25 Résumé Writing Tips
25 個簡歷寫作技巧
Rachel Meltzer Updated on June 13, 2023
雷切爾·梅爾策 6月13,2023更新
In the age of applicant tracking systems (ATS), a competitive job market, and limited positions in certain fields, writing a résumé can feel like a high-stakes undertaking. Maybe you’re starting to apply for new jobs, aren’t hearing back about your applications, or want to refresh your résumé.
在求職者跟蹤系統 (ATS)、競爭激烈的就業市場和某些領域的有限職位的時代,寫簡歷感覺像是一項高風險的任務。也許您開始申請新工作,沒有收到申請的回復,或者想更新您的簡歷。
Instead of wondering what to include in a résumé or whether it will land you the job you’re looking for, use these résumé tips as a complete resource for writing a polished résumé that is mistake-free and passes muster with the people (and machines) who read it.
Résumé writing tips
1 Keep your résumé concise
1 保持簡歷簡潔
On average, a hiring manager will look at your résumé for about seven seconds. A concise résumé is more scannable and therefore more likely to get a thorough look from the hiring manager. To keep it concise, make sure you’ve narrowed your résumé down to the important and relevant achievements and experiences. Generally, your résumé should be only one page
平均而言,招聘經理會看你的簡歷大約 7 秒鐘。簡潔的簡歷更易於掃描,因此更有可能從招聘經理那裡得到徹底的瞭解。為了簡潔起見,請確保您已將簡歷範圍縮小到重要且相關的成就和經歷。一般來說,你的簡歷應該只有一頁.
2 Tailor your résumé for the job or industry
2 為工作或行業定製您的簡歷
If you want to keep your résumé readable and concise, include only the experiences relevant to the job you’re applying for or the industry it’s a part of. This means creating a version that removes less applicable experiences and activities. A tailored résumé signals to recruiters that you’ve put in the effort to craft a résumé focused on the job you’re applying for.
3 Put the most relevant information first
3 將最相關的資訊放在最前面
At this point, you get it: Hiring managers want to see the most relevant information as quickly as possible—in most cases, within the top third of your résumé. Lead with a summary or skills section if your most recent experience isn’t the most relevant.
此時,您明白了:招聘經理希望儘快看到最相關的資訊——在大多數情況下,在簡歷的前三分之一範圍內。 如果您最近的經歷不是最相關的,請以摘要或技能部分開頭。
4 Include links to your work
4 包含指向您作品的連結
You may want to link to references pertinent to your application or that supplement the information in your résumé.
Personal website or portfolio
Specific projects or a case study about a project
Professional social media profile
These sources give deeper insights into why you’re the optimal candidate. Whatever links you include, ensure you’re not hyperlinking keywords that ATS scans for.
這些來源可以更深入地瞭解您為什麼是最佳候選人。無論您包含什麼連結,請確保您沒有超連結 ATS 掃描的關鍵字。
5 Find keywords in the job description
5 在職位描述中查找關鍵詞
Before submitting your polished résumé, customize it for each application by scanning the job description for résumé words essential to the job. Modify your résumé to include those words and skills. This will make you more likely to pass ATS scans and get through to a real person.
在提交精美的簡歷之前,通過 掃描職位描述以查找對工作至關重要的簡歷單詞,為每個申請定製簡歷。修改您的簡歷以包含這些單詞和技能。這將使您更有可能通過 ATS 掃描並連接到真人。
Résumé formatting tips
6 Keep the format simple
6 保持格式簡單
To ensure your résumé is clear and easy to read or scan, keep the format simple and in a logical order. Don’t cram in too much information by removing margins or making the font tiny. Don’t include extra flourishes or unnecessary design elements. Use web-safe fonts in black and white.
為確保您的簡歷清晰易讀或流覽,請保持格式簡單且順序合理。不要通過刪除邊距或使字體變小來塞入太多資訊。不要包含額外的裝飾或不必要的設計元素。使用黑白 Web 安全字體。
7 Avoid design elements
7 避免設計元素
Omit design elements, such as colors and graphics, if you want your résumé to make it to a human. This will also save you space so you can include more information!
8 Include clear contact information
8 包括明確的聯繫資訊
You no longer need to include your address on your résumé. But you should include other contact information in the résumé header. Display your phone number and email address at the top of your résumé. If you’re applying for an in-person job where the location matters, you can add your city and state for clarity.
Work experience tips
9 Use action words
9 使用動作詞
Résumé action words describe what you’ve accomplished in your previous jobs. They give hiring managers an understanding of your experience, allowing them to consider how those skills would translate to the role they’re hiring for. Include an action word at the start of every descriptive sentence under your work-experience section to get noticed.
10 Put achievements in bullet points
10 將成就放在要點中
Listing your achievements as bullet points makes your résumé easier to skim. Use an action word to start each bullet point and focus on quantifiable accomplishments or key tasks that could also translate to the open position. Anywhere from three to seven bullet points is an acceptable number.
將您的成就列為要點可以使您的簡歷更容易流覽。使用一個行動詞來開始每個要點,並專注於可量化的成就或關鍵任務,這些也可以轉化為空缺職位。3 到 7 個要點都是可以接受的數位。
11 Include keywords for ATS
11 包含 ATS 的關鍵字
You’ll find keywords that cater to ATS within the job description. Including keywords makes your résumé more likely to get selected from the pool of applications. Pop these into the bullet points of your experience, in the skills section, and as part of your summary or objective statement
您會在職位描述中找到適合 ATS 的關鍵字。包含關鍵字使您的簡歷更有可能從申請池中被選中。將這些內容放入體驗的要點、技能部分,並作為總結或目標陳述的一部分.
12 Don’t include short-term jobs
12 不包括短期工作
You don’t need to list jobs you did for only a few months unless they were particularly significant. Including them may make it seem like you job-hop frequently.
13 Get strategic with your dates
13 策略性地安排你的約會
If you have a résumé gap of a few months, consider formatting your résumé to show only the years you worked at various places rather than the month and the year. This will make the time between jobs less noticeable.
如果您的簡歷間隔幾個月,請考慮設置簡歷格式,僅顯示 您在各個地方工作的年份,而不是月份和年份。這將使工作之間的時間不那麼明顯。
14 Explain breaks and hiatuses
14 解釋中斷和中斷
If you were laid off, a company closed, or you relocated, mention that in a bullet point underneath the experience. If you took time off for another reason, you could explain what you learned or why you took time off in your résumé objective or summary statement.
如果您被解僱、公司倒閉或搬遷,請在體驗下方的要點中提及。如果您因其他原因請假,您可以在簡歷目標或總結陳述中解釋您學到的內容或您為什麼請假 。
15 Include education after work experience
15 包括工作經驗后的教育
Your work experience is typically the most important section for hiring managers. They refer to it to determine whether you’re the right fit for a job. Putting your education below the work experience draws hiring managers and recruiters in and gets your résumé read.
16 Put your most recent job first
16 把你最近的工作放在第一位
Most recruiters look for résumés formatted in reverse chronological order, where the most recent experience is listed first. Unless it’s required, skip the functional or skills-based résumé—potential employers may question why you aren’t listing your work experience. Include the most relevant jobs from the most recent ten to fifteen years of your career.
大多數招聘人員會尋找按時間倒序排列的簡歷,其中最近的經歷列在最前面。除非需要,否則請跳過基於職能或技能的簡歷——潛在僱主可能會質疑您為什麼不列出您的工作經驗。包括您職業生涯最近 10 到 15 年中最相關的工作。
17 Include continuing education, certificates, and awards
17 包括繼續教育、證書和獎項
Certifications and licenses demonstrate that you can do the job you’re applying for, and in some cases (such as in nursing, law, teaching, and truck driving), they’re a prerequisite for securing a job. In your education section, you can also include continuing education, professional development, online courses, and other upskilling achievements.
Skills section tips
18 Add relevant skills
18 添加相關技能
The skills section of your résumé is a great place to include keywords. This is also a section that recruiters skim. Customize it for each job you apply for to make this section as relevant as possible.
19 Break skills into sections if lengthy
19 如果技能很長,就分成幾個部分
If your skills section is robust, group similar skills by category. Twelve skills or more can be broken into smaller segments within the skills section. Again, your résumé should be as scannable as possible.
20 Add interests only if relevant
20 僅在相關時添加興趣
Do you have interests and hobbies related to the skills you need for a job? Include them in the skills section! Maybe you’re a home brewer applying to work at a brewery. Or you code as a hobby and are looking for a software job. These are fantastic interests to include. But if your interests aren’t related to the position, it’s best to omit them from your résumé.
Proofreading tips
21 Check for typos
21 檢查拼寫錯誤
As with all professional documents, ensure your résumé is free of typos and easily misused words, such as their and there. You can use writing assistance, such as Grammarly, to check your spelling and punctuation. Thoroughly edit your résumé and read it closely before submitting it.
與所有專業文件一樣,請確保您的簡歷沒有拼寫錯誤和容易被誤用的單詞,例如 their 和 there。您可以使用寫作輔助(例如 Grammarly)來檢查您的拼寫和標點符號。在提交之前,請徹底編輯您的簡歷並仔細閱讀。
22 Use correct grammar
22 使用正確的語法
Write your previous jobs in the past tense and your current role in the present tense. Also, double-check that you’re using correct grammar throughout the document. Poor grammar in a carefully curated résumé looks unprofessional.
23 Have someone else read it
23 請別人讀
Ask for a second opinion from friends, family, or a coworker (as long as it’s OK that they know you’re applying for jobs). A third party can tell you if you need to clarify something, missed a typo, or forgot to include something important.
24 Save as a PDF
24 另存為 PDF
The professional way to save and send your résumé is as a PDF. PDFs can’t be altered and don’t change the document’s format, so you know your résumé will arrive the way you intended it to.
保存和發送簡歷的專業方法是 PDF 格式。PDF 不能被更改,也不會改變文件的格式,因此您知道您的簡歷會按照您的預期方式送達。
25 Name your file clearly
25 清楚地命名你的檔
Don’t save your résumé under a generic file name like “Résumé_ 2023.” In the file name, clarify what it is, when it was created, and who it belongs to. A format such as “[your name]_[the job]_Résumé” works well—for example, Katniss Everdeen_Freedom Fighter_Résumé
不要將您的簡歷保存在通用檔名下,例如“Résumé_ 2023”。在檔名中,闡明它是什麼、創建時間以及它屬於誰。“[您的姓名]_[工作]_Résumé”等格式效果很好,例如 Katniss Everdeen_Freedom Fighter_Résumé.
Using Chat GPT to rewrite the article with CEFR A2 vocabulary while retaining the original structure and content:
使用 Chat GPT 用 CEFR A2 詞彙重寫文章,同時保留原始結構和內容:
In today's world of online job applications, a competitive job market, and limited positions in certain fields, creating a résumé may feel like a high-stakes task. Perhaps you are starting to apply for new jobs, not hearing back about your applications, or wanting to update your résumé.
Instead of worrying about what to include in a résumé or whether it will help you get the job you want, use these résumé tips as a complete guide for writing a polished résumé that is error-free and gets the attention of both people and machines.
Résumé writing tips:
Keep your résumé short: On average, a hiring manager will spend about seven seconds looking at your résumé. A brief résumé is easier to read and more likely to get a thorough look.
保持簡歷簡短:平均而言,招聘經理會花大約 7 秒鐘查看你的簡歷。簡短的簡歷更容易閱讀,也更有可能得到全面的瞭解。
Customize your résumé: Tailor your résumé for the job or industry by including only experiences relevant to the position you're applying for.
定製您的簡歷: 通過僅包含與您申請的職位相關的經驗,為工作或行業定製您的簡歷。
Prioritize relevant information: Place the most important information at the beginning of your résumé to quickly catch the hiring manager's attention.
Include links to your work: You may want to share links to relevant references, such as your personal website, portfolio, specific projects, or a professional social media profile.
Use keywords from the job description: Customize your résumé for each application by including essential words and skills mentioned in the job description.
Résumé formatting tips:
Keep the format simple: Ensure your résumé is easy to read by maintaining a simple format with clear headings and web-safe fonts in black and white.
保持格式簡單:通過保持簡單的格式、清晰的標題和黑白 Web 安全字體,確保您的簡歷易於閱讀。
Avoid design elements: Skip colors and graphics to increase the chances of your résumé being noticed by both humans and automated systems.
Provide clear contact information: Display your phone number and email address at the top of your résumé for easy contact.
提供清晰的聯繫資訊: 在簡歷頂部顯示您的電話號碼和電子郵件位址,以便於聯繫。
Work experience tips:
Use action words: Begin each descriptive sentence under your work experience with action words to highlight your accomplishments.
使用動作詞: 在您的工作經驗下的每個描述性句子的開頭都用動作詞來突出您的成就。
Present achievements in bullet points: List your achievements as bullet points to make your résumé easier to skim.
Include keywords for ATS: Integrate keywords from the job description to enhance the likelihood of passing through automated systems.
包括 ATS 的關鍵詞:整合職位描述中的關鍵詞,以提高通過自動化系統的可能性。
Skip short-term jobs: You don't need to list short-term jobs unless they were particularly significant.
Be strategic with dates: Consider showing only the years you worked at various places to minimize gaps in your résumé.
Explain breaks and hiatuses: If you had breaks between jobs, briefly explain them in bullet points under the relevant experience.
Place education after work experience: Prioritize work experience over education, listing your most recent job first.
Arrange jobs in reverse chronological order: Format your résumé with the most recent experience listed first to align with recruiters' expectations.
Include continuing education, certificates, and awards: Showcase relevant certifications, licenses, and awards in the education section.
包括繼續教育、證書和獎勵: 在教育部分展示相關的認證、許可證和獎勵。
Skills section tips:
Add relevant skills: Customize the skills section for each job application by including keywords relevant to the position.
添加相關技能: 通過包含與職位相關的關鍵字來自定義每個工作申請的技能部分。
Group lengthy skills: If your skills section is extensive, group similar skills into categories for easier readability.
Include interests only if relevant: Add interests and hobbies related to the job to the skills section, omitting irrelevant ones.
Proofreading tips:
Check for typos: Ensure your résumé is free of typos and commonly confused words, using tools like Grammarly for assistance.
檢查拼寫錯誤: 確保您的簡歷沒有拼寫錯誤和經常混淆的單詞,使用 Grammarly 等工具尋求説明。
Use correct grammar: Write past jobs in the past tense and current roles in the present tense, maintaining proper grammar throughout.
使用正確的語法:用過去時寫過去的jobs,用現在時寫 current roles,自始至終保持正確的語法。
Have someone else read it: Seek a second opinion from someone you trust to catch any errors or omissions.
Save as a PDF: Save your résumé as a PDF to maintain its format and prevent alterations.
另存為 PDF:將您的簡歷另存為 PDF 以保持其格式並防止更改。
Name your file clearly: Use a clear and specific file name, including your name, the job, and the term "Résumé" to facilitate easy identification.