two terms:
ref stock ct ¯ ref stockct<$ | ref stock ct 1 参考库存ct1 | ref stock ct 2 参考库存ct2 | [6.1] |
ref stock 参考库存 | ref stock 参考库存 | ref stock It 2 参考库存It2 | [6.2] |
It is important to note that in order to guarantee the availability of energy in the storage systems and to ensure that frequency control actions do not compete with the reference control power Prey, storage levels must be managed by the fuzzy supervisor.
6.2.3. Determination offunctional graphs
6.2.3. 函数图的判定
The strategy of the fuzzy supervisor of a multisource system can be defined graphically, which has the following advantages:
a literal expression of the objectives and sub-objectives to be achieved, and the obligations and means of action making it possible to:
directly establish the fuzzy laws relevant to each operating mode and thus to limit the complexity of the supervisor;
直接建立与各工况相关的模糊规则,从而限制了监控器的复杂性;facilitate exchanges with other disciplinary fields, such as the economy for example, which plays an important role in energy choices;
—a transition between modes determined by the state of certain parts of the system. These states can be described by the fuzzy variables serving as the supervisor inputs, thus enabling smooth transitions between operating modes and the ability of the system to operate in multiple modes simultaneously;
- 由系统某些部分的状态确定的模式之间的转换。这些状态可以用作为管理器输入的模糊变量来描述,从而能够在操作模式之间进行平滑的转换,并且能够使系统同时在多种模式下操作;
— insofar as fuzzy logic integrates Boolean logic, it can be used to revisit more classic approaches such as Petri and Grafcet diagrams.
The fuzzy logic part of the supervisor shown in Figure 6.3 is represented graphically in Figure 6.4. Operating modes are represented by rectangles with rounded corners and system states by the transitions between these modes.
Figure 6.4. Functional graph offuzzy logic-based supervisor
图6.4. 模糊逻辑监控器的功能图
As illustrated in Figure 6.4, the fuzzy logic part of the supervisor is divided into two main operating modes, NI and N2. The objective of the first operating mode (N 1) is to control the output power at the reference power. It is subdivided into three operating submodes. Transitions from one submode to another submode are defined by the state of the storage systems:
— N 1.1: if the storage system level is medium, the multisource power plant must control the reference power while maximizing the power generated by the wind turbine. The wind turbine therefore functions at its optimal operating point and the storage systems compensate for the difference between the reference power (Prey) and the output power of the multisource power plant (Pms). The functional graph for this operating mode is shown in Figure 6.5;
- N 1.1:如果存储系统水平是中等的,则多级发电厂必须控制参考功率,同时最大化由风力涡轮机产生的功率。因此,风力涡轮机在其最佳操作点处运行,并且存储系统补偿参考功率(Prey)与多级发电站的输出功率(Pms)之间的差。该运行模式的功能图如图6.5所示;
Figure 6.5. Functional graph ofmode NI.I
图6.5. NI.I模式功能图
NI .2: if the storage system level is high, two actions are executed simultaneously by the supervisor. The first action consists of discharging the storage system in order to participate in primary frequency control by absorbing energy. The second action consists of controlling the power of the multisource power plant at the reference power by modifying the calibration angle of the blades (F). The functional graph for this operating mode is shown in Figure 6.6;
NI. 2:如果存储系统级别高,则由管理器同时执行两个动作。第一个动作包括使存储系统放电,以便通过吸收能量参与一次频率控制。第二个动作包括通过修改叶片的校准角度(F)将多频发电设备的功率控制在参考功率。该运行模式的功能图如图6.6所示;
Figure 6.6. Functional graph ofmode NL 2
图6.6. NL 2模式的功能图
NI. 3: if the storage system level is low, two actions are executed simultaneously by the supervisor. The first action consists of charging the storage system in order to maintain a reserve stock of energy to participate in primary frequency control. The second action consists of controlling the power of the multisource power plant at the reference power using the predictable source. The functional graph for this operating mode is shown in Figure 6.7.
The second main operating mode (N2) enables the frequency controller to act via the frequency-power characteristic without entering into conflict with the power controller. In this operating mode, frequency adjustment is prioritized over reference power adjustment. Moreover, in periods of overfrequency and if the storage level is high, the power generated by the wind turbine can be downgraded. Finally, when the predictable source is operational, that is, when the storage level is low, it can also participate in primary frequency regulation. The functional graph for this operating mode is shown in Figure 6.8.
NI. 1, N 1.2, N 1.3 and N2 are the operating modes of the supervisor and are connected to priority objectives, while the transitions (storage level and frequency differential) can be seen as obligations imposed on the system:
each operating mode (NI. 1, NI .2, NI .3 and N2) will therefore be linked to a set of fuzzy laws;
每个操作模式(NI. 1、N1.2、N1.3和N2)将因此链接到一组模糊规则;
transitions between different operating modes will be managed by another set of fuzzy laws. Thus, these transitions are continuous, which makes it possible for them to have simultaneous membership in different modes, and thus to tend to fulfill various objectives simultaneously. When multiple conditions are satisfied, multiple fuzzy laws act on the same output. The final value of this output will be the center of gravity of a function determined by fuzzy logic. This approach enables gentle transitions from one operating mode to another.
不同操作模式之间的转换将由另一组模糊规则来管理。因此,这些过渡是连续的,这使得它们有可能同时在不同的模式中具有成员资格,从而倾向于同时实现各种目标。当满足多个条件时,多个模糊规则作用于同一输出。该输出的最终值将是由模糊逻辑确定的函数的重心。这种方法能够实现从一种操作模式到另一种操作模式的温和转换。When two storage systems are considered, the three operating modes N 1.1, N 1.2 and N 1.3 are duplicated as shown in Figure 6.9. NI .1ct, NI.2ct and NI.3ct are linked to the short-term storage system and Nl.llt, NI.21t and NI.31t are linked to the long-term storage system. These operating modes are activated simultaneously. Figure 6.9 represents all the operating modes of the fuzzy supervisor as well as the transitions between them.
当考虑两个存储系统时,三种操作模式N 1.1、N 1.2和N 1.3被复制,如图6.9所示。NI.1ct、NI.2ct和NI.3ct与短期存储系统相连,而NI.1lt、NI.21t和NI.31t与长期存储系统相连。这些操作模式同时激活。图6.9表示模糊监控器的所有工作模式以及它们之间的转换。
Figure 6.9. Graphic representation ofdifferent operating modes
图6.9. 不同操作模式的图示
6.2.4. Determination of membership functions
The next stage in the proposed methodology is the determination of the membership functions of the input and output values of the fuzzylogic supervisor. The membership functions of the input values will ensure the transitions between different operating modes (Al, Nivstock
尼夫斯托克 It) or the control of reference values (AP and AD. Since the maximum number of fuzzy laws is a direct function of the number of fuzzy sets considered for each input, we must make sure to minimize the number of these sets. Still for the sake of simplicity, it is advisable to consider symmetric sets without exception. These sets are illustrated in Figure 6.10 for the example being discussed. The
它)或控制的参考值(AP和AD。由于模糊规则的最大数量是每个输入所考虑的模糊集数量的直接函数,我们必须确保最小化这些集合的数量。仍然为了简单起见,最好考虑对称集,没有例外。对于所讨论的示例,这些集合如图6.10所示。的membership functions linked to storage levels (Figure 6.10(a) and Figure 6.10(b)) are composed of three levels in line with the three operating
子模式 (N 1.1, NI.2 and NI. 3) of the preceding graphic representation:
(N1.1,N1.2和N1.3)3)前面的图形表示:— sets "S" and "B", for "small" and "big", respectively, ensure the energy reserves necessary for the power plant's contribution to frequency control. In the case considered here, in the event of sub- or super-frequency the same minimal energy reserve of 0.05 per unit is held in the storage systems;
- 设置“S”和“B”,分别用于“小”和“大”,确保发电厂对频率控制的贡献所需的能量储备。在这里考虑的情况下,在亚频率或超频率的情况下,在存储系统中保持每单位0.05的相同的最小能量储备;
set "M", for "medium", is used in the scenario proposed to compensate for the difference between the
风电 and reference power. A minimum of 0.6 per unit of short-term storage and 0.8 per unit of long-term storage is dedicated to this action.
和参考功率。至少0.6/单位的短期储存和0.8/单位的长期储存专用于该行动。Figure 6.10(c) represents the membership functions linked to the frequency differences Af = fref — fmes. Three sets are defined:
one trapezoidal set "Z" (Zero), which is used to introduce a deadband of -0.1 Hz <
一个梯形组“Z”(零),用于引入-0.1 Hz <的死区Af< 0.1 Hz. In this frequency range, the multisource power plant must not participate in primary frequency control;
< 0.1 Hz。在此频率范围内,多频电厂不得参与一次调频;— two sets "PB" and "NB", for "Positive Big" and "Negative Big", respectively, which are used symmetrically to participate in frequency control.
- 两组“PB”和“NB”,分别用于“正大”和“负大”,它们对称地用于参与频率控制。
Figure 6.10(d) represents the membership functions linked to the power differential AP = P ref —P ms • Because the minimization of this gap is a major objective, five sets are considered to achieve a compromise between the precision of the power generated and the complexity of the supervisor. The sets are called "NB" (Negative Big), "NM" (Negative Medium), "Z" (Zero), "PM" (Positive Medium) and "PB" (Positive Big).
图6.10(d)表示与功率差AP = P ref -P ms相关的隶属函数。由于最小化该差距是一个主要目标,因此考虑了五组,以实现所产生功率的精度和监督程序的复杂性之间的折衷。这些集合被称为“NB”(负大),“NM”(负中),“Z”(零),“PM”(正中)和“PB”(正大)。
The membership functions of the output values are illustrated in
Figures 6.11(a)—(d), respectively, for the short-term storage reference power, the long-term storage reference power, the reference angle for the orientation of the wind turbine blades and the reference power of the predictable source.
股票ct pu
Stock It
d) A P [pul
d)A P [脉冲
Figure 6.10. Membership functions of input values: a) short-term storage level, b) long-term storage level, c) frequency differential and d) power differential. For a color version of the figure, see
refstock It pu [pul
RefstockITPU [PUL
ßrefpu [pu
[ Pu ] 普 ( PU )]
0.6refSP [pul
Figure 6.11. Membership function ofoutput values: a) short-term storage reference power, b) long-term storage reference power, c) reference angle of wind turbine blades and d) reference power ofpredictable source. For a color version of the figure, see
Because storage system power levels can be positive or negative, five sets are considered: "NB", "NM", "Z", "PM" and "PB". The choice of these sets is made so that the output value will be included in the interval [—1, 1] (see section 6.5.1). The link between the angle of orientation of the blades and the reduction of windpower is strongly nonlinear; therefore, the membership functions of the calibration angle are chosen to make the relationship between AP and the reduction of windpower in operating mode N 1.2 more linear. Because the value is always positive [0, l], three sets ("Z", "M" and "B") are chosen so as to achieve a compromise between precision and complexity. In the example considered, the nature of the predictable source is not taken into account, and any choice of three sets has been made ("Z", "M" and "B") so as to supply a reference power of between [0, l ]
因为存储系统功率电平可以是正的或负的,所以考虑五个集合:“NB”、“NM”、“Z”、“PM”和“PB”。这些集合的选择是为了使输出值包含在区间[-1,1]中(见第6.5.1节)。叶片的定向角度与风力减少之间的联系是强烈非线性的;因此,选择校准角度的隶属函数以使操作模式N 1.2中AP与风力减少之间的关系更加线性。因为该值总是正的[0,l],所以选择三个集合(“Z”、“M”和“B”)以便实现精度和复杂度之间的折衷。在所考虑的示例中,不考虑可预测源的性质,并且已经做出三个集合(“Z”、“M”和“B”)的任何选择,以便提供[0,1]之间的参考功率。.
The number of fuzzy laws associated with each output variable is determined by multiplying the numbers of fuzzy sets for each input variable by one another, or 3 x 3 x 3 x 5 135. In the case being considered, which includes four output variables, the total number of fuzzy laws possible will be 4 x 135 — 540. Traditionally, these laws are determined using tables. The table associated with each output variable will thus have five dimensions. The methodology proposed enables the determination of the relevant laws. The associated graphic representation has a double advantage; it facilitates the writing of laws without the use of tables and extracts only the laws that are most relevant to the overall functioning of the system.
与每个输出变量相关联的模糊规则的数量通过将每个输入变量的模糊集的数量彼此相乘或3 x 3 x 3 x 5 135来确定。在所考虑的情况下,它包括四个输出变量,模糊法律的总数可能是4 × 135 - 540。传统上,这些定律是使用表格确定的。因此,与每个输出变量相关联的表格将具有五个维度。所提出的方法有助于确定相关法律。相关的图示具有双重优势:它便于在不使用表格的情况下编写法律,并且只提取与系统整体运作最相关的法律。
6.2.5. Determination ofoperational graphs
The schema in Figure 6.9 showed that it is possible to break down the system into a group of subsystems. This breakdown is also used for the determination of fuzzy laws. For this, it is necessary to translate the functional graphs into operational graphs that include the membership functions previously defined. Transitions between operational modes will be described by the membership functions of the input values and the actions of the operational modes will be described by the membership functions of the output values. This approach leads us to the operational graph shown in Figure 6.12. The fuzzy sets of the input variables linked to storage and frequency determine the operational modes. A detail of this figure in the case of submode N l . Ict is presented in Figure 6.13. In this mode, the multisource power plant maximizes windpower (ßrefyu is "Z'), does not use the predictable source (Pref_spyu is "Z') and controls output power using the short-term storage system; the larger the output power deficit (APpu), the higher the power generated by the storage system; at the same time, the higher the surplus power, the more power is absorbed by the storage system. The fuzzy sets linked to the power differential can thus be used to define the reference power values of the short-term storage system. A similar approach is used for the other operational submodes
图6.9中的模式表明,将系统分解为一组子系统是可能的。这种故障也用于确定模糊的法律。为此,有必要将功能图转换为包含先前定义的隶属函数的操作图。操作模式之间的转换将由输入值的隶属函数描述,并且操作模式的动作将由输出值的隶属函数描述。这种方法将我们引向图6.12所示的操作图。与存储和频率相关的输入变量的模糊集确定操作模式。该图在子模式Nl的情况下的细节。Ict见图6.13。 在这种模式下,多源发电厂最大化风力(<$refyu是“Z”),不使用可预测的源(Pref_spyu是“Z”),并使用短期存储系统控制输出功率;输出功率赤字(APpu)越大,存储系统产生的功率越高;同时,剩余功率越高,存储系统吸收的功率越多。因此,可以使用与功率微分相关联的模糊集来定义短期存储系统的参考功率值。 类似的方法用于其他操作子模式.
Figure 6.12. Operational graph ofsupervisor
图6.12. Supervisor操作图
Figure 6.13. Operational graph ofmode NL Ict
图6.13. NL Ict模式运行图
6.2.6. Extraction offuzzy laws
6.2.6. 模糊规律提取
Based on the diagram shown in Figure 6.13, it is quite simple to extract the fuzzy laws for operational mode NI. I ct. Certain conditions are inherited from the input conditions of modes NI (IF Afis "Z') and Ni.lct (IF Nivstock_ctyu is "M') and a third condition is linked to the fuzzy reasoning operating in this mode:
- 如果Af是Z并且
是M,那么APPU是NBref stock_ct_pu
- 如果Af是Z并且
是M,那么APpu是NMref_stock_ct_puIS NM;-IF Af IS Z AND Nivstock_ct.u IS M AND APpu IS Z THEN
- 如果Af是Z且Nivstock_ct.u是M且APPU是Z,则
ref stock_ct_pu
- 如果Af是Z并且
IS M AND APpu IS PM THEN ref stock_ct_pu
股票_ct_pu IS PM;
IS M AND APPU IS PB THEN这是什么意思stock_ct_pu
股票_ct_pu IS PB.
IS PB。Finally, two laws determining the output variables linked to the wind turbine and the predictable source are entirely defined by membership in operational mode N 1. Ict. These laws are written as:
如果Afis Z和
M是那么 ZIF Af is Z AND Nivstock_ct.u is M THEN Pref Z
如果Af是Z且Nivstock_ct.u是M,则Pref Z
Carrying out this operation for all of the modes identified in Figure 6.13, only 52 fuzzy laws are considered instead of the 540 possible laws. A complete list of these laws is given in section 6.5.2. In addition to proposing a systematic construction of the fuzzy supervisor, this methodology enables a significant reduction in the number of laws to be processed, simplifying the real-time implantation of this supervisor.
6.3. Compared performance of different variants of hybrid source
To illustrate the efficiency of the supervisor constructed using the proposed methodology, several simulations of the electromechanical system and its supervisor are presented. A modeling of the various system elements is given in this chapter. However, it is important to note that this modeling effort is not necessary for the development of the supervisor; it is rather used to simulate the system and test the supervisor. The structure of the supervisor is independent of the technologies used to create the virtual power plant, but simulations make it possible to adjust certain supervisor parameters such as the numerical limits of the fuzzy sets of the membership functions.
6.3.1. Characteristics ofsimulated system
6.3.1. 模拟系统特性 Wind风
The variable-speed wind generator simulated in this example is based on a permanent magnet synchronous generator connected to the grid via two back-to-back AC-DC converters.
The turbine is modeled by a relationship linking wind speed to the power that can be extracted from it [ACK 05, ROB 12b]:
涡轮机通过将风速与可从其提取的功率联系起来的关系来建模[ACK 05,ROB 12 b]:
wind - 2p4Cp
风-2 p4 Cp
[6.3]where p is the specific density of the air; Ar is the area swept by the blades; is the power coefficient; = t is the speed ratio,
其中p是空气的比重;Ar是叶片扫过的面积;是功率系数; =t是速比,
Qt is the rotation speed of the turbine, Rt is the radius of the turbine, [3 is the angle of orientation of the blades; and v is the wind speed. The dependence of the power factor and [3 is modeled by an analytical expression proposed in [ACK 05]. The model of the simulated wind turbine is presented in [COU 08a] and [COU 08b].
Qt是涡轮机的旋转速度,Rt是涡轮机的半径,β是叶片的定向角;以及v是风速。功率因数和[3]的依赖关系由[ACK 05]中提出的解析表达式建模。模拟风力涡轮机的模型见[COU 08 a]和[COU 08 b]。 Predictable source可预测源
A generic predictable source can simply be modeled using a firstorder transfer function between the reference power supplied by the supervisor (Pref sp) and the output power of the source (Psp) [ACK 05]. The equation for this transfer function is given by [6.4], where Tsp is a time constant that depends on the technology chosen:
一般的可预测源可以简单地使用管理器提供的参考功率(Prefsp)和源的输出功率(Psp)之间的一阶传递函数进行建模[ACK 05]。该传递函数的方程由[6.4]给出,其中Tsp是取决于所选技术的时间常数:
Il(s) =
Tsp s + I [6.4]
Tsp s + I[6.4]
Figure 6.14 represents the model of the predictable source and Psp min and Psp max are the minimum and maximum operating powers of the source, respectively.
Figure 6.14. Model ofpredictable source
6.3. I. 3. Storage system
6.3. I. 3.存储系统
The storage system will be represented by a simplified generic model that is structurally identical for long- and short-term storage systems [ABO 05]. The block schema of this model is shown in Figure 6.15, where Pref_stock is the reference power applied by the supervisor to the storage system, W is the energy stored in the system and Pstock is the output power of the system. The characteristic parameters of this model are the maximum charge and discharge powers (Pchmax and Pdchmax , he charge and discharge time constants (Tch and Tdch), the efficiency during charge and discharge (Itch and Qdch), and the maximum and minimum storage levels (wmm and wmax). Note that = O if Wstock wmax where Wstock 0; otherwise, ml = 1.
存储系统将由简化的通用模型表示,该模型在结构上与长期和短期存储系统相同[ABO 05]。此模型的框图如图6.15所示,其中Pref_stock是管理程序应用于存储系统的参考功率,W是系统中存储的能量,Pstock是系统的输出功率。该模型的特征参数是最大充电和放电功率(Pchmax和Pdchmax)、充电和放电时间常数(Tch和Tdch)、充电和放电期间的效率(Itch和Qdch)以及最大和最小存储水平(wmm和wmax)。 注意,如果Wstockwmax(其中Wstock为0),则= 0;否则,ml = 1。 Exterior grid外部网格
The exterior grid will be modeled by an equivalent classic production assembly. The elements modeled are:
the synchronous generator;
同步发电机;the steam turbine;
蒸汽涡轮机;— speed control.
- 速度控制。
Figure 6.16 shows the modeling of the equivalent group when participating in primary and secondary frequency control (a proportional and integral action of speed control) [KUN 97, SAA 99]. TCH and TRH are the time constants of the principal steam input and the heater(s), respectively, and FHP is the fraction of the total power generated by the high-pressure turbine. TG is the time constant of the speed controller, R is the slope of the droop and Kl is the integral gain of the speed loop. AY and APm are the deviations of the sluice gate and the mechanical power, respectively. APL is the difference between the planned power from the generator and the power demand of the grid (pu). H = M/2 is the kinetic inertia constant (s) and D is the mechanical damping factor.
图6.16显示了参与初级和次级频率控制(速度控制的比例和积分作用)时等效组的建模[KUN 97,SAA 99]。TCH和TRH分别是主蒸汽输入和加热器的时间常数,FHP是高压涡轮机产生的总功率的分数。TG是速度控制器的时间常数,R是下垂的斜率,Kl是速度环的积分增益。AY和APm分别为闸门偏差和机械功率。APL是发电机的计划功率与电网的功率需求(pu)之间的差值。H = M/2是动力学惯性常数(s),D是机械阻尼因子。
Speed control Steam turbine Inertia of the load and of the
rotor of the generator
Figure 6.16. Modeling ofequivalent group participating in primary and secondary control
6.3.2. Simulations of different hybrid source variants
To illustrate the advantages of the graphic design method for fuzzy logic-based supervisors, the methodology is applied to different topologies of multisource power plants. For each topology, the graphic representation is derived from Figure 6.9. The supervisor's objectives remain the same as previously, specifically:
— supplying the reference power imposed by the grid manager; maximizing the use of renewable resources; participating in primary frequency control.
- 提供电网管理者规定的参考功率;最大限度地利用可再生资源;参与一次频率控制。A comparison of the different topologies using quantitative indicators is given at the end of the section.
在本节的最后,使用定量指标对不同的拓扑结构进行了比较。 Simulation of complete multisource power plant (topology A)完整的多功能电厂仿真(拓扑A)
The principal system parameters shown in Figure 6.1 are given in Table 6.2. Ssource is the apparent power of the grid, Ploadl is the active power of load I and Pload2 is the active power of load 2. In order to illustrate a high wind penetration rate in an isolated grid (e.g. an island), the power of the grid is considered to be relatively low. R is chosen in accordance with the performance classically demanded of a conventional power group, and is determined so as to obtain a secondary control with a distinctly larger time constant than the primary control. The control of the grid's voltage is assumed to be executed perfectly by the source. In the test scenario proposed, the reference power of the multisource power plant for the period Oh < t < lh is adjusted to 600 kW, which is close to the average windpower. For the period lh < t < 2h, the reference power is 400 kW, that is, lower than the average windpower; and for the final period 2h < t < 3h, the reference power is higher than the average windpower and is 800 kW. In addition, in order to create frequency variations in the grid, a charge of 800 kW is connected at t = Oh20, t = lh20 and t = lh40 and disconnected at t = Oh40, t = lh40 and t = 2h40.
图6.1所示的主要系统参数见表6.2。Ssource是电网的视在功率,Ploadl是负载I的有功功率,Pload2是负载2的有功功率。为了说明孤立电网(例如,岛)中的高的风穿透率,电网的功率被认为是相对低的。R是根据传统功率组的传统要求的性能来选择的,并且被确定为获得具有比主控制明显更大的时间常数的辅助控制。电网电压的控制被假定为由电源完美地执行。在所提出的测试场景中,将时段Oh < t< lh的多功率发电厂的参考功率调整为600 kW,这接近于平均风力。 对于时段lh< t < 2 h,参考功率为400 kW,即低于平均风力;并且对于最终时段2 h < t < 3 h,参考功率高于平均风力并且为800 kW。此外,为了在电网中产生频率变化,在t = Oh 20、t = lh 20和t = lh 40处连接800 kW的充电,并且在t = Oh 40、t = lh 40和t = 2 h40处断开。
Predictable source 可预测源 750 kW 750千瓦 Tsp | Grid 网格 source 3 MVA 来源3 MVA800 kW loadi 800 kW负载 800 kW load2 800 kW负载2 4% |
Short-term 短期 chmax ct dchmax Ct chmaxctdchmaxCt Tch ct 中国电信 Tdch ct max ct dchctmaxct | storage 存储 300 kW -300 kW -300千瓦 0.5 s 0.5 s 4.17 kWh 4.17千瓦时 | Long-term 长期 chmax It chmax It chmaxItchmaxIt Tch It max It max它 | storage 存储 230 kW 230千瓦 -230 kW -230千瓦 417 kWh 417千瓦时 |
| Windpower 750 kW 风力750千瓦 |
Table 6.2. Parameters ofsimulated grid
表6.2. 模拟网格参数
Figure 6.17 shows the results of the simulation; the output power of the wind turbine is represented as a dotted line (Figure 6.17(a)), while the output power of the multisource power plant is shown as a solid line (Figure 6.17(a)). The other subfigures represent, respectively, the frequency of the grid (Figure 6.17(b)), the long-term storage level (Figure 6.17(c)), the short-term storage level (Figure 6.17(d)), the blade calibration angle (Figure 6.17(e)) and the predictable-source power (Figure 6.17(f)).
Figure 6.17(a) shows that the output power of the multisource power plant follows the reference power despite variations in wind and loads. During the connection of loads, the output power is increased in order to reduce the drop in frequency (Figure 6.17(b)), and the opposite phenomenon occurs when a load is disconnected. A closer look at the first frequency drop is shown in Figure 6.17 as a solid line. This figure also shows a comparison of the behavior of the electric system given charge variations with and without the contribution of the multisource power plant. Frequency excursions are reduced by the action of the multisource power plant. In the considered example, the maximum frequency variation is limited to 0.82 Hz, which corresponds to a 40% reduction compared to the situation without a contribution from the multisource power plant.
图6.17(a)表明,尽管风力和负荷发生变化,但多千瓦发电厂的输出功率仍遵循参考功率。在负载连接期间,输出功率增加,以减少频率下降(图6.17(B)),当负载断开时,出现相反的现象。图6.17用实线表示第一个频率下降。该图还示出了给定电荷变化的电力系统的行为的比较,该电力系统具有和不具有多频发电厂的贡献。多源发电厂的作用减少了频率偏移。在所考虑的示例中,最大频率变化被限制为0.82 Hz,与没有来自多频发电厂的贡献的情况相比,这对应于40%的减少。
A simultaneous examination of Figures 6.17(d) and (e) shows that when the level of energy in the short-term storage system is high, blade angle orientation is used to reduce and smoothen the output power from the wind turbine. Similarly, an examination of Figures 6.17(d) and (f) reveals that when the level of energy in the short-term storage system is low, the predictable source is used to compensate for the lack of windpower
In the simulated case, the predictable source is assumed to be ideal and thus able to generate over the whole range of available power. Depending on the type of source (electric generator, gas microturbine, etc.), a minimum power level and obligations related to startup and shutdown time of this source must be complied with [ALK 09]. Note that this predictable source may also be hydroelectric and may include a water tank [BRE 07, ROB 12b].
在模拟的情况下,假设可预测的源是理想的,因此能够在整个可用功率范围内产生。根据能源的类型(发电机、微型燃气轮机等),必须遵守与该电源的启动和关闭时间相关的最低功率电平和义务[ALK 09]。请注意,该可预测来源也可能是水电,并可能包括水箱[BRE 07,ROB 12b]。
b) Time lhl
d) Time lhl 20
Time [Ill
Figure 6.17. Behavior ofmultisource power plantfor different reference powers:
a) windpower and total power ofvirtual power plant, b) gridfrequency, c) long-term storage energy, d) short-term storage energy, e) wind turbine blade orientation angle,
f) predictablepower source. For a color version of the figure, see
0.33 0.34 0.35 0.36 0.37 0.38 0.39 0.4
Time [h]
Figure 6.18. Contribution to frequency control by multisource power plant: frequency variation without contribution from the multisource power plant (dotted line) and with contributionfrom the multisource power plant (solid line)
Finally, Figure 6.17(c) shows that the main role of long-term storage is to compensate for low-frequency differences between windpower and the reference power of the multisource power plant. Figure 6.17(d) shows that in normal operation, the storage does not reach its maximum value (4.17 kWh) or its minimum value in order to be able to contribute fully to primary frequency control when necessary, that is, to be able to produce and store energy depending on variations in frequency.
最后,图6.17(c)表明,长期蓄能的主要作用是补偿风力发电与多风电场参考功率之间的低频差异。图6.17(d)显示,在正常运行中,存储不会达到其最大值(4.17 kWh)或其最小值,以便能够在必要时完全有助于一次频率控制,即能够根据频率变化产生和存储能量。 Combination of a wind turbine and a predictable source风力涡轮机和可预测源的组合
(topology B)
The topology considered shown in Figure 6.19 is a multisource power plant composed solely of a wind turbine and a predictable source.
Wind turbine Predictable
Figure 6.19. Multisource power plant composed ofa wind turbine and a predictable source (topology B)
Figure 6.20. Graphic representation ofvarious operating modes
图6.20. 各种操作模式的图形表示
Figure 6.20 illustrates the functional graph of the supervisor. This is composed of three operating modes; when the windpower is lower than the reference power, the predictable source supplies the difference. Likewise, when the windpower is higher than the reference power, it must be reduced via the intermediary of the angle of orientation of the wind turbine's blades. Based on this functional graph, we can deduce an operational graph and the relevant fuzzy rules, which number 16. These rules are the ones from sections NI .2ct and NI.3ct of section 6.5.2, which do not draw on the storage reference power and in which the condition having to do with the storage system power level has been removed.
Time (h)
Figure 6.21. Output power of the multisource power plant and its reference. For a color version of the figure, see
Figure 6.21 shows that a multisource power plant without a storage system correctly guarantees the reference power. The windpower profile is the same as the one shown in Figure 6.17(a). Note that frequency variations have not been introduced in this scenario. Moreover, in the absence of a storage system in this topology, primary control in the form of a classic droop (Figure 6.2) must be ensured by the predictable source.
图6.21显示了一个没有储能系统的多千瓦发电厂可以正确地保证参考功率。风力剖面与图6.17(a)所示的相同。注意,在此场景中没有引入频率变化。此外,在这种拓扑结构中没有存储系统的情况下,必须通过可预测的源来确保经典下垂形式的主要控制(图6.2)。 Combination of a wind turbine, a predictable source and a short-term storage system (topology C)风力涡轮机、可预测源和短期存储系统的组合(拓扑C)
The topology considered is a multisource power plant composed of a wind turbine, a predictable source and a short-term storage system (Figure 6.21).
Wind Short-term turbine storage source
Figure 6.22. Multisource power plant composed ofa wind turbine, a predictable source and a short-term storage system (topology C)
图6.22. 由风力涡轮机、可预测源和短期存储系统组成的多风电场(拓扑C)
Figure 6.23 shows the functional graph of the supervisor. It is composed of elements N 1.1 and N2 of the supervisor from Figure 6.9. 26 relevant fuzzy rules can be obtained from this graphic representation; these rules are the ones from sections N Ict and N2ct of section 6.5.2, which do not draw on the reference power of the longterm storage system. Figure 6.24 shows that the reference power is properly followed.
图6.23显示了管理程序的功能图。它由图6.9中Supervisor的元素N1.1和N2组成。可以从该图形表示中获得26个相关的模糊规则;这些规则是来自第6.5.2节的第N Ict和N2 ct节的规则,其不利用长期存储系统的参考功率。图6.24显示了参考功率的正确跟随。
Figure 6.23. Graphic representation ofdifferent operating modes
图6.23. 不同操作模式的图示
Time (hours)
Figure 6.24. Output power ofmultisource plant and its reference. For a color version of thefigure, see
图6.24.多级电站的输出功率及其参考。有关该图的彩色版本,请参见 Combination of a wind turbine, a short-term storage system and a long-term storage system (topology D)风力涡轮机、短期存储系统和长期存储系统的组合(拓扑D)
The topology considered is a multisource power plant composed of a wind turbine, a short-term storage system and a long-term storage system (Figure 6.25).
Wind Short-term Long-term turbine storage storage
Figure 6.25. Multisource power plant composed ofa wind turbine, a short-term storage system and a long-term storage system (topology D)
The functional graph of the supervisor is quite similar to the one in Figure 6.9, but the operating modes linked to the predictable source have been removed. Operating mode N 1.3, shown in Figure 6.7, is reduced to the operating mode shown in Figure 6.26. The 34 fuzzy rules possible here are the ones from section 6.5.2 that do not draw on the predictable source.
监控器的功能图与图6.9中的非常相似,但是与可预测源相关联的操作模式已被删除。图6.7所示的工作状态N 1.3被简化为图6.26所示的工作状态。这里可能的34条模糊规则是6.5.2节中的那些不利用可预测源的规则。
Figure 6.26. Graphic representation ofoperating modes NI .3ct and NI .31t
图6.26. 操作模式NI .3ct和NI .31t的图示
Figure 6.27 shows that as long as the reference power is less than or equal to the average windpower, the contribution of the storage systems is enough to control the output power at its reference value. However, this is no longer the case in the third part of the scenario (2h < t < 3h), where the reference power is higher than the average windpower (Figure 6.17(a)).
图6.27表明,只要参考功率小于或等于平均风力,储能系统的贡献就足以将输出功率控制在参考值。然而,在情景的第三部分(2h < t < 3h),情况不再如此,其中参考功率高于平均风力(图6.17(a))。
350 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 Time (hours)
Figure 6.27. Output power ofmultisource plant and its reference.
For a color version ofthe figure, see
有关该图的彩色版本,请参见 Combination of a wind turbine and a short-term storage system (topology E)风力涡轮机和短期存储系统的组合(拓扑结构E)
The topology considered is a multisource power plant composed solely of a wind turbine and a short-term storage system (Figure 6.28).
Wind Short-term turbine storage
Figure 6.28. Multisource power plant composed ofa wind turbine and a short-term storage system (topology E)
The functional graph of the supervisor is quite similar to the one shown in Figure 6.23, but the operating modes linked to the predictable source have been removed. Operating mode NI .3, shown in Figure 6.7, is reduced to the operating mode shown in Figure 6.26. The 17 remaining fuzzy rules are the ones from sections N Ict and N2ct of section 6.5.2 that do not draw on either the predictable source or the reference power of the long-term storage system.
监控程序的功能图与图6.23中所示的非常相似,但与可预测源相关联的操作模式已被删除。图6.7所示的工况NI .3被简化为图6.26所示的工况。剩余的17个模糊规则是来自第6.5.2节的第N1ct节和第N2ct节的模糊规则,其不利用长期存储系统的可预测源或参考功率。
Figure 6.29 shows that the reference power is well controlled only when it is lower than the average windpower. When the reference power is higher than the average windpower, regulation can occur only within the limits of the storage system capacity.
Time (hours)
Figure 6.29. Output power ofmultisource power plant and its reference. For a color version ofthefigure, see
6.3.3. Comparison of performance of different hybrid sources by means of indicators
We will now compare five topologies. Topology A corresponds to the multisource power plant composed of all of its elements and simulated in section Table 6.3 offers several comparison criteria in relation to the objectives defined in Table 6.1: total energy supplied by the multisource power plant; energy generated by the wind turbine and by the predictable source as well as the average and maximum error, with error defined as the absolute value of the difference between the reference power and the output power of the multisource power plant. When the predictable source is present (topologies A, B and O, the same total energy is sent back to the grid and the average error is low. In all three situations, the presence of storage systems reduces the use of predictable source and increases the use of the renewable source (topologies A and C). When the predictable source is not present, the reference power cannot be guaranteed in the presence of a reference power that is higher than the average windpower
现在我们将比较五种拓扑。拓扑A对应于由其所有元件组成并在第6.3.2.1节中模拟的多功能发电厂。表6.3提供了与表6.1中定义的目标相关的几个比较标准:多频发电厂提供的总能量;风力涡轮机和可预测源产生的能量以及平均和最大误差,误差定义为参考功率与多频发电厂输出功率之差的绝对值。当存在可预测源时(拓扑A、B和O),相同的总能量被发送回电网,并且平均误差低。在所有这三种情况下,储存系统的存在减少了可预测能源的使用,增加了可再生能源的使用(拓扑A和C)。 当不存在可预测源时,在存在高于平均风功率的参考功率的情况下,不能保证参考功率.
The topology composed of a wind turbine and a short-term storage system is the one that causes the biggest mistake in the monitoring of the reference, with wind energy that is significantly reduced compared to the optimum in terms of the windpower obtained with topologies A and D.
Topology 拓扑 | Total energy supplied 能源供应总量 [kWh] [千瓦时] | Windpower supplied 风力发电 [kWh] [千瓦时] | Energy from predictable 能源可预测 source [kWh] 电源[kWh] | Average error 平均误差 | Maximum 最大 error 误差 |
| 1,800 | 1,823 | 30.9 | 0.011 | 18 |
| 1,800 | 1,563 | 237 | 0.165 | 13 |
| 1,800 | 1,636 | 163 | 0.223 | 38 |
| 1,783 | 1,823 | | 5.4 | 376 |
| 1,635 | 1,635 | 0 | 54.86 | 511 |
Table 6.3. Comparison ofdifferent topologies
表6.3. 不同拓扑结构的比较
6.4. Conclusion
In this chapter, a methodology was presented for the development of a fuzzy logic-based supervisor. This method facilitates the analysis and design of the structure of the supervisor and the fuzzy rules intended to supervise multisource systems. The methodology has been illustrated by the development of the supervision strategy for a multisource power plant composed of a wind turbine, a predictable source and storage systems. This approach enables us to avoid using precise and complex models of the sources in play and makes it possible systematically to determine the supervisor while minimizing the number of rules. The performances of this supervisor have been tested using simulations. Finally, the application of this methodology to different topologies of multisource power plants has been used to illustrate its systematic character and to compare the performance of these power plants. In particular, the positive contribution of a storage system and a predictable source combined with a wind turbine has been illustrated.
在这一章中,提出了一种方法的发展模糊逻辑为基础的监督。该方法便于分析和设计监督器的结构和用于监督多机系统的模糊规则。该方法已被说明的监管策略的发展组成的风力涡轮机,一个可预测的源和存储系统的多功能发电厂。这种方法使我们能够避免使用精确和复杂的模型的来源在发挥作用,并使其有可能系统地确定主管,同时尽量减少规则的数量。该监控器的性能已经使用模拟进行了测试。最后,这种方法的应用,以不同的拓扑结构的multisburst电厂已被用来说明其系统的特点,并比较这些电厂的性能。 特别地,已经说明了与风力涡轮机结合的存储系统和可预测源的积极贡献。
6.5. Appendices
6.5.1. Range of output value variations
The range of variations of output values is directly linked to the defuzzification of fuzzy output sets. The most widely used method of defuzzification is based on the calculation of the center of gravity of the resulting membership function as follows [6.5]:
(年)dy [6.5]where U is the universe of discourse of the membership functions of the output values, is the resulting membership function for the output variable y and y* is the output value. The integral of the denominator gives the surface, while the integral of the numerator corresponds to the moment of this surface.
其中U是输出值的隶属函数的论域,是输出变量y的结果隶属函数,y* 是输出值。分母的积分给出曲面,而分子的积分对应于该曲面的矩。
With this method, the range of variation of y* will be smaller than its universe of discourse. For this range of variation to be normalized ([—1, 1] or [0, 1]), it is necessary to extend the membership functions outside this range. In the fuzzy supervisor considered, the extreme fuzzy sets (e.g. NB and PB) are, in the range of variation of the output values ([—1, 1] or [0, 1]), triangular in form. It is therefore proposed here to extend these fuzzy sets by a rectangular form outside the normalized range so as to form a trapezoidal fuzzy set as shown in Figure 6.30. AYR is the base of the rectangle and AY'T is the base of the triangle.
使用这种方法,y* 的变化范围将小于其论述范围。为了使该变化范围被归一化([-1,1]或[0,1]),有必要将隶属函数扩展到该范围之外。在所考虑的模糊监督器中,在输出值的变化范围([-1,1]或[0,1])内,极值模糊集(如NB和PB)是三角形的。因此,这里建议用一个在标准化范围之外的矩形形式来扩展这些模糊集,以便形成一个梯形模糊集,如图6.30所示。AYR是矩形的底边,AY 'T是三角形的底边。
Figure 6.30. Extremefuzzy set
图6.30. 极值模糊集
The extreme values of this range of variation will be reached when the resulting membership function is equal to the extreme fuzzy set. For the center of gravity to be located at the interface between the rectangular and triangular part (Ay = 0), the base of the rectangle AYR, and thus the extension of U beyond the normalized range, must be determined by expression [6.6]:
当所得隶属函数等于极值模糊集时,将达到该变化范围的极值。对于位于矩形和三角形部分之间界面处的重心(Ay = 0),矩形的底边AYR以及U超出规范化范围的延伸必须由表达式[6.6]确定:
where AR = AYR is the area of the rectangle, CR = -AYR/2 is the abscissa of the center of gravity of the rectangle in the point of reference My, AT = AYT/2 is the area of the triangle and CT = AYT/3 is the abscissa of the center of gravity of the triangle. By substituting these expressions in equation [6.6], we obtain expression [6.7]:
其中AR = AYR是矩形的面积,CR = -AYR/2是参考点My处矩形重心的横坐标,AT = AYT/2是三角形的面积,CT = AYT/3是三角形重心的横坐标。通过将这些表达式代入方程[6.6],我们得到表达式[6.7]:
是 的 , 我 是 说
AYR AYT AYT = 0 2 3 2
【 6.7 】
After solution, we obtain expression [6.8]:
º /A
In the example considered of the membership functions of the storage system reference power (Figure 6.11(a)), with the base of the triangle (NB) being 0.5, expression [6.8] shows that the universe of discourse U must be [—1.289, 1.289] for the range of variation of
1]。6.5.2. Fuzzy rules
| | NI.1ct | IF Afis Z AND 如果Afis Z和 THEN Pref_Stock_ct_pu is NG 则Pref_Stock_ct_pu为NG | is M AND APpu is NB 是M且APPU是NB |
| | | IF Afis Z AND Nivstock_ctyu THEN Pref Stock ct_pu is PG 如果AfisZ和Nivstock_ctyu,则首选库存ct_pu为PG | is M AND APpu is PB 是M且APPU是PB |
| | | IF Afis Z AND Nivstock is M AND APpu is NM 如果AfisZ且Nivstock为M且APPU为NM THEN Pref Stock ct_pu THEN首选库存ct_pu |
| | | IF Afis Z AND 如果AfisZ和 THEN Pref_Stock_ct_pu 然后Pref_Stock_ct_pu | is M AND APpu is PM is PM 是M和APPU是PM是PM |
| | | IF Afis Z AND 如果AfisZ和 THEN Pref Stock ct_pu THEN首选库存ct_pu | is Z 是Z | is M AND is Z 是M且是Z |
| | | IF Afis Z AND Nivstock 如果AfisZ和Nivstock | is M THENß ref_pu is Z 是M则ref_pu是Z |
| | | IF Afis Z AND Nivstock 如果AfisZ和Nivstock | is M THEN Pref_SPyu is Z 是M则Pref_SPyu是Z |
| | NI.2ct | IF Afis Z AND 如果Afis Z和 THEN is Z 然后是Z | is B AND APpu is Z 是B且APpu是Z |
| | | IF Afis Z AND Nivstock_ctyu 如果AfisZ和Nivstock_ctyu THEN is Z 然后是Z | is B AND is NM 是B且是NM |
| | | IF Afis Z AND Nivstock 如果AfisZ和Nivstock THEN is Z 然后是Z | is B AND APpu is NB 是B且APPU是NB |
| | | IF Afis Z AND 如果Afis Z和 THEN is M 然后是M | is B AND 是B且 | is PM 为PM |
| | | IF Afis Z AND Nivstock_ctyu 如果AfisZ和Nivstock_ctyu | is B AND 是B且 | is PB 是PB |
| | | THEN is G 那么G IF Afis Z AND 如果AfisZ和 | is B THEN P is Z 是B则P是Z |
| | | IF Afis Z AND 如果Afis Z和 | ref sp_p 参考sp_pu is B THEN Pref_Stock_ct_pu 是B,则Pref_Stock_ct_pu | is NM 为NM |
| | NI.3ct | IF Afis Z AND 如果Afis Z和 THEN Pref SP_pu IS B 则首选SP_pu为B | is S AND APpu is NB 是S且APPU是NB | |
| | | IF Afis Z AND ct_pu 如果AfisZ和ct_pu THEN P IS M 那么P就是M | is SANDAPpu is NM 是SANDAPPU是NM | |
| | | IF Afis Z AND 如果AfisZ和 THEN P IS Z 那么P就是Z | is S AND APpu is PB 是S且APPU是PB | |
| | | IF Afis Z AND 如果Afis Z和 THEN Pref_SP_pu IS Z 则Pref_SP_pu为Z | is S AND APpu is PM 是S且APPU是PM | |
| | | IF Afis Z AND ct_pu 如果AfisZ和ct_pu THEN P IS Z 那么P就是Z IF Afis Z AND 如果AfisZ和 | is S AND APpu is Z 是S且APPU是Z is S THENß isZ 是S,则是Z | |
| | | IF Afis Z AND 如果Afis Z和 | ref_pu is S THEN Pref_Stock_ct_pu ref_pu是S,则Pref_Stock_ct_pu | is PM 为PM |
| NIIt | NI.11t | IF Afis Z AND 如果Afis Z和 is M AND is NB 是M且是NBTHEN Pref_Stock_lt_pu_pu is NB 则Pref_Stock_lt_pu_pu为NB | |
| | | IF Afis Z AND 如果AfisZ和 THEN Pref Stock It_pu THEN Pref StockIt_pu | is M AND APpu is PB 是M且APPU是PB | |
| | | IF Afis Z AND 如果AfisZ和 THEN Pref_Stock_lt_pu 然后Pref_Stock_lt_pu | is M AND is NM 是M且是NM | is NM 为NM | |
| | | IF Afis Z AND 如果AfisZ和 THEN Pref_Stock_lt_pu 然后Pref_Stock_lt_pu | is M AND is PM 是M,是PM | is PM 为PM | |
| | | IF Afis Z AND 如果AfisZ和 THEN Pref Stock It_pu THEN Pref StockIt_pu | is Z 是Z | is M AND APpu is Z 是M且APPU是Z | |
| | | IF Afis Z AND 如果AfisZ和 | | is M THEN is Z 是M,则是Z | |
| | | IF Afis Z AND 如果Afis Z和 | is M THEN Pref_SP_pu IS Z 是M则Pref_SP_pu是Z |
| | NI.21t | IF Afis Z AND 如果Afis Z和 THEN is Z 然后是Z | is B AND APpu is NB 是B且APPU是NB |
| | | IF Afis Z AND THENß ref_pu is Z 如果Δ f是Z,则ref_pu是Z | is B AND APpu is Z 是B且APpu是Z |
| | | IF Afis Z AND 如果AfisZ和 THEN is Z 然后是Z | is B ANDAPpu is NZ 是BANDAPpu是NZ |
| | | IF Afis Z AND 如果Afis Z和 THEN is M 然后是M | is B AND APpu is PM 是B且APPU是PM |
| | | IF Afis Z AND 如果AfisZ和 THEN is B 则是B IF Afis Z AND 如果AfisZ和 | is B AND APpu is PB 是B且APPU是PB is B THEN P 是B然后是P |
| | |
IF Afis Z AND Nivstock_ltyu THEN Pref_Stock_lt_pu is NM 如果AfisZ和Nivstock_ltyu,则Pref_Stock_lt_pu为NM |
| | NI.31t | IF Afis Z AND Nivstock THEN Pref_SP_pu is B 如果AfisZ和Nivstock,则Pref_SP_pu为B | is S AND APpu is NB 是S且APPU是NB | |
| | | IF Afis Z AND 如果Afis Z和 THEN Pref is M 则Pref为M | is S AND 是S且 | is NM 为NM | |
| | | IF Afis Z AND Nivstock 如果AfisZ和Nivstock THEN P 则P | is S AND 是S且 | is PB 是PB | |
| | | IF Afis Z AND 如果Afis Z和 THEN Pref_ SP_pu IS Z 则Pref_SP_pu为Z | is S AND 是S且 | is PM 为PM | |
| | | IF Afis Z AND Nivstock_ltyu is S AND is Z 如果AfisZ且Nivstock_ltyu是S且是Z THEN P IS Z 那么P就是Z | |
| | | IF Afis Z AND Nivstock 如果AfisZ和Nivstock | is S THEN is Z 是S,则是Z | |
| | | IF Afis Z AND Nivstock 如果AfisZ和Nivstock | is S THEN Pref Stock It_pu is S THEN Pref StockIt_pu | is PM 为PM |
N2 | N2ct | IF Afis PB OU Afis N THEN Pref Stock ct_pu is Z 如果AfisPB等于AfisN,则首选库存ct_pu为Z | |
| | IF Afis NB AND ct_pu isB THENß ref_pu isZ 如果AfisNB且ct_pu为B,则ref_pu为Z | |
| | IF Afis PB AND 如果Afis PB和 is B THEN is M 是B则是M |
| | IF Afis PB AND 如果Afis PB和 is S THEN Pref_SP_pu is Z 是S则Pref_SP_pu是Z |
| | IF Afis NB AND 如果Afis NB和 is S THEN Pref_SP_pu IS M 是S则Pref_SP_pu是M |
| N21t | IF Afis PB OU Afis N THEN Pref_Stock_lt_pu is Z 如果AfisPB等于AfisN,则Pref_Stock_lt_pu为Z |
| | IF Afis NB AND Nivstock IF Afis PB AND IFAfisNB ANDNivstockIFAfisPB AND | isB THEN is B THEN is BTHEN is B THEN | is Z is M 是Z是M |
| | IF Afis PB AND 如果AfisPB和 | is S THEN P 是S,那么P | |
| | IF Afis NB AND Nivstock_ltyu is S THEN Pref_SP_pu is M 如果AfisNB且Nivstock_ltyu为S,则Pref_SP_pu为M |
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