Translational research often involves tissue sampling and analysis. Blood is by far the most common tissue collected. Due to the many difficulties encountered with blood procurement from children, it is imperative to maximize the quality and stability of the collected samples to optimize research results. Collected blood can remain whole or be fractionated into serum, plasma, or cell concentrates such as red blood cells, leukocytes, or platelets. Serum and plasma can be used for analyte studies, including proteins, lipids, and small molecules, and as a source of cell-free nucleic acids. Cell concentrates are used in functional studies, flow cytometry, culture experiments, or as a source for cellular nucleic acids. Before initiating studies on blood, a thorough evaluation of practices that may influence analyte and/or cellular integrity is required. Thus, it is imperative that child health researchers working with human blood are aware of how experimental results can be altered by blood sampling methods, times to processing, container tubes, presence or absence of additives, shipping and storage variables, and freeze-thaw cycles. The authors of this review, in an effort to encourage and optimize translational research using blood from pediatric patients, outline best practices for blood collection, processing, shipment, and storage.
转化研究通常涉及组织采样和分析。血液是最常见的组织样本。由于从儿童身上采集血液存在许多困难,因此必须最大限度地提高采集样本的质量和稳定性,以优化研究结果。采集的血液可以保持完整,也可以分离成血清、血浆或细胞浓缩物,如红细胞、白细胞或血小板。血清和血浆可用于分析物质研究,包括蛋白质、脂质和小分子,以及作为细胞无核酸的来源。细胞浓缩物可用于功能研究、流式细胞术、培养实验或作为细胞核酸的来源。在对血液进行研究之前,需要对可能影响分析物和/或细胞完整性的实践进行彻底评估。因此,儿童健康研究人员在处理人体血液时必须意识到实验结果可能会受到血液采样方法、处理时间、容器管、添加剂的存在与否、运输和储存变量以及冻融循环的影响。 为了鼓励和优化使用儿科患者血液进行转化研究,本综述的作者们概述了血液采集、处理、运输和储存的最佳实践。

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