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数字式压力开关 ZSE20(F)/ISE20

感谢您购买 SMC ZSE20(F)/ISE20 系列数字压力开关。


要获取有关本产品和控制单元的操作手册,请参阅 SMC web网站

(URL http://www.smoworld.com) 或直接联系 SMC。



这些说明通过“小心”、“警告”或“危险”标签指示潜在危险的级别。它们都是重要的安全注意事项,除了国际标准 (ISO/IEC) 和其他安全法规外,还必须遵守。

AD CaUTOM:注意表示具有低风险的危险,如果


警告 表示具有中等风险的危险


DANGER 表示具有高风险的危险,其中



  • 本操作手册适用于具有使用气动设备的机械知识,并且对此类设备的组装、操作和维护有足够知识的人。只有这些人才能进行组装、操作和维护。

  • 在组装、操作或提供产品维护之前,请仔细阅读并理解操作手册。



D 请勿拆卸、改装(包括更换印刷电路板)或修理。可能会导致受伤或故障。


- 请勿在含有易燃或爆炸性气体的环境中操作。可能会导致火灾或爆炸。 本产品未设计为防爆。
- Do not operate in an atmosphere comtaining fiammable or explosive gases. Fire or an explosion can result. This product is not designed to be explosion proof.| - Do not operate in an atmosphere comtaining fiammable or explosive gases. Fire or an explosion can result. | | :--- | | This product is not designed to be explosion proof. |

- 请勿在有静电问题的地方使用本产品。否则可能会导致系统故障或故障。

- 如果在 inferlocking circult 中使用产品: - 提供双联锁系统,例如机械系统 - 检查产品是否正常运行 否则可能导致故障,导致事故。

E维护期间必须遵循以下说明: - 关闭电源 - 在进行维护工作之前,停止空气供应,排出残余压力并确认空气已释放 否则可能会导致受伤。
EThe following instructions must be followed during maintenance: -Turn off the power supply - Stop the air supply, exhaust the residual pressure and verify that the air is released before performing maintenance work Otherwise an injury can result.| EThe following instructions must be followed during maintenance: | | :--- | | -Turn off the power supply | | - Stop the air supply, exhaust the residual pressure and verify that the air is released before performing maintenance work | | Otherwise an injury can result. |
   /_\\triangle 谨慎

- 请勿在通电时触摸端子和连接器。否则可能会导致触电、功能不良或产品损坏。

a 维护完成后,进行适当的功能检查和泄漏测试。如果设备无法正常工作或有液体泄漏,请停止运行。当配管以外的部件发生泄漏时,产品可能有故障。断开电源并停止流体供应。请勿在泄漏情况下使用 fuid。 在发生意外故障的情况下,无法保证安全性。
a After maintenance is complete, perform appropriate functional inspections and leak tests. Stop operation if the equipment does not function properly or there is a leakage of fluid. When leakage occurs from parts other than the piping, the product might be faulty. Disconnect the power supply and stop the fluid supply. Do not apply fuid under leaking conditions. Safety cannot be assured in the case of unexpected malfunction.| a After maintenance is complete, perform appropriate functional inspections and leak tests. Stop operation if the equipment does not function properly or there is a leakage of fluid. When leakage occurs from parts other than the piping, the product might be faulty. Disconnect the power supply and stop the fluid supply. Do not apply fuid under leaking conditions. | | :--- | | Safety cannot be assured in the case of unexpected malfunction. |
A Wanning D Do not disassemble, modify (including changing the printed circuit board) or repair. An injury or failure can result. Do not operate the product outside of the specifications. Do not use for flammable or harmiul fluids. Fire, malfunction, or damage to the product can result. Verify the specifications before use. "- Do not operate in an atmosphere comtaining fiammable or explosive gases. Fire or an explosion can result. This product is not designed to be explosion proof." -Do not use the product in a place where static electricity is a problem. Otherwise it can cause failure or malfunction of the system. - lf using the product in an inferlocking circult: -Provide a double interlocking system, for example a mechanical system -Check the product regularty for proper operation Otherwise malfunction can result, causing an accident. "EThe following instructions must be followed during maintenance: -Turn off the power supply - Stop the air supply, exhaust the residual pressure and verify that the air is released before performing maintenance work Otherwise an injury can result." /_\ Caution - Do not touch the terminals and connectors while the power is on. Otherwise electric shock, malifunction or darnage to the product can result. "a After maintenance is complete, perform appropriate functional inspections and leak tests. Stop operation if the equipment does not function properly or there is a leakage of fluid. When leakage occurs from parts other than the piping, the product might be faulty. Disconnect the power supply and stop the fluid supply. Do not apply fuid under leaking conditions. Safety cannot be assured in the case of unexpected malfunction."| A Wanning | | :---: | | D Do not disassemble, modify (including changing the printed circuit board) or repair. An injury or failure can result. | | Do not operate the product outside of the specifications. Do not use for flammable or harmiul fluids. Fire, malfunction, or damage to the product can result. Verify the specifications before use. | | - Do not operate in an atmosphere comtaining fiammable or explosive gases. Fire or an explosion can result. <br> This product is not designed to be explosion proof. | | -Do not use the product in a place where static electricity is a problem. Otherwise it can cause failure or malfunction of the system. | | - lf using the product in an inferlocking circult: -Provide a double interlocking system, for example a mechanical system -Check the product regularty for proper operation Otherwise malfunction can result, causing an accident. | | EThe following instructions must be followed during maintenance: <br> -Turn off the power supply <br> - Stop the air supply, exhaust the residual pressure and verify that the air is released before performing maintenance work <br> Otherwise an injury can result. | | $\triangle$ Caution | | - Do not touch the terminals and connectors while the power is on. Otherwise electric shock, malifunction or darnage to the product can result. | | a After maintenance is complete, perform appropriate functional inspections and leak tests. Stop operation if the equipment does not function properly or there is a leakage of fluid. When leakage occurs from parts other than the piping, the product might be faulty. Disconnect the power supply and stop the fluid supply. Do not apply fuid under leaking conditions. <br> Safety cannot be assured in the case of unexpected malfunction. |


- 要使用的直流电源应经过 UL 认证,如下所示:电路(2 类),最大 30 Vrms(峰值 42.4 V),带有 UL1310 2 类电源装置或 UL1585 2 类变压器。

-只有当产品具有 six. six.  ^("six. "){ }^{\text {six. }} .身上的标记。






  • 使用安装螺钉将支架安装到主体上(自攻螺钉:

标称尺寸 3 × 8 L 3 × 8 L 3xx8L3 \times 8 \mathrm{~L} (2 件)),然后将主体设置到指定位置。

*:将支架安装螺钉拧紧至扭矩。 0.5 ± 0.05 Nm 0.5 ± 0.05 Nm 0.5+-0.05Nm0.5 \pm 0.05 \mathrm{Nm}


-支架 A (零件编号:ZS-46-A1)

-支架 B (零件编号: ZS-46-A2)


将 (a) 部分安装到机身前部并固定。然后将带有 (a) 的主体插入面板,直到 (a) 与面板正面接触。接下来,将 (b) 部分从后部安装到主体上并插入,直到 (b) 与面板接触以进行固定。
  •   面板安装适配器
      面板安装适配器 +

    *:面板安装适配器可旋转 90 度进行安装。

    有关面板开孔和安装孔尺寸的更多信息,请参阅产品目录或 SMC 网站(URL http://www.smcworld.com)。


- 拧紧连接螺纹

  • 用于连接本体(配管规格:-M5)手动拧紧后,将正确尺寸的扳手套在配管本体的扳手平面上,然后以 a 1 / 6 1 / 6 1//61 / 6 旋转 1 / 4 1 / 4 1//41 / 4 方式拧紧。

    作为参考,拧紧扭矩为 1 至 1.5 Nm。(更换配管接头 ZS-46-N* 时,请用同样的方法拧紧。

    -配管规格: -01, - N01

    用手拧紧后,用扳手握住压力端口的六角扳手平面,并旋转 2 至 3 圈拧紧。

    作为参考,拧紧扭矩为 3 至 5 Nm。



  o 接线连接

  • 应在电源关闭的情况下进行连接


- 如果使用市售的开关电源,请务必将框架接地 (FG) 端子接地。如果连接开关电源使用,开关噪声会叠加,无法满足产品规格。在这种情况下,请在开关电源之间插入 line noise filterfferrite 等噪声滤波器,或者将开关电源更改为串联电源。



  • 连接连接器时,将其笔直插入引脚上,握住拉杆和连接器本体,然后将拉杆钩推入外壳上的凹槽中,锁定连接器

    - 要拆下连接器,请向下按压控制杆,从凹槽中取出挂钩,然后将连接器笔直拉出。


  DC(+) 棕色 5
  OUT1 黑色 4