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Abstract 抽象
Ball indentation technique has been employed to explore the possibilities for revealing the effect of pre-strain on mechanical properties of two groups of high-strength low-alloy steels. These steels were pre-strained up to 5%. Results are presented here for 1, 3, 4, and 5% of pre-strain effect on these steels. The dependence of yield strength, ultimate tensile strength, strength coefficient, strain-hardening component and true stress–strain curves on pre-straining effect are available from the ball indentation test, and they are validated with the standard mechanical test results. It is found that the increment of the pre-straining effect results in an increment of the yield strength and ultimate tensile strength values, while strength coefficient and strain-hardening component values are decreased. The existence of Lüders bands in the conventional stress–strain curves is also revealed in ball indentation test by the presence of the Lüders strain surrounding the indentation profile. In the conventional test it is found that the amount of Lüders bands is decreasing with increasing pre-strain. Similarly, Lüders strain as well as pile-up/sink-in of materials surrounding the indentation decrease as the pre-straining increases. It is found that ball indentation technique can be effectively used to determine the minute changes of mechanical properties due to introducing small amount of pre-straining.
采用球压痕技术探索了揭示预应变对两组高强度低合金钢力学性能影响的可能性。这些钢的预应变高达5%。这里给出了这些钢的预应变效应的 1%、3%、4% 和 5% 的结果。从球压痕试验中可以看出屈服强度、极限抗拉强度、强度系数、应变硬化分量和真实应力-应变曲线对预应变效应的依赖性,并用标准力学试验结果进行了验证。研究发现,预应变效应的增加导致屈服强度和极限抗拉强度值的增加,而强度系数和应变硬化成分值的减小。在球压痕试验中,通过压痕剖面周围存在 Lüders 应变,也揭示了常规应力-应变曲线中 Lüders 带的存在。在常规试验中发现,随着预应变的增加,Lüders条带的数量呈减小趋势。同样,随着预应变的增加,压痕周围的 Lüders 应变以及材料的堆积/下沉会减少。研究发现,球压痕技术可以有效地用于确定由于引入少量预应变而导致的力学性能的微小变化。
关键词:球压痕技术;机械性能;Lüders 乐队;堆积/下沉;屈服率
The authors would like to thank Dr. S. Tarafder, Dr. Surendra Kumar, Dr. Siva Prasad and Shri P. K. Dey for their help and stimulating discussions. One of the authors is also grateful to the CSIR for offering senior reseach followship to carry out this work. They wish to express their gratitude to Prof. S. P. Mehrotra, Director, NML for encouragement and permission to publish this work.
作者要感谢 S. Tarafder 博士、Surendra Kumar 博士、Siva Prasad 博士和 Shri P. K. Dey 的帮助和启发性讨论。其中一位作者还感谢CSIR为开展这项工作提供高级研究跟踪。他们要感谢NML主任S. P. Mehrotra教授的鼓励和允许发表这项工作。
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