Responsible AI Case study - Introduction & Requirements

Generative AI is no longer just a trend; it is actively shaping industries and lives. While 70% of CEOs believe AI will force changes to their current business models (PYMNTS 2024a Links to an external site.) a recent survey of financial institutions shows 75% of them believe that Generative AI will bring similar or greater benefits when compared to predictive AI (PYMNTS 2024b Links to an external site.)

But as AI becomes more common, the responsibility to use it ethically and effectively grows. Will you be a passive consumer, or will you leverage AI to be an impactful, responsible leader in your field?

In this case study, your group will explore the potential of using the advanced capabilities of Generative AI (such as ChatGPT...) to promote a Responsible Business Mindset. Your task is to gain a deeper understanding of the technology and its potential, and utilize the skills of your team to devise a specific responsible use in business to address a specific Impact Area related to Perspectives 1,2,3 or 4 of the course. This includes creating and submitting:

  • A showcase presentation of Your Solution™ in action
  • A written report specifying Your Solution™ and your group's Reflection 

The pages in this module will clarify the expectations and provide materials to inspire and guide you.

Best of luck with your project!



Case study background

Since the release of ChatGPT from OpenAI Links to an external site., the concept of Generative AI Links to an external site. needs little introduction. However, as its capabilities grow beyond merely generating human-like text, its integration into business landscapes brings forth both opportunities and challenges, and growing debates on ethics, utility and societal impact. 

As you are reading this, business and individuals are working hard to stay relevant in the changing landscape: to innovate, discover and implement new applications and use cases (see next page). 

In BUSS5220, our aim is to enhance your development of USYD Graduate qualities and provide you with the critical understanding necessary for navigating these dynamic shifts Links to an external site.. In this assessment, we challenge you to critically examine and adapt to the changing terrain by exploring opportunities to use generative AI technologies to foster responsible business practices.

What information can you find in this module? 
This module provides essential background information and outlines assessment requirements. Next page offers detailed guidance, clarifies the concept of Your Solution™ and directs you to a variety of resources for inspiration. We also provide you with free access to GPT4/Copilot or you can use your own...

Case study specifics:

You are a team of young professionals of diverse backgrounds, majors and interests working at company called Responsible AI (RAI).
You are to work together and leverage your skills and your abilities to research, reflect, devise and present responsible business solutions in a professional setting.

What is your task?

You have been tasked by the RAI Board of Directors to develop a solution that utilizes generative AI technology (e.g., ChatGPT) to promote a Responsible Business Mindset (RBM) through a specific responsible use in business. Your output will consist of:

  • A pre-recorded 6-8 minute showcase presentation to showcase Your Solution™ in action to the RAI board
  • A written report to the RAI board (A4 format, font-size 11, max line-spacing 1.5, each section starting at new page).

The solution needs to focus on a specific Impact Area related to Perspectives 1,2,3, or 4 of the course.

Note: This is a formal assessment task, worth a total of 40% of your marks. Detailed instructions are provided within this module. We expect all team members to read and adhere to the instructions. The equal contribution policy applies to this assessment. Penalties apply where requirements are not followed.

When is it due?

Your report and presentation are to be submitted by 4pm Friday 24th May.

Assessment requirements:

(1)   Showcase presentation (Worth 20%)

Presentation parts: Specifics: Length:

1. State your RBM aims

A concise outline of what your solution aims to achieve for your Impact Area. That is, how does your solution promote RBM?

(1 minute)

2. Showcase Your Solution™ in action

Brief and persuasive demonstration of your solution in action. That is, showcase and exemplify its workings/outputs.

(Read through this module to understand what we mean by Your Solution™)

(4-6 minutes)

3. Make a concluding statement to the RAI Board

A persuasive closing statement that argues why Your Solution™ is both profitable and sustainable (see the unit's Learning Objective 3) and should be implemented. 

(1 minute)

Note: Stay within the duration requirements specified above. Strictly follow the recording requirements (see page). Maximum duration of 8 minutes 20 seconds applies. Each group member is expected to present for a minimum of 1 minute.

(2)   Written report to the Board (Worth 20%)

Board Report Sections: Specifics: Length:

1. Introduction and technology overview

An introduction to your report and the technology you employed

(0.5 pages)

2. A specification of Your Solution™

Note: This is different from the presentation task. While the presentation is a showcase of your solution in action, the written report provides a specification of your solution. This includes the details necessary to understand your solution, outline how its to be implemented, how it operates and what it will achieve.

Provide necessary details that justify your solution and explain why it is a solution to the issue you identified.

Within the 4-5 page limit you are allowed a maximum 2 pages of text and 2 to 3 pages of visual appendices (e.g., screenshots, example system prompts or outputs, diagrams, code excerpts etc.)

(Read through this module to understand what we mean by Your Solution™. The solution must relate to a specific Impact Area for Perspectives 1,2,3 or 4 of the course).

(4-5 pages max of which:
2 pages of text (max) and 
2-3 pages of visuals  (max))

3. SDG Impact Assessment

Analyze how Your Solution™ contributes to one (1) Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) Target and make a persuasive case for its impact.

Please note: We don't want an essay here. This is an opportunity to analyse what value your solution adds to achieving the selected SDG target and how. Showcase data or scenarios that demonstrate the real-world impact your solution could have.

(0.5 page of text max)

4. Mock ESG Report Excerpt

Provide a mock example of how a company implementing your solution can highlight its Environmental, Social, or Governance (ESG) impact inside of their ESG reports.

This includes highlighting specific metrics or KPIs (Key Performance Indicators) related to sustainability/ESG that can be measured or improved upon through the adoption of your solution.

Please note: Take the perspective of a company using your solution as if this was an excerpt from their ESG report. Model the content based on real sustainability/ESG reports.


(0.75 page max of combined text and visuals)

5. Group insights on process

The problem with solutions is that we celebrate the outcomes but forget how we got there.

Here we want your group to sit together and reflect on the details of the process that led to the development of your solution:

  • What are the different stages you went through, challenges you faced (including false starts, dead ends, the blockages) and how you overcame them?
  • How has this assessment influenced your understanding of generative AI potential?

Note: We don't want an essay here. Reflect together and distill the highlights, examples and key learnings from your groups journey. We will reward you for being frank.

(1 page max)


  • Start every section on a new page.
  • Include a Reference list for the references/resources you used.
  • Report content: 8 or 9 pages (some of which are only half full). Its 8 pages if you have two pages of visuals in Section 2, and its 9 pages if you have three.
  • Reference list or cover pages do not count toward the word limit.

Important: Section 5 in this report require you to take notes of the group's process, opinions and insights. They must be discussed jointly by the group!

Continue to next page for further guidance and resources.

What BUSS5220 Learning Objectives are examined in this case study? (Click to reveal)
  • LO1 Apply conceptual, theoretical and multidisciplinary understanding to approaches to responsible business practice.
  • LO4 Work collaboratively and effectively as a team and as an individual examining and developing solutions through a responsible business mindset.
  • LO3 Critically evaluate innovative solutions to business dilemmas that are both profitable and sustainable.
  • LO2 Analyse and critically reflect upon business dilemmas through a responsible business mindset.

How to succeed in this case study:

Follow the Case study instructions & requirements (this page)

Read the Important pointers and examples (next page)

As a group take the time to familiarise with Key resources and inspirations (next page)

Start early and iterate! Keep notes of your progress!

Read and follow the Showcase presentation expectations (link)

Submission links: (not available yet)

Case Study Peer evaluation form | FILL online

 Case Study Presentation l UPLOAD 1x MP4 file

Case Study Report | UPLOAD 1x DOCX

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