ENGG1100 Professional Engineering Semester 2 2024 |
Project 2024: Flood Resistant Housing version 1.21
项目 2024:防洪住房版本 1.21
ENGG1100 Professional Engineering Semester 2 2024 |
Project 2024: Flood Resistant Housing version 1.21
Table of Contents
2. Aims and Objectives 2
2. 宗旨和目标 2
3. Learning Activities 3
3. 学习活动 3
3.5 Project Plan Development 5
3.5 项目计划制定 5
4. Project Description 7
四、项目简介 7
4.2 Design Objectives 7
4.2 设计目标 7
4.3 Design Subsystems 7
4.3 设计子系统 7
4.4 Design Constraints 8
4.4 设计约束 8
4.4.1 Prototype Constraints 8
4.4.1 原型约束 8
4.4.2 Test Rig Specifications 9
4.4.2 试验台规格 9
4.4.3 Assessment Box 10
4.4.3 评估框10
4.4.4 Budget Details 12
4.4.4 预算明细 12
4.4.5 Appropriate Solutions 12
4.4.5 适当的解决方案 12
4.5 Prototype Demonstration 13
4.5 原型演示 13
4.5.1 Prototype Submission 13
4.5.1 原型提交 13
4.5.2 Demonstration Procedure 13
4.5.2 演示程序 13
4.6 Safety Requirements 14
4.6 安全要求 14
4.6.1 Workshop Safety 14
4.6.1 车间安全 14
4.6.2 Battery Safety 14
4.6.2 电池安全 14
5.1 Concept Report (Individual) 15
5.1 概念报告(个人) 15
5.2 Oral Presentation (Team) 18
5.2 口头报告(团队) 18
5.3 Engagement Portfolio (Individual) 20
5.3 参与组合(个人) 20
5.4 Design Project (Team) 22
5.4 设计项目(组) 22
5.4.1 Design Project-Part 1: Demonstration (Team) 22
5.4.1 设计项目-第一部分:演示(团队) 22
5.4.2 Design Project-Part 2: Final Report (Team) 24
5.4.2 设计项目-第 2 部分:最终报告(团队) 24
6. Peer Assessment 25
6. 同伴评估 25
1. Introduction
1. 引言
ENGG1100 is designed to introduce first-year engineering students to the community of engineering practice and provide them with the tools and skills necessary for success in their undergraduate and postgraduate studies, research environments, and in industry. One of the objectives of the course is to train students to think like professional engineers and to provide insight into industry practices for better career planning after graduation.
ENGG1100 旨在将一年级工程专业的学生介绍给工程实践社区,并为他们提供在本科和研究生学习、研究环境和行业中取得成功所需的工具和技能。该课程的目标之一是培养学生像专业工程师一样思考,并提供对行业实践的洞察力,以便在毕业后更好地进行职业规划。
Specifically, the course aims to develop core engineering competencies such as: recognizing and acknowledging one's knowledge and skill base; applying engineering principles to solution development; and developing professional and personal attributes related to self-management and communication. To achieve these objectives, students will participate in a team-based multidisciplinary design project to develop virtual and physical prototypes in response to an engineering problem. Students will work in teams, supported by academic staff and tutors, and will go through a series of workshops, contact sessions, and practical that will guide them through the stages of the project and help them develop a professional engineering mindset.
2. Aims and Objectives
2. 宗旨和目标
The aims of the course are to enable students to develop an understanding of core engineering competencies, systems design processes, concepts of sustainability, engineering decision-making, risk management and project management; to utilize and implement these skills to design, build, test and demonstrate a multidisciplinary project; and to develop enterprise skills around self-management, communication and teamwork.
After successfully completing this course students should be able to:
Demonstrate ability to approach a complex and realistic engineering design task using a structured engineering design process. [Engineering Design]
Locate, evaluate, use and cite information from a variety of media including print, engineering drawings, and electronic sources. [Information Management]
Demonstrate professional engineering-standard written, oral and graphical communication skills through appropriate use of software where relevant. [Communication]
Demonstrate appropriate use of basic project management processes, tools and record
Work effectively in an engineering team, identify the characteristics of effective teamwork, and critically evaluate personal and peer contributions to team processes. [Teamwork]
Demonstrate competence in critically interpreting the concepts of sustainability and incorporating these principles in the engineering design process. [Engineering Sustainability]
Demonstrate an ability to manage your own time and learning and reflect critically on personal and professional development. [Personal Development]
Demonstrate the responsibilities of a professional engineer through critical reflection on engineering ethics, ability to meet deadlines, and incorporation of risk management, and health and safety aspects in design. [Professional Development]
3. Learning Activities
3. 学习活动
3.1 PBL1
3.1 PBL1的
You are required to attend a two-hour in-person PBL1 class per week during weeks 1-8. PBL1 consists of seven modules (in weeks 1-7) and an ‘in
您需要在第 1-8 周每周参加两小时的面对面 PBL1 课程。PBL1 由七个模块(第 1-7 周)和第 8 周的“课堂进度报告”组成。可以通过 Blackboard 的 PBL1 选项卡访问 PBL1 幻灯片。此外,黑板上的“PBL1 模块 - 自主学习”下也提供了支持模块。其中包括其他活动,例如短视频、学习材料和知识检查问题。
Week 1: Introduction to Engineering
第 1 周:工程导论
How do engineers design things?
What do we mean when we talk about engineering as a profession
Week 2: Project Management
第 2 周:项目管理
What is a project?
Introduction to Project Management.
Project Management tools.
Week 3: Systems Thinking
第 3 周:系统思维
What is a system? How do engineers use the VEE model to design a system?
How do we go from an idea or concept to an actual functioning engineered system?
Pairwise Comparison
Week 4: Design Decision-Making
第 4 周:设计决策
Evaluate the relative importance of design criteria using Pairwise Comparison Analysis
How do engineers evaluate design options using a Decision-Making Matrix?
Decision Making Matrix
Week 5: Materials & Manufacturing
第 5 周:材料与制造
Why is selecting the right material important in engineering design?
What scaling considerations are important in progressing to the mass-production of a design?
What is involved in estimating the cost of an engineering project?
Week 6: Risk Management
第 6 周:风险管理
What is risk? How do engineers manage risk?
Is knowing stakeholders important when it comes to assessing risk?
How do engineers avoid failures with a structured approach?
Week 7: Sustainable Engineering
第 7 周:可持续工程
What is sustainability?
What is the Triple Bottom Line? How do engineers use it for sustainability analysis?
How is Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) used to assess the impact of an engineering product?
如何使用生命周期评估 (LCA) 来评估工程产品的影响?
3.2 PBL2
You are required to attend a two-hour in-person PBL2 class per week during weeks 1-13 (or online via Zoom for those in External mode). During PBL2 classes, you will receive information about the project and participate in team-based activities to design, build, test, and demonstrate your project.
您需要在第 1-13 周每周参加两小时的面对面 PBL2 课程(对于处于外部模式的人,则通过 Zoom 在线学习)。在 PBL2 课程中,您将收到有关项目的信息,并参与基于团队的活动来设计、构建、测试和演示您的项目。
Week 1: Team Formation & Introduction Week 8: In-class Progress Reporting
第 1 周:团队组建和介绍 第 8 周:课堂进度报告
Week 2: Project Plan Development Week 9: System Assembly
第 2 周:项目计划制定 第 9 周:系统组装
Week 3: Concept Design 1 Week 10: System Evaluation/Improvement
第 3 周:概念设计 1 第 10 周:系统评估/改进
Week 4: Concept Design 2 Week 11: System Evaluation/Improvement
第 4 周:概念设计 2 第 11 周:系统评估/改进
Week 5: System Design and Team Dynamics Week 12: System Evaluation/Improvement
第 5 周:系统设计和团队动力学 第 12 周:系统评估/改进
Week 6: System Fabrication/Integration 1 Week 13 Design Project: 1-Demo, 2-Final Report
第 6 周:系统制造/集成 1 第 13 周设计项目:1-演示,2-最终报告
Week 7: System Fabrication/Integration 2
第 7 周:系统制造/集成 2
3.3 Seminars
3.3 研讨会
You are required to attend a one-hour in-person seminar per week for the duration of weeks 1-9 (or online via Zoom for those in External mode). These seminars aim to assist you with the technical challenges of the project, and their content is targeted towards the more complex aspects of project design. The goal is to enhance your engineering skills as you progress through the course. You must complete your Engagement Portfolio for the seminar-related tasks scheduled for Weeks 2-9.
您需要在第 1-9 周期间每周参加一小时的面对面研讨会(对于处于外部模式的人,则通过 Zoom 在线参加)。这些研讨会旨在帮助您应对项目的技术挑战,其内容针对项目设计的更复杂方面。目标是在课程中取得进展时提高您的工程技能。您必须完成计划在第 2-9 周执行的研讨会相关任务的参与组合。
k Topic
k 主题
Week 1: Introduction to ENGG1100
第 1 周:ENGG1100简介
Week 2: Structure and Drive Subsystems
第 2 周:结构和驱动子系统
Week 3: Power-Control Subsystem
第 3 周:电源控制子系统
Week 4: Subsystem Review
第 4 周:子系统审查
Week 5: Teamwork and Communication
第 5 周:团队合作和沟通
Week 6: Reflective Writing and Storytelling
第 6 周:反思性写作和讲故事
Week 7: Ethical Conduct and Integrity
第 7 周:道德行为和诚信
Week 8: Sustainability
第 8 周:可持续性
Week 9: Technical Support and System Review
第 9 周:技术支持和系统审查
Week 10: Employability and Professional Practice
第 10 周:就业能力和专业实践
3.4 Practical
3.4 实用性
You are required to attend a single practical session in this course. The goal of this practical is to introduce you to various workshop tools that are necessary for manufacturing your project, and to provide support as you use these tools to manufacture a component of your project. Specifically, you will manufacture a plate, or "Manufactured Component," to be used in your final project. You will be given one unfinished (non-square) plate that is large enough to make one plate (as shown in Figure 1). Your task is to drill a specific pattern of 3.5-mm holes in the base plate as well as a 5mm central hole. The centre hole will be attached to a pole with a locator tag for positioning and the 3.5mm holes can be used to attach the plate to the roof of your structure. You may choose to customize the component and expand the holes and length of the pole at later stages of your project development.
在本课程中,您需要参加一次实践课程。本实践的目标是向您介绍制造项目所需的各种车间工具,并在您使用这些工具制造项目的组件时提供支持。具体来说,您将制造一个板或“制造组件”,以用于您的最终项目。您将获得一个未完成的(非方形)板,该板足够大,可以制作一个板(如图 1 所示)。您的任务是在底板上钻出 3.5 毫米的特定图案的孔以及 5 毫米的中心孔。中心孔将连接到带有定位标签的杆子上,用于定位,3.5 毫米的孔可用于将板连接到结构的屋顶。在项目开发的后期阶段,您可以选择自定义组件并扩展杆的孔和长度。
Figure 1: Manufactured Component dimensions
图 1:制造组件尺寸
3.5 Project Plan Development
3.5 项目计划制定
During PBL2 in week 2, you and your team will work on developing a Project Plan, which you will then present to your teaching team. You will receive feedback based on the criteria outlined in Table 1. You can download the Project Plan Template and the Gantt Chart Template from the course BB site.
在第 2 周的 PBL2 期间,您和您的团队将制定一个项目计划,然后将其提交给您的教学团队。您将根据表 1 中列出的标准收到反馈。您可以从课程 BB 站点下载项目计划模板和甘特图模板。
It is natural to feel eager to start problem-solving after reading the project description, but it is important to take the time to develop a plan of action first. A well-conceived Project Plan is essential for the success of any engineering project, as it identifies the necessary and available resources and breaks down complex projects into achievable milestones achieved through manageable tasks. Poorly planned projects are often the ones that fail.
The Project Plan has five sections that cover your team and team dynamics, your availability, and the allocation of responsibilities. It also includes a breakdown and timing of activities for completing the project, so it is important that every team member participates in preparing the plan and understands their responsibilities.
In sections 1 to 3 of the Word template, you will provide details about your team and goals, the strengths of each team member, and the roles that are most suitable for each person. You will also need to identify each team member's availability and develop plans for meetings, communication, and sharing information. Finally, you will summarize the objectives and expected outcomes of the project.
在 Word 模板的第 1 到第 3 部分中,您将提供有关您的团队和目标、每个团队成员的优势以及最适合每个人的角色的详细信息。您还需要确定每个团队成员的可用性,并制定会议、沟通和共享信息的计划。最后,您将总结项目的目标和预期结果。
In sections 4 and 5 of the template, you will determine the deliverable milestones for your project and provide a completion date for each. These milestones are broken down into a set of tasks.
在模板的第 4 节和第 5 节中,您将确定项目的可交付里程碑,并为每个里程碑提供完成日期。这些里程碑被分解为一组任务。
Each task should include:
A task number: To be used in the Gantt chart (Excel Template).
A description: What needs to be done?
A duration: How long will it take to complete the task?
Allocated resources: Which team member(s) are responsible for completing the tasks?
Prerequisites: Which tasks need to be completed prior to beginning this task?
Success Metric: What does this task aim to achieve? How will you know it has been completed?
The Excel template ‘5.4 Gantt Chart Template’ is for detailing your tasks and milestones against a timeline. Gantt charts allow you to schedule tasks as they happen in parallel or series. It is not uncommon for Gantt charts to be revised throughout a project as circumstances change and more information becomes available.
Excel 模板“5.4 甘特图模板”用于根据时间线详细说明您的任务和里程碑。甘特图允许您在任务并行或系列发生时安排任务。随着情况的变化和更多信息的获得,在整个项目中修改甘特图的情况并不少见。
You should make a concerted and upfront effort to get your plan right leading into the project as this will maximize your chances for success.
Table 1: Feedback Criteria for the Project Plan
表 1:项目计划的反馈标准
Section | Poor | Mixed | Satisfactory | Good | Excellent | |
Team | Missing team members. Objective is not relevant to project. There are clear gaps in team roles with no strategy to mitigate. | Incomplete team member details. Team objective is limited to delivering project, no focus on development. No potential gaps identified when listing strengths. | Roles allocated to single team members. Some team members with disproportionate workload. Some objectives not tangible. Not enough attention made to gaps and weaknesses. | Team members are identified; marginal overlap of roles; some imbalance in distribution. Team objectives are tangible; most strengths are relevant; gaps are identified but the plan may not provide adequate mitigation. | Team members are identified; good overlap of team roles; equally distributed responsibility. Team objectives are tangible; relevant strengths are identified; any gaps also identified with a plan to mitigate against. | |
Team Dynamics | Poor plan for communicating. Decision-making procedure is baseless. No internal conflict resolution for effectively managing team member input. | Roles allocated without justification. Meetings are inadequate. Decision-making does not foster collaboration. Conflict resolution requires staff intervention. | Roles allocated with minimal justification. Meetings may be poorly timed. Project infrastructure assumes no risk impact. Limited conflict resolution planning within team. | Roles allocated; but some justification is questionable. Project infrastructure has identified risks but no strategy to mitigate Strategy for resolving conflict is not staged. | Well-justified allocation of roles in team. Appropriate frequency of meetings. Clear project infrastructure. Appropriate stages for resolving conflict. | |
The Project | Objectives are not relevant and do not follow SMART guideline. It is not clear what the project will deliver. | Some objectives are irrelevant to the project. Project outcomes are limited. | Project has satisfactory objectives; some follow SMART guide. Some project outcomes are unrealistic. | Most project objectives follow the SMART guideline. Project outcomes are clear but may be too optimistic. | All project objectives follow the SMART guideline. The project outcomes are clear and within reach. | |
Timetable | Team members are assumed to be always available. Project deadlines are limited. Assumes no conflict in timetables. | Team members are assumed to be almost always available. Limited conflicting deadlines. Conflicting deadlines are limited to the assessment items. | Team member availability established from unrealistic assumptions. Conflicting deadlines are limited to semester assessment items. | Team member availability is somewhat unrealistic Timetable conflicts are limited to scheduled events. Milestone deadlines are appropriate but may be in busy periods. | Individual team member availability is clear and justified Timetable conflicts include scheduled events as well as predicted busy periods. Milestone deadlines are in accordance with course schedule. | |
Work Breakdown Structure | Milestones are not relevant to the project. Milestones describe tasks rather than achievements. Many durations are unrealistic. Little attention to prerequisites. Gantt chart is a single path with no parallel activity. Gantt chart tasks are vague or of insufficient detail to clearly see project activities. | Milestone deadlines are overly not achievable. Some durations are unrealistic. Prerequisites are missing or not adhered to. Success measures are just reworded task descriptions. Gantt chart indicates a division of individual work with limited collaboration. | Milestones are mostly relevant but may include some scope creep. Gantt chart has limited parallel activity. A task has missing prerequisites. Lead/delivery time not included on orders. Success measures do not capture the purpose of some tasks. | > 10 milestones or <7 milestones. Not all milestones capture the major stages of the project. Some task durations are unrealistic, some tasks require unidentified prerequisites. Some risks in single resource allocation. Not enough time allocated to some tasks. Most tasks have meaningful success measures. | Milestones are representative of the task and are at realistic dates in the semester. The Milestones are divided into manageable tasks with realistic durations. Critical tasks are de-risked by allocating multiple team members. Success measures provide purpose. Gantt chart allows for progress to be made in parallel and has a clear sequential order/critical path. |
4. Project Description
4.1 Background
4.1 背景
Flooding and as a results structural damage is common in many parts of the world. This causes extensive community disruption and loss of life. In many areas the nature of this flooding is a part of life and needs to be mitigated rather than avoided.
One such country is the Philippines, where approximately 60% of its land area and 74% of its population are exposed to the impacts of extreme weather events. Flooding is common with an average of 8 tropical cyclones making landfall each year. Floods and storms make up over 70% of the natural hazards that occur in the Philippines, with the rest coming from disease and tectonic activity.
These outcomes are only expected to worsen in the future with climate change.
This type of flooding is generally coming from rising water levels, allowing people to get to safer locations if they are available. Also
To that end, as part of a not-for-profit group called Flood Safe Havens, you have been tasked with development of community centre which can in the event of a flood, can float and remain stationary, and return to its original location as the water recedes.
4.2 Design Objectives
4.2 设计目标
The current proposal calls for the submission of a proof-of-concept prototype for “Station Keeping Flood Resistant Housing” along with documentation detailing the development and design considerations as well as potential scale up considerations. The proposal is to develop a building that will provide safe refuge during high flooding and remain over its original location during a flood event. The design should also consider safety, financial, social, and environmental aspects of the project.
4.3 Design Subsystems
4.3 设计子系统
The client's in-house engineering team advises that your solution should include three functional subsystems: structure, drive, and control and power. These subsystems should be present in your proof-of-concept prototype and have the following functionality:
STRUCTURE SUBSYSTEM: A stable structure that is a fundamental component of the design. This system will be required to be buoyant and stable during wind loads, during operation of the drive systems during station keeping, and support itself during loading.
DRIVE SUBSYSTEM: A means of maintaining the structures at the point of operation. The subsystem may be required to move the structure in any direction and maintain position against the wind load provided.
POWER AND CONTROL SUBSYSTEM: A method to power and control the system components and their interactions. The structure should have mechanisms in place to power and control the Drive subsystem. The degree to which the control is automated is open to consideration.
4.4 Design Constraints
4.4 设计约束
4.4.1 Prototype Constraints
4.4.1 原型约束
The client's in-house engineering team has reviewed the full-scale and determined the following scaled-down design constraints for the project.
The design should adhere to the following dimensional constraints:
The minimum floor area is 48000 mm2.
最小占地面积为48000毫米 2 。
The maximum length is 300mm.
The maximum width is 250mm.
The total height (including the locator tag) is 280mm
The maximum base height (vertical distance between the base of structure and the door (floor height) is 80mm
A locator tag will be mounted on top of the structure to a height of 280mm above the surface bed, this will be mounted on your manufactured component
定位器标签将安装在结构顶部,高出表面床 280 毫米的高度,该标签将安装在您制造的组件上
The drive and structure subsystems must be contained within the dimensional constraints of the structure before deployment.
Cabling and any remote-control components of the control and power subsystem can be located outside the structure and therefore not subject to its dimensional constraints. However, any external tethering cannot impact the structures movement during testing
Power will be provided to a maximum of 12V at 2A.
在 2A 时将提供最大 12V 的电源。
The control philosophy for the structure can involve the use of a fully or semi-autonomous wired or wireless remote control, or manual control.
The structure must have representative doors and windows that can be opened and have a minimum dimension of 50mm x 30mm.
该结构必须具有可以打开的代表性门窗,并且最小尺寸为 50 毫米 x 30 毫米。
An open area of at least 155mm x 155mm x 150mm must be present in the centre of the building. This represents the open floor space where people will gather.
建筑物的中心必须有一个至少 155 毫米 x 155 毫米 x 150 毫米的开放区域。这代表了人们聚集的开放地板空间。
No rigid attachment to baseplate (contact plate) longer than 40mm can be used. However, cables are not considered rigid attachments.
不能使用长度超过 40 毫米的刚性附件到底板(接触板)。但是,电缆不被视为刚性附件。
The system may only have 2 points of contact (measuring in area no more than 20mm x 20mm each) with the base plate while buoyant
在浮力下,系统只能有 2 个与底板的接触点(每个接触点的测量面积不超过 20mm x 20mm)
4.4.2 Test Rig Specifications
4.4.2 试验台规格
In Week 13, you will demonstrate your proof-of-concept prototype to the client as your solution to their requirements. This demonstration will take place on a test rig located within UQ Innovate in the Mansergh Shaw Building (45) at the St Lucia campus.
在第 13 周,您将向客户展示您的概念验证原型,作为满足他们需求的解决方案。该演示将在位于圣卢西亚校区Mansergh Shaw大楼(45号)的UQ Innovate内的测试台上进行。
Test Space
The test space is 826mm x 583mm (Figures 2, 3 and 4).
测试空间为 826mm x 583mm(图 2、3 和 4)。
Build and contact plate 380mm x 380mm
构建和接触板 380mm x 380mm
The peak flood height will be between 150mm and 200mm
Figure 2 Plan view of testing area
图2 测试区平面图
Figure 3 Isometric view of the testing area
图 3 测试区域的等距视图
Figure 4 Build plate (contact plate) embedded in the false floor of the test rig
图 4:嵌入测试台假地板的构建板(接触板)
4.4.3 Assessment Box
4.4.3 评估框
The box used for assessment and power delivery is shown below in Figure 5
用于评估和供电的盒子如下图 5 所示
Figure 5 Diagram of assessment box
图5 评估框示意图
The assessment box will house a variable position weight, capable of moving up to 40mm from centre, a power source to supply 12V at 2A and an inclinometer for determination of stability.
评估箱将装有一个可变位置砝码,能够从中心移动最多 40 毫米,一个在 2A 时提供 12V 的电源和一个用于确定稳定性的倾角仪。
Mass: 2.8kg
Mounting Holes: M5
Power Connector: XT30
Less than 100mA (full makes)
小于 100mA(全接通)
4.4.4 Budget Details
4.4.4 预算明细
Each team is responsible for providing the materials needed for their proof-of-concept prototype, with the exception of the manufactured components made during the workshop practical. At least one unique identifier plate is required on the final prototype for demonstration. These are estimated to cost $5 each.
每个团队都负责提供其概念验证原型所需的材料,但在研讨会期间制作的实用制造组件除外。最终原型上至少需要一个唯一标识符牌以进行演示。据估计,每个成本为 5 美元。
The cost of materials for the prototype should be evenly shared among the team, as no costs will be reimbursed by The University of Queensland. The budget for the prototype is capped at $250 to ensure equity among the design teams and to meet the client's expectation that prototype costs are minimized and trackable. The final prototype used at the demonstration in Week 13 should not cost more than $250 to produce.
原型的材料成本应在团队之间平均分摊,因为昆士兰大学不会报销任何费用。原型的预算上限为 250 美元,以确保设计团队之间的公平性,并满足客户的期望,即原型成本最小化和可跟踪。在第 13 周的演示中使用的最终原型的生产成本不应超过 250 美元。
At the demonstration, you will be required to provide a formal budget report with evidence of the breakdown of this final prototype cost. This evidence should include receipts, invoices, and estimates of replacement costs for materials that are recycled or reused. All items used on the final prototype must be included in the formal budget report, including items supplied such as the manufactured component.
If a team chooses to spend more than the $250 budget, it will impact their performance at the demonstration. The purchase of materials and equipment throughout the design phase may exceed this budget in total, especially if a component fails and needs to be replaced. It is also possible to incur additional costs by purchasing components in bulk or acquiring more materials than needed. However, teams must ensure that their final prototype at the demonstration does not exceed $250.
如果一个团队选择花费超过 250 美元的预算,这将影响他们在演示中的表现。在整个设计阶段购买的材料和设备可能会超过此预算,尤其是在组件发生故障并需要更换的情况下。通过批量购买组件或获取超过所需的材料,也可能会产生额外的成本。但是,团队必须确保他们在演示中的最终原型不超过 250 美元。
It is important to keep in mind that delivery of materials and components can take time, so teams should ensure that they have the necessary materials on hand for testing. While it may be tempting to order materials from international sites due to lower prices, the delivery times and quality of the items can be unpredictable. If ordering from international sites, teams should make backup plans and place orders early to allow for potential delays.
4.4.5 Appropriate Solutions
4.4.5 适当的解决方案
You have been assigned an open design problem, which can have many appropriate solutions. No one solution is the correct answer, as many proposals could satisfy all the design criteria and be accepted by the client.
As a design engineer, you are encouraged to be innovative and think outside the box, but it is important to note that many elegant and simple solutions may already exist for similar problems. Innovation for innovation's sake is not necessary.
If your design involves a solution that is deemed unsafe or inappropriate by the teaching team as a proof-of-concept, you will be consulted and may be asked to alter your proposal in favour of a safer alternative.
4.5 Prototype Demonstration
4.5 原型演示
4.5.1 Prototype Submission
4.5.1 原型提交
Every team is required to submit their prototype and any ancillary equipment on Monday in Week 13, from 9 am to 11 am, at UQ Innovate. Further details will be provided closer to the date.
每个团队都必须在第 13 周的星期一上午 9 点至 11 点在 UQ Innovate 提交他们的原型和任何辅助设备。进一步的细节将在临近日期时提供。
To submit your prototype, you will need to:
Provide your prototype and all ancillary equipment, such as controllers and cables, in a sealable box with a lid.
Do not submit any laptop computers or phones that you use to control your prototype.
During the submission process, your box should be open, and its contents will be checked for safety. Once all items have been checked, the box will be sealed and carefully stored until your demonstration time.
Label your box with your team's name and the day/time of your demonstration.
Make sure that your box is robust and has sufficient capacity to not constrict your prototype or allow too much movement during transportation.
Ensure that the box can be closed and does not remain open after the submission process. Your box will be stored with many others until your demonstration.
4.5.2 Demonstration Procedure
4.5.2 演示程序
Your team will conduct a demonstration of your prototype in Week 13 on the test rig in UQ Innovate in the Mansergh Shaw Building (45). The timing of this demonstration will depend on your team's availability from Monday to Wednesday of that week. You will be able to book a 30-minute time slot closer to the date.
您的团队将在第 13 周在 Mansergh Shaw 大楼 (45) 的 UQ Innovate 测试台上进行原型演示。此演示的时间将取决于您的团队在该周的星期一至星期三的可用性。您将能够预订更接近日期的 30 分钟时间段。
At the booked time for your demonstration, you and your team will arrive at the registration desk in UQ Innovate, where your attendance and compliance with appropriate personal protective equipment (PPE) will be checked. During your demonstration, you will need to follow all safety guidelines and directions from the teaching staff. Attendance at the demonstration in Week 13 is compulsory for every team member.
在您的演示预订时间,您和您的团队将到达UQ Innovate的登记台,在那里将检查您的出席情况和对适当个人防护设备(PPE)的遵守情况。在演示过程中,您需要遵循教学人员的所有安全准则和指示。每个团队成员都必须参加第 13 周的演示。
Here are the stages of the prototype demonstration:
You will receive your prototype box and present a 5-minute design presentation to the assessors.
您将收到您的原型盒,并向评估员展示 5 分钟的设计演示。
After the presentation and marking of your design presentation, you will be directed to a test rig where you will have 5 minutes to prepare your prototype.
在演示和标记您的设计演示之后,您将被引导到一个测试台,在那里您将有 5 分钟的时间来准备您的原型。
Performance testing* will then commence on the test rig and will run for 5 minutes.
然后,性能测试*将在测试台上开始,并运行 5 分钟。
After testing you will be graded against the defined criteria.
Upon completion of the performance testing, your team will gather all parts of your prototype, return any borrowed items to the teaching staff and move to the debrief area for a post-demonstration discussion and review of preliminary marks.
Move to the debrief area for a post-demonstration discussion and review of preliminary marks.
After completion of the debrief, you are expected to leave the demonstration area and take all equipment and materials with you. Any rubbish left behind or disposed of inappropriately may impact your final marks for the demonstration.
* Performance Testing:
* 性能测试:
During the 5 minutes of testing your prototype will sit on the contact plate of the test rig. When the demonstration starts the false floor will be slowly lowered to the base of the rig (providing max water depth) and stay there until ~ 30 sec before the end of the test. During the test, two fans will blow air at a speed of ~ 2m/s max (at the centre of the test rig). In addition, the moveable weight (located insight the assessment box) will will simulate different loadings against which the prototype needs to maintain as stable as possible. The final location of the prototype after the false floor has been lifted to its original position will be taken to assess the displacement of the prototype.
在测试的 5 分钟内,您的原型将位于测试台的接触板上。当演示开始时,假地板将慢慢下降到钻机的底部(提供最大水深)并在那里停留直到测试结束前 ~ 30 秒。在测试过程中,两个风扇将以最大 ~ 2m/s 的速度吹出空气(位于测试台的中心)。此外,可移动重物(位于评估箱内)将模拟原型需要尽可能保持稳定的不同负载。在假地板被提升到其原始位置后,原型的最终位置将用于评估原型的位移。
4.6 Safety Requirements
4.6 安全要求
4.6.1 Workshop Safety
4.6.1 车间安全
All team members must always follow safety requirements during this project. This includes completing required safety inductions, wearing necessary personal protective equipment (PPE), and being cautious when working with materials and equipment. Prototype development and testing at UQ must only be done in the designated UQ Innovate workshops located in the Mansergh Shaw Building.
在此项目期间,所有团队成员必须始终遵守安全要求。这包括完成所需的安全培训、穿戴必要的个人防护设备 (PPE) 以及在使用材料和设备时要谨慎。昆士兰大学的原型开发和测试只能在位于Mansergh Shaw大楼的指定昆士兰大学创新工作室进行。
To access these workshops, team members must complete the required inductions available on Blackboard under the "UQ Innovate Area Inductions" section. Working on prototypes outside of these designated areas will result in the confiscation of materials and equipment until a booking can be made to resume work safely in the UQ Innovate workspace.
要参加这些研讨会,团队成员必须完成 Blackboard 上“UQ 创新领域入门”部分下的必修入门课程。在这些指定区域之外进行原型工作将导致材料和设备被没收,直到可以预订以在UQ Innovate工作区安全地恢复工作。
Prototype subsystems and components may only be tested in the UQ Innovate workspace, and not in the First Year Engineering Learning Centre, outside, or other rooms on campus. When working in the UQ Innovate workspace, team members must always wear the following PPE: enclosed shoes, safety glasses, and work gloves (if necessary).
原型子系统和组件只能在 UQ Innovate 工作区中进行测试,而不能在第一年工程学习中心、室外或校园内的其他房间进行测试。在UQ Innovate工作空间工作时,团队成员必须始终佩戴以下个人防护装备:封闭式鞋子、安全眼镜和工作手套(如有必要)。
4.6.2 Battery Safety
4.6.2 电池安全
We do encourage you to use the UQ facilities for testing purposes, however we do acknowledge that you may wish to test away from campus and use your own power source. Please note that batteries contain a large amount of energy, which can be safely and effectively used to power devices when handled correctly. However, if mistreated, batteries can release this energy rapidly as heat, which can cause fires and explosions. Due to the nature of lithium battery failures, you are not allowed to use them for your prototype design.
Here are some key safety points for using and handling batteries:
Wear safety glasses when working with batteries.
Never get a battery wet (this includes licking it).
Keep electronic components away from water.
Do not keep batteries in your pockets, as it can be difficult to remove them if they catch fire.
Always remove batteries from their holders or prototype when transporting them.
Do not leave wires exposed while batteries are connected.
Use a connector to cover exposed terminals
Never mix battery chemistries or use batteries with different levels of charge.
Never intentionally disassemble or puncture a battery cell. If this occurs and you come into contact with battery acid, immediately seek out a nearby wash station.
Check the current draw (in amps) of your prototype using a power supply and make sure your battery can safely deliver that current.
Check the current rating of your wires by measuring the gauge or thickness and look up the rating based on your findings.
Keep electronic components and circuit boards away from metal, both on the workbench and in your bag or on your prototype.
Research the best battery chemistry for your application, rather than using a familiar option out of habit.
Purchase batteries from reputable sources to ensure that they meet safety specifications.
If you suspect that a battery has been damaged or shorted, do not attempt to reuse it. Dispose of it in an e-waste bin rather than a general waste bin. E-waste bins are available in the UQ Innovate workshops.
Use a benchtop power supply when prototyping electronics, as this is safer than batteries in case of any issues.
If an incident occurs involving a battery, power supply, or electronic component, immediately notify UQ Innovate staff.
如果发生涉及电池、电源或电子元件的事故,请立即通知 UQ Innovate 工作人员。
If you have any questions or concerns about the safety points listed above, you can attend the UQ Innovate Instrumentation Workshop located on Level 1 of the Mansergh Shaw Building (45).
如果您对上述安全要点有任何疑问或疑虑,您可以参加位于 Mansergh Shaw 大楼 (45) 1 楼的 UQ Innovate Instrumentation Workshop。
5. Assessments
5. 评估
5.1 Concept Report (Individual)
5.1 概念报告(个人)
You need to write an individual Concept Report. The main body of the report (sections 1-7) should not exceed 8 pages. Table 2 presents the marking criteria for the Concept Report. You can download and use the ENGG1100 Report Writing Guide (Aminossadati 2023a). The proposed structure of the Concept Report is:
你需要写一份单独的概念报告。报告正文(第1-7节)不应超过8页。表 2 列出了概念报告的评分标准。您可以下载并使用 ENGG1100 报告撰写指南 (Aminossadati 2023a)。概念报告的拟议结构为:
Title Page
Executive Summary
Table of Contents
List of Figures and Tables
1. Introduction (Approx. 1 page)
1. 简介(约1页)
Independently, read the project description and write:
Context (full-scale): Provide background, client’s needs, and overall aim of the project.
Scope (small-scale): Provide project specific objectives, constraints, assumptions, and design criteria based on the project description.
2. Prototype Function-Means Tree (Approx. 1 page)
2. 原型函数均值树(约1页)
Collaborate with your team and depict:
The prototype Function-means tree at the system level and its functions, as well as all of the subsystems and their functions. Additionally, provide the names of the components for each subsystem. This Function-means tree can be used in the individual concept report by you and your team members.
3. Design Criteria (Approx. 1.5 pages)
3. 设计标准(约1.5页)
Independently, select one of the components of the subsystem of your choice and complete the following sections:
Develop design criteria based on the design objectives and constraints.
Apply Pairwise Comparison to weigh the relative importance of design criteria with evidence of reflection on the analysis.
4. Design Options (Approx. 2 pages)
4. 设计选项(约2页)
Independently, complete the following sections for the component of the subsystem of your choice:
Develop at least three design options to meet the design criteria.
The design options should be grounded in literature/engineering science.
Has someone solved a similar problem before? What principles were used?
Can students view this problem in a new way to generate an innovative solution?
The concepts should be justified with reference to credible literature and underpinned by engineering science.
5. Evaluate & Validate (Approx. 1 page)
5. 评估和验证(约 1 页)
Independently, complete the following sections for the component of the subsystem of your choice:
Develop a Decision-Making Matrix to evaluate the design options based on logical and justified ranking criteria.
Validate your design choice using sensitivity analysis and reflect on the process.
6. Prototype Design (Approx. 1 page)
6. 原型设计(约1页)
Collaborate with your team and develop:
A preliminary design for the prototype at the system level. Present this design using an annotated graphical representation. This preliminary design can be used in the individual concept report by you and your team members.
7. Conclusions (Approx. 0.5 Page)
7. 结论(约0.5页)
Table 2: Marking Criteria for the Concept Report
表 2:概念报告的评分标准
Section (%) | None 0 | Poor 1 | Mixed 2 | Satisfactory 3 | Good 4 | Excellent 5 |
Introduction (10%) | None | Context and scope are missing. Information is completely misaligned with the project description | Context and scope are poorly presented with no details. Information is substantially misaligned with the project description | Context and scope are clearly presented with limited details.
Information is mostly aligned with the project description. | Context and scope are clearly presented with details. Information is highly aligned with the project description. | Context and scope are presented comprehensively. Information is perfectly match aligned with the project description |
Function-Means Tree (10%) | None | Function-Means Tree is poorly presented. It is missing the names of most of the components for each subsystem. | Function-Means Tree is presented. It includes an incomplete list of the components for each subsystem. | The Function-Means Tree shows some understanding of what is required for the system and subsystems. Most components are presented | The Function-Means Tree shows a good understanding of what is required for the system and subsystems. All components are presented. | The Function-Means Tree shows an excellent understanding of what is required for the system and subsystems. All components are presented. |
Design Criteria (20%) | None | Inadequate design criteria and not based on objectives and constraints. Missing pairwise comparison | Incomplete design criteria and not based on objectives and constraints. Attempted but ineffective pairwise comparison. | Partial design criteria, objectives and constraints. Completed pairwise comparison but no reflection | Sensible design criteria, objectives and constraints. Good pairwise comparison with reflection | Comprehensive design criteria, objectives and constraints. Excellent pairwise comparison with reflection |
Design Options (25%) | None | Unclear design options, and disconnected from design criteria Missing justification from literature and engineering science | Single clear design option, but poorly connected to design criteria Poor justification from literature and engineering science | Multiple (< 3) design options, with some connection to design criteria Reasonable justification from literature and engineering science | Multiple (³ 3) design options, with clear connection to design criteria Good reference and justification from literature and engineering science | Multiple (³ 3) design options, with clear connection to design criteria Extensive reference and justification from literature and engineering science |
Evaluate & Validate (15%) | None | Unclear decision-making Poor evaluation of design options. Poor validation of design choice | Mixed decision-making Inconsistent evaluation of design options. Unclear validation of design choice | Reasonable decision-making Logical evaluation of design options but with some errors. Some evidence of validation of design choice | Clearly presented decision-making Effective evaluation of design options with no errors. Clear evidence of validation of design choice | Comprehensive decision-making Excellent evaluation of design options. Comprehensive validation of design choice |
Prototype Design (10%) | None | Poor graphical representation of design choice. | Attempted graphical representation of design choice. | Acceptable graphical representation of design choice. | Clear graphical representation of design choice. | Excellent graphical representation of design choice. |
Communication (10%) | None | No resemblance to professional report Poor conclusions Poor presentation with many formatting and referencing errors. | Not pitched correctly. Signposts, headings, tables and figures missing. Limited conclusions Unclear presentation with frequent formatting and referencing errors. | Acceptable structure. Signposts, headings, tables and figures need improvement. Average conclusions Adequate quality of presentation with some formatting and referencing errors. | Good structure with appropriate use of signposts, headings, tables and figures. Good conclusions. Good quality of presentation with no formatting and referencing errors. | Well-structured with clear use of signposts, headings, tables and figures Comprehensive conclusions. Excellent presentation with no formatting and referencing errors. |
5.2 Oral Presentation (Team)
5.2 口头报告(团队)
During week 8, you and your team will be required to attend PBL1 and PBL2 and deliver an oral presentation (5 minutes) on your preferred final option and the physical progress of your prototype to your teaching team.
在第 8 周,您和您的团队将需要参加 PBL1 和 PBL2,并就您首选的最终选项和原型的实际进展向您的教学团队进行口头报告(5 分钟)。
Attendance at PBL1 and PBL2 is mandatory, and every team member is expected to contribute to the presentation. The purpose of this presentation is to ensure that your team is making progress towards meeting the project goals. During the presentation, you will be asked questions and will receive feedback based on the criteria outlined in Table 3.
必须参加 PBL1 和 PBL2,每个团队成员都应为演示文稿做出贡献。本演示文稿的目的是确保您的团队在实现项目目标方面取得进展。在演示过程中,您将被提出问题,并将根据表 3 中列出的标准收到反馈。
The proposed structure for your oral presentation is:
Introduction - Team Dynamics
简介 - Team Dynamics
Introduce your team as a functional team.
Explain the division of work: "Who did what?"
Describe the mechanisms for collaboration: "How did you work together?"
Present your project plan and risk management strategy.
Prototype Design
Present the details of your physical prototype design.
Explain how your prototype design satisfies all the functional requirements presented in the project description.
Demonstrate that you have completed the build and testing of at least two subsystems of your prototype.
You can use design drawings or flow charts, circuitry or layout diagrams, calculations, procurement receipts, physical prototype elements, and test results or photos/videos of prototype operation.
Drawings, layouts, and flowcharts should be prepared in a clear and readable format, following appropriate engineering conventions. They may be in draft format.
Plan to Completion
Describe the final stages of build and manufacturing.
Present your plan (timing, resources, planning) for system assembly, evaluation, and improvement for completing the project by the end of Week 13.
在第 13 周结束前提交您的系统组装、评估和改进计划(时间、资源、计划),以完成项目。
It is expected that you may adjust your design and prototype during Weeks 9-13, as the design process is iterative and testing on the rig may result in changes to your prototype features. Remember to consider the functional requirements of your prototype and ensure that you can demonstrate them during Demonstration Week.
预计您可以在第 9-13 周内调整您的设计和原型,因为设计过程是迭代的,在设备上进行测试可能会导致原型功能发生变化。请记住考虑原型的功能要求,并确保您可以在演示周期间演示它们。
Table 3: Marking Criteria for the Oral Presentation
Criteria (%) | None 0 | Poor 1 | Mixed 2 | Satisfactory 3 | Good 4 | Excellent 5 |
Quality (10%) | ± 5 min in length Missing | ± 3 min in length The PowerPoint slides are poor. The verbal and visual quality is poor. All sections are incomplete or presented incorrectly. | ± 2 min in length The PowerPoint slides are average. There are many issues with the verbal and visual quality. Most sections are incomplete or presented incorrectly. | ± 1:30 in length The PowerPoint slides are satisfactory. There are a few issues with the verbal and visual quality. Some sections are incomplete or not presented at the appropriate level. | ± 1 min in length The PowerPoint slides are good. The verbal and visual quality is good. Most sections are complete and presented correctly. | ± 15 s in length. The PowerPoint slides are excellent. The verbal and visual quality is excellent. All sections are complete and presented correctly. |
Introduction Team Dynamics (20%) | Missing | Limited team information, work allocation, project plan, and risk management are presented. There is a lack of team collaboration. It is not clear who has contributed to the prototype design and build, | Partial team information, work allocation, project plan, and risk management are explained. There is not enough evidence of collaboration. It is not clear who has contributed what to the prototype design and build | Some team information, work allocation, project plan, and risk management are explained. There is some evidence of collaboration. It is somehow clear who has contributed what to the prototype design and build. | All team information, work allocation, project plan, and risk management are explained. There is adequate evidence of collaboration. It is clear who has contributed what to the prototype design and build. | Extensive team information, work allocation, project plan, and risk management are explained. There is extensive evidence of collaboration. It is very clear who has contributed what to the prototype design and build. |
Prototype Design (50%) | Missing | The prototype design presents poor details and justification. The prototype has been designed poorly, and no subsystem has been demonstrated to be operational. The analysis and use of design drawings and layout diagrams are poorly presented. | The prototype design lacks adequate details and justification. The prototype has not been fully designed, and only one subsystem has been demonstrated to be operational, but not completely. The analysis and use of design drawings and layout diagrams are incomplete | The prototype design includes some details and justification. The prototype has been partially designed with only one subsystem demonstrated to be operational. The analysis and use of design drawings and layout diagrams are satisfactory | The prototype design includes good details and justification. The prototype has been completely designed with at least two subsystems demonstrated to be operational to successfully. The analysis and use of design drawings and layout diagrams are clear. | The prototype design includes extensive details and justification. The prototype has been completely designed with at least two subsystems demonstrated to be fully operational and compelling. The analysis and use of design drawings and layout diagrams are exemplary. |
Completion Plan (20%) | Missing | There is a poor plan in place to complete the project within the given time frame and with the available resources. None of the expected activities are included in the plan. | There is an unclear plan in place to complete the project within the given time frame and with the available resources. Few expected activities are included in the plan. | There is a brief plan in place to complete the project within the given time frame and with the available resources. Some expected activities are included in the plan. | There is a clear plan in place to complete the project within the given time frame and with the available resources. Most expected activities are included in the plan. | There is an extensive and realistic plan in place to complete the project within the given time frame and with the available resources. All expected activities are included in the plan. |
5.3 Engagement Portfolio (Individual)
5.3 参与组合(个人)
You need to complete an individual Engagement Portfolio using the provided template, which can be downloaded from Blackboard (Aminossadati 2023b). The marking criteria for the Engagement Portfolio are outlined in Table 4.
您需要使用提供的模板完成个人参与组合,该模板可从 Blackboard (Aminossadati 2023b) 下载。表 4 概述了参与组合的评分标准。
The reflections section of the portfolio should include your thoughts on your experience and the skills and attributes you utilized. You should also consider how you can effectively apply these skills and attributes in a work setting. It is recommended that you use a structured process of self-reflection called SEAL (Situation, Effect, Action, and Learning) to guide you through your experience and identify the skills and attributes you have developed (Employability 2023).
作品集的反思部分应包括您对自己的经历以及您使用的技能和属性的看法。您还应该考虑如何在工作环境中有效地应用这些技能和属性。建议您使用称为 SEAL(情况、效果、行动和学习)的结构化自我反思过程来指导您了解您的经验并确定您已经培养的技能和属性(就业能力 2023)。
The proposed structure of the Engagement Portfolio is:
Title Page
Table of Contents
List of Figures
List of Tables
PBL1 Tasks (refer to each task)
PBL1 任务(参考每个任务)
This section must include all Portfolio Tasks from PBL1 in Weeks 1-7. You should collaborate with your team and complete these tasks during or shortly after the PBL1 sessions.
此部分必须包含第 1-7 周 PBL1 中的所有项目组合任务。您应该与您的团队合作,并在 PBL1 会话期间或之后不久完成这些任务。
Seminar Reflection (max: 300 words for each seminar)
研讨会反思(每次研讨会最多 300 字)
Write a reflection that covers the following questions for each seminar presented in Weeks 2-9:
为第 2-9 周举办的每个研讨会撰写一篇反思,涵盖以下问题:
What did you learn?
How do you intend to use the knowledge and experience you gained from this seminar in your project development or professional career?
Practical Reflection (max: 300 words)
Write a meaningful reflection on what you have learned from the mechanical workshop. This should cover the following questions:
What methods/techniques were discussed?
What challenges did you face during the session?
How do you plan to apply any new knowledge/skills to your project?
General Reflection (max: 300 words)
Select one of the learning objectives of the course, and state it, then reflect on the following prompts:
What was your key experience of that objective?
Give an example of the objective from your experiences of the course. How did it impact you?
How would you use your experience in your professional career?
Appendices (if relevant)
Table 4: Marking Criteria for the Engagement Portfolio
表 4:参与组合的标记标准
Criteria (%) | None 0 | Poor 1 | Mixed 2 | Satisfactory 3 | Good 4 | Excellent 5 |
PBL1 TASKS (30%) | None | < 25% correctly completed | >= 25% correctly completed | >= 50% correctly completed | >= 75% correctly completed | All Portfolio Tasks correctly completed |
SEMINAR-Week 2 (5%) | None | The reflection demonstrates a superficial level of critical thinking about what was learned in the seminar. Little or no contextual explanations, inferences, and examples are used to make connections, demonstrating a poor understanding of how to apply the knowledge in project development or in a professional career | The reflection demonstrates a limited level of critical thinking about what was learned in the seminar. Contextual explanations, inferences, and examples are rarely used to make clear connections, demonstrating a limited understanding of how to apply the knowledge in project development or in a professional career | The reflection shows a sound level of critical thinking about what was learned in the seminar. Some contextual explanations, inferences, and examples are used to make clear connections, demonstrating a satisfactory understanding of how to apply the knowledge in project development or in a professional career. | The reflection demonstrates a thoughtful level of critical thinking about what was learned in the seminar. Accurate contextual explanations, inferences, and examples are used to make clear connections, demonstrating a solid understanding of how to apply the knowledge in project development or in a professional career. | The reflection shows a sophisticated level of critical thinking about what was learned in the seminar. Exemplary contextual explanations, inferences, and examples are used to make robust connections, demonstrating a comprehensive understanding of how to apply the knowledge in project development or in a professional career. |
SEMINAR-Week 3 (5%) | ||||||
SEMINAR-Week 4 (5%) | ||||||
SEMINAR-Week 5 (5%) | ||||||
SEMINAR-Week 6 (5%) | ||||||
SEMINAR-Week 7 (5%) | ||||||
SEMINAR-Week 8 (5%) | ||||||
SEMINAR-Week 9 (5%) | ||||||
PRACTICAL REFLECTION (10%) | None | Demonstrates little or no understanding of the learning gained from experience. Provides little or no suggestions for future improvements. | Demonstrates a limited understanding of the learning gained from experience. Provides some suggestions for future improvement. | Demonstrates a basic understanding of the learning gained from experience. Provides reasoned suggestions for future improvements. | Demonstrates a thoughtful understanding of the learning gained from experience. Provides well - reasoned suggestions for future improvements. | Demonstrates a comprehensive understanding of the learning gained from experience. Provides highly articulate and well-reasoned suggestions for future improvements. |
GENERAL REFLECTION (10%) | None | Demonstrates inadequate evidence of reflection on self-development in response to learning, assessment and feedback received. Personal growth and awareness are not evident and/or demonstrates a neutral experience with negligible personal impact. | Demonstrates limited evidence of reflection on self-development in response to learning, assessment and feedback received. Demonstrates less than adequate personal growth and awareness through few or simplistic inferences made, and examples presented. | Demonstrates evidence of reflection on self-development with a personal response to learning, assessment and feedback received. Demonstrates satisfactory personal growth and awareness through some inferences made and examples presented. | Demonstrates good evidence on self-development with a substantial personal response to learning, assessment and feedback received. Demonstrates significant awareness of areas of personal growth, developed insights, and substantial depth in perceptions. | Demonstrates strong evidence on self-development with a substantial personal response to learning, assessment and feedback received. Demonstrates significant awareness of areas of personal growth, developed insights, and substantial depth in perceptions. |
Communication (10%) | None | Poor presentation with many formatting and referencing errors. | Unclear presentation with frequent formatting and referencing errors. | Adequate quality of presentation with some formatting and referencing errors. | Good quality of presentation with no formatting and referencing errors. | Excellent presentation with no formatting and referencing errors. |
5.4 Design Project
设计项目 (Team)
Your project design will be delivered in two parts, with the first being the “Demonstration” of your physical prototype in Week 13 and the second being summation of your project findings in the “Final Report”, also due in Week 13.
您的项目设计将分两部分进行,第一部分是在第 13 周对物理原型的“演示”,第二部分是在第 13 周的“最终报告”中总结您的项目发现,这也是在第 13 周到期的。
5.4.1 Design Project-Part 1: Demonstration (Team)
5.4.1 设计项目-第一部分:演示(团队)
Design Project-Part 1: Demonstration of your project will take place on the test rigs in UQ Innovate, with each team scheduled for a timeslot of approximately 30 mins. Attendance at the Demonstration is compulsory for every team member, as this will occur under assessment conditions.
设计项目-第1部分:您的项目演示将在UQ Innovate的测试台上进行,每个团队的时间安排约为30分钟。每个团队成员都必须参加演示,因为这将在评估条件下进行。
Prototype Submission
Each team will be required to submit their prototype in the morning of Monday of the last week of the semester. Full details of the prototype submission are included in the Project Description. Not every team member is required to attend at this submission time, but every team member is required for the team’s allotted Demonstration.
Demonstration Safety
Students are expected to be equipped with the required Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) at their demonstration, which includes fully enclosed shoes, and safety glasses (provided). Students may also be required to wear face masks, as per Govt. requirements at the time. Work gloves are optional for demonstration. Students must always follow the directives of UQ Innovate staff and the teaching team regarding safety and movement around workspaces.
学生在演示时应配备所需的个人防护设备 (PPE),其中包括全封闭鞋和安全眼镜(提供)。根据当时的政府要求,学生可能还需要戴口罩。工作手套是可选的,用于演示。学生必须始终遵循昆士兰大学创新教职员工和教学团队关于工作空间周围安全和移动的指示。
Design Presentation
At commencement of your demonstration your team is required to provide a 5-min oral “Design Presentation” to the teaching team, acting at the client’s representatives. The nature of the presentation is somewhat formal and should detail your prototype’s design philosophy and features of construction. The presentation will be delivered at a desk/station and be assessed by two members of the teaching team. During the presentation, teams may use supporting materials such as posters or PowerPoints. At the conclusion of your 5-min presentation, the teaching team may ask questions about your design and prototype for approximately 2-min to probe and test your understanding of the project and your solution.
在您的演示开始时,您的团队需要向教学团队提供 5 分钟的口头“设计演示”,并由客户代表代理。演示文稿的性质有些正式,应该详细说明您的原型的设计理念和构造特征。演讲将在办公桌/工作台上进行,并由教学团队的两名成员进行评估。在演示过程中,团队可以使用海报或 PowerPoint 等支持材料。在您的 5 分钟演讲结束时,教学团队可能会提出有关您的设计和原型的问题,时间约为 2 分钟,以探究和测试您对项目和解决方案的理解。
Demonstration Procedure
The project description details the procedure for Demonstration, which will be marked in accordance with the Marking Criteria presented in Table 5.
项目说明详细说明了演示程序,将根据表 5 中显示的标记标准进行标记。
Table 5: Marking criteria for the Demonstration
Design Presentation, D (25/100) | |
Criteria | Mark |
Design philosophy Solution to the problem | /5 |
Features of the Prototype Structure subsystem Drive subsystem Power & Control subsystem | /10 |
Team Dynamics Team member contributions | /5 |
Cost of Final Prototype [cost £ $170] = 5 [$170 < cost £ $190] = 4 [$190 < cost £ $210] = 3 [$210 < cost £ $230] = 2 [$230 < cost £ $250] = 1 [$250 < cost] = 0 | /5 |
TOTAL | /25 |
QUALITY, Q (25/100) | |
Criteria | Mark |
Manufactured Component Well integrated into design = 5 Fitts somewhat well into design = 3 or 4 Is unstable and requires additional support= 2 Recognisable on prototype =1 Not recognisable on prototype =0 | /5 |
Materials & Manufacturing Appropriate materials for application and robust assembly methods = 4 or 5 Some materials not appropriate or some defects in assembly = 2 or 3 Many materials not appropriate or many defects in assembly = 1 Material choices and assembly does not deliver required functionality = 0 | /5 |
Structure Subsystem Structure is stable and appropriate = 4 or 5 Structure is stable, but with some defects = 3 Structure is unstable, with some defects = 2 Structure does not fit into test rig = 1 Structure is unstable with defects, does not fit in test rig = 0 | /5 |
Drive Subsystem Moves freely = 4 or 5 Occasional failures, but overall free = 2 or 3 Moves with significant difficulty = 1 Cannot move = 0 | /5 |
Power and Control Subsystem Includes all required elements = 4 Includes all required elements, some defects = 3 Some elements missing, some defects = 1 or 2 Does not provide power or control = 0 XT-30 Connector is correctly installed = +1 | /5 |
TOTAL | /25 |
PERFOMANCE, P (50/100) | |
Criteria | Mark |
Station keeping and return 15 is the maximum score for this criterion. | /15 |
Stability 25 is the maximum score for this criterion. | /25 |
Power efficiency 10 is the maximum score for this criterion. | /10 |
TOTAL | /50 |
5.4.2 Design Project-Part 2: Final Report (Team)
5.4.2 设计项目-第二部分:最终报告(团队)
You are required to write a team final report detailing your final design, fabrication, test and demonstration processes of your project. Include your concept designs from which you selected your final design, design selection approach, technical details, sustainability, and risk assessment. The main body of the report (Introduction, Technical Background, Design Approach, Design Analysis, Reflection, Conclusions and Recommendations) should not exceed 20 pages. You can use the ENGG1100 Report Writing Guide (Aminossadati 2023a). This template aims to assist you in developing your Concept Report with an accurate and consistent structure and formatting. Table 6 presents the marking criteria for the Final Report.
您需要撰写一份团队最终报告,详细说明项目的最终设计、制造、测试和演示过程。包括您选择最终设计的概念设计、设计选择方法、技术细节、可持续性和风险评估。报告正文(引言、技术背景、设计方法、设计分析、反思、结论和建议)不应超过20页。您可以使用 ENGG1100 报告撰写指南 (Aminossadat 2023a)。该模板旨在帮助您以准确和一致的结构和格式开发概念报告。表 6 列出了最终报告的评分标准。
The proposed structure of the Final Report is:
Transmittal Letter
Title Page
Executive Summary
Table of Contents
List of Figures and Tables
Context (full-scale problem): Provide background, client’s needs, other stakeholders and overall aim of the project.
Scope (small-scale prototype presented in the project description): Include project objectives, constraints, assumptions, and design criteria.
Technical Background
Discuss the technical information that supports the engineering process used in the design. For example:
engineering principles broadly used in your design;
existing solutions that helped your research;
published data and papers that informed your preliminary options selection; and
how you prioritised this technical information to what was relevant for this project.
Decision Analysis
Provide the functional layout and decomposition of your prototype design into system and subsystems.
Detail the decision-making matrix and design option analysis for system, subsystem or even component selection.
From this analysis present your preferred design option for the small-scale prototype.
Detailed Design
From your design analysis present the detailed design of your preferred option for the small-scale protype. In this section include:
Technical specifications
Detail the system, subsystems and component with dimensions and materials in drawings or other supporting graphics.
Schematic diagrams of circuits, and flowcharts of programming processes used.
Materials selection and justification.
Final prototype budget information (full details presented in appendices).
Risk mitigation plan developed for the manufacture and operation of the small-scale prototype using the Failure Mode and Effect Analysis (FMEA). Provide the details of what were expected risks during manufacture and operation. For External students, this is an estimation of the likely risks faced should a prototype be built and operated sometime in the future.
Description of the prototype operation
Detail the operational procedure for the small-scale prototype.
Detail the testing and demonstration results of the small-scale prototype.
Scale-up considerations from the small-scale to full-scale solution including the materials and manufacturing implications, challenges and opportunities.
Sustainability impacts using the Life Cycle Analysis of your full-scale solution (LCA).
使用全面解决方案 (LCA) 的生命周期分析对可持续性的影响。
Team Reflection
A summary of each team members’ critical analysis and reflection of the management challenges dealt with throughout the project. You should use the generic SEAL framework to present this.
每个团队成员对整个项目所处理的管理挑战的批判性分析和反思的总结。您应该使用通用的 SEAL 框架来呈现这一点。
Discuss how your team interacted and communicated.
Conclude with what you collectively agree would have improved your team dynamics given your reflection on the challenges.
Conclusions and Recommendations
Provide clear and insightful conclusions for your solution to the project.
Provide recommendations to the client for further work for this project and how you could assist with this further work.
6. Peer Assessment
6. 同伴评估
You are required to complete a peer assessment exercise to evaluate the contributions of yourself and your team members to the deliverable. A link will be provided for the peer assessment exercise (PAF) on ENGG1100 Blackboard site. You will distribute 100 points among all team members, including yourself, based on the following criteria:
您需要完成一项同行评估练习,以评估您自己和您的团队成员对可交付成果的贡献。将在 Blackboard 网站上提供同行评估练习 (PAF) 的链接ENGG1100。您将根据以下标准向所有团队成员(包括您自己)分配 100 分:
Communication and collaboration: Teamwork and leadership, attendance and participation at meetings, email/group chats, ability to work and share findings with team.
Contribution to overall project: Scoping, research, design, testing, analysis, reporting, editing, submission production, idea generation, literature research.
Timeliness: Ability to meet agreed contribution times.
Performance: Standard and completeness of work contributed.
You should also add comments where you vary the points by +10%. Please note that over-estimation of your own contribution and/or clique-type assessment (where students are unfairly penalized or rewarded) will be removed. A Peer Assessment Factor (PAF) is calculated by the sum of all scores attributed to a student divided by the number of criteria multiplied by 100 as per the following equation:
您还应该在将分数改变 +10% 的地方添加评论。请注意,高估您自己的贡献和/或集团式评估(学生受到不公平的惩罚或奖励)将被取消。同伴评估因子 (PAF) 的计算方法是将归因于学生的所有分数之和除以标准数量乘以 100,如以下公式所示:
The individual mark for team-based assessments (Project Demonstration and Final Report) is calculated based on the team's overall mark and the individual's "contributing factor". The "contributing factor" is a measure of an individual's contribution to the team, taking into account their Peer Assessment Factor (PAF), their contribution to the team, and feedback from the tutor.
基于团队的评估(项目演示和最终报告)的个人分数是根据团队的总分和个人的“贡献因素”计算的。“贡献因素”是衡量个人对团队贡献的指标,考虑了他们的同伴评估因素 (PAF)、他们对团队的贡献以及导师的反馈。
Table 6: Marking criteria for the Final Report
表 6:最终报告的评分标准
Criteria (%) | None 0 | Poor 1 | Mixed 2 | Satisfactory 3 | Good 4 | Excellent 5 | |
Executive Summary (5%) | None | Is not relevant to the project and provides no insight to the report content. | Structure and presentation provide some details of the report, with significant omissions. | Structure and presentation with some key omissions. Longer or much shorter than 1-page. | Well structured. Clearly presented content with a few omissions. Longer or much shorter than 1-page. | Clear and succinct structure. All information presented is relevant and valuable. No more than 1-page length. | |
Introduction (10%) | None | Unclear or confused context / aims / project description / scope with many omissions/errors. | Mixed context / aims / problem project description and scope with many omissions or errors. | Adequate context / aims / problem project description and scope with some omissions or errors. | Clear context / aims / problem project description and scope with few omissions or errors. | Comprehensive context / aims / project description and scope. | |
Technical Background (10%) | None | No useful information presented with no linkage to the project. | Little useful information presented with little linkage to the project. Many errors or omissions. | Some useful information presented with some linkage to the project. Some errors or omissions. | Useful information presented with linkages to the project. Few errors or omissions. | Valuable and insightful information presented with clear linkage to project. | |
Decision Analysis (20%) | None | Poor overview and description of system and subsystems. No design options. Poorly justified and confusing decision- making. | Incomplete overview and description of system and subsystems. Some design options and partial decision- making. | Acceptable overview and description of system and subsystems. Adequate design options and decision-making. | Sound overview and description of system and subsystems. Good design options and decision-making. | Comprehensive overview and description of system and subsystems. Well-thought design options and decision- making. | |
Detailed Design (35%) | Technical Specification (10%) | None | Limited specifications. Unintelligible design presentation. | Partial design presentation with incomplete coverage of required aspects and technical details. | Sound design presentation with adequate coverage of required aspects and technical details. | Complete design presentation with good coverage of required aspects and technical details. | Comprehensive design presentation with excellent coverage of required aspects and technical details. |
Risk Analysis (5%) | None | Poor risk presentation with most of the detail omitted. | Partial risk presentation with some of the details omitted. | Basic risk presentation with some analysis of expected failure modes | Good risk presentation with analysis of expected failure modes presented. | Comprehensive risk presentation with detailed analysis of expected failure modes presented. | |
Description of Operation (10%) | None | No useful information on operation and testing. | Some information on operation and testing. No reflection on results. | Adequate information on operation and testing. No reflection on results. | Good information on operation and testing. No reflection on results. | Well-presented information on operation and testing. Reflection on results. | |
Scale-Up Considerations (5%) | None | Poor linkages present between small- and large-scale project solutions. | Incomplete linkages present between small- and large-scale project solutions. | Some linkages present between small- and large-scale project solutions. No cost, materials & operation implications presented. | Some linkages present between small- and large-scale project solutions. Some cost, materials & operation implications presented. | Direct linkages present between small- and large-scale project solutions. Cost, materials & operation implications presented. | |
Sustainability Assessment (5%) | None | Poor Life Cycle Analysis with some stages of full-scale prototype solution considered. No information on materials & energy requirements included. | Partial Life Cycle Analysis with some stages of full-scale prototype solution considered. No information on materials and energy requirements included. | Basic Life Cycle Analysis with all stages of full-scale prototype solution considered. No information on materials and energy requirements included. | Clear Life Cycle Analysis with all stages of full-scale prototype solution considered. Some information on materials and energy requirements included. | Comprehensive Life Cycle Analysis with all stages of full-scale prototype solution considered. Details of materials and energy requirements included. | |
Team Reflection (5%) | None | Superficial individual or team reflection, with no conclusions. SEAL process not used. | Incomplete individual or team reflection with inconclusive conclusions. SEAL process not used. | Adequate individual and team reflection with some conclusions, and some usage of SEAL process. | Sound individual and team reflection with reference to SEAL process and some conclusions. | Comprehensive individual and team reflection with reference to SEAL process and insightful conclusions. | |
Conclusions and Recommendations (5%) | None | Inadequate conclusions and recommendations. | Partial conclusions and recommendations with many omissions. | Acceptable conclusions and recommendations with some omissions. | Considered conclusions and recommendations, with few omissions. | Comprehensive conclusions and recommendations. | |
Communication (10%) | None | Unclear, inaccurate, lacks structure, many formatting errors. | Not pitched correctly, poor structure, frequent formatting errors. | Pitched correctly but lacks clarity, some formatting errors. | Clear and accurate structure, appropriate writing style, few minor formatting errors. |