the forklift; is the distance between the front wheelbase centroid; is the rear wheelbase centroid distance; is the moment of inertia of the vehicle around the Z-axis; It is the longitudinal force and lateral force on the front wheel of the forklift; It is the longitudinal and lateral force on the rear wheel of the forklift.
(2) Tire model
Since forklifts are mostly used for picking, loading and unloading operations in factories, logistics or warehouses, the road conditions are relatively flat, and if a certain amount of space is required to install the suspension system, the weight and size of the goods that can be handled by the forklift will be affected, so the forklift only acts as a buffer through the tires. At the same time, as the only part of the forklift in contact with the road surface, the working characteristics of the tire will have a direct impact on the lateral stability and tracking stability of the unmanned forklift, so it is very important to choose an accurate tire model[17]。 Its general form is as follows:
In the case where the lateral forces are mainly studied in this article, the magic formula is changed to the following form:
where the coefficient is the stiffness factor, where is the camber angle of the tire; is the shape factor,; is the peak factor, which represents the maximum value of the curve. is the curvature factor, which is determined by the vertical load and camber angle of the tire; is an output variable, which can be a longitudinal force, a lateral force, or a correcting moment; The input variables are the deviation angle of the tire or the longitudinal slip rate in different cases.
Wherein, is the side deflection angle of the tire, which is the horizontal drift of the curve; is the vertical drift of the curve, which is the vertical load on the tire.
The above-mentioned model parameters are the fitting parameters, wherein the parameters are obtained by fitting according to the tire force measured by the tire testing machine.
Table 1: Forklift tire parameters A0~A7
1.6 | -33 | 1250 | 2320 | 12.8 | 0 | 0.0067 | 0.1975 |
The value is derived from Ref. [18].
The formula for calculating the deviation angle of the tire is:
In order to understand the accurate side deviation characteristics of tires of unmanned forklifts in the operating environment, we selected a road surface with an adhesion coefficient of 0.6 for testing, and the results are shown in Figure 3Three-dimensional schematic diagram of the lateral deviation characteristics of unmanned forklift tires shown; In addition, in order to enhance the real-time performance of the system as a whole, an unmanned forklift tire lateral force finding table was designed, as shown in Figure 4, to realize the lateral deflection angle of the tire and the adhesion coefficient of the road surfaceCheck the table to get the stiffness of the tire deviation state and the tire deviation force at the current moment [19].
Figure 3: Three-dimensional schematic diagram of tire lateral deviation characteristics under an adhesion factor
Figure 4: Three-dimensional schematic diagram of the tire lateral force lookup table
(3) Desired path model
Unmanned forklifts are engineering vehicles with slower driving speed and larger load, and the selection of the desired path model is also different from that of ordinary passenger vehicles.
For a common control point, a Bézier point is defined as the following form:
where is called the Bernsteinki function.
Based on the 6 Bezier curves, the following desired path can be obtained:
Figure 5 6-degree Bezier curve desired path
The trajectory equation is given by:
where is the desired longitudinal position, is the desired transverse position, and is the desired yaw angle.
Vehicle dynamics model validation
In order to verify the dynamic model of the unmanned forklift established above, this paper compares the established forklift dynamics model with the vehicle model in the Car sim software under two conditions: fixed rear wheel rotation angle input and embankment angle rear wheel rotation angle inputTable 2 [21].
Table 2 simulates the operating conditions
| Corner input case
Fixed rear wheel corner input
| The vehicle has a speed of 12 km/h and a fixed rear wheel rotation angle input of 4deg
Embankment rear wheel corner input
| The speed is 12 km/h, and at 2 seconds, 4DEG is entered under the embankment at the corner of the rear wheel
Figure 6: Comparison of input lateral acceleration at fixed corners
Figure 7: Comparison of yaw velocity under fixed angle inputs
Figure 8: Comparison of lateral acceleration under the embankment corner input
Figure 9: Comparison of yaw angular velocity under embankment corner input
Lateral bias stiffness estimation based on recursive least squares method with forgetting factor
Unmanned forklifts, as construction vehicles, are compared with ordinary forklifts because
There is no human interference of the driver, in the face of some lateral stability of the critical or even instability situation, it is difficult to make accurate judgment and control, in different ground conditions, the change of factors such as the road surface adhesion coefficient will also affect the stability of the unmanned forklift in the driving process, and the tire as the only contact part between the forklift and the road surface, can intuitively judge the side slip stability of the forklift through the side deviation characteristics of the tire, For example, Xiong et al. designed a gain scheduling control system whose gain is updated based on the bias stiffness estimation of the tire [22].Fujimoto et al. proposed a side-bias stiffness estimation algorithm in an adaptive direct yaw controller [23].However, the above-mentioned methods are all based on the assumption that the lateral deflection force of the front and rear axles of the vehicle is linearly related to the lateral deflection angle, and in the actual operation process of the unmanned forklift, there will be a critical or even unstable situation, and it is in a nonlinear situation at this time, and it is difficult to realize the accurate judgment or control in this state in the above-mentioned mode. Therefore, this paper first analyzes the lateral deviation characteristics of tires, divides reasonable stable working areas into unstable working areas, and judges what working conditions are at the current moment by estimating the transient lateral deviation stiffness of tires [24].。
Analysis of tire deviation characteristics
When the unmanned forklift follows the desired path and drives on the medium and low attached road surface, the center of the wheel will act on the lateral force along the Y axis due to the centrifugal force when driving on the curve, the embankment angle of the road surface or the lateral wind Under the action of lateral deflection force, there will be two situations: 1. When the lateral deflection force does not exceed the lateral adhesion limit between the tire and the ground, there is no slippage (side skid) between the tire and the ground; 2. When the lateral deflection force reaches the lateral adhesion limit between the tire and the ground, the sideslip phenomenon will occur.
As shown in Figure 10, when the tire deviates with the increase of the deviation angle, the slope of the deviation force-deviation curve, i.e., the deviation stiffness, is equal to 0Previously, the lateral deflection force between the tire and the ground did not reach the road surface adhesion limit, and the lateral deflection force was approximately linear with the lateral deflection angle, and when the lateral deflection stiffness was equal to 0, it means that the lateral deflection force reached the road surface adhesion limit, and the lateral deflection stiffness was less than 0。 According to the above analysis, the area where the transient deviation stiffness is greater than zero is set as the stable working area of the tire, and when the transient deviation stiffness is less than or equal to zero, the tire begins to slip or has been sideslipped, and is set as the unstable zone.
Figure 10: Tire side deviation characteristic curve
According to the above delineation of the stable working area and the unstable working area of the tire, the position where the slope of the lateral deviation characteristic curve of the tire is 0 is divided, as shown in Figure 11
Figure 11: Tire work area delineation
Estimation of transient lateral bias stiffness based on recursive least squares method with forgetting factor
In the process of turning and driving, the ground provides the centripetal force required to complete the turning operation to the lateral force of the wheel, with the change of working conditions such as the increase of vehicle speed or the increase of road curvature, the centripetal force required for vehicle turning also increases, but the lateral force does not increase indefinitely, the maximum lateral force depends on the ground adhesion limit, under the condition that the characteristic parameters of the tire itself remain unchanged, The vertical load of the tire and the type of road surface mainly affect the influencing factors of the adhesion limit. Table 3 lists the adhesion coefficient parameters for different pavement situations.
Table 3: Adhesion coefficients for common pavements
| Peak adhesion coefficient
| Sliding adhesion coefficient
Asphalt roads
| 0.8 | 0.75 |
Rainwater asphalt road
| 0.7 | 0.6 |
Abrasive asphalt roads
| 0.75 | 0.65 |
Rain and snow asphalt roads
| 0.4 | 0.2 |
The judgment of the stable working area and the unstable working area of the tire in section 2.1 is determined according to the transient lateral stiffness of the tire, so the accurate estimation of the transient lateral deviation stiffness is very important for judging the current stable state of the forklift. Some of the structural parameters of the vehicle are constantly changing during driving, which will also have a certain impact on the lateral stiffness, for example, when driving on a low-adhesion road surface, the steering operation during the process may cause the lateral force of the tire to be nonlinear. In this paper, the recursive least squares method with forgetting factor is used to estimate the lateral stiffness of tires.
The traditional least squares method can not achieve real-time update, although the recursive least squares method can be updated in real time, but will not eliminate the old data in the system, and the reliability of the new and old data is the same, so that with the increase of data volume, the new data will be in a large number of old data, resulting in the identification results can not reach the local optimal solution, and the data is saturated.
The application fields of least squares method are mainly in signal processing and system identification, and its theory is as follows:
In the above equation, it is the input signal; is the output signal. It needs to be obtained through observation, and there will be random interference during the observation process, and the value of the observed signal can be expressed as:
Substituting the formula into the formula gets:
Normally, the statistical properties are unknown, in which case the mean value is 0 for white noise, where:
On this basis, the formula can be rewritten in the following form:
Rewrite part of the equation to:
Set the structure of the system to be identified as follows:
where is the output of the system to be identified, the input of the system to be identified, and the system noise;
where polynomial sum is defined as:
The system is formulated as follows least-squares:
where is the system output observation vector and the system parameter to be identified
In order to estimate the error between the output of the first actual system observation and the estimated value, the residuals are defined:
where is the estimated value of the parameter to be identified based on the previous set of observations
The purpose of the algorithm is to find a vector estimate so that the value minimizes the sum of squares of the model residuals
In the traditional recursive least squares estimation, the new data information will continue to increase and be swallowed up by the old data over time, because the traditional algorithm gives the same confidence to the new and old data, the credibility will decrease with the increasing amount of new data information, and the deviation between the estimated value of the parameter and the true value will gradually increase, and the update and correction function will be lost. In order to solve this kind of data saturation problem, the forgetting factor is used to recursively least squares to weaken the influence of old data, and the core idea is to add a weight in the 0~1 interval before the old data to enhance the role of new data in the predicted time domain.
When the vehicle is close to the limit working condition, the nonlinear characteristics are very obvious, and when the recursive least squares method of fixed forgetting factor is applied to the identification of lateral deviation stiffness, the fixed forgetting factor is difficult to adapt to the strong nonlinearity of the tire, and it is difficult to converge quickly. Therefore, the forgetting factor with adaptive rules is used to improve the real-time recognition performance of least squares method. To this end, in this algorithm, each term of the model residuals is multiplied by a coefficient, and the algorithm is improved as follows:
The recursive formula for recursive least squares with forgetting factor is:
where is the recursive gain, the covariance, and the forgetting factor (value range).The smaller it is, the faster old data is forgotten. The adaptive forgetting factor adjusts its own value in the prediction process according to the variance of the prediction error in a fixed window, which can achieve a relative balance between the estimation bias and the real-time tracking ability of the system. The definition estimate variance update formula is as follows:
When the variance exceeds a certain threshold, the value of the forgetting factor is reduced, and the forgetting factor is calculated as follows:
From Section 1.1 Chinese and Formula:
Substituting the formula into the formula, let, eliminate to get:
After finding the intermediate variables, the lateral deviation stiffness of the forklift tire can be obtained
Since the forgetting factor, which highlights the updating effect of the old and new data, is an ordinary least squares estimation, the formula can be rewritten as:
The least-squares estimation formula for the adaptive forgetting factor is as follows:
In the above two formulas,. The advantage of least squares method is that it can simplify the amount of calculation, reduce the memory occupied by data in the CPU, realize the function of online identification of dynamic features of the system, and add an adaptive forgetting factor to reduce the mutual engulfment of new and old data and improve the estimation accuracy.
In order to verify the actual observation effect of the designed lateral deviation stiffness estimator for unmanned forklifts, the simulation tests of sinusoidal input and double line shift input were carried out, Fig. 13 and Fig 14 are the test results in the case of two simulation experiments. It can be seen from the results that with the change of the operation condition of the forklift, the lateral deviation stiffness also changes, and the estimation method proposed in this paper can complete the stability estimation in time under the two test conditions, and the estimation results converge to a constant value [25].
Figure 12: Estimating the lateral bias stiffness of the Simulink platform
Fig. 13: Simulation estimation of lateral bias stiffness under sinusoidal condition
Fig. 14: Simulation estimation of lateral bias stiffness under the double-shift line case
Linearization of the tire model based on state stiffness
In previous studies, most of the linearization of tire force was adopted
The Taylor first-order expansion method is used, but the residual lateral force is introduced, which complicates the model in the process of model solving and increases the computational cost of model solving. In this paper, a tire force linearization method based on the lateral deviation state stiffness of the tire is proposed, and the concept of state stiffness is proposed by Academician Guo Konghui, which is defined as the ratio of the lateral force to the slip rate at each lateral slip rate [26].。 As shown in Figure 15, the lateral deviation state stiffness is the secant slope at each lateral slip rate, and the expression for the lateral deviation state stiffness is as follows:
Figure 15: Side-biased state stiffness
Figure 15 also gives the lateral stiffness to distinguish between the lateral stiffness and the lateral deviation state stiffness, which is the slope of the tangent at the origin, which is different from the lateral deviation state stiffness, which will change with the change of the slip rate, and when the slip rate is small, the lateral deviation state stiffness is equal to the lateral deviation stiffness. On the basis of the concept of state stiffness, this paper defines the lateral deviation state stiffness as the ratio of the lateral force at the current moment to the lateral deviation angle at each lateral declination angle according to the actual research needs, as shown in Fig. 16, the expression is as follows:
Figure 16: Lateral deviation state stiffness under the new definition
Controller design
Based on the dynamic model of the unmanned forklift, the tire model and the transient lateral stiffness estimator, a path following controller was designed to improve the lateral stability of the unmanned forklift in the path following process and maintain the tracking accuracy in order to solve the lateral stability problem of the unmanned forklift in the path following process. As shown in Figure 17, the overall control strategy is divided into three main parts, starting with the desired pathBased on the unmanned forklift model, the transient lateral deviation stiffness of the tire is estimated by the recursive least squares method with forgetting factor, and the transient lateral deviation stiffness is equal to zero as the boundary, and whether the unmanned forklift is in a stable working area at this time is judged by the transient lateral deviation stiffness equal to zero. Based on the judgment results, the stiffness of the tire side deviation state is continuously predicted, and the chaotic calendar in the predicted time domain is predicted by combining the lateral acceleration and other parameters provided by the forklift model, and is output to the unmanned forklift path tracking controller. The predicted tire force will be output to the LTI-MPC path following controller when it is in a stable working area, and to the LTV-MPC controller when it is in a non-stable working area, so as to reduce the computational complexity, improve the real-time control performance, and ensure the accuracy. At the same time, after receiving the predicted tire force in the time domain, the path following controller will control and adjust the rear wheel rotation angle, pedal force and support cylinder pressure of the forklift, so as to realize the lateral stability control of the unmanned forklift in the path tracking process.