
Started: 30 Sep at 23:24

Quiz instructions

Topics: Spark + ERD to relational 

Note that the quiz has 11 point with the maximum being 10.

Note: this is a timed quiz. You may check the remaining time you have at any point while taking the quiz by pressing the keyboard combination SHIFT, ALT, and T... Again: SHIFT, ALT, and T...
Flag question: Spacer
0 text_only_question    


The following questions require an implementation with Spark that processes the file CoronaStatsSmall.csv Download CoronaStatsSmall.csv. Thus, to answer the questions, you must first create an RDD with the records included in the file and then process the corresponding rdd.

Each line of the csv file corresponds to a record with the following information: dateRep, day, month, year, cases, deaths, countriesAndTerritories, geoId, countryterritoryCode, popData2020, continentExp

Flag question: Question 1
Question 1 1 pts
0 multiple_choice_question    
How many elements does the rdd contain?
Group of answer choices
Flag question: Question 2
Question 2 1 pts
0 numerical_question    
How many elements for Italy does the rdd contain?
Flag question: Question 3
Question 3 1 pts
0 numerical_question   437640

What is the maximum number of cases reported for Italy?

(tip: transform the elements for Italy into key-value pairs with the value being the number of cases)

Flag question: Question 5
Question 5 1 pts
0 multiple_choice_question    
Which of these countries has the most elements?
Group of answer choices
Flag question: Spacer
0 text_only_question    


The remaining questions of this quiz are related to the translation of ER diagrams relational databases.

Flag question: Question 6
Question 6 1 pts
0 matching_question   436584

Match the terms with the corresponding descriptions.

Group of answer choices

Flag question: Question 7
Question 7 1 pts
0 multiple_choice_question   436579

Which of the following part of an ER diagram would create more than 2 relations?

Group of answer choices
Flag question: Question 8
Question 8 1 pts
0 multiple_choice_question   436580

Select the correct relation for the transformation of the ER diagram.



Group of answer choices
Flag question: Question 9
Question 9 1 pts
0 multiple_choice_question   436581

Select the correct relation for the transformation of the ER diagram.



Group of answer choices
Flag question: Question 10
Question 10 1 pts
0 multiple_choice_question   436582

Select the correct relation(s) of the transformation of the ER diagram.


Group of answer choices
Flag question: Question 11
Question 11 1 pts
0 multiple_choice_question   436583

Select the correct relation(s) of the transformation of the ER diagram.

Group of answer choices
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