BAS 银行利率
BAS 银行利率详情
Table Name in CLDS | T_GROUP(new) | ||||||
Primary Key | id | ||||||
Index | id, legal_entity,code | ||||||
Foreign Key | code | ||||||
Field Descriptions | |||||||
Sr No. | Filed Names | Type | filed length | Nullable | Description | Detailed Description | Parameter Description |
1 | id | Integer | 4 | N | |||
2 | legal_entity | Varchar2 | 4 | N | if system level user "0000" for default value | ||
3 | code | Varchar2 | 20 | N | |||
4 | nm | Varchar2 | 20 | N | |||
5 | dscp | Varchar2 | 1024 | N | |||
6 | custom_schema | Varchar2 | N | ||||
7 | custom_forms | Varchar2 | N | ||||
8 | visibility | Varchar2 | 1 | N | |||
9 | entitlement | Varchar2 | N | ||||
10 | maker_mode | Varchar2 | N | ||||
11 | teller_no | Varchar | 50 | N | Teller/Maker Id Number | ||
12 | checker_no | Varchar | 50 | N | Checker/Reviewer Id Number | ||
13 | approver_no | Varchar | 50 | N | Approver Id Number | ||
14 | status_cd | Varchar | 50 | N | Status indicator of the record | A = ACTIVE I = INACTIVE record cannot be use for processing yet, but visible to backoffice for support purpose D = DELETED record not usable to services nor visible to any UI | |
15 | version_no | Int | 4 | N | Version number | To be incremented by 1 in every update | 1 |
16 | created_by | Varchar | 255 | N | To indicate who created the record for first time | Customer Self Service - ACCESS CODE Batch - populate with BATCH_ID Backoffice User - LAN ID User not defined - SYSTEM | Default to SYSTEM |
17 | created_time | Timestamp | N | TIMESTAMP WITH TIMEZONE | System Date and Time | ||
18 | updated_by | Varchar | 255 | N | To indicate who updated the record for last time | Customer Self Service - ACCESS CODE Batch - populate with BATCH_ID Backoffice User - LAN ID User not defined - SYSTEM | Default to SYSTEM |
19 | updated_time | Timestamp | N | TIMESTAMP WITH TIMEZONE | System Date and Time |
Table Name in CLDS | T_ENTRY(new) | ||||||
Primary Key | id | ||||||
Index | id,group_code,code | ||||||
Foreign Key | |||||||
Field Descriptions | |||||||
Sr No. | Filed Names | Type | filed length | Nullable | Description | Detailed Description | Parameter Description |
1 | id | Integer | 4 | N | |||
2 | legal_entity | Varchar2 | 4 | N | if system level use "0000" for default value | ||
3 | group_code | Varchar2 | 4 | N | |||
4 | code | Varchar2 | 20 | N | |||
5 | dscp | Varchar2 | 1024 | N | |||
6 | seq_id | Integer | 4 | N | |||
7 | custom_fields | Varchar2 | 20 | N | |||
8 | teller_no | Varchar | 50 | N | Teller/Maker Id Number | ||
9 | checker_no | Varchar | 50 | N | Checker/Reviewer Id Number | ||
10 | approver_no | Varchar | 50 | N | Approver Id Number | ||
11 | status_cd | Varchar | 50 | N | Status indicator of the record | A = ACTIVE I = INACTIVE record cannot be use for processing yet, but visible to backoffice for support purpose D = DELETED record not usable to services nor visible to any UI | |
12 | version_no | Int | 4 | N | Version number | To be incremented by 1 in every update | 1 |
13 | created_by | Varchar | 255 | N | To indicate who created the record for first time | Customer Self Service - ACCESS CODE Batch - populate with BATCH_ID Backoffice User - LAN ID User not defined - SYSTEM | Default to SYSTEM |
14 | created_time | Timestamp | N | TIMESTAMP WITH TIMEZONE | System Date and Time | ||
15 | updated_by | Varchar | 255 | N | To indicate who updated the record for last time | Customer Self Service - ACCESS CODE Batch - populate with BATCH_ID Backoffice User - LAN ID User not defined - SYSTEM | Default to SYSTEM |
16 | updated_time | Timestamp | N | TIMESTAMP WITH TIMEZONE | System Date and Time |
Table Name in CLDS | BAS_BANK_PARAM(reuse and enhance existing table) | |||||||
Primary Key | seq | |||||||
Unique Index | (legal_entity) | |||||||
Foreign Key | ||||||||
Field Descriptions | ||||||||
Sr No. | Filed Names | Type | filed length | Nullable | Description | Detailed Descrip tion | Parameter Description | field attr |
1 | seq | number | 12 | N | key of the record | shanghai | ||
2 | legal_entity | varchar | 4 | N | entity code | shanghai | ||
3 | bank_no | interger | 14 | N | bank no | shanghai | ||
4 | bank_sts | varchar | 1 | N | bank status | new | ||
5 | system_date | number | 8 | N | system date | shanghai | ||
6 | batch_sys_date | number | 8 | N | current cycle date of the system | new | ||
7 | cutoff_time | timestamp | N | cutoff time | new | |||
8 | lst_work_date | number | 8 | N | last working date of the default market of the entity | new | ||
9 | next_work_date | number | 8 | N | next working date of the default market of the entity | new | ||
10 | log_flag | varchar | 1 | N | log flag | shanghai | ||
11 | active | Varchar | 1 | N | Active status | Allowable Values: "Y" or "N" | new | |
12 | teller_no | varchar | 8 | N | last updated user id | new | ||
13 | checker_no | varchar | 8 | N | checker id | new | ||
14 | auther_no | varchar | 8 | N | approver id | new | ||
15 | upd_time | Timestamp | N | last maintenance date | new | |||
16 | created_by | Varchar | 255 | N | To indicate who created the record for first time | Customer Self Service - ACCESS CODE Batch - populate with BATCH_ID Backoffice User - LAN ID User not defined - SYSTEM | Default to SYSTEM | |
17 | updated_by | Varchar | 255 | N | To indicate who updated the record for last time | Customer Self Service - ACCESS CODE Batch - populate with BATCH_ID Backoffice User - LAN ID User not defined - SYSTEM | Default to SYSTEM | |
18 | created_time | Timestamp | N | TIMESTAMP WITH TIMEZONE | ||||
19 | updated_time | Timestamp | N | TIMESTAMP WITH TIMEZONE |
Table Name in CLDS | BAS_BANK_PARAM_HIS(new) | ||||||
Primary Key | seq | ||||||
Unique Index | (legal_entity,cycle_date) | ||||||
Foreign Key | |||||||
Field Descriptions | |||||||
Sr No. | Filed Names | Type | filed length | Nullable | Description | Detailed Description | Parameter Description |
1 | seq | number | 12 | N | key of the record | ||
2 | legal_entity | varchar | 4 | N | entity code | ||
3 | bank_no | interger | 14 | N | bank no | ||
4 | bank_sts | varchar | 1 | N | bank status | ||
5 | batch_sys_date | number | 8 | N | cycle date | current cycle date of the system | |
6 | cutoff_time | timestamp | N | cutoff time | |||
7 | lst_work_date | number | 8 | N | last working date | the last working date of the default market of the entity | |
8 | next_work_date | number | 8 | N | next working date | the next working date of the default market of the entity | |
9 | log_flag | varchar | 1 | N | log flag |
| |
10 | active | Varchar | 1 | N | Active status | Allowable Values: "Y" or "N" | |
11 | teller_no | varchar | 8 | N | last updated user id | ||
12 | checker_no | varchar | 8 | N | checker id | ||
13 | auther_no | varchar | 8 | N | approver id | ||
14 | upd_time | Timestamp | N | last maintenance date | |||
15 | created_by | Varchar | 255 | N | To indicate who created the record for first time | Customer Self Service - ACCESS CODE Batch - populate with BATCH_ID Backoffice User - LAN ID User not defined - SYSTEM | Default to SYSTEM |
16 | updated_by | Varchar | 255 | N | To indicate who updated the record for last time | Customer Self Service - ACCESS CODE Batch - populate with BATCH_ID Backoffice User - LAN ID User not defined - SYSTEM | Default to SYSTEM |
17 | created_time | Timestamp | N | TIMESTAMP WITH TIMEZONE | |||
18 | updated_time | Timestamp | N | TIMESTAMP WITH TIMEZONE |
Table Name in CLDS | BAS_RPT_RAT_TYPE(new) | ||||||
Primary Key | sequence_no | ||||||
Unique Index | legal_entity,cycle_date, cur_code, book_rat_type | ||||||
Foreign Key | cur_code → bas_currency(cur_code) | ||||||
Field Descriptions | |||||||
Sr No. | Filed Names | Type | filed length | Nullable | Description | Detailed Description | Parameter Description |
1 | sequence_no | number | 12 | N | key of the record | ||
2 | legal_entity | varchar | 4 | N | entity code | ||
3 | cycle_date | number | 8 | N | cycle date | ||
4 | currency_code | varchar | 3 | N | currency code | ||
5 | book_rate_type | char | 1 | N | book rate type | will retrieve the value list from bas_com_dic_data | Allowable Values : |
6 | currency_rate | number | (19,6) | N | currency rate value | ||
8 | teller_no | varchar | 8 | N | Teller/Maker Id Number | ||
9 | checker_no | varchar | 8 | N | Checker/Reviewer Id Number | ||
10 | approver_no | Varchar | 50 | N | Approver Id Number | ||
11 | status_cd | Varchar | 50 | N | Status indicator of the record | A = ACTIVE I = INACTIVE record cannot be use for processing yet, but visible to backoffice for support purpose D = DELETED record not usable to services nor visible to any UI | |
12 | version_no | Int4 | 4 | N | Version number | To be incremented by 1 in every update | |
13 | created_by | Varchar | 255 | N | To indicate who created the record for first time | Customer Self Service - ACCESS CODE Batch - populate with BATCH_ID Backoffice User - LAN ID User not defined - SYSTEM | |
14 | created_time | Timestamp | N | TIMESTAMP WITH TIMEZONE | |||
15 | updated_by | Varchar) | 255 | N | To indicate who updated the record for last time | Customer Self Service - ACCESS CODE Batch - populate with BATCH_ID Backoffice User - LAN ID User not defined - SYSTEM | |
16 | updated_time | Timestamp | N | TIMESTAMP WITH TIMEZONE |
Table Name in CLDS | BRANCH_BAS_INFO(reuse and enhance existing table) | |||||||
Primary Key | sequence_no | |||||||
Unique Index | legal_entity,br_no | |||||||
Foreign Key | ||||||||
Field Descriptions | ||||||||
Sr No. | Filed Names | Type | filed length | Nullable | Description | Detailed Description | Parameter Description | field attr |
1 | sequence_no | number | 12 | N | key of the record | new | ||
2 | legal_entity | varchar | 4 | N | entity code | shanghai | ||
3 | Branch_no | varchar | 4 | N | branch code | shanghai | ||
4 | br_type | char | 1 | N | branch type | Allowable Values : | shanghai | |
5 | br_virtual_type | char | 1 | N | virtual branch type flag | shanghai | ||
6 | br_name | varchar | 50 | N | branch code name | shanghai | ||
7 | br_short_name | varchar | 20 | Y | branch short name | shanghai | ||
8 | br_name_chn | varchar | 30 | N | branch code name in Chinese | new | ||
9 | up_br_no | varchar | 14 | N | up branch code | shanghai | ||
10 | sel_type | varchar | 14 | N | select type | shanghai | ||
11 | work_time_id | varchar | 20 | Y | work time iod | shanghai | ||
12 | city_code | varchar | 10 | Y | city code | shanghai | ||
13 | region_code | varchar | 10 | Y | region code | shanghai | ||
14 | br_addr | varchar | 150 | N | branch address | shanghai | ||
15 | br_tel_no | varchar | 20 | N | branch tell number | shanghai | ||
16 | br_contact | varchar | 20 | Y | branch contact person name | shanghai | ||
17 | ftz_flag | varchar | 1 | N | free trade zone | shanghai | ||
18 | bank_no | varchar | 14 | Y | pay bank code | shanghai | ||
19 | ioverseas_flag | varchar | 1 | N | offshore flag | shanghai | ||
20 | finance_branch_no | varchar | 30 | Y | finance branch code | shanghai | ||
21 | finance_sign_cert_name | varchar | 150 | Y | finance branch sign | shanghai | ||
22 | zip | varchar | 6 | Y | zip code | shanghai | ||
23 | cups_area_code | varchar | 6 | Y | brancj cuos area code | shanghai | ||
34 | dprt_code | varchar | 3 | Y | department code | new | ||
25 | book_unit | varchar | 4 | N | book unit | for GL system | new | |
26 | busi_func | varchar | 4 | N | business function | for GL system | new | |
27 | ogl_cost_center | varchar | 3 | N | cost center(OGL) | for GL system | new | |
28 | br_closed_date | number | 8 | Y | branch closed date | new | ||
30 | teller_no | varchar | 8 | N | last updated user id | new | ||
31 | checker_no | varchar | 8 | N | checker id | new | ||
32 | approver_no | Varchar | 50 | N | Approver Id Number | |||
33 | status_cd | Varchar | 50 | N | Status indicator of the record | A = ACTIVE I = INACTIVE record cannot be use for processing yet, but visible to backoffice for support purpose D = DELETED record not usable to services nor visible to any UI | ||
34 | version_no | Int | 4 | N | Version number | To be incremented by 1 in every update | 1 | |
35 | created_by | Varchar | 255 | N | To indicate who created the record for first time | Customer Self Service - ACCESS CODE Batch - populate with BATCH_ID Backoffice User - LAN ID User not defined - SYSTEM | Default to SYSTEM | |
36 | created_time | Timestamp | N | TIMESTAMP WITH TIMEZONE | System Date and Time | |||
37 | updated_by | Varchar | 255 | N | To indicate who updated the record for last time | Customer Self Service - ACCESS CODE Batch - populate with BATCH_ID Backoffice User - LAN ID User not defined - SYSTEM | Default to SYSTEM | |
38 | updated_time | Timestamp | N | TIMESTAMP WITH TIMEZONE | System Date and Time |
Table Name in CLDS | BRANCH_RM(new) | ||||||
Primary Key | sequence_no | ||||||
Unique Index | legal_entity,br_no,rm_hier_id | ||||||
Foreign Key | br_no→ branch_base_info(br_no ) | ||||||
Field Descriptions | |||||||
Sr No. | Filed Names | Type | filed length | Nullable | Description | Detailed Description | Parameter Description |
1 | sequence_no | number | 12 | N | key of the record | ||
2 | legal_entity | varchar | 14 | N | entity code | ||
3 | branch_no | varchar | 4 | N | branch code | ||
4 | rm_hier_id | varchar | 6 | N | RM Hierarchy ID | ||
6 | teller_no | Varchar | 50 | N | Teller/Maker Id Number | ||
7 | checker_no | Varchar | 50 | N | Checker/Reviewer Id Number | ||
8 | approver_no | Varchar | 50 | N | Approver Id Number | ||
9 | status_cd | Varchar | 50 | N | Status indicator of the record | A = ACTIVE I = INACTIVE record cannot be use for processing yet, but visible to backoffice for support purpose D = DELETED record not usable to services nor visible to any UI | |
10 | version_no | Int | 4 | N | Version number | To be incremented by 1 in every update | 1 |
11 | created_by | Varchar | 255 | N | To indicate who created the record for first time | Customer Self Service - ACCESS CODE Batch - populate with BATCH_ID Backoffice User - LAN ID User not defined - SYSTEM | Default to SYSTEM |
12 | created_time | Timestamp | N | TIMESTAMP WITH TIMEZONE | System Date and Time | ||
13 | updated_by | Varchar | 255 | N | To indicate who updated the record for last time | Customer Self Service - ACCESS CODE Batch - populate with BATCH_ID Backoffice User - LAN ID User not defined - SYSTEM | Default to SYSTEM |
14 | updated_time | Timestamp | N | TIMESTAMP WITH TIMEZONE | System Date and Time |
Table Name in CLDS | MARKET_HOLIDAY_INFO(new) | ||||||
Primary Key | legal_entity,market_code | ||||||
Unique Index | |||||||
Foreign Key | |||||||
Field Descriptions | |||||||
Sr No. | Filed Names | Type | filed length | Nullable | Description | Detailed Description | VALUE |
1 | legal_entity | varchar | 4 | N | Legal Person Number | 01 | |
2 | market_code | varchar | 8 | N | Market Code | 100 | |
3 | market_description | varchar | 150 | N | Market Description | HK | |
4 | country | varchar | 5 | N | Country | CN | |
5 | monday_type | varchar | 1 | N | Monday | 1: business day 2: branch service day 3: public holiday 4: ad-hoc holiday 5: special event day | 1 |
6 | tuesday_type | varchar | 1 | N | Tuesday | .. | 1 |
7 | wednesday_type | varchar | 1 | N | Wednesday | .. | 1 |
8 | thursday_type | varchar | 1 | N | Thursday | .. | 1 |
9 | friday_type | varchar | 1 | N | Friday | .. | 1 |
10 | saturday_type | varchar | 1 | N | Saturday | .. | 3 |
11 | sunday_type | varchar | 1 | N | Sunday | .. | 3 |
12 | active_status | varchar | 1 | N | Active Status | Y/N | Y |
13 | create_time | Timestamp | N | Create Time | 20210101 12:12:12 | ||
14 | update_time | Timestamp | N | Update Time | 20210101 12:12:12 | ||
15 | teller_no | varchar | 8 | N | Teller | A9013865 | |
16 | created_by | Varchar | 255 | N | To indicate who created the record for first time | Customer Self Service - ACCESS CODE Batch - populate with BATCH_ID Backoffice User - LAN ID User not defined - SYSTEM | Default to SYSTEM |
17 | updated_by | Varchar | 255 | N | To indicate who updated the record for last time | Customer Self Service - ACCESS CODE Batch - populate with BATCH_ID Backoffice User - LAN ID User not defined - SYSTEM | Default to SYSTEM |
18 | checker_no | varchar | 8 | N | Checker/Reviewer Id Number | ||
19 | approver_no | Varchar | 50 | N | Approver Id Number |
Table Name in CLDS | MARKET_HOLIDAY_DETAIL(new) | ||||||
Primary Key | legal_entity,market_code,holiday_date | ||||||
Unique Index | |||||||
Foreign Key | |||||||
Field Descriptions | |||||||
Sr No. | Filed Names | Type | filed length | Nullable | Description | Detailed Description | VALUE |
1 | legal_entity | varchar | 4 | N | Legal Person Number | 01 | |
2 | market_code | varchar | 8 | N | Market Code | 100 | |
3 | holiday_date | number | 8 | N | DATE | HK | |
4 | day_type | varchar | 150 | N | Day Type | 1: business day 2: branch service day 3: public holiday 4: ad-hoc holiday 5: special event day | 3 |
5 | notes | varchar | 120 | N | Notes | New Year | |
13 | create_time | Timestamp | N | Create Time | 20210101 12:12:12 | ||
14 | update_time | Timestamp | N | Update Time | 20210101 12:12:12 | ||
15 | teller_no | varchar | 8 | N | Teller | A9013865 | |
16 | created_by | Varchar | 255 | N | To indicate who created the record for first time | Customer Self Service - ACCESS CODE Batch - populate with BATCH_ID Backoffice User - LAN ID User not defined - SYSTEM | Default to SYSTEM |
17 | updated_by | Varchar | 255 | N | To indicate who updated the record for last time | Customer Self Service - ACCESS CODE Batch - populate with BATCH_ID Backoffice User - LAN ID User not defined - SYSTEM | Default to SYSTEM |
18 | checker_no | varchar | 8 | N | Checker/Reviewer Id Number | ||
19 | approver_no | Varchar | 50 | N | Approver Id Number |
Table Name in CLDS | TSDS_HOLIDAY_DETAIL(new) | ||||||
Primary Key | legal_entity,CENTER_ID,ISO_COUNTRY_CODE,EVENT_DATE | ||||||
Unique Index | |||||||
Foreign Key | |||||||
Field Descriptions | |||||||
Sr No. | Filed Names | Type | filed length | Nullable | Description | Detailed Description | VALUE |
1 | legal_entity | varchar | 4 | N | Legal Person Number | 01 | |
2 | CENTER_ID | varchar | 8 | N | CenterID | 100 | |
3 | ISO_CURRENCY_CODE | varchar | 3 | N | ISOCurrencyCode | HK | |
4 | ISO_COUNTRY_CODE | varchar | 5 | N | ISOCountryCode | CN | |
5 | FINANCIAL_CENTRE | varchar | 120 | N | FinancialCentre | 1 | |
6 | UNLOCODE | varchar | 5 | N | UNLOCODE | .. | 1 |
7 | EVENT_YEAR | long | 4 | N | EventYear | .. | 1 |
8 | EVENT_DATE | long | 8 | N | EventDate | .. | 1 |
9 | EVENT_DAY_OF_WEEK | varchar | 10 | N | EventDayOfWeek | .. | 1 |
10 | EVENT_NAME | varchar | 120 | N | EventName | .. | 3 |
11 | FILE_TYPE | varchar | 1 | N | FileType | .. | 3 |
12 | MOVABLE_FIXED | varchar | 1 | N | MovableFixed | Y | |
13 | create_time | Timestamp | N | Create Time | 20210101 12:12:12 | ||
14 | update_time | Timestamp | N | Update Time | 20210101 12:12:12 | ||
15 | teller_no | varchar | 8 | N | Teller | A9013865 | |
16 | created_by | Varchar | 255 | N | To indicate who created the record for first time | Customer Self Service - ACCESS CODE Batch - populate with BATCH_ID Backoffice User - LAN ID User not defined - SYSTEM | Default to SYSTEM |
17 | updated_by | Varchar | 255 | N | To indicate who updated the record for last time | Customer Self Service - ACCESS CODE Batch - populate with BATCH_ID Backoffice User - LAN ID User not defined - SYSTEM | Default to SYSTEM |
18 | checker_no | varchar | 8 | N | Checker/Reviewer Id Number | ||
19 | approver_no | Varchar | 50 | N | Approver Id Number |
Table Name in CLDS | BAS_RATE | |||||||
Version | 2021-05-11 16:42:13 | |||||||
Primary Key | rate_code | |||||||
Index | rate_code(Unique) | |||||||
Foreign Key | ||||||||
Field Descriptions | ||||||||
Sr No. | Filed Names | Type | filed length | Nullable | Description | Parameter Description | Remarks | Value |
1 | rate_code | number | 5 | N | rate code | 10000 | ||
2 | cur_code | varchar | 3 | N | currency code | CNY | ||
3 | rate_name | varchar | 60 | N | rate name | PBOC-current interest rate | ||
4 | rate_type | char | 1 | N | rate type | 1: PBOC central bank benchmark interest rate | 1 | |
5 | rate_val | number | (10,6) | N | interest rate value | 0.35 | ||
6 | rate_day_base | number | 3 | N | interest day base | 360 | ||
7 | rate_unit | number | 5 | N | interest rate unit | 100 | ||
8 | start_date | number | 8 | N | start date | 20200111 | ||
9 | active | Varchar | 1 | N | active status | Y:Allow | new add | N |
10 | teller_no | varchar | 8 | N | user id | new add | A9013888 | |
11 | checker_no | varchar | 8 | Y | checker id | new add | A9013881 | |
12 | auther_no | varchar | 8 | Y | approver id | new add | A9013880 | |
13 | create_time | TIMESTAMP | Y | Creat Time | new add | 2024-07-09 08:45:55.392000 | ||
14 | update_time | TIMESTAMP | Y | Update Time | new add | 2024-07-09 08:45:55.392000 | ||
15 | created_by | Varchar | 255 | N | To indicate who created the record for first time | Customer Self Service - ACCESS CODE Batch - populate with BATCH_ID Backoffice User - LAN ID User not defined - SYSTEM | Default to SYSTEM | |
16 | updated_by | Varchar | 255 | N | To indicate who updated the record for last time | Customer Self Service - ACCESS CODE Batch - populate with BATCH_ID Backoffice User - LAN ID User not defined - SYSTEM | Default to SYSTEM |
Table Name in CLDS | BAS_RATE_DETAIL | |||||||
Version | 2021-05-11 16:42:13 | |||||||
Primary Key | rate_code,start_date | |||||||
Index | rate_code,start_date(Unique) | |||||||
Foreign Key | ||||||||
Field Descriptions | ||||||||
Sr No. | Filed Names | Type | filed length | Nullable | Description | Parameter Description | Remarks | Value |
1 | rate_code | number | 5 | N | rate code | 10000 | ||
2 | start_date | number | 8 | N | effective date | 20200111 | ||
3 | end_date | number | 8 | N | end date | 20990101 | ||
5 | rate_val | number | (10,6) | N | interest rate value | 0.35 | ||
9 | active | Varchar | 1 | N | active status | Y:Allow | new add | N |
10 | teller_no | varchar | 8 | N | user id | new add | A9013888 | |
11 | checker_no | varchar | 8 | Y | checker id | new add | A9013881 | |
12 | auther_no | varchar | 8 | Y | approver id | new add | A9013880 | |
13 | create_time | TIMESTAMP | Y | Creat Time | new add | 2024-07-09 08:45:55.392000 | ||
14 | update_time | TIMESTAMP | Y | Update Time | new add | 2024-07-09 08:45:55.392000 | ||
15 | created_by | Varchar | 255 | N | To indicate who created the record for first time | Customer Self Service - ACCESS CODE Batch - populate with BATCH_ID Backoffice User - LAN ID User not defined - SYSTEM | Default to SYSTEM | |
16 | updated_by | Varchar | 255 | N | To indicate who updated the record for last time | Customer Self Service - ACCESS CODE Batch - populate with BATCH_ID Backoffice User - LAN ID User not defined - SYSTEM | Default to SYSTEM |
BAS 银行利率
Table Name in CLDS | BAS_BANK_RATE | |||||||
Version | 2021-05-11 16:42:13 | |||||||
Primary Key | legal_entity,rate_code,br_no | |||||||
Index | rate_code,br_no(Unique) | |||||||
Foreign Key | ||||||||
Field Descriptions | ||||||||
Sr No. | Filed Names | Type | filed length | Nullable | Description | Parameter Description | Remarks | Value |
1 | legal_entity | varchar | 14 | N | legal entity | 01 | ||
2 | br_no | varchar | 14 | N | branch number | 80723 | ||
3 | rate_code | number | 5 | N | rate code | 200000 | ||
4 | cur_code | varchar | 3 | N | currency code | CNY | ||
5 | rate_mode | varchar | 3 | N | rate mode | DE:Deposit | DE | |
6 | rate_name | varchar | 60 | N | rate name | Zero interest rate(RMB) | ||
7 | bank_rate_type | char | 1 | N | bank rate type | 1:Derivative Interest Rate | 2 | |
8 | bas_rate_code | number | 5 | Y | bas rate code | 1 | ||
9 | flt_type | char | 1 | Y | float type | A:Absolute value floating | P | |
10 | flt_value | number | (10,6) | N | float value | 0 | ||
11 | rate_val | number | (10,6) | N | rate value | 0 | ||
12 | rate_day_base | integer | 5 | N | interest day base | 360 | ||
13 | rate_unit | number | 5 | N | interest rate unit | 100:annual rate | 100 | |
14 | start_date | number | 8 | N | start date | 20071229 | ||
15 | active | Varchar | 1 | N | active status | Y:Allow | new add | N |
16 | teller_no | varchar | 8 | N | user id | new add | A9013888 | |
17 | checker_no | varchar | 8 | Y | checker id | new add | A9013881 | |
18 | auther_no | varchar | 8 | Y | approver id | new add | A9013880 | |
19 | create_time | TIMESTAMP | Y | Creat Time | new add | 2024-07-09 08:45:55.392000 | ||
20 | update_time | TIMESTAMP | Y | Update Time | new add | 2024-07-09 08:45:55.392000 | ||
21 | created_by | Varchar | 255 | N | To indicate who created the record for first time | Customer Self Service - ACCESS CODE Batch - populate with BATCH_ID Backoffice User - LAN ID User not defined - SYSTEM | Default to SYSTEM | |
22 | updated_by | Varchar | 255 | N | To indicate who updated the record for last time | Customer Self Service - ACCESS CODE Batch - populate with BATCH_ID Backoffice User - LAN ID User not defined - SYSTEM | Default to SYSTEM |
BAS 银行利率详情
Table Name in CLDS | BAS_BANK_RATE_DETAIL | |||||||
Version | 2021-05-11 16:42:13 | |||||||
Primary Key | legal_entity,br_no,rate_code,start_date | |||||||
Index | br_no,rate_code,start_date(Unique) | |||||||
Foreign Key | ||||||||
Field Descriptions | ||||||||
Sr No. | Filed Names | Type | file length | Nullable | Description | Parameter Description | Remarks | Value |
1 | legal_entity | varchar | 14 | N | legal entity | 01 | ||
2 | br_no | varchar | 14 | N | branch number | 80723 | ||
3 | rate_code | number | 5 | N | rate code | 201000 | ||
4 | start_date | number | 8 | N | effective date | 20150629 | ||
5 | end_date | number | 8 | N | end date | 20200111 | ||
6 | flt_type | char | 1 | Y | float type | A:Absolute value floating | P | |
7 | flt_value | number | (10,6) | Y | float value | 0 | ||
8 | rate_val | number | (10,6) | N | interest rate value | 0.35 | ||
9 | active | Varchar | 1 | N | active status | Y:Allow | new add | N |
10 | teller_no | varchar | 8 | N | user id | new add | A9013888 | |
11 | checker_no | varchar | 8 | Y | checker id | new add | A9013881 | |
12 | auther_no | varchar | 8 | Y | approver id | new add | A9013880 | |
13 | create_time | TIMESTAMP | Y | Creat Time | new add | 2024-07-09 08:45:55.392000 | ||
14 | update_time | TIMESTAMP | Y | Update Time | new add | 2024-07-09 08:45:55.392000 | ||
15 | created_by | Varchar | 255 | N | To indicate who created the record for first time | Customer Self Service - ACCESS CODE Batch - populate with BATCH_ID Backoffice User - LAN ID User not defined - SYSTEM | Default to SYSTEM | |
16 | updated_by | Varchar | 255 | N | To indicate who updated the record for last time | Customer Self Service - ACCESS CODE Batch - populate with BATCH_ID Backoffice User - LAN ID User not defined - SYSTEM | Default to SYSTEM |
Table Name in CLDS | BAS_RFR_RATE(new added) | |||||||
Version | 2021-05-11 16:42:13 | |||||||
Primary Key | rate_code, rate_source_date, allow_ve_rate | |||||||
Index | ||||||||
Foreign Key | cur_code→ bas_currency(cur_code) | |||||||
Field Descriptions | ||||||||
Sr No. | Filed Names | Type | filed length | Nullable | Description | Parameter Description | Remarks | Value |
1 | sys_date | char(8) | char(8) | N | system date | yyyymmdd | 20240808 | |
2 | cur_code | varchar (4) | varchar (4) | N | The currency of the rate. | SGD USD GBP JPY CHF EUR | USD | |
3 | rate_code | varhcar(20) | varhcar(20) | N | rate code Unique identifier for each entry in the library table. Downstream system can use the code as mapping identifier if required. Format: Rate_Curreny_Method_Noofday e.g. SORA_SGD_SA_90 | key of the interest rate code, | 200000 | |
4 | rate name | varchar (10) | varchar (10) | N | rate name | SORA, SOFR, SONIA, TONA, SARON, ESTER, TERM-SONIA,TERM-SOFR,TORF,YEN-TIBOR, EUYN-TIBOR | TEST RATE | |
5 | Rate Source Date | number(8) | number(8) | N | rate source date | 20240808 | ||
6 | term | number(3) | number(3) | N | The lag for the convention or derived method. Overnight rate will be set as 1. | 7D | ||
7 | term_code | Char (1) | Char (1) | N | Indicate the lag in Day, Month, Week, Year, Quarter Day sent as D Month Sent as M | 101 | ||
8 | method | varchar(2) | varchar(2) | N | The method for the rate i.e. Overnight, Simple average, Compounded, 3 Conventions Simple Average = “SA” LookBack = “LB” Observation Shift = “OS” Overnight = “ON” Compounded = “CS” Lookback RFR = “LR” Lookback Simple Daily RFR = “SL” Overnight method is defaulted by MS to represent the source rate value used in Rate Library. This method is not setup by users. | this field is mandatory for RFR rate | SA | |
9 | allow_ve_value | char(1) | char(1) | N | Allow Negative Rate at MS Value : Y = Yes N = No, Floor negative rates at Source and Output O = Output, No Floor negative rates at Source but floor at Output | this field is mandatory for RFR rate | N | |
10 | Rate Value | number(11,9) | number(11,9) | N | If method is Overnight, Compounded and Lookback RFR, rate value will be the published source rate. No computation required in Rate Library. Rate value is in %. eg : 2.5% will be sent as 2.500000 | 2.500000 | ||
11 | Day Count | number(3) | number(3) | N | Day count for the convention/derived method | 0 | ||
12 | year base | number(3) | number(3) | N | Sample value: 360 365 366 (this is ACT) | 360 | ||
13 | Cap Factor | number(14,12) | number(14,12) | N | Compounded Capital Factor for the rate,Cap Factor will be rounded to 8 decimal places. | NULL | ||
14 | remarks | varchar (20) | varchar (20) | N | If the RFR has rate value – display blank * For exception, latest available rate will be provided. | NULL | ||
15 | compounded_rate | varchar(8000) | varchar(8000) | N | the compounded rate for 366 days, store it in a json string {"1":"0.011300",......"366":"0.18800" } | 0.18800 | ||
16 | upd_time | Timestamp | Timestamp | N | last maintenance date, yyyymmdd hh24:mi:SS | 2024-09-27 15:21:30.708000 |
Table Name in CLDS | BAS_RFR_RATE_MMDD(new added) | |||||||
Version | 2021-05-11 16:42:13 | |||||||
Primary Key | sys_date,txt_resource,rate_code,rate_source_date,allow_ve_rate | |||||||
Index | ||||||||
Foreign Key | cur_code→ bas_currency(cur_code) | |||||||
Field Descriptions | ||||||||
Sr No. | Filed Names | Type | filed length | Nullable | Description | Parameter Description | Remarks | Value |
1 | sys_date | char(8) | char(8) | N | system date | yyyymmdd | 20240808 | |
2 | txt_resource | char(1) | varchar (4) | N | the file of the rate | B: ibor.txt P:iborp.txt | B | |
3 | cur_code | varchar (4) | varhcar(20) | N | The currency of the rate. | SGD USD GBP JPY CHF EUR | EUR | |
4 | rate_code | varhcar(20) | varchar (10) | N | rate code Unique identifier for each entry in the library table. Downstream system can use the code as mapping identifier if required. Format: Rate_Curreny_Method_Noofday e.g. SORA_SGD_SA_90 | key of the interest rate code, | 1001 | |
5 | rate_name | varchar (10) | number(8) | N | rate name | SORA, SOFR, SONIA, TONA, SARON, ESTER, TERM-SONIA,TERM-SOFR,TORF,YEN-TIBOR, EUYN-TIBOR | TEST RATE | |
6 | Rate_Source_Date | number(8) | number(3) | N | rate source date | 20240808 | ||
7 | rate_effective_date | number(8) | Char (1) | N | Effective date when the Rate to be consumed. | 20240808 | ||
8 | term | number(3) | varchar(2) | N | The lag for the convention or derived method. Overnight rate will be set as 1. | 7D | ||
9 | term_code | Char (1) | char(1) | N | Indicate the lag in Day, Month, Week, Year, Quarter Day sent as D Month Sent as M | 101 | ||
10 | method | varchar(2) | number(11,9) | N | The method for the rate i.e. Overnight, Simple average, Compounded, 3 Conventions Simple Average = “SA” LookBack = “LB” Observation Shift = “OS” Overnight = “ON” Compounded = “CS” Lookback RFR = “LR” Lookback Simple Daily RFR = “SL” Overnight method is defaulted by MS to represent the source rate value used in Rate Library. This method is not setup by users. | this field is mandatory for RFR rate | SA | |
11 | allow_ve_value | char(1) | number(3) | N | Allow Negative Rate at MS Value : Y = Yes N = No, Floor negative rates at Source and Output O = Output, No Floor negative rates at Source but floor at Output | this field is mandatory for RFR rate | N | |
12 | Rate_Value | number(11,9) | number(3) | N | If method is Overnight, Compounded and Lookback RFR, rate value will be the published source rate. No computation required in Rate Library. Rate value is in %. eg : 2.5% will be sent as 2.500000 | 2.500000 | ||
13 | Day_Count | number(3) | number(14,12) | N | Day count for the convention/derived method | NULL | ||
14 | year_base | number(3) | varchar (20) | N | Sample value: 360 365 366 (this is ACT) | 360 | ||
15 | Cap_Factor | number(14,12) | varchar(8000) | N | Compounded Capital Factor for the rate,Cap Factor will be rounded to 8 decimal places. | NULL | ||
16 | remarks | varchar (20) | Timestamp | N | If the RFR has rate value – display blank * For exception, latest available rate will be provided. | NULL | ||
17 | compounded_rate | varchar(8000) | N | the compounded rate for 366 days, store it in a json string {"1":"0.011300",......"366":"0.18800" } | 0.011300 | |||
18 | upd_time | Timestamp | N | last maintenance date, yyyymmdd hh24:mi:SS | 2024-09-27 15:21:30.708000 |
Table Name in CLDS | BAS_COF_RATE(new added) | |||||||
Version | 2021-05-11 16:42:13 | |||||||
Primary Key | cof_rate_type,fixing_date, value_date,cur_code,tenor_type | |||||||
Index | ||||||||
Foreign Key | cur_code→ bas_currency(cur_code) | |||||||
Field Descriptions | ||||||||
Sr No. | Filed Names | Type | filed length | Nullable | Description | Parameter Description | Remarks | Value |
1 | cof_rate_type | varchar(1) | char(8) | N | 1: inter bank cost of fund rate 2: residential mortgage loan cost of fund rate | 1: inter bank cost of fund rate 2: residential mortgage loan cost of fund rate | 1 | |
2 | fixing_date | number(8) | varchar (4) | N | fixing date | yyyymmdd | 20240819 | |
3 | cur_code | varchar(3) | varhcar(20) | N | currency | CNY | ||
4 | value_date | number(8) | varchar (10) | N | value date | 20240819 | ||
5 | tenor_type | varchar(2) | N | tenor type (refer to | 1 | |||
6 | rate_value | number(9,6) | N | rate value | 0.1 | |||
7 | upd_time | Timestamp | N | last maintenance date | yyyymmdd HH24:MI:SS | 2024-09-27 15:21:30.708000 |
Table Name in CLDS | RFR_RATE_CODE (new added) | |||||||
Version | ||||||||
Index | ||||||||
Foreign Key | ||||||||
Field Descriptions | ||||||||
Sr No. | Filed Names | Type | filed length | Nullable | Description | Parameter Description | Remarks | Value |
1 | RFR_RATE_CODE | VARCHAR2 | VARCHAR2(6) | N | RFR_RATE_CODE | 24101 | ||
2 | RATE_NAME | VARCHAR2 | VARCHAR2(60) | N | rate name | ESTER | ||
3 | CUR_CODE | VARCHAR2 | VARCHAR2(3) | N | currency | EUR | ||
4 | METHOD | VARCHAR2 | VARCHAR2(2) | N | rate method | LB OS ON | LB | |
5 | TERM_UNIT | VARCHAR2 | VARCHAR2(1) | N | term unit | D-day M-month | D | |
6 | TERM_DELAY | NUMBER | NUMBER(4) | N | term delay | 5 | ||
7 | ALLOW_VE_RATE | VARCHAR2 | VARCHAR2(1) | N | Y N O | Y - Not processed, negative interest rates allowed. N- If the risk-free rate (RFR) compounding is negative, the group rate library will change it to zero. Note that in this case, the group rate library does not consider whether the overnight original interest rate is positive or negative. O - For example, the overnight original interest rate. | N | |
8 | YEAR_BASE | NUMBER | NUMBER(4) | N | year base | 360 | ||
9 | CREATE_TIME | TIMESTAMP | TIMESTAMP | Y | create time | |||
10 | UPDATE_TIME | TIMESTAMP | TIMESTAMP | Y | update time |