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COROS Dura Hands-On: I Have Some Thoughts
COROS Dura 动手实践:我有一些想法

COROS has just announced (or rather, the second announcement) of the COROS Dura cycling GPS computer. This computer aims to take their existing watch software, and port it into a GPS bike computer format. Which, as you’ll see, is pretty much what they’ve done. The unit’s standout feature is the higher claimed battery life, with theoretical ‘forever power’ in the right sun conditions via its large solar panel.
COROS 刚刚发布了(或者更确切地说,第二次发布)COROS Dura 自行车 GPS 码表。该计算机旨在采用他们现有的手表软件,并将其移植为 GPS 自行车计算机格式。正如您将看到的,这几乎就是他们所做的。该装置的突出特点是声称的电池寿命更长,理论上通过其大型太阳能电池板在合适的阳光条件下可以“永远供电”。

I’ve had the COROS Dura for a bit under a month now, which normally would be enough time to put together an in-depth review – especially the many rides I’ve put on it. But at this stage, the unit simply isn’t ready. COROS won’t have a more stable firmware until tomorrow (June 18th, a day after this announcement), and even then, it sounds like many of the issues I’ve raised will take weeks or longer to sort out. Which isn’t saying COROS won’t be able to fix them. I’ve actually got a fair bit of trust in how fast COROS can issue updates and take in feedback, just as they do on the watch side. However, I’d caution that even with all of the fixes in place, there’s still some pretty substantial gaps here to the competition. Inversely, there’s also a couple of compelling features the competition doesn’t have. Though, I think there’s one thing we can all agree on: The price is very interesting.
我已经拥有 COROS Dura 不到一个月了,这通常足以进行深入的评论——尤其是我在它上面进行的许多游乐设施。但现阶段,该单位还没有准备好。 COROS 直到明天(6 月 18 日,即此公告的第二天)才会有更稳定的固件,即便如此,听起来我提出的许多问题也需要数周或更长时间才能解决。这并不是说 COROS 无法修复它们。事实上,我对 COROS 发布更新和接收反馈的速度非常信任,就像它们在手表方面所做的那样。然而,我要提醒大家的是,即使所有的修复都已到位,与竞争对手相比仍然存在一些相当大的差距。相反,还有一些竞争对手所没有的引人注目的功能。不过,我认为有一件事我们都可以同意:价格非常有趣。

Point being, this *IS NOT* a review. That’ll come at some point down the road, likely in early July, or whenever they end up start shipping units (now slated for July 15th). With that, let’s dive into it.
重点是,这*不是*评论。这将在未来的某个时刻到来,可能是在 7 月初,或者每当他们最终开始发货时(目前定于 7 月 15 日)。接下来,让我们深入探讨一下。

The Tech Specs: 技术规格:

The COROS Dura is designed in much the same way as their watches. It shares the same software, same screen types, and same button-navigation type layout. If you are a COROS watch user, and were to ask whether or not the Dura has a given COROS watch feature, the answer is almost certainly going to be ‘yes’.
COROS Dura 的设计方式与他们的手表非常相似。它共享相同的软件、相同的屏幕类型和相同的按钮导航类型布局。如果您是 COROS 手表用户,并询问 Dura 是否具有特定的 COROS 手表功能,答案几乎肯定是“是”。

Here’s the quick specs though:

– 2.7” MIP touch screen
– 2.7” MIP 触摸屏

– Always-on, like a calculator
– 永远在线,就像计算器一样

– Digital Crown and single additional button
– 数字表冠和单个附加按钮

– Weight: 97g + 44g for the included mount
– 重量:97 克 + 44 克(随附安装座)

– Out-front mount is Garmin quarter-turn style
– 前置安装为 Garmin 直角回转式

– Has Dual-Frequency/Multiband GNSS
– 具有双频/多频段 GNSS

– Has WiFi & Bluetooth
– 有 WiFi 和蓝牙

– Has temp sensor, compass, barometric altimeter, accelerometer, gyroscope
– 有温度传感器、指南针、气压高度计、加速度计、陀螺仪

– Has bike alarm feature
– 具有自行车警报功能

– Planned Safety Alert, Crash Detection, Live Tracking, Group Ride Features (not yet available/working)
– 计划安全警报、碰撞检测、实时跟踪、团体乘车功能(尚不可用/工作中)

– Screen mirroring to watch (not yet available)
– 屏幕镜像观看(尚不可用)

– Downloadable/free maps (no street names/POI/etc…)
– 可下载/免费地图(没有街道名称/POI/等...)

– Re-routing support if within cellular range with phone app connected
– 如果在连接手机应用程序的蜂窝范围内,则支持重新路由

– Has training load & recovery
– 有训练负荷和恢复

– Has structured workout support
– 具有结构化的锻炼支持

– Has training plan support
– 有培训计划支持

– Integration with 3rd party apps (e.g., Strava, Komoot, TrainingPeaks, etc…)
– 与第 3 方应用程序集成(例如 Strava、Komoot、TrainingPeaks 等)

– Battery life up to 120-hours for ‘All-Systems GPS’, and and 70-hours for ‘Dual-Frequency’ GNSS.
– “全系统 GPS”电池寿命长达 120 小时,“双频”GNSS 电池寿命长达 70 小时。

– Solar can extend these battery times, up to 2 hours for every 1 hour riding
– 太阳能可以延长这些电池时间,每骑行 1 小时最多可延长 2 小时

– Bike profiles for Road, Indoor, Gravel, MTB, e-bike, and e-MTB
– 公路、室内、砾石、山地车、电动自行车和电动山地车的自行车配置文件

– Priced at $249/289EUR/399CAD/249GBP/449AUD/39600JPY/1799CNY
– 售价为 249 美元/289 欧元/399 加元/249 英镑/449 澳元/39600 日元/1799 人民币

The exact specifics of some of the features not yet implemented are a bit fuzzy to me, such as the watch mirroring/handoff from watch to Dura, though they sound roughly similar to what Garmin and Wahoo both have, though both of those companies do things differently. Thus again, how exactly COROS implements it isn’t yet clear to me.
一些尚未实现的功能的具体细节对我来说有点模糊,例如手表镜像/从手表到 Dura 的切换,尽管它们听起来与 Garmin 和 Wahoo 都拥有的大致相似,尽管这两家公司都在做一些事情不同。因此,我还不清楚 COROS 到底是如何实现的。

Probably the easiest way to think of this device, is relatively similar to a Wahoo BOLT V1, when it was introduced 7 years ago (March 2017). The features are basically the same as that, except with longer claimed battery life. The newer Wahoo BOLT V2, with all its current updates, retails for $279. So roughly in the same ballpark.
考虑该设备的最简单方式可能是与 7 年前(2017 年 3 月)推出的 Wahoo BOLT V1 相对相似。除了声称的电池寿命更长之外,功能基本相同。较新的 Wahoo BOLT V2 及其当前所有更新的零售价为 279 美元。所以大致在同一个范围内。

Some Riding Thoughts: 一些骑行想法:

I’ve now gotten in a number of rides across various scenarios: Road riding, gravel riding, and mountain biking. Within that, I’ve had bright sunny conditions, dumping rain conditions, blah overcast conditions, along with sunset conditions. And from a terrain standpoint I’ve covered cities, flatlands, and straight-up Colorado mountains. TLDR: I’ve covered most usage scenarios, and can outline where things work well – and where they fall very short.
我现在已经参加了许多不同场景的骑行:公路骑行、碎石骑行和山地骑行。其中,我经历过阳光明媚的条件、倾盆大雨的条件、阴天的条件以及日落的条件。从地形的角度来看,我覆盖了城市、平原和科罗拉多州的直山。 TLDR:我已经介绍了大多数使用场景,并且可以概述哪些地方运作良好,哪些地方表现不佳。

To get a ride going, you’ll simply hit a button on the unit to wake it up. The COROS Dura doesn’t really have a start-up period/procedure, it’s kinda like a calculator in that it’s just one tap away and always in standby. This is pretty nice to get started quickly.
要开始骑行,您只需按一下设备上的按钮即可将其唤醒。 COROS Dura 并没有真正的启动期/程序,它有点像计算器,只需轻轻一按即可,并且始终处于待机状态。这对于快速入门来说非常好。

You’ll choose which ride profile you want. Each ride profile can have unique data fields/pages. This is an area Wahoo lacks, so it’s nice to see the differences outlined here, where you might want a different ride setup for mountain biking than road biking.
您将选择您想要的骑行模式。每个行程配置文件都可以有唯一的数据字段/页面。这是 Wahoo 所缺乏的领域,所以很高兴看到这里概述的差异,您可能需要山地自行车与公路自行车不同的骑行设置。

You’ll configure all these via the companion app, which then syncs to the Dura itself. There’s a number of different data pages and configurations available here.
您将通过配套应用程序配置所有这些,然后同步到 Dura 本身。这里有许多不同的数据页面和配置可用。

One unique one they have is that you can have a map page displayed up top, and then scroll through partial data pages down below (shown below, left). I like this idea, but equally, there actually isn’t a way to have a dedicated map page with dedicated display fields. Meaning, it’s either alway pages-split (map/fields for all pages), or nothing split (with no data fields on it). Hopefully my explanation makes sense, and it does sound like COROS is open to making this a tiny bit more flexible.
他们的一个独特之处是,您可以在顶部显示一个地图页面,然后向下滚动浏览部分数据页面(如下左图所示)。我喜欢这个想法,但同样,实际上没有办法拥有带有专用显示字段的专用地图页面。意思是,它要么总是页面分割(所有页面的映射/字段),要么不分割(上面没有数据字段)。希望我的解释是有道理的,而且听起来 COROS 确实愿意让这个变得更加灵活。

(Left to right: Split Screen view for all data pages, non-split screen map page, non-split screen data page)

In any event, from a navigation standpoint, you can push maps and routes to it. Maps will sync via WiFi, and you can easily choose which map regions to download, which are in nice small chunks. However, the maps do *NOT* have street names or POIs on them. Here’s how it looks on the map:
无论如何,从导航的角度来看,您可以将地图和路线推送给它。地图将通过 WiFi 同步,您可以轻松选择要下载的地图区域,这些区域都是漂亮的小块。然而,地图上*没有*有街道名称或兴趣点。这是它在地图上的样子:

You can create routes via the COROS app, or import routes from Strava and Komoot. I’ve got a bunch of annoyances here, namely that you have to literally wait 3 minutes each time you import a Strava/etc route (it’s an actual timer), until it shows up to then allow you to manually sync to the Dura. It’s this lack of polish that’s frustrating, especially when you’re trying to get out the door and have to sit there and count to 180 seconds.
您可以通过 COROS 应用程序创建路线,或从 Strava 和 Komoot 导入路线。我这里有很多烦恼,即每次导入 Strava/etc 路线(它是一个实际的计时器)时,您实际上必须等待 3 分钟,直到它出现,然后允许您手动同步到 Dura。正是这种缺乏修饰的情况令人沮丧,尤其是当你试图出门却不得不坐在那里数到 180 秒时。

Once a route is imported, you’ll follow it on the map. It’ll warn you when a turn is approaching, but won’t show street names. I actually don’t really care a ton about street names. I’m constantly cycling in foreign countries, and can’t pronounce half the names anyway. As long as the turn directions are correct, then I’m good.

Unfortunately, they aren’t often correct. The routing parser on the COROS Dura will (very often) tell me with an arrow to turn left (or do a U-turn), when it means to turn right (and the line shows right). Here’s one of many examples of this in action (note the chevrons showing my upcoming route, and then the arrows giving opposite directions).
不幸的是,它们通常并不正确。 COROS Dura 上的路由解析器(经常)会用箭头告诉我左转(或掉头),而它意味着右转(并且线显示为右)。这是实际应用中的众多示例之一(请注意,V 形图案显示了我接下来的路线,然后箭头给出了相反的方向)。

Now, this is where we get to the single biggest issue with the COROS Dura: Re-routing. Everything and anything to do with re-routing is very much not good. To begin, it doesn’t actually re-route until usually about 500-800m later (after a missed turn). That’s the first moment where it realizes something is wrong, nearly half a mile after you’ve screwed up. It’s at this point it’ll offer a prompt to ask if you’d like to re-route back to your route, or to the end destination.
现在,我们要解决 COROS Dura 最大的问题:重新路由。与重新路由有关的一切都非常不好。首先,通常要到大约 500-800m 后(错过转弯后),它才会真正改变路线。这是它第一次意识到出问题的时刻,距离你搞砸了近半英里。此时,它会提示您是否要重新返回您的路线或最终目的地。

For one, bike computers should notice within 3-5 seconds of a missed turn. Then, they should just automatically re-route to make it work. Just like every other bike computer and phone mapping app does today. I shouldn’t have to wait minutes, then give it specific guidance.
首先,自行车电脑应该会在错过转弯后 3-5 秒内发出通知。然后,他们应该自动重新路由以使其正常工作。就像当今所有其他自行车电脑和手机地图应用程序一样。我不应该等待几分钟,然后给出具体的指导。

But that’s actually not the biggest limiter. The biggest challenge is that COROS can’t re-route on the device itself. Instead, it has to go via your cell phone to Google Maps to get re-routing information. If you don’t have cellular connectivity, it won’t re-route. Or, if the app connection drops, it won’t re-route.
但这实际上并不是最大的限制因素。最大的挑战是 COROS 无法在设备本身上重新路由。相反,它必须通过您的手机访问谷歌地图才能获取重新路由信息。如果您没有蜂窝网络连接,则不会重新路由。或者,如果应用程序连接断开,它不会重新路由。

Instead, it’ll show a line, like this:

I’ve discussed this a lot with COROS. Their view is that in 2024, they believe that re-routing can be better done via the cloud, than on-device. And sure, that’s perhaps true if you’ve got always-connected devices. But the fundamental reality of a bike computer is that many people go beyond cellular range. In fact, especially the many gravel riders they sponsored for Unbound, which would frequently be in no-cellular coverage zones.
我和 COROS 讨论过很多次这个问题。他们的观点是,到 2024 年,他们相信通过云比在设备上可以更好地完成重新路由。当然,如果您拥有始终连接的设备,这也许是正确的。但自行车电脑的基本现实是许多人超出了蜂窝范围。事实上,尤其是他们为 Unbound 赞助的许多砾石车手,这些车手经常处于无蜂窝信号覆盖的区域。

COROS says they aren’t opposed to offline routing longer term, but it’s not a priority right now. Keeping in mind that once a company starts down that offline routing/re-routing journey, history with other bike computer companies trying this (Wahoo, Hammerhead, Sigma) tells us it’s a 2-3 year process before that’s reliable. And those are companies with extensive experience as bike computer companies. Point being, this won’t likely happen (reliably) overnight.
COROS 表示,从长远来看,他们并不反对离线路由,但这不是目前的优先事项。请记住,一旦一家公司开始离线路由/重新路由之旅,其他自行车电脑公司(Wahoo、Hammerhead、Sigma)尝试过的历史告诉我们,这是一个可靠的过程,需要 2-3 年的时间。这些公司作为自行车电脑公司拥有丰富的经验。重点是,这不太可能在一夜之间(可靠地)发生。

When it comes to climb-related metrics, the COROS Dura will display upcoming climb details. But at present, it subdivides those climbs into a slate of smaller pieces, making it impossible to figure out exactly how long the climb really is. This past weekend I did a ~1,000m/3,000ft non-stop climb, and it was subdivided into 7 random chunks on the COROS. Whereas on the Hammerhead and Garmin devices it was properly listed as a singular climb. I tried loading the famed Stelvio climb in there, and it was randomly subdivided into 3 chunks (with zero parts including any flat pieces that might trigger a break).
当涉及攀爬相关指标时,COROS Dura 将显示即将到来的攀爬详细信息。但目前,它将这些攀爬细分为一系列较小的部分,因此无法准确计算出攀爬的实际长度。上周末,我进行了约 1,000 米/3,000 英尺的不间断攀爬,并在 COROS 上随机分为 7 个部分。而在 Hammerhead 和 Garmin 设备上,它被正确地列为一次单一攀爬。我尝试将著名的 Stelvio 攀登加载到那里,它被随机细分为 3 块(零部分,包括任何可能触发断裂的扁平部分)。

That said, the climb does look pretty along the bottom – I actually like how it’s relatively small and minimal here. If they can improve the climb splitting algorithm to be useful, this will be great (screen below has water on it, from rain):

Beyond that, data fields work pretty much as you’d expect. I had no issues with pairing to either ANT+ or Bluetooth Smart sensors, including power meters, shifting (SRAM AXS), and heart rate sensors. Bike radar (e.g. Varia) pairing/functionality isn’t yet working reliably. But otherwise, you can see the data just like any other bike computer:
除此之外,数据字段的工作方式与您的预期几乎一样。我与 ANT+ 或蓝牙智能传感器配对没有任何问题,包括功率计、变速 (SRAM AXS) 和心率传感器。自行车雷达(例如 Varia)配对/功能尚未可靠运行。但除此之外,您可以像任何其他自行车计算机一样查看数据:

There’s a lot of big-ticket items that need to be sorted. For example, it can pair to ANT+ & Bluetooth Smart sensors, including power meters. But when I connected a power meter, the data is horribly wrong with so-called “Sticky Watts” (but the worst iteration I’ve ever seen of them), resulting in repeated values for 3-4 seconds constantly.
有很多大件物品需要分类。例如,它可以与 ANT+ 和蓝牙智能传感器配对,包括功率计。但当我连接功率计时,数据出现严重错误,出现所谓的“粘性瓦数”(但这是我见过的最糟糕的迭代),导致不断重复 3-4 秒的值。

You’ll use the little scrolling wheel (Digital Crown) to iterate between pages. I’ll note my personal general bias against the Digital Crown (from any company), as I think it rarely provides much value compared to buttons on a sports device, except for zooming maps. My personal bias against such a wheel is maintained here, where it’s impossible to use on bumpy roads. As the only method to change data pages, that’s annoying to me. I don’t really have any issues with dedicated buttons on bumpy roads. But again, I note that some people like the Digital Crown, so my annoyance here might not translate to everyone.

As far as battery life goes, the unit claims 70-120 hours, depending on GPS modes used. I’m unable to validate that claim at this time. COROS says firmware that includes battery enhancements won’t come until tomorrow. At the moment, I’m getting a fraction of that duration, burning roughly 3-6%/hour (in bright sunny conditions), so napkin math says maybe 25 hours of battery life in a dual-band configuration – which is on par with their competitors. I’m highly skeptical of anyone who has claimed they haven’t charged it in months and been riding constantly with it. That’s simply unlikely to be true (or, they haven’t ridden much/used much).
至于电池寿命,该装置声称可以使用 70-120 小时,具体取决于所使用的 GPS 模式。我目前无法验证该说法。 COROS 表示,包含电池增强功能的固件要到明天才会发布。目前,我只得到了这个持续时间的一小部分,燃烧大约 3-6%/小时(在阳光明媚的条件下),所以餐巾纸数学表明,双频配置下的电池续航时间可能为 25 小时——这是相当的与他们的竞争对手。我对那些声称自己已经几个月没有充电并且一直带着它骑行的人表示高度怀疑。这根本不可能是真的(或者,他们骑得不多/用得不多)。

It’s important to note, that the summary screen of battery stats at the end of a ride, is actually incorrect on all current firmware (it shows completely bogus numbers). COROS confirmed this. Instead, in order to do battery math taking a photo of the starting/ending battery values from the main dashboard. I don’t see many reviewers doing this math correctly (or realizing this bug/issue). To be clear: This page here is, per COROS, simply spitting out random numbers right now:
值得注意的是,骑行结束时电池统计信息的摘要屏幕实际上在所有当前固件上都是不正确的(它显示完全虚假的数字)。 COROS证实了这一点。相反,为了进行电池数学计算,请从主仪表板拍摄开始/结束电池值的照片。我没有看到很多评论者正确地进行了这个数学计算(或意识到这个错误/问题)。需要明确的是:根据 COROS,此页面现在只是简单地输出随机数:

Still, if they can sort out battery life to their claims of 2 hours of battery time for every 1 hour of sunny riding time, that’ll be super impressive. To date, I haven’t seen that.
尽管如此,如果他们能够将电池续航时间调整到他们声称的每 1 小时阳光骑行时间可提供 2 小时的电池使用时间,那将是非常令人印象深刻的。到目前为止,我还没有看到这一点。

Hitting Pause: 暂停:

It’ll be interesting to see if/when COROS can stick the landing on the Dura. Certainly, they’re just at the beginning of their bike computer journey. Down the road in a year or two, many will have forgotten about the rushed launch of it, to seemingly try and hit the summer season. And likely, they’ll have sorted out many of the early teething pains by then.
看看 COROS 是否/何时能够在 Dura 上着陆将会很有趣。当然,他们的自行车电脑之旅才刚刚开始。一两年后,许多人都会忘记它的仓促推出,似乎是为了迎合夏季。到那时他们很可能已经解决了许多早期的痛苦。

But right now, it’s simply not ready. And I don’t see how it’s going to be ready in 3-4 weeks for the July 15th date. Outside of the power meter data I mentioned, other data like Shimano Di2 or SRAM AXS/eTAP the data is largely missing or incomplete. And in the case of cycling radar (e.g. Varia Radar), the unit disconnects.
但现在,它还没有准备好。我不知道如何在 3-4 周内为 7 月 15 日的约会做好准备。除了我提到的功率计数据之外,Shimano Di2 或 SRAM AXS/eTAP 等其他数据大部分缺失或不完整。如果是循环雷达(例如 Varia 雷达),该装置会断开连接。

The list of issues is vast, and that’s again, just to get it to baseline 2017 timeframe.
问题清单很长,而且这只是为了让它达到 2017 年基准时间表。

But if there’s anything that COROS is superbly good at, it’s updating their devices with software updates. And doing so frequently. They’ve typically aligned to a quarterly update cycle (roughly) for their watches, and historically have had good longevity in those updates for devices. I would *not* recommend buying this device today, but I think if I were to fast-forward to the fall, it’d likely be stable enough for tech geeks to toy with. And then if COROS can keep driving hard, then I suspect by next Spring, they’ll be in a position to be highly competitive with the lower-priced Wahoo offerings (e.g. the BOLT series), or other more budget-focused units.
但如果说 COROS 最擅长什么,那就是通过软件更新来更新他们的设备。并且经常这样做。他们通常会(大致)调整手表的季度更新周期,并且从历史上看,这些设备的更新具有良好的寿命。我今天*不*建议购买这款设备,但我认为如果我快进到秋天,它可能会足够稳定,可供技术极客使用。然后,如果 COROS 能够继续努力,那么我怀疑到明年春天,他们将能够与价格较低的 Wahoo 产品(例如 BOLT 系列)或其他更注重预算的产品竞争。

I think what COROS has envisioned could be super fascinating, especially around battery life. It’s just a question of whether they can get to there, from here, and what sacrifices might be made.
我认为 COROS 的设想可能非常令人着迷,尤其是在电池寿命方面。问题只是他们能否从这里到达那里,以及可能做出哪些牺牲。

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  1. Richard Shepherd

    That’s a shame. I have used most computers from the big manufacturers (Bolt 1 & 2, Karoo 2, Edge 130,500,520,530,540,830). At the moment I am back on my Bolt V1. It just works for me. And the reason I use it is because its rock solid. I don’t have a particular ecosystem reliance – I use an Apple Watch Ultra as my main non-cycling device. My perfect computer would be similar to the old – now unsupported – Wahoo RFLKT+ – a screen with solar charged battery with infinite longevity (highly unlikely in the UK) which mirrors my phone or apple watch and bridges in my ANT+ and BLE sensors.

  2. Pavel Vishniakov

    Hi Ray,
    Out of curiosity – is it possible to configure the unit for the first time just on the device itself (without any accounts or Wi-Fi, obviously), but at least set up a profile with data fields on the device itself and go for a ride (both Garmin and Wahoo can do it, AFAIK, albeit to a different extent) or is phone-based configuration a must?

  3. Kostiantyn

    What about their footpod and Effort Pace metrics? Was that even useful for Coros users?

  4. Reminds me of my old Edge 705 (searching for which, incidentally, was how I first discovered your website)…

  5. Will

    Most club cyclists I know cycle about 15-20hrs/ week.
    So the “forever” battery is chasing the <1% cyclist I feel.

  6. Thomas

    Ray, you are not alone in regard to digital crowns. I don’t see a point in choosing this over two simple buttons.

  7. Donathon

    COROS’ big problem is that it makes the same mistakes over and over again.

    They knew Dura wasn’t ready but they still shipped media samples they cannot expect to receive positive or even neutral press from reviewers when the products are so far from completion.

    Why do coros still not understand that negative press = good press? They should have moved media announcement to July 15th, no reason to release the news today. It now gives Garmin, Wahoo, and others 1 month to prepare retalitory marketing tactics and get a head start on any new features. Just dumb strategy from coros.

    Many of the issues noted above are fair and are unlikely to be fixed any time soon. This will create a negative vibe for prospective customers many of whom won’t bother with a dumbed down version of the ELMNT V2 Bolt atleast not for the next year.

    Its true that they rushed this out the gate for summer but its been in the pipeline for the past 3 years. They could of and should of planned this better.

    its clear as they get older and cockier the CEO cares less about the brand;s image and more about getting things on the shelves. Otherwise there would be NO reason to release samples to media with so many glaring issues. Good point also about it taking them 2-3 years to bring cloud mapping updates, this will never happen, and they will be forced to bring routing offline or miss out on thousands of customers, similar to their messups around ant+ in the past.

    Knowing that decathlon is now a big shareholder in Coros I think maybe if Decathlon made them bring the release date forward to get summer sales and enough footing in the market for Christmas season? Or maybe their CEO in china is now just so madly unhinged that he thought it’d be fun to make things as difficult as possible for the company? D.

    • Guy

      It’s an interesting product for a niche user group, ultra-distance cyclists and bikepackers. They need long autonomy, and don’t have access or time to recharge their unit during a multi-day outing.

      The product page talks about a “checkpoints” function that could meet the specific needs of ultra-distance races. The absence of a POI display during races is a major shortcoming on my Wahoo and the other units I’ve tested.

      Is this enough to attract ultra cyclists and bikepackers? There aren’t so many of them, and they’re already equipped with GPS, solar panel or dynamo hubs.

      But it’s a differentiating factor compared with other GPS units that are more road-oriented (lack of points of interest). It’s good that a Coros is taking an interest in this segment, as other brands don’t develop ultra and bikepacking specific function.

    • Pavel Vishniakov

      To be fair, Bikepacking.com (which very much aligns with the ultra-high battery life claims) gave Dura a very positive review practically praising the computer. On the other hand – I don’t think I can remember a single review there that was negative towards the product being reviewed, so take it with a grain of salt.

    • Donathon

      The bikepacking market is tiny, like less than 1 in 10 of all cyclists. any cyclist thinking about bikepacking (even before bike touring) will already have a very suitable bike computer.

      The real reviews will speak for themselves. Long battery life is the only standout feature here. Everything else is commonplace and expected. The features that really matter will take at least until this time next year to properly iron out. Cyclists don’t want trial and error and halfway products. They want things that work especially if you’re trusting your life with it to get from a to b.

      You have to bear in mind that the review on bikepacking.com and similar sites are not real reviews either. you’ll notice that most editorial publications that have an advertising arm as part of their business will never overly negatively rate a product to the point that DCR does. BikeRadar won’t give any product less than 5 stars if it sees an advertising future with that brand/company. Plus all these magazines benefit from giving positive reviews by receiving affiliate income. Take it with a grain of salt 😅

    • One of the slightly entertaining things about receiving press/media reviewer kits (all the documents) from all number of companies, is seeing which reviewers basically copy/paste things. As if following the actual posted presentations. Not talking specifically COROS, but actually any of number of companies.

      There are certain lines in presentations that are basically copy/paste to some of the reviews out there.

      As GPLAMA highlighted in his video, the comparison chart provided in that media pack, unfortunately, has many errors on competitor products. Some, quite significant errors. Inversely, I will give COROS credit that they did at least include a few lines in those charts that show COROS not having a given feature (most companies just skip over those lines entirely).

  8. Alex

    I’m not 100% sure what their target audience is (except for Choros watch users of course) but I’d be curious to see how many potential customers would actually prefer a smaller more sleek device over the big solar panel?

    I might be in the minority but I’m not willing to spend a ton of money on a clean, integrated cockpit just to put a hideous GPS unit up there.

    • Guy

      In my opinion, the unit is not intended for roady, but for ultra cyclists and backpackers. A solar-powered GPS with several days’ autonomy could be an interesting alternative to a dynamo hub, AC-to-USB rectifier, buffer battery, etc during summer time (long day, no need to ride at night).

      My dynamo setup must cost more than 500€ in total to be fully autonomous in lighting, navigation and phone charging. This is hard to justify for someone who doesn’t ride at night.

    • Bob

      Is that a total available market of 100,000 people or less?

    • Duncan74

      So the ultracyclist backpacker that only rides within urban areas with cell phone coverage. Oh and the backpacker/ultrarider that is interested in seeing 8 data fields of power, balance, cadence…

      We could have saved a lot of time from Ray, des, etc doing all the reviews and simply asked Bernard, the unique person in the world this is for if he likes it.

      But seriously, this is a prime example, noting Garmin is not much better, of people releasing half arsed products nowadays and then using the paying public to do their bug testing, wait for the patches to be sorted and pretty much by the time it’s in the ‘fit for purpose’ category then the company is telling us that we need to upgrade to the newest half designed ‘thing’. /grumpy_old_man

    • Steven

      Well said, your last paragraph. I almost (I am in fact) loosing interest in these things I started not to care about time and distance for my running and cycling. Navigation is the only interesting part for me. If not I like to leave the tech home. Tech overdose.

  9. Chris

    Even if it functioned 100% perfectly – that thing was dead in the water with that giant forehead/solar panel on it. I know long rides are a thing…but how many people need 100s of hours of riding without a charge? Maybe a few % of riders?

    Wahoo can’t get a watch right and Coros can’t get a bike computer right. Maybe they should join forces…

    • Roman

      You have forgotten to add that Garmin can’t get both (watch and bike computer) right :)

    • Donathon

      It’s well known across industry folk that about a year ago (now) Wahoo had asked Coros to build their next generation GPS watch based on the Coros framework of hardware and software. This will be similar to how Decathlon labelled up its two GPS watches based on the Pace 1 hardware and software.

      Personally I don’t see how wahoo could make another product that doesn’t suck ass by itself. There GPS watches are notoriously rubbish and their bike computer software is poor and lazy.

      Coros are making big gains if they accept the wahoo deal.

    • chris benten

      At least 250 currently doing the Tour Divide: link to bikepacking.com

      And the guy that won Unbound XL is currently, or will soon, riding another Divide from Norway-Russian border to Portugal or Spain (have not looked up the ride).

      Dozens, if not hundreds, of rides now last multiple days.

      The market exists. Should the software be more complete? Sure…

    • Paul S.

      They’re doing these rides currently, and the Dura isn’t out yet. What are they using now? Why would they switch?

    • K

      flat out not true. I absolutely promise you that Wahoo did not ask them to do this.

    • Duncan74

      Just continuing discussion. I get that there are people doing these things. But I don’t understand how the Dura fits. It has to use a mobile phone to connect to the internet to do route mapping (I know if you stay on route then its all offline, but in that case a paper map has infinite battery life). So having a 100hour headunit that needs a mobile is not that helpful (unless they bring back the nokia 8210).

      When I was bikepacking I used a simple wired ‘computer’ that had speed and distance. 3 year battery life. Navigation was a photocopy of a map with the route in red pen and a turn list with the elapsed distances noted.

  10. Zach

    Do you know – where does it source the map data from (specifically for single-track mountain bike trails)?

    • Donathon

      I think the main focus is on road cycling but in any case the computer will be receiving gpx routes loaded by the user, followed by cloud rerouting from google maps.

      There’s no feasible way for them to be able to get map data for single track without an apk from something like AllTrails which they don’t have.

      It sounds like as they’re relying on online rerouting/Google maps, that off-road rerouting and map/route creation is off the cards for now.

  11. okrunner

    Even if this doesn’t completely succeed, it’s likely to push Wahoo and Garmin to extend battery life even more. That can’t be a bad thing. Realistically, Garmin didn’t have a bike computer that would reliably outlast an Unbound XL of 350 miles for an average cyclist until the 1040, 840, 540’s came out in 2022. Further, it’s pretty clear to me that the gravel end of things and ultra distance events will continue to grow at rapid pace. The battery claims of the Dura, if realized, would be a godsend for a Tour Divide rider.

    • Yeah, I think the battery life, if they can hit it (without all sorts of other sacrifices) is cool. Though, I think people forget you can get 100hrs with the Edge 1040 Solar in regular GPS mode. And I find that Garmin has actually gone rather conservative on their Edge battery testing. Almost all my results see better battery performance than their specs, using the exact same settings as their specs (this is largely owed to how upset people got after the Edge 130 specs were all wonky, Garmin changed a lot of their policies on this).

      Battery Spec/Testing table for Edge 1040 Solar: link to support.garmin.com

  12. Earl

    It looks like the evolution of the Cateye Solar CC-2000.
    And that’s not a good thing.

  13. maxpower

    Things like this get killed in reviews because internet reviewers forget to look at value. Value is the first thing to be forgotten when you don’t have to buy these things yourself. Coros purposely kept the price low. Of course it’s not going to be as good as a Garmin 1040. In the same way that a Toyota Corolla isn’t as good as a Ferrari. A Corolla is going to be perfectly fine for 80% of people 99% of the time though, and they can save a ton of money. You can buy 2.5 of these for the price of one Garmin 1040.

    • Value?

      What, exactly, is the “value” of all these features, compared to a fully functional Wahoo BOLT V2 for $279 (and often sub-$250)? That’s a mere $30 more and includes something thats fully functioning, today, with mode features, proper re-routing, proper sensor support, and everything else.

    • Angstrom

      Or for the same money you could buy an Edge Explore 2, which actually tells you when you miss a turn and reroutes without a phone connection.
      There’s no value in an inexpensive computer that doesn’t do basic navigation well.

    • Donathon

      @Ray is the value also not a ceo directing and personally attacking you? Haha

      I’d paid extra for that tbh lol

    • Donathon

      Yeah but the explore 2 is running on windows vista beta and can’t process even turning on. You’re better off with a wet map.

    • Angstrom

      Not my experience. 2 years regular use, reliable navigation, no issues.

  14. Richard Lapierre

    As battery charge goes , if you have the budget and you ride in the evening /night. You should definetely goes the dynamo/usb charger direction. I run a SON SL with a sinewave reactor on the stem cap. I have a Garmin Edge 1040. The battery level actualy goes UP as I ride along. I have to say that I mostly ride in the evening
    or at night; rarely do I ride during the day. So the SON Edelux II and SON tailight are always on. And even with lights running, the battery level still goes up.Sometime the garmin notify me that I have lost outside power (the SON cache is empty) but it never last more that a minute or 2 then the charging start again I never EVER plug the garmin in the wall outlet at home. So for me battery life is a non issue.I have put a screenshot of the battery level of my latest ride. I left the house at 8:30 pm in the evening to start the ride.

  15. Donathon

    Yes it would be great for a Tour Divide rider or Unbound like we’ve seen but the reality is that those cyclists would also need to be using the Dura all year round as well as their computer (esp if they’re a sponsored rider) and no cyclist in their right mind will use dura over what Garmin offers in terms of training features.

    It’s all good for battery life, but everything else sucks (pre-release) and as others have said will take at least 2 years for the company to straighten out the issues so there’s no reason why pro cyclists would adopt coros at this point. I feel sorry for Freddy and other pros who have been approached for loads of money to rep dura only to find that the product is trash and not what they were expecting in comparison to Garmin.

    Still all competition is good competition and hopefully it will make Garmin think twice about their new lineup.

  16. Steven K.

    Typo here:
    “This past weekend I did a ~1,000m/3,00ft non-stop climb”
    Must be 3,000ft?

  17. Just as a general reminder, I ask that people use the same name (whatever that name is) when making comments, rather than posting under a new name for each comment. I’ve reconciled those comments under a single name.

  18. ArT

    It’s still not the product I’m looking forward to. ehh Not enough data on the map. Wahoo is currently the best. He is a role model for me.

  19. Mc

    I am an ultracyclist and ultrarunner. I have Coros and Garmin products. For racing, I hate rerouting because I have to follow the correct route or be disqualified. That said, for all those folks saying this product makes no sense, you guys do not understand Coros. They focus on ultra folks, that is their market. Seamless integration with radars is nice for training but we also do not use Varias in races b/c the battery life is too short. Dynamos cost a lot, you need a different one for every bike and they cost watts.Our existence revolves around batteries and food. Literally. I wish Coros had worked out some of the bugs beforehand but I am super interested in this item. Seems to me like they know their target audience…and the price is WAY better than Garmins 1040 solar. I will wait for some software updates to get things sorted then probably get this, assuming the battery life does reach their claims after the updates (which is how their watches are- with every update, you get an immediate upgrade, more features, etc).

    • Will

      Worth remembering that the 1040 screen is much larger, as is the feature set. So comparison is tricky and only possible if your sole requirement is battery life, which then maybe is the Ultra athlete, as you said.

    • guy

      I use the same front wheel with dynamo hub, for road and gravel. I can even use the same wheel on a QR 9 x 100mm with an adaptor. The only time I’d need a second dynamo would be for a 15×110 MTB axle.
      In most cases it’s not necessary to have several dynamo wheels. The dynamo offers an autonomy and a flexibility in particular for the lighting incomparable with the batteries. More GPS autonomy is a good thing, but it won’t make dynamos obsolete.

      It’s perfectly possible to recharge the varia during the day on the dynamo and use it at night. The alerts are particularly useful when you start to feel tired or lose your lucidity.

    • SG

      Proper Garmin comparison would be the 840 (Solar) not the 1040, so that narrows the price gap considerably (especially with the recent/current discsounts on Garmin).

    • MrB

      Speak for yourself. I’m also an ultracyclist and always use a Varia. Vast majority of my ultracycling friends also use a Varia. The second I saw Ray mention issues with the Varia I lost all interest in this unit.

  20. Gus

    Not a single word about the childish idea of adopting the “Dura” name? Maybe they launch their own radar under the name Ace as well?

  21. Adam

    “Explore Perfection”…where perfection is the perfect storm of poor decisions that were made during this product’s design, production, and launch date timing.

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