“Why Don’t We Use a Child’s Name in the SD?”
“为什么我们不在 SD 中使用孩子的名字?”

Brian Kaminski, RBT, Graduate Student of Behavior Analysis
Brian Kaminski,RBT,行为分析研究生

briankaminski.org  布莱恩卡明斯基网站

To a therapist or parent who is brand-new to ABA, a lot of practices and procedures may at first seem unusual – or even counterintuitive.
对于刚接触 ABA 的治疗师或家长来说,许多实践和程序乍一看可能很不寻常,甚至违反直觉。

“Why are there times when we don’t immediately provide attention during a tantrum?”

“Why do we need to take baseline data before we start this new behavior plan?”

“Why does this program need to be run exactly this way?”

Without a proper knowledge of the “Why’s,” the “How To’s” can start to feel a bit arbitrary – even unnecessary.

However, ABA is built upon scientific principles of behavior.  Once viewed from the proper behavioral perspective, things start to fall into place – and make a lot more sense.
然而,ABA 是建立在科学的行为原则之上的。一旦从正确的行为角度来看,事情就会开始步入正轨,并且变得更有意义。

Let’s look at one such example from my own experience, as well as the “light bulb” moment that followed.

Not stating a child’s name in the SD
未在 SD 中注明孩子的姓名

“Don’t state the child’s name when you are giving the SD.”
“在提供 SD 时,不要说出孩子的名字。”

Got it. 知道了。

This point was hammered home when I first entered the field, however I never stopped and asked why.  I assumed that it was “just something we did.”

“Get the child’s attention another way.  Then only provide the instruction listed in your program.

Just say, ‘Build this.’

Don’t say, ‘Bridgette, build this.'”

I thought it was pretty strange.  Don’t you typically say someone’s name to gain their attention?  

At any rate, I didn’t object.  I continued providing instructions just like I was told, and eventually forgot about the matter altogether.

A few months later, I joined a new case under a new supervising BCBA.
几个月后,我在新的 BCBA 监督下参与了一个新案件。

The time came for my first integrity assessment, and as we were reviewing my results, I saw a section entitled “Child’s name not provided along with the SD.”
我的第一次诚信评估时间到了,当我们审查我的结果时,我看到了一个标题为“儿童姓名未与 SD 一起提供”的部分。

“Can I ask a silly question?” I said to my supervisor.

“Why does it matter that I don’t say the child’s name with the SD?”
“为什么我不向 SD 说出孩子的名字有什么关系呢?”

“Oh, not a silly question at all actually.

We don’t use a child’s name when giving instructions, because if done over and over again during a session, the child starts to ‘pair’ his or her name with work.

For some kids, they may have a really negative history associated with work at first.

They hear their name, and immediately that’s a cue that ‘something bad’ is coming.  After a while, they might not respond to their name altogether.

Instead, we should use a child’s name all the time during praise and reinforcement!  We want them to respond every time they hear their name, just like you or I would.”

And that’s when the “light bulb” went off.

From that moment on, I made it a habit to ask “Why” routinely.  Every time I did, I was met with an answer that expanded my understanding and love of ABA.
从那一刻起,我就养成了经常问“为什么”的习惯。每次我这样做时,我都会得到一个扩展我对 ABA 的理解和热爱的答案。

Begin to ask yourself – “What are my ‘Why’ questions?”

If you have any, shoot me an email at briankaminski.aba@gmail.com or comment below – I’d love to cover them in future articles.
如果您有任何问题,请发送电子邮件至 briankaminski.aba@gmail.com 或在下面发表评论 – 我很乐意在以后的文章中介绍它们。

Your kiddos will benefit from your curiosity!

2 Comments  2 条评论

  1. Thanks, Brian! As practitioners, we need to ask “why” more … and if we are not … we should assess our own behavior in terms of “why” we are not asking “why” more.

  2. My client can repeat what he hears.

    He answers the questions related to colors.

    He is not responding to what is your name ? question.

    What should I do ?
    我应该怎么办 ?

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