Planning and Goal Setting
- Goal: A desired future condition the organization strives to achieve.
- 目标:组织努力实现的期望的未来条件。
- Plan: A blueprint that outlines the steps and resources needed to achieve the goal.
- 计划:概述实现目标所需的步骤和资源的蓝图。
- Planning: The process of defining goals and identifying how to achieve them.
- 规划:定义目标并确定如何实现目标的过程。
Three Levels of Planning
1. Strategic Goals: Long-term, broad objectives that define where the organization wants to be in the future.
1. 战略目标:长期、广泛的目标,定义组织未来的目标。
- Strategic Plans: Steps to achieve these long-term goals, focusing on resource allocation.
- 战略计划:实现这些长期目标的步骤,重点是资源分配。
2. Tactical Goals: The results expected from major departments or divisions.
2. 战术目标:主要部门或部门的预期结果。
- Tactical Plans: Short-term actions that implement the strategic plans.
- 战术计划:实施战略计划的短期行动。
3. Operational Goals: Specific, measurable results expected from individuals or small groups.
3. 运营目标:个人或小组期望的具体的、可衡量的结果。
- Operational Plans: Detailed, daily or weekly plans to achieve operational goals.
- 运营计划:实现运营目标的详细每日或每周计划。
Characterized of effective goals
Specific and Measurable: Goals should be clear, precise, and measurable, so progress can be tracked.
Defined Time Period: Goals should have a set deadline or time frame for achievement.
Challenging but Realistic: Goals should stretch the organization or team’s abilities but still be achievable.
Linked to Rewards: Achieving goals should be tied to some form of reward, recognition, or further opportunity.
Benefits of Planning
- Motivation and direction: Planning gives employees a clear path and reduces uncertainty.
- 动机和方向:规划为员工提供清晰的路径并减少不确定性。
- Resource allocation: Helps determine where resources are most needed.
- 资源分配:帮助确定最需要资源的地方。
- Action guide: Focuses efforts on specific outcomes.
- 行动指南:重点关注具体成果。
- Performance standard: Allows managers to measure progress and performance.
- 绩效标准:允许管理者衡量进度和绩效。
- Anticipating problems: Encourages creating contingency plans for unforeseen issues.
- 预测问题:鼓励为不可预见的问题制定应急计划。
Limitations of Planning
- Pressure: Unrealistic goals can lead to unethical behavior
- 压力:不切实际的目标可能导致不道德的行为.
- False certainty: Overconfidence in predictions about the future.
- 错误的确定性:对未来的预测过度自信。
- Rigidity: Plans may become outdated in a rapidly changing environment.
- 僵化:在快速变化的环境中,计划可能会变得过时。
- Reduced creativity: Employees may stick to safe, routine actions instead of innovative solutions.
- 创造力下降:员工可能会坚持安全的常规行动,而不是创新的解决方案。
Strategy Formulation and Execution
Importance of Strategy
- Strategic management determines which organizations succeed. Mistakes in strategy can harm a company.
- 战略管理决定组织的成功。战略错误可能会损害公司。
What is Strategic Management?
- It is the process of making decisions and taking actions to align an organization’s strengths with its environment to achieve goals.
- 它是制定决策并采取行动,使组织的优势与其环境相一致以实现目标的过程。
Purpose of Strategy
- *Explicit Strategy*: A clear plan of action detailing how to allocate resources and achieve competitive advantage.
- *明确的战略*:明确的行动计划,详细说明如何分配资源和实现竞争优势。
- *Competitive Advantage*: The unique factors that set an organization apart from competitors and make it successful (e.g., access to unique resources, strong brand, or proprietary technology).
- *竞争优势*:使组织区别于竞争对手并使其成功的独特因素(例如,获得独特的资源、强大的品牌或专有技术)。
Three Levels of Strategy
1. *Corporate-level strategy*: Focuses on the organization as a whole, such as acquisitions or new ventures.
1. *公司级战略*:关注整个组织,例如收购或新企业。
2. *Business-level strategy*: Applies to individual business units or product lines, such as product changes or advertising.
2. *业务层面的策略*:适用于各个业务部门或产品线,例如产品变更或广告。
3. *Functional-level strategy*: Focuses on key departments (e.g., improving purchasing efficiency or managing supplier relations).
3. *职能级战略*:重点关注关键部门(例如,提高采购效率或管理供应商关系)。
SWOT Analysis
- A tool for assessing internal strengths and weaknesses, and external opportunities and threats. It helps in formulating strategies based on the organization’s unique situation.
- 评估内部优势和劣势以及外部机会和威胁的工具。它有助于根据组织的独特情况制定策略。
Corporate-level Strategy: Diversification
- *Related Diversification*: Expanding into businesses related to current operations.
- *相关多元化*:扩展到与当前运营相关的业务。
- *Unrelated Diversification*: Moving into new areas unrelated to existing business.
- *不相关的多元化*:进入与现有业务无关的新领域。
- *Vertical Integration*: Expanding into businesses that supply or distribute the company’s products.
- *垂直整合*:扩展到供应或分销公司产品的业务。
Porter’s Competitive Strategies
1. *Differentiation*: Offering unique products or services.
1. *差异化*:提供独特的产品或服务。
2. *Cost Leadership*: Becoming the lowest-cost producer in the industry.
2. *成本领先*:成为行业中成本最低的生产商。
3. *Focus*: Concentrating on a specific market segment or region.
3. *专注*:专注于特定的细分市场或地区。
Strategy Execution
- The most challenging part of the strategic process, involving translating strategy into action.
- 战略过程中最具挑战性的部分,涉及将战略转化为行动。
- *Embeddedness*: Ensuring everyone in the organization understands and supports the strategy.
- *嵌入性*:确保组织中的每个人都理解并支持该战略。
Tools for Strategy Execution
- *Visible leadership*: Inspiring and motivating employees.
- *可见的领导力*:激励和激励员工。
- *Clear roles and accountability*: Defining who is responsible for achieving specific goals.
- *明确的角色和责任*:定义谁负责实现特定目标。
- *Candid communication*: Open dialogue with stakeholders.
- *坦诚沟通*:与利益相关者进行公开对话。
- *HR alignment*: Ensuring HR practices support the strategic goals.
- *人力资源协调*:确保人力资源实践支持战略目标。
Evaluation and Control
- The final step in strategic planning, which involves assessing progress and making adjustments
- 战略规划的最后一步,包括评估进展和做出调整.
- *Feedforward control*: Prevents problems before they occur.
- *前馈控制*:预防问题发生。
- *Concurrent control*: Monitors ongoing activities.
- *并发控制*:监控正在进行的活动。
- *Feedback control*: Compares outcomes with the original goals.
- *反馈控制*:将结果与原始目标进行比较。