This Intern and Trainee USA Participant Agreement (the “Agreement”) is entered into by InterExchange, Inc. (“InterExchange”), a not for profit 501(c)(3) corporation with its principal place of business located at 100 Wall Street, Suite 301, New York, NY 10005 with a telephone number of (212) 924-0446 and email address of (“Contact Info”) and the applicant (“Applicant,” “Participant,” “me,” or “I”). The Effect Date of this Agreement shall be the date I submit my Application.本實習生和實習生美國參與者協議(「協議」)由InterExchange, Inc.(「InterExchange」)簽訂,該公司是一家非營利性501(c)(3) 公司,其主要營業地點位於100 Wall Street ,Suite 301, New York, NY 10005,電話號碼為(212) 924-0446,電子郵件地址為「聯絡資訊」)和申請人(「申請人」、「參與者」、 「我、 」或「我」)。本協議的生效日期為我提交申請的日期。
InterExchange is a designated sponsor of the J-1 Intern and Trainee Exchange Visitor Program (22 C.F.R. Part 62) administered by the United States Department of State’s Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs (the “Program”). The purpose of the Program is to increase mutual understanding between the people of the United States and the people of other countries by means of educational and cultural exchanges and to provide foreign college and university students and young foreign working professionals aged 18 and older with structured and guided work-based training and internships as an intern or trainee at a U.S. business (“Host Employer” or “Host”). The Program provides Participants with opportunities to interact with U.S. citizens, experience U.S. culture while sharing their own cultures with Americans they meet, and travel in the United States. InterExchange and I agree to the following terms and conditions:InterExchange 是美國國務院教育和文化事務局管理的 J-1 實習生和實習生交流訪客計畫(22 C.F.R. 第 62 部分)(「計畫」)的指定贊助商。該計劃的目的是透過教育和文化交流增進美國人民與其他國家人民之間的相互了解,並為外國大學生和年滿 18 歲的年輕外國職業人士提供結構化和作為美國企業的實習生或實習生(「東道主雇主」或「東道主」)指導基於工作的培訓和實習。該計劃為參與者提供與美國公民互動、體驗美國文化、與他們遇到的美國人分享自己文化以及在美國旅行的機會。 InterExchange 和我同意以下條款和條件:
Participant Eligibility. I certify that I am not a U.S. citizen and that I am at least 18 years of age or older. I certify that I have read and understood all application materials sent to me by InterExchange, including, without limitation, this Agreement, the InterExchange Requirements and U.S. Department of State Regulations. I certify that I am a foreign national and my intention is to participate in the cultural aspects of the Program. I understand that to participate as an intern, I must be a full-time student at or recent graduate from a foreign post-secondary academic institution and want the opportunity to receive training in the United States in my field of academic study. I understand that to participate as a trainee, I must be a graduate from a foreign post-secondary academic institution and have at least 1 year of experience in my occupational field or at least 5 years of related experience if I am not a graduate and want the opportunity to receive training in the United States in my occupational field, which I am currently pursuing outside the U.S.參與者資格。我證明我不是美國公民,我已年滿 18 歲。我證明我已閱讀並瞭解 InterExchange 發送給我的所有申請資料,包括但不限於本協議、InterExchange 要求和美國國務院法規。我證明我是外國人,我的目的是參與該計劃的文化方面。我了解,要以實習生身分參加,我必須是外國專上學術機構的全職學生或剛畢業的學生,並且希望有機會在美國接受我的學術研究領域的培訓。我了解,要作為實習生參加,我必須是外國高等教育機構的畢業生,並且在我的職業領域擁有至少1 年的經驗,或者如果我不是畢業生並且想要的話,則至少擁有5 年的相關經驗有機會在美國接受我的職業領域的培訓,我目前正在美國境外尋求培訓
English. I attest that my English language skills are sufficient to communicate with an employer on a day-to-day basis and during emergencies. Insufficient language skills may be a reason for my visa denial or ineligibility for the Program. All Program documents and communications will be in English.英語。我證明我的英語語言技能足以在日常和緊急情況下與雇主溝通。語言能力不足可能是我的簽證被拒絕或沒有資格參加該計劃的原因。所有計劃文件和通訊均採用英文。
Application. I attest that my application will be accurate and agree to amend any disclosures if new information becomes available at any point during the application process or my participation in the Program. During the application process, I agree to participate in an in-person or video-conference interview by an InterExchange representative conducted in English. I also agree to participate in an in-person, video-conference or telephonic interview by my Host Employer. I understand that my Host Employer may require additional employment screening, such as background checks and drug testing, and I agree to such screening.應用。我證明我的申請將是準確的,並同意如果在申請過程或我參與該計劃期間的任何時候出現新信息,我會修改任何披露。在申請過程中,我同意參加由 InterExchange 代表以英語進行的現場面試或視訊會議面試。我還同意參加東道雇主的現場、視訊會議或電話面試。我了解我的東道雇主可能需要額外的就業篩選,例如背景調查和藥物測試,我同意此類篩選。
Third Party Application Assistance. The assistance of third parties such as attorneys or International Cooperators is not necessary for me to apply to the Program and does not guarantee my acceptance to the Program. InterExchange is not liable for and will not cover any fees or costs incurred by me in connection with the Program or my application to the Program. If I wish to have my Application submitted by a third party or information about my Application or Program status disclosed by InterExchange to a third party, I must provide InterExchange with written permission to perform such disclosures.第三方申請協助。我不需要律師或國際合作夥伴等第三方的協助來申請該計劃,並且不保證我會接受該計劃。 InterExchange 不承擔也不承擔我因本計劃或本計劃申請而產生的任何費用或成本。如果我希望由第三方提交我的申請或 InterExchange 向第三方披露有關我的申請或計劃狀態的信息,我必須向 InterExchange 提供執行此類披露的書面許可。
Program Fees. I understand and agree to the fees and Program inclusions in the applicable InterExchange Career Training USA Fee Schedule as published on the InterExchange website or which I received from the International Cooperator who assisted me with my Application. I confirm with InterExchange that I am filing my complete Application with the correct payment of fees based on the most up to date Career Training USA Fee Schedule or International Cooperator Fee Schedule to avoid any delays due to a lack of full payment. I also attest that I have signed and uploaded the Fee Disclosure document provided by InterExchange or the International Cooperator.計劃費用。我瞭解並同意 InterExchange 網站上發布的適用的 InterExchange 職業培訓美國費用表中的費用和計劃內容: /解釋費或我從協助我申請的國際合作夥伴收到的費用。我向 InterExchange 確認,我將根據最新的美國職業培訓費用表或國際合作夥伴費用表提交完整的申請並正確支付費用,以避免因未全額付款而造成任何延誤。我還證明我已簽署並上傳 InterExchange 或國際合作夥伴提供的費用揭露文件。
I understand that some fees are non-refundable.我了解有些費用是不可退還的。
Financial Considerations. Upon arrival in the U.S., I will have at least enough money to cover my expenses until I receive my first paycheck or cover all of my expenses if my program is unpaid. I understand that my wages, if any, might only defray some of the Program Fees and living expenses and that I may need additional funds to cover my additional living and personal expenses. I understand that previously arranged internship or training employment may no longer be available due to factors outside of the control of InterExchange including, but not limited to, weather conditions, embassy delays, Host downsizing or withdrawal from the Program, or travel delays. In such a case, InterExchange will not be responsible for any expenses incurred by me as a result. Additional information regarding the cost of living and other travel and personal expenses that may be incurred during the Program can be found at:財務考慮。抵達美國後,我將至少有足夠的錢來支付我的費用,直到我收到第一份薪水,或者如果我的計劃未付款,我將支付我的所有費用。我了解我的工資(如果有)可能僅支付部分計劃費用和生活費用,並且我可能需要額外的資金來支付我的額外生活和個人費用。我了解,由於 InterExchange 無法控制的因素,包括但不限於天氣狀況、使館延誤、主辦單位裁員或退出計劃、或旅行延誤,先前安排的實習或培訓工作可能不再可用。在這種情況下,InterExchange 將不承擔我因此產生的任何費用。有關計劃期間可能產生的生活費用以及其他旅行和個人費用的更多信息,請訪問: /美國生活成本預算指南職業訓練/
Travel Arrangements and Expenses. I understand that I am responsible for any and all travel expenses and arrangements to and from the U.S. and any supplemental transportation within the U.S. The cost of my flight to and from the U.S. is estimated to be between $500.00 and $2,000.00 USD. InterExchange will not arrange or provide any transportation for me or compensate me for any travel or transportation expenses. If I miss any flights or transportation, InterExchange is not responsible for any monies lost nor will InterExchange provide alternative transportation. I understand that acceptance to the Program and visa issuance are not guaranteed and that InterExchange is not responsible for the expense of arranging, changing, or canceling transportation due to a rejection of my application, a visa denial or any other unforeseen circumstances that may arise. I will make travel arrangements only if I am approved for the Program and have been granted and have in my possession a J-1 Visa.旅行安排和費用。我了解我負責往返美國的所有旅行費用和安排以及美國境內的任何補充交通。 InterExchange 不會為我安排或提供任何交通,也不會補償我的任何旅行或交通費用。如果我錯過任何航班或交通,InterExchange 不對任何金錢損失負責,InterExchange 也不會提供替代交通。我了解,不能保證接受該計劃和簽發簽證,並且 InterExchange 不負責因我的申請被拒絕、簽證被拒絕或可能出現的任何其他不可預見情況而導致的安排、更改或取消交通的費用。只有當我獲得該計劃的批准並已獲得併擁有 J-1 簽證時,我才會安排旅行。
Acceptance and Ongoing Participation. InterExchange will determine, in its sole discretion, my eligibility to participate in the Program based on my application, interviews and ongoing adherence to the Program Rules and Regulations. After my acceptance to the Program, InterExchange, in its sole discretion, can determine that I am no longer eligible to participate in the Program. InterExchange will terminate my participation in the Program if it is determined that information in my application is false. InterExchange reserves the right to keep confidential the reasons for acceptance to or rejection from the Program and for terminating participation in the Program. InterExchange does not guarantee me employment, my compatibility with the Program or Host, or my satisfaction with the Program.接受和持續參與。 InterExchange 將根據我的申請、面試以及對計劃規則和條例的持續遵守情況,自行決定我參加該計劃的資格。在我接受該計劃後,InterExchange 可自行決定我不再有資格參與該計劃。如果確定我的申請中的資訊不實,InterExchange 將終止我參與該計劃。 InterExchange 保留對接受或拒絕本計劃以及終止參與本計劃的原因保密的權利。 InterExchange 不保證我的就業、我與本計劃或主機的兼容性或我對本計劃的滿意度。
Eligible Employment. Both interns and trainees must receive hands-on experience in their specific fields of study/expertise and may not merely participate in work programs. The training and internship programs must not be used as substitutes for ordinary employment or work purposes, nor may they be used under any circumstances to displace American workers. For trainees, employment must provide bona fide training for the Participant, which is permitted, as opposed to merely providing additional work experience, which is not permitted. For interns, employment must provide a period of work-based learning in the intern's academic field, which is permitted, as opposed to unskilled labor, which is not permitted. In addition, eligible employment must allow opportunities to work alongside U.S. citizens and interact regularly with U.S. citizens to experience U.S. culture during the workday. All Participants must intern or train at the Host’s Site of Activity as indicated in the application and must receive on-site supervision by employees of the Host for the entire duration of the Program.合格就業。實習生和受訓人員都必須在其特定的研究/專業領域中獲得實務經驗,而不僅僅是參加工作計劃。培訓和實習計劃不得用作普通就業或工作目的的替代品,也不得在任何情況下用來取代美國工人。對於受訓者,就業必須為參與者提供真正的培訓(這是允許的),而不是僅僅提供額外的工作經驗(這是不允許的)。對於實習生來說,就業必須提供一段時間在實習生學術領域進行基於工作的學習(這是允許的),而不是非熟練勞動(這是不允許的)。此外,符合資格的就業必須提供與美國公民一起工作的機會,並定期與美國公民互動,以在工作日體驗美國文化。所有參與者必須在申請中註明的主辦方活動地點實習或培訓,並且必須在整個計劃期間接受主辦方員工的現場監督。
Ineligible Jobs. I understand that I may not be placed in employment positions: that could bring notoriety or disrepute to the Exchange Visitor Program; that include more than 20% of basic and/or clerical duties; related to clinical care that involves patient contact, care, therapy, social work, counseling, or medical treatment for either humans or animals; requiring work hours that fall predominantly between 10:00 p.m. and 6:00 a.m.; at home-based businesses; in warehouses or factories; that are commission-based; for which there is another specific J category (e.g., camp counselor, summer work travel, research scholar); in independent outside sales or canvassing; at arcades; at bridal companies; at kiosks or cart stands at malls; at convenience/grocery stores or superettes/mini-markets; in customer service/phone operator positions, including help desk support; fast food/quick service restaurants; bakeries; at fitness studios/gyms/pools/dance studios/personal training studios; in athletic coaching; at schools and other instructional facilities; or at spas/salons/dog grooming companies. This list is not all-encompassing and additional ineligible jobs may be added at any time by InterExchange. I am also not permitted to work for employment or staffing agencies unless I am an employee of the agency, am paid by the agency, and the Site of Activity is an official office of the agency with on-site supervision and management.不合格的工作。我了解我可能不會被安排擔任以下工作職位: 這可能會為交流訪客計畫帶來惡名或聲譽;包括超過 20% 的基本和/或文書職責;與涉及病人接觸、照護、治療、社會工作、諮商或人類或動物醫療的臨床照護相關;要求工作時間主要集中在晚上 10:00 之間。上午 6:00;在家工作的企業;在倉庫或工廠;以佣金為基礎的;其中還有另一個特定的 J 類別(例如,營地輔導員、暑期工作旅行、研究學者);進行獨立的外部銷售或拉票;在遊樂場;在婚紗公司;在商場的售貨亭或購物車攤位;在便利商店/雜貨店或超市/小型市場;客戶服務/電話接線員職位,包括服務台支援;快餐店/快餐店;麵包店;在健身室/體育館/游泳池/舞蹈室/私人訓練室;體育教練;在學校和其他教學設施;或在水療中心/沙龍/狗狗美容公司。此列表並非包羅萬象,InterExchange 可能隨時新增其他不符合資格的職位。我也不得為就業或人事代理機構工作,除非我是該機構的僱員,由該機構支付工資,並且活動地點是該機構的官方辦公室,並進行現場監督和管理。
Change of Host Employer. All Hosts must be vetted and approved by InterExchange. If I wish to change employment during the Program, I must first contact InterExchange to request a Host Employer evaluation and approval for the new Host. I understand that I cannot begin interning or training for a new Host until InterExchange has reviewed and approved my DS-7002 Training/Internship Placement Plan and fully vetted and approved the Host, including review of the Host’s application. Although I am permitted to leave the employment of a Host at any time, I understand that approval of and transition to a new Host Employer is not guaranteed and may not be immediate but must be fully completed within 30 days of my last day of employment with my prior Host. I agree to provide two weeks’ notice to a Host prior to terminating my employment unless the termination is for cause such as exposure to exploitative or unreasonable circumstances. InterExchange will terminate my participation in the Program if I enter into an employment agreement with a third party that has not been expressly approved by InterExchange or if I fail to provide two weeks’ notice, unless otherwise excused. InterExchange is not responsible for any expenses I incur or lost wages as a result of a change in Host or delay in transition. I agree to pay InterExchange the Change of Host Fee as stated in the Career Training USA Fee Schedule each time I request a change of host while participating in the Program. In addition, I understand that I must complete a Change of Host Application.更換東道主雇主。所有主機都必須經過 InterExchange 的審查和批准。如果我希望在計劃期間更換工作,我必須先聯繫 InterExchange,請求東道主雇主對新東道主進行評估和批准。我了解,在 InterExchange 審核並批准我的 DS-7002 培訓/實習安排計劃並全面審查和批准主持人(包括審核主持人的申請)之前,我無法開始為新主持人實習或培訓。儘管我可以隨時離開東道主雇主,但我了解,並不能保證批准並過渡到新的東道主雇主,並且可能不會立即完成,但必須在我受僱最後一天后 30 天內完全完成我以前的主人。我同意在終止僱傭關係之前提前兩週向雇主發出通知,除非終止僱傭關係是因為遭受剝削或不合理情況等原因。如果我與未經 InterExchange 明確批准的第三方簽訂僱傭協議,或者如果我未能提前兩週發出通知,InterExchange 將終止我參與本計劃,除非另有藉口。 InterExchange 對我因更換主機或延遲過渡而產生的任何費用或工資損失概不負責。我同意每次在參加該計劃期間請求更換主持人時,都按照美國職業培訓費用表中的規定向 InterExchange 支付更換主持人費用。此外,我了解我必須完成主機變更申請。
Program Duration. The maximum duration for employment under the Program is 12 months for interns and hospitality/tourism trainees. All other trainee programs may last up to 18 months. Internships and training programs may only occur within the program begin and program end dates listed on the Participant’s DS-2019 Form (the “Program Term”). Extensions of the Program may be permitted for Participants who did not originally apply for the maximum Program duration, but an extension may only be granted up to the maximum Program duration (i.e., an intern who is on a 6-month Program may extend an additional 6 months up to the maximum 12 months permitted to interns). If I would like an extension, I understand that I must apply for an extension 30-60 days prior to my original Program end date. Extension fees apply. Once the Program end date or extension end date has passed, I may remain in the U.S. for up to 30 days for my Travel/Grace Period, but I may not intern or train during this Travel/Grace Period. It is solely for me to travel throughout the U.S., experience U.S. culture, and prepare to return home.計劃持續時間。實習生和酒店/旅遊實習生在該計劃下的最長就業期限為 12 個月。所有其他培訓生計畫可能持續長達 18 個月。實習和培訓計劃只能在參與者 DS-2019 表格(「計劃期限」)上列出的計劃開始和計劃結束日期內進行。對於最初沒有申請最長計劃期限的參與者,可以允許計劃延期,但延期只能授予最長計劃期限(即,參加 6 個月計劃的實習生可以額外延長計劃期限)實習生允許的6 個月至最多12 個月)。如果我想要延期,我了解我必須在原計劃結束日期前 30-60 天申請延期。需支付延期費用。計劃結束日期或延期結束日期過後,我可以在旅行/寬限期內在美國停留最多 30 天,但在此旅行/寬限期內我不得實習或培訓。完全是我一個人走遍美國,體驗美國文化,然後準備回國。
Federal, State and Local Laws. I received, reviewed and agree to comply with the U.S. Department of State regulations in 22 CFR Part 62.1-17 and 22 CFR Part 62.22 (“the Regulations”), which may be amended from time to time and are located at I will immediately comply with any changes to the Regulations. I will comply with all federal, state and local laws, including federal alcohol and drug laws, and will not engage in any illegal activities. InterExchange may terminate my participation in the Program if I am convicted of a crime or if InterExchange believes I have engaged in any activities which violate the program Rules and Regulations.聯邦、州和地方法律。我收到、審查並同意遵守 22 CFR 第 62.1-17 部分和 22 CFR 第 62.22 部分中的美國國務院法規(「法規」),這些法規可能會不時修訂,位於 http://。我將立即遵守條例的任何變更。我將遵守所有聯邦、州和地方法律,包括聯邦酒精和毒品法,並且不會從事任何非法活動。如果我被判有罪或 InterExchange 認為我參與了任何違反計劃規則和條例的活動,InterExchange 可能會終止我參與該計劃。
Rules. I will abide by all Program Rules as established by InterExchange which are contained in this Agreement or other Program documents. I will cooperate fully with InterExchange and abide by any reasonable instructions. I have visited the Resource Center available on the InterExchange website at and read the Program documents located therein that further clarify the Program Rules and Regulations. Amended versions of the documents will be located in the Resource Center. If there is a conflict between this Agreement and other Program documents, this Agreement shall be controlling.規則。我將遵守本協議或其他計劃文件中包含的 InterExchange 制定的所有計劃規則。我將與 InterExchange 充分合作並遵守任何合理的指示。我造訪了 InterExchange 網站上的資源中心 並閱讀了其中進一步闡明的計劃文件計劃規則和條例。文件的修訂版本將位於資源中心。若本協議與其他計畫文件之間存在衝突,則以本協議為準。
Valid Passport. The U.S. requires passports to be valid for 6 months beyond the intended period of stay with an exemption of some countries where passports must be valid at least through the intended stay period. I understand that I am responsible for obtaining a valid passport as required under U.S. law, which may require I renew my passport during the program. I understand that the validity of my passport is solely my responsibility and that InterExchange is not responsible for any costs, expenses or lost wages I incur as a result of my passport invalidity or expiration. I am solely responsible for safeguarding my passport and agree not to surrender it to any unauthorized person or entity. If I am in doubt about whether an organization should possess my passport, it is my duty to investigate. If I lose my passport, I am responsible for replacing it at my own expense.有效護照。美國要求護照的有效期超過預定停留期限 6 個月,但某些國家/地區除外,護照必須至少在預定停留期限內有效。我了解,我有責任根據美國法律的要求取得有效護照,這可能會要求我在專案期間更新護照。我了解護照的有效性完全由我負責,InterExchange 不對我因護照失效或過期而產生的任何費用、開支或工資損失負責。我全權負責保護我的護照,並同意不交給任何未經授權的個人或實體。如果我對某個組織是否應該持有我的護照有疑問,我有責任進行調查。如果我遺失了護照,我有責任自費補辦。
Visa Requirements. I must complete and comply with all J-1 Visa requirements in accordance with instructions provided by InterExchange and the U.S. government. The decision to grant a J-1 Visa is at the sole discretion of the U.S. Embassy or appropriate Consulate in my country of residence and there is no guarantee a J-1 Visa will be granted.簽證要求。我必須按照 InterExchange 和美國政府提供的指示完成並遵守所有 J-1 簽證要求。是否授予 J-1 簽證的決定由我居住國的美國大使館或相應領事館自行決定,並且不保證一定會授予 J-1 簽證。
Change in Visa: I agree not to seek a change to my Visa type or status during the Program.簽證變更:我同意在計劃期間不尋求更改我的簽證類型或狀態。
Exploitative or Unreasonable Circumstances. If InterExchange finds that I am subject to exploitative or other unreasonable circumstances including, but not limited to, use of the Host’s authority to threaten or coerce me, work requirements outside of the training plan, failure to pay the agreed upon wages, withholding payment of wages without my approval, or failure of the Host to follow the Rules and Regulations, InterExchange may, in its sole discretion, immediately withdraw me from the Host's employment.剝削或不合理的情況。如果 InterExchange 發現我受到剝削或其他不合理的情況,包括但不限於利用東道主的權力來威脅或脅迫我、超出培訓計劃的工作要求、未支付約定的工資、扣留工資如果未經我的批准而支付薪資,或主辦單位未能遵守規則和條例,InterExchange 可自行決定立即解除我對主辦方的僱傭關係。
No Additional or Other Employment. I understand that during the Program I am not permitted to participate in any additional employment whether paid or unpaid including, without limitation, internships or full-time or long-term volunteer positions that could be considered internships. Short-term or sporadic volunteering is permitted. In addition, I understand that I can only work for an InterExchange-approved Host Employer for the duration of the Program.沒有額外或其他就業機會。我了解,在該計劃期間,我不得參與任何額外的工作,無論有償或無償,包括但不限於實習或可被視為實習的全職或長期志工職位。允許短期或零星的志願服務。此外,我了解在該計劃期間我只能為 InterExchange 批准的東道雇主工作。
Cultural Exchange. I understand that my Host must provide me with opportunities to work alongside U.S. citizens and allow me time outside of work hours to attend cultural events and interact with U.S. citizens.文化交流。我了解我的東道主必須為我提供與美國公民一起工作的機會,並允許我在工作時間之外有時間參加文化活動並與美國公民互動。
Dependents. I understand that my spouse and unmarried children under the age of 21 for whom I am the legal guardian (“Minor Dependents”) are eligible to join me during the Program if they receive a J-2 Visa. J-2 Visa Dependents must be approved by InterExchange, which is the Sponsor of the Dependent. If a Dependent is a minor under the age of 18 years old, I hereby certify that I have the authority to act as their legal guardian, to sign agreements on their behalf, and otherwise to act on their behalf during his or her stay in the U.S. under the J-2 Visa sponsored by InterExchange. I agree that I am responsible for the compliance by all of my Dependents with the Rules and Regulations of the Program, the terms and conditions of this Agreement, and U.S. federal, state, and local laws. I understand that all Dependents 18 years of age or older must submit an application and sign a separate agreement with InterExchange. I understand that InterExchange shall make the final determination regarding the sponsorship of any Dependents.家屬。我了解,我作為法定監護人的配偶和 21 歲以下未婚子女(「未成年家屬」)如果獲得 J-2 簽證,就有資格在計劃期間加入我。 J-2 簽證家屬必須獲得家屬擔保人 InterExchange 的批准。如果受扶養人是 18 歲以下的未成年人,我特此證明,我有權作為他們的法定監護人,代表他們簽署協議,並在他或她逗留期間代表他們行事。 2 簽證。我同意我有責任讓我的所有家屬遵守本計劃的規則和條例、本協議的條款和條件以及美國聯邦、州和地方法律。我了解所有年滿 18 歲或以上的家屬必須提交申請並與 InterExchange 簽署單獨的協議。我了解 InterExchange 將對任何家屬的擔保做出最終決定。
Non-Compliance. My failure to comply with these Rules and Regulations and any other Program requirement could result in the termination of my participation in the Program, the decision of which is at the sole discretion of InterExchange. My failure to communicate and cooperate with InterExchange staff members could result in termination of Program participation, the decision of which is at the sole discretion of InterExchange.不合規。如果我不遵守這些規則和規定以及任何其他計劃要求,可能會導致我終止參與該計劃,該決定由 InterExchange 自行決定。我未能與 InterExchange 工作人員溝通和合作可能會導致終止參與計劃,該決定由 InterExchange 自行決定。
Interview and Selection. I must interview with potential Hosts by telephone, in-person or by video conference prior to accepting employment. The final decision regarding employment is the sole responsibility of the Host and me. Hosts are not employees of InterExchange and InterExchange does not exercise control over their actions.面試和選拔。在接受聘用之前,我必須透過電話、面對面或視訊會議與潛在的房東進行面試。關於就業的最終決定由東道主和我全權負責。主持人不是 InterExchange 的員工,InterExchange 不會對其行為進行控制。
Employment Offer. At the time of an offer of internship or training employment, the Host must complete the DS-7002 Training/Internship Placement (the “Plan”). The Plan must include the Host name and the Site of Activity, a description of the duties and responsibilities for each phase of training, training duration, number of work hours per week, and the guaranteed wages and other compensation to be paid to me. The Plan is the agreed upon course of training that the Host guarantees to offer for the Program Term. Should the Host wish to make any amendments to the Plan, the Host must first request permission from InterExchange to make changes, and InterExchange and I must agree to any changes before the amended training may be approved and offered.就業機會。在獲得實習或培訓工作邀請時,東道主必須完成 DS-7002 培訓/實習安置(「計劃」)。該計劃必須包括主辦方名稱和活動地點、每個培訓階段的職責和責任說明、培訓持續時間、每週工作時數以及向我支付的保證工資和其他報酬。該計劃是東道主保證在計劃期限內提供的商定培訓課程。如果主辦方希望對計劃進行任何修改,主辦單位必須先要求 InterExchange 的許可才能進行更改,並且 InterExchange 和我必須同意任何更改,然後才能批准和提供修改後的培訓。
Orientation and Training. I agree to complete all modules of the online Career Training USA Orientation provided by InterExchange prior to my arrival in the U.S. or no later than 10 days after my arrival. Failure to complete the orientation within this timeframe will result in termination of my Program. To ensure the best possible experience, I understand that it is highly recommended that the orientation be completed prior to departing for the U.S.定向和培訓。我同意在抵達美國之前或抵達後 10 天內完成 InterExchange 提供的美國線上職業培訓培訓的所有模組。未能在此期限內完成培訓將導致我的計劃終止。為了確保盡可能獲得最佳體驗,我理解強烈建議在出發前往美國之前完成培訓。
Hours. The Host must provide training to the Participant for a minimum of 32 hours per week and no more than 45 hours per week.小時。主辦單位必須為參與者提供每週至少 32 小時且不超過 45 小時的培訓。
Stipend or Wages. The compensation provided to the Participant must meet federal, state, and local laws applicable to the position.津貼或工資。向參與者提供的報酬必須符合適用於該職位的聯邦、州和地方法律。
The Host must pay Training Participants at least the applicable minimum wage, plus overtime, unless 1) compensation is being provided through the Participant's home country employer, government, or other source, 2) the payment arrangement is approved by InterExchange, at our sole discretion, and 3) the total compensation equals or exceeds the applicable minimum wage for the Site of Activity.東道主必須向培訓參與者支付至少適用的最低工資,另加加班費,除非 1) 透過參與者所在國家的雇主、政府或其他來源提供補償,2) 付款安排由 InterExchange 全權決定批准,以及3) 補償總額等於或超過活動場所適用的最低工資。
Internship Programs may be paid or unpaid, but unpaid programs may not exceed 6 months in duration. If the Host wishes to offer an unpaid internship, the Host must ensure that 1) its Internship Program is administered in accordance with any state or local legal requirements (including but not limited to wage payment laws), and 2) the Participant is the primary beneficiary of the internship under standards set by the U.S. Department of Labor. To that end, the Host agrees to:實習計劃可以是有薪或無薪的,但無薪計劃的持續時間不得超過 6 個月。如果東道主希望提供無薪實習,則東道主必須確保 1) 其實習計劃的管理符合任何州或地方法律要求(包括但不限於工資支付法),並且 2) 參與者是主要實習生根據美國勞工部製定的標準實習的受益者。為此,主辦單位同意:
InterExchange will determine, at its sole discretion, whether to sponsor an internship that the Host has proposed as an unpaid program. However, the Host acknowledges that any wage dispute and final determination of the primary beneficiary test will be determined by the Department of Labor, in a court of law or at arbitration.InterExchange 將自行決定是否贊助東道主提議的無薪實習計畫。然而,東道主承認,任何工資爭議和主要受益人測試的最終確定將由勞工部在法庭或仲裁中決定。
As such, it is InterExchange’s recommendation that the Host provide the Participant compensation equal to or in excess of the local minimum wage. More information regarding the Department of Labor’s “primary beneficiary test” can be found here:因此,InterExchange 建議主辦方向參與者提供等於或超過當地最低工資的補償。有關勞工部“主要受益人測試”的更多信息,請訪問:
If an internship Program is paid, the Host must pay the Participant at least the amount the Host is legally required to pay similar employees under federal, state, and local minimum wage laws. InterExchange may also, at its sole discretion, refuse to sponsor any Program if the compensation does not seem adequate for the Program or the duties to be completed by the Participant. Any changes to the Participant's stipend or wage during the Program must first be approved by InterExchange, in which case the Host will update the DS-7002 Training/Internship Placement Plan with the new stipend or wage, and the Host, Participant, and InterExchange must all agree to the new stipend or wage before it is implemented.如果實習計劃是有償的,東道主必須至少向參與者支付聯邦、州和當地最低工資法規定的東道主向類似僱員支付的工資金額。如果補償似乎不足以支持該計劃或參與者需要完成的職責,InterExchange 也可以自行決定拒絕贊助任何計劃。計劃期間參與者津貼或工資的任何變更必須首先得到InterExchange 的批准,在這種情況下,主辦方將使用新的津貼或工資更新DS-7002 培訓/實習安置計劃,並且主辦方、參與者和InterExchange必須在新的津貼或薪資實施之前,所有人都同意。
Changes to Local Minimum Wage Law. Where minimum wage is required to be paid to the Participant, the initial wage for the internship or training program will be at least the local minimum wage in effect at the time of the Participant’s Program Begin Date. If the local minimum wage increases during the Participant’s program, it is the Host’s responsibility to adjust the wage to reflect the change in local law. The Host must notify InterExchange at the time the wage change goes into effect and will also update the DS-7002 Training/Internship Placement Plan with the new wage.當地最低工資法的變更。如果要求向參與者支付最低工資,則實習或培訓計劃的初始工資將至少為參與者計劃開始日期時有效的當地最低工資。如果當地最低工資在參與者計劃期間增加,東道主有責任調整工資以反映當地法律的變化。房東必須在薪資變更生效時通知 InterExchange,並以新薪資更新 DS-7002 培訓/實習安置計劃。
Personal Expenses. InterExchange is not responsible for any personal expenses incurred by me. I am responsible for all non-work-related personal expenses such as baggage check fees for arrival and return flights, personal telephone bills, personal travel expenses, and health expenses.個人支出。 InterExchange 不對我產生的任何個人費用負責。我負責所有與工作無關的個人費用,例如到達和回程航班的行李托運費、個人電話費、個人旅行費用和健康費用。
Housing and Transportation. The Host may choose to provide housing or transportation to and from the work site but is not required to do so. I am not required to accept housing and/or transportation offered by the Host.住房和交通。東道主可以選擇提供住宿或往返工作地點的交通,但不是必須這樣做。我不需要接受房東提供的住宿和/或交通工具。
If housing is provided, the accommodations must be safe, affordable, suitable, and acceptable. To be considered safe, housing must, at a minimum, meet all applicable local laws and regulations, including with respect to ventilation, utilities, and occupancy rates. If transportation is provided, the transportation must be reliable, convenient and affordable. If housing and/or transportation is provided by the Host, the Plan must include the details of such arrangements including the cost of the housing and/or transportation, whether the cost is deducted from the my wages and the market value of the housing and/or transportation, as required by the Fair Labor Standards Act regulations set forth at 29 CFR part 531. If the cost is deducted from the wages, the calculation of cost and the deductions must be detailed in the Plan. In addition, the Host must be able to demonstrate that the total compensation paid meets at least the Minimum Wage.如果提供住房,住宿必須安全、負擔得起、合適且可接受。為了被認為是安全的,住房必須至少符合所有適用的當地法律和法規,包括通風、公用設施和入住率的法律和法規。如果提供交通,交通必須可靠、方便、價格實惠。如果住宿和/或交通由東道主提供,該計劃必須包括此類安排的詳細信息,包括住房和/或交通費用,該費用是否從我的工資以及住房和/或交通的市場價值中扣除或交通費,依照29 CFR 第531 節規定的《公平勞動標準法》規定。此外,東道主必須能夠證明支付的總報酬至少符合最低工資。
InterExchange recommends against the deduction of the cost of housing and transportation from Wages, as complications can arise with regard to taxes, rental fair market value calculations and the Fair Labor Standards Act. In addition, InterExchange recommends that the Host and I enter into a written agreement, separate from the Plan, regarding any housing and transportation arrangements (i.e. a rental property lease agreement).InterExchange 建議不要從薪資中扣除房屋和交通費用,因為稅金、租金公平市價計算和《公平勞動標準法》方面可能會出現複雜情況。此外,InterExchange 建議房東和我就任何住房和交通安排(即出租物業租賃協議)簽訂與計劃分開的書面協議。
Information regarding Fair Market Rents by region can be found at:有關各地區公平市場租金的信息,請訪問:
Vacation. I understand that I should receive time off in line with the Host's ordinary business practices for similar employees.假期。我了解我應該按照東道主對類似員工的正常業務慣例獲得休假。
International Travel in Excess of Thirty Days. I understand that I may not travel outside of the U.S in excess of 30 consecutive days regardless of whether the travel is with or without the Host.超過三十天的國際旅行。我了解,無論是否與房東同行,我在美國境外旅行的時間不得連續超過 30 天。
Taxes. Under federal law, any compensation I receive constitutes "wages" and I am required to file a U.S. individual tax return. I am solely responsible for compliance with and payment of any federal, state and local tax laws which apply to the J-1 Intern and Trainee Visas. I may need to secure either a Social Security Number (SSN) or a Taxpayer Identification Number (TIN). InterExchange will not provide guidance regarding tax matters. I will seek professional assistance from the Internal Revenue Service, the Social Security Administration, or a certified tax professional who can advise me on my personal tax situation, which I understand may vary from other J-1 Visa Participants' situations.稅收。根據聯邦法律,我收到的任何補償均構成“工資”,並且我需要提交美國個人納稅申報表。我全權負責遵守並支付適用於 J-1 實習生和實習生簽證的任何聯邦、州和地方稅法。我可能需要獲得社會安全號碼 (SSN) 或納稅人識別號碼 (TIN)。 InterExchange 不會提供稅務事宜的指導。我將向國稅局、社會安全管理局或經過認證的稅務專業人士尋求專業幫助,他們可以就我的個人稅務情況向我提供建議,據我所知,我的個人稅務情況可能與其他J-1簽證參與者的情況有所不同。
Communication with InterExchange. I will communicate with, and provide all requested information to, InterExchange staff members during the Program. I will report my arrival to InterExchange within 10 days of arrival, will check in with InterExchange every 30 days for the duration of the Program and will complete a mid-Program and Program end evaluation. In addition, I will report, any changes in my location of residence during the Program and any changes in my employment status with my Host during the Program within 10 days. I will immediately contact InterExchange at the Contact Info provided herein regarding significant matters including, but not limited to, those related to Program Fees, my visa, illness, hospitalization, any exploitative or unreasonable circumstances to which I am exposed, being a victim or perpetrator of a crime, or anything that could impact my continued participation in the Program. I will notify InterExchange by telephone and in writing if a serious problem or dispute develops between me and the Host. My failure to communicate with InterExchange as required herein, including a failure to timely update my contact information, to check in with InterExchange or to notify InterExchange of a change in employment, could result in termination of my participation in the Program, the decision of which is at the sole discretion of InterExchange.與 InterExchange 的通信。在計劃期間,我將與 InterExchange 工作人員溝通並向其提供所有要求的資訊。我將在抵達後 10 天內向 InterExchange 報告我的抵達情況,在計劃期間每 30 天向 InterExchange 登記一次,並完成計劃中期和計劃結束評估。此外,我將在 10 天內報告計劃期間我的居住地點的任何變化以及計劃期間我與東道主的就業狀況的任何變化。我將立即透過此處提供的聯絡資訊聯絡InterExchange,以了解重大事項,包括但不限於與計劃費用、我的簽證、疾病、住院、我作為受害者或犯罪者所面臨的任何剝削或不合理情況相關的事項犯罪或任何可能影響我繼續參與該計劃的事情。如果我和主辦單位之間出現嚴重問題或爭議,我將透過電話和書面通知 InterExchange。我未能按照本文要求與 InterExchange 溝通,包括未能及時更新我的聯絡資訊、未能與 InterExchange 聯繫或通知 InterExchange 工作變動,可能會導致我終止參與該計劃,該計劃的決定由InterExchange 自行決定。
Changes in Contact Information. During the Program, I will immediately notify InterExchange in writing at the Contact Info provided herein of any change in my address and contact information, including, but not limited to, my email address. Changes in address and contact information do not excuse me from meeting the communication requirements of the Program.聯絡資訊的變更。在計劃期間,如果我的地址和聯絡資訊(包括但不限於我的電子郵件地址)發生任何變更,我將立即透過此處提供的聯絡資訊以書面形式通知 InterExchange。地址和聯絡資訊的變更並不妨礙我滿足該計劃的溝通要求。
Emergency Communications. I will provide my mobile telephone number to InterExchange for emergency contact purposes. I will pay all carrier fees that may apply if InterExchange contacts me via my mobile phone in the event of an emergency. In the case of an emergency, safety or health issue, I will contact InterExchange at the Contact Info provided herein by telephone or in writing immediately or as soon as is reasonable under the circumstances.應急通信。我將向 InterExchange 提供我的手機號碼,以供緊急聯繫之用。如果在緊急情況下 InterExchange 透過我的手機聯繫我,我將支付可能適用的所有運營商費用。如果出現緊急、安全或健康問題,我將立即或在合理情況下盡快透過電話或書面形式透過此處提供的聯絡資訊聯絡 InterExchange。
Health and Safety Release. I permit InterExchange to discuss health and safety issues pertaining to me with my Host, relatives, emergency contacts, International Cooperator (if applicable), insurance company, healthcare officials, law enforcement, the U.S. Department of State or any other critical party with a need-to-know. I permit InterExchange and my Host to take, without liability or expense to themselves, whatever action they deem appropriate with regard to my health and safety and to place me in a hospital or health-related facility for medical services and treatment.健康與安全發布。我允許InterExchange 與我的房東、親屬、緊急聯絡人、國際合作者(如果適用)、保險公司、醫療保健官員、執法部門、美國國務院或任何其他有需要的關鍵方討論與我有關的健康和安全問題-知道。我允許 InterExchange 和我的東道主在不承擔任何責任或費用的情況下,採取他們認為對我的健康和安全適當的任何行動,並將我安置在醫院或健康相關機構接受醫療服務和治療。
Health and Safety. I understand that I am responsible for my personal health and safety needs while participating in the Program. I agree not to participate in the Program if I knowingly suffer from any health condition or other condition that would create a risk to me or to others. I will take reasonable precautions to prevent injury or harm to myself or a third party or damage to my property or the property of any third party.健康和安全。我了解,在參與該計劃時,我對自己的個人健康和安全需求負責。如果我明知患有任何健康狀況或其他會對我或他人造成風險的狀況,我同意不參加該計劃。我將採取合理的預防措施,防止對我自己或第三方造成傷害或損害我的財產或任何第三方的財產。
I also agree that, while in the United States, I will act in accordance with guidance from federal, state and local health authorities to minimize the spread of communicable diseases, including any recommendations or requirements for vaccination, quarantining, social-distancing, and mask-wearing.我還同意,在美國期間,我將按照聯邦、州和地方衛生當局的指導採取行動,以盡量減少傳染病的傳播,包括疫苗接種、隔離、社交距離和口罩的任何建議或要求-穿著。
I agree to become familiar with and follow guidance listed on the following websites:我同意熟悉並遵循以下網站上列出的指導:
I agree to address with my Host Organization the following:我同意與我的東道組織討論以下問題:
Accident and Sickness Insurance. I understand that basic Accident and Sickness Insurance coverage that meets the requirements of the Regulations is provided for me through a third-party insurance provider during the Program Term and the 30-Day Travel Period beginning on the end date on my DS-2019 form. I agree to review and accept the terms and conditions of this insurance policy. I am responsible for, without limitation, coinsurance, copayments and deductibles per the terms and conditions of the insurance policy. Any disputes regarding the coverage of this insurance are between me and the third-party insurance provider. InterExchange, my International Cooperator (if applicable), and the Host are not a seller or reseller of the insurance. I may also purchase, at my own expense, Accident and Sickness Insurance for up to 30 days prior to the Program begin date if arriving before the Program start date. If I choose to do so, I must request and pay for the insurance prior to arriving in the U.S.意外和疾病保險。我了解,在計劃期限和從我的 DS-2019 表格上的結束日期開始的 30 天旅行期內,第三方保險提供者會為我提供符合條例要求的基本意外和疾病保險。我同意查看並接受本保單的條款和條件。我根據保單的條款和條件負責但不限於共同保險、共付額和免賠額。有關本保險承保範圍的任何爭議由我和第三方保險公司之間解決。 InterExchange、我的國際合作夥伴(如果適用)和主辦單位不是保險的賣方或經銷商。如果在計劃開始日期之前抵達,我還可以自費在計劃開始日期之前購買最多 30 天的意外和疾病保險。如果我選擇這樣做,我必須在抵達美國之前申請並支付保險費用。
Supplemental Insurance. The Accident and Sickness Insurance provided is limited to basic accident and sickness coverage. It may have exclusions or limitations that may cause me to incur out of pocket expenses and may not cover pre-existing conditions. I will investigate and strongly consider obtaining supplemental insurance at my own expense to meet my medical and travel insurance needs.補充保險。所提供的意外和疾病保險僅限於基本意外和疾病保險。它可能有排除或限制,可能導致我承擔自付費用,並且可能不承保原有疾病。我將調查並強烈考慮自費購買補充保險,以滿足我的醫療和旅遊保險需求。
Automobile Insurance. If I purchase a vehicle while in the U.S, I must properly register and insure my vehicle per the requirements in my state of residence. I will not drive any automobile unless I have the proper licensing and insurance coverage meets or exceed the minimum mandatory insurance coverage required by law in the state and city where I am driving. InterExchange is not liable for any damages or losses resulting from my use of an automobile during the Program.汽車保險。如果我在美國購買車輛,我必須按照我居住州的要求正確註冊我的車輛並為其投保。除非我擁有適當的執照並且保險範圍達到或超過我駕駛所在州和城市法律要求的最低強制性保險範圍,否則我不會駕駛任何汽車。 InterExchange 對我在計劃期間使用汽車造成的任何損害或損失不承擔任何責任。
Workers’ Compensation Insurance. I understand that the Plan will indicate whether the Host Employer will provide me with Workers’ Compensation coverage for the duration of my employment by the Host Employer or if the Host is exempt from providing Workers’ Compensation Insurance. If the Host Employer changes my Workers’ Compensation coverage during my employment, the Host is required to notify InterExchange and me. I agree to notify InterExchange in writing of any changes in Workers’ Compensation Insurance when I receive notice from my Host. I am also under a duty to provide written notice to InterExchange about any other changes to insurance coverage offered by the Host Employer to me about which the Host Employer provides me notice.工人賠償保險。我理解,該計劃將表明東道主雇主是否會在我受僱於東道主雇主期間為我提供工傷賠償保險,或者東道主雇主是否免於提供工傷賠償保險。如果東道國雇主在我受僱期間改變我的勞工賠償保險範圍,則東道國雇主必須通知 InterExchange 和我。我同意在收到東道主的通知後,以書面形式通知 InterExchange 工傷賠償保險的任何變更。我也有義務向 InterExchange 提供書面通知,告知東道雇主向我提供的保險範圍的任何其他變更(東道主雇主已通知我)。
Code of Conduct. I am expected to report to the site of activity listed on my DS-2019 Form. Failure to report to my pre-approved Program and make a good faith effort to work at the position and honor my work commitment may result in Program termination. Participants must treat Hosts and all Host property with respect. If housing is provided, I must obey the terms of all leases and housing agreements specifically with regards to occupancy rules and overcrowding, noise and guest privileges, refraining from damaging any property, refraining from public disturbances, disorderly conduct, and obeying all local ordinances with regards to drinking age and open container rules. Failure to be respectful may result in Program termination.行為守則。我需要到 DS-2019 表格上列出的活動地點報到。如果未能向我預先批准的計劃報告、未能真誠地努力在該職位上工作並履行我的工作承諾,可能會導致計劃終止。參與者必須尊重房東和房東的所有財產。如果提供住房,我必須遵守所有租約和住房協議的條款,特別是有關入住規則和過度擁擠、噪音和賓客特權的條款,不得損壞任何財產,不得擾亂公共秩序,不得擾亂秩序,並遵守所有當地法令關於飲酒年齡和開放容器規則。不尊重可能會導致計劃終止。
Illegal Activities. During the Program, I shall not engage in any illegal activities or activities that may bring the Program or InterExchange into notoriety or disrepute. InterExchange will immediately terminate my participation in the Program if I am convicted of a crime or if InterExchange believes I have engaged in any activities that violate the Program Rules and Regulations including, but not limited to, theft, shoplifting, wage/hour theft, and falsifying timecards.非法活動。在本計劃期間,我不得參與任何非法活動或可能使本計劃或 InterExchange 名譽掃地或名譽掃地的活動。如果我被判有罪或 InterExchange 認為我參與了任何違反計劃規則和條例的活動,包括但不限於盜竊、商店行竊、工資/工時盜竊以及偽造考勤卡。
Privacy Protection. I will protect the privacy of my Host, other Hosts and other Participants. I will not post photos or any information regarding my Host or any other Hosts, Participants or persons associated with the Program on any website, blog, or the like. The Host must protect my privacy and the privacy of all other Participants and Hosts participating in the Program.隱私保護。我將保護我的主持人、其他主持人和其他參與者的隱私。我不會在任何網站、部落格等上發布有關我的主持人或任何其他主持人、參與者或與本計劃相關的人員的照片或任何資訊。主辦單位必須保護我的隱私以及參與本計畫的所有其他參與者和主辦單位的隱私。
Incident and Investigation Notification. I will immediately notify InterExchange via telephone and in writing at Contact Info provided herein of any incidents or investigations at a work site that could bring the Department of State, the Program or InterExchange into notoriety or disrepute, including any potential litigation related to InterExchange, a Participant or the Program.事件和調查通知。若工作現場發生任何可能使國務院、本計畫或 InterExchange 名譽掃地或名譽掃地的事件或調查,包括與 InterExchange、參與者或計畫。
Disputes and Complaint Procedure. If a dispute arises between me and the Host regarding any matter including, but not limited to, duties, hours or compensation, InterExchange shall review the matter and determine, in its sole discretion, the resolution by which both the Host and I will abide. In the event that I wish to lodge a complaint about any services provided by InterExchange or any of its agents, representatives, independent contractors, vendors and/or affiliates (e.g., insurance vendor, International Cooperators, or anyone in a relationship with InterExchange), I will first notify InterExchange at the Contact Info provided herein by telephone and in writing in order to give InterExchange the chance to rectify the problem.爭議和投訴程序。如果我和主辦單位之間就任何事項(包括但不限於職責、工作時間或報酬)產生爭議,InterExchange 應審查該事項並自行決定主辦單位和我雙方均應遵守的解決方案。如果我希望對 InterExchange 或其任何代理商、代表、獨立承包商、供應商和/或附屬公司(例如保險供應商、國際合作夥伴或與 InterExchange 有關係的任何人)提供的任何服務提出投訴,我將首先透過電話和書面形式透過此處提供的聯絡資訊通知InterExchange,以便InterExchange 有機會糾正問題。
Discrimination and Harassment. When interacting with InterExchange employees or on InterExchange premises, I agree to act in accordance with all InterExchange policies known to me, including but not limited to the policy against discrimination and harassment.歧視和騷擾。當與 InterExchange 員工或在 InterExchange 場所互動時,我同意按照我所知的所有 InterExchange 政策行事,包括但不限於反歧視和騷擾政策。
Discontinuance Due to Accident or Illness. I will immediately notify InterExchange if I am in a serious accident or become seriously ill. In the event of an accident or illness that prevents me from safely or effectively continuing the Program, as determined by InterExchange in its sole discretion, my participation will be shortened. If my participation in the Program is shortened, I will leave the U.S. as required under the Regulations at my own expense.因意外或疾病而中斷。如果我發生嚴重事故或重病,我將立即通知 InterExchange。如果發生事故或疾病導致我無法安全或有效地繼續本計劃(經 InterExchange 自行決定),我的參與時間將縮短。如果我參與該計劃的時間縮短,我將按照規定自費離開美國。
At-Will Employment. I understand that my employment is at-will and that I may choose at any time to leave a Host’s employment without recourse by the Host. In addition, I understand that the Host may end my employment at any time for any reason. I agree to notify InterExchange immediately if my employment is terminated for any reason or if I withdraw from the Program. If my employment ends before the completion of the term in my Plan, my participation in the Program may be terminated, in which case I must leave the U.S. as required under the Regulations at my own expense. However, discontinuance of my employment does not necessarily result in the end of my participation in the Program. I understand that I may, at InterExchange’s sole discretion, seek a new Host Employer and may apply for a Change of Host, which must be processed within 30 days of the last date at my initial Host.隨意就業。我了解我的僱傭關係是自願的,我可以隨時選擇離開東道主的僱傭關係,而東道主不追索。此外,我了解房東可以隨時以任何理由終止我的僱傭關係。我同意,如果我的僱傭關係因任何原因終止或我退出該計劃,我會立即通知 InterExchange。如果我的僱傭關係在我的計劃期限結束之前結束,我對本計劃的參與可能會被終止,在這種情況下,我必須按照條例的要求自費離開美國。然而,終止我的僱傭關係並不一定會導致我終止參與該計劃。我了解,我可以自行決定尋找新的東道主雇主,並可以申請更換東道主,該變更必須在我最初的東道主最後日期後 30 天內進行處理。
Program Participation Decisions. I understand that InterExchange is a sponsor of the Career Training USA Program and not my employer or an employment agency. All decisions regarding my Program status or dismissal from the Program shall be made at the sole discretion of InterExchange and shall be final. The Host may not represent to me that the Host has any authority over or influence on my visa status.計劃參與決策。我了解 InterExchange 是美國職業培訓計劃的贊助商,而不是我的雇主或職業介紹所。所有有關我的計劃狀態或從計劃中取消的決定均由 InterExchange 自行決定,並且為最終決定。東道主不得向我表明東道主對我的簽證狀態有任何權力或影響。
30-Day Travel Period. Upon successful completion of the Program, I am permitted a 30-Day Travel Period during which I am allowed to travel within the U.S. It is a violation of immigration law and the Regulations to conduct any form of employment (including working for my Host) during the 30-Day Travel Period.30 天旅行期限。成功完成該計劃後,我將獲得 30 天的旅行期限,在此期間我可以在美國境內旅行。旅行期限。
Timely Departure. I will leave the U.S. at the end of my Program Term, which is defined by the end date on my DS-2019 Form plus my 30-Day Travel Period or, if the Program ends early, the date that I am required to leave the U.S. under immigration law and InterExchange requirements. If I am unable to start employment with a new Host approved by InterExchange within 30 days of leaving the employ of my prior Host, I will immediately leave the U.S. InterExchange will report any circumstances of the Program ending early and violations of immigration laws to the U.S. Department of State and/or the U.S. Department of Homeland Security.準時出發。我將在計劃期限結束時離開美國,計劃期限由 DS-2019 表格上的結束日期加上我的 30 天旅行期限來定義,或者,如果計劃提前結束,則為我需要離開美國的日期美國根據移民法和InterExchange 要求。如果我在離開前任 Host 後 30 天內無法開始與 InterExchange 批准的新 Host 一起工作,我將立即離開美國。國土安全部。
Program Conclusion. Following the conclusion of the Program and upon my timely departure, I will share my experiences during the Program with my friends, my family and other members of my community.計劃結論。專案結束後,當我及時離開時,我將與我的朋友、家人和社區其他成員分享我在專案期間的經歷。
InterExchange processes the personal data you submit in conjunction with this Application in accordance with its Privacy Policy,, which is hereby incorporated into this Agreement. Residents in the European Economic Area, The United Kingdom, and Switzerland may send their privacy-related requests and inquiries to InterExchange at 根據其隱私權政策 ( 處理您與本應用程式一起提交的個人數據,該政策特此納入本協議。歐洲經濟區、英國和瑞士的居民可以將隱私相關請求和查詢發送至。
Entire Agreement. This Agreement contains the entire understanding of the parties with respect to the matters contained herein and supersedes any previous agreements (oral, written or otherwise). Except for changes required by the U.S. Department of State or any other government agency with authority over InterExchange, this Agreement may only be altered or amended in writing by InterExchange. InterExchange will provide 30 days’ prior notice to me of any amendments except for those required by a government agency to be effective immediately.整個協議。本協議包含雙方對本協議所含事項的完整理解,並取代任何先前的協議(口頭、書面或其他方式)。除美國國務院或任何其他有權 InterExchange 的政府機構要求的更改外,InterExchange 只能以書面形式更改或修訂本協議。對於任何修訂,InterExchange 將提前 30 天通知我,政府機構要求立即生效的修訂除外。
Assignment. This Agreement is applicable only to me and cannot be assigned or transferred.任務。本協議僅適用於本人,不得轉讓或轉移。
Third Party Beneficiaries. The terms and conditions of this Agreement exist only for the benefit of the parties to this Agreement.第三人受益人。本協議的條款和條件僅為了本協議雙方的利益而存在。
Waiver, Void Provisions and Survivorship. The failure to enforce any provision of this Agreement shall not be construed as a waiver or limitation of the right to subsequently enforce each and every provision of this Agreement. If any provision of this Agreement is held to be void or contrary to law, such provision shall be construed as nearly as possible to reflect the intention of the parties, with the other provisions remaining in full force and effect. Provisions that should reasonably be considered to survive termination of this Agreement will survive.棄權、無效條款和生存。未能執行本協議的任何條款不應被解釋為放棄或限制隨後執行本協議每一項條款的權利。如果本協議的任何條款被認為無效或違反法律,則該條款應盡可能解釋為反映雙方的意圖,而其他條款仍然具有完全效力。應合理考慮在本協議終止後繼續有效的條款將繼續有效。
Legal Notice. All notices, requests, claims, demands and other communications hereunder shall be in writing and be given (i) by delivery in person, (ii) by a nationally recognized next day courier service, or (iii) by first class, registered or certified mail, postage prepaid to the address of the party specified in this Agreement or such other address as either party may specify in writing. Notices so given shall be effective upon (i) receipt by the party to which notice is given, or (ii) on the 5th day following mailing, whichever occurs first.法律聲明。本協議項下的所有通知、請求、索賠、要求和其他通訊均應採用書面形式,並透過(i) 親自交付,(ii) 透過國家認可的次日快遞服務,或(iii) 透過一級、註冊或認證的快遞方式提供郵寄、預付郵資至本協議中指定方的地址或任何一方書面指定的其他地址。如此發出的通知應在 (i) 通知接收者收到後生效,或 (ii) 郵寄後第 5 天生效,以先到者為準。
Force majeure. Neither I nor InterExchange will be liable under this Agreement by reason of any failure or delay in the performance of its obligations hereunder on account of any cause beyond their reasonable control.不可抗力。對於因超出其合理控制範圍的任何原因而未能或延遲履行本協議項下的義務,我和 InterExchange 均不承擔本協議項下的責任。
Non-Retaliation Policy. InterExchange will not retaliate or discriminate against me if I make adverse comments related to the Program. InterExchange will not threaten Program removal or termination, adversely annotate my SEVIS record, or otherwise retaliate against me solely because I filed a complaint, exercised or asserted any right or protection, instituted any proceeding, testified or am about to testify, or consulted with an advocate or attorney in relation to a Program related grievance or other work-related legal matter.禁止報復政策。如果我對本計劃提出負面評論,InterExchange 不會對我進行報復或歧視。 InterExchange 不會僅僅因為我提出投訴、行使或主張任何權利或保護、提起任何訴訟、作證或即將作證、或諮詢了相關人員,就威脅要刪除或終止計劃、對我的SEVIS 記錄進行負面註釋或以其他方式對我進行報復。
Publicity Release. I authorize InterExchange to use my name, likeness, image, voice, biographical information and appearance from any documentation, statements, testimonials, pictures, photos, video recordings, audiotapes, and the like, related to my participation in the Program for promotional purposes. I assign all copyright and other intellectual property rights, including renewal rights, described herein to InterExchange and waive any right to approval, notification, consideration or permission for the use thereof.宣傳發布。我授權 InterExchange 使用與我參與本計劃相關的任何文件、聲明、感言、圖片、照片、視頻錄音、錄音帶等中的我的姓名、肖像、圖像、聲音、傳記信息和外表,以用於促銷目的。我將本文所述的所有版權和其他智慧財產權(包括續約權)轉讓給 InterExchange,並放棄任何批准、通知、考慮或授權的使用權。
Non-Disparagement. I will not disparage or comment negatively about InterExchange, its officers, management, employees, my Host, other Hosts or other Participants.不貶低。我不會貶低或負面評論 InterExchange、其管理人員、管理層、員工、我的主辦方、其他主辦單位或其他參與者。
Release. I irrevocably, unconditionally and fully release InterExchange, its subsidiaries, officers, management, employees, agents and affiliates from any and all claims related to personal and/or property damage, injury, illness or loss of any type to me, my guests or agents incurred in connection with the Program including, but not limited to, claims related to any intentional or negligent acts or omissions of any International Cooperator, other Participant, Host or third party, including, but not limited to, any guests, employees or agents thereof.發布。我不可撤銷、無條件且完全免除InterExchange、其子公司、管理人員、管理層、員工、代理和關聯公司因我、我的客人或代理的任何類型的個人和/或財產損壞、傷害、疾病或損失而提出的任何及所有索賠與本計劃相關的損失,包括但不限於與任何國際合作者、其他參與者、主辦方或第三方(包括但不限於任何賓客、員工或代理人)的任何故意或疏忽行為或不作為相關的索賠。
Limitation on Liability. If a legal authority finds InterExchange, its officers, management, employees, and affiliates liable for any damages, injury or loss related to my participation in the Program, liability shall be no greater than its role as a nonprofit Sponsor under the U.S. Department of State regulations and no greater than the amount of the fees I paid to InterExchange for the Program. I agree that nothing herein creates a duty or obligation under the law.責任限制。如果法律機構認為InterExchange、其管理人員、管理層、員工和附屬機構對我參與本計劃相關的任何損害、傷害或損失負有責任,則責任不應大於其作為美國國務院規定的非營利組織贊助商的責任且不超過我向 InterExchange 支付該計劃的費用金額。我同意本文中的任何內容均不構成法律規定的責任或義務。
Dispute Resolution. The parties agree to arbitrate confidentially in New York, New York under the then existing Commercial Arbitration Rules of the American Arbitration Association any dispute, claim or controversy that may arise out of or in connection with this Agreement, whether sounding in tort, contract, statutory violation or otherwise, or involving the construction or application of any of the terms, provisions, or conditions of this Agreement. The parties further agree that in the event any confidential arbitration is brought to enforce any provision of this Agreement, the prevailing party in such arbitration shall be entitled to its attorneys’ fees and costs as part of any judgment or award, and that the arbitrator shall be authorized to determine which of the parties is the prevailing party. The parties further agree that this Agreement is intended to be strictly construed to provide for arbitration as the sole and exclusive means for resolution of all disputes hereunder. The parties expressly waive any entitlement to have such controversies decided by a court or a jury. I acknowledge and agree that I am waiving any and all entitlement to monetary damages or equitable relief with respect to any charge, complaint or lawsuit filed on my behalf, including as part of a collective or class action.爭議解決。雙方同意在紐約州紐約市根據當時有效的美國仲裁協會商業仲裁規則對本協議可能引起的或與本協議相關的任何爭議、索賠或爭議進行保密仲裁,無論是侵權法、合同法、法定法違反或以其他方式,或涉及本協議任何條款、規定或條件的解釋或應用。雙方進一步同意,如果為執行本協議的任何條款而提起任何保密仲裁,則該仲裁的勝訴方應有權獲得其律師費和費用,作為任何判決或裁決的一部分,並且仲裁員應有權確定哪一方是勝訴方。雙方進一步同意,本協議應嚴格解釋為規定仲裁作為解決本協議項下所有爭議的唯一且排他的方式。雙方明確放棄由法院或陪審團裁決此類爭議的任何權利。我承認並同意,對於代表我提出的任何指控、投訴或訴訟,包括作為集體或集體訴訟的一部分,我放棄獲得金錢賠償或衡平法救濟的任何及所有權利。
By clicking "Save and Continue", you agree to InterExchange's Terms of Use and that InterExchange may process the personal data you submit according to its Privacy Policy. 點擊「儲存並繼續」即表示您同意 InterExchange 的使用條款,且 InterExchange 可以根據其隱私權政策處理您提交的個人資料。