Quick Guide
WS7290 V2 PT9030 V2
Quick Guide
WS7290 V2 PT9030 V2
详细配置指导视频, 请扫描二维码查阅。
For detailed configuration instruction video, please scan the QR code to view.
详细配置指导、精彩功能 以及热门问题,请扫描二 维码查看产品使用指南。
For detailed configuration guidance, exciting features, and popular questions, please scan the 2D code to view the product user guide.
认识路由器 母路由
Recognize the router mother
NFC 感应区域
NFC sensing area
H 键:同时具备复位键及 H 键的功能
H-key: It has the function of reset key and H-key at the same time
网口:连接母路由网口; 或连接电脑等
Network port: connect the bus network port; Or connect to a computer, etc
The router is configured for the first time
一 . 安装智慧生活 App
1. Install the Smart Life App
● 在手机可以正常上网的情况下,扫描二维码,或在应用市场搜索华为智 慧生活,下载安装 App。
If your phone can access the Internet normally, scan the QR code, or search for HUAWEI Smart Life in the app marketplace to download and install the app.
● 安装完成后,打开 App,请注册或登录华为帐号。
After the installation is complete, open the app, and sign up for or log in to your HUAWEI ID.
● 若手机已安装华为智慧生活 App ,请确保 App 版本为最新。
If you have installed the Huawei Smart Life app on your phone, make sure the app version is up to date.
二 . 连线
● 不建议使用插线板,若条件限制需要使用,不能插在两脚电源插头的插线板 上,以免降低路由器的性能。
It is not recommended to use a power strip, and if the conditions require it, it cannot be plugged into the power strip of the two-pin power plug, so as not to reduce the performance of the router.
三 . 设置上网
3. Set up Internet access
欢迎使用 |
情景二 :宽带帐号上网(您的网络配置需要输入宽带帐号和密码)。
Scenario 2: A broadband account is used to access the Internet (you need to enter a broadband account and password for your network configuration).
● 若您记得宽带帐号和密码 :请直接输入。
If you remember your broadband account number and password: Please enter it directly.
● 若您忘记了宽带帐号和密码:
If you have forgotten your broadband account and password:
Contact your broadband operator to obtain a broadband account number and password.
Broadband account to access the Internet Automatically obtain an IP static IP |
● 图示仅供参考,具体界面请以实际产品为准。
The diagram is for reference only, please refer to the actual product for the specific interface.
Get more help
手机连接路由器的 Wi-Fi,打开智慧生活 App,点击对应路由器卡片进入其管理界 面,获取使用指南。
Connect your phone to the router's WiFi, open the Smart Life app, and tap the corresponding router card to enter its management area to get the user guide.
The sub-route is a wall outlet
待完成母路由的配置后,在 Wi-Fi 信号不好的房间,将子路由插在墙上 插座。等待约 2 分钟,指示灯自动蓝色常亮表示可以上网。
After the female router is configured, plug the subrouter into a wall outlet in a room with a poor Wi-Fi signal. Wait for about 2 minutes, and the indicator will automatically turn solid blue to indicate that you can surf the Internet.
wall outlets
部分插线板有滤波功能, 会导致子路由无法上网。
Some power strips have a filtering function, which will prevent sub-routers from accessing the Internet.
子路由 Wi-Fi 名称和密码与母路由相同。当您在家中移动时,会自动 为您连接信号更好的路由器。
The subroute Wi-Fi name and password are the same as the parent route. When you move around your home, it automatically connects you to a router with a better signal.
● 子路由通过电力线将母路由的网络扩展到其他房间。部分电器可能对路由器 的电力线信号产生干扰,请尽量将路由器放置在远离干扰电器的位置。
The sub-route extends the network of the parent route to other rooms through power lines. Some electrical appliances may interfere with the power line signal of the router, so please place the router away from the interference electrical appliances as much as possible.
指示灯 母路由
Indicator light bus route
蓝色常亮:可以上网 |
红色常亮:无法上网 ● 请确保网线无松动和连接无错误。 ● 请致电宽带运营商,确认网络是否存在故障。 |
闪烁:路由器已检测到可配对的设备 发现可配对的鸿蒙智联设备,指示灯自动变为慢闪。此时点按一下母路由的 H 键 后,指示灯闪烁加快,可配对设备将连接到 Wi-Fi,连上后,母路由指示灯停止 闪烁。 If you accidentally touch the H key and the indicator flashes, wait for 2 minutes for the indicator to recover automatically. ● 路由器的 H 键同时具有 WPS 按键功能。 |
蓝色快闪:正在软件升级中 |
蓝色常亮:可以上网 |
红色常亮:无法上网 ● 请确保母路由的电源线未与网线捆扎。 ● 请将子路由插在靠近母路由的墙上插座。 ● 请更换其他墙上插座,插入子路由重试。 ● 请将子路由恢复出厂设置后重试。 |
闪烁:路由器已检测到可配对的设备 发现可配对的鸿蒙智联设备,指示灯自动变为慢闪。此时点按一下子路由的 H 键 后,指示灯闪烁加快,可配对设备将连接到 Wi-Fi,连上后,子路由指示灯停止 闪烁。 If you accidentally touch the H key and the indicator flashes, please wait for 2 minutes for the indicator to recover automatically. ● 路由器的 H 键同时具有 WPS 按键功能。 |
蓝色快闪:正在软件升级中 |
frequently asked questions
1.智慧生活 App 无法识别到路由器,怎么办? 答:● 请确保智慧生活 App 版本为最新。
1. What should I do if the Smart Life app can't recognize the router? A: Please make sure that the version of the Smart Living App is up to date.
● 请确保手机连接上母路由的 Wi-Fi。
Make sure that your phone is connected to the Wi Fi of the bus router.
● 请确保子母路由均为全新或已恢复出厂状态。
Make sure that the mother and child routes are all new or factory restored.
● 请确保子母路由已连接电源,稍等片刻(待路由器完成启动)后重新扫描。
Make sure that the router is connected to the power supply, wait a few moments (wait for the router to boot up) and scan again.
● 建议在母路由所在的房间配置子路由。
It is recommended that you configure a sub-route in the room where the parent route is located.
2. What should I do if I have a problem setting up my router to surf the Internet?
答:● 若手机搜不到路由器 Wi-Fi:请确保路由器已接通电源,稍等片刻(待路由 器完成启动),然后在手机上重新扫描。
Answer: If you can't find the router WiFi on your phone: Make sure the router is plugged in, wait for a while (until the router finishes booting), and then scan it again on your phone.
● 若界面提示“未检测到入户网线”:请确保路由器的网口连接处无松动、无接 触不良、网线无异常。
If the interface displays "No home network cable detected", make sure that the network port connection of the router is not loose, there is no bad connection, and there is no abnormal network cable.
● 若界面提示“帐号或密码错误”:请重新输入宽带帐号和密码;若仍提示错误, 可能是宽带运营商绑定了旧路由器的 MAC 地址,导致新的路由器连接不上, 请选择从旧路由器获取网络配置,根据界面提示完成后续操作,或咨询宽带 运营商。
If the interface prompts "Wrong account or password": Please re-enter the broadband account number and password. If the error persists, the broadband carrier may bind the MAC address of the old router, resulting in the new router cannot be connected, please select Get the network configuration from the old router, complete the subsequent operations according to the prompts, or consult the broadband operator.
● 若界面提示“从旧路由器获取网络配置失败”:请确保旧路由器已接通电源, 旧路由器的 WAN/LAN 自适应网口或 WAN 口已连接至母路由器的任意网 口,重启旧路由器,然后重试。
If the message "Failed to get network configuration from the old router" is displayed, make sure that the old router is connected to the power supply, and that the WANLAN adaptive network port or WAN port of the old router is connected to any network port of the female router, restart the old router, and try again.
3. How do I factory reset the bus route?
答:将路由器接通电源,稍等片刻(待路由器完成启动),使用针状物按下路由器 的 RESET 复位孔,并保持 2 秒以上,指示灯熄灭后松开。等待路由器重启亮 红灯后,即已完成恢复出厂设置。
Answer: Plug the router into the power supply, wait for a while (wait for the router to finish booting), press the RESET port of the router with a needle, and hold it for more than 2 seconds, then release the indicator when the indicator is off. Wait for the router to reboot and turn on the red light, and the factory reset is complete.
4. How do I factory reset a sub-router?
答:在通电状态下, 长按 H 键 8 秒以上,待指示灯熄灭后松开。等待子路由重启亮 红灯,即已完成恢复出厂设置。
Answer: In the power-on state, press and hold the H button for more than 8 seconds, and release it when the indicator light turns off. Wait for the sub-route to restart with a red light, that is, the factory reset has been completed.
5.如何使用路由器的 NFC 功能进行一碰连网?
5. How do I use the router's NFC function to connect to the Internet?
答:手机在亮屏解锁状态下,打开 NFC,然后使用手机背部 NFC 区域触碰路由器 的 NFC 区域,根据手机屏幕提示点击连接,即可连上路由器 Wi-Fi。
Answer: When the phone is unlocked with the screen on, turn on NFC, then use the NFC area on the back of the phone to touch the NFC area of the router, and tap Connect according to the on-screen prompts of the phone to connect to the WiFi of the router.
6.子路由无法配对组网,指示灯一直红色常亮,怎么办? 答: ● 请将子路由插在靠近母路由的墙上插座。
6. What should I do if the sub-router cannot be paired and the indicator light keeps solid-red? A: Please plug the sub-router into a wall outlet close to the parent router route.
● 请更换其他墙上插座,插入子路由重试 。
Please replace it with a different wall outlet, plug in the sub-router and try again.
● 请将子路由恢复出厂设置后重试。
Please restore the subroute to factory settings and try again.
7.如何使用路由器的 WPS 功能配对?
7. How do I use the router's WPS feature pairing?
答 :路由器通电状态下,在两分钟内,依次按一下母路由的 H 键和其他 Wi-Fi 设 备(如:手机等)的 WPS 键,即可启动标准的 WPS 协商,将 Wi-Fi 设备 接入路由器的 Wi-Fi 网络。
Answer: When the router is powered on, within two minutes, press the H key of the bus and the WPS key of other WiFi devices (such as mobile phones, etc.) in turn to start the standard WPS negotiation and connect the WiFi device to the WiFi network of the router.
8.某些终端设备扫描不到或无法连接路由器 Wi-Fi,怎么办?
8.What should I do if some terminal devices cannot scan or connect to the router WiFi?
答: Wi-Fi 6 是新一代的 Wi-Fi 技术, 可有效提升 Wi-Fi 6 终端设备的上网速度。 但某些老终端设备可能出现扫描不到或者无法连接 Wi-Fi 的兼容性问题,该情 况下您可以尝试升级老终端设备软件版本或按照以下方式操作:
A: WiFi 6 is a new generation of WiFi technology, which can effectively improve the Internet speed of WiFi 6 terminal devices. However, some old terminal devices may have compatibility issues that cannot be scanned or cannot connect to WiFi, in which case you can try to upgrade the software version of the old terminal device or perform the following operations:
请将路由器和智慧生活 App 升级到最新版本,在智慧生活 App 中,点击路器 图标,在查看更多中或界面右上角搜索“ Wi-Fi 5 备用网络”并开启 Wi-Fi 5 备用网络,然后使用老终端设备连接 Wi-Fi 5 网络。
Please upgrade the router and smart life app to the latest version, in the smart life app, touch the road icon, search for "WiFi 5 backup network" in View More or in the upper right corner of the interface, turn on the WiFi 5 backup network, and then use the old terminal device to connect to the WiFi 5 network.
9.华为凌霄子母路由 Q6 能否与华为路由 Q2/Q2 Pro/Q2S 搭配使用?
9.Can HUAWEI Sky Router Q6 be used with HUAWEI Router Q2/Q2 Pro/Q2S?
答 :华为凌霄子母路由 Q6 不支持和华为路由 Q2/Q2 Pro/Q2S 进行电力线组网, 请不要将华为凌霄子母路由 Q6 和华为路由 Q2/Q2 Pro/Q2S 搭配使用,以免 影响华为凌霄子母路由 Q6 的系统性能。
Answer: HUAWEI SKY-LINE Router Q6 does not support powerline networking with HUAWEI Router Q2/Q2 Pro/Q2S, please do not use HUAWEI SKY-LINE Router Q6 with HUAWEI Router Q2/Q2 Pro/Q2S to avoid affecting the system performance of HUAWEI SKY-LINE Router Q6.
Safety Information
△【警告】在使用和操作设备前,请阅读并遵守下面的注意事项,以确保设备性能最佳, 并避免出现危险或非法情况。
△ [Warning] Before using and operating the equipment, please read and follow the following precautions to ensure the best performance of the equipment and avoid dangerous or illegal situations.
· 设备产生的无线电波或含有磁铁可能会影响植入式医疗设备或个人医用设备的正常工作, 如起搏器、植入耳蜗、助听器等。若您使用了这些医用设备,请向其制造商咨询使用本设 备的限制条件。
· Radio waves generated by the device or containing magnets may affect the normal operation of implantable medical devices or personal medical devices, such as pacemakers, cochlear implants, hearing aids, etc. If you are using these medical devices, please consult their manufacturers about restrictions on the use of this device.
· 在使用本设备时,请与植入的医疗设备(如起搏器、植入耳蜗等)保持至少 15 厘米的距离。 · 请在温度 0℃~ 40℃ 范围内使用本产品,在 -40℃~ +70℃ 范围内存储本产品。
· When using this device, keep a distance of at least 15 cm from the implanted medical device (such as pacemaker, cochlear implant, etc.). · Please use this product in the temperature range of 0°C~40°C, and store the product in the range of -40°C~+70°C.
· 在使用设备过程中,注意确保人体与设备天线之间保持 20 厘米以上的距离。
· During the use of the device, pay attention to ensure that the distance between the human body and the antenna of the device is maintained at least 20 cm.
· 只能使用设备制造商认可且与此型号设备配套的配件。如果使用其他类型的配件,可能违 反本设备的保修条款以及本设备所处国家的相关规定,并可能导致安全事故。如需获取认 可的配件,请与华为客户服务中心联系。
· Use only accessories approved by the device manufacturer and used with this model of equipment. The use of other types of accessories may violate the warranty provisions of this device and the relevant regulations of the country in which this device is located, and may result in safety incidents. To obtain an approved accessory, contact the Huawei Customer Service Center.
· 电源插头作为断开装置,对可插式设备,插座应安装在产品附近并应易于操作。 · 当不使用本设备时,请断开电源与设备的连接并从电源插座上拔掉电源插头。 · 产品电源插头应连接到具有接地连接的插座。
· The power plug is used as a disconnecting device, and for pluggable equipment, the socket should be installed near the product and should be easy to operate. · When this appliance is not in use, disconnect the power supply from the appliance and unplug it from the power outlet. · The product power plug should be connected to an outlet with a grounding connection.
· 本产品铭牌在产品底部外表面。 环境保护
· The nameplate of this product is on the outer surface of the bottom of the product. Environmental protection
· 请勿将本设备及其附件作为普通的生活垃圾处理。
· Do not dispose of this appliance and its accessories as ordinary household waste.
· 请遵守本设备及其附件处理的本地法令,并支持回收行动。
· Please comply with local laws and regulations regarding the disposal of this device and its accessories, and support recycling actions.
Get more safety information
若要查阅更多安全信息,请打开智慧生活 App,进入设备页面,点击 :: > 法律信息 > 安全 信息。或请访问路由器管理页面(管理地址详见路由器铭牌),点击右下方的安全信息。
To view more security information, please open the Smart Life app, go to the device page, and click: > Legal Information > Security Information. Or visit the router management page (see the router nameplate for the management address) and click Security Information at the bottom right.
The name and content of the hazardous substance in the product
部件名称 | 有害物质 | |||||
铅 (Pb) | 汞 (Hg) | 镉 (Cd) | 六价铬 (Cr(VI)) | 多溴联苯 (PBB) | 多溴二苯醚 (PBDE) | |
主机 | × | ○ | ○ | ○ | ○ | ○ |
适配器 | × | ○ | ○ | ○ | ○ | ○ |
线缆 | ○ | ○ | ○ | ○ | ○ | ○ |
天线 | ○ | ○ | ○ | ○ | ○ | ○ |
本表格依据 SJ/T 11364 的规定编制。 ○:表示该有害物质在该部件所有均质材料中的含量均在 GB/T 26572 规定的限量要求 以下。 ×:表示该有害物质至少在该部件的某一均质材料中的含量超出 GB/T 26572 规定的限 量要求,且目前业界没有成熟的替代方案,符合欧盟 RoHS 指令环保要求。 |
Capability Specification for Supporting Micropower Short Range Radio Transmission (NFC)
本产品具备《中华人民共和国无线电管理条例》规定的微功率短距离无线电发射能力 (NFC 功能),根据“工业和信息化部公告 2019 年第 52 号”的要求,现注明如下:
This product has the micro-power short-range radio transmission capability (NFC function) stipulated in the "Radio Administration Regulations of the People's Republic of China", and according to the requirements of the "Announcement No. 52 of 2019 of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology", it is hereby indicated as follows:
(一) 产品符合“微功率短距离无线电发射设备目录和技术要求”第一条通用微功率设备第 3 款 C 类 设备的规定,内置环形 NFC 天线,通过负载调制方式实现路由器一碰联网功能,不具备主动发射场 景,用户可根据产品说明书来使用此功能;
(1) The product complies with the provisions of Category C equipment in Article 3 of Article 1 of the "Catalogue and Technical Requirements for Micropower Short-range Radio Transmission Equipment", with a built-in loop NFC antenna, which realizes the function of one-touch networking of the router through load modulation, and does not have an active transmission scene, and the user can use this function according to the product manual;
(二) 不得擅自改变使用场景或使用条件、扩大发射频率范围、加大发射功率(包括额外加装射频功率 放大器),不得擅自更改发射天线;
(2) The use scenarios or conditions of use, the expansion of the transmitting frequency range, the increase of the transmitting power (including the installation of additional radio frequency power amplifiers), and the alteration of the transmitting antenna without authorization;
(三) 不得对其他合法的无线电台(站)产生有害干扰,也不得提出免受有害干扰保护;
(iii) shall not cause harmful interference to other legitimate radio stations (stations), nor shall protection from harmful interference be proposed;
(四) 应当承受辐射射频能量的工业、科学及医疗(ISM)应用设备的干扰或其他合法的无线电台 (站)干扰;
(iv) should be subject to interference from industrial, scientific and medical (ISM) applications that radiate radio frequency energy or interference from other lawful radio stations (stations);
(五) 如对其他合法的无线电台(站)产生有害干扰时,应立即停止使用,并采取措施消除干扰后方可 继续使用;
5) In case of harmful interference to other legal radio stations (stations), the use of them should be stopped immediately, and measures should be taken to eliminate the interference before they can continue to be used;
(六) 在航空器内和依据法律法规、国家有关规定、标准划设的射电天文台、气象雷达站、卫星地球站 (含测控、测距、接收、导航站)等军民用无线电台(站)、机场等的电磁环境保护区域内使用微功 率设备,应当遵守电磁环境保护及相关行业主管部门的规定;
6) The use of micro-power equipment in aircraft and in the electromagnetic environmental protection area of military and civilian radio stations (stations), airports, etc., such as radio astronomy observatories, meteorological radar stations, satellite earth stations (including tracking and control, ranging, receiving, and navigation stations) and airports set up in accordance with laws and regulations, relevant state regulations, and standards, shall comply with the provisions of the competent departments for electromagnetic environmental protection and related industries;
(七) 禁止在以机场跑道中心点为圆心、半径 5000 米的区域内使用各类模型遥控器;
(7) It is forbidden to use all types of model remote controls in an area with the center point of the airport runway as the center point and a radius of 5,000 meters;
(八) 本产品 NFC 工作电压 2.2V~3.3V,工作环境温度 0℃~40℃。
(8) The NFC working voltage of this product is 2.2V~3.3V, and the working ambient temperature is 0°C~40°C.
(九) 使用微功率短距离无线电发射设备应当符合国家无线电管理有关规定。
(9) The use of micro-power short-range radio transmission equipment shall comply with the relevant provisions of the national wireless power administration.
Legal Notices
版权所有 © 2023 华为终端有限公司。保留一切权利。 商标声明
© Copyright 2023 Huawei Device Co., Ltd. All rights reserved. Trademark Notice
在本手册以及本手册描述的产品中,出现的其他商标、产品名称、服务名称以及公司名称, 由其各自的所有人拥有。
Other trademarks, product names, service names, and company names appearing in this manual and in the products described in this manual are the property of their respective owners.
Limitation of Liability
本手册中的内容均“按照现状”提供,除非适用法律要求,华为对本手册中的所有内容 不提供任何明示或暗示的保证,包括但不限于适销性或者适用于某一特定目的的保证。 在适用法律允许的范围内,华为在任何情况下,都不对因使用本手册相关内容及本手册 描述的产品而产生的任何特殊的、附带的、间接的、继发性的损害进行赔偿,也不对任 何利润、数据、商誉或预期节约的损失进行赔偿。
The contents of this manual are provided "as is", and unless required by applicable law, Huawei disclaims all warranties of any kind, either express or implied, including but not limited to warranties of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose. To the extent permitted by applicable law, Huawei shall not under any circumstances compensate for any special, incidental, indirect, or consequential damages arising from the use of the relevant contents of this manual or the products described in this manual, nor shall it compensate for any loss of profits, data, goodwill, or anticipated savings.
在相关法律允许的范围内,在任何情况下,华为对您因为使用本手册描述的产品而遭受 的损失的最大责任(除在涉及人身伤害的情况中根据适用的法律规定的损害赔偿外)以 您购买本产品所支付的价款为限。
To the extent permitted by applicable laws, in any case, Huawei's maximum liability for losses incurred by you as a result of your use of the product described in this manual (except for damages in the case of personal injury in accordance with applicable laws) is limited to the price you paid for the product.
Data Security
使用非授权第三方软件升级设备的固件和系统,可能存在设备无法使用或者泄漏您个人 信息等安全风险。建议您使用在线升级或者将设备送至您附近的华为客户服务中心升级。 版本更新
Using unauthorized third-party software to upgrade the firmware and system of the device may cause security risks such as the device being unusable or leaking your personal information. We recommend that you use the online update or send your device to a Huawei customer service center near you. Version updates
为增强本产品的安全性、以及为您提供更好的用户体验,有重要新版本时,我们会定期 主动推送新版本升级消息。
In order to enhance the security of this product and provide you with a better user experience, we will regularly push new version upgrade messages when there is an important new version.
Privacy Protection
To learn more about how we use and protect your personal information, please visit:
https://consumer.huawei.com/privacy-policy 阅读我们的隐私政策。 最终用户许可协议
https://consumerhuaweicomprivacypolicy Read our Privacy Policy. End User License Agreement
在使用产品之前,请访问产品管理界面认真阅读并同意《最终用户许可协议》。 本资料仅供参考,不构成任何形式的承诺。
Before using the product, please visit the product management interface to carefully read and agree to the End User License Agreement. This material is for informational purposes only and does not constitute a commitment of any kind.
路由器的速率数据来源于华为实验室,数据为理论速率(其中无线速率为多频并发速率), 实际速率视环境、终端类型而定。
The rate data of the router comes from Huawei's lab, and the data is the theoretical rate (where the wireless speed is the multi-band concurrency rate), and the actual rate depends on the environment and terminal type.
Device information
CMIIT ID 详见路由器底部铭牌。
The CMIITID is detailed in the nameplate at the bottom of the router.
Consumer Service Hotline: 950800
购买华为终端产品请访问 华为商城:www.vmall.com。 更多信息请访问 https://consumer.huawei.com/cn。
To purchase Huawei terminal products, please visit the Huawei Mall: www.vmall.com. For more information, please visit https://consumerhuaweicomcn.