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ACKNOWLEDGMENTS … vii 致谢 … vii
Introduction: Bad Economy? Good News! … 1 引言:糟糕的经济?好消息!… 1
1 Is Your Business Stuck? … 11 1 你的生意停滞不前吗? … 11
2 Are You Stuck Losing Out to the Competition? … 27 你是否陷入了输给竞争对手的困境?… 27
3 Are You Stuck Not Selling Enough? … 47 3 你是否因为销售不足而感到困惑? … 47
4 Are You Stuck with Erratic Business Volume? … 79 4 你是否面临不稳定的业务量? … 79
5 Are You Stuck Failing to Strategize? … 101 5 你是否陷入了无法制定战略的困境?… 101
6 Are You Stuck with Costs Eating Up All Your Profits? … 123 6 你是否被成本困扰,吞噬了所有利润? … 123
7 Are You Stuck Still Doing What’s Not Working? … 141 你还在固执地做那些无效的事情吗?… 141
8 Are You Stuck Being Marginalized by the Marketplace? … 165 你是否被市场边缘化而感到困扰? … 165
9 Are You Stuck with Mediocre Marketing? … 183 9 你被平庸的营销困住了吗? … 183
10 Are You Stuck Still Saying “I Can Do It Myself”? … 213 10 你还在说“我可以自己做”吗?… 213
11 How to Get Going and Growing in a Crisis Economy … 241 11 如何在危机经济中启动和成长 … 241
I’m just egotistical enough to tell you that this is the book that will make the difference for you between failure and success in this post-2008 crisis economy-and beyond. 我自负得足以告诉你,这是一本能让你在 2008 年后危机经济中以及未来成功与失败之间产生差异的书。
On the other hand, I’m not so egotistical as to suggest that every one of the hundreds of approaches, strategies, and tactics described herein were invented by the author. Instead, you’ll find in these pages the ideas (duly acknowledged, of course!) of some of the most brilliant business minds in the world today - men and women who are not just legendary figures in the worlds of marketing and sales but also my friends, colleagues, co-authors, and co-presenters, and current and past business strategic partners. First among equals is Rich Schefren, whose brilliance enlivens many of the chapters of this book, and without whom the book (and many successful online marketers) would be immeasurably poorer. 另一方面,我并不是那么自负,认为这里描述的数百种方法、策略和战术都是作者发明的。相反,您会在这些页面中找到一些当今世界上最杰出的商业头脑的想法(当然,已得到适当的承认!)——这些人不仅是营销和销售领域的传奇人物,也是我的朋友、同事、合著者和共同演讲者,以及现在和过去的商业战略合作伙伴。在平等者中,首屈一指的是 Rich Schefren,他的才华使本书的许多章节生动起来,没有他,这本书(以及许多成功的在线营销者)将会失去无可估量的价值。
You’ll also discover the ideas of Chet Holmes, with whom I have repeatedly shared the speaker’s platform and whose book, The Ultimate Sales Machine, I endorse heartily. 你还会发现切特·霍尔姆斯的理念,我曾多次与他分享演讲平台,他的书《终极销售机器》我非常推荐。
And the ideas of Andy Miller, a genius when it comes to consultative selling. 还有安迪·米勒的想法,他在咨询销售方面是个天才。
Thank you, Barbara Lowenstein, for agenting the deal and selling the book in so many foreign markets. 谢谢你,Barbara Lowenstein,感谢你促成这笔交易并在如此多的外国市场上销售这本书。
A special thank you also goes to Roger Cooper, the publisher, for his faith in this book and his willingness to roll up his sleeves and make it a success. 特别感谢出版商罗杰·库珀对本书的信任,以及他愿意亲力亲为使其成功。
To Ruth Mills, who ably copyedited the book, helping me to sound more organized and concise than is often the case in real life. To Michael Levin, who-though he takes life, and me, too seriously-gave my ideas a stronger, clearer voice. 致鲁思·米尔斯,她出色地编辑了本书,帮助我听起来比现实生活中更有条理和简洁。致迈克尔·莱文,尽管他对生活和我都太过认真,却赋予了我的想法更强烈、更清晰的声音。
To Christy, who has been after me for years to write another book. 致克里斯蒂,她多年来一直催我写另一本书。
And to all the wonderful people who have taken me under their wing over the last thirty years to counsel, mentor, teach, and train me in all their wisdom and knowledge. 感谢所有在过去三十年里把我纳入怀抱的优秀人士,给予我指导、辅导、教学和培训,传授他们的智慧和知识。
If I have failed to acknowledge anyone else in this book for their ideas and influence, it’s merely an unintentional oversight and for that, I duly apologize. 如果我在本书中未能承认其他任何人对他们的想法和影响的贡献,那只是一个无意的疏忽,为此我深表歉意。
This book is offered to business owners, entrepreneurs, professionals, start-ups, and managers alike, with the hope that it will help your respective enterprises keep going, growing, and thriving in this bad economy and beyond. 本书面向企业主、企业家、专业人士、初创公司和管理者,希望能帮助你们各自的企业在这糟糕的经济环境中持续发展、壮大和繁荣。
GOOD NEWS! 糟糕的经济?好消息!
I love a bad economy. 我喜欢糟糕的经济。
So do my clients. 所以我的客户也是。
And after you read this book, so will you. 而在你读完这本书后,你也会如此。
For all the pain they cause, economic downturns-like the one we’re in today-allow us to discover that areas of growth are actually more plentiful in hard times than in boom times. And that’s why I appreciate such downturns. 尽管经济衰退带来了许多痛苦——就像我们今天所经历的那样——但它们让我们发现,在困难时期,增长的领域实际上比繁荣时期更为丰富。这就是我欣赏这种衰退的原因。
In a bad economy, you can walk all over your competition, lap the field, run circles-you pick the metaphor. The main thing is that you can win easily-if you know how to benefit from bad times. Everyone else is dropping out of the race, and you’re seeing the checkered flag. Everyone else is looking backward, and you’re looking forward. They’re terrified, and you’re making a fortune. Indeed, you’re seeing opportunities and overlooked markets, transactions, and areas of thinking that no one else saw in good times, so they certainly won’t see them in times of financial struggle. 在糟糕的经济环境中,你可以轻松超越竞争对手,领先全场,游刃有余——你可以选择任何比喻。关键是,如果你知道如何在困难时期获益,你就能轻松获胜。其他人都在退出比赛,而你却看到了方格旗。其他人都在回顾过去,而你在展望未来。他们感到恐惧,而你却在赚取巨额财富。事实上,你看到了机会和被忽视的市场、交易以及思维领域,而这些在经济好时没有人注意到,因此在财务困境时期他们肯定也不会看到。
The Sticking Point Solution makes a unique promise. Anyone can show you how to succeed when all the indicators are up. But I’m going to show you how to succeed as never beforewhen the national and global financial picture looks bleak. 《卡点解决方案》做出了独特的承诺。任何人都可以在所有指标上升时向你展示如何成功。但我将向你展示如何在国家和全球金融形势看起来黯淡时取得前所未有的成功。
As I was completing this book, the stock market’s gyrations reached an unprecedented level. On one day in particular, the market dropped more than 700 points. But during the same day, 100 stocks went up. Why is it that even when the news is at its worst, some companies are having their best year ever? 当我完成这本书时,股市的波动达到了前所未有的水平。在某一天,市场下跌了超过 700 点。但在同一天,有 100 只股票上涨。为什么即使在新闻最糟糕的时候,一些公司却迎来了它们有史以来最好的年份?
And why can’t you? 那你为什么不能呢?
You can, and in this book I will show you precisely how. 你可以,在这本书中我将准确地告诉你如何做到。
My starting point is to ask, with all due respect, whether your business or enterprise might be stuck. 我想问一下,恕我直言,您的业务或企业是否可能陷入困境。
A “stuck” business, whether it’s entrepreneurial in nature or a Fortune 500 company, is one that fails to grow predictably every year, every quarter, every day. If you’re being carried along by the marketplace, then the moment the marketplace dries up, your business is going to dry up, too, because you’re not in control of your destiny. In good times, stuck businesses don’t even realize they’re stuck! 一个“停滞不前”的企业,无论是创业性质的还是财富 500 强公司,都是指那些每年、每季度、每天都无法稳定增长的企业。如果你只是被市场牵着走,那么一旦市场萎缩,你的业务也会随之萎缩,因为你无法掌控自己的命运。在好的时候,停滞不前的企业甚至没有意识到自己已经停滞不前!
Imagine a business that made $100,000\$ 100,000 last year and $110,000\$ 110,000 this year. The CEO could argue that the business is growing, but in actuality it may have been the market that has grown-and without any proactive or strategic action on the CEO’s part. In such cases, when the market dries up, it takes stuck companies down with it. And the company that once made $110,000\$ 110,000 now makes only $70,000\$ 70,000. Or less. In the meantime, its competitor (applying the ideas you’ll find in this book) is doing $250,000\$ 250,000 worth of business. 想象一个去年赚了 $100,000\$ 100,000 ,今年赚了 $110,000\$ 110,000 的企业。首席执行官可能会争辩说企业在增长,但实际上可能是市场在增长——而首席执行官并没有采取任何主动或战略性的行动。在这种情况下,当市场萎缩时,停滞不前的公司也会随之下滑。而曾经赚了 $110,000\$ 110,000 的公司现在只赚 $70,000\$ 70,000 。或者更少。与此同时,它的竞争对手(运用你在本书中找到的理念)正在做 $250,000\$ 250,000 的生意。
Why do so many businesses get stuck and stay stuck? The top four reasons for stagnation, in my experience, are the following: 为什么这么多企业陷入停滞并且停滞不前?根据我的经验,停滞的四个主要原因如下:
not incorporating growth thinking into every aspect of the business; 未将增长思维融入业务的每个方面;
not measuring, monitoring, comparing, or quantifying results; 不测量、监控、比较或量化结果;
not having a detailed, strategic marketing plan with specific performance growth expectations; and 没有详细的战略营销计划和具体的业绩增长预期;并且
not knowing how to set appropriate, specific goals. 不知道如何设定适当的、具体的目标。
These problems are magnified in tough economic times. First, there’s the problem of lower revenue because the business climate is poor. And, second, the very concept of recession or hard times “freezes” people. They get scared. They don’t know what to do, so they tend to do nothing, or to do more of the things that weren’t working in the first place. 这些问题在经济困难时期被放大。首先,由于商业环境不佳,收入减少的问题出现。其次,衰退或困难时期的概念让人们“冻结”。他们感到害怕,不知道该做什么,因此往往选择无所作为,或者继续做那些本来就没有效果的事情。
The good news for you is that your competition probably isn’t reading The Sticking Point Solution. In fact, in difficult economic times like these, it’s very likely that your competitor is scurrying to stay afloat or is already out of business, leaving more of the market to you. 对你来说好消息是,你的竞争对手可能并没有在阅读《The Sticking Point Solution》。事实上,在像现在这样的经济困难时期,你的竞争对手很可能正在忙于维持生计,或者已经倒闭,这让更多的市场留给了你。
The purpose of this book is to show you how to make sure the same thing doesn’t happen to you. In fact, I’ll go one step further and say that I want to teach you to embrace recessions and economic downturns, and to learn how to profit handsomely from your business challenges and adversities, and even from your competition’s missteps. One such misstep is to pack up and leave when the going gets tough. But if you know how to be strategic, how to direct your business or your department intelligently, how to grow and sustain high-profit clients, and how to capitalize on the shortcomings of your competitors, you’ll quickly find that you can enjoy even more success and make even more money than you would during so-called boom times. 本书的目的是向您展示如何确保同样的事情不会发生在您身上。事实上,我会更进一步,告诉您我想教您如何拥抱衰退和经济低迷,学习如何从您的商业挑战和逆境中获利丰厚,甚至从竞争对手的失误中获利。一个这样的失误是在困难时期打包离开。但如果您知道如何制定战略,如何智能地引导您的业务或部门,如何发展和维持高利润客户,以及如何利用竞争对手的短处,您会很快发现,您可以享受甚至比所谓的繁荣时期更大的成功和更多的财富。
If your business is stuck, I’ll get you unstuck. And by the time you finish The Sticking Point Solution, you’ll approach tough economic times the same way that many prosperous businesspeople do-by saying, Bring 'em on! You may not love the bad times more than the good ones, but you’ll have the confidence that comes with being able to profit, no matter 如果你的生意陷入困境,我会帮助你摆脱困境。当你完成《The Sticking Point Solution》时,你将以许多成功商人的方式来应对艰难的经济时期——说,来吧!你可能不会比好的时候更喜欢坏的时候,但你会拥有能够获利的信心,无论如何。
what the economy-or your competition-is doing. You’ll see options and opportunities that weren’t evident in the past. And you’ll have a highly specific action plan to reach stratospheric levels of growth. All of this while the commentators on the financial news networks are wringing their hands daily. 了解经济或竞争对手的动态。您将看到过去不明显的选项和机会。您将拥有一个高度具体的行动计划,以达到惊人的增长水平。所有这一切都在金融新闻网络的评论员们每天都在焦虑不安。
As a business owner or professional, you should be anything but fearful in a bad economy or recessionary period. In a good market, almost all anybody has to do is suit up and wait for business to arrive at the doorstep. The “jet stream” of prosperity carries all businesspeople forward. They don’t have to be good at doing business. They don’t have to be strategic. They don’t have to offer their clients unique advantages. They don’t even have to be growth-minded. They just get carried along, willy-nilly. Even those who are inept can grow along with the climbing economic trend. 作为企业主或专业人士,在经济不景气或衰退时期,你绝不应该感到恐惧。在良好的市场中,几乎所有人只需准备好,等待生意上门。“繁荣的气流”将所有商人向前推进。他们不必擅长做生意。他们不必具备战略眼光。他们不必为客户提供独特的优势。他们甚至不必有增长的心态。他们只是随波逐流。即使是那些无能的人也能随着经济上升的趋势而成长。
But in a bad economy, such people become paralyzed. The music stops, and they don’t know what to do. They retreat. They stagnate. They spend more time doing more of the same ineffectual things they were doing before, but their ineptitude is no longer disguised by the enormous force of the upward momentum of a positive economy. Such businesses are like hang gliders: Once they get moving, they can go for hours. But when they find themselves buffeted by changes in air pressure beyond their control, their crash landings are scary to watch. 但在糟糕的经济环境中,这些人变得瘫痪。音乐停止了,他们不知道该做什么。他们退缩。他们停滞不前。他们花更多时间做以前那些无效的事情,但他们的无能不再被积极经济的巨大向上势头所掩盖。这些企业就像滑翔伞:一旦开始移动,他们可以飞行几个小时。但当他们发现自己受到超出控制的气压变化的冲击时,他们的坠毁着陆让人看着很害怕。
A handful of businesses actually become strategic during hard times. By taking on a growth-minded strategy, these businesses capture the vast majority of new clients in the marketpeople who weren’t already buyers or who weren’t ready to move forward, or perhaps didn’t previously have the need for a given product or service. But even more important, strategically minded companies capture-or “steal” in an ethical manner, if you will- 15 to 20 percent of the best buyers from all of their competitors. 在困难时期,少数企业实际上会变得具有战略性。通过采取以增长为导向的战略,这些企业捕获了市场上绝大多数的新客户——那些之前不是买家或尚未准备好前进的人,或者可能之前对某种产品或服务没有需求的人。但更重要的是,具有战略思维的公司从所有竞争对手那里捕获或“以道德的方式窃取”,如果你愿意的话,15%到 20%的最佳买家。
So, if you’re attracting all the new buyers in your market and you’re appropriating, say, 15-20 percent of the best, most profitable, and most repetitive buyers from a half-dozen of your competitors, you’re doubling-believe it or not, doublingwhat you might have accomplished even in an upmarket. For that matter, even if the bottom has fallen out of the economy, or your industry in particular, you can still grow 60,80 , or 100 percent or more while everyone around you is stalling or even failing and collapsing. If you’re ready to get serious about understanding value propositions, irresistible offers, and the concept of preemptiveness, along with the other potent concepts I’ll share with you in this book, success can be yours in a most tangible, thrilling way. 所以,如果你在吸引市场上所有的新买家,并且你从半打竞争对手那里占据了 15-20%的最佳、最有利可图和最重复的买家,你就会实现翻倍——信不信由你,翻倍——即使在一个上升的市场中你可能也无法达到的成就。更重要的是,即使经济崩溃了,或者你的行业特别受到影响,你仍然可以在周围的人停滞不前甚至失败崩溃的情况下,实现 60%、80%或 100%甚至更多的增长。如果你准备认真理解价值主张、不可抗拒的优惠以及优先权的概念,以及我将在本书中与您分享的其他强大概念,成功就可以以一种最切实、令人兴奋的方式属于你。
In this connection, bear in mind that every business has at its disposal twenty to fifty or more highly “upside-leverageable” impact points-or (eX) factors. These (eX) factors can create exponential income if you recognize them and harness them. They increase the likelihood that people will call you or go to your website. They make it easier for you to close sales and deals. They turn one-time buyers into clients who buy every quarter, and they turn nonbuyers into people who buy something. These factors are the surprisingly, perhaps even embarrassingly, simple things you can do to bring in more prospects, more sales, more profit, more conversions, more markets, and more ways to start and sustain relationships. If your business has fifty (eX) factors going for it and you increase your effectiveness in, say, just ten of those leverage areas, you will be poised not just to survive in challenging economic times but to thrive as never before. W. Edwards Deming recognized these factors in the manufacturing world and used this knowledge to help develop corporate titans. I’ve taken the same approach and applied it to something far more important: the revenuegenerating process for your business. 在这方面,请记住,每个企业都有二十到五十个或更多高度“可杠杆化”的影响点——或称为(eX)因素。这些(eX)因素如果被识别并加以利用,可以创造指数级的收入。它们增加了人们拨打您电话或访问您网站的可能性。它们使您更容易达成销售和交易。它们将一次性购买者转变为每季度购买的客户,并将非购买者转变为购买某种产品的人。这些因素是您可以做的令人惊讶的,甚至可能是令人尴尬的简单事情,以吸引更多潜在客户、更多销售、更多利润、更多转化、更多市场,以及更多开始和维持关系的方式。如果您的企业有五十个(eX)因素在支持您,并且您在例如仅仅十个杠杆领域中提高了您的有效性,您将不仅能够在经济困难时期生存下来,还能像从未有过的那样蓬勃发展。W. Edwards Deming 在制造业中识别了这些因素,并利用这些知识帮助发展企业巨头。 我采用了相同的方法,并将其应用于更重要的事情:您业务的收入生成过程。
Again, despite the pain caused by recessions, highly successful, strategic, and totally proactive businesspeople embrace them because hard economic times cleanse the marketplace of marginal competitors who are just reaping the benefits of good times as opposed to being really good businesspeople. That’s why I feel comfortable saying that I’m going to teach you to love recessions. You can have your best years while those around you are facing disaster. You’ll come out of a downturn stronger, more prosperous, and poised to grow faster than you ever hoped, or even imagined. 尽管衰退带来了痛苦,但高度成功、具有战略眼光且完全主动的商人们却拥抱它们,因为艰难的经济时期会清洗市场上那些仅仅在享受好时光而不是成为真正优秀商人的边缘竞争者。这就是为什么我敢于说我将教你爱上衰退。在周围的人面临灾难时,你可以拥有最好的年份。你将从经济低迷中走出来,变得更强大、更繁荣,并准备以比你曾经希望或想象的更快的速度增长。
Business success really is as simple as finding what I call an “under-recognized” or changing need and filling it in with wisdom, empathy, and understanding that no one else can demonstrate or display. In short, you will be solving problems that other people may not even be able to articulate. There are three categories of problems: your own problems, your competitor’s problems, and your market’s problems. Since time immemorial, the people most skilled at solving the biggest, most important problems have been the best rewarded. That has always been so, and will continue to be. 商业成功确实就像找到我所称的“未被充分认识”或变化的需求,并用智慧、同理心和理解来填补这一需求,而这些是其他人无法展示或表现的。简而言之,你将解决其他人甚至可能无法清晰表达的问题。问题可以分为三类:你自己的问题、竞争对手的问题和市场的问题。自古以来,最擅长解决最大、最重要问题的人总是获得最好的回报。这一直如此,未来也将继续如此。
Chances are that in hard times, both you and your competitors don’t even recognize the problems you are struggling with. You might not be able to put these problems into words, let alone find solutions. But if you can get clarity about what problems you’re confronting and trying to solve, you can become a master at solving those problems for yourself and for your marketplace. And if you do, rich rewards await you. 在困难时期,你和你的竞争对手很可能甚至无法意识到你们所面临的问题。你可能无法用语言表达这些问题,更不用说找到解决方案了。但是,如果你能清楚地了解自己所面临和试图解决的问题,你就能成为解决这些问题的高手,无论是为自己还是为你的市场。如果你能做到,丰厚的回报在等待着你。
Every once in a while, an entrepreneur or company comes along that totally “gets it.” Take, for example, JetBlue, the airline that recognized that businesspeople traveling by jet are bored out of their minds. So it installed TVs for every seat on the plane. A simple idea, but a powerful one. Or consider financial adviser and author Howard Ruff, self-styled “champion” of middle-class investors. Having recognized that such 每隔一段时间,就会出现一个企业家或公司,完全“懂得”这一点。例如,捷蓝航空,这家航空公司意识到乘坐喷气式飞机的商人感到无聊。因此,它在飞机上的每个座位上安装了电视。这是一个简单的想法,但却是一个强大的想法。再考虑一下金融顾问和作家霍华德·拉夫,自称是中产阶级投资者的“冠军”。他意识到这样的
investors were being ignored by high-class wealth publications, he made a fortune providing advice to people who weren’t rich—yet. American Express also “gets it.” It studies peoples’ purchasing habits and tailors direct-mail offerings to their likeliest purchases. 投资者被高端财富出版物忽视,他通过为那些尚未富有的人提供建议而赚了一大笔钱。美国运通也“明白这一点”。它研究人们的消费习惯,并根据他们最可能的购买量身定制直邮产品。
One of the prevailing problems I’ve identified in the marketplace is what I call “ambivalent uncertainty,” whereby your client is not just undecided about whether to buy from you but unsure whether he should buy at all. He’s like the person who stands in front of a multiplex, looking at the names of all the movies, unmoved by any of them, unsure whether he really wants to see a movie in the first place. How do you get him to commit to buy a ticket to your movie-which then opens up the likelihood that he’ll buy popcorn and soda once he gets into the theater, and will buy your movie on DVD a few months later? 我在市场上识别出的一个普遍问题是我所称的“矛盾的不确定性”,即您的客户不仅对是否从您那里购买感到犹豫不决,还不确定他是否应该购买。他就像一个站在多厅影院前的人,看到所有电影的名字,却对任何一部都没有兴趣,不确定他是否真的想看电影。您如何让他决定购买您电影的票——这将增加他在进入影院后购买爆米花和汽水的可能性,并在几个月后购买您电影的 DVD?
Ambivalent uncertainty occurs when your prospects aren’t entirely sure that they need your product or service, or aren’t completely convinced that you are the right entity to solve their problems. If you can make the most of just these two (eX) factors in your business-by removing your prospects’ ambivalence and uncertainty about whether they need what you offer and whether they should choose you over all the restenormous success will be yours for the taking. 矛盾的不确定性发生在您的潜在客户并不完全确定他们是否需要您的产品或服务,或者并不完全相信您是解决他们问题的合适实体。如果您能充分利用这两个(eX)因素,通过消除潜在客户对他们是否需要您所提供的产品以及是否应该选择您而非其他所有竞争者的矛盾和不确定性,巨大的成功将唾手可得。
I’ll show you how. 我会告诉你怎么做。
So, if being “stuck” is the problem, what needs to happen to get your business unstuck? 那么,如果“卡住”是问题,您的业务需要发生什么才能摆脱困境?
You break down your numbers, not just month to month, year to date, and year to year, but also into categories like how many leads and how many new sales by product, average sale, and average product-source. Then, you analyze all of the 您将您的数据进行细分,不仅按月、年初至今和年对年进行分析,还按类别进行分析,例如每个产品的潜在客户数量和新销售数量、平均销售额和平均产品来源。然后,您分析所有这些数据。
correlations, implications, and anomalies that these data tell you about. 这些数据告诉你关于相关性、影响和异常的内容。
You have a systematic, strategic process in place that is designed in a predictable, sustainable, and continuous manner to bring in prospects and first-time buyers. You keep advancing and enhancing them forward to recurring purchases in a predictable enough manner that you can look at your numbers today and accurately predict what your business will be like in 90 days, 100 days, or some other time frame. You’re able to engineer specific, predictable growth, year after year, because you’re zigging while your competitors zag. They’re still using direct mail, while you are conducting Webinars and using social media, Internet 2.0, and LinkedIn-things that weren’t even on the radar a few years ago. They’re running ads that don’t pull, while you’re tying in with affinity groups who endorse and promote you to their members. And so on. 您有一个系统化、战略性的流程,旨在以可预测、可持续和持续的方式吸引潜在客户和首次购买者。您不断推进和增强他们的重复购买,以一种足够可预测的方式,使您能够查看今天的数字,并准确预测您的业务在 90 天、100 天或其他时间框架内的情况。您能够每年实现特定、可预测的增长,因为您在竞争对手的反向操作中前进。他们仍在使用直邮,而您则在进行网络研讨会并使用社交媒体、互联网 2.0 和 LinkedIn——这些几年前甚至还没有被关注。他们投放的广告效果不佳,而您则与支持和推广您的亲和团体建立联系。等等。
You are producing not just incremental gains but exponential gains year after year. You achieve this by harnessing the littleunderstood power of business generating to drive multiplied sales and profits. For example, Costco studied its numbers and realized it made more money by selling memberships than by selling goods in its stores! It now tailors its advertising and marketing to bring people back into the stores to buy things on a regular basis-so they will continue to keep their memberships in good standing. And The Biggest Loser TV series promotes The Biggest Loser Club, an online club to which dieters pay a yearly membership fee. More than a million people choose to do so each quarter. Now that’s real leverage! 你不仅在每年获得增量收益,而是获得指数级的收益。你通过利用商业生成的鲜为人知的力量来推动销售和利润的倍增。例如,Costco 研究了其数据,意识到通过销售会员资格赚的钱比在商店里销售商品赚得更多!它现在调整广告和营销,以吸引人们定期回到商店购买商品——这样他们就能保持会员资格的良好状态。而《最大赢家》电视系列节目则推广《最大赢家俱乐部》,这是一个在线俱乐部,减肥者需要支付年度会员费。每个季度有超过一百万人选择这样做。这才是真正的杠杆!
You have clarity about all of the challenges that affect your business, and you realize none of them are insurmountable. In fact, the vast majority can be improved upon. You now see the potential income in any business situation and how to make it work for you in a most enriching manner. For example, you find that you have one category of buyers who are ten times 您清楚影响您业务的所有挑战,并意识到它们没有一个是不可克服的。事实上,绝大多数都可以得到改善。您现在看到了任何商业情况下的潜在收入,以及如何以最有益的方式使其为您服务。例如,您发现您有一类买家是十倍于
more likely than others to purchase your goods, and if you approach them the right way, they are likely to buy seventeen times more goods than your average client. Or when ads no longer work, you know how to get free media. Or when consumers aren’t spending as much money as before, you know how to find alternative propositions to which they can’t say no. Or if marketing at corporate events or trade shows stops working for you, you develop a distribution channel none of your competitors know about. You’ve become Wayne Gretzky, skating to where you know the puck is going to be. 更有可能购买您的商品,如果您以正确的方式接触他们,他们可能会购买比您的平均客户多十七倍的商品。或者当广告不再有效时,您知道如何获得免费的媒体。或者当消费者的消费不如以前那么多时,您知道如何找到他们无法拒绝的替代提议。或者如果在企业活动或贸易展上进行营销不再有效,您会开发一个竞争对手不知道的分销渠道。您已经成为韦恩·格雷茨基,滑向您知道冰球将要到达的地方。
You understand your competitors’ appeal, advantage, and differentiation in the market-and you know how to preempt these variables, or to successfully position yourself against them. You learn why certain consumers buy from your competitors and not from you, and you know how to change that. 你了解竞争对手在市场上的吸引力、优势和差异化——你知道如何预先应对这些变量,或者成功地将自己与他们区分开来。你了解为什么某些消费者选择从竞争对手那里购买而不是从你这里购买,并且你知道如何改变这种情况。
You know about the alternative products and services that your prospects can buy in lieu of your products and services, including taking no action at all (like our moviegoing friend mentioned earlier). And you can prove to them that choosing you represents the most astute decision any buyer could make. You know how to motivate and persuade them to take action and make buying decisions. You enjoy not just what I call a “static awareness,” or a theoretical knowledge of your marketplace, but the ability to turn a cool profit through your prospects and clients. 你知道你的潜在客户可以购买的替代产品和服务,包括完全不采取行动(就像我们之前提到的看电影的朋友)。你可以向他们证明,选择你是任何买家可以做出的最明智的决定。你知道如何激励和说服他们采取行动并做出购买决策。你不仅享受我所称的“静态意识”或对市场的理论知识,还享受通过你的潜在客户和客户获得可观利润的能力。
You’re incorporating growth thinking into everything you do, every action you take, every investment you make, every contact you forge with your buyer or marketplace. Let’s take Kevin Trudeau as an example. Trudeau is famous for his books on memory and health cures. He is also a master of the infomercial. You want to know the secret to his success? Trudeau succeeds because he runs ads before he sets prices! He first determines how many inquiry calls per thousand viewers an infomercial has generated-and then sets his pricing 你将增长思维融入到你所做的一切中,每一个行动,每一项投资,每一个与你的买家或市场建立的联系。让我们以凯文·特鲁多为例。特鲁多因其关于记忆和健康疗法的书籍而闻名。他也是信息广告的高手。你想知道他成功的秘诀吗?特鲁多之所以成功,是因为他在定价之前就投放广告!他首先确定每千名观众产生了多少咨询电话,然后再设定价格。
accordingly to maximize his profits. That’s a brilliant approach. Most people just assume they know how much the market will pay for a product or service, but Trudeau takes the unusual-and highly compelling-step of listening to the market and seeing what it has to say. 因此最大化他的利润。这是一个聪明的方法。大多数人只是认为他们知道市场会为某个产品或服务支付多少,但特鲁多采取了不寻常且极具说服力的一步,倾听市场并看看市场有什么反馈。
These are just a few of the steps you can take to dislodge your business from an awful rut; many more are enumerated on the following pages. Once you know how to tap into the secret wealth of a bad economy, you’ll be back on track to superior success. And in this book, I’ll show you how. 这些只是你可以采取的一些步骤,以使你的业务摆脱糟糕的困境;更多的步骤将在接下来的页面中列出。一旦你知道如何利用糟糕经济的秘密财富,你就会重新走上成功的轨道。在这本书中,我会告诉你如何做到。
There’s one last question you may be asking yourself. Why should you listen to me? 你可能会问自己最后一个问题。你为什么要听我说?
The answer might sound brash—but facts are facts. As Gil Grissom says on CSI, “The evidence tells the story.” I have more than $7\$ 7 billion of wealth creation documented for my business clients. I have 12,500 success stories on record. I have something like 3,000 prominent authors and experts who quote me in their published work. My approach is not that of a “nouveau start-up” or “self-proclaimed guru” with an ideological theory that is unproven. On the contrary, I have engineered more successes for more businesses in more industries and in more countries, entrepreneurial or Fortune 500, than just about anyone else on the planet-even in bad times. I have done this for countless people who went from despair to soaring possibilities, and I want to do it for you. 答案可能听起来很唐突——但事实就是事实。正如吉尔·格里森在《犯罪现场调查》中所说,“证据讲述了故事。”我为我的商业客户记录了超过 $7\$ 7 亿的财富创造。我有 12,500 个成功案例在案。我有大约 3,000 位著名作者和专家在他们的出版作品中引用我。我的方法不是“新兴初创公司”或“自称的专家”,也没有未经验证的意识形态理论。相反,我为更多的企业、更多的行业和更多的国家创造了更多的成功,无论是创业公司还是财富 500 强,几乎没有人能与我相比——即使在困难时期。我为无数人做到了这一点,他们从绝望走向了蓬勃的可能性,我也想为你做到这一点。
I’m not asking you to pay me $25,000\$ 25,000 for a seminar. I’m not asking you to retain me for a six-figure fee and a share of the upside. I’m trying to help you get your business, yourself, your finances, and your life to a better place. 我不是让你为一个研讨会支付我 $25,000\$ 25,000 。我不是让你以六位数的费用和一部分收益来雇佣我。我是想帮助你让你的生意、你自己、你的财务和你的生活变得更好。
It’s the journey of a lifetime. So let’s begin. 这是一次终生难忘的旅程。让我们开始吧。
I’m going to share an extraordinary statistic with you: According to my research, 95 percent of all small- and medium-sized businesses and start-ups do not reach their goals. A whopping 95 percent! 我将与您分享一个非凡的统计数据:根据我的研究,95%的所有中小型企业和初创公司未能实现他们的目标。高达 95%!
That’s an awful lot of failure stories. Why? Because most businesses do not have a plan firmly based on four essential factors: product, market, migration, and marketing. 这是一堆可怕的失败故事。为什么?因为大多数企业没有一个牢固基于四个基本因素的计划:产品、市场、迁移和营销。
Most businesses lack a concrete, clear picture of where the business is supposed to go. Most business owners simply fail to examine their current projections. They don’t ask the “What if?” kinds of questions that lead to staggering success. 大多数企业缺乏一个具体、清晰的方向。大多数企业主只是未能审视他们当前的预测。他们没有问那些“如果……会怎样?”的问题,这些问题会导致惊人的成功。
They also don’t have a copy of The Sticking Point Solution. Here’s the good news: You do. 他们也没有《The Sticking Point Solution》的副本。好消息是:你有。
My approach will help you avoid this rut. When your company incorporates my strategy, you’ll sit down annually to create an integrated, detailed growth plan for the year. Your plan will be broken down backward by product, by market, by marketing, by source, by type of buyer, by month, and sometimes even by week. You’ll create strategies that are ready to be invoked right away. You’ll monitor and measure the performance of each new strategy every two weeks, if not more often, 我的方法将帮助你避免这种困境。当你的公司采纳我的战略时,你将每年坐下来制定一个综合的、详细的年度增长计划。你的计划将按产品、市场、营销、来源、买家类型、月份,甚至有时按周进行倒推分解。你将制定可以立即实施的策略。你将每两周监测和评估每个新策略的表现,甚至更频繁。
and when you see deviation down or up, you’ll respond proactively and immediately, instead of waiting for things to get out of hand. 当你看到向下或向上的偏差时,你会主动并立即作出反应,而不是等事情失控。
You’ll learn where to get the biggest impact. You’ll know what to do, and how to execute on your strategies and tactics. You’ll maximize the profitability of your business by replacing unrewarding activities with new concepts you can test right away. 您将学习在哪里获得最大的影响。您将知道该做什么,以及如何执行您的策略和战术。通过用您可以立即测试的新概念替换无回报的活动,您将最大化您业务的盈利能力。
If the deviation is up, you’ll be ready to do more in that area. If it’s down, you’ll adjust by replacing activities, fine-tuning your approach, or adding new lines of attack. This book will give you the guidance you need to make this approach to planning a reality for your business. 如果偏差上升,你将准备在该领域做更多。如果偏差下降,你将通过更换活动、微调方法或增加新的攻击方向来进行调整。这本书将为你提供实现这种规划方法所需的指导。
What does it feel like to be stuck? It means you’re stressed. You’re uncertain. You’re frustrated. Days go by, and not much happens. You spend an enormous amount of time grappling with unpleasant issues like cash flow or meeting the payroll. It feels like you’re hanging from a cliff by your fingernails. You’d like to spend time working on “upside-leverageable” activities, but you aren’t sure what the most intelligent steps to take might be. Or if you have some ideas, you aren’t sure where to begin or how to execute those ideas. And even if you do know, there are so many daily crises demanding your attention that it’s almost impossible to divert energy to strategic projects that could take you to the next level, extricating you from the mental miasma you’re trapped in. Profits dry up. Ads don’t sell. Prospects don’t convert. Margins start dropping. The picture is bleak. 被困住是什么感觉?这意味着你感到压力。你感到不确定。你感到沮丧。日子一天天过去,没什么变化。你花费大量时间在处理像现金流或支付工资这样不愉快的问题上。感觉就像是用指甲悬挂在悬崖边缘。你希望花时间从事“可提升收益”的活动,但你不确定最聪明的步骤是什么。或者即使你有一些想法,你也不确定从哪里开始或如何执行这些想法。即使你知道,也有太多日常危机需要你关注,以至于几乎不可能将精力转向那些可以将你带到下一个层次的战略项目,从而将你从困扰你的心理迷雾中解脱出来。利润枯竭。广告不卖。潜在客户不转化。利润率开始下降。前景黯淡。
The adage “Grow or die” applies to everything-including the life force of businesses. A business must constantly grow. You can’t merely be content to survive; you must commit to thriving. In the following pages, I’ll show you what to do first, what to do second, and what to do after that-the how to, where to, and why to, so you don’t feel as though you’ve been “成长或死亡”的格言适用于一切——包括企业的生命力。企业必须不断成长。你不能仅仅满足于生存;你必须致力于繁荣。在接下来的页面中,我将向你展示首先要做什么,其次要做什么,以及之后要做什么——如何做、在哪里做以及为什么要做,这样你就不会觉得自己被困住了。
left stranded with “big-picture” ideas that don’t result in a specific plan of action. 被“宏观”想法所困扰,却没有形成具体的行动计划。
You often hear people say that a house is the ultimate investment that most individuals ever make. In reality, however, it is your business where you invest, commit, and spend as much as 80 percent of your waking hours. It is also where your emotions should be invested. It is where your passion should be channeled. It is where your wealth and asset value should be created and meaningfully multiplied. And yet, most entrepreneurs really don’t see it that way. 你常常听到人们说,房子是大多数人所做的终极投资。然而,实际上,投资、承诺和花费你大约 80%清醒时间的地方是你的事业。它也是你情感应该投入的地方。它是你热情应该倾注的地方。它是你的财富和资产价值应该创造并有意义地倍增的地方。然而,大多数企业家并不这样看待。
When you invest energy, time, and money in your business, you are creating not just income but real wealth. Why? Because you can sell your business for anywhere from five to fifteen times earnings, depending on your field. Nothing else can possibly touch that level of return. And by relieving yourself of all the stress you feel, you’ll be loved even more by your family, too! 当你在你的业务中投入精力、时间和金钱时,你不仅在创造收入,还在创造真正的财富。为什么?因为你可以根据你的领域将你的业务以五到十五倍的收益出售。没有其他任何事情能达到这样的回报水平。而且,通过减轻你所感受到的所有压力,你的家人也会更加爱你!
In my opinion, you not only deserve the maximum current and future payout from your business; you should expect it, in both tangible and intangible forms. You deserve more success, a constantly expanding income, total certainty, a high net worth, and all the perks of success. Yes, I’m referring to financial wealth here, but that brings with it satisfaction, gratification, lower stress, fulfillment, the lifestyle you desire, and connectivity with the people you love. 在我看来,你不仅应得来自你业务的最大当前和未来收益;你应该期待它,以有形和无形的形式。你应得更多的成功,不断扩大的收入,完全的确定性,高净值,以及成功的所有好处。是的,我在这里指的是财务财富,但这带来了满足感、愉悦感、较低的压力、成就感、你渴望的生活方式,以及与你所爱之人的联系。
One reason businesspeople become stuck is that they have no passion for what they’re doing and for whom they’re doing it. Whether they have lost their passion or never had it in the first place, they all too often focus on the wrong things. They have lost track of the game they are playing, or maybe they never understood the rules to begin with. They feel impotent-unable to change their business, or their lives. Turning on and turning up the passion leads to the kind of success described above. I’ll show you how. 商业人士陷入困境的一个原因是他们对自己所做的事情以及为谁而做缺乏热情。无论他们是失去了热情还是从未拥有过,他们往往会关注错误的事情。他们已经失去了对自己所参与的游戏的把握,或者可能从一开始就没有理解规则。他们感到无能为力——无法改变自己的业务或生活。激发和提升热情会带来上述所描述的成功。我会告诉你如何做到。
Most people in bad times cut corners in the most treacherous way imaginable-by downsizing human or intellectual capital, the real asset of most businesses today. That is a mistake. You can find no greater upside-leveraging tools than the energy, passion, intelligence, connections, and entrepreneurial spirit of the human beings you surround yourself with. As we’ll see in Chapter 10 of this book, the “I can do it myself!” mentality may work for your 6-year-old, but it doesn’t work in the “sticky” business world of the twenty-first century. 在困难时期,大多数人以最危险的方式削减开支——减少人力或智力资本,这是真正的商业资产。这是一个错误。你找不到比你周围人类的能量、热情、智慧、联系和创业精神更大的杠杆工具。正如我们在本书第 10 章中将看到的,“我可以自己做!”的心态可能适用于你的 6 岁孩子,但在 21 世纪“粘性”的商业世界中并不奏效。
Ironically, the more stuck people feel, the more attached they become to the status quo and the approaches they are currently taking, despite the lackluster results they are receiving from those efforts. But if ever there was an important time to test changes in the way you think about and do business right now, it’s during a tough economic downturn. You might safely and conservatively test one new approach to selling, marketing, or advertising, and then discover that a second approach makes things 20 percent better. But don’t stop there-the third approach might make things 40 percent better! 具有讽刺意味的是,人们感到越困惑,他们就越依赖现状和当前采取的方法,尽管这些努力的结果平平。但如果有一个重要的时刻来测试改变你思考和做生意的方式,那就是在经济衰退期间。你可以安全而保守地测试一种新的销售、营销或广告方法,然后发现第二种方法使情况改善了 20%。但不要止步于此——第三种方法可能会使情况改善 40%!
You could also stop at 40 percent, but why? If your industry is dropping 30 percent, you’d still be ahead-but why would you stop? You’re bucking the downward trend of your industry. You’re making more money, so why rest on your laurels? I’ve seen changes in a test approach increase business performance as much as twenty-one times-that’s 2,100 percent better! And yet, most businesses that are fortunate enough to achieve an additional level of success get stuck because they settle for that incremental growth. They think better is enough-but better is never enough. As long as you’re putting in the same amount of effort and time, as long as you’re facing the same opportunity costs, the same prospect walking in the door could be worth 333 percent more business. So why settle for just 33 percent? 你也可以停在 40%,但为什么呢?如果你的行业下降了 30%,你仍然会领先——但你为什么要停下来?你正在逆势而上。你赚得更多,那为什么要满足于现状呢?我见过测试方法的变化使业务表现提高多达 21 倍——那是 2100%的提升!然而,大多数幸运地实现额外成功的企业却停滞不前,因为他们满足于这种增量增长。他们认为更好就足够了——但更好从来都不够。只要你投入相同的努力和时间,只要你面临相同的机会成本,门口走进来的同样客户可能会带来 333%的更多业务。那么,为什么要满足于仅仅 33%呢?
This is where all that upside leverage I’ve been talking about comes into play. Even in a crisis economy where your 这就是我一直在谈论的所有上行杠杆发挥作用的地方。即使在危机经济中,您的
competitors are closing their doors, you can thrive. You’re still growing, despite all the doom and gloom in the financial news. How does that sound? 竞争对手正在关门,你却能蓬勃发展。尽管金融新闻中充满了悲观情绪,你仍在成长。听起来怎么样?
If it sounds good, read on. 如果听起来不错,请继续阅读。
This book was written to unstick your business. So to make my message more clear and digestible, I’ve broken it down into what I call “sticking points.” 这本书是为了帮助你的业务摆脱困境。因此,为了使我的信息更加清晰易懂,我将其分解为我所称的“卡点”。
I have identified for you the nine major areas in which businesses get stuck, in good times and bad, and to each of these subjects I’ve devoted a chapter in this book. Every chapter will show you what the common pitfalls, traps, and missteps are at that particular sticking point. More important, I’ll offer you specific solutions that you can implement today in your business so that you can achieve the enjoyable and even enviable growth that you deserve. I’ll then show you how to have a field day capitalizing on the negative environment in the business world that exists right now. I’ll show you how to implement everything you’ve learned. 我为您确定了企业在好时光和坏时光中遇到困境的九个主要领域,并在本书的每个主题上都专门撰写了一章。每一章将向您展示在特定的困境中常见的陷阱、障碍和失误。更重要的是,我将为您提供可以立即在您的业务中实施的具体解决方案,以便您能够实现您应得的愉快甚至令人羡慕的增长。然后,我将向您展示如何在当前商业世界中利用负面环境大展拳脚。我将向您展示如何实施您所学到的一切。
So let’s take a look at the nine sticking points. This is just an overview-you’ll get specific solutions and ideas in subsequent chapters. 那么让我们来看看九个难点。这只是一个概述——你将在后面的章节中获得具体的解决方案和想法。
Some Businesses Are Stuck Losing Out to the Competition 一些企业被困在输给竞争对手的境地
If your competition is making gains on you, it doesn’t necessarily mean they offer a better product or service. They’re probably simply taking a wiser approach to positioning, marketing, and selling. It may also mean that your approach isn’t working. 如果你的竞争对手在追赶你,这并不一定意味着他们提供了更好的产品或服务。他们可能只是采取了更明智的定位、营销和销售策略。这也可能意味着你的方法没有奏效。
Each of these domains requires constant innovation, and yet most businesses fail to engineer a continuous flow of breakthroughs in marketing, strategy, innovation, and management. 这些领域都需要不断创新,但大多数企业未能在营销、战略、创新和管理方面持续产生突破。
The result? In the famous words of Peter Drucker: “Since these business owners are not constantly working to obsolesce themselves, they can rest assured that their competitors are.” You can’t bring about these breakthroughs unless you understand and identify what your business is doing now in each of these categories. But innovating in your business is surprisingly easy, as we’ll see in Chapter 2. 结果是什么?用彼得·德鲁克的名言来说:“由于这些企业主并不总是在努力使自己过时,他们可以放心,他们的竞争对手正在这样做。” 除非你理解并识别出你的企业在这些类别中现在正在做什么,否则你无法带来这些突破。但在你的企业中进行创新出乎意料地简单,正如我们将在第二章中看到的。
In that chapter, we’ll consider what it means to innovate in a business and the many wonderful ways to do it that are available to you. We’ll explore the difference between optimization and innovation, and consider how few businesses engage in authentically innovative tactics. When business shifts either up or down, individuals and companies typically take one of two actions: They do either more of the same thing or less of the same thing. But their activities are all tied to doing the same thing, as opposed to doing something different or better, something more profitable, impactful, productive, expedient, and preemptive. 在这一章中,我们将考虑在商业中创新意味着什么,以及可供您选择的许多精彩方式。我们将探讨优化和创新之间的区别,并考虑有多少企业真正采用了创新的策略。当商业向上或向下转变时,个人和公司通常采取两种行动之一:要么做更多相同的事情,要么做更少相同的事情。但他们的活动都与做相同的事情有关,而不是做不同或更好的事情,做更有利可图、有影响力、高效、便捷和预防性的事情。
How do you engineer breakthroughs? How do you take controlled risks? How do you look outside your own industry for breakthroughs that can be applied to your business? When you’ve got answers to these questions, you’ll no longer be stuck losing out to the competition. At the end of Chapter 2, you’ll be on the path to going and growing, prospering and dominating. 你如何实现突破?你如何进行可控风险?你如何在自己的行业之外寻找可以应用于你业务的突破?当你对这些问题有了答案,你就不再会被竞争对手甩在身后。在第二章的结尾,你将走上前进和成长、繁荣和主导的道路。
Some Businesses Are Stuck Not Selling Enough 一些企业陷入了销售不足的困境
How do you change the game so that you’re selling to more people, selling more things more often, and closing more sales faster and more easily? In Chapter 3, I’ll introduce you to what I call the Indiana Jones School of Business-and you’ll see how. It’s all about changing the game, from one that cannot be won to a different game where you alone know how to win with consistency, ease, and great pleasure-in terms of both the process and the bottom-line results you achieve. 你如何改变游戏,以便你能向更多人销售,销售更多的商品,更频繁地成交,并且更快更轻松地完成销售?在第三章中,我将向你介绍我所称的印第安纳·琼斯商业学院——你将看到如何做到这一点。这一切都是关于改变游戏,从一个无法获胜的游戏转变为一个你独自知道如何以一致性、轻松和极大乐趣获胜的不同游戏——无论是在过程还是在你所取得的最终结果方面。
There are multiple elements of your business that can be changed for the better. First, we’ll talk about how to change the way your sales force sells, which involves training all your salespeople in consultative selling techniques. Then we’ll take a look at your advertising, which may be dry, tactical (rather than strategic), and ineffective. We’ll talk in detail about how changing something as seemingly simple as the headlines in your advertising can bring an avalanche of new business to your doorstep. 您的业务中有多个方面可以改善。首先,我们将讨论如何改变您的销售团队的销售方式,这涉及到对所有销售人员进行咨询式销售技巧的培训。然后,我们将看看您的广告,这可能是枯燥的、战术性的(而非战略性的)和无效的。我们将详细讨论如何改变您广告中看似简单的标题,可以为您带来大量的新业务。
We’ll also look at changing your online presence-ever important in today’s super-connected world. Do you have a website? Is it attracting the kind of business you want? If not, it’s time to change it. 我们还将关注改变您的在线形象——在当今这个超级互联的世界中,这一点尤为重要。您有网站吗?它是否吸引了您想要的业务?如果没有,是时候改变它了。
There are plenty of other areas in your business where change can be extremely healthy and beneficial-the way you leverage, for example, or your business’s overarching message. We’ll go over all of these, as well as the ways that innovation can help keep you far from deficits and cash-flow problems. 在您的业务中,还有许多其他领域的变革可以极为健康和有益,例如您如何利用资源,或您业务的整体信息。我们将讨论所有这些,以及创新如何帮助您远离赤字和现金流问题。
When you graduate from my Indiana Jones School of Business at the end of Chapter 3, you will have mastered preemptive selling, the unique selling proposition, the strategy of preeminence, and consultative selling-tools of the trade that will ensure you’ll never be stuck not selling enough again. Change the game, change your sales strategy and tactics-and guess what? Your results will change. Very, very quickly. 当你在第三章结束时从我的印第安纳·琼斯商学院毕业时,你将掌握预防性销售、独特的销售主张、卓越战略和咨询销售——这些行业工具将确保你再也不会陷入销售不足的困境。改变游戏,改变你的销售策略和战术——你猜怎么着?你的结果将会改变。非常非常快。
Some Businesses Are Stuck with Erratic Business Volume 一些企业面临不稳定的业务量
Erratic, unpredictable business volume occurs when a business fails to be strategic, systematic, and analytical. In Chapter 4, I’ll share with you the concept of creating a successful migration strategy for advancing and enhancing relationships with buyers, as well as referrers and endorsers. 不稳定、不可预测的业务量发生在企业未能采取战略性、系统性和分析性的方法时。在第四章中,我将与您分享创建成功迁移策略的概念,以促进和增强与买家、推荐人和支持者的关系。
Let’s define our terms. A migration strategy involves targeting the best quality and quantity of prospects, getting them 让我们定义我们的术语。迁移策略涉及针对最佳质量和数量的潜在客户,获取他们
interested in your proposition, making them a proposal they can’t refuse, selling them, and continuously reselling them. You are “migrating” them into, through, and up your sales system. The strategy begins with creating an integrated system to start relationships with buyers and/or visitors to your businessincluding such means as the phone, your website, your catalog, your showroom technical support, product information requests, or however else they are brought into your company. 对您的提议感兴趣,向他们提出一个无法拒绝的提案,销售他们,并不断地重新销售给他们。您正在“迁移”他们进入、通过和提升到您的销售系统。该策略始于创建一个综合系统,以开始与买家和/或访问您业务的访客建立关系,包括电话、您的网站、您的目录、您的展厅技术支持、产品信息请求或以其他方式将他们引入您的公司。
This system may include free samples, inexpensive products, complimentary education material, no-cost consults or assessments, and other means of forging a connection. It allows you to see not only who your best clients are and how to communicate with them, but also how to bring them “up and over” from the category of “just looking” (suspects) to the category of making small purchases (first-time sales), and finally to the ultimate category of making big-ticket purchases on a repeat basis (clients for life). I’ll share with you approaches that have worked for the businesses I consult with-in some cases, increasing their gross by a factor of 15 in a period of just eighteen months. This outcome occurs more frequently than you might imagine-and often the best climate for it is during an economic downturn. My strategy is simply to get businesses to demand maximum performance from anything they or their teams do. 该系统可能包括免费样品、廉价产品、赠送的教育材料、无成本的咨询或评估,以及其他建立联系的方式。它使您不仅能够看到谁是您最好的客户以及如何与他们沟通,还能够了解如何将他们从“仅仅浏览”(嫌疑人)这一类别提升到进行小额购买(首次销售)的类别,最终再提升到重复进行大额购买(终身客户)的最终类别。我将与您分享一些在我咨询的企业中有效的方法——在某些情况下,18 个月内其总收入增加了 15 倍。这种结果发生的频率比您想象的要高,而且通常在经济衰退期间是最佳时机。我的策略就是让企业对他们或他们的团队所做的任何事情都要求最大绩效。
Some Businesses Are Stuck Failing to Strategize 一些企业陷入困境,未能制定战略
If you were to keep a diary of all of your business activities for a month, you might discover that 80 percent of those activities are nonproductive and nonstrategic. Most entrepreneurs fail to focus on strategizing, managing, and working on higherperforming growth issues. They micro-manage but never macro-manage. They just keep on spending time, money, and human capital the way they have always spent them-with the same lackluster results. They’re putting out day-to-day tactical 如果你要记录一个月内所有的商业活动,你可能会发现这些活动中有 80%是非生产性和非战略性的。大多数企业家未能专注于战略规划、管理和处理更高效的增长问题。他们进行微观管理,却从不进行宏观管理。他们只是继续以往的方式花费时间、金钱和人力资本,结果依然平淡无奇。他们在处理日常战术。
fires-working harder and harder for the business, instead of getting the business to work harder and harder for them. 火灾——为业务更加努力地工作,而不是让业务为他们更加努力地工作。
In Chapter 5, I’ll help you take the term “strategy” from its lofty perch as a buzzword that everybody mentions but few entrepreneurs truly understand or implement. I’ll discuss such concepts as strategy versus tactics, effectiveness and efficiency, true time management for businesspeople, and the “highest and best use” theory. I’ll show you how to honestly, rapidly, and stunningly multiply your effectiveness by looking at the three to five most important and leverageable things your business is paying you to do. We’ll break those tasks down into five or six subprocesses and rank them in terms of proficiency, passion, and relevance to the ongoing and future success of the business. 在第五章中,我将帮助你将“战略”这个词从一个人人提及但很少有企业家真正理解或实施的流行词汇中解放出来。我将讨论战略与战术、有效性与效率、商业人士的真正时间管理以及“最高和最佳使用”理论等概念。我将向你展示如何通过关注你业务支付给你做的三到五个最重要和最具杠杆作用的事情,诚实、快速且惊人地提高你的效率。我们将把这些任务分解为五或六个子过程,并根据熟练程度、热情以及与业务的持续和未来成功的相关性对它们进行排名。
Some Businesses Are Stuck with Costs Eating Up All the Profits 一些企业被成本困住,吞噬了所有利润
Why do costs eat up profits for stagnating businesses? 为什么成本会吞噬停滞企业的利润?
First, most enterprises don’t measure the return on their marketing investment, and even if they did, they’d find that their current marketing strategy is a sinkhole. Second, they look at cutting back the investment they make on sales and marketing during tough times, just when they need to be bolstering those functions-provided they know how to make this added investment pay off. And, third, they need to adjust their measurement horizon in terms of their overall outlook in any activity that they do, because if the business is declining, they can’t operate. They need to switch to “triage” marketing, as I call it. They don’t have a clue about what motivates the firsttime buyer or prospect, so they’re spending either too much or too little. 首先,大多数企业并不衡量他们的营销投资回报,即使他们这样做了,他们会发现当前的营销策略是一个无底洞。其次,他们在困难时期考虑削减销售和营销的投资,恰恰是在他们需要加强这些职能的时候——前提是他们知道如何让这笔额外投资获得回报。第三,他们需要调整他们在任何活动中整体前景的衡量视野,因为如果业务在下滑,他们就无法运营。他们需要转向我所称的“急救”营销。他们对首次购买者或潜在客户的动机一无所知,因此他们的支出要么过多,要么过少。
When the economy starts to shift downward and businesses stagnate or decline, most business owners and executives put more money into marketing without measuring the return on investment of the marketing investment they currently have in 当经济开始下滑,企业停滞或衰退时,大多数企业主和高管会投入更多资金用于营销,而不衡量他们当前营销投资的投资回报率
place. If you aren’t maximizing, you’re minimizing. Obviously, doing more of what wasn’t working during good times won’t get you through a recession! In Chapter 6, I’ll show you how to analyze every activity you perform in terms of the basic, critical question: If you put $1in\$ 1 \mathrm{in}, what is it that you get in return? And how much future profit do you generate? Everything you do should be measured in terms of either an investment or a profit center, as opposed to just a cost expense. 地方。如果你没有最大化,你就是在最小化。显然,在经济繁荣时期做更多无效的事情不会让你度过衰退!在第六章中,我将向你展示如何从基本的关键问题来分析你所做的每一项活动:如果你投入 $1in\$ 1 \mathrm{in} ,你能得到什么回报?你能产生多少未来利润?你所做的一切都应该以投资或利润中心来衡量,而不仅仅是成本支出。
How do you shorten your company’s planning and operating horizons (what the company should do for you in the short, medium, and long terms) so that you ensure not just the growth but the very survivability of your business? How do you get out of the parity pricing predicament that bedevils businesses such as fast-food chains? How do you command the extra pricing premium that a Ritz-Carlton or a Tiffany’s can charge? How do you ally with bigger companies, add products from other companies, and develop access to products and technology without having to spend money and time, develop footholds in new and international markets, and have R&D performed for you for pennies on the dollar or for no cost at all? These are the types of pivotal questions I’ll answer in Chapter 6. 您如何缩短公司在短期、中期和长期内的规划和运营视野,以确保不仅是增长,还有您业务的生存能力?您如何摆脱困扰快餐连锁店等企业的平价定价困境?您如何获得像丽思卡尔顿或蒂芙尼可以收取的额外定价溢价?您如何与更大的公司结盟,添加其他公司的产品,并在不花费金钱和时间的情况下开发对产品和技术的访问,进入新的国际市场,并以极低的成本或完全免费进行研发?这些都是我将在第 6 章中回答的关键问题。
Some Businesses Are Stuck Still Doing What's Not Working 一些企业仍然停留在做无效的事情上
Some entrepreneurs, business owners, and executives simply can’t push themselves beyond the status quo. Most people in business, no matter what their industry, have a highly predictable tendency to transact their business from a revenuegenerating stance similar to that of everyone else in the industry. But it doesn’t have to be this way. 一些企业家、商主和高管根本无法超越现状。大多数商业人士,无论他们的行业是什么,都有一种高度可预测的倾向,从与行业内其他人相似的收入生成立场进行交易。但事情不必如此。
If you’re doing what everybody else is doing, you aren’t differentiating yourself from the competition. You’re marginalizing and commoditizing yourself. In Chapter 7, we’ll talk about how you can stop doing what’s not working, avoid sta- 如果你在做大家都在做的事情,你就无法与竞争对手区分开来。你正在边缘化和商品化自己。在第七章中,我们将讨论如何停止做那些无效的事情,避免陷入困境。
tus quo thinking, and get into the habit of testing, measuring, and examining higher- and better-performing options, activities, and approaches. I’ll prepare you to move forward with new, effective breakthrough solutions. These solutions, though potentially driving forces, may be completely unused in your field right now. 培养思维习惯,养成测试、测量和审视更高效、更优质的选项、活动和方法的习惯。我将为你准备好向前迈进,采用新的有效突破性解决方案。这些解决方案,尽管可能是推动力,但在你所在的领域现在可能完全未被使用。
Some Businesses Are Stuck Being Marginalized by the Marketplace 一些企业被市场边缘化
The starting point for success is your own vision and image of yourself and your business. If you think you’re a commodity, a generic product, or a service like any other, then that’s what you’ll be. It’s a self-fulfilling prophecy. You’ll do what everyone else does: You’ll price the same way as everyone else, and you’ll sell, market, communicate, deal with people, and relate to clients the same way as everyone else. That’s akin to accepting your own death sentence. 成功的起点是你对自己和你业务的愿景和形象。如果你认为自己是商品、通用产品或与其他服务无异的服务,那么你就会成为那样。这是一个自我实现的预言。你会像其他人一样做:你会以与其他人相同的方式定价,你会以与其他人相同的方式销售、营销、沟通、与人打交道以及与客户建立关系。这就像是在接受自己的死刑。
If you sell the same thing at the same price and in the same way as everyone else, you must add value, or you will be marginalized by the marketplace. Value can take the form of more bonuses, more benefits, a better guarantee, more access, or more technical support. You’ve got to distinguish yourself, your product, your company, and your business model in ways that make you unlike anyone else-and, more specifically, in ways that associate you with highly distinctive and desirable value. If you do that, you will stand out favorably, and you’ll have removed yourself from the world of commoditized companies. 如果你以与其他人相同的价格和方式销售相同的产品,你必须增加价值,否则你将被市场边缘化。价值可以表现为更多的奖金、更多的福利、更好的保证、更多的访问权限或更多的技术支持。你必须以使自己、你的产品、你的公司和你的商业模式与众不同的方式来区分自己,具体来说,就是以将你与高度独特和令人渴望的价值联系起来的方式。如果你这样做,你将会脱颖而出,并且你将摆脱商品化公司的世界。
In Chapter 8, I’ll show you how to be seen as preeminent, preemptive, and proprietary. Every human being-including every prospect and buyer, and certainly every businesspersonhas a perpetual need to feel special. Well, the same is true of businesses: They need to appear special in the marketplace, or they risk being swept away, marginalized, and turned into commodities. Meeting this challenge involves making your buyers feel special, valued, and respected. I’ll show you how. 在第 8 章中,我将向你展示如何被视为卓越、先发制人和专有。每一个人——包括每一个潜在客户和买家,当然还有每一个商人——都有一种持续的需求,想要感到特别。好吧,企业也是如此:它们需要在市场上显得特别,否则就有被冲走、边缘化和变成商品的风险。应对这一挑战涉及让你的买家感到特别、被重视和受到尊重。我将向你展示如何做到这一点。
Some Businesses Are Stuck with Mediocre Marketing 一些企业被困在平庸的营销中
Most entrepreneurs fail to understand that the difference between mediocrity and making millions has more to do with effective marketing than with any other single factor. In Chapter 9 , we’ll talk about what can happen when you learn to capitalize on marketing’s geometric capability to explode your business upward. My definition of marketing is simple: It’s all about “teaching” the folks in a given marketplace that your particular business can solve their problems, fill their voids, or achieve opportunities, hopes, and goals the way no other business can. Your consumers and prospects may never even have verbalized these problems. Yet if your business can get the chance to powerfully communicate about its ability to do these things, it will experience outstanding growth. 大多数企业家未能理解,平庸与赚取百万之间的差异更多地与有效的营销有关,而不是与任何其他单一因素有关。在第 9 章中,我们将讨论当你学会利用营销的几何能力来推动你的业务向上发展时会发生什么。我的营销定义很简单:这完全是关于“教导”特定市场中的人们,你的业务如何能够解决他们的问题、填补他们的空白,或以其他任何业务无法做到的方式实现机会、希望和目标。你的消费者和潜在客户可能甚至从未明确表达过这些问题。然而,如果你的业务能够有机会强有力地传达其解决这些问题的能力,它将经历卓越的增长。
Marketing is the bedrock of virtually every enduring dominant business in every field. You must be a superior marketer. The good news is that great marketers are made, not born. Learning how to market efficiently, powerfully, and profitably is a simple and surprisingly logical process, despite all the complexity that many authors and so-called experts have brought to the table. 营销是几乎每个领域中每个持久主导企业的基石。你必须成为一名优秀的营销人员。好消息是,优秀的营销人员是培养出来的,而不是天生的。尽管许多作者和所谓的专家带来了许多复杂性,但学习如何高效、有力和盈利地进行营销是一个简单且令人惊讶的合乎逻辑的过程。
If you’re willing to shoot for the moon and the stars and trust me to guide you, we’ll get there. In Chapter 9, you’ll find out how to achieve a true 20/20 vision and a laser-like cuttingedge focus in marketing that will make your business skyrocket. Our emphasis in that chapter is on what you’ll do, not just on what you’ll understand. 如果你愿意追求月亮和星星,并相信我来引导你,我们就能到达那里。在第 9 章中,你将了解到如何实现真正的 20/20 视力和激光般的前沿营销焦点,这将使你的业务腾飞。我们在那一章中的重点是你将要做的,而不仅仅是你将要理解的。
Some Businesses Are Stuck Saying "I Can Do It Myself!" 一些企业陷入了“我可以自己做!”的状态
It’s appropriate for a child to say, “I can do it myself!” When tying their shoes, buckling a seat belt, or shooting a basket, children need to be encouraged to learn to fend for themselves. But in the business world, the notion of “I can do it myself!” leads far more often to heartache and failure than to success. 孩子说“我可以自己做!”是合适的。当他们系鞋带、扣安全带或投篮时,应该鼓励孩子们学会独立。然而在商业世界中,“我可以自己做!”的观念往往导致更多的心痛和失败,而不是成功。
In Chapter 10, I’ll show you how to create enormous new vistas of wealth and success for yourself and your business by letting go of the childlike mantra “I can do it myself!” This belief severely limits what you can do; it also limits your knowledge base, your skill level, and your earnings. You may think you can’t afford to delegate. But in fact, you can’t afford not to. 在第 10 章中,我将向你展示如何通过放下孩子气的口号“我可以自己做到!”为自己和你的业务创造巨大的财富和成功的新视野。这种信念严重限制了你能做的事情;它也限制了你的知识基础、技能水平和收入。你可能认为你无法承担委派的费用。但实际上,你无法不这样做。
What can you do through other people that you can’t do by yourself? At heart, entrepreneurism is all about leveraging people, skill sets, assets, capital, and efforts. In Chapter 10, I’ll teach you the art of leveraging the talents of others in such a way that your collaborative efforts will dwarf any success you might have achieved on your own, no matter how talented you may be. I’ll show you how to create your own board of advisors-what Napoleon Hill called the “Mastermind Group.” I’ll show you how to take advantage of OPE (other people’s efforts), OPI (other people’s ideas), OPS/K (other people’s skill and knowledge), and OPRR (other people’s resources and relationships). As a result, more of what used to be OPM-other people’s money-will be your money. 你可以通过其他人做什么,而你自己做不到?从本质上讲,企业家精神就是利用人、技能、资产、资本和努力。在第 10 章中,我将教你如何利用他人的才能,以便你的合作努力将超越你自己可能取得的任何成功,无论你多么有才华。我将向你展示如何创建自己的顾问委员会——拿破仑·希尔所称的“智囊团”。我将向你展示如何利用 OPE(他人的努力)、OPI(他人的想法)、OPS/K(他人的技能和知识)以及 OPRR(他人的资源和关系)。因此,过去的 OPM(他人的钱)将更多地成为你的钱。
What’s it like to be unstuck? What’s it like to be no longer plagued by the nine variations on the theme of stuckness that this book will confront? 不再被困住是什么感觉?不再受到本书将要面对的九种困境变体的困扰是什么感觉?
To answer that question, think about the most exhilarating experiences of your life-your wedding day, the days on which your children were born, the touchdown you scored for your high school or college team. That’s the level of excitement, joy, and exhilaration you can experience every working day. This sounds like a huge promise, so let me show you why I say that. 要回答这个问题,请想想你生命中最令人振奋的经历——你的婚礼日、你孩子出生的日子、你为高中或大学球队打入的达阵。这就是你每天工作时可以体验到的兴奋、快乐和激动的程度。这听起来像是一个巨大的承诺,所以让我来告诉你我为什么这么说。
First, you’ll be in total control of your destiny. You’ll avoid being snuffed out by a negative economy or by your competition. You’ll be ignited, because hard times are only more reason 首先,您将完全掌控自己的命运。您将避免被消极的经济或竞争对手所压垮。您将被点燃,因为艰难的时刻只是更多的理由。
for you to soar above everyone else. You’ll know with predictability what tomorrow will bring. Your business will be working harder for you than you’re working for it. You’ll have multiple activities strategically performing for you by sourcing new revenue, new buyers, and new prospects and migrating them through a systematic, sequential process forever. You’ll have systems in place, where applicable, that will bring in innumerable high-quality referrals as well as the highest purchasing and most profitable people your business could have. And, finally, you’ll be building your business in such a way that it becomes a prized asset sellable by anyone in the world, because it’s got systems in place, processes, predictability, profitability, and sustainability. 让你在所有人之上翱翔。你将能够预测明天会带来什么。你的业务将为你工作得比你为它工作得更努力。你将有多个活动在战略上为你运作,通过寻找新的收入、新的买家和新的潜在客户,并将他们通过一个系统的、顺序的过程不断转化。你将有适用的系统到位,这将带来无数高质量的推荐,以及你业务所能拥有的最高购买力和最有利可图的人。最后,你将以一种方式建立你的业务,使其成为任何人都可以在世界上出售的珍贵资产,因为它具备了系统、流程、可预测性、盈利能力和可持续性。
The iconic model of the entrepreneur in the twentieth century was the self-made man or woman going it alone. But success in the twenty-first-century business environment requires the ability to collaborate creatively with others. No one can know everything or have every single piece of the puzzle. Continuing to think that such things are possible is selfish, for three reasons. First, if you have a great product, service, or company, you’ve earned the right to be a contributor to your marketplace, and your success will only be a by-product of that contribution. Second, whether you are an entrepreneur or a corporate executive, your family is looking to you to make your business and your career as fulfilling, unstressful, and asset-accruing and -enriching as it can be for you and them. And, third, you owe it to your employees, investors, and other stakeholders to make your business as profitable, sustainable, and desirable a choice in the consumer’s mind as it can be. 二十世纪企业家的标志性模型是独自奋斗的白手起家者。但在二十一世纪的商业环境中,成功需要与他人创造性地合作的能力。没有人可以知道一切或拥有拼图的每一块。继续认为这样的事情是可能的自私,原因有三。首先,如果你拥有一个伟大的产品、服务或公司,你就有权成为市场的贡献者,而你的成功只会是这种贡献的副产品。其次,无论你是企业家还是公司高管,你的家人都希望你能让你的业务和职业对你和他们来说尽可能充实、无压力,并积累和丰富资产。第三,你有责任让你的员工、投资者和其他利益相关者的业务在消费者心中尽可能成为一个盈利、可持续和令人向往的选择。
Getting unstuck is about choosing the fastest and easiest ways to make a difference, so that you create more wins for yourself. Doing so will animate your spirit, your sense of possi-bility-and your treasury! 摆脱困境是选择最快和最简单的方法来产生影响,从而为自己创造更多的胜利。这样做会激发你的精神、你的可能性感和你的财富!
It is the certainty of knowing you have a systematic approach in place that is continuously attracting new people (whether prospects or buyers, depending on your business model), and turning them from first-time buyers into ongoing, recurring clients and clients for life, that allows you to constantly improve and expand your revenue and business model. You are operating out of your passion to an exponential degree. You are getting the most upside leverage performance and connectivity, now and in the future, out of everything you are doing. You are totally strategic. You know the exact impact, cost, and cause and effect of everything you are doing. You are wellhedged because you have multiple sources of income. You have built a massively strong edifice with an impervious and impenetrable foundation. You are constantly counter-programming everyone else, so that you are distinctive and differentiated. Within your niche market, you are seen as the only viable solution. You understand and articulate the market’s needs, hopes, dreams, and problems better than anyone else, and you offer clear-cut solutions that your market will prize and desire exclusively from you. You are in total control of what you are doing and where you are going. You have a specific plan of action you can diligently follow, master, and adjust-and you have an exit strategy, whether this entails selling the business, turning it over to the employees, or anything else. You have moved from uncertainty to absolute certainty, from confusion to exhilarating joy. 你知道自己有一个系统化的方法,这种方法不断吸引新客户(无论是潜在客户还是买家,取决于你的商业模式),并将他们从首次购买者转变为持续的、定期的客户和终身客户,这让你能够不断改善和扩展你的收入和商业模式。你在极大程度上出于激情在运作。你从你所做的一切中获得了最大的杠杆效应、表现和连接,无论是现在还是未来。你完全是战略性的。你清楚自己所做的一切的确切影响、成本以及因果关系。你有很好的风险对冲,因为你有多种收入来源。你建立了一个极其强大的建筑,拥有一个坚不可摧的基础。你不断地与其他人进行反向编程,使自己显得独特和与众不同。在你的细分市场中,你被视为唯一可行的解决方案。你比任何人都更好地理解和表达市场的需求、希望、梦想和问题,并提供明确的解决方案,市场将独家珍视和渴望来自于你。 你完全掌控自己正在做的事情和前进的方向。你有一个具体的行动计划,可以认真执行、掌握和调整——你还有一个退出策略,无论是出售业务、将其交给员工,还是其他任何事情。你已经从不确定走向绝对确定,从困惑走向令人振奋的快乐。
Remember the Tin Man in The Wizard of Oz\mathrm{O} z ? A little bit of oil, applied judiciously in the right places, got him moving again. He didn’t have to go back to the shop in order to continue traveling down the yellow brick road-he just needed those few drops of oil, applied with care exactly where they were needed. 还记得《绿野仙踪》中的铁皮人吗?适当地在正确的位置涂抹一点油,就能让他再次活动起来。他不需要回到商店就能继续沿着黄砖路旅行——他只需要那些小小的油滴,精确地涂抹在需要的地方。
That’s what this book is about-showing you how to go, how to grow, and how to maximize the enjoyment and 这就是本书的内容——向你展示如何前进,如何成长,以及如何最大化享受和
profitability of the business upon which you have already lavished so much time, care, and attention. 您已经投入了如此多的时间、精力和关注的业务的盈利能力。
Each chapter offers dozens of proven ideas about how to get unstuck, and I candidly acknowledge that the wealth of concepts I’ll share with you can prove overwhelming. So in addition to chapter summaries reiterating the key points I’ve made, I’ll conclude each subsequent chapter with a specific action step to be taken right now-what I call an “Immediate Action Step.” 每一章提供了数十个经过验证的想法,关于如何摆脱困境,我坦诚地承认,我将与您分享的丰富概念可能会让人感到不知所措。因此,除了重申我所提出的关键点的章节总结外,我还将在每一章的结尾提供一个具体的行动步骤,您可以立即采取——我称之为“立即行动步骤”。
Ready for the nine sticking points? 准备好九个关键点了吗?
Prepare yourself to be unstuck. 准备好让自己摆脱困境。
There’s no denying it: It’s a dog-eat-dog world. And the business world is no different-if anything, the canines there might be even more cannibalistic. So how do you come out on top? How do you ensure that your products and services beat out all the rest? 不可否认:这是一个弱肉强食的世界。而商业世界也不例外——如果有什么不同的话,那里的竞争可能更加激烈。那么你如何才能脱颖而出?你如何确保你的产品和服务胜过其他所有竞争者?
Peter Drucker-in my opinion, the greatest business thinker of the twentieth century-once said, “Marketing and innovation produce results; all the rest are costs.” I would add a third income-generating activity to his statement: strategizing. 彼得·德鲁克——在我看来,二十世纪最伟大的商业思想家——曾说过:“市场营销和创新产生结果;其他的都是成本。”我想在他的陈述中增加第三个创收活动:战略规划。
And yet, despite the fact that marketing, innovation, and strategizing tower above anything else businesspeople could be doing for their businesses, most of them fail to engineer a continuous flow of breakthroughs in these three key areas. As a result, although they are not obsolescing themselves, they can rest assured that their competitors are. 然而,尽管市场营销、创新和战略规划在商人可以为其业务做的事情中占据了重要地位,但大多数人未能在这三个关键领域中持续产生突破。因此,尽管他们并没有使自己过时,但可以放心的是,他们的竞争对手正在这样做。
If you’re losing out to the competition, it’s time to do something different. In this chapter, you’ll learn how to launch your business forward so that your competitors are left standing in the dust, wondering what the hell happened. All it takes is a little innovation and a killer strategy. In other words, a different approach. Let’s look at an example. 如果你在竞争中落后,是时候做一些不同的事情了。在这一章中,你将学习如何推动你的业务向前发展,让你的竞争对手站在尘埃中,想知道到底发生了什么。所需的只是一些创新和一个绝妙的策略。换句话说,就是一种不同的方法。让我们来看一个例子。
A few years ago, I had two friends who each discovered the same business opportunity but approached it in radically different ways-one tactical and shortsighted, the other strategic and focused on the long term. 几年前,我有两个朋友,他们各自发现了同样的商业机会,但以截然不同的方式来处理——一个是战术性和短视的,另一个则是战略性和专注于长期的。
The first, Tom, was a gifted copywriter who saw potential in the overlooked market of simulated diamonds, or cubic zirconium. For $30,000\$ 30,000, he ran a full-page ad in the Los Angeles Times announcing his new enterprise, the Beverly Hills Diamond Company, and its key product, a loose, one-karat stone that sold for $39\$ 39. The wonderfully crafted ad pulled in about $42,000\$ 42,000 worth of sales, which amounted to about $3,000\$ 3,000 profit after all expenses. Tom, who was used to making massive, front-end profits, didn’t see enough profit in the concept, so he folded his tent and left. 第一位,汤姆,是一位天才文案撰写人,他看到了被忽视的模拟钻石市场或立方氧化锆的潜力。为了 $30,000\$ 30,000 ,他在《洛杉矶时报》上刊登了一整版广告,宣布他的新企业——比佛利山庄钻石公司,以及其主要产品——一颗松散的一克拉石,售价为 $39\$ 39 。这则精心制作的广告带来了约 $42,000\$ 42,000 的销售额,扣除所有费用后,利润约为 $3,000\$ 3,000 。习惯于获得巨额前端利润的汤姆,并没有在这个概念中看到足够的利润,于是他收起帐篷离开了。
The second friend, Larry, didn’t possess Tom’s copywriting prowess, but he was a world-class strategist-and strategy will always trump copy. Larry soldiered into the very same marketplace, armed with a game plan for an identical product but a very different result. His ad wasn’t as well written, and so Van Pliss and Tissany (his take on Van Cleef & Arpel and Tiffany, which were hot brands at the time) pulled in only $28,000\$ 28,000 from his $30,000\$ 30,000 admeaning he’d lost $2,000\$ 2,000 before he’d even counted overhead. 第二个朋友拉里虽然没有汤姆的文案才能,但他是一位世界级的战略家——而战略总是胜过文案。拉里带着一套游戏计划进入了同样的市场,推出了一款相同的产品,但结果却截然不同。他的广告写得不够好,因此范·普利斯和蒂萨尼(他对范克里夫与阿佩尔和蒂芙尼的改编,当时这两个品牌非常热门)仅从他的 $30,000\$ 30,000 广告中获得了 $28,000\$ 28,000 ,这意味着在他甚至还没计算开销之前,他就已经损失了 $2,000\$ 2,000 。
But instead of getting frustrated, Larry continued with the next phase of his strategy. Whereas Tom had mailed his product in a chintzy cardboard box, Larry delivered his in a high-end jeweler’s case, which in turn was placed in a velvet bag - packaging that cost a pretty penny beyond what he’d already spent on the ad. Along with that, Larry included a letter: 但拉里没有感到沮丧,而是继续执行他策略的下一阶段。汤姆把他的产品装在一个廉价的纸箱里,而拉里则把他的产品放在一个高档珠宝盒中,珠宝盒又放在一个天鹅绒袋子里——这样的包装花费了他在广告上已经花费的相当一笔钱。除此之外,拉里还附上了一封信:
Thank you for purchasing your Van Pliss and Tissany one-karat gemstone. When you remove it from its beautiful jeweler’s case, you’ll immediately notice its fiery brilliance, which is even more beautiful than we promised. 感谢您购买您的 Van Pliss 和 Tissany 一克拉宝石。当您从美丽的珠宝盒中取出它时,您会立刻注意到它的火焰般的光辉,甚至比我们承诺的还要美丽。
You may also notice that the stone is smaller than you expected-but that’s the nature of the Van Pliss diamond. In order to achieve such extraordinary brilliance, our gem is denser, which makes it 25 percent smaller than most people expect. However, the brilliance of the diamond inspires many of our buyers to upgrade to larger five- and ten-karat stones, which they hope to then set. Be- 您可能还会注意到这颗钻石比您预期的要小,但这就是 Van Pliss 钻石的特性。为了实现如此非凡的光辉,我们的宝石更密集,这使得它比大多数人预期的小 25%。然而,钻石的光辉激励了许多买家升级到更大的五克拉和十克拉宝石,他们希望将其镶嵌。
cause we’ve experienced this so often, we’ve set some of our most magnificent five- and ten-karat stones in fourteen- and eighteen-k rings, necklaces, earrings, and bracelets, which you can find in the accompanying catalog. And, more important, because we do such volume, we have manufactured these jewelry pieces ourselves, thus slashing the price by 50 percent of what you would pay for the same product from a jewelry store. 因为我们经历过这种情况很多次,我们将一些最华丽的五克拉和十克拉宝石镶嵌在十四克拉和十八克拉的戒指、项链、耳环和手链中,您可以在随附的目录中找到这些产品。而且,更重要的是,由于我们生产量大,我们自己制造了这些珠宝,因此将价格削减到您在珠宝店购买同样产品的 50%。
We would like to offer you the chance to upgrade: Not only have we included a pre-paid return carton and UPS form, but we are also extending you double credit. In addition, any purchase you make with us will not be considered binding on your part until you’ve had the set jewelry item in your possession for thirty days. If your family and friends don’t remark on how beautiful your new gem is, or if you find that buying the same piece from a jeweler would have saved you money, you may return your gemstone and setting, no questions asked. 我们想给您提供升级的机会:我们不仅提供了一个预付费的退货箱和 UPS 表格,还为您提供了双倍积分。此外,您与我们进行的任何购买在您拥有该套珠宝物品三十天之前都不会被视为对您有约束力。如果您的家人和朋友没有评论您的新宝石有多美,或者如果您发现从珠宝商那里购买同样的物品会为您节省钱,您可以退回您的宝石和镶嵌,毫无疑问。
What was the end difference between Tom’s tactics and Larry’s strategy? Whereas Tom made $3,000\$ 3,000 and promptly quit, Larry’s strategy lost $2,000\$ 2,000 up front, then netted him $25\$ 25 million in his first year of business alone. 汤姆的战术和拉里的策略之间的最终差异是什么?汤姆做了 $3,000\$ 3,000 并迅速退出,而拉里的策略在前期损失了 $2,000\$ 2,000 ,但在他第一年的业务中净赚了 $25\$ 25 百万。
That’s the difference. 这就是区别。
If you come up with a killer strategy and a dynamite approach, you can make a killing, too. 如果你想出一个绝妙的策略和一个出色的方法,你也可以大赚一笔。
Believe it or not, a very high percentage of businesspeople are Toms, not Larrys. Most businesspeople never take a deep breath and ask themselves this question: Is the approach I’m using to generate and sustain business anywhere close to the highest and best approach out there? 信不信由你,很多商界人士是汤姆,而不是拉里。大多数商界人士从未深呼吸并问自己这个问题:我用来产生和维持业务的方法是否接近最佳的方法?
The reason Larry made $25\$ 25 million while Tom made only a few grand is simple: Larry’s innovative strategy allowed him 拉里的收入达到 $25\$ 25 百万,而汤姆仅赚了几千的原因很简单:拉里的创新策略使他能够
to stand out from the competition. When it came to marketing and selling the gemstone, Larry had the guts to think outside the jewelry box. 脱颖而出于竞争之中。当涉及到营销和销售宝石时,拉里有勇气跳出珠宝盒的思维。
A lot of people confuse innovation with optimization, two popular buzzwords in business today. But each is a distinct concept. Optimization means taking an existing process and making it work to its optimum, where it generates the most income for the least amount of investment-whether that investment is in time, risk, or capital. To optimize, you first have to know how activities involved in your revenue system are performing. If an activity isn’t performing, you have to replace it or improve it. If it is performing, you have to maximize that performance. That’s optimization: taking what’s working and making it work to the nnth degree; or fixing or replacing what’s not working. 许多人将创新与优化混淆,这两个词在当今商业中非常流行。但这两个概念是不同的。优化意味着对现有流程进行改进,使其达到最佳状态,从而以最少的投资(无论是时间、风险还是资本)产生最多的收入。要进行优化,首先必须了解收入系统中涉及的活动的表现。如果某项活动表现不佳,就必须替换或改进它。如果表现良好,就必须最大化其表现。这就是优化:利用有效的部分,使其发挥到极致;或者修复或替换无效的部分。
Innovation, by contrast, is a messy, unpredictable proposition. A business must engineer breakthroughs, take controlled risks, and look outside the industry for new ideas. When approached correctly, innovation is gutsy and exciting, and will put a world of opportunity at your feet. I’ll teach you how to turn innovation into something more than just a buzzword or wistful hope. 创新则相对而言是一项混乱且不可预测的提议。企业必须创造突破,承担可控风险,并在行业外寻找新想法。当以正确的方式进行时,创新是大胆而令人兴奋的,并将为你带来无限的机会。我将教你如何将创新转变为不仅仅是一个流行词或渴望的希望。
Optimization and innovation are both crucial to your success, but the order is important. For just a little while, let’s go through Jay Abraham 101. If you called me in to work on your business, I’d start by breaking down my activities into two stages: optimization followed by innovation. Here’s how I’d do it. 优化和创新对你的成功都至关重要,但顺序很重要。让我们暂时来了解一下杰伊·亚伯拉罕 101。如果你让我来为你的业务工作,我会首先将我的活动分为两个阶段:优化,然后是创新。以下是我的做法。
In Stage 1 (optimization), I’d work on making the activities you’re currently performing even better-not because they necessarily represent the best and highest use, but because you don’t want to jeopardize your current business in your search for higher-performing alternatives. Every current revenuegenerating activity would undergo optimization until it became stabilized, at which point we’d enter Stage 2: innovation. 在第一阶段(优化)中,我会致力于使您当前正在进行的活动变得更好——并不是因为它们必然代表最佳和最高的使用,而是因为您不想在寻找更高效的替代方案时危及您当前的业务。每一项当前的创收活动都会经历优化,直到其稳定为止,此时我们将进入第二阶段:创新。
Here’s where we would use the increased funding generated by the optimization in Stage 1 to research new approaches to replace and sometimes complement less effective activities. Innovation basically involves making obsolete that which you did before. 在这里,我们将利用第一阶段优化所产生的增加资金来研究新的方法,以替代和有时补充那些效果较差的活动。创新基本上涉及淘汰你之前所做的事情。
At their core, innovation and optimization rest on fundamentally different principles. But integrating the two will bring your business to a whole new level. 从本质上讲,创新和优化基于根本不同的原则。但将两者结合起来将使您的业务达到一个全新的水平。
As I pointed out in Chapter 1, when business shifts either up or down, companies do one of two things: either more of the same thing or less of the same thing. One way or another, their activities are all tied to doing the same thing, as opposed to doing something different or doing different combinations of things. Here’s where innovation comes in. 正如我在第一章中指出的,当商业向上或向下转变时,公司会采取两种行动之一:要么做更多相同的事情,要么做更少相同的事情。无论如何,他们的活动都与做相同的事情相关,而不是做不同的事情或做不同组合的事情。这就是创新的意义所在。
The key is being able to recognize the following: 关键在于能够识别以下内容:
■ What you’re doing isn’t the only way you could be doing it. ■ 你正在做的并不是你可以做的唯一方式。
■ If you start doing something different, you must compare it to what you were previously doing in order to best judge its impact. ■ 如果你开始做一些不同的事情,你必须将其与之前所做的事情进行比较,以便最好地判断其影响。
If you discover a better approach, it’s time to scale up; if not, it’s time to move on to something else. 如果你发现了更好的方法,是时候扩大规模;如果没有,是时候转向其他事情了。
Over the last thirty years, I’ve had the good fortune to see who has emerged successfully-through good times and badin many different industries. Without fail, the leaders of the pack are always those who engineer the maximum quantity, quality, and consistency in breakthroughs, whether in marketing, strategy, innovation, or management. 在过去的三十年里,我有幸见证了在许多不同的行业中,谁在好时光和坏时光中成功崭露头角。毫无例外,领头羊总是那些在市场营销、战略、创新或管理方面创造最大数量、质量和一致性突破的人。
I’ve dedicated my life to finding the highest-performing and safest ways to maximize business activities and performancewhat I like to call the “good kind of leverage.” It’s kind of like the two different kinds of cholesterol, one of which will clog your arteries and kill you, and the other, which can counteract the bad. 我将我的一生奉献给寻找最高效和最安全的方式来最大化商业活动和绩效,我称之为“良好的杠杆”。这有点像两种不同类型的胆固醇,其中一种会堵塞你的动脉并致命,而另一种则可以抵消有害的胆固醇。
Same goes for leverage. Bad leverage has brought ruination to the mortgage field, which is crumbling to its foundation even as I write this book. You’ll also see bad leverage when a business invests in an asset-equipment, employees, or other overhead-that increases its long-term, fixed obligation with no certainty that the investment will produce a return exceeding its cost, let alone appreciate. That’s quite a risk. Sure, if it works out, you’re in the clear. But if it doesn’t-well, let’s just say that you could end up losing more than your derriere. 杠杆也是如此。糟糕的杠杆已经给抵押贷款领域带来了毁灭,尽管我在写这本书时,它仍在崩溃的边缘。你还会看到糟糕的杠杆,当一个企业投资于资产——设备、员工或其他开销——这增加了其长期的固定义务,而没有任何保证投资会产生超过其成本的回报,更不用说增值了。这是相当大的风险。当然,如果一切顺利,你就没事了。但如果不顺利——好吧,姑且说你可能会失去的不止是你的屁股。
I don’t deal in dangerous leverage. I deal in new approaches that dramatically multiply results-but I work with a net, one really big safety net that makes risk practically nonexistent. I look for changes that improve your results the moment you implement them. Innovation has no value unless it brings a greater and more perceptible advantage to the marketplacean advantage that hopefully comes exclusively from you. 我不涉及危险的杠杆。我专注于新的方法,这些方法能显著倍增结果——但我有一个安全网,一个真正巨大的安全网,使风险几乎不存在。我寻找那些在你实施的瞬间就能改善你结果的变化。创新没有价值,除非它为市场带来更大且更明显的优势,而这种优势希望仅来自于你。
So what kind of innovative strategies will help you achieve good leverage? And how do you use this leverage to jump ahead of your competitors in the marketplace? The answer is actually right in front of you, a part of the word “marketplace” itself: marketing. 那么,什么样的创新策略可以帮助你实现良好的杠杆效应?你如何利用这种杠杆效应在市场上超越竞争对手?答案其实就在你面前,正是“marketplace”这个词的一部分:营销。
Most small- and medium-sized company owners don’t market at all. And the few who do-well, they tend to market very traditionally, which is a euphemistic way of saying “ineffectually.” They neither monitor performance nor strive to improve 大多数小型和中型企业的老板根本不进行市场营销。而少数进行市场营销的老板,他们往往采用非常传统的方式,这是一种委婉的说法,意思是“无效”。他们既不监测绩效,也不努力改进。
marketing variables that could give them this geometric boost. (Marketing variables are factors that can cause huge swings in results.) They generally aren’t even aware that their marketing has that kind of capability. It’s as if they’d purchased a twelvecylinder Jaguar, but only six cylinders are firing: They have enough power to drive, but if they just cleaned out the clog and applied some lube, they could have twice the power far more efficiently and economically. 可能给他们带来这种几何提升的营销变量。(营销变量是可能导致结果巨大波动的因素。)他们通常甚至没有意识到他们的营销具有这种能力。就好像他们购买了一辆十二缸的捷豹,但只有六个气缸在工作:他们有足够的动力来行驶,但如果他们清理一下堵塞并加点润滑油,他们就可以以更高效和经济的方式获得两倍的动力。
When you change your marketing, you change your results. Even small changes add up. I’ve seen minor changes to advertisements-rewording the business proposition, say, or removing the client’s perceived risk in a transaction-yield as much as a 21 percent improvement. For instance, instead of saying just “Buy my widget,” I changed a client’s message to “Buy my widget now because. . . .” The result was not only a 30 to 40 percent sales increase but an immediate one. 当你改变你的营销时,你就改变了你的结果。即使是小的变化也会累积起来。我见过对广告的小改动——比如重新措辞商业提案,或者消除客户在交易中的感知风险——带来高达 21%的改善。例如,我将一个客户的信息从“买我的小工具”改为“现在就买我的小工具,因为……”。结果不仅是销售额立即增加了 30%到 40%。
That’s just one application. I’ve seen sales quadruple as a consequence of changes in the medium by which business owners reach the marketplace. I’ve seen a simple tweak in copy on a tradeshow sign triple the traffic and quadruple the quality of the traffic, meaning the ultimate profitability of the prospects. I’ve seen a single follow-up effort after an unsuccessful sales call bring 35 percent of prospects back to buy. I’ve seen other follow-up calls produce 50 percent more sales with previous clients. Bottom line: Change your marketing, change your results. 这只是一个应用。我看到销售额因商业主接触市场的媒介变化而增加了四倍。我看到展会标牌上的简单文案调整使流量增加了三倍,流量质量提高了四倍,这意味着潜在客户的最终盈利能力。我看到在一次不成功的销售电话后进行一次跟进努力使 35%的潜在客户回购。我看到其他的跟进电话使之前的客户销售额增加了 50%。底线是:改变你的营销,改变你的结果。
Most owners of small-to medium-sized businesses don’t have a clue as to how many leverage points are available to them. In every business, there are many areas in any given revenue-generating activity. Let’s say you own a company that’s just placed an ad in the Yellow Pages. One leverage point could be as simple as changing the body copy (meaning the words that follow the headline). You could also change the placement of the ad on the page (going from horizontal to vertical or 大多数小型和中型企业的老板对可用的杠杆点一无所知。在每个企业中,任何给定的创收活动都有许多领域。假设你拥有一家刚在黄页上投放广告的公司。一个杠杆点可能简单到只需更改正文(即标题后面的文字)。你还可以更改广告在页面上的位置(从横向改为纵向或
from left to right). And, finally, you could shift the location of each of the ad elements within the ad itself. That’s three leverage points right there-and you’ve racked them up even before getting to the call from the client! 从左到右)。最后,您可以在广告本身内移动每个广告元素的位置。这就有三个杠杆点,而您在接到客户的电话之前就已经积累了这些杠杆点!
Ads are designed to generate calls, visits, and e-mails, and there are multiple leverage points to be found once you reach the call response stage. What you say or do at the point of contact can increase the odds of a purchase by as much as 75 percent. 广告旨在产生电话、访问和电子邮件,一旦达到电话响应阶段,就会发现多个杠杆点。在接触时你所说或所做的可以将购买的概率提高多达 75%。
Marketing is further discussed in Chapters 8 and 9, but right now I’ll share with you fifteen points that I developed with my friend and partner, the brilliant Internet marketer Rich Schefren.* These points are personality building blocks that will help you position yourself, your company, and/or your product as a preeminent persona in your marketplacepoised to stand head and shoulders above the competition. Think of them as grist for the mill. 市场营销在第 8 章和第 9 章中有进一步讨论,但现在我将与您分享我与我的朋友和合作伙伴、杰出的互联网营销专家 Rich Schefren 共同开发的十五个要点。这些要点是塑造个性的基石,将帮助您将自己、您的公司和/或您的产品定位为市场中卓越的人物,能够在竞争中脱颖而出。把它们看作是磨坊的原料。
Fifteen Ways to Position Yourself, Your Product, or Your Company as Preeminent in Your Marketplace 在市场中将自己、产品或公司定位为卓越的十五种方法
Attach the suffix “In your service” to everything you do for your clients. You are their trusted advisor for life. 将“为您服务”这个后缀附加到您为客户所做的一切上。您是他们终生信任的顾问。
Don’t be afraid to say what your competition won’t. In any transaction, tell your client, “Here’s what you’re not being told.” 不要害怕说出你的竞争对手不会说的话。在任何交易中,告诉你的客户:“这是你没有被告知的。”
Don’t hesitate to extol your own achievements and value - but do it in the context of the benefit it brings to the client. Practice 不要犹豫去赞美自己的成就和价值——但要在它给客户带来的好处的背景下进行。实践
at it, do it with humility and humanity, and make it heartfelt and graceful, not overbearing. 以谦逊和人性去做这件事,让它真诚而优雅,而不是傲慢。
4. List your flaws. Your clients are human, and so are you. So acknowledge it. Doing so makes you real and honest in their eyes. 4. 列出你的缺点。你的客户是人,你也是人。所以要承认这一点。这样做会让你在他们眼中显得真实和诚实。
5. Cultivate the habit of looking at each relationship as a long-term investment you’re making in the marketplace. It’s not a onenight stand. It’s a total attitude shift. 5. 培养将每段关系视为你在市场上进行的长期投资的习惯。这不是一夜情。这是一个完全的态度转变。
6. Know your strengths and weaknesses, and play to the former. The task is simple, but most people don’t do it; they get caught up trying to improve their weaknesses. No leverage there. 6. 了解自己的优点和缺点,并发挥优点。这个任务很简单,但大多数人不这样做;他们陷入了试图改善自己的缺点。没有杠杆作用。
7. Control your risk. But always point out the overlooked risks and dangers your marketplace is exposed to, and help your clients reduce or eliminate them. 7. 控制你的风险。但始终指出你的市场所面临的被忽视的风险和危险,并帮助你的客户减少或消除这些风险。
8. Use as much research and data as you can to make your point, prove your advantage, and demonstrate your performance. Just be sure to summarize, compare, interpret, and analyze this information so that people can appreciate and act on it. 8. 尽可能多地使用研究和数据来支持你的观点,证明你的优势,并展示你的表现。只需确保总结、比较、解释和分析这些信息,以便人们能够理解并采取行动。
9. Challenge status quo thinking with a sharper, fresher perspective, a better strategy, or a clearer game plan for your market to follow. 9. 以更敏锐、更清新的视角、更好的策略或更清晰的市场游戏计划挑战现状思维。
10. Continually add to your brand equity by doing more, caring more, contributing more. 10. 通过更多的行动、更多的关心、更多的贡献,不断增加你的品牌价值。
11. Form alliances and advisory boards. (We’ll talk about nurturing strategic relationships in Chapter 10.) 11. 形成联盟和顾问委员会。(我们将在第 10 章讨论培养战略关系。)
12. Use endorsements and testimonials properly and often. You can garner these from buyers, community influences, and press articles. 12. 正确且频繁地使用推荐和证言。您可以从买家、社区影响者和新闻文章中获取这些。
13. Hire the best. Pay them richly. But pay them mostly on performance. 13. 雇佣最优秀的人。给予他们丰厚的报酬。但主要根据表现来支付他们。
14. If you’re invisible, you can’t become the go-to source. Make yourself, your product, or your company known. Do it impactfully. Do it with the right people. Make the impact worth the effort. 14. 如果你是隐形的,就无法成为首选来源。让自己、你的产品或你的公司被人知晓。要有影响力。与合适的人一起做。让影响值得付出努力。
15. Learn to project the image of true success-long before you’ve fully achieved it. It’s only a matter of time before it will occur. 15. 学会在你完全实现之前就展现真正成功的形象。这只是时间问题,它终将发生。
These fifteen points serve as the ideal reminder that you have to view changes in the granular sense. “Change”-that all-encompassing, poetic, sweeping notion-is not going to cut it. You need tangible, actionable steps to follow. So instead of focusing on change, focus on changes. 这十五个要点理想地提醒你必须从细微的角度看待变化。“变化”——这个包罗万象、富有诗意、广泛的概念——是无法满足的。你需要可触及、可操作的步骤来跟进。因此,与其关注变化,不如关注变化的细节。
An added benefit of changes (in the plural) is that they will increase your business’s success with speed and efficacy. As an analogy, let’s say you decide to improve the performance of your car by adding a turbo charger and changing the wheels, which you assume will give you more power and more speed, respectively. In actuality, however, the combined benefit of both improvements would be exponential, because faster tires combined with more power equals even more speed. Implementing multiple enhancements is how I’ve helped businesses achieve such great results so rapidly. 变化的一个额外好处是,它们将提高您业务的成功速度和效率。作为类比,假设您决定通过添加涡轮增压器和更换轮胎来提高汽车的性能,您认为这将分别给您带来更多的动力和更快的速度。然而,实际上,这两项改进的综合效益将是指数级的,因为更快的轮胎结合更多的动力等于更快的速度。实施多项增强措施就是我帮助企业如此迅速取得巨大成果的方法。
After reading the previous list, you may be thinking, “Whoa, fifteen actionable points is a lot. Where do I begin?” Well, the truth is, even if you did only three of those things, or two, or even just one, you’d still be leaps and bounds beyond your 在阅读完之前的列表后,你可能会想:“哇,十五个可操作的要点真多。我该从哪里开始?”其实,真相是,即使你只做其中的三件、两件,甚至仅仅一件,你也会远远超越你的
competitors. Why? Because most people aren’t asking the right questions. 竞争对手。为什么?因为大多数人没有问对的问题。
Instead of projecting ahead and thinking of ways to change the way they do things, most businesspeople are consumed with self-doubt. They’re struggling with the wrong questions. They continually ask themselves, “Am I worthy of this business?” That translates into many more complicated questions, such as the following: 大多数商人并没有展望未来,思考改变他们做事方式的方法,而是被自我怀疑所困扰。他们在与错误的问题作斗争。他们不断问自己:“我值得拥有这个生意吗?”这转化为许多更复杂的问题,例如:
■ “Can I really sustain this business?” ■ “我真的能维持这个生意吗?”
■ “Can I compete with all these bigger competitors?” ■ “我能与这些更大的竞争对手竞争吗?”
■ “Can I really make enough money to retire in comfort, put my kids through college, and take a twoweek vacation each year?” ■ “我真的能赚到足够的钱来舒适退休,让我的孩子上大学,并每年休两周的假吗?”
■ “Can I really keep this business viable?” ■ “我真的能让这个生意保持活力吗?”
Don’t ask, “Am I worthy of this business?” Instead you should be asking yourself if this business is worthy of you. 不要问:“我值得拥有这个事业吗?”相反,你应该问自己这个事业是否值得你。
I’m going to give you the answer to the first question right now: You are. So start acting like it! 我现在就要给你第一个问题的答案:你就是。所以开始表现得像这样!
Once you realize how much more is possible from your time and efforts, you’ll see that your business is the greatest wealth-creating vehicle you’ll ever have. Why not give it all you’ve got? 一旦你意识到你的时间和努力可以创造更多的可能性,你会发现你的生意是你所拥有的最伟大的财富创造工具。为什么不全力以赴呢?
For starters, that means marketing. Marketing is the key to launching your business far beyond the status quo of the average Joe. Don’t fall into the trap of thinking of marketing as an expenditure. Marketing is an investment. With the right marketing, you can increase the profit of your business by as much as 200 percent every year. And anytime you increase profit, you’re increasing your business’s value at least five times that. 首先,这意味着营销。营销是将您的业务推向远超普通人现状的关键。不要陷入将营销视为支出的陷阱。营销是一项投资。通过正确的营销,您可以每年将业务利润提高多达 200%。而每当您增加利润时,您实际上是在将业务的价值提高至少五倍。
In order to increase your profit, you need to remember this mantra: 为了增加你的利润,你需要记住这个口号:
Change your strategy, change your results. 改变你的策略,改变你的结果。
Unfortunately, most owners of small- to medium-sized businesses have no strategy at all. They’re tactical, rather than strategic. All they do is struggle through the end of the month, only to start over again at the top of the next calendar page, hoping they’ll make it through again. They’re like Tom from the story at the beginning of this chapter: only looking at the here and now, and missing out on all the long-term potential. 不幸的是,大多数小型和中型企业的老板根本没有任何战略。他们是战术性的,而不是战略性的。他们所做的只是挣扎着度过这个月的最后一天,然后在下一个日历页的顶部重新开始,希望他们能再次熬过去。他们就像本章开头故事中的汤姆:只关注眼前,而错过了所有的长期潜力。
As an entrepreneur, you need a long-term strategy that drives every activity in your business-from tracking prospects, to closing the sale, to reselling them something worthwhile again and again. All your activities should be designed to deploy, maintain, and advance that strategy. Success doesn’t come from saying “I have to make money this week.” It comes from having, knowing, and following your long-term, endgame strategy. 作为一名企业家,您需要一个长期战略来推动您业务中的每一项活动——从跟踪潜在客户,到完成销售,再到一次又一次地向他们重新销售有价值的东西。您所有的活动都应该旨在实施、维护和推进该战略。成功并不是来自于说“我这周必须赚钱。”而是来自于拥有、了解并遵循您的长期终局战略。
If you’re a dentist, for example, your strategy might be “We’re going to source prospects from the dental industry and migrate them through a pipeline that keeps reselling at a higher quantity and thus a higher revenue level. From there, we’ll induce referrals, consciously and systematically. We know exactly what the progression steps and actions will be, and we’re going to control them proactively. Everything we do will drive that systematic, progressive outcome.” That’s being strategic. 例如,如果你是一名牙医,你的策略可能是“我们将从牙科行业寻找潜在客户,并通过一个管道将他们迁移,以便以更高的数量进行再销售,从而实现更高的收入水平。然后,我们将有意识和系统地引导推荐。我们确切知道进展步骤和行动将是什么,我们将主动控制它们。我们所做的一切都将推动这种系统的、渐进的结果。”这就是战略思维。
Most businesspeople don’t realize that strategy is allimportant. As Stephen Covey put it in his bestselling book The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People, “Begin with the end in mind.” Being without a strategy is like deciding to build a house with no idea about how many bathrooms it will have or where you’ll put the kitchen. You can’t just bang some nails into wood and hope the outcome resembles a habitable 大多数商界人士没有意识到战略是至关重要的。正如斯蒂芬·柯维在他的畅销书《高效能人士的七个习惯》中所说:“以终为始。”没有战略就像决定建造一座房子却不知道会有多少个浴室或厨房放在哪里。你不能仅仅把一些钉子钉进木头里,然后希望结果看起来像一个适合居住的地方。
dwelling. But that’s similar to what businesses do every day. Let’s look at another real-world example. 居住。但这与企业每天所做的类似。让我们看另一个现实世界的例子。
Many years ago, one of my clients was a brokerage firm that sold gold and silver. The owners were very tactical, bringing in clients episodically, selling them once, and then seeking new ones. I eliminated that static thinking and replaced it with a master strategy. 许多年前,我的一个客户是一家销售黄金和白银的经纪公司。老板们非常有策略,偶尔吸引客户,卖给他们一次,然后寻找新的客户。我消除了这种静态思维,取而代之的是一个总体战略。
In the first stage, we sought the most qualified prospects in the most consistent and cost-effective way possible. We led them through a process in which we educated them about the product, and then sold them a modest amount of the safest and most appealing initial investment. We wanted our clients to be comfortable, which we told them going in. That builds trust. 在第一阶段,我们以最一致和最具成本效益的方式寻找最合格的潜在客户。我们引导他们经历一个过程,在这个过程中我们向他们介绍产品,然后向他们销售一小部分最安全和最具吸引力的初始投资。我们希望我们的客户感到舒适,这也是我们在开始时告诉他们的。这建立了信任。
Then, we moved them to a second transaction of greater quantity and quality, as part of the next step in our long-term relationship. Based on the strategy underlying this relationship, we started them with gold, then moved them to silver, then rare coins, then gold stocks, and then other collectibles if they were appropriate. We had a systematic approach. Our first stage was not designed to hit and run. It was designed to sell and set up an ethical process for a sequential, long-term relationship future. 然后,我们将他们转移到第二笔数量和质量更高的交易中,作为我们长期关系的下一步。基于这种关系的战略,我们首先让他们投资黄金,然后转向白银,再到稀有硬币,然后是黄金股票,最后是其他合适的收藏品。我们有一个系统的方法。我们的第一阶段并不是为了快速获利,而是为了销售并建立一个道德的流程,以便为未来的顺序、长期关系奠定基础。
As another part of this stage, we accessed every newsletter out there. We offered investment seminars. This was at a time before Krugerrands had been outlawed, and the minter of the Krugerrands was brimming with wealth. We saw an opportunity and leveraged it, getting the Krugerrand minter to pay 100 percent of our advertising costs in the Wall Street Journal and all our marketing costs for millions of pieces of direct mail. At any one time, we had in motion no fewer than twenty different activities - all nontraditional methods of credibly and impactfully reaching the most desirable category of buyer. 作为这个阶段的另一个部分,我们访问了所有的通讯。我们提供了投资研讨会。这是在克鲁格兰德被禁止之前,那时克鲁格兰德的铸造商正充满财富。我们看到了机会并加以利用,让克鲁格兰德的铸造商支付我们在《华尔街日报》上的 100%广告费用以及我们数百万份直邮的所有营销费用。在任何时候,我们都有不少于二十种不同的活动在进行中——所有这些都是非传统的方法,以可信和有影响力的方式接触最理想的买家类别。
Once our strategy was under way, there was no stopping us. While our next-closest competitor was pulling in $50\$ 50 million in revenues, we were doing $500\$ 500 million. Strategy was the key to winning the race, ten times over. 一旦我们的战略开始实施,就没有人能阻止我们。虽然我们下一个最接近的竞争对手的收入为 $50\$ 50 百万,而我们的收入为 $500\$ 500 百万。战略是赢得比赛的关键,十倍于此。
Do you honestly believe that Dr. Phil is the best, most highly trained psychologist in America? He may not be the best, but 你真的相信菲尔博士是美国最优秀、训练最有素的心理学家吗?他可能不是最好的,但
he is certainly the best paid-earning 20, 50, even 100 times more than others in his field. But the difference between Dr. Phil and the average neighborhood shrink has nothing to do with his knowledge or credentials. It has to do with his positioning, his superior personal branding, and his willingness to tell his own story. In short: It comes from his visibility in the marketplace. There are literally thousands of ordinary businesspeople, once virtual “nobodies” in their markets, who have become preeminent and now enjoy success far beyond anything they could have imagined possible. The good news is: Preeminent businesspeople are made, not born. 他无疑是收入最高的,收入是他所在领域其他人的 20 倍、50 倍甚至 100 倍。但菲尔博士与普通心理医生之间的差异与他的知识或资历无关。与他的定位、他卓越的个人品牌以及他愿意讲述自己的故事有关。简而言之:这源于他在市场上的可见度。实际上,有成千上万的普通商人,曾经在他们的市场中几乎是“无名小卒”,如今已成为杰出人物,享受着远超他们曾经想象的成功。好消息是:杰出的商人是造就的,而不是天生的。
An important part of beating out your competition is employing a strategy of preeminence, which means making your business resonate at a perceived higher value in the mind of your market. You want to stand out and above the rest of the marketplace by creating an aura of superiority that decisively differentiates your brand from all the other run-of-the-mill competitors. Superiority, however, is critically different from arrogance. Look at the most prized and valued advisors in any field. They’re usually the highest paid and the most sought after, because they rank quantum times higher in terms of the respect they inspire. 击败竞争对手的重要部分是采用卓越战略,这意味着让您的业务在市场的心目中产生更高的价值感。您希望通过创造一种优越感,使您的品牌在市场上脱颖而出,明确区分于其他普通竞争对手。然而,优越感与傲慢是截然不同的。看看任何领域中最受重视和珍视的顾问。他们通常是薪酬最高、需求最旺盛的,因为他们在所激发的尊重方面的排名远远高于其他人。
Let’s use my own business as an example. I’ve established myself as an authoritative marketing consultant, one who can command well above the standard industry rate. Part of this perception on the part of the client is psychological, and I make certain that this view is maintained by differentiating my relationship, conduct, and ongoing level of contribution from that of my competitors. I have control of the relationship, and that comes with the certainty of knowing what I’m steering that relationship toward. Most people have no control over their selling relationships, and so they’re forced to be reactive. 让我们以我自己的业务为例。我已经确立了自己作为权威营销顾问的地位,能够收取远高于行业标准的费用。客户对我的这种看法部分是心理因素,我确保通过将我的关系、行为和持续贡献与竞争对手区分开来,来维持这种看法。我掌控着这段关系,这让我能够清楚地知道我在引导这段关系走向何方。大多数人对他们的销售关系没有控制权,因此他们被迫采取反应式的方式。
The first step you have to take is to view your business as the market’s most trusted, valued, and prized provider, advisor, 您必须采取的第一步是将您的业务视为市场上最受信任、最有价值和最受珍视的提供者和顾问
and source. Your perception and persona immediately transform the relationship with the client. From today forward, you have to change the way you view and run your business and interact with your clients so that you see yourself as their most trusted confidante in your field, the definitive expert source, the true market “maven.” 和来源。你的感知和个性立即改变了与客户的关系。从今天起,你必须改变看待和经营业务以及与客户互动的方式,以便将自己视为他们在你领域中最值得信赖的知己,权威的专家来源,真正的市场“权威”。
At the heart of it all, you also have to believe that what you’re doing is for a greater good, that you’re truly being selfless in your business goal to serve the prospects/clients better and more fully than any other competitor does. Sure, you’re getting paid in return (it’s the reward for doing more for them), but that’s nothing compared to the quality of service you’re providing your clients, who become your business’s center of attention. Your goal cannot be to get rich. Your goal must be to make the clients’ life or business richer, more protected, and more fulfilled so that they get more out of the process of doing business, or out of life itself. 在这一切的核心,你还必须相信你所做的事情是为了更大的利益,你在商业目标上真正是无私的,目的是为了更好、更全面地服务于潜在客户/客户,超过任何其他竞争对手。当然,你会得到报酬(这是为他们做更多事情的回报),但这与您为客户提供的服务质量相比微不足道,客户成为您业务的关注中心。你的目标不能是致富。你的目标必须是让客户的生活或业务更加丰富、更有保障和更充实,以便他们在做生意的过程中或在生活本身中获得更多。
A colleague of mine and an internationally admired expert in sales training, Chet Holmes, came up with an ingenious and powerfully effective method for establishing business preeminence: Simply tell the consumer what the buying criteria should be for purchasing products or services from your own marketplace. Then make absolutely certain that your company’s product or service is the only one that fully and consistently satisfies (or over-satisfies) those criteria. 我的一位同事,国际上备受推崇的销售培训专家 Chet Holmes,想出了一个巧妙且极为有效的方法来建立商业卓越性:简单地告诉消费者在从你自己的市场购买产品或服务时,购买标准应该是什么。然后确保你公司的产品或服务是唯一一个完全且始终满足(或超出满足)这些标准的。
Many famous brands have employed this tactic. Think of Dr. Pepper’s “23 Flavors” campaign. Before you knew that Dr. Pepper used a blend of twenty-three flavors to create its distinctive taste, did it matter to you how many chemicals were involved? Is a beverage with only one flavor something you wouldn’t have considered drinking? Probably not. In fact, many other beverage companies also use a blend of flavors in the double-digits, but when the Dr. Pepper commercials and packaging began emphasizing " 23 Flavors," what they were 许多著名品牌采用了这种策略。想想 Dr. Pepper 的“23 种口味”广告活动。在你知道 Dr. Pepper 使用二十三种口味来创造其独特的味道之前,涉及多少种化学成分对你来说重要吗?只有一种口味的饮料是你不会考虑喝的吗?可能不会。事实上,许多其他饮料公司也使用十几种口味的混合,但当 Dr. Pepper 的广告和包装开始强调“23 种口味”时,他们所做的就是
implying was that other flavoring methods were inferior. Dr. Pepper’s beverage alone met the criterion of being prepared in the most creative manner possible-as defined by Dr. Pepper. 暗示其他调味方法较差。只有 Dr. Pepper 的饮料符合以 Dr. Pepper 定义的以最具创意的方式准备的标准。
If you can’t be the only business to satisfy certain criteria, then be the first to tell the marketplace what those criteria are and that you satisfy them, before your competitors do. Advertise what you do, how you do it, why you do it, and what doing it means to the betterment of the buyer. In preemptive marketing, a company details the business process-from the moment the idea was born to the delivery of the product to the consumer’s doorstep-as a means of setting it dimensionally and incomparably apart from the competition, even if the process is identical to that of its competitors. By being the first to publicly define, describe, and revere the process, your business gains full credit. Everyone else looks like a clone, and you achieve proprietary preeminence and preemptive status. Here’s another example. 如果你不能成为唯一满足某些标准的企业,那么就要第一个告诉市场这些标准是什么,以及你如何满足这些标准,先于你的竞争对手。宣传你所做的事情,你是如何做的,为什么要这样做,以及这样做对买家的改善意味着什么。在预防性营销中,一家公司详细描述了业务流程——从创意诞生的那一刻到产品送达消费者家门的过程——作为将其在维度上和不可比拟地与竞争对手区分开来的手段,即使这个过程与竞争对手的相同。通过第一个公开定义、描述和尊重这个过程,你的企业获得了全部的信誉。其他人看起来像是克隆,而你实现了专有的卓越和预防性地位。这是另一个例子。
Years ago, I represented a high-end women’s clothier and shoe store that netted several million dollars annually. To justify the $500\$ 500 price tag on a pair of stilettos, we made a point of explaining how those shoes were different. We explained how the manufacturer scrutinized more than 100 skins to find a single matching set. Dyes were five times more expensive than standard market rate. The grade of silk threads was so lustrous that they cost ten times more than other shoes. 多年前,我代表一家高端女性服装和鞋店,该店每年净赚数百万美元。为了证明一双高跟鞋的 $500\$ 500 价格标签,我们特别强调了这些鞋子的不同之处。我们解释了制造商如何仔细检查超过 100 块皮革,以找到一套匹配的材料。染料的价格是标准市场价格的五倍。丝线的等级光泽度如此之高,以至于其价格是其他鞋子的十倍。
But that’s how all expensive shoes are made. The difference was that we were the only ones to reveal and revere this procedure (then explain and teach it to the consumer), and that made us more distinctive and desirableindeed, preeminent in our clients’ eyes. 但这就是所有昂贵鞋子的制作方式。不同之处在于我们是唯一揭示并尊重这一过程的人(然后向消费者解释和教授它),这使我们在客户眼中更加独特和令人向往,确实在他们眼中处于领先地位。
I then went a step further. I described the process the store’s buyers went through to source the merchandise in the stores. I got out the word that they traveled 500,000 miles every year, with multiple flights to Europe, Asia, and North America (especially Chicago and New York). In the process, the buying team walked up and down a combined 10,000 flights of stairs, and re- 我接着更进一步。我描述了商店的采购人员为采购商店商品所经历的过程。我得知他们每年旅行 50 万英里,往返于欧洲、亚洲和北美(尤其是芝加哥和纽约),并进行了多次航班。在这个过程中,采购团队上下走了总共 1 万层楼梯,并重新
viewed, interviewed, and painstakingly evaluated 80,000 different vendors in order to choose the mere 112 unique and distinctive items that would eventually make it to their stores. 查看、面试并仔细评估了 80,000 个不同的供应商,以选择最终将进入他们商店的仅 112 个独特而独特的商品。
The numbers were impressive, even though virtually any clothier could have tallied the same sums. But we stood out, predominantly and preemptively, because nobody else had ever laid out the details for the client. 这些数字令人印象深刻,尽管几乎任何服装商都可以计算出相同的总额。但我们脱颖而出,主要是因为没有其他人曾经为客户详细列出过这些细节。
We’ve barely scraped the surface of preeminence, so we’ll explore it in more depth in Chapter 8. For now, though, start brainstorming ways to position yourself as the preeminent provider of your product or services in your corner of the marketplace. You won’t be sorry you did. 我们刚刚触及卓越的表面,因此我们将在第 8 章中更深入地探讨它。不过,现在请开始头脑风暴,想想如何在市场的某个角落将自己定位为您产品或服务的卓越提供者。您不会后悔这样做的。
Most entrepreneurs are sheep. They run business by applying whatever actions they’ve observed in the industry-not because it’s the optimal way but because that’s all they know. As an example, consider this story. 大多数企业家都是盲从者。他们通过应用在行业中观察到的各种行为来经营业务——不是因为这是最佳方式,而是因为这就是他们所知道的全部。作为一个例子,考虑这个故事。
A few years ago, I had a client who was in the software business, with a company that was losing out on a lot of business to a competitor. The other company had better salespeople, but its software was full of bugs. Still, the other company was getting all the business. So the first company came to me and explained its problem. “We know our software is superior,” the owners told me, “but we’re obviously doing something wrong. What should we do differently?” 几年前,我有一个客户,他们在软件行业,公司的业务正在被竞争对手抢走。另一家公司有更优秀的销售人员,但他们的软件充满了漏洞。尽管如此,另一家公司还是获得了所有的业务。因此,第一家公司找到了我,向我解释了他们的问题。“我们知道我们的软件更优秀,”老板们告诉我,“但我们显然做错了什么。我们应该做些什么不同的事情?”
I love hearing that question. As soon as you open your mind to doing things differently, the doors of opportunity practically fly off their hinges. I worked with these guys to develop a long-term strategy whereby we went to people who had bought the inferior software from the other company, and we gave them full credit for what they’d already paid. We awarded that credit for the other company’s software against ours if they wanted to trade in and even advanced the cost of converting over. The response was huge: People 我喜欢听到这个问题。只要你开始开放思维,尝试不同的做法,机会的大门几乎会飞开。我与这些人合作,制定了一项长期战略,我们去找那些从其他公司购买了劣质软件的人,并给予他们已经支付的全额信用。如果他们想要换成我们的软件,我们会将其他公司的软件的信用抵扣在我们的软件上,甚至提前支付转换的费用。反响非常热烈:人们
saw that we were strategically long term. The company won back all kinds of business as a result, and the competition was left wondering what hit them. 看到我们在战略上是长期的。公司因此赢回了各种业务,竞争对手则对发生了什么感到困惑。
In a rough economy, it’s more important than ever to play good defense. You can’t afford to lose valuable business to your competitors. But here’s the good news: All you have to do to regain your competitive edge is to get creative about doing things differently-just as Larry did when he packaged cubic zirconium in a lavish velvet bag, accompanied by an elegant letter. Of course, people tend not to be very good at imagining an alternative course of action when they’re high on the hog, but this is exactly why I say today’s bad economy has a silver lining: It’s a wonderful opportunity to shift your thinking. 在经济不景气的情况下,做好防守比以往任何时候都重要。你不能承受将宝贵的业务拱手让给竞争对手的代价。但好消息是:你所需要做的就是在做事方式上发挥创造力,重新获得竞争优势——就像拉里一样,他将立方氧化锆包装在奢华的天鹅绒袋中,并附上优雅的信件。当然,当人们过得很好的时候,他们往往不太擅长想象替代的行动方案,但这正是我说今天糟糕的经济有好的一面:这是一个转变思维的绝佳机会。
It may sound unbelievable, but over the years I’ve had the good fortune of serving clients in 465 different industries, either directly or through consulting work; worked with or spoken to over 500,000 businesspeople in group settings; and guided more than 300 industry leaders and increased the fortunes of over 1,000 private clients. Throughout my career, I have kept careful track of each project and contact, so that I can learn from each one. This means I’ve seen more business strategies in action, whether delightfully successful or desperately unavailing, than just about any other human being on the planet. 这听起来可能难以置信,但多年来我有幸为 465 个不同的行业的客户提供服务,无论是直接还是通过咨询工作;在小组环境中与超过 500,000 名商界人士合作或交谈;指导了 300 多位行业领袖,并增加了超过 1,000 名私人客户的财富。在我的职业生涯中,我仔细记录了每个项目和联系,以便从中学习。这意味着我见证了更多的商业策略在实践中,无论是令人愉快的成功还是绝望的无效,几乎比地球上任何其他人都要多。
Unfortunately, many businesspeople have spent the majority of their careers in the cocoon or bell jar of their own industry, never seeing the wealth of more powerful, profitable ideas swirling in the economy around them. I’d like to be more than just a breath of fresh air-more like a torrent of cleansing clarity! 不幸的是,许多商界人士在自己行业的茧或钟罩中度过了大部分职业生涯,从未看到周围经济中涌动的更强大、更有利可图的想法。我希望不仅仅是清新的空气,更像是一股净化的洪流!
In all probability, what you’ve been doing has been marginal at best and, at worst, detrimental. So change it. Pull yourself out of the sheep pen-you’re not going to get anywhere with the wool over your eyes. Optimize and fix what isn’t working. Innovate and try new things. Develop a long-term strategy. Begin a passionate love affair with marketing. And always remember: Your business is worth it. The moment is yours. 很可能,你所做的事情充其量只是边缘化,最糟糕的情况是有害的。所以改变它。把自己从羊圈里拉出来——你不会在眼前蒙着羊毛的情况下有所作为。优化并修复那些不奏效的东西。创新并尝试新事物。制定长期战略。开始与营销的热情恋爱。并始终记住:你的生意是值得的。时刻属于你。
Now it’s time to introduce you to that little-known guru of the business world: Indiana Jones. 现在是时候向你介绍那位鲜为人知的商业界大师:印第安纳·琼斯。
The Bottom Line 底线
Marketing, innovation, and strategizing produce results; all the rest are costs. 营销、创新和战略规划产生结果;其他的都是成本。
Stage 1 , finding the highest and best use, is optimization: taking what’s working and making it work to the nth degree; or, fixing or replacing what’s not working. 第一阶段,寻找最高效的使用,是优化:利用现有的有效方法并将其发挥到极致;或者,修复或更换那些无效的方法。
Stage 2 is innovation: engineering breakthroughs, taking controlled risks, and looking outside the industry for new ideas. 阶段二是创新:工程突破、承担可控风险,以及在行业外寻找新想法。
Instead of focusing on change, focus on changes. 不要专注于变化,而要专注于变化的内容。
■ Ask the right questions: not “Am I worthy of this goal?” but “Is this goal worthy of me?” ■ 提出正确的问题:不是“我值得这个目标吗?”而是“这个目标值得我吗?”
View your business as the market’s most trusted, valued, and prized provider, advisor, and source: What you do is for a greater good, and you’re truly being selfless in your business goal to serve the client better and more fully than any other competitor does. 将您的业务视为市场上最受信任、最有价值和最珍贵的提供者、顾问和来源:您所做的一切都是为了更大的利益,您在商业目标上真正是无私的,旨在比任何其他竞争对手更好、更全面地服务客户。
Change your strategy, change your results. 改变你的策略,改变你的结果。
Immediate Action Step After reviewing the list of “Fifteen Ways to Position Yourself, Your Product, or Your Company as Preeminent in Your Marketplace,” choose one thing on that list—and do it now. 立即行动步骤 在查看“使自己、您的产品或您的公司在市场上处于领先地位的十五种方法”列表后,选择列表中的一项——并立即执行。
Remember the original Raiders of the Lost Ark? If you do, you’ll no doubt recall the following scene. 还记得《夺宝奇兵》吗?如果你记得的话,肯定会想起以下场景。
Indiana Jones, our hero, is being chased through an Egyptian bazaar by a bunch of scary-looking bad guys in turbans. Trying to escape, he slips down a side street that turns out to be a blind alley. He gets to the end of the alley and there’s a seven-foot-tall giant, spinning two massive Moroccan scimitars. For one tense moment, the audience thinks that Indiana is a goner. 印第安纳·琼斯,我们的英雄,正被一群看起来很可怕的坏家伙追赶,他们戴着头巾。为了逃脱,他滑入了一条侧街,结果发现那是一条死胡同。他走到胡同的尽头,那里有一个七英尺高的巨人,正在旋转两把巨大的摩洛哥弯刀。在一个紧张的时刻,观众认为印第安纳要完了。
Until Indy draws his gun and shoots him. 直到印第拿拔出手枪并射击他。
Now that’s what I call changing the game. 现在这才是我所说的改变游戏规则。
When it comes to being stuck not selling enough, it’s all about changing the game. I call this the Indiana Jones School of Business. In this chapter, I’ll teach you how to shoot with guns instead of hopelessly defending yourself from seven-foot giants wielding knives. 当面临销售不足的困境时,关键在于改变游戏规则。我称之为印第安纳·琼斯商学院。在本章中,我将教你如何用枪射击,而不是无助地防御那些挥舞着刀子的七英尺高的巨人。
At least metaphorically speaking. When it comes to reallife duels with swashbuckling cretins, you’re on your own. 至少可以说是比喻上。当涉及到与挥舞剑的愚蠢家伙进行现实生活中的决斗时,你就得靠自己了。
Indy’s tactic is precisely the concept that needs to be employed in business: You can change the game you play in an instant. Most people are stuck not selling enough because they Indy 的策略正是商业中需要采用的概念:你可以瞬间改变你所玩的游戏。大多数人之所以无法销售足够,是因为他们
don’t know how to sell products or services effectively. But there are a lot of ways to sell effectively! Depending on what you sell (whether it’s a product or a service), to whom you sell it, and how you currently sell it, you must evaluate whether or not yours is the most efficient and productive way to reach, motivate, and persuade the market to buy from you, the first time and then each time thereafter. When it comes to selling more, change is the name of the game. Or, rather, changes. 不知道如何有效地销售产品或服务。但有很多有效的销售方式!根据你销售的是什么(无论是产品还是服务)、你销售给谁,以及你目前的销售方式,你必须评估你是否是最有效和最具生产力的方式来接触、激励和说服市场第一次购买你的产品,然后每次都购买。当涉及到更多销售时,变化就是游戏的名称。或者,更确切地说,是变化。
While your competitors are stuck fighting each other with swords, you can blast them all away with some basic changes to the most important aspects of any twenty-first-century business. 当你的竞争对手还在用剑互相争斗时,你可以通过对任何二十一世纪企业最重要的方面进行一些基本的改变,将他们全部击败。
Who knew that a professor of archaeology with a penchant for adventure could teach us a thing or two about business, too? 谁知道一位热爱冒险的考古学教授也能教我们一些商业知识呢?
Let’s start with the most obvious point: If you’re stuck not selling enough, change the way your sales force sells. Whether you sell computer software or own a lumber company, whether you head up a marketing firm or a temp agency, your salespeople are responsible for selling your product or service-and selling it well. 让我们从最明显的一点开始:如果你在销售上遇到瓶颈,改变你的销售团队的销售方式。无论你是销售计算机软件还是拥有一家木材公司,无论你是领导一家营销公司还是一家临时机构,你的销售人员都负责销售你的产品或服务,并且要销售得很好。
Most businesses follow the basic model of maintaining a sales team. This team can be onsite or off, working via phone or in person; it can even be a third party, made up of distributors, manufacturers, and reps. 大多数企业遵循维护销售团队的基本模式。该团队可以在现场或远程工作,通过电话或面对面交流;它甚至可以是由分销商、制造商和代表组成的第三方。
If you use salespeople of any sort-and chances are you do-the first thing you have to do is get them trained in consultative selling. Most people’s idea of training salespeople is to introduce them to the territory and the product catalogue. I’ve got news for you: That’s not sales training. 如果你使用任何类型的销售人员——你很可能会这样做——你首先要做的就是让他们接受咨询式销售的培训。大多数人对培训销售人员的想法是让他们熟悉区域和产品目录。我有个消息告诉你:那不是销售培训。
Consultative selling, also known as consultative advisory selling, takes sales to the next level-and beyond. It emphasizes client needs and how your product or service can not only 咨询式销售,也称为咨询顾问销售,将销售提升到一个新的层次,甚至更高。它强调客户需求,以及您的产品或服务如何不仅可以
meet those needs but actually provide more value to the client than just the face value of what they purchased. With this dynamic method, your salespeople are no longer pushing a product or service that may or may not meet the client’s need; instead, they are working as consultants who first determine the client’s need, then provide the solution. Suddenly, in the client’s mind, you’re no longer just another business like all the rest-you’re the most trusted advisor. 满足这些需求,但实际上为客户提供的价值超出了他们所购买的表面价值。通过这种动态方法,您的销售人员不再推销可能满足或不满足客户需求的产品或服务;相反,他们作为顾问,首先确定客户的需求,然后提供解决方案。突然间,在客户的心中,您不再是像其他所有企业那样的普通企业——您是最值得信赖的顾问。
The difference between consultative sales training and oldschool technique-driven sales training is like that between night and day. With the simple shift to consultative sales, you can triple, quadruple, or even quintuple your sales. No matter what form your sales force takes-whether onsite handling walk-ins or offsite making cold calls, whether salaried or working on commission-your first step is to get your sales team trained in consultative selling. 咨询式销售培训与传统技术驱动的销售培训之间的区别就像昼夜之间的差异。通过简单地转向咨询式销售,您可以将销售额提高三倍、四倍,甚至五倍。无论您的销售团队采取何种形式——无论是在现场处理顾客还是在外打冷电话,无论是固定薪资还是按佣金工作——您的第一步是让销售团队接受咨询式销售培训。
But don’t stop there. Every other team member who has public contact must be trained in consultative sales, too. This includes your receptionist, your service people, your client service representatives, your employees in accounts receivableand the list goes on. The fact is that they are all strategic extensions of your business’s voice, determining the positioning and preeminence you create for yourself in the public eye of your marketplace. 但不要止步于此。每个与公众接触的团队成员也必须接受咨询销售培训。这包括你的接待员、服务人员、客户服务代表、应收账款员工,等等。事实上,他们都是你业务声音的战略延伸,决定了你在市场公众眼中所创造的定位和卓越性。
You might be worried that training a consultative sales force will be a drain on your resources, but-as all of my clients have been surprised to discover-the actual expense is modest. In fact, it’s far less than the typical profit increase your new sales approach can stimulate in only the first month or two during which you apply it. It rarely costs more than a few hundred dollars, at most a few thousand, and that one-time investment can translate into hundreds of thousands-even millions-of dollars more for your business. 您可能担心培训咨询式销售团队会消耗您的资源,但正如我所有的客户惊讶地发现的那样,实际费用是适度的。事实上,这远低于您新的销售方法在应用的前一两个月内可以刺激的典型利润增长。它通常不会超过几百美元,最多几千美元,而这笔一次性投资可以为您的业务带来数十万甚至数百万美元的回报。
Remember: Your salespeople are the first line of offense. Having salespeople and contact staff untrained in consultative 请记住:您的销售人员是第一道防线。让销售人员和联系员工没有接受咨询式培训。
sales is like running an airline with pilots who’ve never cracked open a flight manual. 销售就像经营一家航空公司,飞行员从未打开过飞行手册。
A lot of businesspeople get intimidated by sales because they believe it’s an art form, something intangible, and a person either “has it” or doesn’t. Lucky for us, they’re wrong. Consultative sales is a science, and it can be systematically learned and implemented by anyone. Also, it’s based on a fundamental, human emotion we all possess: empathy. 许多商界人士对销售感到畏惧,因为他们认为这是一种艺术形式,是一些无形的东西,一个人要么“有这种能力”,要么就没有。幸运的是,他们错了。咨询式销售是一门科学,任何人都可以系统地学习和实施。此外,它基于我们所有人都具备的一种基本人类情感:同理心。
Although I’ve seen its astronomical rates of success again and again in every imaginable industry, I don’t consider myself an expert in consultative sales. So, what follows is a paraphrasing of the advice of my good friend Andy Miller, who has one of the most brilliant sales minds in business. When Andy was 27, he bought the rights to a Dutch software company, grew it to $24\$ 24 million, and sold it. He has sat on the advisory boards of four different groups, which gave him access to universities that teach sales in the United States-a subject that wasn’t taught at all until only fifteen years ago. 尽管我在各个行业中多次看到其惊人的成功率,但我并不认为自己是咨询销售方面的专家。因此,接下来是我好朋友安迪·米勒的建议的改述,他是商业中最杰出的销售头脑之一。当安迪 27 岁时,他购买了一家荷兰软件公司的版权,将其发展到 $24\$ 24 百万,并将其出售。他曾在四个不同团体的顾问委员会任职,这使他能够接触到教授销售的美国大学——这个主题在十五年前还根本没有教授。
People who teach sales have to research it, and since sales has become part of university curricula, we’re beginning to find out what’s truth and what’s myth. Through his university network, Andy has access to all of this research and has developed his approach accordingly. If you take his system to heart and act on his simple instructions, you’ll very quickly see that the concept of consultative sales is a whole new ballgame, dramatically different from the old one-and dramatically more effective. 教授销售的人必须进行研究,随着销售成为大学课程的一部分,我们开始发现什么是真相,什么是神话。通过他的大学网络,安迪可以获取所有这些研究,并相应地发展了他的方法。如果你认真对待他的系统并按照他的简单指示行动,你会很快发现咨询式销售的概念是一个全新的游戏,与旧的方式截然不同,并且效果显著更好。
Consultative advisory sales can be applied to any business in any industry in any country. It fits no matter where you are. You’ll find, however, that two aspects will vary, depending on your country and culture: 咨询顾问销售可以应用于任何国家的任何行业的任何业务。无论你身处何地,它都适用。然而,你会发现有两个方面会因你的国家和文化而有所不同:
How you build relationships 你如何建立关系
■ How you make decisions ■ 你如何做决定
In some cultures, a business is a micro-dictatorship with an absolute leader; in others, the boss works for the employees. Either way, you can apply consultative sales to the way you do business. 在一些文化中,企业是一个拥有绝对领导者的微型独裁政权;在其他文化中,老板为员工服务。无论哪种方式,您都可以将咨询式销售应用于您的商业方式。
To begin, let’s take a look at your current marketing strategy. How you market is a crucial component of your business philosophy, especially when you’re stuck not selling enough. Do you market by having people come to you (“pull marketing”) or by reaching out to the market and educating them about your product/service (“push marketing”)? Note that with either technique, marketing is one-to-many. The single business, with its single purpose and single need, interacts with the multiple and diverse needs of the often innumerable buyers who comprise the marketplace. 首先,让我们看看您当前的营销策略。您的营销方式是您商业理念的一个关键组成部分,尤其是在您面临销售不足的困境时。您是通过让人们主动来找您(“拉式营销”)还是通过主动接触市场并教育他们关于您的产品/服务(“推式营销”)来进行营销?请注意,无论哪种技术,营销都是一对多的。单一的企业,拥有单一的目标和需求,与构成市场的众多且多样化的买家的需求进行互动。
Sales, on the other hand, is one-to-one. It is the salesperson’s job to translate the broad appeal of marketing into the specific message for the individual buyer. Whether you use “drip (or nurture) marketing” in an effort to target specific audiences and build credibility or “wave marketing,” whereby you’re flooding prospects for a while (but not constantly), you’ll need consultative sales to turn your marketing into transactions. This is the only approach that will shorten your sales cycle, increase your closing rate, eliminate discounting, and result in better cash flow and higher profit margins. 销售则是单对单的。销售人员的工作是将市场营销的广泛吸引力转化为针对个别买家的具体信息。无论你是使用“滴灌(或培育)营销”来针对特定受众并建立信誉,还是“波浪营销”,即在一段时间内大量接触潜在客户(但不是持续不断),你都需要咨询式销售将你的营销转化为交易。这是唯一能缩短销售周期、提高成交率、消除折扣并带来更好现金流和更高利润率的方法。
There are four steps in the purchase process your prospects go through: 潜在客户在购买过程中经历四个步骤:
The prospects recognize they have a need. 前景认识到他们有需求。
They decide whether to do something about it or not. (Your biggest competitor is the status quo-not taking action at all.) 他们决定是否对此采取行动。(你最大的竞争对手是现状——根本不采取行动。)
They evaluate their options. 他们评估他们的选择。
4. They select a vendor. 4. 他们选择一个供应商。
If your business sells to other businesses, however, your purchase hierarchy will be different: 然而,如果您的业务是向其他企业销售,则您的采购层级将会有所不同:
The prospects go to their current trusted provider. 前景转向他们当前信任的供应商。
They ask their network. 他们询问他们的网络。
They contact a recognized brand. 他们联系一个知名品牌。
They shop around. 他们四处购物。
Either way is fine-as long as you familiarize yourself with the process of your buyers. You’ve got to know their process backward and forward. Once you understand that your buyers are going through a specific process, you have to match your sales cycle to their buying cycle. If you fail to recognize where they are in the process, your next step will be out of sync, with potentially disastrous results. Let me show you what I mean. 无论哪种方式都可以——只要你熟悉买家的流程。你必须了解他们的流程。 一旦你明白你的买家正在经历一个特定的流程,你就必须将你的销售周期与他们的购买周期相匹配。如果你未能识别他们在流程中的位置,你的下一步将会不同步,可能会导致灾难性的结果。让我给你举个例子。
A former client ran a great catalog business in editorial training, sending out thousands of catalogs every month. After perusing the catalog, prospects called in to a salesperson who would take them through what would otherwise be a good consultative process. However, these buyers were ready to buy and didn’t need a consultation. They only needed someone to answer their questions and to sign them up. 一位前客户在编辑培训方面经营着一个很棒的目录业务,每个月发送数千份目录。在浏览完目录后,潜在客户会拨打电话给销售人员,销售人员会带他们进行本应是一个良好的咨询过程。然而,这些买家已经准备好购买,不需要咨询。他们只需要有人回答他们的问题并为他们注册。
So we took the salespeople off the phone and had administration simply complete the transaction - and sales tripled. The salespeople had been getting in the way of the sale. 所以我们让销售人员不再接电话,让行政人员简单地完成交易——销售额翻了三倍。销售人员一直在妨碍销售。
In short, if you’re trying to recognize a buyer’s process toward purchasing, you have to understand the psychology of 简而言之,如果你想要识别买家的购买过程,你必须理解心理学
what causes people to take action: Do people have a compelling reason to make a change? Does it spring from pain, fear, or pleasure? The brain is literally hardwired such that its tendency to avoid pain is 100 times greater than its tendency to seek out pleasure. That makes pain the easier sell. Likewise, if you’re offering security, legal services, or insurance, you have to acknowledge that fear is what motivates your buyer. 是什么导致人们采取行动:人们是否有强烈的理由去改变?这种改变是源于痛苦、恐惧还是快乐?大脑的确是被硬性连接的,其避免痛苦的倾向是寻求快乐的倾向的 100 倍。这使得痛苦更容易被接受。同样,如果你提供安全、法律服务或保险,你必须承认恐惧是驱动买家的动机。
On the other hand, you can think of pleasure as the buyer’s vision. Plenty of people are visionaries, and want to be seen as being on the cutting edge. They have a motivation to buy as well. As a skillful salesperson, you need to discover what they want. (Remember, people buy for their reasons-not yours.) 另一方面,你可以将快乐视为买家的愿景。很多人都是有远见的人,想要被视为走在前沿。他们也有购买的动机。作为一个熟练的销售人员,你需要发现他们想要什么。(记住,人们是为了他们的理由而购买,而不是你的。)
Have you ever talked to a company, realized it has a problem, and wondered why the company isn’t fixing it? It’s often a matter of avoidance. Here’s an example. You rarely treat paper cuts or minor scrapes. If you have a second-degree burn, you might apply ice or aloe vera. But if you have a broken bone, you have it set at the hospital emergency room. How many people would do a Yellow Pages analysis of healthcare facilities before they go to the emergency room? Very few, because pain compels most of them to take action. They do whatever is needed to fix the problem. 你是否曾与一家公司交谈,意识到它有问题,并想知道为什么公司不解决这个问题?这通常是回避的问题。这里有一个例子。你很少处理纸割伤或轻微擦伤。如果你有二度烧伤,你可能会涂抹冰块或芦荟。但如果你有骨折,你会去医院急诊室进行治疗。在去急诊室之前,有多少人会对医疗设施进行黄页分析?很少,因为疼痛迫使他们采取行动。他们会做任何需要的事情来解决问题。
Whether it’s a broken bone or a busted merger, you’ve got to recognize that pain, fear, or pleasure (in that order) gets people to take action, and their level of action will be proportionate to their level of pain, fear, or pleasure. Remember the videos from science class showing the amoeba moving toward the sugar and away from the vinegar? This concept is true even on a cellular level. 无论是骨折还是破裂的合并,你都必须认识到,痛苦、恐惧或快乐(按此顺序)促使人们采取行动,而他们的行动程度将与他们的痛苦、恐惧或快乐程度成正比。还记得科学课上展示的变形虫朝向糖分移动而远离醋的那些视频吗?这个概念在细胞层面上也是成立的。
Selling is about relationships, so whoever builds the strongest relationship will get the deal because of trust. People buy from those whom they trust, and who are most like themselves. This dynamic actually works in your favor, because it 销售是关于关系的,因此建立最强关系的人将因为信任而获得交易。人们从他们信任的人那里购买,并且这些人与他们最相似。这种动态实际上对你有利,因为它
makes it easy to tell who is a serious buyer and who is shopping around, trying to get a free education about the product and the market. If you actually have a shot at the sale, your buyers will be seeking to confide in you. But if they’re only looking for information, they won’t be willing to reveal anything about themselves and what they’re looking for-they’ll be keeping you at arm’s length. 使人们容易分辨谁是认真的买家,谁是在四处逛逛,试图免费获取关于产品和市场的知识。如果你真的有机会达成交易,买家会寻求向你倾诉。但如果他们只是想获取信息,他们就不会愿意透露任何关于自己和他们所寻找的东西——他们会与你保持距离。
I learned this from my grandfather, who kept sheep and pigs. Sheep experience only one birth a year, and sometimes have twins. If twins are born, the mother will choose one and reject the other. My grandfather bottle-fed these rejected lambs, and he always gave them a name; one was called Lamby. When it was time to go to slaughter, he couldn’t let Lamby go. In selling, when there’s a relationship, your buyer is open, honest, knows your name, and you have a shot. If not, you’re going to the slaughterhouse-you just don’t know it yet. 我从我的祖父那里学到了这一点,他养羊和猪。羊每年只生一次小羊,有时会生双胞胎。如果生了双胞胎,母羊会选择一个,拒绝另一个。我的祖父给这些被拒绝的小羊喂奶,他总是给它们起名字;其中一个叫做 Lamby。当要去屠宰的时候,他无法让 Lamby 离开。在销售中,当有关系时,你的买家是开放、诚实的,知道你的名字,你就有机会。如果没有,你就要去屠宰场——你只是不知道而已。
Negative stereotypes about salespeople have to be resisted. When you’re sick and go to the doctor, do you play a “poker game,” making your doctor guess what’s wrong? Of course not-you expect your doctor’s questions to be personal and discovery-oriented. You then determine what you’re willing to do to be cured. 对销售人员的负面刻板印象必须抵制。当你生病去看医生时,你会玩“扑克游戏”,让医生猜测你有什么问题吗?当然不会——你希望医生的问题是个人化和探索性的。然后你决定愿意做些什么来治愈自己。
That’s exactly what consultative selling is: helping prospects get what they want, facilitating the cure. I think of myself as a doctor, seeking how I can help my client. But if the client is mistrustful of me as a smarmy salesperson, he will withhold the information that I need in order to help him and provide him with the best solution for his problem. Here’s an example. 这正是咨询式销售的本质:帮助潜在客户获得他们想要的,促进解决方案。我把自己看作一名医生,寻求如何帮助我的客户。但如果客户对我这个油腔滑调的销售员心存不信任,他将会隐瞒我所需的信息,以便帮助他并为他提供最佳解决方案。这里有一个例子。
I was in a sales call recently where a significant amount of business was at stake. A potential client had called us hoping that we could offer her advice on going head-to-head with a large competitor that was threatening to push her out of the market. A lot was on the line for all of us: Without our help, the client was likely to go under, but if we were able to pull through for her, she’d 我最近参加了一次销售电话会议,涉及到大量的业务。一位潜在客户打电话给我们,希望我们能为她提供建议,以便与一个威胁要将她挤出市场的大竞争对手正面交锋。对我们所有人来说,风险很大:如果没有我们的帮助,客户可能会破产,但如果我们能帮助她,她将会
be able to hold on to major clients that the competitor was courting, and we’d be compensated in kind. 能够留住竞争对手正在争取的主要客户,我们将以相应的方式获得补偿。
So, I got on the line and asked, “Can you start by telling me about your business and what you know about your competitor?” 所以,我打电话问:“你能先告诉我关于你的业务和你对竞争对手的了解吗?”
The prospect was hesitant. She gave us a taste of the situation but was clearly reluctant to divulge too much. I tried a few other questions. “How much do you know about the service your competitor is offering? What kinds of marketing have you seen it doing? What about what you’re doing?” 前景显得犹豫。她给了我们一些情况的概述,但显然不愿意透露太多。我试着问了几个其他问题。“你对竞争对手提供的服务了解多少?你看到他们做了什么样的营销?那你们的情况呢?”
Still, I was getting only half-answers. Slowly it began to dawn on me that the prospect was withholding crucial information because she thought she’d lose power in the relationship by letting on too much. But I had no way of offering her a solution without knowing the full scope of her problem. I said, “Listen. I understand your hesitation, but I can’t help your business if I don’t understand it. There’s nothing at stake in your honesty but whether or not I can be of service to you.” 尽管如此,我得到的仍然只是半个答案。慢慢地,我开始意识到,前景在隐瞒关键信息,因为她认为如果透露太多,她在关系中的权力会受到影响。但我无法在不知道她问题的全部范围的情况下为她提供解决方案。我说:“听着。我理解你的犹豫,但如果我不了解你的业务,我就无法帮助你。你诚实与否没有什么风险,只有我是否能为你提供服务。”
With that simple reassurance, everything changed, and the client opened up. We found out that her situation was an area in which we could offer expertise, and we entered into a contract that was a win-win for both parties. 在那简单的安慰下,一切都改变了,客户开始敞开心扉。我们发现她的情况是我们可以提供专业知识的领域,于是我们签订了一份对双方都有利的合同。
It may seem too trite a story to include in a business book. Yet I share it with you because it reinforces the image that I would like you to create for yourself: In effect, you’re a physician, ministering to the needs of your patients/clients, who look to you with certainty that you are the right provider of services or goods and that they can feel safe, comfortable, and protected in your able care. But just as a doctor cannot make an accurate diagnosis without all the facts, so we businesspeople must have the courage to ask the hard questions of our clients. What’s really going on? Where does it hurt? How can I help? 这可能看起来是一个过于陈腐的故事,不适合放在商业书籍中。然而,我与您分享这个故事,因为它强化了我希望您为自己创造的形象:实际上,您是一位医生,照顾着您的患者/客户的需求,他们确信您是提供服务或商品的合适人选,并且在您的精心照料下,他们可以感到安全、舒适和受到保护。但正如医生在没有所有事实的情况下无法做出准确的诊断一样,我们商界人士也必须有勇气向客户提出艰难的问题。到底发生了什么?哪里疼?我该如何帮助?
As a salesperson, you have to know the real story, because otherwise misunderstandings happen, and you’ll make an improper diagnosis, write a premature prescription, commit malpractice. If clients are pushing you to give a recommendation without complete information, ultimately they’re only preventing themselves from obtaining the best possible outcome in the 作为销售人员,您必须了解真实情况,因为否则会发生误解,您会做出不恰当的诊断,写出过早的处方,甚至犯下医疗失误。如果客户在没有完整信息的情况下逼迫您给出建议,最终他们只是在阻止自己获得最佳的结果。
transaction. They won’t get the proper solution for their particular problem, and they’ll be left unfulfilled. 交易。他们无法获得针对其特定问题的适当解决方案,因此会感到不满足。
There are three components to consultative selling: presenting, qualifying, and closing (not necessarily in that order). Let me illustrate how these components, when combined, are infinitely more powerful than any other sales approach. 咨询式销售有三个组成部分:展示、资格审查和成交(不一定按这个顺序)。让我来说明这些组成部分结合在一起时,比任何其他销售方法都强大得多。
Imagine there are three companies: 想象有三家公司:
Company #1 has a four-month sales cycle and a 90 percent close rate. 公司#1 的销售周期为四个月,成交率为 90%。
Company #2 has an eight-month sales cycle and a 60 percent close rate. 公司#2 的销售周期为八个月,成交率为 60%。
Company #3 has a fourteen-month sales cycle and a 2 percent close rate. 公司#3 的销售周期为十四个月,成交率为 2%。
What does Company #1 know that the other two are missing out on? 公司#1 知道其他两个公司错过了什么?
Company #1 is employing the “Quid Pro Quo” approach to selling. It uses consultative sales by first qualifying the parameters of the transaction: What is the problem that needs to be solved by making this purchase? What does the client hope to accomplish with this purchase? Then, Company #1 pre-closes the sale, by eliciting an assurance that the client will purchase from Company #1 if it is able to deliver everything discussed in the qualifying phase. Finally, Company #1 presents the product/service solution. 公司#1 采用“以物易物”的销售方式。它通过咨询式销售首先确定交易的参数:需要通过这次购买解决什么问题?客户希望通过这次购买实现什么目标?然后,公司#1 通过引导客户保证如果能够交付在资格阶段讨论的所有内容,就会从公司#1 购买,来预先达成交易。最后,公司#1 提出产品/服务解决方案。
Company #2, on the other hand, is stuck in the traditional approach, in which it qualifies, presents, then closes. It’s simply not as effective. 另一方面,第二家公司仍然停留在传统的方法中,即先资格审查、再展示,然后再成交。这显然没有那么有效。
And Company #3 presents, then qualifies, then closes - which is a very shaky tactic. And Company #3 先展示,然后资格审查,最后成交 - 这是一种非常不稳定的策略。
Consultative sales allows you to impress on your clients the value of the product/service for them specifically. If you don’t do this, you have no way of differentiating what you’re offering from anything else on the market. You’re 咨询式销售使您能够向客户展示产品/服务对他们的具体价值。如果您不这样做,就无法将您所提供的与市场上其他任何产品区分开来。您是
left with price as the differentiating factor, and soon you’ll find yourself discounting. The drawbacks of discounting are worse than you might expect. 将价格作为差异化因素,很快你会发现自己在打折。打折的缺点比你想象的要严重。
As you can see from this example of three hypothetical companies, the Quid Pro Quo model offers obvious benefits for you and your average client. It’s ideal for large enterprises as well. Most professional buyers prefer this method because it eliminates negotiating and discounting, and it doesn’t waste their time. 正如您从这三个假设公司的例子中看到的,互惠互利模型为您和您的普通客户提供了明显的好处。它也非常适合大型企业。大多数专业买家更喜欢这种方法,因为它消除了谈判和折扣,并且不会浪费他们的时间。
There are several requirements for successfully executing the Quid Pro Quo method. First, you must always remember that, at the core, it’s about an effective sales process; there is no one-size-fits-all. It’s not about pre-set steps, but about how successfully your salespeople sell. You also need to be able to walk away if necessary. And don’t be afraid to ask tough questions. If you ask thought-provoking questions, your clients will likely need time to think about their answers before responding. Although most people are extremely uncomfortable with silence, it can actually be a very good thing. 成功执行 Quid Pro Quo 方法有几个要求。首先,您必须始终记住,核心是有效的销售流程;没有一种适合所有人的方法。这不是关于预设步骤,而是关于您的销售人员销售的成功程度。您还需要能够在必要时选择离开。并且不要害怕提出尖锐的问题。如果您提出发人深省的问题,您的客户可能需要时间来思考他们的回答,然后再做出回应。尽管大多数人对沉默感到极为不适,但这实际上可能是件非常好的事情。
The Quid Pro Quo approach gives you an additional opportunity to cultivate an understanding of personality types. The length of the process will differ according to the personality of your client, and thus you must learn to adapt. The questions you ask will be predicated on the type of person you’re selling to. Always follow the Platinum Rule: 互惠互利的方法为您提供了一个额外的机会来培养对个性类型的理解。这个过程的长度将根据您客户的个性而有所不同,因此您必须学会适应。您提出的问题将基于您所销售对象的类型。始终遵循铂金法则:
Treat others in the way they want to be treated. 以他们希望的方式对待他人。
Seek the truth of your client’s needs, though you may not like what you hear. And always be prepared to say when you cannot meet a client’s particular need. It’s your ethical responsibility to be honest with your client about what you can and cannot do-and, moreover, to be honest with yourself. 寻求客户需求的真相,尽管你可能不喜欢你所听到的。并且始终准备好在无法满足客户特定需求时说出来。对客户诚实地说明你能做和不能做的事情是你的道德责任——而且,更重要的是,对自己也要诚实。
I like to sum up the premise of consultative sales in a few easy, powerful points. 我喜欢用几个简单而有力的要点来总结咨询式销售的前提。
Key Points to Remember When Doing Consultative Sales 进行咨询销售时需要记住的要点
■ You are a professional facilitator, not a salesperson. ■ 你是一个专业的促进者,而不是销售人员。
■ Work like a doctor, winning confidence by displaying confidence in your abilities, making a thorough diagnosis of the problem, and offering your prescription without hesitation or fear of rejection. ■ 像医生一样工作,通过展示对自己能力的信心来赢得信任,全面诊断问题,并毫不犹豫地提供你的处方,不必担心被拒绝。
Focus on the client, not on the order. 关注客户,而不是订单。
Not getting the deal is okay. 没能达成交易也没关系。
Insist on an open and honest conversation. Both you and the customer must get all your ducks in a row. 坚持进行开放和诚实的对话。你和客户都必须把一切安排妥当。
You and the customer must have equal business stature. 你和客户必须具有平等的商业地位。
■ Play fair, or not at all. ■ 公平竞争,或者干脆不玩。
Don’t do bad deals. 不要做坏交易。
They sell you-you don’t sell them. 他们卖给你——你不卖给他们。
Believe in mutual degrees of commitment. (In other words, don’t go through the process unless you know that if you lead the clients to water, they’ll drink.) 相信相互承诺的程度。(换句话说,除非你知道如果你引导客户到水边,他们会喝,否则不要进行这个过程。)
Remembering these simple precepts can revolutionize your entire philosophy of sales. Soon you’ll be well on your way to changing the way your sales team sells. 记住这些简单的原则可以彻底改变你整个销售哲学。很快你就会在改变你的销售团队销售方式的路上走得很远。
Let’s assume you’ve retrained your sales force to focus on consultative selling. Great! But that’s only the beginning. When you’re stuck not selling enough, more change is required of you. Much more. 假设你已经重新培训了销售团队,专注于咨询式销售。很好!但这仅仅是开始。当你面临销售不足的困境时,你需要做出更多的改变。更多的改变。
After sales, the next most important factor for the majority of businesses is advertising, which is simply another method of generating prospects or sales. Most of the time, though, the advertising methods that business owners rely on are completely ineffectual-and they fail to realize this because they don’t have a way of measuring the success of their ad campaigns. 在销售之后,对大多数企业来说,最重要的因素是广告,这只是产生潜在客户或销售的另一种方法。然而,大多数时候,企业主依赖的广告方法完全无效——他们未能意识到这一点,因为他们没有办法衡量广告活动的成功。
Advertising has to focus on the audience, offering them a desired benefit in return for contacting you. By shifting the fundamentals of advertising and guiding your audience to immediate, direct, desirable action, you can boost sales by 30 to 50 percent or more, very quickly and with zero increase in your advertising expenditure. I like to think of effective advertising as a kind of hidden dynamite; it’s a potent variable that very few businesses capitalize on. So when you do, you’ll unleash an explosive power that can exponentially increase your sales. 广告必须关注受众,向他们提供期望的利益,以换取与您的联系。通过改变广告的基本原则,引导您的受众采取立即、直接、可取的行动,您可以在不增加广告支出的情况下,迅速将销售额提高 30%至 50%或更多。我喜欢将有效的广告视为一种隐形炸药;它是一种很少有企业利用的强大变量。因此,当您这样做时,您将释放出一种爆炸性的力量,可以成倍增加您的销售额。
If advertising is currently your main driver of sales, you can make surprisingly minor and easy changes in your existing advertising that will produce major results-and you won’t have to spend a dime. There are seven leverage factors at your immediate disposal, each of which can increase sales 20 to 500 percent: 如果广告目前是您销售的主要驱动力,您可以对现有广告进行令人惊讶的微小和简单的更改,这将产生重大效果——而且您无需花费一分钱。您手头有七个杠杆因素,每个因素都可以将销售额提高 20%到 500%:
Seven Ways to Leverage Your Advertising 利用广告的七种方法
Write Great Headlines. No matter how good the rest of your ad is, your audience won’t ever see it if they don’t get past the headline. Your headline must instantly telegraph to your prospects the biggest, most appealing specific benefit or payoff they can expect to receive from contacting your company or availing themselves of your product. It must be catchy, and it must contain key words or phrases that will pop up from the page. Because your headline is so crucial, l’ll go over ten examples of unbeatable headlines in a moment; but first, let’s look at the remaining six tools at your disposal. 写出精彩的标题。无论你的广告其他部分多么出色,如果观众无法看到标题,他们就永远不会看到它。你的标题必须立即向潜在客户传达他们可以从联系你的公司或使用你的产品中获得的最大、最吸引人的具体好处或回报。它必须引人注目,并且必须包含能够从页面中突出显示的关键词或短语。由于你的标题至关重要,我稍后会介绍十个无与伦比的标题示例;但首先,让我们看看你可以使用的其余六个工具。
Set Yourself Apart. Distinguish your business from every other competitor by addressing an obvious void in the marketplace that you alone can honestly fill. Set your prospects’ buying criteria for them, so that only you, your business, or your product can clear the bar. Focus on one specific, relevant niche that is most sorely lacking in the marketplace and make it your own. 让自己与众不同。通过填补市场上一个显而易见的空白,使您的业务与其他竞争对手区分开来,这个空白只有您能够诚实地填补。为您的潜在客户设定购买标准,以便只有您、您的业务或您的产品能够达到这个标准。专注于市场上最缺乏的一个特定相关细分领域,并将其变为您的专属。
Offer Proof to Build Your Credibility. Provide substantiation for your claims, including client testimonials, quotes from experts, and excerpts of media articles about your product. Contrast your performance, construction, or support with the competition’s. 提供证据以建立您的信誉。为您的主张提供证据,包括客户推荐、专家引用和关于您产品的媒体文章摘录。将您的表现、构建或支持与竞争对手进行对比。
Reverse Your Customers’ Risk. Put the onus on yourself. Tell your clients that you’ll offer a full refund if they’re not satisfied. If this isn’t practical, guarantee some element of the transaction or purchase. Taking the burden of risk and uncertainty off a client will result in higher (and quicker) sales, even when you factor in the low percentage of clients who will take advantage 逆转客户的风险。将责任放在自己身上。告诉客户,如果他们不满意,你将提供全额退款。如果这不切实际,可以保证交易或购买的某个元素。将风险和不确定性的负担从客户身上移除,将导致更高(更快)的销售,即使考虑到会利用这一点的客户比例较低。
of the return privilege or test-drive period. I’ve seen companies boost their sales by more than 500 percent just by adding an incomparable, powerful, and irresistible risk reversal to the selling proposition. Most of your competition isn’t addressing the marketplace’s apprehension and inhibitions about buying, so you’ll have the proprietary, preemptive advantage if you do. 关于退货特权或试驾期。我见过一些公司仅通过在销售主张中添加一种无与伦比、强大且不可抗拒的风险逆转,销售额提升超过 500%。你的大多数竞争对手并没有解决市场对购买的顾虑和顾忌,因此如果你这样做,你将拥有独特的、先发的优势。
Include a Call to Action. Now that those in your audience have read your ad or visited your website, what’s next? Don’t make their next step ambiguous. Your marketplace is virtually begging to be led by a trusted advisor, so take the helm and be specific. Tell them exactly what to do, why to do it, what benefits they can expect from taking action-and what dangers or penalties will result from delay. “Call now!” “Visit our store!” “Order immediately!” “Schedule a consultation!” Such phrases may sound oldschool, but they’re still in use for a reason. 包含一个行动号召。现在你的受众已经阅读了你的广告或访问了你的网站,接下来是什么?不要让他们的下一步变得模糊。你的市场几乎在乞求一个值得信赖的顾问来引导,所以请掌舵并具体说明。告诉他们确切该做什么,为什么要这样做,他们可以期待什么好处,以及延迟会导致什么危险或惩罚。“立即拨打电话!”“访问我们的商店!”“立即下单!”“安排咨询!”这样的短语可能听起来有些老套,但它们仍然被使用是有原因的。
Offer a Bonus. Whether it’s a coupon, a discount, an extended warranty, an additional product or service piled on top of the basic purchase, or the promise of preferential treatment for fast-actors (“Be one of the first five callers and receive a free companion book!” “Be a charter VIP/Platinum member with priority attention guaranteed for life!”), a bonus on top of your already fabulous product or service proposition can only further entice and multiply sales. 提供奖励。无论是优惠券、折扣、延长保修、额外的产品或服务,还是对快速行动者的优待承诺(“成为前五位拨打电话的客户,获得一本免费伴侣书!”“成为特许 VIP/铂金会员,终身保证优先关注!”),在您已经出色的产品或服务提议上增加奖励,只会进一步吸引并增加销售。
Summarize Your Offer. By summarizing your offer at the end of your ad, you are seizing the moment to “bring it home”: Reiterate the problem you are able to solve, the benefits your buyers will gain, and the upside with no downside. Then tell them again how to act now. 总结您的提议。在广告的最后总结您的提议,您正在抓住机会“将其带回家”:重申您能够解决的问题、买家将获得的好处,以及没有风险的潜在收益。然后再次告诉他们如何立即行动。
If you’ve ever been to a rock concert, you know that the opening act is just a warm-up for the main event. But you’re there for one reason only: to see the headliner. 如果你曾经去过摇滚音乐会,你就知道开场表演只是主活动的热身。但你去那里只有一个原因:就是为了看主唱。
The headlines of your advertising are equally important. The right headline will make the crowd go wild. 你的广告标题同样重要。一个合适的标题会让人群疯狂。
When you sit down to write your headline, or when you review the headline submitted to you by your copywriter, it will help to have in mind some highly successful examples that have yielded results for other businesses. Here are ten of my favorites, drawn with permission from Victor O. Schwab’s vital book, How to Write a Good Advertisement.* 当你坐下来写标题,或者当你审查你的文案撰写者提交的标题时,心中有一些为其他企业带来成功的优秀例子会有所帮助。以下是我最喜欢的十个例子,摘自维克托·O·施瓦布的经典著作《如何写好广告》。
Ten Terrific Advertising Headlines That Delivered Great Business Results 十个出色的广告标题,带来了卓越的商业成果
“How to Win Friends and Influence People.” This headline helped to sell millions of copies of the now-famous book by the same title. It has strong, obvious appeal: We all want to win friends and influence people. But without the words “How to,” the headline would have become simply a trite wall motto. 《如何赢得朋友并影响他人》。这个标题帮助销售了数百万本同名的著作。它具有强烈而明显的吸引力:我们都想赢得朋友并影响他人。但如果没有“如何”这几个字,标题就会变成一个陈腐的墙壁座右铭。
“A Little Mistake That Cost a Farmer $3,000\$ \mathbf{3 , 0 0 0} a Year.” A sizable appropriation was successfully spent on placing this ad in farm magazines. Sometimes the negative idea of offsetting, reducing, or eliminating the “risk of loss” is even more attractive to the reader than the “prospect of gain.” As railroad executive (back “一点小错误让一位农民损失了 $3,000\$ \mathbf{3 , 0 0 0} 一年。”一笔可观的拨款成功用于在农刊上投放这则广告。有时,抵消、减少或消除“损失风险”的负面观念对读者的吸引力甚至超过了“获得收益的前景”。作为铁路高管(回
when that meant something!) and U.S Senator Chauncey Depew once said, “I would not stay up all of one night to make $100\$ 100; but I would stay up all of seven nights to keep from losing it.” 当那意味着什么时!)美国参议员查恩西·德皮尤曾说过:“我不会为了获得 $100\$ 100 而熬夜一整晚;但我会熬夜七整晚以防失去它。”
And as Walter Norvath notes in Six Successful Selling Techniques, “People will fight much harder to avoid losing something they already own than to gain something of greater value that they do not own.” It’s also true that most people feel it’s easier to retrieve losses and waste than to gain new profits. Capitalize on this. 正如沃尔特·诺瓦斯在《六种成功的销售技巧》中所指出的,“人们会更加努力地去避免失去他们已经拥有的东西,而不是去获得他们没有的更有价值的东西。” 事实上,大多数人觉得追回损失和浪费比获得新的利润要容易。利用这一点。
3. “Are You Ever Tongue-Tied at a Party?” This headline pinpoints the myriad self-conscious wallflowers out there, people who will read it and say, “This is talking to me!” You’ll also notice that it’s interrogative. It asks a question - and people will want to read the answer. It excites curiosity and interest in the body matter that follows, and it hits home, cutting through verbose indirectness. 3. “你在聚会上会感到无话可说吗?”这个标题准确地指出了那些自我意识强烈的墙花们,他们会读到这句话并说:“这在说我!”你还会注意到它是一个疑问句。它提出了一个问题——人们会想要阅读答案。它激发了对后续内容的好奇心和兴趣,并且直击要点,切中要害。
The best interrogative headlines are challenges that are difficult to ignore, cannot be dismissed with a quick no or yes, and - even without further reading-are immediately pertinent and relevant to the reader. 最好的疑问标题是那些难以忽视的挑战,不能通过简单的“是”或“否”来轻易否定,并且——即使不进一步阅读——也立即与读者相关。
4. “Do You Make These Mistakes in English?” Again, a direct challenge. Now read the headline again, eliminating the vital word “These.” This word is the hook that almost forces you into the copy. “What are these particular mistakes?” the prospect thinks. “Do I make them?” Also notice that this headline promises to provide helpful personal information in its own context, not merely as “advertising talk.” This is what I call the “attraction of the specific.” You see how magnetically it helps to draw the reader into the body matter of an advertisement. 4. “你在英语中犯这些错误吗?”再次,这是一个直接的挑战。现在再读一遍标题,去掉关键字“这些”。这个词是几乎迫使你进入正文的钩子。“这些特定的错误是什么?”潜在客户想。“我会犯这些错误吗?”还要注意,这个标题承诺在其自身的语境中提供有用的个人信息,而不仅仅是“广告话术”。这就是我所说的“具体的吸引力”。你会看到它是如何磁性地帮助吸引读者进入广告的正文部分。
Many of the best headlines contain specific words or phrases that make a promise to tell you one or all of the following: how, 许多最佳标题包含特定的词语或短语,承诺告诉你以下一项或多项内容:如何,
here’s, these, which, which of these, who, who else, where, when, what, why. Also enormously catching is the use of specific amounts: the number of days, evenings, hours, minutes, dollars, ways, types of. 这里是,这些,哪个,这些中的哪个,谁,还有谁,哪里,什么时候,什么,为什么。还有,具体数量的使用也非常引人注目:天数、晚上、小时、分钟、美元、方式、类型的数量。
This “attraction of the specific” is worth your special attention, not only with respect to words and phrases but also concerning headline ideas themselves. For example, compare the appeal of “We’ll Help You Make More Money” with “We’ll Help You Pay the Rent.” 这种“特定的吸引力”值得你特别关注,不仅涉及词语和短语,还包括标题思想本身。例如,比较“我们将帮助你赚更多的钱”和“我们将帮助你支付房租”的吸引力。
5. “When Doctors ‘Feel Rotten,’ This Is What They Do.” What’s the secret of the success of this well-known ad? First, there’s the suggestion of paradox, because we seldom think of doctors as being in poor health themselves. And when they are, what they do about it is information right from the horse’s mouth; it carries a note of authority and greater assurance of a reward for reading the ad. Note the positive promise of reward in “This Is What They Do.” 5. “当医生感到糟糕时,他们会这样做。” 这则知名广告成功的秘密是什么?首先,这里有一种悖论的暗示,因为我们很少认为医生自己身体不好。而当他们确实如此时,他们所采取的措施是来自第一手的信息;这带有权威性,并且更能保证阅读广告的回报。注意到“这就是他们所做的”中积极的回报承诺。
Second, the use of the unabashed colloquialism “Feel Rotten” gets attention; it sounds human, natural. It also has surprise value, because advertising pages ordinarily have a certain stilted quality. Many headlines fail to stop readers because their vocabulary is so hackneyed; their words, expressions, and ideas are merely those in common use. Indeed, this ad pulled only half the number of responses when a test was made that changed “When Doctors ‘Feel Rotten’” to “When Doctors Don’t Feel Up to Par.” 其次,使用毫不掩饰的口语“Feel Rotten”引起了注意;它听起来人性化、自然。它也具有惊喜的价值,因为广告页面通常有一种生硬的特质。许多标题未能吸引读者,因为它们的词汇过于陈腐;它们的词语、表达和想法仅仅是常用的。事实上,当进行测试将“When Doctors ‘Feel Rotten’”改为“When Doctors Don’t Feel Up to Par.”时,这则广告的回应数量仅为一半。
Since the idea of using “unexpected” headline words is worth such serious consideration, let’s look at a few more examples. 由于使用“意外”的标题词的想法值得认真考虑,让我们再看几个例子。
■ For a book on scientific weight control: the word “pot-belly.” Not very elegant, but it proved an effective stopper. ■ 关于一本科学体重控制的书:词语“啤酒肚”。虽然不太优雅,但它确实是一个有效的阻止词。
For a dictionary: a single word (“onion,” “hog,” “shad,” “pelican,” “skunk,” “kangaroo,” etc.) as the boldface headline of each in a series of small-space advertisements. You couldn’t miss it on the page, and you wanted to know what it was all about. The copy followed through by illustrating how simple and clear the definitions in that particular dictionary were. 对于一本字典:一个单词(“洋葱”、“猪”、“鲱鱼”、“鹈鹕”、“臭鼬”、“袋鼠”等)作为一系列小空间广告的粗体标题。你在页面上无法错过它,并且你想知道这到底是怎么回事。文案通过说明该字典中的定义是多么简单明了来进一步阐述。
For a book on golf instruction: “Don’t Bellyache About Your Golf This Year!” 关于高尔夫教学的书籍:“今年别抱怨你的高尔夫!”
“Guaranteed to Go Through Ice, Mud, or Snow-Or We Pay the Tow!” If you offer a powerful guarantee with your product, play it up strongly and quickly in the headline. Don’t relegate it to minor display. Many products are actually backed up by dramatic guarantees - but their advertising does not make the most of them. And, of course, it doesn’t hurt that this ad rhymes. “保证能穿越冰、泥或雪——否则我们支付拖车费!”如果您的产品提供强有力的保证,请在标题中强烈而迅速地强调这一点。不要将其 relegated 到次要展示中。许多产品实际上都有戏剧性的保证支持——但它们的广告并没有充分利用这些保证。当然,这则广告押韵也无妨。
“Is the Life of a Child Worth $1\mathbf{\$ 1} to You?” This trenchant headline was used by a brake-relining service. It has strong emotional appeal, prompting people to think about how the life of a little child could be snuffed out by an accident caused by their ineffective brakes. “一个孩子的生命对你来说值 $1\mathbf{\$ 1} 吗?”这个尖锐的标题被一家刹车衬垫服务使用。它具有强烈的情感吸引力,促使人们思考一个小孩的生命是如何可能因他们无效的刹车而被意外扼杀的。
“Six Types of Investors-Which Group Are You In?” This ad produced inquiries in large quantities. Investors reviewed the characteristics of each of the six groups described in the ad, then inquired about a program designed to meet the investment purposes of their own group. “六种投资者-你属于哪个群体?” 这则广告产生了大量的咨询。投资者们审视了广告中描述的六个群体的特征,然后询问了一个旨在满足他们自己群体投资目的的项目。
This headline also illustrates “the primary viewpoint,” or the “point of you.” Many highly engaging headlines contain one of the following words-“you,” “your,” or “yourself.” Even when the pronoun is first-person singular (for example, "How I 这个标题也说明了“主要观点”或“你的观点”。许多引人入胜的标题包含以下单词之一——“你”、“你的”或“你自己”。即使代词是第一人称单数(例如,“我如何”)。
Improved My Memory in One Evening"), the reward promised is so universally desired that, in effect, it is saying, “You can do it, too!” “在一个晚上改善我的记忆”,所承诺的奖励是如此普遍渴望,以至于实际上是在说:“你也可以做到!”
Here’s a statistic that proves the power of the “point of you”: In a study during which 500 women were given a fountain pen, 96 percent wrote their own names; and when shown a map of the United States, 447 men out of 500 looked first for the location of their home towns! Howard Barnes, of the American Newspaper Publishers’ Association, really got it right when he said: “To call up an image of the reader, all you need to do is pin up a target. Then, starting at the outside, you can label his interests in this order: the world, the United States, his home state, his home town, and we’ll lump together in the black center his family and himself . . . me. Myself. I come first. I am the bull’s eye.” 这里有一个统计数据证明了“你的视角”的力量:在一项研究中,500 名女性被给予了一支钢笔,96%的人写下了自己的名字;而在看到一张美国地图时,500 名男性中有 447 人首先寻找自己家乡的位置!美国报纸出版商协会的霍华德·巴恩斯说得非常正确:“要唤起读者的形象,你只需要贴上一个靶子。然后,从外部开始,你可以按以下顺序标记他的兴趣:世界、美国、他的家州、他的家乡,我们将他的家庭和他自己归为黑色中心……我。自己。我是第一位。我是靶心。”
9. “For the Woman Who Is Older Than She Looks.” This headline was a stopper for thousands of women-and proved more successful than the subtly different “For the Woman Who Looks Younger Than She Is.” 9. “对于看起来比实际年龄大的女性。”这个标题吸引了成千上万的女性,并且比稍微不同的“对于看起来比实际年龄年轻的女性”更成功。
10. “Announcing . . . The New Edition of the Encyclopedia That Makes It Fun to Learn Things.” The announcement type of headline (when bringing out a new product) wins attention because people are interested in new things. Look for phrases like “new kind of,” “new discovery,” “new way to,” and so on. Americans love the new or novel; for them, the mere factor of newness seems to be prima facie evidence of “betterness.” 10. “宣布……让学习变得有趣的百科全书新版本。” 这种公告类型的标题(在推出新产品时)能够吸引注意力,因为人们对新事物感兴趣。寻找诸如“新型的”、“新发现”、“新方法”等短语。美国人喜欢新颖的事物;对他们来说,单纯的新颖性似乎就是“更好”的初步证据。
Undeviating affection for the old and proven may be strong in other countries; in ours, the desire to try the new is stronger. The great achievements of our inventors and enterprising manufacturers have trained us to believe that if it’s new, it’s likely to be better. However, the word “new” in a headline should be 对旧的和经过验证的事物的坚定热爱在其他国家可能很强;在我们国家,尝试新事物的愿望更强烈。我们发明家和有进取心的制造商的伟大成就使我们相信,如果它是新的,它很可能更好。然而,标题中的“新”这个词应该是
backed up by copy pointing out the merits of something really new and advantageous, not merely different. 由复制支持,指出某些真正新颖和有利的事物的优点,而不仅仅是不同。
Headlines pack a lot of power in their punch. Just a few well-chosen words can launch your business far beyond the doldrums of not selling enough into a world where calls from clients just won’t stop. The right headline can only underline your business’s success. 标题蕴含着强大的力量。仅仅几个精心挑选的词语就能将您的业务从销售不足的低谷推向一个客户来电不断的世界。正确的标题只会强调您业务的成功。
In this day and age, it’s imperative that you have an online presence. If you don’t already have a website, you might as well open a stall at Indy’s Egyptian bazaar. 在这个时代,拥有在线存在是至关重要的。如果你还没有网站,那你不如在印第安纳的埃及集市开个摊位。
In 2006, a little-known U.S. senator launched a campaign for the presidency. As a fundamental part of his campaign, the senator utilized the Internet to a degree greater than that of any other candidate in the general election for president of the United States. The official campaign website offered an array of special features, including the option to make financial contributions online. His campaign also utilized viral marketing and networking, sending out frequent mass e-mails and even posting videos on YouTube. 在 2006 年,一位鲜为人知的美国参议员发起了总统竞选。作为他竞选的一个基本部分,这位参议员在互联网的利用程度上超过了其他任何候选人,成为美国总统大选中的一大亮点。官方竞选网站提供了一系列特殊功能,包括在线捐款的选项。他的竞选还利用了病毒营销和网络传播,频繁发送群发电子邮件,甚至在 YouTube 上发布视频。
The result? Senator Barack Obama became the forty-fourth president of the United States. 结果?参议员巴拉克·奥巴马成为美国第四十四任总统。
The power of the World Wide Web should not be underestimated. Almost every company with an online presence is generating revenue from it, or at least some strategic, profitable advantage. If you don’t have an online presence, get one. Although I can’t make any promises regarding a presidential bid, I can guarantee that your business is better off online than offline. 全球互联网的力量不容小觑。几乎每个有在线存在的公司都在从中获得收入,或者至少获得一些战略性、盈利的优势。如果你没有在线存在,赶快去建立一个。虽然我不能对总统竞选做出任何承诺,但我可以保证你的生意在线上比线下更好。
Here are some general guidelines you can use as a launching pad for your site—but keep in mind that building a website is a tall order and goes far beyond the scope of this book. The next few paragraphs will give you a handle on the most important aspects to be aware of, as well as the areas where you could run into common pitfalls. 以下是一些您可以用作网站起点的一般指南——但请记住,建立一个网站是一项艰巨的任务,远远超出了本书的范围。接下来的几段将让您了解需要注意的最重要方面,以及您可能会遇到的常见陷阱。
If you already have a website or some other form of web presence (like a marketplace on eBay), the first step you have to take is to do the research to find out how your clients are finding you. Are they coming across your site via search engines? Or are you getting hits from paid searches? If clients are finding you through keywords or paid advertising, make certain that your current ads and propositions consist of benefit-based headlines or phrases that telegraph the biggest, most desirable, and specific payoff(s) the client can get from visiting your website. 如果您已经有一个网站或其他形式的网络存在(比如在 eBay 上的市场),您需要采取的第一步是进行研究,以找出您的客户是如何找到您的。客户是通过搜索引擎找到您的网站吗?还是您从付费搜索中获得访问量?如果客户是通过关键词或付费广告找到您的,请确保您当前的广告和提议包含基于利益的标题或短语,传达客户访问您网站所能获得的最大、最理想和具体的收益。
Next, take a hard look at your actual website-as if you were the prospect or visitor. Be sure that your homepage introduces your business benefit up front. Web users visit websites out of self-interest, so you need to make certain that your homepage’s headline communicates the biggest payoff they’ll get from staying there and going deeper. Beyond that, the payoff you communicate has to be better and more desirable than what they can get from visiting other, similar sites-or from finding another means of addressing their business problem. 接下来,认真审视一下你的网站——就像潜在客户或访客一样。确保你