Velocity-Based Training: From Theory to Application 速度基礎訓練:從理論到應用
Jonathon Weakley, PhD, , ^(1,2){ }^{1,2} Bryan Mann, PhD, ^(3){ }^{3} Harry Banyard, PhD, ^(4){ }^{4} Shaun McLaren, PhD, ^(2,5){ }^{2,5} Tannath Scott, PhD, ^(2,6){ }^{2,6} and Amador Garcia-Ramos, PhD ^(7,8){ }^{7,8} 喬納森·韋克利博士, ^(1,2){ }^{1,2} 布萊恩·曼博士, ^(3){ }^{3} 哈里·班亞德博士, ^(4){ }^{4} 肖恩·麥克萊倫博士, ^(2,5){ }^{2,5} 坦納斯·斯科特博士, ^(2,6){ }^{2,6} 和阿馬多爾·加西亞-拉莫斯博士 ^(7,8){ }^{7,8}^(1){ }^{1} School of Behavioural and Health Sciences, Australian Campus University, Brisbane, Queensland, Australia; ^(2){ }^{2} Carnegie Applied Rugby Research (CARR) Centre, Institute for Sport, Physical Activity and Leisure, Leeds Beckett University, Leeds, West Yorkshire, United Kingdom; ^(3){ }^{3} Department of Kinesiology and Sport Sciences, University of Miami, Miami, Florida; ^(4){ }^{4} Department of Health and Medical Sciences, Swinburne University of Technology, Melbourne, Australia; ^(5){ }^{5} England Performance Unit, The Rugby Football League, Leeds, West Yorkshire, United Kingdom; ^(6){ }^{6} School of Science and Technology, University of New England, Armidale, Australia; ^(7){ }^{7} Department of Sports Sciences and Physical Conditioning, Faculty of Education, Universidad Catolica de la Santisima Concepcion, Concepción, Chile; and ^(8){ }^{8} Department of Physical Education and Sport, Faculty of Sport Sciences, University of Granada, Granada, Spain ^(1){ }^{1} 澳洲布里斯本昆士蘭澳洲校區大學行為與健康科學學院; ^(2){ }^{2} 英國西約克郡利茲利茲貝克特大學運動、身體活動與休閒研究所卡內基應用橄欖球研究中心; ^(3){ }^{3} 美國佛羅里達州邁阿密邁阿密大學運動學與運動科學系; ^(4){ }^{4} 澳洲墨爾本斯威本科技大學健康與醫學科學系; ^(5){ }^{5} 英國西約克郡利茲橄欖球聯盟英格蘭表現部門; ^(6){ }^{6} 澳洲阿米代爾新英格蘭大學科學與技術學院; ^(7){ }^{7} 智利康塞普西翁聖母無原罪天主教大學教育學院運動科學與體能訓練系; ^(8){ }^{8} 西班牙格拉納達格拉納達大學運動科學學院體育與運動系
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Velocity-based training (VBT) is a contemporary method of resistance training that enables accurate and objective prescription of resistance training intensities and volumes. This review provides an applied framework for the theory and application of VBT. Specifically, this review gives detail on how to: use velocity to provide objective feedback, estimate strength, develop load-velocity profiles for accurate load prescription, and how to use statistics to monitor velocity. Furthermore, a discussion on the use of velocity loss thresholds, different methods of VBT prescription, and how VBT can be implemented within traditional programming models and microcycles is provided. 基於速度的訓練(VBT)是一種當代的阻力訓練方法,能夠準確且客觀地規定阻力訓練的強度和量。本評論提供了 VBT 理論與應用的實用框架。具體來說,本評論詳細介紹了如何:使用速度提供客觀反饋、估計力量、開發負荷-速度曲線以準確規定負荷,以及如何使用統計數據監控速度。此外,還討論了速度損失閾值的使用、不同的 VBT 規定方法,以及如何在傳統的編程模型和微週期中實施 VBT。
Athletes perform resistance training to develop strength, power, and lean body mass (81,82)(81,82). To achieve this, coaches typically prescribe specific resistance training loads relative 運動員進行阻力訓練以發展力量、爆發力和瘦體重 (81,82)(81,82) 。為了實現這一目標,教練通常會根據相對的阻力訓練負荷來制定特定的訓練計劃。
to an individual’s maximal ability (e.g., 70%70 \% of one repetition maximum [1RM]) (35,95)(35,95). In addition, athletes are commonly assigned a specified number of sets and repetitions to complete (e.g., 5 sets of 10 repetitions) based on the desired training goal (9). However, using an athlete’s previous maximal ability to prescribe training loads can be problematic if the athlete’s 1 RM changes as a consequence of training because the prescribed load may not match the %\% of 1RM intended for the particular session. In addition, it is known that the number of repetitions that can be performed with a given % of 1RM differs between athletes and, therefore, assigning the same number of sets and repetitions for all athletes may induce different levels of effort and fatigue (72,88)(72,88). Therefore, alternative methods such as velocity-based training (VBT) have been developed to provide accurate and objective data to support the prescription of resistance training (7-9). 對個人的最大能力(例如,一次最大重複次數[1RM]的 70%70 \% ) (35,95)(35,95) 。此外,根據期望的訓練目標,運動員通常會被分配完成特定數量的組數和重複次數(例如,5 組 10 次)(9)。然而,如果運動員的 1RM 因訓練而改變,使用運動員之前的最大能力來規定訓練負荷可能會產生問題,因為規定的負荷可能與特定訓練階段所預期的 1RM 的 %\% 不匹配。此外,已知在給定的 1RM 百分比下,不同運動員可以完成的重複次數不同,因此,為所有運動員分配相同的組數和重複次數可能會導致不同程度的努力和疲勞 (72,88)(72,88) 。因此,已經開發了基於速度的訓練(VBT)等替代方法,以提供準確和客觀的數據來支持阻力訓練的處方(7-9)。
VBT is a term that covers a wide array of training topics and approaches. The VBT 是一個涵蓋廣泛訓練主題和方法的術語。
integration of VBT lies on a continuum and can be used with varying emphasis (Figure 1). At its most basic level, velocity can be used as an accessory to traditional percentage-based training. For example, visual or verbal feedback of velocity can be provided to athletes to enhance performance and improve motivation and competitiveness (1,90,91,93,96)(1,90,91,93,96). Alternatively, VBT can be implemented across all facets of a resistance training programming and support the prescription of load, sets, number of repetitions, and the programming method applied (9,20,49,95)(9,20,49,95). For this reason, VBT should be defined as a method that “uses velocity to inform or enhance training practice.” This definition accounts for the broad implementation of training methods that use velocity and assist the practitioner in achieving their training goals. VBT 的整合位於一個連續體上,並且可以根據不同的重點來使用(圖 1)。在最基本的層面上,速度可以作為傳統基於百分比的訓練的輔助工具。例如,可以向運動員提供速度的視覺或口頭反饋,以增強表現並提高動力和競爭力 (1,90,91,93,96)(1,90,91,93,96) 。或者,VBT 可以在阻力訓練計劃的各個方面實施,並支持負荷、組數、重複次數的處方以及所應用的計劃方法 (9,20,49,95)(9,20,49,95) 。因此,VBT 應被定義為一種“使用速度來指導或增強訓練實踐”的方法。這個定義涵蓋了使用速度的訓練方法的廣泛實施,並幫助從業者實現他們的訓練目標。
Figure 1. Velocity-based training continuum highlighting the varying emphasis on velocity within a training program. 圖 1. 基於速度的訓練連續體,強調訓練計劃中速度的不同重點。
Velocity is commonly used over other kinetic or kinematic outputs (e.g., power) when resistance training for 3 reasons. First, it is well established that as an external mass is increased, reductions in lifting velocity occur (45,87)(45,87). This loss of velocity continues until a 1 RM load is achieved which corresponds with the minimum/terminal velocity threshold (V1RM) (45). Second, there is a nearly perfect linear relationship between velocity and intensity as a percentage of maximum ability (i.e., %\% of 1RM). This has been demonstrated consistently across a range of exercises and submaximal loads (13,27)(13,27). Third, a common element to many definitions of exercise-induced fatigue is that as fatigue increases, there is a transient decline in muscle fiber shortening speeds, relaxation times, and forcegenerating capacity that cause subsequent reductions in voluntary exercise velocity (33,74)(33,74). Put simply, as fatigue accrues, exercise velocity decreases. By acknowledging these fundamental concepts, practitioners can use velocity outputs to accurately and objectively prescribe external loads and training volumes for each session, irrespective of fluctuations in fatigue and athlete readiness. 在阻力訓練中,速度通常比其他動力學或運動學輸出(例如功率)更常被使用,原因有三。首先,眾所周知,當外部質量增加時,舉升速度會降低 (45,87)(45,87) 。這種速度的損失會持續到達到 1RM 負荷,這與最小/終端速度閾值(V1RM)相對應(45)。其次,速度與強度(即 1RM 的百分比)之間存在近乎完美的線性關係。這在一系列運動和次最大負荷中得到了持續的證明 (13,27)(13,27) 。第三,許多運動引起的疲勞定義中的一個共同要素是,隨著疲勞的增加,肌肉纖維縮短速度、放鬆時間和力量生成能力會出現暫時性下降,從而導致自願運動速度的後續降低 (33,74)(33,74) 。簡單來說,隨著疲勞的累積,運動速度會下降。通過認識這些基本概念,教練可以使用速度輸出來準確且客觀地為每次訓練制定外部負荷和訓練量,而不受疲勞和運動員準備狀態波動的影響。
The use of feedback during resistance training is a powerful tool for acute performance enhancement and adaptation. Although feedback can occur in many forms, visual and verbal feedback of barbell velocities have received the most investigation (1,50,59,92,93,96,98)(1,50,59,92,93,96,98). It 在阻力訓練期間使用反饋是提升即時表現和適應性的強大工具。儘管反饋可以以多種形式出現,但對槓鈴速度的視覺和口頭反饋已受到最多的研究 (1,50,59,92,93,96,98)(1,50,59,92,93,96,98) 。
has been demonstrated that these forms of feedback can cause improvements in performance in male (96) and female (93), adults (92) and adolescents (93,96)(93,96), and professional (1,59)(1,59) and nonprofessional (50) athletes. Not only do these improvements occur instantaneously during training (93,96)(93,96) but also when feedback is supplied and then removed, performance returns to baseline levels (50). These changes in performance have been found to occur alongside improvements in psychological characteristics, with increases in motivation and competitiveness being demonstrated when feedback of velocity performance is provided (92,93,96-98). 已經證明這些形式的反饋可以導致男性(96)和女性(93)、成年人(92)和青少年 (93,96)(93,96) ,以及專業 (1,59)(1,59) 和非專業(50)運動員的表現改善。這些改善不僅在訓練期間即時發生 (93,96)(93,96) ,而且當反饋被提供然後移除時,表現會回到基線水平(50)。這些表現的變化被發現與心理特徵的改善同時發生,當提供速度表現的反饋時,動機和競爭力有所增加(92,93,96-98)。
Although feedback of velocity can easily be provided within the training routine, the frequency, method of delivery, and personality of the athlete should be considered (refer to Table 1). Recent research (59) has demonstrated that different modes of feedback delivery influence performance adaptations. Nagata et al. (59) has shown immediate improvements and greater long-term physical development of loaded jump ability when verbal feedback of barbell velocity is supplied after each repetition. This was compared with the provision of average set velocity or a visual recording of the set. Furthermore, it is acknowledged that athletes may have a preference of whether they are visually or verbally informed of their performance outcomes (92). These differences may be due to intrinsic or extrinsic motivating factors (i.e., competition within or between athletes) and levels of athlete conscientiousness (92). However, it should be noted that 雖然在訓練過程中可以輕鬆提供速度反饋,但應考慮運動員的頻率、傳遞方法和個性(參見表 1)。最近的研究(59)表明,不同的反饋傳遞方式會影響表現的適應性。Nagata 等人(59)已經證明,當在每次重複後提供槓鈴速度的口頭反饋時,負重跳躍能力會立即改善並在長期內有更大的身體發展。這與提供平均組速度或組的視覺記錄進行了比較。此外,人們認識到運動員可能對他們是通過視覺還是口頭方式了解其表現結果有偏好(92)。這些差異可能是由於內在或外在的激勵因素(即運動員內部或之間的競爭)以及運動員的責任感水平(92)。然而,應該注意的是
in athletes with low levels of conscientiousness, verbally encouraging statements after each repetition may provide the greatest benefit (92). 在自律性較低的運動員中,每次重複後的口頭鼓勵陳述可能提供最大的益處(92)。
Finally, the chronic delivery of feedback during training is known to be of substantial benefit. Over a 6 -week period, Randell et al. (71) provided either feedback or no-feedback at the completion of each repetition of the jump squat and observed small to moderately greater improvements in standing broad jump (effect size [ES] = 0.28 ) and 30 m sprint performance (ES=0.46)(\mathrm{ES}=0.46). In addition, recent research by Weakley et al. (90) has highlighted greater improvements in 10-10- and 20-m20-\mathrm{m} sprint performance (ES =0.69=0.69 and 0.71 , respectively), jump height ( ES=0.21\mathrm{ES}=0.21 ), and 3 RM squat and bench press strength ( ES=0.28\mathrm{ES}=0.28 and 0.21 , respectively) when feedback is provided after each repetition of each exercise across a 4-week mesocycle. Also, of interest for the strength and conditioning practitioner, was that this study emphasized the benefit of providing feedback of performance when performing sprint drills. Sprint times and average velocity across a known distance can easily be conveyed to athletes and are believed to promote similar improvements in motivation and feelings of competitiveness within and between athletes as feedback during resistance training (90). 最後,訓練期間持續提供反饋被認為具有顯著的益處。在為期 6 週的時間內,Randell 等人(71)在每次跳躍深蹲重複完成後提供反饋或不提供反饋,並觀察到立定跳遠(效果量[ES] = 0.28)和 30 米衝刺表現( (ES=0.46)(\mathrm{ES}=0.46) )有小到中等程度的更大改善。此外,Weakley 等人(90)最近的研究強調,在 4 週的中週期內,每次練習重複後提供反饋時, 10-10- 和 20-m20-\mathrm{m} 衝刺表現(ES 分別為 =0.69=0.69 和 0.71)、跳躍高度( ES=0.21\mathrm{ES}=0.21 )以及 3RM 深蹲和臥推力量( ES=0.28\mathrm{ES}=0.28 和 0.21)有更大的改善。同樣,對於力量和體能訓練從業者來說,這項研究強調了在進行衝刺訓練時提供表現反饋的好處。已知距離的衝刺時間和平均速度可以輕鬆傳達給運動員,並且被認為能夠促進運動員內部和之間的動力和競爭感的類似改善,就像在阻力訓練期間提供反饋一樣(90)。
The 2 velocity variables most commonly used in practice and scientific research are mean velocity (MV) (i.e., the average velocity across the entire concentric phase) and peak velocity (PV) (i.e., the maximum instantaneous velocity reached during the concentric phase) (68,83)(68,83). However, mean propulsive velocity (MPV) (i.e., the average velocity from the start of the concentric phase until the acceleration is less than gravity [-9.81(m)*s^(-2)]\left[-9.81 \mathrm{~m} \cdot \mathrm{~s}^{-2}\right] ) has also been proposed as an alternative (77). The difference between the MPV and MV is that the latter does not account for the braking phase of the movement. 在實踐和科學研究中最常用的兩個速度變量是平均速度(MV)(即整個向心階段中的平均速度)和峰值速度(PV)(即向心階段中達到的最大瞬時速度) (68,83)(68,83) 。然而,平均推進速度(MPV)(即從向心階段開始直到加速度小於重力 [-9.81(m)*s^(-2)]\left[-9.81 \mathrm{~m} \cdot \mathrm{~s}^{-2}\right] 的平均速度)也被提出作為一種替代方案(77)。MPV 與 MV 之間的區別在於後者不考慮運動的制動階段。
Feedback variables and their effects on acute-training performance 反饋變量及其對急性訓練表現的影響
Variable 變數
Frequency after each repetition has been shown to have greater effects than after each set
Frequency after each repetition has been shown to have greater effects than after each set
(59).| Frequency after each repetition has been shown to have greater effects than after each set |
| :---: |
| (59). |
Frequency 頻率
Quantitative feedback of velocity enhances performance greater than observing video
recording of previous exercise (59).
Quantitative feedback of velocity enhances performance greater than observing video
recording of previous exercise (59).| Quantitative feedback of velocity enhances performance greater than observing video |
| :--- |
| recording of previous exercise (59). |
Quantitative vs. qualitative 定量 vs. 定性
Athletes with low levels of conscientiousness have the greatest improvements in kinematic
outputs when verbal encouragement is supplied (92).
Athletes with low levels of conscientiousness have the greatest improvements in kinematic
outputs when verbal encouragement is supplied (92).| Athletes with low levels of conscientiousness have the greatest improvements in kinematic |
| :---: |
| outputs when verbal encouragement is supplied (92). |
Conscientiousness 盡責性
When visual feedback of kinematic outputs are supplied, improvements are observed in both
males and females (92,93,96-98).
When visual feedback of kinematic outputs are supplied, improvements are observed in both
males and females (92,93,96-98).| When visual feedback of kinematic outputs are supplied, improvements are observed in both |
| :---: |
| males and females (92,93,96-98). |
Motivation and competitiveness 動機與競爭力
Intrinsically vs. extrinsically 本質上 vs. 外在
motivated athletes 有動力的運動員
Intrinsically motivated athletes may prefer visual feedback, while extrinsically motivated may
prefer to hear feedback (92).
Intrinsically motivated athletes may prefer visual feedback, while extrinsically motivated may
prefer to hear feedback (92).| Intrinsically motivated athletes may prefer visual feedback, while extrinsically motivated may |
| :--- |
| prefer to hear feedback (92). |
Encouragement 鼓勵
Verbally encouraging statements can enhance barbell velocity and power output (92). 口頭上的鼓勵性陳述可以增強槓鈴速度和功率輸出(92)。
Feedback variables and their effects on acute-training performance
Variable "Frequency after each repetition has been shown to have greater effects than after each set
Frequency "Quantitative feedback of velocity enhances performance greater than observing video
recording of previous exercise (59)."
Quantitative vs. qualitative "Athletes with low levels of conscientiousness have the greatest improvements in kinematic
outputs when verbal encouragement is supplied (92)."
Conscientiousness "When visual feedback of kinematic outputs are supplied, improvements are observed in both
males and females (92,93,96-98)."
Motivation and competitiveness
Intrinsically vs. extrinsically
motivated athletes "Intrinsically motivated athletes may prefer visual feedback, while extrinsically motivated may
prefer to hear feedback (92)."
Encouragement Verbally encouraging statements can enhance barbell velocity and power output (92).| Feedback variables and their effects on acute-training performance | |
| :--- | :--- |
| Variable | Frequency after each repetition has been shown to have greater effects than after each set <br> (59). |
| Frequency | Quantitative feedback of velocity enhances performance greater than observing video <br> recording of previous exercise (59). |
| Quantitative vs. qualitative | Athletes with low levels of conscientiousness have the greatest improvements in kinematic <br> outputs when verbal encouragement is supplied (92). |
| Conscientiousness | When visual feedback of kinematic outputs are supplied, improvements are observed in both <br> males and females (92,93,96-98). |
| Motivation and competitiveness | |
| Intrinsically vs. extrinsically | |
| motivated athletes | Intrinsically motivated athletes may prefer visual feedback, while extrinsically motivated may <br> prefer to hear feedback (92). |
| Encouragement | Verbally encouraging statements can enhance barbell velocity and power output (92). |
However, it is our opinion that MV and PV provide more valuable information for strength and conditioning practitioners for both testing and training purposes. 然而,我們認為 MV 和 PV 為力量和體能訓練從業者提供了更有價值的信息,無論是測試還是訓練目的。
Neuromuscular function can be assessed by measuring the velocity value achieved against a given load using traditional (e.g., bench press or squat) or ballistic (e.g., bench press throw or vertical jump) exercises (15,66)(15,66). When testing with light/moderate loads ( <= 70%1RM\leq 70 \% 1 \mathrm{RM} ), it is recommended that ballistic exercises are used (e.g., bench press throw rather than the traditional bench press variant). This removes the braking portion of the concentric movement and can provide greater reliability of velocity outcomes (61,66). However, using MV and MPV to measure ballistic performance is problematic because these metrics include the flight phase. Furthermore, MPV values could be even more problematic due to difficulties in detecting the exact moment take-off occurs. This issue may explain counterintuitive findings reported in the scientific literature such as the power developed in a traditional exercise (e.g., bench press) being greater than its ballistic variant (e.g., bench press throw) (46). Consequently, we recommend the use of PV for the testing of ballistic exercises. 神經肌肉功能可以通過使用傳統(例如,臥推或深蹲)或彈道(例如,臥推投擲或垂直跳躍)練習來測量在給定負荷下達到的速度值來評估 (15,66)(15,66) 。當使用輕/中等負荷進行測試時( <= 70%1RM\leq 70 \% 1 \mathrm{RM} ),建議使用彈道練習(例如,臥推投擲而不是傳統的臥推變體)。這消除了向心運動的制動部分,並可以提供更高的速度結果可靠性(61,66)。然而,使用 MV 和 MPV 來測量彈道性能是有問題的,因為這些指標包括飛行階段。此外,由於難以檢測到起飛的確切時刻,MPV 值可能更加成問題。這個問題可能解釋了科學文獻中報告的反直覺發現,例如傳統練習(例如,臥推)中產生的力量大於其彈道變體(例如,臥推投擲)(46)。因此,我們建議使用 PV 來測試彈道練習。
On the other hand, nonballistic variants of exercises are advised for testing heavier loads ( > 70%>70 \% 1RM), with MV and MPV providing virtually the same information (28,32,76)(28,32,76). Therefore, when testing “heavy” ( > 70%>70 \% 1RM), nonballistic exercises, all velocity variables could be equally valid. 另一方面,建議使用非彈道式的運動變體來測試較重的負荷( > 70%>70 \% 1RM),因為 MV 和 MPV 提供幾乎相同的信息 (28,32,76)(28,32,76) 。因此,在測試“重”負荷( > 70%>70 \% 1RM)時,非彈道式運動的所有速度變量都可能是同樣有效的。
Although velocity can be used in many ways during training, 3 important applications are (I) estimating the 1RM, (II) prescribing the volume and relative intensity of the training session based off the magnitude of velocity loss, and (III) increasing motivation and competitiveness through the provision of real-time velocity feedback. Presumably, all 3 velocity variables could be equally valid to fulfill the applications of points II and III. However, we recommend the use of MV to estimate the 1 RM because of its greater reliability (when compared with MPV) when lifting light relative loads (23,67)(23,67). The advantage of MV over PV is that the former varies less between different devices designed to measure movement velocity (22,30)(22,30), the relationship between load and velocity is more linear using MV (31), and that betweensubject variability in the velocity attained during 1 RM attempts may be lower. 儘管速度在訓練中可以有多種應用方式,但三個重要的應用是:(I) 估計 1RM,(II) 根據速度損失的程度來規定訓練的量和相對強度,以及(III) 通過提供即時速度反饋來增加動力和競爭性。推測所有三個速度變量在實現第二和第三點的應用上可能同樣有效。然而,我們建議使用 MV 來估計 1RM,因為在舉起相對輕的負荷時,其可靠性更高(與 MPV 相比) (23,67)(23,67) 。MV 相對於 PV 的優勢在於,前者在不同設計用於測量運動速度的設備之間變化較小 (22,30)(22,30) ,使用 MV 時負荷與速度之間的關係更為線性(31),並且在 1RM 嘗試期間達到的速度的個體間變異性可能較低。
One interesting application of VBT is the possibility of estimating 1RM strength from the velocity recorded against submaximal loads. General load-velocity (L-V) relationships (36) and individual L-V relationships (52) have previously been proposed to estimate the 1 RM . The general L-V relationship was introduced by GonzálezBadillo and Sánchez-Medina (32) who used a second-order polynomial regression equation to estimate the %1RM\% 1 \mathrm{RM} during the bench press exercise. After this seminal work, similar equations have been proposed in other resistance training exercises ( 3,5,13,28,30,31,54,65,753,5,13,28,30,31,54,65,75 ). Although general L-V relationship equations enable a quick estimation of the 1RM from the MV recorded during a single repetition, coaches should be aware of several limitations that may limit their use in practice. Briefly, the relationship between the MV recorded during a single repetition and the %1\% 1 RM may be influenced by the type of exercise (e.g., squat versus leg press) (13,38,75)(13,38,75), execution technique (e.g., concentric-only vs. eccentric-concentric) (28,65)(28,65), sex (higher values for men at lower %1\% 1 RM )(3,84))(3,84), and measurement device (4,22,26,91)(4,22,26,91). Of even more importance could be that the MV-%1RM relationship, especially at light relative loads, is subject-specific (70). Finally, from a statistical point of view, another problem of the general VBT 的一個有趣應用是從次最大負荷下記錄的速度估算 1RM 力量的可能性。先前已經提出了通用的負荷-速度(L-V)關係(36)和個體 L-V 關係(52)來估算 1RM。通用的 L-V 關係由 GonzálezBadillo 和 Sánchez-Medina(32)引入,他們使用二階多項式回歸方程來估算臥推運動中的 %1RM\% 1 \mathrm{RM} 。在這項開創性工作之後,其他阻力訓練運動中也提出了類似的方程( 3,5,13,28,30,31,54,65,753,5,13,28,30,31,54,65,75 )。儘管通用的 L-V 關係方程能夠從單次重複中記錄的 MV 快速估算 1RM,但教練應注意可能限制其在實踐中使用的幾個限制。簡而言之,單次重複中記錄的 MV 與 %1\% 1 RM 之間的關係可能受到運動類型(例如,深蹲與腿舉) (13,38,75)(13,38,75) 、執行技術(例如,僅向心與離心-向心) (28,65)(28,65) 、性別(男性在較低的 %1\% 1 RM )(3,84))(3,84) 時具有較高的值)以及測量設備 (4,22,26,91)(4,22,26,91) 的影響。 更重要的是,MV-%1RM 關係,特別是在輕負荷下,是受個體差異影響的(70)。最後,從統計的角度來看,一般性的另一個問題
Address correspondence to Dr. Jonathon Weakley, 請將信件寄送至 Jonathon Weakley 博士,電子郵件地址為。