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7th International Conference on Computer Science and Computational Intelligence 2022
2022 年第七届国际计算机科学与计算智能大会

design prototype for mobile community-based course

Yanfi Yanfi , Pualam Dipa Nusantara
Yanfi Yanfi , Pualam Dipa Nusantara
School of Computer Science, Bina Nusantara University, Jakarta 11480, Indonesia
印度尼西亚雅加达 11480,Bina Nusantara 大学计算机科学学院

Abstract 摘要

Until now, there is neither research nor application, both mobile and website specifically designed to facilitate courses in the community, a non-profit organization. This paper discusses how to design a prototype for a mobile community-based, especially in the Personal Evangelism course at the Catholic Church of Mary Mother of Carmel in Jakarta, to give a solution to manage communication and course activities between members. This study uses the Task-centered User Interface design method which allows the interface to be designed and evaluated according to the user's work. In explaining the methodology, there are four phases including users' identification, requirements, design solution, and walkthrough evaluations. The evaluation is done in natural settings involving users and using the USE Questionnaire for the evaluation tool. The result obtained from the testing of the prototype with Usefulness (UF) aspect results is , Ease of Use (EU) aspect results is , Ease of Learning (EL) aspect results is , Satisfaction (SA) aspect results is , and the result of all usability aspects are where Usefulness (UF), Ease of Use (EU), Ease of Learning (EL) respectively affected Satisfaction (SA). The finding of this study as a recommendation for the organization about the prototype is useful and worthy of development.
迄今为止,既没有专门为促进非营利组织社区课程而设计的研究,也没有专门为促进非营利组织社区课程而设计的移动和网站应用。本文讨论了如何设计一个基于移动社区的原型,特别是在雅加达卡梅尔圣母玛利亚天主教堂的个人布道课程中,为管理成员之间的交流和课程活动提供解决方案。本研究采用了以任务为中心的用户界面设计方法,该方法允许根据用户的工作来设计和评估界面。该方法分为四个阶段,包括用户识别、需求、设计方案和演练评估。评估在用户参与的自然环境中进行,使用 USE 问卷作为评估工具。原型测试中有用性(UF)方面的结果为 ,易用性(EU)方面的结果为 ,易学性(EL)方面的结果为 ,满意度(SA)方面的结果为 ,所有可用性方面的结果为 ,其中有用性(UF)、易用性(EU)和易学性(EL)分别影响了满意度(SA)。本研究的结果为组织提供了有关原型的建议,该原型是有用的,值得开发。

(c) 2023 The Authors. Published by Elsevier B.V.
(c) 2023 作者。出版商:Elsevier B.V.

This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0)
本文为 CC BY-NC-ND 许可下的开放存取文章 ( https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0)
Peer-review under responsibility of the scientific committee of the 7th International Conference on Computer Science and Computational Intelligence 2022
由 2022 年第七届国际计算机科学与计算智能大会科学委员会负责同行评审
Keywords: User Interface; Task-centered User Interface Design; Prototype; Mobile

1. Introduction 1.导言

According to ISO 9241-210, the user interface (UI) relates to all components of an interactive system (software or hardware) that provide information and controls for the user to accomplish specific tasks with the interactive system. In addition, user experience (UX) is concerned about a person's perceptions and responses resulting from the use and/or anticipated use of a product, system, or service [1]. User interface and user experience are the fundamentals that give a good experience and trust to the level of user satisfaction of the usage of the system including nonprofit organizations.
根据 ISO 9241-210,用户界面(UI)与交互系统(软件或硬件)的所有组件有关,这些组件为用户完成交互系统的特定任务提供信息和控制。此外,用户体验(UX)关注的是一个人在使用和/或预期使用产品、系统或服务时产生的感知和反应[1]。用户界面和用户体验是给用户带来良好体验和信任的基本要素,也是包括非营利组织在内的
In 2019, the Financial Accounting Standards Board of the Indonesian Accounting Association has ratified Interpretation of Financial Accounting Standards / Interpretasi Standard Akuntansi Keuangan (ISAK) 35 stated that a non-profit organization is an organization that obtains resources from the contributions of members whose contributors do not expect the benefits to be obtained when this organization develops [4]. In addition, religious places, campuses, and foundations are part of non-profit organizations which must follow the standardization of financial statements in accordance with ISAK 35 [5]. Moreover, not for the resources obtained are intended for the social goals of the organization, not for personal or group interests.
2019年,印尼会计协会财务会计准则委员会批准了《财务会计准则解释》/Interpretasi Standard Akuntansi Keuangan(ISAK)35,指出非营利组织是指从成员的贡献中获取资源的组织,其贡献者并不期望在该组织发展时获得收益[4]。此外,宗教场所、校园和基金会也是非营利组织的一部分,必须按照 ISAK 35 的规定规范财务报表[5]。此外,所获得的资源并非用于该组织的社会目标,也不是用于个人或团体利益。
Until now, there is neither research nor application, both mobile and website specifically designed to facilitate courses in the community which is a non-profit organization. The research object case study is one of the non-profit organizations, which is Evangelization Course at the parish of Tomang, the Catholic Church of Mary Mother of Carmel in Jakarta. The problem that exists is the current course system requires communication between committee and fellow from either same batch or different batch, photo documentation from any events related to the course, and event or meeting schedule in an application.
The development of UI/UX design is carried out to ensure the system meets the goals with the desired functional specifications such as interface design, database structures, and so on. In designing the user interface, it is necessary to have a method that supports the design process. The prototype design of this Android-based application was conducted using Marvel App. The method used is Task-centered system design.
用户界面/用户体验设计的开发是为了确保系统达到预期的功能规格目标,如界面设计、数据库结构等。在设计用户界面时,需要有一种方法来支持设计过程。这款基于 Android 的应用程序的原型设计是使用 Marvel App 进行的。使用的方法是以任务为中心的系统设计。
Evaluation is a structured activity that is intended to measure using an instrument and its result can be taken as a conclusion to solve a problem [6]. In system development, evaluation of usability is one of many development actives. Usability is one of the important factors that can determine whether the system is useful, accepted, and longlasting in use [7]. According to ISO 9241: 11, usability is referred to how users can learn and use a product to gain its goal and the satisfaction they get from the product use [8]. As a non-profit organization of this research object USE is one of the non-commercial questionnaire packages that can be used for system usability research [7]. Much research has been done showed that most product evaluation is based on three dimensions Usefulness, Ease of Use and Satisfaction [9,10]. While according to Lund, the dimension of Ease of Use can be separated into two factors Ease of Learning and Ease of Use [11]. But in a mandatory system Usefulness factor can be considered as an unnecessary factor [9].
评价是一种结构化的活动,旨在使用一种工具进行测量,其结果可以作为解决问题的结论[6]。在系统开发中,可用性评估是众多开发活动之一。可用性是决定系统是否有用、是否被接受、是否能长期使用的重要因素之一[7]。根据 ISO 9241:11,可用性是指用户如何学习和使用产品以实现其目标,以及他们从产品使用中获得的满足感[8]。作为本研究对象的非营利组织,USE 是可用于系统可用性研究的非商业性问卷包之一[7]。大量研究表明,大多数产品评价都基于三个维度:有用性、易用性和满意度[9,10]。而根据 Lund 的观点,易用性维度可以分为易学和易用两个因素[11]。但在强制性系统中,有用性因素可被视为不必要的因素[9]。
As the prior explanation, this paper is aimed to study the UI/UX design prototype and its affected usability factors for the mobile community-based course of the Catholic Church of Mary Mother of Carmel in Jakarta.

2.1. Marvel Applications

Marvel application is one of the best intuitive design and prototype tools that support beautiful interface design from low to high-fidelity on websites and mobile devices. Several previous researchers have utilized this tool for designing their projects. Permana et al. [12] designed a prototype of a mobile application for Hydrolite: An Androidbased e-marketplace that specifically sells vegeTables grown using the hydroponic method and sells all the equipment needed to farm hydroponically. Karnawan et al. [13] designed a prototype of a mobile application for Cleanstic: An Android-based application about plastic waste processing. Pramana et al. [14] designed a prototype of a food waste application called Re-Food.
Marvel 应用程序是最好的直观设计和原型工具之一,支持网站和移动设备上从低保真到高保真的精美界面设计。此前已有多位研究人员利用该工具进行了项目设计。Permana 等人[12]为 Hydrolite 设计了一个移动应用程序原型:一个基于 Android 的电子市场,专门销售使用水耕法种植的蔬菜,并销售水耕法所需的所有设备。Karnawan 等人[13]为 Cleanstic 设计了一个移动应用程序原型:一个基于 Android 的塑料废物处理应用程序。Pramana 等人[14] 设计了一个名为 Re-Food 的食物垃圾应用原型。

2.2. Task-centered User Interface Design Method

Task-centered User Interface Design method [15] includes four phases which are identification, user-centered requirements, design, and walkthrough evaluation. In the identification phase, it is important to contact the real people who will be potential users of the system. After establishing a good understanding of the users and their tasks, several tasks that the system will be used to accomplish should be identified in the requirement phase while

some features sorted as needed and the prototype is built in the design phase. At the phase of evaluation, the user testing from preparation to results is conducted.

2.3. USE Questionnaire 2.3.USE 问卷

USE Questionnaire is one of the questionnaire methods that aim to measure the usability of the prototype or system. The USE Questionnaire has 30 question items which consist of four variables, namely Usefulness, Ease of Use, Ease of learning, and Satisfaction. To access the usability testing of a system, the USE Questionnaire is produced on a Likert scale from 1 to 5 . Afterward, analysis of each category and all component categories are carried out.
USE 问卷是旨在测量原型或系统可用性的问卷调查方法之一。可用性问卷有 30 个问题项目,包括四个变量,即有用性、易用性、易学性和满意度。为了对系统进行可用性测试,USE 问卷采用 1 至 5 级的李克特量表。然后,对每个类别和所有组成类别进行分析。
Although there is no application in the field of courses for the community that utilizes the USE questionnaire, this questionnaire has been widely used in education, including E-faculty of education at the University of Surabaya (UNESA) [16], final assignment system at Universitas Negeri Semarang [17], and personalized adaptive e-learning system [18].
虽然在社区课程领域还没有使用 USE 问卷的应用,但该问卷已被广泛应用于教育领域,包括泗水大学(UNESA)的电子教育学院[16]、三宝垄大学的期末作业系统[17]和个性化自适应电子学习系统[18]。

2.4. Proposed Model 2.4.拟议模型

Based on prior research that mention before there are three dimensions Usefulness, Ease of Use and Satisfaction of the most product is evaluated [9,10]. While the dimension of Ease of Use can be separated into two factors Ease of Learning and Ease of Use. Therefore, this study will empirically analyze the relation between the dimensions as seen in Figure 1.
根据之前提到的研究,对大多数产品的评价有三个维度:有用性、易用性和满意度[9,10]。而 "易用性 "维度可分为 "易学性 "和 "易用性 "两个因素。因此,本研究将对各维度之间的关系进行实证分析,如图 1 所示。
Fig. 1. Proposed Model
图 1.拟议模型

3. Research Method 3.研究方法

The research method in this study contains four phases, namely identification phase, requirements, design solution, and evaluations as adjusting the sequence of the phases in Task-centered User Interface Design Method as shown in Figure 2.
本研究的研究方法包括四个阶段,即识别阶段、需求阶段、设计方案阶段和评估阶段,按照任务为中心的用户界面设计方法的阶段顺序进行调整,如图 2 所示。
Fig. 2. Task-centered User Interface Design Method
图 2.以任务为中心的用户界面设计方法

3.1. Phase Identification

In this phase, it is needed to figure out users who are going to use this system and the tasks involved in running the application. The user identification focuses on the Evangelism course at the Parish of Tomang. There are users involve fellow, committee, and core committee. The fellow has the task and responsibility of attending weekly meetings according to the course schedule, doing personal and group assignments, participating in activities held such as opening and farewell events, and retreats. The fellow who passes the course will become the committee for the next batch in one period. The committee has the task and responsibility of creating chat group includes big group and small group in one batch. A big group (grup besar) means a general group that includes all fellows in one batch while a small group (grup kecil) is part of a big group that has been determined for group assignments. In each small group, apart from fellows, there are also mentors from several committee members.
在这一阶段,需要确定将使用该系统的用户以及运行该应用程序所涉及的任务。用户识别的重点是 Tomang 堂区的布道课程。用户包括研究员、委员会和核心委员会。研究员的任务和责任是根据课程安排参加每周的聚会,完成个人和小组作业,参加开幕式、欢送会和退修会等活动。课程合格的研究员将成为下一期的委员会成员。委员会的任务和责任是创建聊天小组,包括一个批次中的大组和小组。大组(grup besar)指的是包括一个批次中所有研究员在内的一般小组,而小组(grup kecil)则是大组的一部分,已被确定为小组任务。在每个小组中,除了研究员之外,还有来自几个委员会成员的导师。
Moreover, the committee also has the responsibility of making master data of all the fellows, doing documentation and share photos for each activity, and creating meeting or activity schedules. Several committees are also incorporated as core committees which will take a part in ensuring that all course activities run well and keep both members and committees in active communication even after graduation. The fellow and committee communicate, and all the learning materials are delivered via a chat application, namely WhatsApp. To objectively obtain really needed feature information, some questions were addressed to all real people who could potentially use this system.
此外,委员会还负责编制所有研究员的主数据,为每次活动制作文件和分享照片,以及制定会议或活动时间表。一些委员会还被纳入核心委员会,它们将参与确保所有课程活动的顺利进行,并使成员和委员会在毕业后仍保持积极的沟通。研究员和委员会之间的交流以及所有学习材料都是通过聊天应用程序(即 WhatsApp)提供的。为了客观地获取真正需要的功能信息,我们向所有可能使用该系统的真实用户提出了一些问题。

3.2. Phase Requirements 3.2.阶段要求

In this phase, a survey to analyze the users' needs is delivered to 100 respondents as filled by 50 participants. From the survey's results as described in Table 1, there are of participants are female and are male.
在这一阶段,我们向 100 名受访者发放了用户需求分析调查表,50 名参与者填写了调查表。调查结果如表 1 所示,其中 为女性, 为男性。
表 1.受访者的调查鉴定结果
Description 说明 Result 结果
Gender 性别 Female 女性
No 没有
Have complaints about using WhatsApp for this Course
对在本课程中使用 WhatsApp 进行投诉
No 没有
No 没有
Group Chatting 群组聊天
Event Schedule 活动时间表
Photo album 相册
Personal Chat 个人聊天
Learning material 学习材料
Spiritual reflection 精神反思
Although of participants have no complaints using WhatsApp for communication about this course, of all participants stated that they need an application for this course and there are of participants owned Android. Mobile application development is done for various purposes. In 2021, Loeffler et al. [19] created a mobile UX design for Flyover Country which is a mobile mapping application that provides visualization information about
虽然 的学员对使用 WhatsApp 就本课程进行交流并无怨言,但 的所有学员都表示,他们需要一个用于本课程的应用程序,而且 的学员拥有安卓系统。移动应用开发的目的多种多样。2021 年,Loeffler 等人[19]为 "飞越国度"(Flyover Country)设计了一款移动用户体验设计。

the Earth's geology and history. In 2017, Setiawan et al. [20] developed a mobile application to help users in learning Indonesian culture.
地球地质和历史。2017 年,Setiawan 等人[20] 开发了一款移动应用程序,帮助用户学习印尼文化。
Based on the survey that has been conducted as shown in Table 1, some prioritized features included are group chatting ( ), event schedule ( ), and a photo album ( ).
根据表 1 所示的调查,优先考虑的功能包括群聊 ( )、活动日程 ( ) 和相册 ( )。

3.3. Phase Design Solution

The prototype is designed based on the usability goal aligned with the requirements and the user experience defined by employed eight golden rules [21]. Design UI/UX uses the Marvel application tools which can be designed quickly and online for both mobile applications and web projects.
原型的设计基于与需求相一致的可用性目标,以及所采用的八条黄金法则[21]所定义的用户体验。用户界面/用户体验设计使用 Marvel 应用工具,可快速在线设计移动应用和网络项目。
When the design for the application is developed, some features are included. Feature home screen, registration, login, and profile are shown in Figure 3. Moreover, feature group chat, private chat, and list group member are shown in Figure 4.
在开发应用程序的设计时,包含了一些功能。功能主页、注册、登录和个人资料如图 3 所示。此外,群聊、私聊和群成员列表功能如图 4 所示。
Fig. 3. Flow page of Registration and login
图 3.注册和登录流程页面
(a) Chatting group (a) 聊天小组
(b) Personal chat (b) 个人聊天
(c) List group membe
(c) 小组成员名单e
Figure 3a shows there are some tasks that users need to fill in such as email or phone number and password and select the role either user for the fellow, admin for the committee, or KEP inti for core committee. If the user has not had an account yet, registration can be selected as the completed example shown in Figure 3b.
图 3a 显示了用户需要填写的一些任务,如电子邮件或电话号码和密码,并选择角色,如研究员的用户、委员会的管理员或核心委员会的 KEP inti。如果用户还没有账户,可以选择注册,如图 3b 所示的完成示例。
The user who logs in as an admin will also be joined in their own batch and the next batch group in one period. As shown in figure 3d, the user is in batch 19 (KEP19) and becomes an admin, so he/she can access the group in batch 19 and the next batch which is batch 20 (KEP20).
以管理员身份登录的用户也将在一个时间段内加入自己所在的批次和下一个批次组。如图 3d 所示,用户在第 19 批(KEP19)成为管理员,因此他/她可以访问第 19 批的组和下一批,即第 20 批(KEP20)。
Additional feature includes photo albums, photo galleries, and event shown in Figure 5. A photo gallery is a collection of images, while a photo album is a collection of galleries. Nevertheless, some events are scheduled in menu events.
附加功能包括相册、照片库和事件,如图 5 所示。图片库是图片的集合,而相册则是图库的集合。不过,有些事件安排在菜单事件中。
(a) Photo album (a) 相册
(b) Photo gallery (b) 照片库
(c) events (c) 活动
Fig. 5. Additional features
图 5.附加功能

3.4. Phase Evaluation 3.4.阶段评估

At this stage, evaluation of the prototype that has been made will be carried out. The evaluation was conducted using USE questionnaire for measuring the usability level and user experience of this prototype. Meanwhile, this evaluation method is expected to be more precise and accurate in producing that meet users' need and provide convenience for users.
在这一阶段,将对已制作的原型进行评估。评估使用 USE 问卷来测量原型的可用性水平和用户体验。同时,这种评估方法有望更精确、更准确地满足用户需求,为用户提供方便。

4. Results and Discussion

The questionnaires were distributed to about 100 respondents, in which 33 participants, or has completed it. The questionnaire was divided into two parts. The first part was used to collect demographic information includes gender and age of the participants, while the second part being measured was the usefulness (UF), ease of use (EU), ease of learning (EL), and satisfaction (SA) of this application. Table 2 describes the complete demographics of the respondents in this study.
问卷共发放给约 100 名受访者,其中 33 人(即 )完成了问卷。问卷分为两部分。第一部分用于收集人口统计学信息,包括参与者的性别和年龄;第二部分测量的是该应用程序的实用性(UF)、易用性(EU)、易学性(EL)和满意度(SA)。表 2 介绍了本研究受访者的完整人口统计学信息。
USE Questionnaire contained 30 questions on system usability using Likert Scale from 1 (strongly disagree) to 5 (strongly agree). This questionnaire was adopted from Lund's USE Questionnaire [11] and translated into Indonesian as shown in Table 3. The evaluation is done in natural settings involving users. It aims to understand what users have naturally done and how the prototype impacts them. The questionnaire sent to each participant by utilizing online survey media through Google Form.
USE 问卷包含 30 个关于系统可用性的问题,采用李克特量表,从 1(非常不同意)到 5(非常同意)。如表 3 所示,该问卷采用了 Lund 的 USE 问卷[11],并翻译成了印尼语。评估是在有用户参与的自然环境中进行的。其目的是了解用户的自然行为以及原型对他们的影响。问卷通过谷歌表单的在线调查媒体发送给每位参与者。
表 2.受访者的人口统计数据
Description 说明
Percentage 百分比
Gender 性别 Female 女性 19
Male  14
Age 年龄 8
years old  9
表 3.问卷清单
No 没有 Research Questions 研究问题
15 Saya bisa menggunakannya tanpa instruksi tertulis.

Saya tidak melihat adanya ketidakkonsistenan saat saya
17 Baik pengguna sesekali dan biasa akan menyukainya.
18 Saya dapat pulih dari kesalahan dengan cepat dan mudah.
19 Saya bisa menggunakannya dengan sukses setiap saat.
Variable: Ease of Learning
20 Saya belajar menggunakannya dengan cepat.
21 Saya mudah mengingat cara menggunakannya.
22 Sangat mudah untuk belajar menggunakannya.
No  Research Questions 研究问题
23 Saya dengan cepat menjadi terampil dengannya.
Variable: Satisfaction 变量满意度
24 Saya puas dengan sistem ini.
25 Saya akan merekomendasikannya kepada teman.
26 Menyenangkan untuk digunakan.
27 Sistem ini bekerja seperti yang saya inginkan.
28 Sistem ini luar biasa.
29 Saya merasa saya harus memilikinya.
30 Sangat menyenangkan untuk digunakan.
表 4.里克特量表区间
Results (%) 结果 (%) Remarks 备注
very disagree 非常不同意
disagree 不同意
neutral 中立
agree 同意
very agree 非常同意
Here, refers to Likert scale intervals (see Table 4), the result of the tests is tabulated in Table 5 represented positive with a value of on all the items. This is proving that participants strongly agree that this system meets the usability goals. As for using the same formula, each variable is also calculated and produces a value greater than proving that the participants strongly agree that this system meets the usefulness, ease of use, ease of learning, and satisfaction categories.
在此,参照李克特量表区间(见表 4),测试结果如表 5 所示,在所有项目上都得到了 的正值。这证明参与者非常同意该系统符合可用性目标。使用同样的公式,每个变量的计算结果都大于 ,这证明参与者非常同意该系统在有用性、易用性、易学性和满意度方面都达到了要求。
Interpretation Score

测试总分 所有参与者在所有项目上的得分总和
Total Test Score Sum of scores of all the participants
on all the items

Maximum Score
total participants on all the items
表 5.口译评分结果
Total Test Score 考试总分
Maximum Score 最高分
Interpretation Score
Interpretation Score on each category:
Ease of Use (EU)
Ease of learning (EL)
易学性 (EL)
Satisfaction (SA) 满意度 (SA)
Normality is tested by conducting Shapiro and Wilk [22] test as it originally limited for sample size 3 to 50 . Table 6 showed at the 0.05 level, the data was significantly drawn from a normally distributed population.
对正态性的检验是通过 Shapiro 和 Wilk [22] 检验进行的,因为它最初仅限于样本量为 3 至 50 的情况。表 6 显示,在 0.05 的水平上,数据明显来自正态分布群体。
表 6.正态性检验结果
Variables 变量 p-value p 值

Decision at level
UF 0.7953 accept normality 接受常态
EU 0.8036 accept normality 接受常态
EL 0.7337 accept normality 接受常态
SA 0.8131 accept normality 接受常态
The reliability is tested by adopted Cronbach's Alpha [23] analysis showed value 0.983 means strongly accepTable with 0.017 error variance. A validity test is examined by calculating Pearson Product Moment Correlation Coefficient showed value 0.963 to 0.997. Table 7 described Usefulness (UE), Ease of Use (EU), Ease of leaning (EL) influences strongly positive toward each other and Satisfaction (SA).
采用 Cronbach's Alpha[23]分析检验了信度,结果显示 0.983 表示强烈接受,误差方差为 0.017。通过计算皮尔逊乘积矩相关系数(Pearson Product Moment Correlation Coefficient)对有效性进行了检验,结果显示值为 0.963 至 0.997。表 7 描述了有用性(UE)、易用性(EU)、易倾斜性(EL)与满意度(SA)之间的正相关关系。
表 7.有效性测试结果
Variables 变量 UF EU EL
UF 1
EU 0.997 1
EL 0.986 0.992 1
SA 0.994 0.987 0.963
表 8.使用变量的回归统计
Regression Statistics 回归统计
Multiple R 多个 R 0.994 0.987 0.963
R Square R 平方
Adjusted R Square 调整后的 R 平方 0.985 0.965 0.904
Standard Error 标准误差 23.359 35.759 59.630
Observations 意见 5 5 5
Table 8 shows the diversity of Satisfaction (SA) variables can be strongly explained by Ease of Use (EU), and Ease of Learning (EL), and Usefulness (UF).
表 8 显示,"易用性"(EU)、"易学性"(EL)和 "有用性"(UF)可以有力地解释 "满意度"(SA)变量的多样性。
ANOVA and Partial test with significant error performed with some hypotheses includes:
Ha1: Usefulness affects the satisfaction.
Helia, et al. stated that usefulness is to facilitate the task, the control for the task, the convenience to get information, and improve discipline [24].
Helia 等人指出,有用性是指为任务提供便利、对任务进行控制、方便获取信息以及提高纪律性[24]。
: Ease of use affects the satisfaction.
In this study, ease of use refers to the level easiness of using this application in the future.
Ha3: Ease of learning affects the satisfaction.
表 9.偏态(t)和 anova 结果
Description 说明 UF EU EL
Coefficients 系数 0.824 0.563 1.469
Standard Error 标准误差 0.05 0.053 0.237
t Stat 16.362 10.608 6.208
P-value P 值 0 0.002 0.008
F 267.731 112.523 38.543
Significance F 重要性 F 0 0.002 0.008
Partial test results shown in Table 9. P-value and significance F is less than significant level on each hypothesis proved that usefulness, ease of use, and ease of learning significantly affect satisfaction.
部分检验结果如表 9 所示。各假设的 P 值和显著性 F 均小于 的显著水平,证明有用性、易用性和易学性对满意度有显著影响。

4. Conclusion 4.结论

Based on the development process and the results of the evaluation analysis carried out in this study, it can be concluded that User Interface and User Experience (UI/UX) design has the right solution for an application, especially in a non-profit organization because it can maximize the detailing of user needs. The score results of prototype testing showed Usefulness (UF) , Ease of use (EU) , Ease of learning (EL) , Satisfaction (SA) , while all of usability aspect score is . By ANOVA and Partial test results that Usefulness (UF), Ease of use (EU), and Ease of learning (EL) affects Satisfaction (SA). The finding of this study is as a recommendation to the organization and to resume the prototype development into a concrete application which can later be adopted in every community that needs it. Moreover, this prototype can be developed to assist users to ease their learning session by reducing the manual methods. However, for future recommendations, it can be improved in some tasks such as enhancing the interface design, adding some features like menu material and menu assignment, doing development of this application in the mobile platform as well as Android and iOS.
根据本研究的开发过程和评估分析结果,可以得出结论,用户界面和用户体验(UI/UX)设计是应用程序的正确解决方案,尤其是在非营利组织中,因为它可以最大限度地细化用户需求。原型测试的得分结果显示:有用性(UF) ,易用性(EU) ,易学性(EL) ,满意度(SA) ,而所有可用性方面的得分都是 。方差分析和部分检验结果表明,有用性(UF)、易用性(EU)和易学性(EL)会影响满意度(SA)。本研究的结果可作为对组织的建议,并可恢复原型开发,使其成为一个具体的应用,随后可在每个需要的社区采用。此外,该原型还可以通过减少手工操作来帮助用户简化学习过程。不过,对于未来的建议,可以在一些任务上加以改进,如加强界面设计,增加一些功能,如菜单材料和菜单分配,在移动平台以及 Android 和 iOS 上开发该应用程序。

Acknowledgements 致谢

We thank Gereja Maria Bunda Karmel-Paroki Tomang and our participants for their help and contributions.
我们感谢 Gereja Maria Bunda Karmel-Paroki Tomang 和与会者的帮助和贡献。

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    • Corresponding author. 通讯作者:
    E-mail address: eufrasia.yan.fi@binus.ac.id