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SUBJECT: Analysis and Assessment of Gateway Process

TO: Commander 致:指挥官US Army Operational Group
Fort Meade, MD 20755 马里兰州福特米德 20755

  1. You tasked me to provide an assessment of the Gateway Experience in terms of its mechanics and ultimate practicality. As I set out to fulfill that tasking it soon became clear that in order to assess the validity and practicality of the process I needed to do enough supporting research and analysis to fully understand how and why the process works. Erankly, sir, that proved to be an extremely involved and difficult business. Initially, based on conversations with a physician who took the Gateway training with me, I had recourse to the biomedical models developed by Itzhak Bentov to obtain information concerning the physical aspects of the process. Then I found it necossary to delve into various sources for information concerning quantum mechanics in order to be able to describe the nature and functioning of human consciousness. I had to be able to construct a scientifically valid and reasonably lucid model of how consciousness functions under the influence of the brain hemisphere synchronization technique employed by Gateway. once this was done, the next step involved recourse to theoretical physics in order to explain the character of the time-space dimension and the means by which expanded human consciousness transcends it in achieving Gateway's objectives. Finallyt I again found it necessary to use physics to bring the whole phenomenon of out-of-body states into the language of physical science to remove the stigma of its occ̀ult connotations, and put it in a frame of reference suited to objective assessment.
    您要求我就“门户体验”的机制和最终实用性进行评估。当我着手完成这项任务时,很快就清楚地意识到,为了评估这一过程的有效性和实用性,我需要进行足够的支持性研究和分析,以充分理解这一过程的运作原理。坦率地说,先生,这证明是一项非常复杂和困难的任务。最初,基于与我一起接受“门户”培训的一位医生的交谈,我求助于伊扎克·本托夫开发的生物医学模型,以获取有关该过程的物理方面的信息。然后,我发现有必要深入研究各种信息源,以了解量子力学,以便能够描述人类意识的本质和功能。我必须构建一个在“门户”使用的大脑半球同步技术的影响下,意识如何运作的科学有效且相当清晰的模型。 一旦完成了这一步,下一步涉及诉诸理论物理,以解释时间空间维度的特性,以及扩展人类意识如何超越它以实现网关目标。最后,我再次发现有必要利用物理学将超出身体状态的整个现象转化为物理科学的语言,以消除其神秘涵义的污名,并将其置于适合客观评估的参照框架中。
  2. I began the narrative by briefly profiling the fundamental biomedical factors affecting such related techniques as hypnosis, biofeedback and transcendental meditation so that their objectives and mode of functioning could be compared in the reader's mind with the Gateway experience as the model of its underlying mechanics was developed. Additionally, that introductory material is useful in supporting the conclusions of the paper. I indicate that at times these related techniques may provide useful entry points to accelerate movement into the Gateway Experience.
  3. Niels Bohr, the renowned physicist once responded to his son's complaints about the obtuse nature of certain concepts in physics by saying: "You are not thinking, you are merely being logical." The physics of altered human consciousness deals with some conceptualizations that are not easily grasped or visualized exclusively in the context of ordinary "left brain" linear thinking. So, to borrow Dr. Bohr's mode of expression, parts of this paper will require not only logic but a touch of
    尼尔斯·玻尔,著名物理学家,曾对他儿子抱怨物理学中某些概念的晦涩性作出回应,他说:“你不是在思考,你只是在纯粹地逻辑推理。” 改变人类意识的物理学涉及一些概念,这些概念不仅仅通过普通的“左脑”线性思维来理解或可视化。 因此,借用玻尔博士的表达方式,本文的部分内容不仅需要逻辑,还需要一点点直觉。

    right brain intuitive insight to achieve a complete comfortable grasp of the concepts involved. Nevertheless, once that is done, I am confident that their construction and application will stand up to the test of rational critique.
  4. Paradoxically, having gone to such great lengths to avold trying to render judgements based on an occult or dogmatic frame of reference in the end found it necessary to return, at least briefly, to the question of the impact of the Gateway Experience on common belief systems. I did so because although it was essential to avoid attempting to render an assessment in the context of such systems, I felt that it was necessary after having completed the analysis to point out that the resulting conclusions do not do any violence to the fundamental mainstream of either eastern or western belief systems. Unless that point is clearly established, the danger exists that some people will reject the whole concept of the Gateway Experience in the mistaken belief that it contradicts and is thereforo alien to all that they hold to be right and true.
  5. This study is certainly not designed to be the last word on the subject but I hope that the validity of its basic structure and of the fundamental concepts upon which it is based will make it a useful guide for other USAINSCOM personnel who are required to take the Gateway training or work with Gateway materials.
    这项研究当然不是对这个主题的最终结论,但我希望其基本结构的有效性以及其基础的基本概念将使其成为其他需要接受 Gateway 培训或使用 Gateway 材料的美国 INSCOM 人员的有用指南。

Approved For Release 2003/09/10 : CIA-RDP96-00788R001700210016-5
2003/09/10 批准发布:CIA-RDP96-00788R001700210016-5

The Gateway Experience: Brain Hemisphere Synchronization in perspective.
  1. Introduction. In order to describe the Monroe Institute technique for achieving altered states of consciousness(the "Gateway Experience") involving brain hemisphere synchronization or "Hemi-Sync", the most effective way to begin is to briefly profile the basic mechanics which underlay operation of related methods such as hypnosis, transcendental meditation, and biofeedback. It is easiest to effectively describe what Gateway is by beginning with a short description of those associated techniques that share some common aspects with the Gateway Experience but which are nevertheless different. In this way we can develop a frame of reference at the outset which will provide useful concepts to explain and understand Gateway by comparison, as we proceed.
  2. Hypnosis. According to the theories of psychologist Ronald Stone and the biomedical engineering models of Itshak Bentov, hypnosis is basically a technique which permits acquisition of direct access to the sensory motor cortex and pleasure centers, and lower cerebral(emotional) portions(and associated pleasure centers) of the right side of the human brain following successful disengagement of the stimulus screening function of the left hemisphere of the brain. The left hemisphere of the brain is the self-cognitive, verbal and linear reasoning component of the mind. It fulfills the function of screening incoming stimuli by categorizing, assessing and assigning meaning prior to allowing passage to the right hemisphere of the mind. The right hemisphere, which functions as the noncritical, holistic, nonverbal and pattern-oriented component of the brain appears to accept what the left hemisphere passes to it without question. Consequently, if the left hemisphere can be distracted either through boredon or through reduction to a soporific, semi-sleep state, external stimuli to include hypnotic suggestions are allowed to pass unchallenged into the right hemisphere where they are accepted and acted upon directly. The result may involve an emotional reaction originating in the lower cerebral region, sensory/motor responses requiring involvement of the cortex, and so on. Both the sensory and the motor cortices of the right cerebral portion of the brain contain a sequence of points known as the "homunculus" which corresponds to points in the body(see Exhibit l, next page). Stimulation of the corresponding area on the cortex causes intermediate response in the associated portion of the body. Consequently, induction of the suggestion that the left leg is numb, if it reaches the right hemisphere unchallenged and is referred to the appropriate area of the sensory cortex, will result in an electrical reaction being generated that will induce the feeling of numbness. Similarly, the suggestion that the person is experiencing a general feeling of happiness and well being would be referred to the appropriate pleasure centers located in the lower cerebral portion or in the cortex of the right hemisphere, thereby inducing the suggested feeling of euphoria. Finally, suggestions such as one that informs the hypnotic subject that he enjoys enhanced concentration or powers of memory would be responded to in the right hemisphere by accessing unused information storage capacity normally held in reserve as a result of left hemisphere selection and control processes. This aspect will become significant in the context of the Gateway process when attention is given to examining the way that hypnosis may be used to accelerate progress in the early stages of the Gateway Experience.
    催眠。根据心理学家罗纳德·斯通(Ronald Stone)和生物医学工程学家伊萨克·本托夫(Itshak Bentov)的理论,催眠基本上是一种技术,允许直接访问感觉运动皮层和快乐中枢,以及成功解除左脑半球的刺激筛选功能后,进入人类右脑的较低脑部(情感)部分(及相关的快乐中枢)。大脑的左半球是自我认知、语言和线性推理的组成部分。它通过对传入刺激进行分类、评估和赋予意义的功能来屏蔽传入刺激,然后才允许通过到大脑的右半球。右半球作为大脑的非批判性、整体性、非语言和模式导向的组成部分,似乎会毫无疑问地接受左半球传递给它的信息。 因此,如果左半球可以通过无聊或降低到催眠、半睡眠状态而分散注意力,外部刺激,包括催眠建议,就可以毫无阻碍地传递到右半球,那里它们会直接被接受并采取行动。结果可能涉及起源于较低脑区的情绪反应,需要皮层参与的感觉/运动反应等。大脑右半球的感觉和运动皮层都包含一系列点,被称为“小人”,对应于身体上的点(见附件 1,下一页)。在皮层上刺激相应区域会导致与身体相关部位的中间反应。因此,如果左腿麻木的建议传达到右半球而未受挑战,并被转至感觉皮层的适当区域,将导致产生电反应,引起麻木感。 同样,暗示这个人正在经历一种幸福和幸福感会被引导到位于右半球下部或皮层中的适当快乐中枢,从而诱发暗示的欣快感。最后,比如告知被催眠对象他拥有增强的注意力或记忆力的建议将在右半球中得到回应,通过访问通常由于左半球选择和控制过程而保留的未使用信息存储容量。在探讨催眠如何加速“门户体验”早期阶段的进展时,这一方面将在“门户过程”的背景下变得重要。
  3. Transcendental Meditation. on the other hand, transcendental meditation works in a distinctly different fashion. In this technique, intense and protracted single minded concentration on the process of drawing energy up the spinal cord ultimately results in what appears to be creation of acoustical standing waves in the cerebral ventricles which are then conducted to the gray matter in the cerebral

Figure B The Motor and Sensory Cortex and the Third and Lateral Ventricles
图 B 运动皮层和感觉皮层以及第三脑室和侧脑室
Figure C A view of the Third and Lateral Ventricles in context of Associated Brain Structure.
图 C 第三脑室和侧脑室的视图,与相关的脑结构背景一起。

cortex on the right side of the brain. As a result, according to Bentov, these waves "will stimulate and eventually 'polarize' the cortex in such a way that it will tend to conduct a signal along the homunculus, starting from the toes and on up." The Bentov bio-medical model, as described in a book by Lee sannella, M.D., entitled: Kundalini-Psychosis or Transcendence, states that the standing acoustical waves are the result of the altered rhythm of heart sounds which are occasioned by prolonged practice of meditation, and which set up sympathetic vibrations in the walls of the fluid filled cavities which comprise the third and lateral ventricles of the brain. In addition, according to Bentov: "The states of bliss described by those whose Kundalini symptoms have completed the full loop along the hemispheres may be explained as a self-stimulation of the pleasure centers in the brain caused by the circulation of a 'current' along the sensory cortex." Bentov also notes, "that most of the described symptoms start on the left side of the body means that it is mostly a development occurring in the right hemisphere." Although normally a period of meditation involving intense concentration and practice for five years or some is required to "bring up the Kundalini," Bentov states that exposure to mechanical or acoustical vibrations in the range of Hertz(cycles per second) for protracted periods may achieve the same effect. Bentov cites as an example "repeated riding in a car whose suspension and seat combination produce that range of vibrations, or being exposed for long periods of time to these frequencies caused, for instance, by an air conditioning duct." He also notes that: "The cumulative effect of these vibrations may be able to trigger a spontaneous physio-Kundalini sequence in susceptable people who have a particularly sensitive nervous system."
大脑右侧的皮层。因此,根据本托夫的说法,这些波将“刺激并最终‘极化’皮层,使其倾向于沿着小人儿传导信号,从脚趾开始一直到头部。”李·桑内拉医生在一本名为《昆达利尼-精神病还是超越》的书中描述了本托夫的生物医学模型,该模型指出,站立的声学波是冥想练习时间延长引起的心跳节奏改变的结果,这些声音引起了脑的第三脑室和侧脑室壁的共振。此外,根据本托夫的说法:“那些描述他们昆达利尼症状完成大脑半球全环的人所描述的幸福状态,可以解释为由感觉皮层上的‘电流’循环引起的大脑快乐中心的自我刺激。”本托夫还指出,“大多数描述的症状从身体的左侧开始,这意味着这主要是在右半球发生的发展。尽管通常需要进行为期五年或更长时间的专注冥想和实践来“唤醒昆达里尼”,本托夫表示,长时间暴露于 赫兹(每秒循环次数)的机械或声学振动范围内可能会产生相同的效果。本托夫举例说明:“反复乘坐悬挂和座椅组合产生该振动范围的汽车,或长时间暴露于由空调管道引起的这些频率,例如。”他还指出:“这些振动的累积效应可能会触发对特别敏感的神经系统具有特殊敏感性的易感人群中的自发生理昆达里尼序列。”"
  1. Biofeedback. The third consciousness altering methodology which will be briefly described is biofeedback. Biofeedback is somewhat unique in that it actually employs the self-cognitive powers of the left hemisphere to gain access to such areas of the right brain as the lower cerebral, motor and sensory cortices and assorted pain or pleasure centers. Instead of suppressing the left hemisphere as is done in hypnosis, or largely bypassing and ignoring it as is done in transcendental meditation, biofeedback teaches the left hemisphere first to visualize the desired result and then to recognize the feelings associated with the experience of successful right hemisphere access to the specific lower cerebral, cortex, pain or pleasure or other areas in the manner needed to produce the desired result. Special self-monitoxing devices such as the digital thermometer are used to inform the left brain when it succeeds in keying the right hemisphere into accessing the appropriate area. Once this is done, the left brain can then repeatedly instruct the right brain to reestablish the pathways involved so as to produce the same external, objective measures of success. In this way, the pathways are strengthened and emphasized to such an extent that left brain consciousness is enabled to access appropriate areas in the right brain using a conscious, demand mode. For example, if the subject wishes to increase the circulation in the left leg in order to speed up healing he may concentrate with his left brain on achieving that result while carefully monitoring a digital thermometer connected to the left leg. When the concentrated effort begins to achieve success, the digital thermometer will register an increase in the temperature of the left leg. At that point, the subject can mentally (left brain) associate the sensations experienced with the result achieved and can begin to emphasize, by memory recall, the same process to cause its strengthening by affirmation and repetition. In this way, pain can be blocked, healing can be enhanced, malignant tumors can apparently be suppressed and ultimately destroyed, the body's pleasure centers can be stimulated, and a variety of specific physiological results may be achieved. In addition, biofeedback may be used to greatly accelerate achievement of deep meditative states particularly for beginners
    生物反馈。第三种意识改变方法是生物反馈。生物反馈在某种程度上是独特的,因为它实际上利用左半球的自我认知能力来访问右脑的下部大脑、运动和感觉皮层以及各种疼痛或愉悦中心。与在催眠中抑制左半球不同,或者像在超验冥想中那样主要绕过和忽视它,生物反馈首先教导左半球去想象所期望的结果,然后识别与成功访问右半球特定下部大脑、皮层、疼痛或愉悦等区域相关的感受,以产生所需结果。特殊的自我监控设备,如数字温度计,用于告知左脑何时成功地使右半球进入访问适当区域的状态。一旦完成这一步,左脑可以反复指导右脑重新建立所涉及的路径,以产生相同的外部客观成功度量。 通过这种方式,通道被加强和强调到一定程度,使得左脑意识能够以有意识、需求模式访问右脑的适当区域。例如,如果受试者希望增加左腿的循环以加快愈合,他可以用左脑集中精力实现这一结果,同时仔细监测连接到左腿的数字温度计。当集中的努力开始取得成功时,数字温度计将记录左腿温度的增加。在那一点上,受试者可以在心理上(左脑)将所经历的感觉与取得的结果联系起来,并可以通过记忆回忆强调相同的过程,通过肯定和重复来加强它。通过这种方式,疼痛可以被阻断,愈合可以被增强,恶性肿瘤显然可以被抑制并最终被摧毁,身体的愉悦中枢可以被刺激,并且可以实现各种特定的生理效果。此外,生物反馈可能被用来加快初学者达到深度冥想状态的成就

Approved For Release 2003/09/10 : CIA-RDP96-00788R001700210016-5
2003/09/10 批准发布:CIA-RDP96-00788R001700210016-5

who have no experience in meditative techiques and whose progress in that methodology is enhanced through effective visualization and external, objective affirmation. Display of the subject's brainwave pattern on a cathode ray tube has proven to be a laboratory-validated means by which subjects may quickly learn to place themselves in profoundly relaxed states characterized by the sort of quietude and singularity of mental focus associated with advanced meditation.
  1. Gateway and Hemi-Sync. Now that we have briefly profiled the basic mechanics of the principal techniques for altering or expanding consciousness which share some of the objectives and/or methods employed in the Gateway Experience, we may proceed to focus on what that technique actually involves. Fundamentally, the Gateway Experience is a training system designed to bring enhanced strength, focus and coherence to the amplitude and frequency of brainwave output between the left and right hemispheres so as to alter consciousness, moving it outside the physical sphere so as to ultimately escape even the restrictions of time and space. The participant then gains access to the various levels of intuitive knowledge which the universe offers. What differentiates the Gateway Experience from forms of meditation is its use of the Hemi-Sync technique which is defined in a monograph by Monroe Institute trainer Melissa Jager as, "a state of consciousness defined when the EEG patterns of both hemispheres are simultaneously equal in amplitude and frequency." Although Hemi-Sync seems to be rather rare and of only short duration in ordinary human consciousness, Melissa Jager states that: "Audio techniques developed by Bob Monroe can induce and sustain Hemi-Sync with the Institute's basic Focus 3 tapes,..." She also notes that: "Studies conducted by Elmer and Alyce Greene at the Menninger Foundation have shown that a subject with 20 years of training in zen meditation could consistently establish Hemi-Sync at will, sustaining it for over 15 minutes." Dr. Stuart Twemlow, a psychiatrist and a research associate of the Monroe Institute, reports that: "In our studies of the effect of the Monroe tape system on brainwaves, we have found that the tapes encourage the focusing of brain energy(it can be measured as with a lightbulb, in watts) into a narrower and narrower 'frequency band'. This focusing of energy is not unlike the yoga concept of one pointedness, which we may translate in western terms as a single-mindedness." Dr. Twemlow goes on to observe that as the individual gets into the tapes beyond Focus 3, "...there is a gradual increase in brainwave size which is a measure of brain energy or power."
    网关和 Hemi-Sync。现在我们已经简要概述了用于改变或扩展意识的主要技术的基本机制,这些技术与网关体验中采用的一些目标和/或方法相同,我们可以继续关注该技术实际涉及的内容。基本上,网关体验是一个旨在增强大脑左右半球之间脑波输出的振幅和频率,从而改变意识、将其移出物理领域,最终摆脱时间和空间限制的训练系统。参与者随后获得了宇宙提供的各种直觉知识水平。网关体验与形式化冥想的区别在于其使用了 Hemi-Sync 技术,这在门罗研究所培训师 Melissa Jager 的专著中被定义为“当两个半球的脑电图模式同时振幅和频率相等时定义的一种意识状态”。尽管 Hemi-Sync 在普通人类意识中似乎相当罕见且持续时间短暂,Melissa Jager 表示:“Bob Monroe 开发的音频技术可以通过研究所的基本 Focus 3 磁带诱发和维持 Hemi-Sync...”她还指出:“Menninger 基金会的 Elmer 和 Alyce Greene 进行的研究表明,一个接受了 20 年禅修训练的受试者可以始终自主建立 Hemi-Sync,并将其维持超过 15 分钟。”精神科医生、Monroe 研究所的研究助理 Stuart Twemlow 博士报告说:“在我们对 Monroe 磁带系统对脑波影响的研究中,我们发现这些磁带鼓励将大脑能量(可以用瓦特数来衡量,就像灯泡一样)集中到越来越窄的‘频率带’中。这种能量的集中类似于瑜伽中的一点定力概念,我们可以将其翻译为单一专注。”Twemlow 博士继续观察到,当个体进入超越 Focus 3 的磁带时,“脑波大小逐渐增加,这是大脑能量或力量的衡量标准。"
  2. Lamp vs Laser: Melissa Jager uses a metaphor to help clarify the process involved in the use of Hemi-Sync in the Gateway Experience. She points out that the human mind in its natural state may be likened to an ordinary lamp which expends energy in the form of both heat and light but in a chaotic, incoherent way which diffuses its energy over a wide area of rather limited depth. on the other hand, the human mind under the discipline of Hemi-Sync acts after the fashion of a laser beam which produces a disciplined stream of light. The stream of energy is projected with total coherence of both frequency and amplitude such that the surface area of a laser beam contains billions of times the concentrated energy found in a similar surface area on the sun. Gateway assumes that once the frequency and amplitude of the human brain are rendered coherent, it is possible to begin accelerating both so that the human mind is soon resonating at ever higher vibrational levels. The mind can then bring itself into sycronization with more sophisticated and rarified energy levels in the universe. The mind, when operating at these increasingly rarified levels is assumed to be capable of processing the information thus received through the same fundamental matrix by which it makes sense of ordinary physical sensory input to achieve meaning in a cognitive context. Such meaning is usually perceived visually in the form of symbols but may also be perceived as astonishing flashes of holistic intuition or even in the form
    灯 vs 激光:梅丽莎·雅格(Melissa Jager)用隐喻来帮助澄清在使用 Hemi-Sync 进行“门户体验”过程中涉及的过程。她指出,人类大脑在其自然状态下可能类似于一个普通的灯,以热和光的形式消耗能量,但以混乱、不连贯的方式进行,这种方式将其能量扩散到一个相当有限深度的广泛区域。另一方面,受 Hemi-Sync 纪律约束的人类大脑的作用方式类似于产生有纪律的光束的激光。能量流以完全的频率和振幅一致性投射,使得激光束的表面积包含比太阳上类似表面积中发现的能量浓缩了数十亿倍。门户体验假设一旦人类大脑的频率和振幅变得一致,就可以开始加速两者,使人类大脑很快以越来越高的振动水平共振。大脑随后可以将自己带入与宇宙中更复杂和稀薄的能量水平同步的状态。 当心智在这些日益稀薄的层次上运作时,人们认为它能够通过与理解普通物理感官输入以获得认知意义的基本矩阵来处理所接收的信息。这种意义通常以符号的形式在视觉上被感知,但也可能以整体直觉的惊人闪现甚至以形式被感知

    of scenarios involving both visual and aural perception. The mechanics by which the mind exercises the consciousness function will be addressed in more detail later in this paper.
  3. Frequency Following Response. To achieve synchronization of brain hemispheres, the Hemi-Sync technique takes advantage of a phenomenon known as the Frequency Following Response(FFR) which means that if a subject hears a sound produced at a frequency which emulates one of those associated with the operation of the human brain, the brain will try to mimmick the same frequency pattern by adjusting its brainwave output. Therefore, if the subject is in a fully awake state but hears sound frequencies which approximates brainwave output at the Theta level, the subject's brain will endeavor to alter its brainwave pattern from the normal Beta to the Theta level. Since the Theta level is associated with sleep, the subject concerned may progress from a fully awake to a sleep state(provided that he does not consciously resist) as the brain strives to entrain its wave frequency output. with the one which the person hears. Since these brainwave frequencies are outside the spectrum of sounds which can be heard in pure form by the human ear, "Hemi-Sync must produce them based on another phenomenon known as the brain's capacity for deducing "beat" frequencies. If the human brain is exposed to one frequency in the left ear which is 10 Hertz below another audible frequency played in the right ear, rather than hearing either of the two audible frequencies, the brain chooses to "hear" the difference between them, the "beat" frequency. Thus, availing itself of the FFR phenomenon, and using the technique of "beat" frequencies, the Gateway system uses Hemi-Sync and other audio techniques employing the FFR phenomenon to introduce a variety of frequencies which are played at a virtually subliminal, marginally audible level. The objective is to relax the left hemisphere of the brain, place the physical body in a virtual sleep state, and bring the left and right hemispheres into coherence under conditions designed to promote the production of ever higher amplitude and frequency of brainwave output. Audible and perhaps subliminal suggestions by Bob Monroe accompany the various brainwave frequencies, which are sometimes rolled in together with other sounds such as sea surf to mask the sound frequencies where desireable. In this way, Gateway endeavors to provide the subject with the tools by which he may alter his consciousness based on his own volition over time through the repetitive use of the tapes so as to access, via intuitive means, new categories of information not available to ordinary consciousness.
    频率跟随反应。为了实现大脑半球的同步,Hemi-Sync 技术利用了一种称为频率跟随反应(FFR)的现象,这意味着如果一个受试者听到一个产生在与人类大脑运作相关的频率相仿的声音,大脑将试图通过调整其脑波输出来模仿相同的频率模式。因此,如果受试者处于完全清醒状态但听到接近 Theta 水平脑波输出的声音频率,受试者的大脑将努力将其脑波模式从正常的 Beta 水平改变到 Theta 水平。由于 Theta 水平与睡眠有关,受试者可能会从完全清醒进入睡眠状态(前提是他不自觉地抵抗),因为大脑努力使其波频率输出与受试者听到的波频率同步。由于这些脑波频率超出了人耳可以纯粹听到的声音频谱,“Hemi-Sync 必须基于另一种称为大脑推断“拍”频率的现象来产生它们。 如果人类大脑暴露于左耳中比右耳播放的另一个可听频率低 10 赫兹的频率,大脑选择“听到”它们之间的差异,即“拍”频率,而不是听到两个可听频率中的任何一个。因此,利用 FFR 现象,并使用“拍”频率技术,Gateway 系统使用 Hemi-Sync 和其他利用 FFR 现象的音频技术,以几乎潜意识、边缘可听的水平播放各种频率。其目标是放松大脑的左半球,将身体置于虚拟睡眠状态,并在旨在促进脑波输出振幅和频率不断增加的条件下,使左右半球协调一致。Bob Monroe 可能伴随各种脑波频率发出可听甚至潜意识的建议,有时将它们与其他声音(如海浪声)混合在一起,以掩盖声音频率。 通过这种方式,网关努力为主体提供工具,使他可以通过反复使用磁带,随着时间的推移基于自己的意志改变意识,以便通过直觉手段访问新的信息类别,这些信息对普通意识不可得。
  4. Role of Resonance. However, brain coherence through entrainment to "beat" Erequencies introduced via stereo headphones is only part of the reason why the Gateway system works. It is also designed to achieve the physical quietude characteristic of deep transcendental meditative states which brings about a complete alteration of the fundamental resonance pattern associated with the sound frequencies produced by the human body. Yoga, zen or transcendental meditation, if practiced long enough, will produce a change in the sound frequency with which the human heart resonates throughout the entire body. According to Bentov, this change in resonance results from elimination of what the medical profession calls "the bifurcation echo" so that the sound of the heartbeat can move synchronously up and down the circulatory system in harmonious resonance approximately seven times a second. Bentov describes the roll played by the bifurcation echo as follows: "When the left ventricle of the heart ejects blood, the aorta, being elastic, balloons out just beyond the valve and causes a pressure pulse to travel down along the aorta. When the pressure pulse reaches the bifurcation in the lower abdomen (which is where the aorta forks in two to go into the legs), part of the pressure pulse rebounds and starts traveling up the aorta. If in the meantime the heart ejects more blood, and a new pressure pulse is traveling down, these two pressure
    共振的作用。然而,通过通过立体声耳机引入的“节拍”频率来实现大脑的一致性只是网关系统有效的部分原因。它还旨在实现深度超越冥想状态的身体宁静特征,从而完全改变与人体产生的声音频率相关联的基本共振模式。瑜伽、禅或超越冥想,如果练习足够长时间,将改变人类心脏在整个身体中共振的声音频率。根据本托夫的说法,这种共振变化是由于消除了医学界所称的“分叉回声”,使心跳声能够以大约每秒七次的和谐共振向上下同步在循环系统中传播。本托夫描述了分叉回声的作用如下:“当心脏的左心室排出血液时,由于主动脉具有弹性,它在瓣膜之外膨胀,导致压力脉冲沿着主动脉向下传播。 当压力脉冲到达下腹部的分叉处(也就是主动脉分叉成两条通向腿部的地方),部分压力脉冲会反弹并开始沿着主动脉向上传播。如果此时心脏排出更多的血液,并且一股新的压力脉冲正在传播,这两个压力

    points will eventually collide somewhere along the aorta and produce an interference pattern." By placing the body in a sleeplike state, the Gateway tapes achieve the same goal as meditation in that it places the body in such a profoundly relaxed state that the bifurcation echo slowly fades away as the heart lessens the force and frequency with which it pushes blood into the aorta. The result is a regular, rhythmic sinewave pattern of sound which echoes throughout the body and rises up into the head in sustained resonance. The amplitude of this sinewave pattern, when measured with a sensitive, seismograph type instrument is about three times the average of the sound volume produced by the heart when it is operating normally.
    最终,这些点将在主动脉的某处相互碰撞,并产生干涉图案。”通过让身体处于类似睡眠状态,Gateway 磁带实现了冥想的同样目标,即让身体进入如此深度放松的状态,使得分叉回声慢慢消失,因为心脏减少了将血液推入主动脉的力量和频率。结果是一种规律的、有节奏的正弦波声音模式,在整个身体中回响,并在持续共鸣中上升到头部。当用一种敏感的类地震仪器测量这种正弦波模式的振幅时,其音量约为心脏正常运转时产生的声音音量的三倍。
  5. Brain Stimulation. Bentov's biomedical model shows that this resonance is of considerable importance since it is directly transmitted to and impacts upon the brain. The resulting vibration is received and transmitted into the brain itself via the fluid filled third and left ventricles located above the brain stem. An electromagnetic pulse is then generated which stimulates the brain to raise the amplitude and frequency of brainwave output, just as Dr. Twemlow observed in his research on the effects of the Hemi-Sync tapes. Also, the brain is contained in a tight membrane called the dura which is, in turn, cushioned by a thin layer of fluid located between it and the skull. As the coherent resonance produced by the human heart in a state of profound relaxation reaches the fluid layer surrounding the brain, it sets up a rhythmic pattern in which the brain moves up and down approximately 0.005 to 0.010 millimeters in a continuous pattern. The selfreinforcing character of resonant behavior accounts for the body's ability to sustain this movement despite the minimal level of energy involved. In this way, the entire body, based on its own micromotion, functions as a tuned vibrational system which transfers energy in a range of between 6.8 and 7.5 Hertz into the earth's ionospheric cavity, which itself resonates at about 7-7.5 Hertz. Of this process, Bentov states:
    脑部刺激。Bentov 的生物医学模型显示,这种共振非常重要,因为它直接传输并影响大脑。产生的振动通过位于大脑干上方的充满液体的第三和左侧脑室接收并传输到大脑本身。然后产生电磁脉冲,刺激大脑提高脑波输出的幅度和频率,正如 Twemlow 博士在他对 Hemi-Sync 磁带影响的研究中观察到的那样。此外,大脑包裹在一层称为硬脑膜的紧密膜中,硬脑膜又被位于其与颅骨之间的一层薄液体缓冲。当人类心脏在深度放松状态下产生的一致共振达到包围大脑的液体层时,它建立了一个节奏模式,大脑以连续模式上下移动约 0.005 到 0.010 毫米。共振行为的自我强化特性解释了身体尽管涉及的能量水平极低,仍能维持这种运动。 这样,整个身体根据自身的微动作,作为一个调谐的振动系统,将能量传递到地球电离层腔体中,其频率在 6.8 至 7.5 赫兹之间,而地球电离层本身的共振频率约为 7 至 7.5 赫兹。在这个过程中,本托夫表示:
"This is occurring at a very long wavelength of about , or just about the perimeter of the planet. In other words, the signal from the movement of our bodies will travel around the world in about one seventh of a second through the electrostatic field in which we are imbedded. Such a long wavelength knows no obstacles, and its strength does not attenuate much over large distances. Naturally it will go through just about anything: metal, concrete, water, and the fields making up our bodies. It is the ideal medium for conveying a telepathic signal."
这发生在一个非常长的波长约为 ,或者正好是行星的周长。换句话说,我们身体运动的信号将通过我们嵌入其中的静电场在大约七分之一秒内环绕地球传播。这样长的波长不受任何障碍,其强度在长距离内几乎不会衰减。自然地,它会穿过几乎任何东西:金属、混凝土、水,以及构成我们身体的场。这是传递心灵感应信号的理想媒介。
Consequently, the Gateway process is designed to rather rapidly induce a state of profound calm within the nervous system and to significantly lower blood pressure to cause the circulatory system, skeleton and all other physical organ systems to begin vibrating coherently at approximately cycles per second. The resulting resonance sets up a regular, repetitive sound wave which propagates in consonance with the elecrostatic field of the earth.
因此,网关过程旨在相对迅速地在神经系统内诱导一种深度平静状态,并显著降低血压,使循环系统、骨骼和所有其他身体器官系统开始以每秒约 次的频率共振。由此产生的共振建立了一个规律、重复的声波,与地球的静电场共振传播。
  1. Energy Entrainment. As the body is turned into a coherent oscillator vibrating in harmony with the surrounding electrostatic medium, the specific exercises included in the Gateway tapes enjoin the participant to build up the energy field surrounding his body, presumably by using energy from the earth's field which the body is now entraining because of its ability to resonate with it. This puts the body's energy field into homogeneity with its surrounding environment and promotes movement of the seat of consciousness into the surrounding environment partly in response to the fact that the two electromagnetic medians are now a single energy continuum. Thus, the same process which moves the brain into focused

    coherence at steadily higher levels of frequency and amplitude so as to entrain analgous frequencies in the universe for data collection also promotes enhancement of bodily energy levels to a point adequate to permit the subject to experience an out-of-body movement when he is ready to do so(more will be said about this topic later). In addition, by resonating with the earth's electromagnetic sphere the human body creates a surprisingly powerful carrier wave to assist the mind in communication activity with other human minds similarly tuned.
  2. Consciousness and Energy. Before our explanation can proceed any further, it is essential to define the mechanism by which the human mind exercises the function known as consciousness, and to describe the way in which that consciousness operates to deduce meaning from the stimuli which it receives. To do this, we will first consider the fundamental character of the material world in which we have our physical existence in order to accurately perceive the raw stuff with which our consciousness must work. The first point which needs to be made is that the two terms, matter and energy tend to be misleading if taken to indicate two distinctly different states of existence in the physical world that we know it. Indeed, if the term matter is taken to mean solid substance as opposed to energy which is understood to mean a force of some sort, then the use of the former is entirely misleading. Science now knows that both the electrons, which spin in the energy field located around the nucleus of the atom and the nucleus itself are made up of nothing more than oscillating energy grids. Solid matter, in the strict construction of the term, simply does not exist. Rather, atomic structure is composed of oscillating energy grids surrounded by other oscillating energy grids which orbit at extraordinarily high speeds. In his book, stalking the Wild Pendulum, Itzhak Bentov gives the following figures. The energy grid which composes the nucleus of the atom vibrates at approximately Hertz(which means 10 followed by 22 zeros). At 70 degrees Farenheit an atom oscillates at the rate of Hertz. An entire molecule, composed of a number of atoms bound together in a single energy field vibrates in the range of Hertz. A live human cell vibrates at approximately Hertz. The point to be made is that the entire human being, brain, consciousness and all is, like the universe which surrounds him, nothing more or less than an extraordinarily complex system of energy fields. The so called states of matter are actually variances in the state of energy, and human consciousness is a function of the interaction of energy in two opposite states(motion vs rest) in a manner described in the following paragraph.
    意识与能量。在我们的解释继续之前,有必要定义人类心智行使的意识功能的机制,并描述意识如何运作以从接收到的刺激中推导意义。为了做到这一点,我们将首先考虑我们存在的物质世界的基本特征,以便准确地感知我们的意识必须处理的原始物质。需要指出的第一点是,如果将物质和能量这两个术语理解为在我们所知的物质世界中表示两种截然不同的存在状态,那么这两个术语往往会产生误导。事实上,如果将物质一词理解为固体物质,而能量理解为某种力量,那么前者的使用就是完全误导的。现在科学已经知道,无论是围绕原子核旋转的电子,还是原子核本身,都由振荡的能量网格组成。在严格的术语构造中,固体物质根本不存在。 相反,原子结构由振荡能量网格组成,周围被其他以极高速度旋转的振荡能量网格所包围。伊扎克·本托夫在他的书《追踪野性摆动》中给出了以下数据。构成原子核的能量网格振动频率约为 赫兹(即后面跟着 22 个零)。在华氏 70 度下,一个原子的振荡频率为 赫兹。一个由多个原子结合在一个能量场中的整个分子振动在 赫兹范围内。一个活的人类细胞振动频率约为 赫兹。重点在于整个人类,包括大脑、意识等,就像环绕他的宇宙一样,不过是一个极其复杂的能量场系统。所谓的物质状态实际上是能量状态的变化,而人类意识是能量在两种相反状态(运动与静止)之间相互作用的功能,如下一段所描述的方式。
  3. Holograms. Energy creates, stores and retrieves meaning in the universe by projecting or expanding at certain frequencies in a three dimensional mode that creates a living pattern called a hologram. The concept of the hologram can be most easily understood by using an example cited by Bentov in which he asks the reader to visualize a bowl full of water into which three pebbles are dropped. As the ripples created by the simultaneous entry of the three pebbles radiate outward towards the rim of the bowl, Bentov further asks the reader to visualize that the surface of the water is suddenly flash frozen so that the ripple pattern is preserved instantly. The ice is removed leaving the three pebbles still laying at the bottom of the bowl. Then the ice is exposed to a powerful, coherent source of light, such as a laser. The result will be a three dimensional model or representation of the position of the three pebbles suspended in midair. Holograms are capable of encoding so much detail that, for example, it is possible to take a holographic projection of a glass of swamp water and view it under magnification to see small organisms not visible to the naked eye when the glass of water itself is examined. The whole concept of holography, despite its scientific implications, has only been known to the physicist since the underlying mathmatical principles were worked out by Dennis Gabor in 1947(he later won a Nobel Prize for his work).
    全息图。能量通过以特定频率投影或扩展三维模式在宇宙中创造、存储和检索意义,形成一种被称为全息图的生动模式。全息图的概念最容易通过本托夫引用的一个例子来理解,他要求读者想象一个装满水的碗,然后往里投入三块小石子。当三块小石子同时进入水中产生的涟漪向碗沿边辐射时,本托夫进一步要求读者想象水面突然被快速冻结,使涟漪图案瞬间保留。然后将冰块取出,三块小石子仍然留在碗底。接着,将冰块暴露在强大、一致的光源下,比如激光。结果将是三维模型或代表三块小石子位置的悬浮在半空中。 全息图能够编码如此丰富的细节,例如,可以对沼泽水杯子进行全息投影,放大观察时可以看到肉眼不可见的小生物,而直接观察水杯本身时则看不到。尽管全息技术具有科学意义,但自 1947 年丹尼斯·加博尔(Dennis Gabor)提出其基本数学原理后,这一整个概念只为物理学家所熟知(他后来因此获得了诺贝尔奖)。
Laboratory demonstration of Gabor's work only occurred years later following invention of the laser. As biologist Lyall Watson explains:
"The purest kind of light available to us is that produced by a laser, which sends out a beam in which all the waves are of one frequency, like those made by an ideal pebble in a perfect pond. When two laser beams touch, they produce an interference pattern of light and dark ripples that can be recorded on a photographic plate. And if one of the beams, instead of coming directly from the laser, is reflected first off an object such as a human face, the resulting pattern will be very complex indeed, but it can still be recorded. The record will be a hologram of the face."
  1. The Part Encodes the Whole. Of further importance is the fact that even if we dropped our frozen hologram of the ripple pattern on the floor and broke it into a number of pieces each individual piece would recreate the entire holographic image all by itself. The smaller the piece, the fuzzier and more distorted would be the resulting holographic projection but the fact remains that a whole projection would nonetheless be made. The key to creating any hologram is that energy in motion must interact with energy in a state of rest(nonmotion). In the foregoing example, the pebbles represent energy in motion while the water(before its agitation by the pebbles) represents energy at a state of rest. To activate or, in effect, to "perceive" the meaning of a holograph, energy(in this case, a coherent light source such as a laser beam) must be passed through the interference pattern generated by interaction between the moving energy and the energy at rest. In the simple example given by Bentov, this requirement was fulfilled by holding the frozen interference pattern in front of the coherent light to project the three dimensional holographic image(its "meaning") into space. As Marilyn Ferguson, editor of the Brain/Mind Bulletin tells us:
    部分包含整体。更重要的是,即使我们把冰冻的波纹图案的全息图摔在地板上并将其分成几块,每个单独的部分都会自行重新创建整个全息图像。碎片越小,产生的全息投影就会越模糊和扭曲,但事实仍然是整个投影仍然会被制作出来。创建任何全息图的关键在于,运动中的能量必须与静止状态的能量(非运动)相互作用。在前述例子中,小石子代表运动中的能量,而水(在被小石子搅动之前)代表静止状态的能量。要激活或者说“感知”全息图的含义,能量(在这种情况下,是一种相干光源,比如激光束)必须通过由运动能量和静止能量相互作用产生的干涉图案。在 Bentov 提供的简单例子中,这一要求通过将冻结的干涉图案放在相干光前来投射三维全息图像(其“含义”)到空间中得以实现。正如《脑/心灵简报》的编辑玛丽莲·弗格森告诉我们的那样:
"Anothex feature of a hologram is its efficiency. Billions of bits of information can be stored in a tiny space. The pattern of the holographic [photograph]...is stored everywhere on the plate."
  1. The Consciousness Matrix. The universe is composed of interacting energy fields, some at rest and some in motion. It is, in and of itself, one gigantic hologram of unbelievable complexity. According to the theories of Karl Pribram, a ncuroscientist at Stanford University and David Bohm, a physicist at the University of London, the human mind is also a hologram which attunes itself to the universal hologram by the medium of energy exchange thereby deducing meaning and achieving the state which we call consciousness. With respect to states of expanded or altered consciousness such as Gateway uses, the process operates in the following way. As energy passes through various aspects of the universal hologram and is perceived by the electrostatic fields which comprise the human mind, the holographic images being conveyed are projected upon those electrostatic fields of the mind and are perceived or understood to the extent that the electrostatic field is operating at a frequency and amplitude that can harmonize with and therefore "read" the energy carrier wave pattern passing through it. Changes in the frequency and amplitude of the electrostatic field which comprises the human mind determines the configuration and hence the character of the holographic energy matrix which the mind projects to intercept meaning directly from the holographic transmissions of the universe. Then, to make sense of what the holographic image is "saying" to it, the mind proceeds to compare the image just received with itself. Specifically, it does this by comparing the image received with that part of its own hologram which constitutes memory. By registering differences in
    意识矩阵。宇宙由相互作用的能量场组成,有些静止,有些运动。它本身就是一个难以置信的复杂巨大全息图。根据斯坦福大学神经科学家卡尔·普里布拉姆和伦敦大学物理学家大卫·波姆的理论,人类的思维也是一个全息图,通过能量交换的媒介与宇宙全息图调和,从而推导意义并达到我们称之为意识的状态。关于扩展或改变意识状态,如“门户”使用的状态,该过程运作如下。当能量通过宇宙全息图的各个方面并被构成人类思维的静电场所感知时,传达的全息图像被投射到思维的静电场上,并被感知或理解,直到静电场以能够与通过它的能量载波波形和谐的频率和振幅运作,因此“读取”通过它的能量载波波形。 人类思维所组成的静电场的频率和振幅的变化决定了思维投射的全息能量矩阵的构造和特征,从而直接拦截宇宙全息传输的含义。然后,为了理解全息图像向其“传达”的信息,思维开始将刚刚接收到的图像与自身进行比较。具体来说,它通过将接收到的图像与构成记忆的全息图像的那部分进行比较来实现这一点。通过注册差异

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geometric form and in energy frequency, the consciousness perceives(see Exhibit 2, next page). As psychologist Keith Floyd puts it:
几何形式和能量频率,意识感知(见附件 2,下一页)。正如心理学家基思·弗洛伊德所说:
"Contrary to what everyone knows is so, it may not be the brain that produces consciousness--but rather, consciousness that creates the appearance of the brain..."
  1. Brain in phase: The consciousness process is most easily envisaged if we picture the holographic input with a three dimensional grid system superimposed over it such that all of the energy patterns contained within can be described in terms of three dimensional geometry using mathmatics to reduce the data to two dimensional form. Bentov states that scientists suspect that the human mind operates on a simple binary "go/no go" system as do all digital computers. Therefore, once it superimposes a three dimensional matrix over holographic information it wishes to interpret and reduces that information mathmatically to two dimensional form, it can completely process it using its fundamental binary system just as any computer made by the hand of man can process volumes of data and make various comparisons between the data and information stored in its digital memory. Our minds operate in the same way, perceiving by comparison only. Bentov states the proposition this way: "Our whole reality is constructed by constantly making such comparisons.... Whenever we perceive something, we always perceive differences only." In states of expanded consciousness, the right hemisphere of the human brain in its holistic, nonlinear and nonverbal mode of functioning acts as the primary matrix or receptor for this holographic input while, by operating in phase or coherence with the right brain, the left hemisphere provides the secondary matrix through its binary, computer-like method of functioning to screen further the data by comparison and reduce it to a discreet, two dimensional form.
  2. Evaluation. To the extent that Gateway succeeds in bringing about a refinement in energy matrix of the mind, it succeeds in expanding or altering human consciousness so that it can perceive without recourse to the intercession of the physical senses such that ever more of the universal hologram(not, of course, accessible by sense perception) can ultimately be perceived and understood. Marilyn Ferguson has written that the theories of Pribram and Bohm "appear to account for all transcendental experience, paranormal events and even "normal" perceptual oddities..." she goes on to say of Pribram:
"Currently he is proposing a startling, all-encompassing model that is generating considerable excitement among those intrigued by the mysteries of human consciousness. His "holographic model" marries brain research to theoretical physics; it accounts for normal perception and simultaneously takes the paranormal and transcendental experiences out of the supernatural by explaining them as a part of nature.
Like certain strange discoveries of quanturi physics, the radical reorientation of this theory suddenly makes sense of paradoxical sayings of mystics throughout the ages."
  1. Self Cognition. To complete our outline of the process by which the mind achieves and exercises consciousness, we must also describe the mechanism which accounts for the aspect of human thought that differentiates it from the consciousness of plants or animals, i.e. self cognition. Humans not only know, but they know that they know. They are able to monitor the process of their own thinking and maintain an awareness of it. Moreover, they can conduct a comparitive
Left Hemisphere 左半球
Consciousness Grid 意识网格
Acts like the Mind's computer software to reduce input from right homisphoro to vorbal symbols and concepts.
Right Hemisphere 右半球
Consciousness Grid 意识网格
Reduces three dimension holographic image to tw dimensional go/no go fo

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assessment, evaluating the functioning of their thought processes against various "objective" standards they have adopted. Human own hologram, project them out, it has the capacity to duplicate it through comparison with the memory aspect(where its evaluation standards of measure are stored) of its own hologram, and measure or "sense" the differences using three dimensional geometry and then binary "go/no go" pulse to yield verbal cognition about the self.
  1. Time-Space Dimension. Up to this point our discussion of the Gateway process has been relatively simple and easy to follow. Now the fun begins. Gateway involves more than just perception of those aspects of the universal hologram which can be accessed in the dimension of time-space as we know it. To ens of time-space why human consciousness can be brought to transcend the l must first appreciate what is the next task which must be addressed. how the dimension that they constitute time and space are in order to understand as a measurement of energy or force in can be transcended. Physicists define tisent of change. However, in order for motion. In other words, it is a measurememited in some way within the confines of energy to be in motion it must first be lits confinement gives it the capacity for some sort of vibratory pattern so then which is distinguishable from other being contained at a specific locatiot confined is force without limit, without locations(space). Energy which is dimension, without the limits of fo therefore outside of the dimension of time. It is nothing beyond infinity, and is concept implies that a specific energy form is is also beyond space because ond is absent from other locations. But if energy limited to a specific locati, there are no boundaries, no "here" to differentiate from "there", no sense of area. Energy in infinity means energy uniformly extended without limit. It has no beginning, no end, no location. It is conscious force, the fundamental, primal power of existence without form, a state therefore, cannot being. Energy in infinity is said to be cotterly inactive. It retains its inherent generate holograms so long as it rem can receive and passively perceive holograms capacity for consciousness in that in the various dimensions which make up the generated by energy in motion out perceived by consciousness operating in the created universe but it cannot be ptate of inactive infinity is termed by physicists active universe. Energy in thls ster simply "the Absolute." Between the Absolute as energy in its absolute she in which we experience our physical existence are and the "material" universe in to which human consciousness in altered states of various intervening dimensions theoretically, human consciousness may continue to expand being may gain access. Theoral capability until it reaches the dimension of the the horizons of its perceptcal cap stops because the Absolute generates no Absolute at wholograms of or about itself.
    时间空间维度。到目前为止,我们对“门户过程”的讨论相对简单且易于理解。现在,有趣的部分开始了。门户过程不仅涉及到我们所知的时间空间维度中可以访问的宇宙全息图的感知。要了解为什么人类意识可以超越时间空间的限制,首先必须理解下一个必须解决的任务是什么。为了理解它们构成的时间和空间维度如何作为能量或力量的衡量单位可以被超越。物理学家定义了变化的时间。然而,为了运动,能量必须首先被某种方式限制在能量的边界内才能运动,这种限制赋予了它某种可区分于其他位置的振动模式的能力。被限制的能量是没有限制、没有位置(空间)的力量。能量是超越时间维度的,没有力量的限制,没有空间的限制。 它超越无限,这个概念意味着特定的能量形式也超越了空间,因为它不存在于其他位置。但如果能量局限于特定位置,就没有边界,没有“这里”与“那里”的区别,没有区域感。无限中的能量意味着能量无限延伸而不受限制。它没有开始,没有结束,没有位置。它是有意识的力量,是存在的基本、原始力量,没有形式,因此不能存在。据说无限中的能量完全不活跃。只要它能接收和 passively 感知全息图像,它就会保留其固有的生成全息图像的能力。在由运动中的能量产生的各个维度中,意识在创造的宇宙中运作,但它无法是无限中的状态被物理学家称为活跃宇宙。在这种状态下的能量简称为“绝对”。在我们体验到我们的物质存在的绝对能量和“物质”宇宙之间,在各种介入维度的改变状态下,理论上,人类意识可能会继续扩展,直到达到其感知能力的地平线停止,因为绝对没有生成关于自身的全息图。
  2. Intervening dimensions. Since the Absolute is conscious energy in infinity(i.e. without boundaries), 1t our physical existence but we cannot perceive time-space dimension in which we havany of the intervening gradients or dimensions it. It overlays everything as do universe pass on their way to and from their home through which the energies of the univer enter these intervening dimensions, in the state of infinity(the Absolute). intense coherence that the frequency of human consciousness must focus with such consciousness(i.e. the brainwave output) the energy pattern which comprises the resulting frequency pattern, if displayed on can accelerate to the point where the like a solid line. Achievement of this state an oscilloscope, would look virtually of altered consciousness sets principle in physics known as Planck's Distance. because of the operation of a principle

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This is an aspect of quantum mechanics which applies to the fact that any oscillating frequency(such as a brainwave) reaches two points of complete rest which constitute the boundaries of each individual oscillation(i.e. movement up or down). Without these points of rest, an oscillating wave pattern would be impossible since the points of rest are required to permit the energy to change direction and thus continue vibrating between rigid limits. But it is also true that when, for an infinitesimally brief instant, that energy reaches one of its two points of rest it "clicks out" of time-space and joins infinity(see Exhibit 3 , next page). That critical step out of time-space occurs when the speed of the oscillation drops below centimeters per second(Planck's Distance). To use the words of Bentov: "...quantum mechanics tell us that when distances go below Planck's Distance, which is , we enter, in effect, a new world." To return to our case in point, the human consciousness wave pattern reaches such high frequency that the pattern of "clickouts" comes so close together that there is virtual continuity in it. Then, a portion of that consciousness is actually postulated to establish and maintain its information collection function in those dimensions located between time-space and the Absolute. Thus, as the almost continuous "clickout" pattern establishes itself in continuous phase at speeds below Planck's Distance but before reaching the state of total rest, human consciousness passes through the looking glass of time-space after the fashion of Alice beginning her journey into wonderland. The Gateway experience, with its associated Hemi-Sync technique, is apparently designed, if used systematically and patiently, to enable human consciousness to establish a coherent pattern of perception in those dimensions where speeds below Planck's distance apply. This holds true irrespective of whether the individual is exercising his consciousness while in his physical body or whether he is doing so after having separated that consciousness from the physical body(i.e. the so called out-of-body state mentioned earlier).
这是量子力学的一个方面,适用于任何振荡频率(如脑波)达到两个完全静止点的事实,这些点构成每个个体振荡的边界(即向上或向下运动)。如果没有这些静止点,振荡波模式将是不可能的,因为静止点是必需的,以允许能量改变方向,从而在刚性极限之间继续振动。但同样真实的是,当能量在一个极短暂的瞬间达到其两个静止点之一时,它会“退出”时间空间并加入无限(见第 3 页,附图 3)。当振荡速度降至每秒 厘米以下(普朗克距离)时,这一关键的时间空间跨越发生。用 Bentov 的话来说:“...量子力学告诉我们,当距离低于普朗克距离 时,我们实际上进入了一个新世界。”回到我们的例子,人类意识波模式达到如此高的频率,以至于“退出”模式的模式如此接近,以至于其中几乎是连续的。 然后,据推测,意识的一部分实际上被假定为在时间空间和绝对空间之间的那些维度中建立和维持其信息收集功能。因此,随着几乎连续的“点击”模式在低于普朗克距离但在达到完全静止状态之前的速度下建立自身,人类意识就像爱丽丝开始她进入仙境的旅程一样,穿越了时间空间的镜子。网关体验及其相关的 Hemi-Sync 技术显然旨在,如果系统地和耐心地使用,使人类意识能够在那些速度低于普朗克距离的维度中建立一种感知的连贯模式。无论个体是在其物理身体中运用意识,还是在将意识与物理身体分离后这样做(即前面提到的所谓的出体状态),这一点都是正确的。
  1. Subatomic Particles. The behavior of subatomic particles provides an interesting example of the phenomenon of "clicking out" discussed in the preceding paragraphs. In an article prepared for Science Digest magazine, Dr. John Gliedman mentions the way in which subatomic particles communicate with each other once their energy fields become entrained as a result of colliding with each other. The communication concerned is, of course, postulated to be occurring during the "click out phase" in the oscillation of the energy fields comprising the subatomic particles concerned. It is this cause which accounts for the cross-communication at what in terms of time-space velocities, would seem to involve speeds in excess of light. In reality Einstein's Theory of Relativity is not being invalidated but, rather, the communication concerned is taking place outside the dimension of time-space to which the Theory of Relativity is strictly confined. Specifically, Dr. Gleidman tells us: "Quantum theory postulates a kind of long range siamese twin effect whenever two subatomic particles collide and then go their different ways. Even when the particles are halfway across the universe from each other, it says, they instantaneously respond to each other's actions. And in so doing, they violate relativity's ban on faster than light velocities." Indeed, regarding attempts to quantify what is known about the behavior of energy in dimensions apparently outside of time-space, Bentov speaks about, "...courageous physicists who are working on hypothetical particles, called 'tachyons,' which can move at speeds higher than light. The speed of tachyons starts just above the speed of light and ranges all the way to infinite velocities."
    亚原子粒子。亚原子粒子的行为提供了一个有趣的例子,说明了在前面段落中讨论的“点击退出”现象。在为《科学文摘》杂志准备的一篇文章中,约翰·格利德曼博士提到了亚原子粒子如何在彼此碰撞后,能量场被卷入并与彼此通信的方式。当然,所涉及的通信被假设发生在构成相关亚原子粒子的能量场振荡的“点击退出阶段”期间。正是这个原因解释了在时间-空间速度方面涉及超光速的交叉通信。实际上,爱因斯坦的相对论并没有被否定,而是所涉及的通信发生在相对论严格限定的时间-空间维度之外。具体来说,格莱德曼博士告诉我们:“量子理论假设,每当两个亚原子粒子碰撞然后各自分道扬镳时,会出现一种长距离的连体效应。” 即使粒子彼此相距宇宙的一半,它说,它们会立即对彼此的行为做出反应。在这样做的过程中,它们违反了相对论对超光速的禁令。”确实,关于试图量化关于能量行为的已知信息,这些信息显然超出了时间空间,本托夫谈到了“……正在研究假设粒子的勇敢物理学家,称为‘超光子’,它们可以以比光速更快的速度移动。超光子的速度从略高于光速开始,一直延伸到无限速度。"
  2. Dimensions In-between. Now that we have postulated the legitimacy of the assertion that the energy forms which compose consciousness can move beyond the time-space dimension, we need to turn our attention to the energy forms which

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inhabit those dimensions between time-space and the Absolute. In so doing, we may better perceive the form that "reality" assumes when we encounter it in those intermediate dimensions. In this context, Bentov tells us that:
"The causal relationship between events breaks down; movements become jerky rather than smooth. Time and space may become "grainy" or "chunky." Perhaps a piece of space can be traversed by a particle of matter in any direction without necessarily being synchronized with a piece of time. In short, a pair of events will occur in either time or space, the pair not being connected causally but by a random fluctuation."
What Bentov means is that inside the dimension of time-space where both concepts apply in a generally uniform way there is a proportional relationship between them. A certain space can be covered by energy moving in either particle or wave form in a certain time assuming a specific velocity virtually anywhere in the time-space universe. The relationship is neat and predictable. However, in the intermediate dimensions beyond time-space the limitations imposed on ener:gy to put it into a state of oscillating motion are not uniform as they are in our physical universe. A myriad of various distortions and incongruities are thus likely to be encountered such that our nice neat assumptions concerning the relationship between time and space as we know it in this dimension do not apply. But even more important, access is opened to both the past and the future when the dimension of current time-space is left behind.
  1. Special Status, Out-of-Body Experience. Although human consciousness can, with enough practice, move beyond the dimension of time-space and interface with other energy systems in other dimensions, the entire process is appreciably enhanced if that consciousness can be detached in large measure from the physical body before such interface is attempted. once an individual becomes proficient in the technique of out-of-body movement and then reaches the point where he is able to break out of time-space while out of his body, he gains the advantage of "clicking out" part of his enhanced consciousness while starting from a base located much closer to the dimensions with which he wishes to communicate. In other words, since he is starting from a point much "higher up", to use an analogy from the time-space context, that part of his consciousness involved in "clicking out" will have that much more time to interact in dimensions beyond time-space because less time is required to traverse the intervening layers. Moreover, once the individual is able to project his consciousness beyond time-space, that consciousness would logically tend to entrain its frequency output with the new energy environment to which it is exposed, therein greatly enhancing the extent to which the individual's altered consciousness may be further modified to achieve a much heightened point of focus and a much refined oscillating pattern. As a result, a self-reinforcing process should ensue whereby the farther consciousness in the out-of-body state can be projected beyond the time-space dimension, the more its level of energy output would be enhanced, thus promoting the potential for still further travel. The tentative conclusion to be drawn is that the out-of-body state may be regarded as an extremely effective way of accelerating the process of enhancing consciousness and of interfacing with dimensions beyond time-space. If the practitioner of the Gateway technique has a choice of concentrating on achieving and exploiting the out-of-body experience as opposed to concentrating his full efforts on expanding his consciousness exclusively from a physical base, the former would appear to promise much faster and more impressive successes than does the latter.
    特殊状态,超脱体验。尽管人类意识可以在足够的实践下超越时间空间的维度,并与其他维度中的能量系统进行接口,但在尝试这种接口之前,如果意识在很大程度上可以从物理身体中分离出来,整个过程将得到显著增强。一旦个体熟练掌握超脱运动的技巧,并达到能够在身体外脱离时间空间的阶段,他就获得了“点击”其增强意识的优势,同时从一个更接近他希望沟通的维度的基础出发。换句话说,由于他是从一个更“高”的点出发,用时间空间背景的类比来说,参与“点击”的意识部分将有更多时间在超越时间空间的维度中进行互动,因为需要穿越的层次较少,所以可以与之交互的时间更多。 此外,一旦个体能够将意识投射到时间空间之外,该意识逻辑上会倾向于将其频率输出与其暴露的新能量环境同步,从而极大地增强个体改变意识的程度,以实现更高度的聚焦点和更精细的振荡模式。因此,应当出现一种自我强化的过程,即在超出身体状态的更远意识能够被投射到时间空间维度之外,其能量输出水平将得到增强,从而促进进一步旅行的潜力。初步得出的结论是,超出身体状态可能被视为加速增强意识过程并与超越时间空间的维度进行交互的极其有效的方式。 如果网关技术的实践者可以选择集中精力实现和利用超出肉体体验,而不是将全部努力集中在从物质基础上扩展意识,前者似乎会比后者承诺更快速和更令人印象深刻的成功。
  2. Absolute in Perspective.
It may be helpful at this point to pause and recap

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the major aspects of our intellectual journey from time-space to the realm of the Absolute. We have spoken at some length concerning the incredibly complex hologram which is created by the intersection of energy patterns generated by the totality of all dimensions of the universe, time-space included. We have noted that our minds constitute energy fields which interact with various aspects of this hologram to deduce information which is ultimately processed through the left hemisphere of our brains to reduce it to a form that we employ for the process we call thinking. We have implied that this hologram is the finite embodiment in active, energy form of the infinite consciousness of the Absolute. It is the title we assigned to that vast pool of energy in a state of perfect rest over which the physical universe is layered, and from whence it comes. Incidentally, to describe this, Bentov uses the analogy of a very deep sea, comparing the still depths of the sea to the dimension of the Absolute while assigning the storm-tossed waves above to represent the physical universe with which we are familiar. The slightly agitated currents of the sea to be found in between the turbulent surface and the totally still depths represent energy in the process of either going into rest(i.e. approaching infinity) or coming out of rest.
我们智慧之旅的主要方面,从时空到绝对境域。我们已经详细讨论了由宇宙所有维度的总体所产生的能量模式交汇而成的难以置信复杂的全息图。我们注意到我们的思维构成能量场,与这个全息图的各个方面互动,推导出信息,最终通过我们大脑左半球加工成我们用于所谓思考的形式。我们暗示这个全息图是绝对意识的有限体现,以活跃的能量形式存在。这是我们给予的标题,用于描述那个完美休息状态下的巨大能量池,物质宇宙覆盖其中,也是它的来源。顺便提一下,Bentov 用一个非常深的海的类比来描述这一点,将海的静谧深度比作绝对境域的维度,将上面狂风暴雨的波浪比作我们熟悉的物质宇宙。 海洋中略显不安的洋流位于波涛汹涌的表面和完全静止的深处之间,代表着能量正在进入休息(即接近无穷)或者正在从休息中恢复的过程。
  1. From Big Bang to Torus. Working from the widely accepted "Big Bang" theory Bentov presents a conceptual model to depict the process of time-space evolution the relative position of the universal hologram. That hologram is often called a "Torus" because it is thought to have the overall shape of an immense, self-contained spiral. Basing his thesis on recent studies concerning the distribution of quasars(quasi-stellar objects), and operating on the premise that in the universe smaller processes tend to be mirror images of larger ones(i.e. the pattern of electrons around the nucleus of an atom mirrors the way planets orbit their suns, and so on) Bentov postulates the following scenario. Taking his cue from the observed capability of quasars to eject enormously concentrated beams of matter from their interiors in a controlled, non-concentric version of the "Big-bang" he envisages a similar process occurring in the generation of the universe(see Exhibit 4, next page). Noting that those galaxies located to the north of our own galaxy are moving away faster than those located to the south, and that those to the east and west are demonstrably more distant, Bentov regards this as substantive evidence that the jet of matter which expanded into our universe has turned back upon itself, eventually forming an ovoid or egg shape. He sees "matter" in our universe entering the ovoid pattern following ejection from a nucleus composed of extremely compressed energy through a "white hole." At the end of its trip to the far end of the ovoid, he sees it departing via a "black hole". In such a model, time is observed to be a measure of the change which occurs as energy evolves into new, more complex forms as it progresses along the distance from the white hole side of the nucleus, around the shell of this "cosmic egg" until it enters the black hole. In other words, as energy--expelled from infinity and confined within limits by the conscious of the Absolute-achieves form and motion following ejection from the white hole at the top of the egg, time begins as a measure of the cadence of this evolutionary movement as "reality" goes around the shell of the egg on its journey to the black hole at the far end.
    从宇宙大爆炸到环形图。在广泛接受的“大爆炸”理论基础上,本托夫提出了一个概念模型,用以描述时间空间演化过程中宇宙全息图的相对位置。这个全息图通常被称为“环形图”,因为人们认为它的整体形状是一个巨大的、自包含的螺旋形。本托夫的论点基于最近关于类星体(准恒星天体)分布的研究,并基于这样一个前提:在宇宙中,较小的过程往往是较大过程的镜像(即原子核周围的电子模式反映了行星围绕太阳运行的方式,依此类推)。本托夫提出了以下情景。他观察到类星体有能力从内部发射极度集中的物质束,这种过程类似于“大爆炸”的受控、非同心版本,他设想宇宙的生成也可能发生类似的过程(见第 4 页陈列品)。 指出我们银河系北部的星系比南部的星系移动得更快,东部和西部的星系明显更远,本托夫认为这是一个实质性证据,表明扩展到我们宇宙的物质喷流已经折返,最终形成一个卵形或蛋形。他认为我们宇宙中的“物质”从一个由极度压缩能量组成的核心中通过“白洞”喷射后进入卵形模式。在它旅行到卵形的远端结束时,他看到它通过“黑洞”离开。在这样的模型中,时间被观察为一种度量,随着能量从核心的白洞一侧沿着这个“宇宙蛋”的壳进展,演化为新的、更复杂的形式,直到进入黑洞。 换句话说,能量从无限中被排出,并在绝对意识的限制下获得形式和运动,随着从蛋顶部的白洞喷射出来,时间开始作为这种演化运动的节奏的度量,当“现实”沿着蛋壳旅行到远端的黑洞时。
  2. Our Place in Time. The observed distribution of galaxies suggests that our particular universe is located near the top of the egg at the point where matter begins to fall back on itself, thus explaining the reason why the galaxies to the north are seen to be moving away more rapidly as they are caught up in the downturn of the stream of matter towards the far end of the cosmic egg(see Exhibit 5, next page). Layered over this cosmic egg is the Absolute which sustains the radiating nucleus from which the original jet of matter issued forth. As the stream of matter moves around the ovoid towards its destination at the black hole where it
    我们在时间中的位置。观察到的星系分布表明,我们所处的宇宙位于蛋的顶部附近,物质开始向自身回落的点,从而解释了为什么北部的星系看起来移动得更快,因为它们被卷入了物质流向宇宙蛋远端的下行过程(见第 5 展示,下一页)。在这个宇宙蛋上方是维持辐射核心的绝对存在,最初的物质喷流就是从这里发出的。随着物质流绕着卵形向黑洞的目的地移动。
Pigure A
Photograph of Quaser Emitting Jet of Matter

Figure C 图表 C

Mystic Spiral) 神秘螺旋

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will be reabsorbed into the radiating nucleus and then the Absolute, it generates the interference pattern within the cosmic egg which constitutes the universal hologram or Torus. Since the Torus is being simultaneously generated by matter in all the various phases of "time", it reflects the development of the universe in the past, present and future(as it would be seen from our particular perspective in one phase of time). By reflecting on this model, it becomes possible to "see" how human consciousness brought to a sufficiently altered(focused) state could obtain information concerning the past, present an future since they all exist in the universal hologram simultaneously(In the case of the future because all of the consequences of the past and present can be seen coming together in the hologram such that the future can be predicted or "seen" with total accuracy). Moreover, it is possible to see how the implosion of energy patterns would cross and recross to create an incredibly complex four dimensional hologram or Torus, in spiral shape in reflection of the multi-dimensional developing pattern of evolution. All of the movements of the energies which comprise the universe leave their mark and hence tell their story throughout time.
将重新吸收到辐射核心,然后到绝对,它在宇宙蛋内产生干涉图案,构成了通用全息图或环状体。由于环状体同时由各种“时间”阶段的物质生成,它反映了宇宙在过去、现在和未来的发展(从我们特定时间阶段的视角来看)。通过反思这个模型,可以“看到”人类意识如何在足够改变(聚焦)的状态下获取有关过去、现在和未来的信息,因为它们同时存在于通用全息图中(对于未来,因为过去和现在的所有后果都可以在全息图中汇聚在一起,未来可以被准确预测或“看到”)。此外,可以看到能量模式的内爆如何交叉重叠,形成一个非常复杂的四维全息图或环状体,以螺旋形状反映出多维度发展模式的演化。 宇宙中包含的所有能量运动都留下痕迹,因此在时间的长河中讲述着它们的故事。
  1. Quality of Consciousness. We noted earlier that the out-of-body state involves projection of a major portion of the energy pattern that represents human consciousness so that it may move either freely throughout the terrestrial sphere for purposes of information aquisition or into other dimensions outside of time-space, perhaps to interact with other forms of consciousness within the universe. Consciousness is the organizing and sustaining principle that provides the impetus and guidance to bring and keep energy in motion within a given set of parameters so that a specific reality will result. When consciousness reaches a state of sophistication in which it can perceive itself(its own hologram) it reaches the point of selfcognition. Human beings have this form of elevated consciousness as does the Absolute but in case of the latter, it is a function of energy and its associated quality of consciousness in infinity(omniscience and omnipotence in perceptual unity). When energy returns to a state of total rest within the Absolute, it returns to the continuum of consciousness in the pool of limitless, timeless perception that resides there. Thus, the more complex an energy system in the "material" state, the more consciousness it possesses to maintain its reality. Our consciousness, therefore, is that differentiated aspect of the universal consciousness which resides within the Absolute. It accounts for the organization of the energy patterns which constitute our physical body but is distinctly separate from and superior to it. Since consciousness exists quite apart from and outside of reality, beyond the bounds of time-space, it, like the Absolute, has neither beginning nor end. Reality has both a beginning and an end because it is bounded within time-space, but the fundamental quantum of energy and its associated consciousness is eternal. When reality ends, its constituent energy simply returns to infinity in the Absolute.
    意识的质量。我们早前指出,超脱状态涉及投射代表人类意识的能量模式的主要部分,以便它可以自由地在地球范围内移动,以获取信息,或者进入时间空间之外的其他维度,也许与宇宙中的其他意识形式互动。意识是组织和维持原则,提供动力和指导,使能量在一定的参数范围内保持运动,从而产生特定的现实。当意识达到一种能够感知自身(自身全息图)的复杂状态时,它达到了自我认知的程度。人类拥有这种提升的意识形式,绝对存在也是如此,但在后者的情况下,这是能量及其在无限中的意识质量的功能(在感知统一中的全知全能)。当能量回归到绝对状态的完全休息时,它回归到意识的连续体中,在那里存在着无限、永恒感知的池中。 因此,能量系统在“物质”状态下越复杂,它就具有更多的意识来维持其现实性。因此,我们的意识是普遍意识的区分方面,它存在于绝对之内。它解释了构成我们物理身体的能量模式的组织,但与之明显分离且优越。由于意识存在于现实之外,超越了时间空间的界限,它与绝对一样,既没有开始也没有结束。现实既有开始又有结束,因为它被限制在时间空间之内,但基本的能量量子及其相关的意识是永恒的。当现实结束时,其组成能量简单地返回到绝对的无限之中。
  2. Consciousness in Perspective. Having ascertained that human consciousness is able to separate from physical reality and interact with other intelligences in other dimensions within the universe, and that it is both eternal and destined for ultimate return to the Absolute we are faced with the question: "So what happens then?" Since memory is a function of consciousness and therefore enjoys the same eternal character as the consciousness which accounts for its existence it must be admitted that when consciousness returns to the Absolute it brings with it all the memories it has accumulated through experience in reality. The return of consciousness to the Absolute does not imply an extinction of the separate entity which the consciousness organized and sustained in reality. Rather, it suggests a differentiated consciousness which merges with and participates in the universal consciousness and infinity of the Absolute without losing the separate identity and

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accummulated self-knowledge which its memories confer upon it. What it does lose is the capability for generation of independent thought holograms, since that can be done only by energy in motion. In other words, it retains the power to perceive but loses the power of will or choice. In exchange, however, this consciousness participates in the all-knowing infinite continuum of consciousness which is a characteristic of energy in the ever present. Consequently, it is accurate to observe that when a person experiences the out-of- body state he is, in fact, projecting that eternal spark of consciousness and memory which constitutes the ultimate source of his identity to let it play in and learn from dimensions both inside and outside the time-space world in which his physical component currently enjoys a short period of reality.
  1. Gateway Method. Having put the Gateway Experience in context by postulating a structural outline of how and why it seems to work, and having shown what it is designed to achieve, the time has come to examine the specific techniques which comprise the Gateway training process. These techniques are designed to enable the user of the Gateway tapes to manipulate the high energy states which can'be achieved if the user continues to work with the tapes over a period of time. The amount of time required to reach advanced energy states and to fully exploit the techniques varies with the individual. The sensitivity of his nervous system, his general state of mind, and the extent to which he may have previously developed facility in related techniques such as transcendental meditation are all pertinent factors affecting the speed at which he may expect to progress. The Gateway process begins by teaching the individual participant to isolate extraneous concerns in a visualization device called an "energy conversion box." Next, the participant is introduced to a method of encouraging his mind and body to strive to achieve a state of resonance through utterance of a single tone, a monotonous, protracted humming sound that sets up a feeling of vibration particularly in the head. He engages in this "resonate tuning" as it is called by humming along with a chorus of such sounds that are contained on the Gateway tape. Following this, the participant is exposed to the Gateway affirmation, and is encouraged to repeat it to himself as he hears it repeated on the tape. This affirmation is a statement to the effect that the individual realizes that he is more than merely a physical body and that he deeply desires to expand his consciousness.
    网关方法。通过构想网关体验如何以及为什么有效的结构概述,展示其旨在实现的目标,现在是时候审视构成网关训练过程的具体技术了。这些技术旨在使网关磁带的使用者能够操纵高能量状态,如果使用者继续在一段时间内与磁带一起工作,就可以实现这些状态。达到高级能量状态并充分利用这些技术所需的时间因个体而异。他的神经系统的敏感性,他的一般心态以及他之前是否已经在类似的技术(如超验冥想)方面有所发展的程度,都是影响他可能期望取得进展速度的相关因素。网关过程始于教导个体参与者将杂念隔离在一种名为“能量转换盒”的可视化设备中。接下来,参与者被介绍了一种鼓励他的头脑和身体努力实现共振状态的方法,即发出单一音调的单调、持续的嗡嗡声,这种声音在头部特别产生振动感。他通过跟随“共振调谐”这一称呼一起哼唱与 Gateway 磁带上包含的这些声音合唱。随后,参与者接触到 Gateway 肯定,并被鼓励在听到磁带上重复的同时对自己重复。这种肯定是一种声明,表明个体意识到自己不仅仅是一个物理身体,而且深切渴望扩展自己的意识。
  2. Hemi-Sync Introduced. After that, he is exposed for the first time to the Hemi-Sync sound frequencies, and is encouraged to focus on and develop a perception of and appreciation for those feelings which accompany the synchronization of brainwaves that results. Next comes the technique of progressive and systematic physical relaxation while the Hemi-Sync frequencies are expanded to include additional forms of "pink and white" noise designed to put the physical body at the virtual threshhold of sleep as well as to calm the left hemisphere of the mind while raising the right hemisphere to a state of heightened attentiveness. once all of this is achieved, the participant is invited to envisage creation of an "energy balloon" comprised of an energy flow beginning at the center of the top of the head and extending down in all directions to the feet. The energy involved in this flow then proceeds up through the body and back out into the balloon pattern again. The "energy balloon", which sets up a pattern very reminiscent of the cosmic egg discussed earlier, not only enhances bodily energy flow and encourages early achievement of a suitable resonant state but it is also designed to provide protection against conscious entities possessing lower energy levels which the participant might encounter in the event that he achieves an out-of-body, state. It serves a precautionary purpose in the unlikely event that the participant's first out-of-body experience involves direct projection outside the terrestrial sphere.
    Hemi-Sync 介绍。在那之后,他第一次接触到 Hemi-Sync 声音频率,并被鼓励专注于并培养对伴随脑波同步的感觉的感知和欣赏。接下来是渐进和系统的身体放松技术,同时 Hemi-Sync 频率扩展到包括额外形式的“粉红色和白色”噪音,旨在将身体置于虚拟入睡的阈值,同时平静左脑半球,提高右脑半球的警觉状态。一旦所有这些都实现了,参与者被邀请设想创造一个由能量流组成的“能量气球”,该能量流从头顶中心开始向下延伸至脚部的所有方向。这种能量随后穿过身体再次流回到气球模式中。 “能量气球”设定了一个非常类似于之前讨论过的宇宙蛋的模式,不仅增强了身体能量流动,鼓励早期达到适当共振状态,而且还旨在提供保护,防止意识实体占据较低能量水平的参与者在实现超出身体状态时可能遇到的情况。在参与者的第一次超出身体体验涉及直接投射到地球球外的情况下,它具有预防目的。

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  1. Advanced Techniques. Having reached Focus 10, the participant is now ready to endeavor to achieve a state of sufficiently expanded awareness to begin actually interacting with dimensions beyond those associated with his experience of physical reality. This state is called Focus 12 and involves conscious efforts on his part while additional forms of "pink and white noise" enter the sound stream being directed into his ears from the Gateway tape. Once the participant has achieved this state of greatly expanded awareness, he is ready to begin employing a series of specific techniques or "tools" as the Monroe Institute characterizes them which enable him to manipulate his newly found expanded awareness to obtain practical, useful feedback of value for promoting self-discovery and personal growth. The specific techniques involved are described individually below.
    高级技术。参与者已经达到了焦点 10,现在准备努力实现足够扩展意识状态,开始实际与超越他对物理现实体验相关的维度进行互动。这种状态被称为焦点 12,涉及他的自觉努力,同时从“网关磁带”传入他耳朵的声音流中还有额外形式的“粉红色和白色噪音”。一旦参与者达到这种大幅扩展的意识状态,他就准备开始使用一系列特定技术或蒙罗研究所所称的“工具”,这些工具使他能够操纵他新发现的扩展意识,以获得有价值的实用反馈,促进自我发现和个人成长。涉及的具体技术将分别在下面描述。
A. Problem Solving. This technique involves identifying fundamental problems which the individual wishes to see solved, filling his expanded awareness with his perception of these problems and then projecting them out into the universe. In this way, the individual enlists the assistance of what Monroe Institute :calls his "higher self", in other words his expanded consciousness, to interact with the universal hologram to obtain the information required to solve the problem. This approach may be used to solve personal difficulties, technical problems in the realm of physics, mathmatics, etc., practical administrative problems, and so on. Responses to the problem solving technique may be received almost immediately, but often they come based on developing intuition over the next two to three days. Frequently the response comes in the form of a sudden, holistic perception in which the individual suddenly finds that he simply knows the answer in all of its ramifications and completely in context, sometimes without even being able to put his newly found perception into words, at least initially. In some cases, the response may even arrive in the form of visual symbols which the individual will"see" with his mind while he is in the Focus 12 state and which he will have to interpret after he returns to normal consciousness.
A. 解决问题。这种技术涉及识别个人希望解决的基本问题,将他扩展的意识填满他对这些问题的感知,然后将它们投射到宇宙中。通过这种方式,个人请求他的“更高自我”(即他的扩展意识)协助与宇宙全息图互动,以获取解决问题所需的信息。这种方法可用于解决个人困难、物理、数学等领域的技术问题、实际管理问题等。对解决问题技术的反应几乎可以立即收到,但通常是基于在接下来的两三天内发展直觉而来。答复通常以突然的整体感知形式出现,个人突然发现自己简单地知道答案及其全部含义,并完全在上下文中,有时甚至最初无法用言语表达他新发现的感知。 在某些情况下,回应甚至可能以视觉符号的形式出现,个体在处于 12 号聚焦状态时会在心灵中“看到”,而在恢复正常意识后将不得不加以解释。
B. Patterning. This technique involves use of the consciousness to achieve desired objectives in the physical, emotional, or intellectual sphere. It involves concentration on the desired objective while in a Focus 12 state, extension of the individual's perception of that objective into the whole expanded consciousness, and its projection into the universe with the intention that the desired objective is already a matter of established achievement which is destined to be realized within the time frame specified. This particular methodology is based on the belief that the thought patterns generated by our consciousness in a state of expanded awareness create holograms which represent the situation we desire to bring about and, in so doing, establish the basis for actual realization of that goal. Once the thought-generated hologram of the sought after objective is established in the universe it becomes an aspect of reality which interacts with the universal hologram to bring about the desired objective which might not, under other circumstances, ever occur. In other words, the technique of patterning recognizes the fact that since consciousness is the source of all reality, our thoughts have the power to influence the development of reality in time-space as it applies to us if those thoughts can be projected with adequate intensity. However, the more complicated the objective sought and the more radically it departs from our current reality, the more time the universal hologram will need to reorient our reality sphere to accomodate our desires. Monroe trainers caution against attempting to force the pace of this process because the individual could succeed in dislocating his existing reality with drastic consequences.
B. 图案。这种技术涉及利用意识来实现在身体、情感或智力领域中的期望目标。它涉及在处于 12 号专注状态时集中精力于期望的目标,将个体对该目标的感知扩展到整个扩展意识中,并以期望目标已经是一个已经实现的事实,并注定在指定的时间框架内实现的意图将其投射到宇宙中。这种特定的方法论基于这样的信念,即我们的意识在扩展意识状态下产生的思维模式创造了代表我们希望实现的情况的全息图,并通过这样做,为实现该目标奠定了基础。一旦所寻求的目标的思维生成的全息图在宇宙中建立起来,它就成为现实的一个方面,与宇宙全息图互动,从而实现可能在其他情况下永远不会发生的期望目标。 换句话说,图案技术认识到意识是一切现实的源头,我们的思维有能力影响现实在时间空间中的发展,只要这些思维能够以足够的强度投射出去。然而,所追求的目标越复杂,离我们当前现实越远,宇宙全息图需要更多时间来重新调整我们的现实领域以满足我们的愿望。门罗训练师警告不要试图强迫这个过程的节奏,因为个人可能成功地扭曲现有的现实,带来严重后果。
c. Color Breathing. The next technique is called color breathing and is
c. 色彩呼吸。下一个技术被称为色彩呼吸。

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2003/09/10 批准发布:CIA-RDP96-00788R001700210016-5

designed to use the expanded awareness and highly focused attentiveness associated with the Focus 12 state to imagine various colors in a particularly intense and vivid manner so as to use them to resonate with and in turn to activate the body's own energies. Fundamentally, in terms of practical application it is a healing technique which is designed to restore the body and to enhance its physical capabilities by balancing, revitalizing and retuning bodily energy flows. It is predicated on the principle that the body's electromagnetic field is capable of altering its resonance pattern so as to entrain energy from the earth's electrostatic field for its own use. The various colors envisaged in the imagination as part of the technique cue the mind as to which frequencies and what specific amplitudes are desired in connection with this entrainment and the subsequent alterations in bodily energy flow patterns. That color has the capacity to affect the human mind is well known, and the affectuality of color in certain kinds of healing is a demonstrable fact. For example, application of an intense blue light to an area of physical tumescence leads to relatively rapid and easily observable reduction in the swelling while red, and to a lesser extent, yellow have quite the opposite effect. However, in the Hemi-Sync application of the technique external light sources are not involved but, rather, the mind is the sole agent of the healing and revitalization.
旨在利用与第 12 焦点状态相关的扩展意识和高度集中的注意力,以一种特别强烈和生动的方式想象各种颜色,从而利用它们与身体自身能量共振并激活。从实际应用的角度来看,这是一种旨在通过平衡、振兴和重新调整身体能量流来恢复身体并增强其物理能力的疗法技术。其基本原理是,身体的电磁场能够改变其共振模式,以从地球的静电场中调谐能量供自身使用。想象中所涉及的各种颜色作为技术的一部分,提示大脑所需的频率和特定幅度,以便与这种共振以及随后对身体能量流模式的改变相关联。颜色具有影响人类思维的能力是众所周知的,颜色在某些类型的疗法中的影响力是一个可证实的事实。 例如,将强烈的蓝光照射到一个生理勃起区域会导致肿胀相对迅速且容易观察到的减少,而红色,以及在较小程度上,黄色则产生完全相反的效果。然而,在 Hemi-Sync 技术的应用中,没有涉及外部光源,而是心灵是治愈和振兴的唯一因素。
D. Energy Bar Tool. Magic wands and enchanted sceptors have been part of the folklore and occult practices of many cultures. The scepters, staffs and maces carried by monarchs and high priests alike occur with such frequency in the history of bygone eras as to suggest that at the very least these items are aspects of some type of archtypical symbol which the human mind seems to appreciate, perhaps quite subliminally. In any case, the energy bar tool technique involves envisaging a small, intensely pulsating dot of light which the participant charges in his imagination with enormous energy until it is virtually pulsating. The participant then extrudes the dot into the shape of a sparkling, vibrating cylinder of energy which he then uses to channel force from the universe to selected parts of his body for purposes of healing and revitalization.
D. 能量棒工具。魔杖和魔法权杖一直是许多文化的民间传说和神秘实践的一部分。历史上君主和高级祭司们所携带的权杖、法杖和狼牙棒频繁出现,至少表明这些物品是某种原型符号的组成部分,人类心灵似乎在潜意识中欣赏这些符号。无论如何,能量棒工具技术涉及设想一个小而强烈跳动的光点,参与者在想象中为其充满巨大能量,直至它几乎跳动。然后,参与者将这个光点挤压成一个闪烁、振动的能量柱的形状,然后用它来从宇宙中引导力量到身体的特定部位,以实现治疗和恢复的目的。
E. Remote Viewing. In addition, the energy bar tool is used as a portal for initiating a follow-on technique called "remote viewing." In this context, the paxticipant turns his bar of energy into a whirling vortex through which he sends his imagination in search of new and illuminating insights. The apparent purpose of the symbolism involved in the vortex seems to be to cue the subconscious and convey to it instructions as to what the participant wishes to do but in terms of nonverbal symbols which the right hemisphere of the mind is capable of understanding.
E. 远程视图。此外,能量棒工具被用作启动一种名为“远程视图”的后续技术的门户。在这种情况下,参与者将他的能量棒转化为一个旋转的漩涡,通过这个漩涡,他发送他的想象力寻找新的启发性见解。漩涡中涉及的象征意义似乎是为了提示潜意识并向其传达参与者希望以非语言符号的方式做什么的指示,这些符号是大脑右半球能够理解的。
F. Living Body Map. This technique provides amplification for application of the energy bar tool as a means of healing specific areas or systems of the human body. The configuration of the participant's body is imagined and then the various major systems such as the nervous and circulatory systems are envisaged in appropriate colors within the confines of the outline being held in the imagination. The energy bar tool is then applied to energizing, balancing and healing in whatever manner the participant desires. In the process, the participant visualizes various streams of colored energy flowing out of the tool into the organ system or area upon which the revitalizing or healing application is being made. Since colors are the result of differing wavelengths of light, which is to say energy at various frequencies, this technique operates on the assumption that as the human body is composed of energy it can be vitalized and healed through the additive application of additional energy provided that the energy is applied in the appropriate form.
F. 生命体图。这项技术提供了应用能量棒工具作为治疗人体特定区域或系统的手段的放大。参与者的身体构造被想象出来,然后各种主要系统,如神经和循环系统,被设想为适当颜色,限定在想象中保持的轮廓内。然后,能量棒工具被应用于以参与者所需的任何方式进行能量化、平衡和治疗。在这个过程中,参与者想象各种彩色能量流出工具,进入进行复苏或治疗应用的器官系统或区域。由于颜色是光的不同波长的结果,也就是说,能量在不同频率下的表现,这项技术的假设是,由于人体由能量组成,通过添加额外能量的应用,人体可以得到激活和治愈,前提是能量以适当的形式应用。

Approved For Release 2003/09/10 : CIA-RDP96-00788R001700210016-5
2003/09/10 批准发布:CIA-RDP96-00788R001700210016-5

G. Focus 15: Travel into the Past. All of the preceding techniques are conducted at the level of expanded awareness known as Focus 12. However, the technique of time travel into the past involves further expansion of consciousness through the inclusion of additional levels of sound on the Hemi-Sync tapes. Some of the sound is probably merely an intensification of the basic Hemi-Sync frequencies, being designed to further modify brainwave frequency and amplitude. Other aspects of the added sound patterns appear to be designed to provide subtle, almost subliminal suggestions to the mind as to what is desired by way of further expanded consciousness so as to support the verbal suggestions and instructions also contained on the tape. Even the instructions are highly symbolic, with time being visualized as a huge wheel in the universe with various spokes each of which gives access to a different part of the participant's past. Focus 15 is a very advanced state and is extremely difficult to achieve. Probably less than five percent of all participants in any given Gateway Experience actually fully achieve the Focus 15 state during the course of the approximately seven days of training. Nonetheless, Monroe Institute trainers affirm that with enough practice, seventually Focus 15 can be achieved. They also state that not only the individual's past history is available for examination by one who has achieved Focus 15 but other aspects of the past with which the individual himself has had no connection may also be accessed.
G. 焦点 15:穿越时光。所有前述技术都是在被称为焦点 12 的扩展意识水平上进行的。然而,时光穿越的技术涉及通过在 Hemi-Sync 磁带上包含额外声音级别来进一步扩展意识。其中一些声音可能仅仅是基本 Hemi-Sync 频率的强化,旨在进一步调整脑波频率和振幅。添加声音模式的其他方面似乎旨在为心灵提供微妙、几乎潜意识的建议,以支持磁带上还包含的口头建议和指示所期望的进一步扩展意识。甚至指示本身也是高度象征性的,将时间视为宇宙中的一个巨大车轮,车轮上的各个辐条可以进入参与者过去的不同部分。焦点 15 是一个非常高级的状态,极其难以实现。在任何给定的“门户体验”中,可能不到百分之五的参与者在大约七天的培训过程中完全实现焦点 15 状态。 然而,门罗研究所的培训师们肯定,通过足够的练习,最终可以达到 15 号聚焦状态。他们还表示,不仅可以通过达到 15 号聚焦状态的人来检查个人的过去历史,还可以访问个人本身没有联系的过去的其他方面。
H. Focus 21: The Future. The last and most advanced of all the Focus states associated with the Gateway training program involves movement outside of the boundaries of time-space as in Focus 15 but with attention to discovering the future rather than the past. The individual who has achieved this state has reached a truly advanced level. Except in unusual circumstances, it is probably not attainable except by those who have conditioned themselves through long application of meditation or by those who have practiced long and hard through use of the Hemi-sync tapes for a period of months if not years.
H. 焦点 21:未来。与网关培训计划相关的所有焦点状态中,最后也是最先进的一个涉及超越时间空间边界的移动,就像焦点 15 一样,但关注的是发现未来而不是过去。达到这种状态的个体已经达到了一个真正先进的水平。除非在特殊情况下,否则除了那些通过长时间冥想来调节自己或者通过使用半同步磁带进行长时间、艰苦练习数月甚至数年的人,其他人可能很难达到这种状态。
  1. The Out-of-Body Movement. This remarkable phenomenon has been saved for discussion in detail until last because of the interest which it occasions and special circumstances involved in its attainment. Monroe Institute stresses that the Gateway program was not established solely for the purpose of enabling participants to obtain the out-of-body state nor does the program guarantee that most participants will succeed in doing it during the course of the training at the Institute. Only one tape out of the many which make up the Gateway Experience is devoted to the techniques involved in the out-of-body movement. Basically, these techniques are merely designed to make it easier for the individual to achieve the out-of-body state when his brainwave pattern and personal energy levels have reached a point that he is in apparent harmony with his surrounding electromagnetic environment such that he feels that he has reached the threshhold where separation is a possibility. To facilitate achieving the out-of-body state, Bob Monroe, the founder of Monroe Institute, is quoted in a recent magazine article as saying that in ordex to assist the participant the particular Hemi-Sync tape concerned with that technique employs Beta signals of "around 2877.3 CPS."(cycles per second). Since 30 to 40 CPS is considered to be the normal range for Beta brainwave signals(those associated with the wakeful state), it is apparent that the monroe Institute is convinced that the same heightened state of brainwave frequency output which promotes altered states of consciousness is also an important consideration in assisting in achievement of out-of-body states. The actual techniques employed for separating from the body involve such simple maneuvers as rolling out, lifting out after the fashion of a telephone pole wherein the individual separates in a rigid, headfirst manner(such that he finds himself standing at attention at the
    出体运动。这一非凡现象之所以被保存到最后进行详细讨论,是因为它引起了兴趣,并涉及到其实现的特殊情况。门罗研究所强调,门户计划并非仅仅为了让参与者达到出体状态而设立,也不保证大多数参与者在研究所培训期间能够成功实现。《门户体验》中的众多录音带中,只有一带专门讲解了出体运动涉及的技术。基本上,这些技术仅旨在使个体在脑波模式和个人能量水平达到一定程度,与周围的电磁环境显然协调一致时,更容易实现出体状态,从而达到分离的可能性。 为了促进实现离体状态,蒙罗学院创始人鲍勃·蒙罗在最近一篇杂志文章中被引述说,为了帮助参与者,与该技术相关的特定 Hemi-Sync 磁带使用了“约 2877.3 赫兹”的 Beta 信号。由于 30 到 40 赫兹被认为是 Beta 脑波信号(与清醒状态相关)的正常范围,很明显蒙罗学院相信,促进意识状态改变的脑波频率输出也是帮助实现离体状态的重要考虑因素。实际用于与身体分离的技术包括简单的动作,如滚动、像电话杆一样抬起,个体以一种僵硬、头部优先的方式分离(以至于他发现自己站立得笔直)

Approved For Release 2003/09/10 : CIA-RDP96-00788R001700210016-5
2003/09/10 批准发布:CIA-RDP96-00788R001700210016-5

foot of his physical body) and sliding out through either end of his body.
  1. Role of REM Sleep. It is interesting to note that Bob Monroe informed the Gateway class that finished 7 May 1983 that an ex-trainer of his operating in Charlottesville, Virginia found that he could guarantee out-of-body movements by bringing participants down into a rapid eye movement(REM) state of sleep and then use the Hemi-Sync tape technique. This may well be a function of the fact that most if not all people reputedly go into an out-of-body state during REM sleep. REM sleep is the deepest possible level of ordinary sleep and involves complete disengagement of the body's motor cortex functions from the neck down and nearly complete suppression of consciousness in the left brain hemisphere. The effect of this is to put the body in a state of complete stillness so far as the skeletal muscle structure is concerned, thereby further promoting the state of deep rest needed to eliminate the bifurcation echo. In addition, it leaves the right hemisphere of the brain free to respond to the instructions and suggestions contained on the Gateway tape. However, use of the Hemi-Sync tapes at this point may be less a factor in actually achieving the out-of-body state than it is a matter of focusing the brain enough so that a residual memory of having naturally achieved an out-of-body state is carried into the waking state. Indeed, it may even be postulated that some dreams associated with deep levels of sleep are in fact functions of the same kind of altered consciousness involved in interaction with the universe that plays a role in all of the Focus 12,15 and 21 states described above. The difference between those states and the condition of the mind in REM sleep seems to be that the left hemisphere is almost totally disengaged in the latter experience such that memory of what was achieved in the altered states of consciousness cannot usually be retrieved by conscious desire because the left hemisphere has no knowledge of its existence or its location in the right hemisphere. Admittedly, some people can be trained to remember their REM state dreams through intense conditioning in the waking state but even that may be more a function of establishing pathways in the right hemisphere which the left hemisphere can access following reentry into the wakeful state than it is an indication of any specific left hemisphere conscious involvement in the process during REM sleep. In any event, the three apparent conditions required for voluntarily inducing an out-of-body state in most individuals seems to be: (1) achievement of a state of profound quiet in the body such that the bifurcation echo fades and resonance at approximately 7 Hertz is established, (2) synchronization of the two brain hemisphere wave patterns, and (3) subsequent stimulation of the right hemisphere of the mind to attain a state of heightened alertness(which, of course, interferes with brain hemisphere synchronization but not until a sufficient level of enhanced frequency range has first been established to help achieve the out-of-body state).
    REM 睡眠的作用。有趣的是,鲍勃·门罗告诉 1983 年 5 月 7 日结束的网关课程,他在弗吉尼亚州夏洛茨维尔的一位前教练发现,通过将参与者带入快速眼动(REM)睡眠状态,然后使用 Hemi-Sync 磁带技术,可以保证体外运动。这很可能是因为据说大多数人在 REM 睡眠期间进入体外状态。REM 睡眠是普通睡眠中最深的可能水平,涉及身体的运动皮层功能从颈部以下完全解除,左脑半球的意识几乎完全被抑制。这样做的效果是使身体在骨骼肌结构方面完全静止,从而进一步促进消除分叉回声所需的深度休息状态。此外,这使大脑的右半球可以自由地响应网关磁带上包含的指令和建议。 然而,目前使用 Hemi-Sync 磁带可能更少地是实际实现离体状态的因素,而更多地是让大脑集中到足够程度,以便自然实现离体状态的残留记忆被带入清醒状态。事实上,甚至可以假设一些与深度睡眠相关的梦境实际上是与与宇宙互动中涉及的所有 Focus 12、15 和 21 状态中发挥作用的相同类型的改变意识功能有关。这些状态与快速眼动睡眠(REM)状态下的心智状态之间的区别似乎在于,后者经历中左半球几乎完全脱离,因此意识欲望通常无法检索到在改变的意识状态中所实现的记忆,因为左半球对其存在或在右半球中的位置没有认识。 诚然,有些人可以通过清醒状态下的强化训练来记住他们的快速眼动(REM)状态梦境,但即使如此,这可能更多地是在右半球建立通路,左半球在重新进入清醒状态后可以访问这些通路,而不是任何特定左半球在 REM 睡眠期间意识参与的迹象。无论如何,大多数人自愿诱发离体状态似乎需要三个明显条件:(1)实现身体深度安静状态,使分叉回声消退并在大约 7 赫兹处建立共振,(2)同步两个脑半球波形,以及(3)随后刺激右脑半球以达到高度警觉状态(当然,这会干扰脑半球同步,但直到首先建立足够增强频率范围的水平以帮助实现离体状态)。
  2. Information Collection Potential. The information acquisition potential assoc1ated with the out-of-body state seems to attract the most attention from the standpoint of developing practical applications for the Gateway technique. Unfortunately, although the out-of-body state can apparently be achieved by many people without excessive expenditure of time or effort, the purposes to which it can be put are currently limited by the fact that although individuals in that state may travel anywhere on an instantaneous basis in either the terrestrial or in other spheres, information distortion in the former context remains a major concern. To date, according to one of the trainers at Monroe Institute, numerous experiments have been conducted involving persons moving from one coast to the other in the out-of-body state to read a series of ten computer generated numbers in a university laboratory. Although most have aquired enough of the digits to make clear that their consciousness was present none have ever succeeded in getting all ten correct. This seems to be a function of the fact that physical reality in

    the present is not the only holographic influence which the individual may encounter in an out-of-body state. There are also energy patterns left by people or events occurring at the same physical site being viewed, but from the past rather than the present. In addition, since thoughts are the product of energy patterns, and energy patterns are reality, it may also be possible that individuals encounter thought forms while in an out-of-body state which mingle with physical reality and are not easily differentiated. Finally, as Melissa Jager writes, there is another potential problem area in the sense that holograms can be viewed pseudoscopically, that is to say inside out or backwards just as well as they can be seen in proper perspective. some of the distortions occurring may ultimately prove to be traceable to this cause because in the out-of-body state an individual may perceive the holographic energy patterns given off by people or things interacting in time-space reality in a somewhat distorted form.
  3. Belief System Considerations. In 1967, Alexandra David-Neel and Llama Yongden wrote a book entitled Secret Oral Teachings in Tibetan Buddhist Sects, from which the following quote is taken:
    信仰体系考虑。 1967 年,亚历山德拉·大卫-尼尔(Alexandra David-Neel)和拉玛·永登(Llama Yongden)合著了一本名为《藏传佛教教派中的秘密口传教义》的书,以下引述即出自该书:
"The tangible world is movement, say the Masters, not a collection of moving objects, but movement itself. There are no objects "in movement," it is the movement which constitutes the objects which appear to us: They are nothing but movement.
This movement is a continued and infinitely rapid succession of flashes of energy(in Tibetan "tsal" or "shoug"). All objects perceptible to our senses, all phenomena of whatever kind and whatever aspect they may assume, are constituted by a rapid succession of instantaneous events."
The classic description of the universal hologram is to be found in a Hindu sutra which says:
"In the heaven of Indra there is said to be a network of pearls so arranged that if you look at one you see all the others reflected in it."
I have cited this quotation because it shows that the concept of the universe which at least some physicists are now coming to accept is identical in its essential aspects with the one known to the learned elite in selected civilizations and cultures of high attainment in the ancient world. The concept of the cosmic egg, for example, is well known to scholars familiar with the ancient writings of the eastern religions. Nor are the theories presented in this paper at variance with the essential tenets of the Judeo-Christian stream of thought. The concept of visible reality(i.e. the "created" world) as being an emanation of an omnipotent and omniscient divinity who is completely unknowable in his primary state of being. The Absolute at rest in infinity is a concept straight out of Hebrew mystical philosophy. Even the Christian concept of the Trinity shines through the description of the Absolute as presented in this paper. The description of energy totally at rest, in infinity fits the Christian metaphysical concept of the Father while the infinite self-consciousness resident in that energy providing the motive force of will to bring a portion of that energy into motion to create reality corresponds with the Son. This is so because in order to attain
我引用这段引文是因为它显示,至少一些物理学家现在开始接受的宇宙概念,在其基本方面与古代世界中某些文明和文化的学者所熟知的概念是相同的。例如,宇宙蛋的概念对熟悉东方宗教古代著作的学者来说是众所周知的。本文提出的理论也不与犹太基督教思想的基本原则相悖。可见现实的概念(即“创造”的世界)作为全能和全知的神圣的表现,他在原初存在状态下是完全无法被认识的。在无限中静止的绝对概念直接源自希伯来神秘哲学。即使基督教的三位一体概念也透过本文中对绝对的描述而闪耀出来。 能量完全静止的描述,在无限中符合基督教的形而上概念,而驻留在能量中的无限自我意识提供了意志的动力,将能量的一部分带入运动以创造现实,这与圣子相对应。这是因为为了实现目标
self-consciousness, the consciousness of the Absolute must project a hologram of itself and then perceive it. That hologram is a mirror image of the Absolute in infinity, still exists outside time and space, but is one step removed from the Absolute and is the actual agent of all creation(all reality). And, the eternal thought or concept of self which results from this self-consciousness serves the
  1. Motivational Aspect. It is a step by step procedure which involves repetitive practice of the techniques concerned, using each new insight as a means of penetrating farther during the next practice session. But the rate of progress is so much faster with the Gateway approach than it is with transcendental meditation or other forms of mental self-discipline and its horizons seem to be so much wider that the discipline needed to practice it would seem to be within the means of even the impatient, result oriented, skeptical pragmatist of our society. Unlike yoga and other forms of eastern mental discipline, Gateway does not require the infinite patience and total personal subservience to and faith in a system of discipline designed to absorb all the individual's energies over most of a lifetime. Rather, it will begin to produce at least minimal results within a relatively short time such that enough feedback is available to motivate and energize the individual to continue working with it. Indeed, the speed with which an individual may expect to progress seems less a function of the number of hours spent practicing than it is a question of the speed with which he or she is able to use the insights gained to release anxieties and stresses within both the mind and the body. These points of energy blockage seem to provide the principal barriers to achieving the enhanced energy states and focus of mind needed for rapid progression. The more compulsive, the more "uptight" the individual may be at the outset the more barriers he or she will initially encounter to achieving a deep or immediate experience, but as the insights begin to come and the blockages begin to dissolve, the way ahead becomes increasingly clear and the value of Gateway moves from the status of a matter of intellectual assessment to one of personal experience.
    激励方面。这是一个逐步进行的程序,涉及对相关技术的重复练习,利用每一个新的洞察作为在下一个练习中进一步深入的手段。但是,与超越冥想或其他形式的心理自律相比,通过 Gateway 方法的进展速度要快得多,其视野似乎更加广阔,以至于练习所需的纪律似乎在我们社会中即使是急躁、结果导向、怀疑主义的实用主义者也能够承担。与瑜伽和其他形式的东方心理训练不同,Gateway 不需要无限的耐心和对一个旨在吸收个体所有精力的纪律体系的完全个人顺从和信仰,这需要终身大部分时间。相反,它将在相对较短的时间内开始产生至少最低限度的结果,以至于有足够的反馈可用于激励和激发个体继续与之合作。 事实上,一个人可以期望取得进步的速度似乎更少取决于练习的时间,而更多取决于他或她能够利用所获得的见解来释放心灵和身体中的焦虑和压力的速度。这些能量阻塞点似乎是实现增强能量状态和需要快速进步的专注力的主要障碍。一个人在一开始可能会更加强迫,更加“紧张”,他或她最初会遇到更多障碍来实现深刻或即时体验,但随着见解的涌现和阻碍的消解,前方的道路变得越来越清晰,Gateway 的价值也从知识评估的状态转变为个人经验的状态。
  2. Conclusion. There is a sound, rational basis in terms of physical science parameters for considering Gateway to be plausible in terms of its essential objectives. Intuitional insights of not only personal but of a practical and professional nature would seem to be within bounds of reasonable expectations. However, a phased approach for entering the Gateway Experience in an accelerated mode would seem to be required if the time needed to reach advanced states of altered consciousness is to be brought within more manageable limits from the standpoint of establishing an organization-wide exploitation of Gateway's potential. The most promising approach suggested in the foregoing study involves the following steps:
A. Begin by using the Gateway Hemi-Sync tapes to achieve enhanced brain focus and to induce hemisphere synchronization.
首先使用网关 Hemi-Sync 磁带来增强大脑注意力和诱导半球同步。
B. Then add strong REM sleep frequencies to induce left brain quiescence and deep physical relaxation.
C. Provide hypnotic suggestion designed to enable an individual to induce deep autohypnotic state at will.
C. 提供催眠建议,旨在使个人能够自主地进入深度自催眠状态。
D. Use autohypnotic suggestion to attain much enhanced focus of concentration and motivation in rapidly progressing through Focus 12 exercises.
使用自我催眠建议,以获得更加集中和积极的动力,在快速进行焦点 12 练习中取得更大进展。
E. Then repeat steps and following use of the autohypnotic suggestion that an out-of-body movement will occur and be remembered.
E. 然后在使用自动催眠建议后,重复步骤 ,建议会发生并被记住。
F. Repeat step E to achieve facility in gaining out-of-body state under conscious control. Alter hypnotic suggestion to stress ability to consciously control out-of-body movement and maintain it even after REM sleep state ends.
重复步骤 E,以便在有意识的控制下获得离体状态的能力。修改催眠建议,强调有意识地控制离体运动的能力,并在快速眼动睡眠状态结束后仍能保持这种能力。
G. Approach Focus 15 and 21 objectives(escape from time-space and interact
G. 接近焦点 15 和 21 目标(逃离时空并互动)。

within new dimensions) from the out-of-body perspective.
H. Use multi-focus approach to solve problem of distortion in terrestrial information gathering trips. This approach involves the use of three individuals in the out-of-body state, one viewing the target object here, in time-space, one viewing it at Focus 15 as it slips into the immediate past, and one viewing it at Focus 21 as it slips from the immediate future. Debrief all three and compare data gathered from the three points of view. If care is taken to insure that the three all go out-of-body together, in the same environment, their consciousness energy systems should resonate in sympathetic oscillation. They can tune in to the same target on different planes(dimensions) with greater effectiveness.
H. 使用多重关注方法解决陆地信息收集任务中的失真问题。这种方法涉及在超出身体状态下使用三个个体,一个在此处的时间空间中查看目标物体,一个在焦点 15 处查看它,当它滑入即时过去时,一个在焦点 21 处查看它,当它从即时未来中滑出时。对三者进行总结,并比较从三个视角收集的数据。如果确保三者一起超出身体,在相同的环境中,他们的意识能量系统应该会共振产生共鸣。他们可以更有效地在不同平面(维度)上调谐到相同的目标。
I. Encourage pursuit of full self knowledge by all individuals involved in the foregoing experiments to enhance objectivity in out-of-body observation and thinking, and to remove personal energy blockages likely to retard rapid progress.
J. Be intellectually prepared to react to possible encounters with intelligent, non-corporal energy forms when time-space boundaries are exceeded.
J. 当时间空间界限被超越时,要做好思想准备,以应对可能遇到的智能非实体能量形式。
K. Arrange to have groups of people in Focus 12 state unite their altered consciousness to build holographic patterns around sensitive areas to.repulse possible unwanted out-of-body presences.
K. 安排焦点 12 州的人群团结改变意识,围绕敏感区域建立全息图案,以排斥可能存在的不受欢迎的超出体验。
L. Encourage more advanced Gateway participants to build holographic patterns of successful attainment and rapid progress for advanced colleagues to assist them in progressing through the Gateway system.
If these experiments are carried through, it is to be hoped that we will truly find a gateway to Gateway and to the realm of practical application for the whole system of techniques which comprise it.


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