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ch a p t e r

1 Introduction to Programmed Learning and Medical Word Building
1 编程学习和医学词汇构建简介


Upon completion of this chapter, you will be able to:
  • Learn medical terminology by using the programmed learning technique.
  • Identify and define four elements used to build medical words.
analyze and define the various parts of a medical term.
Apply the rules learned in this chapter to pronounce medical words correctly.
  • Define and provide examples of surgical, diagnostic, pathological, and related suffixes.
Apply the rules learned in this chapter to write singular and plural forms of medical words.
  • Locate and apply guidelines for pluralizing terms.
  • Practice pronouncing the medical terms presented in this chapter.
Demonstrate your knowledge of this chapter by successfully completing the activities.

Instructions 指示

In the first few pages, you will learn the most efficient use of this self-instructional programmed learning approach.
First remove the sliding card and cover the left-hand answer column with it.
1-1 This text is designed to help you learn medical terminology effectively. The principal technique used throughout the book is known as programmed learning, which consists of a series of teaching units called frames.
1-1 这段文字旨在帮助您有效学习医学术语。本书始终采用的主要技术是程序化学习,它由一系列称为框架的教学单元组成。
Each frame presents information and calls for an answer on your part. When you complete a sentence by writing an answer on the blank line, you are learning information by using the programmed learning technique. A frame consists of a block of information and a blank line. The purpose of the blank line is to write an
1-2 Slide the card down in the left column to see the correct answer. After you correct the answer, read the next frame.
1-2 将卡片向下滑动到左列以查看正确答案。在你纠正答案之后,阅读下一帧。
answer 答案
1-3 It is important to keep the left-hand answer column covered until
1-3 在纠正答案之前,保持左侧答案列被遮盖是很重要的。
you write your 你写你的
1-4 Several methods are employed in this book to help you master
1-4 本书采用了几种方法来帮助你掌握
medical terminology, but the main technique used is called programmed
learning 学习
answer(s) 答案
1-5 After you write your answer, it is important to verify that it is cor-
1-5 写下你的答案后,验证它是否正确是很重要的
rect. To do so, compare your answer with the one listed in the left-hand
answer column. 答案栏。
To obtain immediate feedback on your responses, you must verify
your 你的
1-6 The number of blank lines in a frame determines the numb
1-6 帧中的空行数决定了你回答的单词数。请复习空行数

of words you write for your answer. Review the number of blank lines
Frame 1-5. It has blank line(s). Therefore, the answer
第 1-5 帧。它有 个空行。因此,答案需要一个单词。

requires one word. 两个,行
two, lines
1-7 A frame that requires two answers will have blank
1-7 需要两个答案的框架将有空白
1-8 In some frames, you will be asked to write the answer in your own words. In these instances, there will be one or more blank lines across the entire frame.
1-8 在某些框架中,您将被要求用自己的话写出答案。在这些情况下,整个框架上将有一个或多个空白行。
List at least two reasons why you want to learn medical terminology. Keep these objectives in mind as you work through the book.
Do not look at the answer column before you write your response and do not move ahead in a chapter. Progress in developing a medical vocabulary depends on your ability to learn the material presented in each frame.
frame 框架
1-9 Completing one frame at a time is the most effective method of
1-9 一次完成一个框架是最有效的方法
learning. To achieve your goal of learning medical terminology, complete
one _ at a time.
back 返回
1-10 Whenever you make an error, it is important to go back and
1-10 每当你犯错误时,重要的是回过头去检查之前的帧。你需要确定为什么在继续下一帧之前写错了答案。
review the previous frame(s). You need to determine why you wrote the
wrong answer before proceeding to the next frame.
You may always go _ and review information you have
forgotten. Just remember, do not look ahead.
correct, check, or verify
1-11 Do not be afraid to make a mistake. In programmed learning, you
1-11 不要害怕犯错。在编程学习中,如果你立即纠正错误,你会通过错误学习和获益。
will learn and profit by your mistakes if you correct them immediately.
Always__ your answer immediately after you write it.
answer 答案
1-12 Because accurate spelling is essential in medicine, correct all mis-
1-12 因为在医学中准确的拼写至关重要,所以立即纠正所有拼写错误的单词。通过将您的答案与正确的答案进行比较来做到这一点。
spelled words immediately. Do so by comparing your answer with the one
in the left-hand__ column.
correctly or accurately 正确或准确地。
1-13 In medicine, it is important to spell correctly. Correct spelling can
1-13 在医学中,拼写正确很重要。正确的拼写可以
be a crucial component in determining the validity of evidence presented
in a malpractice lawsuit. A physician can lose a lawsuit because of mis-
spelled words that result in a misinterpreted medical record.
To provide correct information, medical words must be spelled
in a medical record.

Word Elements 词素元素

A medical word consists of some or all of the following elements:
  • Word root 词根
  • Combining form 组合形式
■ Suffix ■ 后缀
■ Prefix. ■ 前缀。
How you combine these elements and whether all or some of them are present in a medical word determine the meaning of a word. The purpose of this chapter is to help you learn to identify these elements and use them to form medical terms.
suffix, prefix The four elements that are used to build a medical word are the word
后缀、前缀 是构建医学词汇的四个元素
root, combining form, and .
1-15 Medical terminology is not difficult to learn when you understand how the elements are combined to form a word.
1-15 当你理解元素如何组合形成一个词时,医学术语并不难学习。
To develop a medical vocabulary, you must understand the that form medical words.

Word Roots 词根

A word root is the main part or foundation of a word; all medical words have at least one word root.
A word root may be used alone or combined with other elements to form another word with a different meaning.
1-19 Review the following examples to see how roots are used alone or with other elements to form words. The meaning of each term in the righthand column is also provided.
1-19 请查看以下示例,了解词根是如何单独使用或与其他元素结合形成单词的。右侧列出了每个术语的含义。
Root as a Complete Word
alcohol 酒精
sperm 精子
thyroid 甲状腺

Root as a Part of a Word

alcoholism (condition marked by impaired control over alcohol use) spermicide (agent that kills sperm) thyroidectomy (excision of the thyroid gland)
alcohol 酒精
lump 翻译
insulin 胰岛素
cardi 心脏
1-20 Throughout the book, a slash is used to separate word elements, as shown in the following examples. Write the word roots in the right-hand column for each of these terms:
1-20 在整本书中,斜杠用于分隔单词元素,如下面的例子所示。为每个术语在右侧列中写出词根。
alcohol/ic 酒精/IC
dent/ist 牙科/医生
lump/ectomy 肿块/切除术
insulin/ism 胰岛素/主义
gastr/itis 胃/炎
1-21 In medical words, the root usually indicates a body part (anatomical structure). For example, the root in cardi/al, cardi/ac, and cardi/o/gram is and it means heart.
1-21 在医学术语中,词根通常表示身体部位(解剖结构)。例如,cardi/al、cardi/ac 和 cardi/o/gram 中的词根是 cardi,表示心脏。

Combining Forms 组合形式

A combining form (CF) is created when a word root is combined with a vowel. This vowel is usually an . The vowel has no meaning of its own, but enables two word elements to be linked.
当一个词根与一个元音结合时,就会形成一个组合形式(CF)。这个元音通常是一个 。这个元音本身没有意义,但它使两个词元能够连接在一起。
combining form 组合形式
1-24 Like the word root, the CF is the basic foundation on which other
1-24 像词根一样,CF 是构建完整单词的基础。在这个文本中,组合形式将被列为词根/元音,例如 dent/o 和 gastr/o。
elements are added to build a complete word. In this text, a combining
form will be listed as word root/vowel, such as dent/o and gastr/o.
A word root + a vowel (usually an o) forms a new element known as
一个词根 + 一个元音(通常是 o)形成一个被称为的新元素
a 一个
therm/o 热/温的
gastr/o 胃/肠
1-25 The CF in therm/o/meter is
1-25 温度计中的 CF 是
The CF in gastr/o/scope is
胃镜中的 CF 是
combining form 组合形式
gastr,  胃,
1-26 Gastr/o is an example of the word element called a
1-26 Gastr/o 是一个称为词素的词元的例子
Root in gastr/o is __ ; the combining vowel is .
1-27 List the combining vowel in each of the following elements:
1-27 列出以下元素中的结合元音:
arthr/o 关节/骨关节的
phleb/o 静脉
abdomin  腹部
1-28 Underline the word root in the following combining forms:
1-28 在以下的复合词中划线标出词根:
therm/o 热/温度
abdomin/o 腹部
nephr/o 肾脏
vowel 元音
1-32 The words in Frame 1-31 are easier to pronounce because the
1-32 帧 1-31 中的单词更容易发音,因为单词根与连接元音<b0></b0>相关联。
word roots are linked with the combining vowel .
To make a word easier to pronounce, attach a combining __ to
the word root. 单词的根部。
elements or parts 元素或部分
1-33 Although you may not know the meaning of all the words in
1-33 虽然你可能不知道这个单元中所有单词的意思,但你已经开始通过识别医学词汇的基本__来学习词汇构建系统。
this unit, you have already started to learn the word-building system by
identifying the basic__ of a medical word.
medical 医学的
1-34 Understanding the word-building system will help you decipher
1-34 了解词构建系统将帮助您解读医学术语的含义。
the meanings of medical terms.
Using the word-building system to identify basic elements of a medical
word will help you learn __ terminology.
combining form is 1
A combining vowel is used to link a root to another root to form a compound word. This holds true even if the next root begins with a vowel, as in gastr/o/enter/itis.
一个连接词根与另一个词根以形成复合词的连接元音。即使下一个词根以元音开头,如 gastr/o/enter/itis 中的 enter,这个规则仍然适用。
1-36 In the word gastr/o/enter/itis, the roots gastr (stomach) and enter
在单词 gastr/o/enter/itis 中,词根 gastr(胃)和 enter(肠)通过连接元音链接在一起。

(intestine) are linked together with the combining vowel__
1-36 在单词 gastr/o/enter/itis 中,词根 gastr(胃)和 enter(肠)通过连接元音链接在一起。
leuk, cyt 白细胞,细胞
-penia 缺乏
leuk/o, cyt/o 白细胞,细胞
electr/o, cardi/o 电/心
Throughout the subsequent frames, all word roots and combining forms that stand alone are set in boldface.

Suffixes 后缀

A suffix is a word element located at the end of a word. Substituting one suffix for another suffix changes the meaning of the word. In medical terminology, a suffix usually indicates a procedure, condition, disease, or part of speech. In this text, a suffix that stands alone is preceded by a hyphen.
suffix 后缀 1-41 The element at the end of a word is called the
1-41 单词末尾的元素被称为
1-42 Play, read, and speak are complete words and also roots. Add the
1-42 玩耍、阅读和说话都是完整的词汇,也是词根。在每个词根后面加上后缀-er(表示“一个人”),以改变其含义。
suffix -er (meaning one who) to each root to modify its meaning.
play/er 玩耍者 Play becomes ___ / _
玩变成 ___ / _
Read becomes _ 读变成 _
speak/er 说话/者 Speak becomes __ / _
说话变成 __ / _
1-43 By attaching the suffix -er (one who) to play, read, and speak, we create nouns that mean:
1-43 通过在 play、read 和 speak 后面加上后缀-er(表示“一个人”),我们创造了意思是:
Play/er means _ _ plays.
Play/er 意味着 _ _ 玩耍的人。
Read/er means reads. 读者意味着读。
Speak/er means speaks. 说者意味着说。
I A word root links a suffix that begins with a vowel.
-44 Link the following roots with suffixes, each of which begins with a vowel. Then practice pronouncing the terms aloud by referring to the pronunciations in the left-hand answer column.
-44 将以下词根与以元音字母开头的后缀连接起来。然后通过参考左侧答案栏中的发音,大声练习发音。
Word Root 词根 Suffix 后缀 Medical Term 医学术语
tonsill 扁桃体 -itis -炎 becomes 变成
gastr  -ectomy 切除术 becomes 开始翻译
arthr 变成 -itis 关节炎 becomes 变成
1-45 Changing the suffix modifies the meaning of the word. In the word , dent is the word and is the
1-45 改变后缀会改变单词的意思。在单词 中,dent 是单词,
1-46 A dent/ist is a specialist in teeth. Dent/al means pertaining to teeth. Simply changing the suffix gives the word a new meaning.
1-46 牙医是牙齿专家。Dent/al 意味着与牙齿有关。只需改变后缀就可以给单词赋予新的意义。
The suffix in dent/ist is It means specialist.
"dent/ist" 中的后缀是 "ist",它表示专家。
The suffix in is It means pertaining to.
" " 中的后缀是 "ist",它表示与...有关的。
| A combining form (root ) links a suffix that begins with a consonant.
以辅音字母开头的后缀与根词 " " 结合形成一个复合词。
1-47 Change the following roots to combining forms and link them with suffixes that begin with a consonant. Then practice pronouncing the terms aloud by referring to the pronunciations in the left-hand answer column.
1-47 将以下词根改为合成形式,并用以辅音开头的后缀连接起来。然后通过参考左侧答案栏中的发音,大声朗读这些术语。
Word Root 词根 Suffix 后缀 Medical Term 医学术语
scler 硬化 -derma -皮肤 becomes 开始翻译
mast 成为 -dynia becomes 主干
arthr 起源 -plasty becomes -plasty 变成
1-48 Throughout the book, whenever a suffix stands alone, it will be preceded by a hyphen, as in -oma (tumor). The hyphen indicates another element is needed to transform the suffix into a complete word.
1-48 在整本书中,每当一个后缀单独存在时,它将以连字符开头,例如 -oma(肿瘤)。连字符表示需要另一个元素将后缀转化为完整的单词。
hyphen A suffix that stands alone will be preceded by a
Pronouncing medical words correctly is crucial because mispronunciations can result in incorrect medical interpretations and treatments. In addition, misspelled terms in a medical report may become a legal issue. Learning how to pronounce and spell medical terms is a matter of practice. To familiarize yourself with medical words, make it a habit to pronounce a word aloud each time you see the pronunciation listed in the answer column.
1-49 Underline the suffixes in the following words:
1-49 在以下单词中划线后缀:
dent/ist 牙医 dent/ist 牙医
DĚN-ť̆st 牙医
centesis 穿刺 arthr/o/centesis 关节穿刺
neur/algia 神经痛 neur/algia 神经痛
angi/oma  angi/oma 
ăn-jè-Ō-mă 译文
gastr/ic 胃的 gastr/ic 胃的
GĂS-trǐk 胃的
nephr/itis 肾/炎
scler/o/derma 硬/皮/病
, scler/o  ,源 1-50 Elements preceding a suffix can be a root or a combining form.
1-50 个在后缀之前的元素可以是词根或结合形式。
Review Frame 1-49 and list the
复习第 1-49 帧并列出前缀后缀之前的组合形式:___ _ 和
combining forms preceding suffixes: ___ _ and
roots preceding suffixes:
dent, neur, angi, gastr,
, and
1-52 The examples in Frame 1-51 show how medical words can be formed by various combinations of combining forms, roots, and
1-52 Frame 1-51 中的示例展示了如何通过不同的组合形式、词根和后缀来构建医学词汇
suffixes 后缀

Three Rules of Word Building

There are three important rules of word building:
  • Rule 1: A word root links a suffix that begins with a vowel.
    规则 1:词根与以元音开头的后缀相连。
  • Rule 2: A combining form ( ) links a suffix that begins with a consonant.
    规则 2:组合形式( )与以辅音开头的后缀相连。
  • Rule 3: A combining form ( ) links a root to another root to form a compound word. (This rule holds true even if the next root begins with a vowel.)
    规则 3:一个组合形式( )将一个词根与另一个词根连接起来形成一个复合词。(即使下一个词根以元音字母开头,此规则仍然适用。)
1-55 Rule 3: In the following four examples, apply the rule, "Use a
1-55 规则 3:在以下四个例子中,应用规则“使用一个组合形式(词根+o)将一个词根与另一个词根连接起来形成一个复合词。”
combining form (root + o) to link a root to another root to form a com-
pound word." (This rule holds true even if the next root begins with a
vowel.) 元音字母。
oste/o/chondr/itis 骨/软骨/炎 oste + chondr + -itis becomes __ / __ /
骨 + 软骨 + 炎症 变成 __ / __ /
oste/o/chondr/oma 骨/软骨/瘤 oste + chondr + -oma becomes __ / _ / /
骨 + 软骨 + -瘤 变成 __ / _ / /
ǒs-tē-ō-kŏn-DRŌ-mă ǒ-gǔ-ruǎn-gǔ- -liú
oste/o/arthr/itis 骨/关节/炎 oste + arthr + -itis becomes __ / _ / .
骨 + 关节 + 炎症 变成 __ / _ / .
gastr/o/enter/itis 胃/肠/炎症 gastr + enter + -itis becomes __ / _ /
胃 + 肠 + 炎 变成 __ / _ /
găs-trō-ěn-tĕr-Ī-t̆ıs wèi-cháng-yán
word root 词根
1-56 Would you use a word root or a combining form as a link to the suffixes -algia, -edema, and -uria?
1-56 你会使用词根还是组合形式作为后缀 -algia、-edema 和 -uria 的链接?
1-57 Refer to the three rules of word building on page 10 to complete
1-57 参考第 10 页的三个词构建规则完成
frames 1-57 to 1-62.
第 1-57 至 1-62 帧。
Kädi/o/gram Form a word with cardi and -gram:
用 cardi 和 -gram 组成一个单词:
Summarize the rule that applies in this frame.
Rule 2: A combining
规则 2:一个组合形式(根 + o)连接一个以字母 o 开头的后缀
form (root + o) links a
suffix that begins with a
consonant. 辅音。
enter/o/cyst/o/plasty 进入/卵巢/成形术
Rule 3: A CF links a root
规则 3:一个 CF 将一个根链接到另一个根以形成一个复合词。

to another root to form a
compound word.
Rule 2: A CF links a
规则 2:一个 CF 连接以辅音开头的后缀。

suffix that begins with a
leuk/o/cyt/o/penia loo-kō-sī-tō-PĒ-nē-ă
Rule 3: CF links a root to another root to form a compound word.
规则 3:CF 将一个词根与另一个词根连接起来形成一个复合词。
Rule 2: CF links a suffix that begins with a consonant.
规则 2:CF 将以辅音开头的后缀连接起来。

1-59 Complete the following frames to reinforce the three rules of word building on page 10.
1-59 完成以下框架,以加强第 10 页上的词构建三个规则。
Build a medical word with enter + cyst + -plasty:
用 enter + cyst + -plasty 构建一个医学词汇:
Summarize the word building rules that apply in forming the above term. (Use to indicate combining form.)
总结在构建上述术语中适用的词构建规则。(使用 表示组合形式。)
Rule 3: 规则 3:
Rule 2: 规则 2:
1-60 Build a medical word with leuk penia:
1-60 使用 leuk penia 构建医学词汇:
Summarize the word building rules that apply in forming the above term.
Rule 3: 规则 3:
Rule 2: 规则 2:
erythr/o/cyt/osis 红细胞增多症
Rule 3: CF links a root to another root to form a compound word.
规则 3:CF 将一个词根与另一个词根连接起来形成复合词。
Rule 1: Word root links a suffix that begins with a vowel.
规则 1:词根与以元音字母开头的后缀相连。
1-61 Build a medical word with erythr + cyt + -osis:
1-61 使用 erythr + cyt + -osis 构建医学词汇:
Summarize the word building rules that apply in forming the above term.
Rule 3: 规则 3:

Rule 1: 规则 1:

1-62 You may or may not know the meaning of the suffixes covered in this chapter. It is not necessary for you to know all the meaning of the suffixes yet as these terms and definitions will be reviewed again. What is important now is that you understand how to identify the component parts (root, combining form, suffix) of a word.
1-62 您可能知道或不知道本章涵盖的后缀的含义。目前您不需要知道所有后缀的含义,因为这些术语和定义将会再次进行复习。现在重要的是您理解如何识别一个单词的组成部分(词根、组合形式、后缀)。
For example, in the term pancreat/itis, pancreat is the ; -itis is the
例如,在术语胰腺炎中,胰腺是;-itis 是
In addition to word roots and CFs in bold, in subsequent frames, all suffixes that stand alone will be set in blue, type.
除了粗体显示的词根和 CFs 外,在后续的框架中,所有独立存在的后缀将以蓝色显示,类型。

Prefixes 前缀

A prefix is a word element located at the beginning of a word. Substituting one prefix for another prefix changes the meaning of the word. A prefix usually indicates a number, time, position, or negation. Many prefixes found in medical terminology also are found in the English language. In this text, a prefix that stands alone is followed by a hyphen.
1-63 In the term macro/cyte, macro- is a prefix meaning large; -cyte is a
在术语宏/细胞中,宏-是一个表示大的前缀;-cyte 是一个表示细胞的后缀。宏/细胞是一个大细胞。构成一个新的术语,表示
suffix meaning cell. A macro/cyte is a large cell. Form a new term meaning
small cell by changing the prefix macro- to micro-:
micro/cyte 微/细胞
Mï-krō-sît 1-64 Post/nat/al refers the period after birth. Identify the elements that
1-64 后/国家/自然/阿尔指的是出生后的时期。确定与之相关的要素。
mean 意味着
pertaining to: 与...有关的
after, behind: 之后,后面
post- 后缀
intra- 内部
pre- 翻译
1-67 Intra/muscul/ar, post/nat/al, peri/card/itis, and pre/operative are med-
1-67 肌内/肌肉/的,术后/自然/的,心包/炎,和术前/的是医学术语
ical terms that contain prefixes.
Determine the prefix in this frame that means:
in, within: 在,内部:
after: 之后
around: 周围
before, in front of:
prefix 前缀
suffix 后缀
1-68 Whenever a prefix stands alone, it is identified with a hyphen
1-68 每当一个前缀单独存在时,它会用连字符标识
after it, as in hyper-. When it is part of a word, the prefix is not highlighted,
在它后面,比如 hyper-。当它是一个词的一部分时,前缀不会被突出显示,
but a slash separates it from the next element, as in hyper/tension.
但是斜杠将其与下一个元素分隔开,比如 hyper/tension。
Analyze hyper/insulin/ism by identifying the elements.
hyper- is a 高血糖是一种
insulin is a 胰岛素是一种
-ism is a -ism 是一个
prefixes 前缀
1-69 Hypo-, intra-, super-, and homo- are examples of word elements
1-69 Hypo-, intra-, super-, 和 homo- 是词素的例子
called 被称为
post/operative 术后的
pōst-ŎP-ĕr-ă-tı̌v 术后的
after 术后
1-70 Pre/operative designates the time before a surgery. By changing the
1-70 术前/术后指的是手术前后的时间。通过改变前缀,您可以改变单词的含义。构建一个指示
prefix, you alter the meaning of the word. Build a word that designates the
time after surgery. 手术后的时间。
Can you remember what post- in post/operative means?
你还记得 post- 在 post/operative 中的意思吗?
post-, after post-,表示在...之后。
after 之后
1-71 You will recognize many prefixes in medical terms because they
1-71 您将会在医学术语中识别出许多前缀,因为它们与英语中的前缀相同。在术语“post/mortem”中,
are the same ones found in the English language. In the term post/mortem,
the prefix is _ and means
前缀是 _,表示
Post/mortem means __ death.
Post/mortem 意味着 __ 死亡。
before, before 之前,之前
1-72 In the term pre/mature, the prefix is .
means 意味着
Pre/mature means _ maturity.

Defining Medical Words 定义医学词汇。

When defining a medical word, first define the suffix. Second, define the beginning of the word; finally, define the middle of the word. Here is an example using the term osteoarthritis.
oste/o/arthr/itis 骨关节炎
(2) (3) (1)
  1. Define the suffix first: -itis means inflammation.
    首先定义后缀:-itis 表示炎症。
  2. Define the beginning of the word: oste/o means bone.
    定义单词的开头:oste/o 表示骨。
  3. Define the middle of the word: arthr means joint.
    定义单词的中间部分:arthr 意味着关节。
Therefore, oste/o/arthr/itis is an inflammation of the bone and joint.
因此,oste/o/arthr/itis 是骨骼和关节的炎症。
suffix 后缀 1-73 The element that is defined first is the
1-73 第一个定义的元素是
beginning 开始
last 最后 The element that is defined next is the
The middle or rest of the word is defined
In addition to word roots and CFs in bold and suffixes in blue, in subsequent frames, all prefixes that stand alone will be set in pink type.

Pronunciation Guidelines

Although pronunciation of medical words usually follows the same rules that govern pronunciation of English words, some medical terms may be difficult to pronounce when first encountered. Selected terms in this book include phonetic pronunciation. In addition, pronunciation guidelines can be found on the inside front cover of this book. Use them whenever you need help with the pronunciation of medical words. Locate and study the pronunciation guidelines before proceeding with Section Review 1-1.
虽然医学词汇的发音通常遵循英语词汇发音的规则,但有些医学术语在初次接触时可能难以发音。本书中的部分术语包括音标发音。此外,发音指南可以在本书的内封面找到。在需要帮助发音医学词汇时,请使用它们。在进行第 1-1 节复习之前,请查找并学习发音指南。

Pronunciation Tools 发音工具

At appropriate times in each chapter you will be directed to use the following pronunciation tools:
  • Use the audio CD-ROM, Listen and Learn, to hear pronunciations of terms in the Listen and Learn sections of each chapter.
    使用音频 CD-ROM《听一听,学一学》来听每个章节的《听一听,学一学》部分中术语的发音。
  • Visit Listen and Learn Online! to hear pronunciation of selected medical words from medical reports sections.
  • Visit DavisPlus Online! for a chapter's flash-card activity.
    访问 DavisPlus 在线!获取章节的闪卡活动。

S E C T I O N R E V I E W 1-1
第 1-1 节复习

Review the pronunciation guidelines (located in the inside front cover of this book). Use them as reference when needed. Then, in the exercise below, underline one of the items within the parentheses to complete each sentence.
  1. The diacritical mark is called a (breve, macron).
    短音符号 被称为(短音符号,长音符号)。
  2. The diacritical mark is called a (breve, macron).
    短音符号 被称为(短音符号,长音符号)。
  3. The macron above a vowel is used to indicate (short, long) vowel pronunciations.
    在元音上方的长音符号 用于表示(短音,长音)的发音。
  4. The breve ( ) above a vowel is used to indicate the (short, long) vowel pronunciations.
    短音和长音的元音发音可以通过上面的短音符号( )来表示。
  5. When is in the middle of a word, pronounce (only ). Examples are orthopnea, hyperpnea.
    出现在单词中间时,只发音 。例如 orthopnea,hyperpnea。
  6. The letters and have a (hard, soft) sound before the letters a and o. Examples are cardiac, cast, gastric, gonad.
    字母 在字母 a 和 o 之前发出(硬音,软音)。例如 cardiac,cast,gastric,gonad。
  7. When is at the beginning of a word, pronounce (only ). Examples are pneumonia, pneumotoxin.
    位于单词开头时,发音为(只有 )。例如肺炎、肺毒素。
  8. When is at the end of a word (to form a plural), it is pronounced like (eye, ) . Examples are bronch , fung , nucle .
    位于单词末尾(用于形成复数)时,发音类似于(eye, )。例如支气管 ,真菌 ,核
  9. For and , only the (first, second) vowel is pronounced. Examples are burs , pleurae, roentgen.
    对于 ,只发音第(一、二)个元音。例如滑囊 ,胸膜,伦琴。
  10. When and form the final letter or letters of a word, they are commonly pronounced as (combined, separate) syllables. Examples are syncope, systole, appendices.
Competency Verification: Check your answers in Appendix B, Answer Key, page 548. If you are not satisfied with your level of comprehension, review the pronunciation guidelines (on the inside front cover of this book) and retake the review.
竞争力验证:请在附录 B 的答案解析(第 548 页)中核对您的答案。如果您对自己的理解水平不满意,请复习发音指南(本书内封面内侧)并重新进行复习。
Correct Answers % Score
正确答案 % 得分

Common Suffixes 常见后缀

In previous frames, you learned that a combining form (CF) is a word root + vowel and that the CF is the main part, or foundation, of a medical term. Examples of CFs are gastr/o (stomach), dermat/o (skin), and nephr/o (kidney). When you see gastr/o in a medical term, you will know the term refers to the stomach. You also learned that a suffix is an element located at the end of a word. The following sections introduce common surgical, diagnostic, and pathological suffixes as well as plural suffixes. Some of these elements have already been introduced in previous frames, but they are reinforced below.
在之前的章节中,您学到了组合形式(CF)是一个词根+元音,CF 是医学术语的主要部分或基础。例如,gastr/o(胃)、dermat/o(皮肤)和 nephr/o(肾脏)都是 CF 的例子。当您在一个医学术语中看到 gastr/o 时,您将知道该术语指的是胃。您还学到了后缀是位于单词末尾的元素。以下章节介绍了常见的手术、诊断和病理后缀,以及复数后缀。其中一些元素已经在之前的章节中介绍过,但在下面进行了强化。
Combinations of four elements are used to form medical words. These four elements are the word root, combining form, suffix, and prefix. Some words may also be used as suffixes. Other words may consist of just a prefix and a word root.

Surgical Suffixes 手术后缀

Common suffixes associated with surgical procedures, their meanings, and an example of a related term are presented in the table below. First, study the suffix as well as its meaning and practice pronouncing the term aloud. Then use the information to complete the meaning of the term. The first is completed for you. You may also refer to Appendix A: Glossary of Medical Word Elements, page 538. To build a working vocabulary of medical terms and understand how those terms are used in the health care industry, it is important that you complete these exercises.
手术程序相关的常见后缀,它们的含义以及相关术语的示例在下表中呈现。首先,学习后缀及其含义,并大声朗读术语。然后使用这些信息来完成术语的含义。第一个已经为您完成。您还可以参考附录 A:医学词元术语表,第 538 页。为了建立医学术语的工作词汇量,并了解这些术语在医疗保健行业中的使用方式,完成这些练习非常重要。
Suffix 后缀 Term 开始翻译 Meaning 翻译结果
surgical puncture 外科穿刺
arthr/o/centesis 关节穿刺术 surgical puncture of a joint
arthr/o: joint 关节
-clast -破坏
to break 打破
oste/o/clast 骨吸收细胞
oste/o: bone 骨骼/骨头
Osteoclasts break down areas of old or damaged bone,
while osteoblasts deposit new bone tissue in those areas.
-desis  desis 翻译
binding, fixation (of a
bone or joint) 骨骼或关节
arthr/o: joint arthr/o: 关节
-ectomy 切除术
excision, removal 切除,去除
append/ectomy 附加/切除术
append: appendix 附录
-lysis -溶解
separation; destruction;
分离; 破坏;
loosening 松动
thromb/o/lysis 血栓溶解
thromb/o: blood clot 血栓/血块
Drug therapy is usually used to dissolve a blood clot.
-pexy mast/o/pexy 乳房固定术
fixation (of an organ)
mast/o: breast 翻译
Mastopexy is performed to affix sagging breasts in a
more elevated position, often improving their shape.
-plasty -整形术 rhin/o/plasty 鼻整形术
surgical repair 手术修复
rhin/o: nose rhin/o: 鼻子
-rrhaphy my/o/rrhaphy 我/子宫缝合术
suture 缝合
my/o: muscle 肌肉
-stomy trache/o/stomy 气管造口术
forming an opening 形成一个开口
(mouth) (口腔)
trache/o: trachea 气管/气管
(windpipe) (风管)
Tracheostomy may be performed to bypass an obstructed
upper airway. 上呼吸道。
Suffix 后缀 Term 术语 Meaning 含义
instrument to cut 切割工具
oste/o/tome 骨切钳
oste/o: bone 
-tomy 切除术
incision 切开
trache/o/tomy 气管切开术
Tracheotomy may be performed to gain access to an air-
way below a blockage.
crushing 粉碎
lith/o/tripsy 碎石术
lith/o: stone, calculus lith/o: 石头,结石
Pronunciation Help 发音帮助
ā in rāte ā 在 rāte 中的发音
ă in ălone ă 在 ălone 中的发音
in rēbirth 在重生中
ĕ in ěver 在永远中

Diagnostic Suffixes 诊断后缀

Common suffixes associated with diagnostic procedures, their meanings, and an example of a related term are presented in the table below. First, study the suffix as well as its meaning and practice pronouncing the term aloud. Then use the information to complete the meaning of the term. You may also refer to Appendix A: Glossary of Medical Word Elements, page 538. To build a working vocabulary of medical terms and understand how those terms are used in the health care industry, it is important that you complete these exercises.
与诊断程序相关的常见后缀、它们的含义以及相关术语的示例在下表中呈现。首先,学习后缀及其含义,并大声练习发音。然后使用这些信息来完成术语的含义。您还可以参考附录 A:医学词元术语表,第 538 页。为了建立医学术语的工作词汇并了解这些术语在医疗保健行业中的使用方式,完成这些练习非常重要。
Suffix 后缀 Term 术语 Meaning 意义
-gram -克拉姆
record, writing 记录,写作
electr/o/cardi/o/gram 电/心/图
electr/o: electricity 电/心: 电力
cardi/o: heart 心脏
An electrocardiogram allows diagnosis of
specific cardiac abnormalities.
-graph -图
instrument for recording
cardi/o/graph 心电图仪
KĀR-dē-ō-grăf 开始翻译
cardi/o: heart 请求示例
-graphy - id: 1
process of recording 记录过程
angi/o/graphy 血管造影术
angi/o: vess el (usually
blood or lymph) 血管(通常是血液或淋巴)
-meter -计量器
instrument for measuring
pelv/i/meter* 骨盆测量仪
pelv/i: pelvis 骨盆
act of measuring 测量的行为
pelv/i/metry* 骨盆测量 C.
pelv/i: pelvis 骨盆
*The in is an exception to the rule of using the connecting vowel .
*在 中的 是使用连接元音 规则的例外。

Pathological Suffixes 病理后缀

Common suffixes associated with pathological (disease) conditions, their meanings, and an example of a related term are presented in the table below. First, study the suffix as well as its meaning and practice pronouncing the term aloud. Then use the information to complete the meaning of the term. You may also refer to Appendix A: Glossary of Medical Word Elements, page 538. To build a working vocabulary of medical terms and understand how those terms are used in the health care industry, it is important that you complete these exercises.
与病理(疾病)状况相关的常见后缀、它们的含义以及相关术语的示例列在下表中。首先,学习后缀及其含义,并大声朗读术语。然后使用这些信息来完成术语的含义。您还可以参考附录 A:医学词元术语表,第 538 页。为了建立医学术语的工作词汇并了解这些术语在医疗保健行业中的使用方式,完成这些练习非常重要。
Suffix 后缀 Term 术语 Meaning 意义
-algia, -dynia -algia,-dynia
pain 疼痛
neur/algia 神经痛
neur: nerve 神经:神经
ō-tō-DǏN-ē-ă 翻译
ot/o: ear ot/o: 耳朵
hernia, swelling 疝气,肿胀
hepat/o/cele 肝/膨胀
hepat/o: liver 肝脏
-ectasis 扩张
dilation, expansion 扩张,膨胀
bronchi/ectasis 支气管扩张
bronchi: bronchus 支气管:支气管
(plural, (复数,
bronchi) 支气管)
Bronchiectasis is associated with various lung conditions
and is commonly accompanied by chronic infection.
-edema -水肿
swelling 肿胀
lymph/edema 淋巴水肿
lìmf-ĕ-DĒ-mă 淋巴水肿
lymph: lymph 淋巴:淋巴
Lymphedema may be caused by a blockage of the lymph
vessels. 血管。
*The in chol/e/lithiasis and chol/e/lith is an exception to the rule of using the connecting vowel .
*胆/石症和胆/石的 中的 是使用连接元音的规则的例外。
Suffix 后缀 Term 术语 Meaning 意义
-phobia -恐惧症
fear 恐惧
hem/o/phobia 血液恐惧症
hem/o: blood hem/o: 血液
paralysis 瘫痪
hemi/plegia 半/瘫痪
hemi-: one half 翻译
Hemiplegia affects the right or left side of the body and is
caused by a brain injury or stroke.
-rrhage, -rrhagia -rrhage,-rrhagia
bursting (of) 爆裂(的)
hem/o/rrhage 出血
hem/o: blood hem/o: 血液
men/o/rrhagia 月经过多
men/o: menses, men/o: 月经,
menstruation 月经
discharge, flow 分泌物,流动
dia/rrhea 腹泻
dia-: through, across dia-: 通过,穿过
rupture 破裂
arteri/o/rrhexis 动脉/破裂
arteri/o: artery 动脉
-stenosis 狭窄
narrowing, stricture 狭窄,狭隘
arteri/o/stenosis 动脉狭窄
arteri/o: artery 动脉
-toxic 有毒的
poison 毒物
hepat/o/toxic 肝/毒性
hepat/o: liver hepat/o: 肝
-trophy -奖杯
nourishment, 滋养,
development 发展
dys/trophy 萎缩
dys-: bad; painful; dys-:不好的;痛苦的;
difficult 困难的
Pronunciation Help 发音帮助
ong Sound ong 音
hort Sound 短声音

Plural Suffixes 复数后缀

Because many medical words have Greek or Latin origins, there are a few unusual rules you need to learn to change a singular word into its plural form. When you begin learning these rules, you will find that they are easy to apply. You will also find that some English word endings have been adopted for commonly used medical terms. When a word changes from a singular to a plural form, the suffix of the word is the part that changes. A summary of the rules for changing a singular word into its plural form is located on the inside back cover of this book. Use it to complete Section Review 1-2 below and whenever you need help forming plural words.
由于许多医学词汇源自希腊语或拉丁语,所以有一些不寻常的规则需要学习,以将单数词转变为复数形式。当你开始学习这些规则时,你会发现它们很容易应用。你还会发现一些英语词尾已被用于常用的医学术语。当一个词从单数形式变为复数形式时,词的后缀部分会发生变化。关于将单数词转变为复数形式的规则摘要位于本书背面内页。在完成下面的第 1-2 节复习和任何需要帮助形成复数词的时候,请使用它。

S E C TIO N R E V I E W 1-2
第 1-2 节复习

Write the plural form for each of the following words and state the rule that applies. The first word is completed for you.

Singular 单数形式
Plural 复数
Rule 规则
  1. sarcoma 肉瘤
    sarcomata 肉瘤
    Retain the ma and add ta.
    保留 ma 并添加 ta。

  2. thrombus 血栓
THRŎM-bŭs 血栓
  1. appendix 阑尾
  1. diverticulum dī-věr-TǐK-ū-lŭm
  2. ovary 卵巢
Ō-vă-rē 开始翻译
  1. diagnosis 诊断
dī-ăg-NŌ-sı̌s 诊断
  1. lumen 光度
  1. vertebra 椎骨
  1. thorax 翻译
THŌ-răks 胸部
  1. spermatozoon 精子
Competency Verification: Check your answers in Appendix B, Answer Key, page 553. If you are not satisfied with your level of comprehension, review the rules for changing a singular word into its plural form (on the inside back cover of this book) and retake the review.
竞争能力验证:在附录 B 的答案解析中检查您的答案,第 553 页。如果您对自己的理解水平不满意,请复习将单数词转变为复数形式的规则(本书背面内页)并重新进行复习。
Correct Answers 正确答案

Common Prefixes 常见前缀

Common prefixes, their meanings, and an example of a related term are presented in the table below. First, study the prefix as well as its meaning and practice pronouncing the term aloud. Then use the information in the table below to complete the meaning of the term. You may also refer to Appendix A: Glossary of Medical Word Elements, page 538. To build a working vocabulary of medical terms and understand how those terms are used in the health care industry, it is important that you complete these exercises.
常见的前缀、它们的含义以及相关术语的示例在下表中呈现。首先,学习前缀及其含义,并大声朗读术语。然后使用下表中的信息来完成术语的含义。您还可以参考附录 A:医学词元术语表,第 538 页。为了建立医学术语的工作词汇并了解这些术语在医疗保健行业中的使用方式,完成这些练习非常重要。
Prefix 前缀 Term 术语 Meaning 意义
a-*, an-**
without, not 没有,不是
a/mast/ia 一个/主/ia
mast: breast  乳房: breast
-ia: condition  -ia: 状况
an/esthesia 麻醉
-esthesia: feeling -esthesia:感觉
Amastia may be the result of a congenital defect, an endo-
crine disorder, or mastectomy.
circum-, peri- 环绕,周围的
around 周围
circum/duction 环/引导
-duction: act of leading,
-duction: 引导的行为
bringing, 带来
conducting 进行
peri/odont/al 牙周/牙齿/的
pĕr-ē-ō-DŎN-tăl 牙周的
odont: teeth 牙齿
-al: pertaining to -al: 与...相关的
dia-, trans- 
through, across 通过,横跨
dia/rrhea (  腹泻
flow through 流经
-rrhea: discharge, flow -rrhea:排出,流动
Diarrhea is a condition of abnormally frequent discharge or
flow of fluid fecal matter from the bowel.
trans/vagin/al 经/阴道/的
vagin: vagina 阴道
-al: pertaining to 
dipl-, diplo- 
-opia: vision 
Diplobacteria reproduce in such a manner that they are 
joined together in pairs. 
bacteri: bacteria 
-al: pertaining to 
The prefix - is usually used before a consonant. The prefix an-is usually used before a vowel. 
Prefix  Term  Meaning 
endo-, intra- 
in, within 
-crine: secrete 
Endocrine refers to a gland that secretes directly into the 
muscul: muscle 
-ar: pertaining to 
homo-, homeo- 
-graft: transplantation 
-plasia: formation, 
A homograft is also called an allograft. 
under, below, 
derm: skin 
-ic: pertaining to 
-cyte: cell 
-scope: instrument for 
mono-, uni- 
-cyte: cell 
nucle: nucleus 
-ar: pertaining to 
after, behind 
nat: birth 
-al: pertaining to 
Enhance your study and reinforcement of word elements with the power of Davis Plus. Visit http://davisplus.fadavis.com/gylys/simplified for this chapter's flash card activity. We recommend you complete the flash-card activity before continuing to the next chapter.