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Special K 特殊 K

From PCGamingWiki, the wiki about fixing PC games
摘自 PCGamingWiki,关于修复 PC 游戏的维基站点
Dev general icon.svg
Although this product has been released, it remains under active development - information may change frequently and could be outdated or irrelevant.

Dev general icon.svg 虽然该产品已经发布,但仍在积极开发中--信息可能会经常变化,可能会过时或不相关。
Special K
Special K cover
Contributors[Note 1] 贡献者 [Note 1]
Release dates 发布日期
Windows July 29, 2015 2015 年 7 月 29 日

For a crowdsourced list of support across various games, see games compatible with Special K.
有关支持各种游戏的众包列表,请参阅与 Special K 兼容的游戏。

Special K is an extensive game modifying framework allowing for various forms of in-depth tweaking of a game. The focus is primarily on the graphics pipeline but the tool also includes features such as input device blocking/configuring, window and volume management, enhancements for some of the in-game functionality of Steam, and more. On top of this the framework includes a number of game-specific changes and optimizations that its developer have come across and fixed over the years, although minor ones are not always exposed to the user.
Special K 是一个广泛的游戏修改框架,允许对游戏进行各种形式的深入调整。其重点主要放在图形管道上,但该工具还包括输入设备阻止/配置、窗口和音量管理、增强 Steam 的部分游戏功能等功能。除此之外,该框架还包括开发人员多年来遇到并修复的大量游戏特有的更改和优化,不过次要的更改和优化并不总是向用户公开。

The framework traces its origin back to 2015[1] and attempts to fix and improve the state of Batman: Arkham Knight,[2] Fallout 4,[3] and Tales of Zestiria.[4] Over the years Special K have introduced a number of improvements and fixes for both less known games as well as extremely popular ones, and are often most known for its work on titles such as the Tales of series of games[4][5][6] between 2015 and 2017, NieR: Automata[7] in 2017, Monster Hunter: World[8] in 2018, or from one of the multitude of other less known games that has seen a few tweaks or fixes across the years.
该框架的起源可追溯到 2015 年 [1] ,并试图修复和改进《蝙蝠侠:阿卡姆骑士》、 [2] 《辐射 4》、 [3] 和《塞斯提尔的故事》的状态。 [4] 多年来,Special K 既为知名度不高的游戏,也为极受欢迎的游戏推出了许多改进和修复措施,最著名的作品往往是 2015 年至 2017 年间的《物语》系列游戏 [4] [5] [6] 、2017 年的《NieR:Automata》 [7] 、2018 年的《怪物猎人:世界》 [8] ,或者从其他众多不太知名的游戏中脱颖而出,在这些年里进行了一些调整或修复。

In 2018 the framework innovated a general-purpose method of "retrofitting" HDR output support for existing Direct3D 11-based SDR games in Windows,[9] a feature that has since continued to evolve and in 2020 was updated to support most D3D11 based games compatible with flip model presentation,[10][11] including some emulators such as Dolphin and PCSX2. By leveraging a wrapper for older APIs such as dgVoodoo 2 it is also possible to retrofit some earlier DirectX titles with HDR support.
2018 年,该框架创新了一种通用方法,用于在 Windows 中为基于 Direct3D 11 的现有 SDR 游戏 "加装" HDR 输出支持, [9] 这一功能自此不断发展,并在 2020 年更新为支持大多数基于 D3D11、兼容翻转模型呈现的游戏, [10] [11] 包括一些模拟器,如 Dolphin 和 PCSX2。通过利用旧版 API(如 dgVoodoo 2)的封装程序,还可以对一些早期的 DirectX 游戏进行改造,使其支持 HDR。

In late 2019[12] after years of having its development be focused on and around the Steam platform and games without itself being an official part of the platform, Special K was submitted and approved for publication on Steam. This change opened up possibilities for more advanced features that leveraged the Steam platform, and development of Special K transitioned over to using Steam as the delivery method for updates and development branches. A new frontend called Special K Injection Frontend (SKIF) began development to serve as such on Steam, and the legacy Special K Install Manager (SKIM) was officially seen as obsolete.
经过多年专注于 Steam 平台和游戏的开发,《Special K》本身并不是 Steam 平台的正式组成部分,在 2019 年末 [12] ,《Special K》提交并获准在 Steam 上发布。这一变化为利用 Steam 平台开发更先进的功能提供了可能性,《Special K》的开发也过渡到使用 Steam 作为更新和开发分支的交付方式。一个名为 "Special K Injection Frontend (SKIF) "的新前端开始在 Steam 平台上开发,而传统的 "Special K Install Manager (SKIM) "则被正式视为过时。

In July 2020 the product was submitted to Valve for final approval before release, but was denied citing the way it used the Steamworks API as well as marketing that used copyrighted third-party IPs to display its functionality.[13] Following this event as well as the simultaneous but unrelated community bans[Note 2] for its developer on the platform, Special K left the Steam platform in favor of a dedicated forum.
2020 年 7 月,该产品在发布前提交给 Valve 进行最终审批,但遭到拒绝,理由是其使用 Steamworks API 的方式以及使用受版权保护的第三方 IP 展示其功能的营销方式。 [13] 在这一事件发生后,Special K 的开发者也同时在该平台上遭到了与之无关的社区封禁 [Note 2] ,因此,Special K 退出了 Steam 平台,转而使用专门的论坛。

The graphics API that development is focused on is Direct3D 11 (DirectX 11), with Direct3D 12 (DirectX 12), Direct3D 9 (DirectX 9), and OpenGL being of a lower priority. Direct3D 8 (DirectX 8) and older versions of DirectX are supported through dgVoodoo 2. Vulkan is currently not supported, however some preliminary development has been made for it. Direct3D 10 (DirectX 10) is neither supported nor planned, though Special K's DXGI flip model presentation override has been shown to be compatible with D3D10 games as well.
开发重点是 Direct3D 11(DirectX 11)图形应用程序接口,Direct3D 12(DirectX 12)、Direct3D 9(DirectX 9)和 OpenGL 的优先级较低。dgVoodoo 2 支持 Direct3D 8(DirectX 8)和旧版本的 DirectX。目前还不支持 Vulkan,但已对其进行了一些初步开发。Direct3D 10(DirectX 10)既不支持也未计划支持,不过 Special K 的 DXGI 翻转模型呈现覆盖已被证明与 D3D10 游戏兼容。

Key points 要点

As with other third-party software, Special K can have an adverse effect if used in multiplayer titles with anti-cheat protection.
与其他第三方软件一样,如果在有反作弊保护功能的多人游戏中使用 Special K,也会产生不良影响。
List of games compatible with Special K covers the state of support for Special K in various games.
与 Special K 兼容的游戏列表涵盖各种游戏对 Special K 的支持情况。

General information 一般信息

Official Discord server 官方 Discord 服务器
Official forum 官方论坛
Official wiki 官方维基
Changelog 更新日志
Official repository 官方存储库

Availability 可用性Link

Source DRM Notes Keys OS
Official website 官方网站
Steam (unavailable) 蒸汽(不可用)
DRM-free after installation through Steam client (notes may include more details)
Delisted by Valve in July 2020.
2020 年 7 月被 Valve 除名。
Development releases are available on the Discord server.
开发版本可在 Discord 服务器上获取。
Earlier releases are available on the wiki.

Installation 安装Link

Normal 正常Link

The modern launcher Special K Injection Frontend (SKIF)
The modern launcher Special K Injection Frontend (SKIF)
现代发射器特殊 K 注射前端(SKIF)
The recommended mode of installation.[14]
建议的安装模式。 [14]
Install Special K:  安装特殊 K:
  1. Start by downloading the latest version available of either of the two:
    • The latest development version which includes the latest features and changes is available through the Discord server.
      最新开发版本包含最新功能和更改,可通过 Discord 服务器获取。
    • The latest stable SKIF-based version which gets updated every couple of months is available through the Special K forums.
      基于 SKIF 的最新稳定版本每几个月更新一次,可通过 Special K 论坛获取。
  2. Download and run the installer.
  3. Launch Special K at the end of the installation or through the start menu of Windows.
    在安装结束后或通过 Windows 的开始菜单启动 Special K。
  4. Navigate to the Library tab of the application to see detected games.
    导航至应用程序的 "库 "选项卡,查看检测到的游戏。
    • SKIF detects and lists Epic, GOG, Steam, and Xbox games automatically.
      SKIF 可自动检测并列出 Epic、GOG、Steam 和 Xbox 游戏。
  5. Select and launch the game through the application.
  6. Use Ctrl+ Shift+← Backspace to access the control panel while in-game.
    在游戏中使用 Ctrl + Shift + ← Backspace 进入控制面板。
Enable for other games:
  1. Launch Special K through the start menu of Windows.
    通过 Windows 的开始菜单启动 Special K。
  2. Start the global injection.
  3. Use the + Add Game option at the bottom left corner of the application window to add a game to the app library.
    使用应用程序窗口左下角的 + 添加游戏选项将游戏添加到应用程序库中。
  4. Launch the game. Special K should now detect and hook it.
    启动游戏。现在,Special K 应该会检测到并钩住它。
  5. Use Ctrl+ Shift+← Backspace to access the control panel while in-game.
    在游戏中使用 Ctrl + Shift + ← Backspace 进入控制面板。

Advanced (local) 高级(本地)Link

Use at own risk in multiplayer games where Special K might have an adverse effect.
在多人游戏中使用,特殊 K 可能会产生不良影响,风险自负。

A local (game-specific) install refers to an installation where the DLL files of Special K is locally added to the folder of the game executable and renamed accordingly to the API Special K should use to inject itself into the game, in a manner identical to that of ReShade, dgVoodoo 2, and other DLL-based mods or tools. This method allows the use of Special K for one or more games without having the global injection running, as well as using static versions of Special K that are not updated alongside the global injection. This can enhance compatibility with games where newer versions of Special K does not work as well for games as an older version of Special K might do.
本地(特定于游戏)安装是指在本地安装时,将 Special K 的 DLL 文件添加到游戏可执行文件夹中,并根据 Special K 用于将自身注入游戏的 API 进行相应重命名,其方式与 ReShade、dgVoodoo 2 和其他基于 DLL 的修改器或工具相同。这种方法允许在一个或多个游戏中使用 Special K,而无需运行全局注入,还可以使用不随全局注入更新的静态版本的 Special K。这可以增强与游戏的兼容性,因为较新版本的 Special K 在游戏中的表现可能不如较旧版本的 Special K。

Unlike global injection, this method is compatible with Wine, although the features on that platform are limited and support is unofficial.
与全局注入不同,这种方法与 Wine 兼容,不过该平台的功能有限,支持也是非官方的。

Convert global injection to local wrapper DLLs:
将全局注入转换为本地封装 DLL:
  1. Start the global injection of Special K.
    启动全球特殊 K 注射。
  2. Launch the game. 启动游戏
  3. Use Ctrl+ Shift+← Backspace to access the control panel while in-game.
    在游戏中使用 Ctrl + Shift + ← Backspace 进入控制面板。
  4. Click on File > Install wrapper DLL for this game.
    点击文件 > 为该游戏安装封装 DLL。
  5. Exit the game, stop global injection and then start the game again. Local injection should now occur instead.
Manually install local wrapper DLLs:
手动安装本地封装 DLL:
  1. Start by downloading the latest version available of either of the two:
    • The latest SKIF-based version is available through the Special K forums.
      基于 SKIF 的最新版本可通过 Special K 论坛获取。
    • An older SKIM-based version, v0.10.3, is available on GitHub.
      基于 SKIM 的旧版本 v0.10.3 可在 GitHub 上下载。
    • The latest stand-alone release is available on the Special K forum here
      最新的独立版本可在 Special K 论坛上找到,请点击这里
      • Extract the stand-alone archive to the same location of the games Application (EXE) file to install.
        将单机版压缩包解压缩到要安装的游戏应用程序 (EXE) 文件的相同位置。
  2. Extract the SKIF or SKIM archive you downloaded, to a location of your choice and then open the folder.
    将下载的 SKIF 或 SKIM 压缩包解压缩到您选择的位置,然后打开文件夹。
  3. You should now be in the Special K folder where a SpecialK32.dll and SpecialK64.dll files should be present. Note these files, as they will be used later.
    现在你应该在 Special K 文件夹中,其中应该有 SpecialK32.dllSpecialK64.dll 文件。请注意这些文件,因为稍后会用到它们。
  4. Navigate to <path-to-game> or its appropriate subfolder where the game executable is located in.
    导航至 <path-to-game> 或游戏可执行文件所在的相应子文件夹。
  5. Look up if the game uses a 32-bit or 64-bit executable, as well as what API is used. Refer to game-specific articles for details.
    查找游戏使用的是 32 位还是 64 位可执行文件,以及使用的 API。详情请参考游戏相关文章。
  6. Move the appropriate Special K DLL file to the folder where the game executable was located: SpecialK32.dll for 32-bit, and SpecialK64.dll for 64-bit.
    将相应的 Special K DLL 文件移至游戏可执行文件所在文件夹: SpecialK32.dll 用于 32 位, SpecialK64.dll 用于 64 位。
  7. Rename the DLL file to match the API used by the game:
    重命名 DLL 文件,使其与游戏使用的 API 相匹配:
    • OpenGL: opengl32.dll OpenGL: opengl32.dll
    • DirectX 12: dxgi.dll
    • DirectX 11: dxgi.dll or d3d11.dll
      DirectX 11: dxgi.dlld3d11.dll
    • DirectX 9: d3d9.dll
    • DirectX 8: d3d8.dll - Requires the dgVoodoo plugin installed for Special K.
      DirectX 8: d3d8.dll - 需要为 Special K 安装 dgVoodoo 插件。
    • DirectDraw: ddraw.dll - Requires the dgVoodoo plugin installed for Special K.
      DirectDraw: ddraw.dll - 需要为 Special K 安装 dgVoodoo 插件。
    • DirectInput 8: dinput8.dll - Alternative injection-method for titles that support DirectInput 8.
      DirectInput 8: dinput8.dll - 支持 DirectInput 8 的标题的替代注入方法。
  8. Launch the game. 启动游戏
  9. Use Ctrl+ Shift+← Backspace to access the control panel while in-game.
    在游戏中使用 Ctrl + Shift + ← Backspace 进入控制面板。

Custom game-specific mods

There are also custom versions available of Special K tailored to certain games. These often feature more in-depth-changes or fixes that might not exist in the main branch, or are essentially "frozen" versions of Special K guaranteed to have the highest compatibility with their respective game. All game-specific mods are usually also embedded into the main Special K project, although future compatibility can suffer as the main project evolves.
此外,还有专为某些游戏定制的 Special K 版本。这些版本通常具有主分支中可能不存在的更深入的更改或修复,或者基本上是 Special K 的 "冻结 "版本,保证与各自游戏具有最高的兼容性。所有针对特定游戏的修改器通常也会嵌入到 Special K 主项目中,但随着主项目的发展,未来的兼容性可能会受到影响。
Some of these mods supports automatic updates despite being a local install of Special K; although as the update channel is separate from the main release channel these mods might not be frequently updated, if ever.
尽管是本地安装的 Special K,其中一些修改器还是支持自动更新;不过由于更新通道与主发布通道是分开的,因此这些修改器可能不会经常更新,如果有的话。
In the below table, Manual refers to a game-specific mod that requires the user to manually download, install, and update the mod. Automatic (SKIM) refers to a game-specific mod that supports automatic installation through the Special K Install Manager (see instructions below the table) as well as auto-updates post-install.
在下表中, Manual 指的是需要用户手动下载、安装和更新的游戏专用 MOD。 Automatic (SKIM) 指支持通过 Special K 安装管理器(见下表说明)自动安装以及安装后自动更新的游戏专用 MOD。
Game Install Type 安装类型 Comment
.hack//G.U. Last Recode Automatic (SKIM) 自动(SKIM) Fixes texture shimmering, performance issues, and over-powered bloom lightning.
Assassin's Creed Odyssey
Manual Thread scheduling changes. Latest release of Special_K should also work, when UPlay Overlay is disabled (same goes for Assassins Creed Valhalla).
主题调度更改。最新发布的 Special_K 版本在禁用 UPlay Overlay 时也应能正常运行(《刺客信条:瓦尔哈拉》也是如此)。
Dark Souls III 黑暗之魂 III Automatic (SKIM) 自动(SKIM) Focuses on render and usability enhancements.
Disgaea PC Automatic (SKIM) 自动(SKIM) Focuses on render, usability, performance, and stability enhancements.
Dragon's Dogma: Dark Arisen
Manual Fixes UI/aspect ratio scaling for ultra-widescreen resolutions.
Fallout 4 辐射 4 Automatic (SKIM) 自动(SKIM) Improves frame pacing.  改善帧的节奏。
Final Fantasy X/X-2 HD Remaster
最终幻想 X/X-2 高清重制版
Automatic (SKIM) 自动(SKIM) A ton of changes, improvements, and features.
Final Fantasy XV 最终幻想 XV Manual Improves frame pacing.  改善帧的节奏。
Lego City Undercover 乐高城市卧底 Manual Solves issues with fullscreen mode, uncap the framerate and fixes multi-threading performance problems.
Monster Hunter: World 怪物猎人世界 Manual Enables HDR10/scRGB output, improves frame pacing and CPU utilization.
启用 HDR10/scRGB 输出,改善帧节奏和 CPU 利用率。
Ni no Kuni II: Revenant Kingdom
亡灵国度 II
Automatic (SKIM) 自动(SKIM) Fixes timing issues and frame pacing. Not fully functional with v1.03 of the game.
修复了计时问题和帧间距问题。在 v1.03 版游戏中无法完全运行。
Nier: Automata 尼尔自动人形 Automatic (SKIM) 自动(SKIM) Increases performance, fixes cutscene stuttering, and various other improvements.
Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice
Manual NVidia HDR improvements, improves performance, and unlocks framerate.
改进 NVidia HDR,提高性能并释放帧率。
Shenmue I & II
神梦 I 和 II
Manual Anisotropic filtering, mipmap generation, pillarbox remover for cutscenes.
各向异性过滤、mipmap 生成、剪切场景的柱盒移除器。
Tales of Berseria 贝尔塞利亚的故事 Automatic (SKIM) 自动(SKIM) A ton of stuff.  一大堆东西
Tales of Symphonia 交响故事 Automatic (SKIM) 自动(SKIM) A ton of stuff.  一大堆东西
Tales of Vesperia 韦斯佩里亚的故事 Manual Eliminate most micro-stutter, disable DoF, Bloom, and Blur. adds MSAA support and HDR display output.
消除大部分微卡顿,禁用 DoF、Bloom 和 Blur,增加 MSAA 支持和 HDR 显示输出。
Tales of Zestiria Zestiria 的故事 Automatic (SKIM) 自动(SKIM) A ton of stuff.  一大堆东西
Yakuza 0 极道 0 Manual Toggles for disabling blur, depth of field, ambient occlusion. Allows HUD-less screenshots. Not working with latest game version.
用于禁用模糊、景深和环境闭塞的切换开关。允许无 HUD 截图。不适用于最新游戏版本。
Yakuza Kiwami 2 极道风云 2 Manual Toggles for disabling depth of field and various other minor stuff.
Install a "Manual" game-specific mod:
安装 "手动 "游戏专用 MOD:
  1. Download the latest version available, refer to the mod link in the table above.
    下载现有的最新版本,请参阅上表中的 Mod 链接。
  2. Extract the archive to <path-to-game> where the executable resides.
    将压缩包解压缩到可执行文件所在的 <path-to-game> 处。
  3. Launch the game. 启动游戏
  4. Use Ctrl+ Shift+← Backspace to access the control panel while in-game.
    在游戏中使用 Ctrl + Shift + ← Backspace 进入控制面板。
  5. Refer to the game-specific article here on PCGW or the mod-specific thread for instructions about features included in the mod.
    请参阅 PCGW 上的游戏专用文章或修改器专用主题,了解修改器所含功能的相关说明。
Install an "Automatic (SKIM)" game-specific mod:
安装 "自动(SKIM)"游戏专用修改器:
  1. Download the latest SKIM-based version, v0.10.3, from GitHub.
    从 GitHub 下载基于 SKIM 的最新版本 v0.10.3。
  2. Extract the archive to a location of your choice.
  3. Run the Special K Install Manager using either SKIM.exe (32-bit) or SKIM64.exe (64-bit) located within the extracted files.
    使用解压文件中的 SKIM.exe (32 位) 或 SKIM64.exe (64 位) 运行 Special K 安装管理器。
  4. Select the appropriate game-specific mod in the product list:
    在产品列表中选择相应的游戏专用 MOD:
  5. Click Install to install the selected mod.
    单击 "安装 "安装选定的 MOD。
    • Note that some antivirus/internet security suites can cause the installation to fail.
  6. Use Ctrl+ Shift+← Backspace to access the control panel while in-game.
    在游戏中使用 Ctrl + Shift + ← Backspace 进入控制面板。
  7. Refer to the game-specific article here on PCGW or the mod-specific thread for instructions about features included in the mod.
    请参阅 PCGW 上的游戏专用文章或修改器专用主题,了解修改器所含功能的相关说明。

Disable for specific executables

Disable injection for a specific executable if it is found to cause issues.
Only available for global injection. Local injection requires removal of the local wrapper DLL files.
仅适用于全局注入。本地注入需要移除本地包装 DLL 文件。
Do either of the following:
  • Hold down Ctrl+ Shift while the process is starting up. This should open the Special K Injection Compatibility Options where you can disable the auto-injection.
    在程序启动时按住 Ctrl + Shift 。这将打开 "Special K Injection Compatibility Options(特殊 K 注射兼容性选项)",您可以在此禁用自动注射。
  • Create an empty file called SpecialK.deny.[executable_name] in the same folder as the executable file you want to disable injection for.
    在与要禁用注入的可执行文件相同的文件夹中创建一个名为 SpecialK.deny.[executable_name] 的空文件。

Supported games 支持的游戏Link

See the separate page for a list of known games as well as the state of support in Special K.
有关已知游戏列表以及特殊 K 支持情况,请参阅单独页面。

Game data 游戏数据Link

game-specific in the below tables refers to either the title of the game (Steam releases) or the executable filename of the game (other platforms).
下表中的 game-specific 指的是游戏标题(Steam 版本)或游戏的可执行文件名(其他平台)。

Configuration file(s) location

Some game-specific mods use a separate *.ini file to store the configuration for game-specific tweaks, such as FAR.ini for the "FAR" (Fix Automata Res.) mod for Nier: Automata.
一些游戏专用的 MOD 会使用单独的 *.ini 文件来存储游戏专用调整的配置,例如《尼尔.自动人形》的 "FAR"(Fix Automata Res.)MOD 的 FAR.ini 文件:Automata》的 "FAR"(Fix Automata Res.
Configuration for some modules (e.g. achievements, macros, on-screen display) are stored in %USERPROFILE%\Documents\My Mods\SpecialK\Global\*.ini
某些模块的配置(如成就、宏、屏幕显示)存储在 %USERPROFILE%\Documents\My Mods\SpecialK\Global\*.ini 中。
Type of install 安装类型 Location
Global 全球
Local (converted from global)
%USERPROFILE%\Documents\My Mods\SpecialK\Profiles\game-specific\SpecialK.ini
Local 当地
(manual / game-specific mod)
<path-to-game>; in the game executable folder. Filename mirrors DLL file, e.g. dxgi.ini.
;在游戏可执行文件夹中。文件名镜像 DLL 文件,如 dxgi.ini .

Log file(s) location 日志文件位置Link

The crash handler of Special K will move all logs related to a crash to a time-specific <path-to-game>\logs\crash\<timestamp>\*.log folder if it manages to capture data about the crash.
如果 Special K 的崩溃处理程序成功捕捉到有关崩溃的数据,它就会将与崩溃相关的所有日志移动到特定时间的 <path-to-game>\logs\crash\<timestamp>\*.log 文件夹中。
Type of install 安装类型 Location
Global 全球
Local (converted from global)
%USERPROFILE%\Documents\My Mods\SpecialK\Profiles\game-specific\logs\*.log
Local 当地
(manual / game-specific mod)

List of log files and what they capture:

Log files marked with bold formatting are generally more important.
  • CEGUI.log - Stores logs related to the Crazy Eddie's GUI System component used for custom achievement popups and the on-screen display monitoring.
    CEGUI.log - 存储与疯狂艾迪图形用户界面系统组件有关的日志,该组件用于自定义成就弹出窗口和屏幕显示监控。
  • crash.log - Stores captured crash data if the crash handler of Special K were able to capture data related to the crash.
    crash.log - 如果特殊 K 的碰撞处理程序能够捕捉到与碰撞有关的数据,则存储捕捉到的碰撞数据。
  • SpecialK.log or <wrapper-DLL>.log - Main log file for Special K, stores injection, render pipeline, and other related events.
    SpecialK.log<wrapper-DLL>.log - 主要日志文件,用于特殊 K、存储注入、呈现管道和其他相关事件。
  • dxgi_budget.log - Stores DXGI memory statistics at shutdown.
    dxgi_budget.log - 关机时存储 DXGI 内存统计信息。
  • game_output.log - Stores everything the game outputs to the standard output stream of the operating system.
    game_output.log - 将游戏输出的所有内容存储到操作系统的标准输出流中。
  • modules.log - Stores DLL files loaded by the game that Special K was able to detect and log.
    modules.log - 存储 Special K 能够检测并记录的游戏加载的 DLL 文件。
    • Note that tools or applications using more obscure ways of injecting themselves to avoid detection will not listed in this log file.
  • ReShade.log - Stores logs related to the custom ReShade plug-in of Special K, if used.
    ReShade.log - 存储与 Special K 的自定义 ReShade 插件(如果使用)相关的日志。
  • steam_api.log - Stores logs related to the Steam API and enhancements.
    steam_api.log - 存储与 Steam API 和增强功能相关的日志。

Custom default configuration

A beta version for Special K v released on October 25, 2020[15] introduced the ability to set default settings (either global or game-specific) for Special K that will automatically be applied the first time a game is launched or after resetting the Special K config for the game.
2020 年 10 月 25 日发布的特殊 K v 测试版 [15] 引入了为特殊 K 设置默认设置(全局或特定游戏)的功能,这些设置将在首次启动游戏或重置游戏的特殊 K 配置后自动应用。
Configure the default_<DLLName>.ini file:[15]
配置 default_<DLLName>.ini 文件: [15]
  1. Browse to the following location based on whether the default configuration should be applied for all games, or only one, and whether local or global injection is used:
    • All games - %USERPROFILE%\Documents\My Mods\SpecialK\Global\ 所有游戏 - %USERPROFILE%\Documents\My Mods\SpecialK\Global\
    • Game-specific (global injection) - %USERPROFILE%\Documents\My Mods\SpecialK\Profiles\<game-name>
      游戏专用(全局注入) - %USERPROFILE%\Documents\My Mods\SpecialK\Profiles\<game-name>
    • Game-specific (local injection) - <path-to-game>
      游戏专用(局部注射) - <path-to-game>
  2. Create a new file called default_<DLLName>.ini where <DLLName> is replaced with the name of the DLL the settings should be used for:
    创建一个名为 default_<DLLName>.ini 的新文件,其中 <DLLName> 替换为设置应使用的 DLL 名称:
    • Global injection: SpecialK 全球注入: SpecialK
    • OpenGL: OpenGL32 OpenGL: OpenGL32
    • DirectX 12: DXGI
    • DirectX 11: DXGI or D3D11
      DirectX 11: DXGID3D11
    • DirectX 9: D3D9
    • DirectX 8: D3D8
    • DirectDraw: DDRAW DirectDraw: DDRAW
    • DirectInput 8: DInput8 直接输入 8: DInput8
  3. Add the desired parameters (along with the appropriate section headers) that you want applied on all games that uses said DLL filename.
    添加所需的参数(以及相应的部分标题),并将其应用于所有使用上述 DLL 文件名的游戏。

Notes 说明

The All games defaults are loaded first followed by the Game-specific default config if one exists.
The more parameters are being set, the more likely it is that things will break.

Shared master configuration

Special K v released on June 13, 2020 on Steam introduced the ability to set master settings for Special K that will automatically be applied for games. These settings will override any unique game configuration that may otherwise be set in the Special K profile for a game.
2020 年 6 月 13 日在 Steam 上发布的 版 "特殊 K "引入了为 "特殊 K "设置主设置的功能,这些设置将自动应用于游戏。这些设置将覆盖游戏的特殊 K 配置文件中可能设置的任何独特游戏配置。
Configure the master_<DLLName>.ini file:[16]
配置 master_<DLLName>.ini 文件: [16]
  1. Browse to %USERPROFILE%\Documents\My Mods\SpecialK\Global\ 浏览至 %USERPROFILE%\Documents\My Mods\SpecialK\Global\
  2. Create a new file called master_<DLLName>.ini where <DLLName> is replaced with the name of the DLL the settings should be used for:
    创建一个名为 master_<DLLName>.ini 的新文件,其中 <DLLName> 替换为设置应使用的 DLL 名称:
    • Global injection: SpecialK 全球注入: SpecialK
    • OpenGL: OpenGL32 OpenGL: OpenGL32
    • DirectX 12: DXGI
    • DirectX 11: DXGI or D3D11
      DirectX 11: DXGID3D11
    • DirectX 9: D3D9
    • DirectX 8: D3D8
    • DirectDraw: DDRAW DirectDraw: DDRAW
    • DirectInput 8: DInput8 直接输入 8: DInput8
  3. Add the desired parameters (along with the appropriate section headers) that you want applied on all games that uses said DLL filename.
    添加所需的参数(以及相应的部分标题),并将其应用于所有使用上述 DLL 文件名的游戏。

Notes 说明

These configurations overrides any and all unique game-specific configurations that may otherwise be set. Use at your own risk!
The more parameters are being set, the more likely it is that things will break.

Video 视频Link

Compatibility for features varies for games; most usually works, but at times a game might not function properly with some. Hold down Ctrl+ Shift while launching a game if you need to reset the config file of Special K.
各款游戏的功能兼容性各不相同;大多数游戏通常都能正常运行,但有时某些游戏可能无法正常运行。如果需要重置 Special K 的配置文件,请在启动游戏时按住 Ctrl + Shift

Windowed 窗口式Link

Force window mode for games that do not natively support it:
  1. Launch the game with Special K enabled and confirmed working for the game.
    启动游戏并启用 Special K,确认游戏正常运行。
  2. Press Ctrl+ Shift+← Backspace to open the control panel of Special K.
    Ctrl + Shift + ← Backspace 打开 Special K 的控制面板。
  3. Open the Display menu on the top.
    打开顶部的 "显示 "菜单。
  4. Change Fullscreen Mode to Windowed Mode.
    将全屏模式更改为 Windowed Mode
    • The Force Override option might be required as well for some titles and automatically applying the override on next launch.
      某些标题可能还需要使用 Force Override 选项,并在下次启动时自动应用覆盖。
  5. Restart the game to confirm everything works. See Mouse locking if the cursor is not locked to the game window.

Borderless fullscreen windowed

Force borderless fullscreen windowed for games that do not natively support it:
  1. Launch the game with Special K enabled and confirmed working for the game.
    启动游戏并启用 Special K,确认游戏正常运行。
  2. Configure the in-game options to window mode and the resolution of the monitor.
    • See Windowed for how to force window mode for games that do not expose it.
      请参阅 Windowed 了解如何为不暴露窗口模式的游戏强制使用窗口模式。
  3. Press Ctrl+ Shift+← Backspace to open the control panel of Special K.
    Ctrl + Shift + ← Backspace 打开 Special K 的控制面板。
  4. Open the Display menu on the top.
    打开顶部的 "显示 "菜单。
  5. Change Window style to Borderless Fullscreen.
    将窗口样式更改为 Borderless Fullscreen
    • The Force Override option might be required as well for some titles and automatically applying the override on next launch.
      某些标题可能还需要使用 Force Override 选项,并在下次启动时自动应用覆盖。
  6. Restart the game to confirm everything works. See Mouse locking if the cursor is not locked to the game window.

Vertical sync (Vsync)
垂直同步 (Vsync)

Force a custom vertical sync behavior:
  1. Install Special K for the game, either globally or locally.
    在全球或本地为游戏安装 Special K。
  2. Launch and close the game once to allow the Special K config file to be created.
    启动并关闭游戏一次,以便创建 Special K 配置文件。
  3. Open the game-specific config file, see Configuration file(s) location for details.
  4. Find and change the parameter PresentationInterval to the desired vertical sync behavior:
    找到并修改参数 PresentationInterval 为所需的垂直同步行为:
    • -1 - Disable the override; use the default behavior of the game.
      -1 - 禁用覆盖;使用游戏的默认行为。
    • 0 - Disable vertical sync.
      0 - 禁用垂直同步。
    • 1 - Vertical sync occurs each refresh cycle (e.g. 60 FPS on a 60 Hz monitor; or 144 FPS on a 144 Hz monitor).
      1 - 垂直同步发生在每个刷新周期(例如,在 60 Hz 显示器上为 60 FPS;或在 144 Hz 显示器上为 144 FPS)。
    • 2 - Vertical sync occurs every second refresh cycle (e.g. 30 FPS on a 60 Hz monitor; or 72 FPS on a 144 Hz monitor).
      2 - 垂直同步每两个刷新周期进行一次(例如,在 60 Hz 显示器上为 30 FPS;或在 144 Hz 显示器上为 72 FPS)。
    • 3 - Vertical sync occurs every third refresh cycle (e.g. 20 FPS on a 60 Hz monitor; or 48 FPS on a 144 Hz monitor).
      3 - 垂直同步每三个刷新周期进行一次(例如,在 60 Hz 显示器上为 20 FPS;或在 144 Hz 显示器上为 48 FPS)。
  5. Save and close the file.

Refresh rate (Hz)

Force a custom refresh rate:
  1. Install Special K for the game, either globally or locally.
    在全球或本地为游戏安装 Special K。
  2. Launch and close the game once to allow the Special K config file to be created.
    启动并关闭游戏一次,以便创建 Special K 配置文件。
  3. Open the game-specific config file, see Configuration file(s) location for details.
  4. Find and change the parameter RefreshRate to the desired refresh rate (e.g. RefreshRate=120).
    找到参数 RefreshRate 并将其更改为所需的刷新率(例如 RefreshRate=120 )。
  5. Save and close the file.

Notes 说明

RefreshRate=0 will automatically use the highest available refresh rate.
RefreshRate=0 将自动使用可用的最高刷新率。
RefreshRate=-1 will disable the override and use whatever the game requests.
RefreshRate=-1 将禁用覆盖功能,并使用游戏要求的任何功能。

Scan type 扫描类型Link

Controls if the game outputs in progressive or interlaced scanning. This is normally more relevant for a television than a computer monitor, as typically computer monitors only support progressive display modes.
This override should only be used if the game does not properly output to the correct scan mode.
Force a custom scanning method:
  1. Install Special K for the game, either globally or locally.
    在全球或本地为游戏安装 Special K。
  2. Launch and close the game once to allow the Special K config file to be created.
    启动并关闭游戏一次,以便创建 Special K 配置文件。
  3. Open the game-specific config file, see Configuration file(s) location for details.
  4. Find and change the parameter ScanlineOrder to one of the below values:
    找到参数 ScanlineOrder 并将其更改为下列数值之一:
    • Progressive for progressive scan.
      Progressive 表示逐行扫描。
    • UpperFieldFirst for interlaced even scan.
      UpperFieldFirst 用于隔行扫描偶数扫描。
    • LowerFieldFirst for interlaced odd scan.
      LowerFieldFirst 用于奇数隔行扫描。
    • DontCare to retain the game default.
      DontCare 以保留游戏默认设置。
  5. Save and close the file.

Frame rate limiter 帧频限制器Link

Limits the FPS of a game to the desired value, improving frame pacing and timing consistency.
将游戏的 FPS 限制在所需的值,改善帧的节奏和时间一致性。
  1. Launch the game with Special K enabled.
    启动游戏并启用 "特殊 K"。
  2. Press Ctrl+ Shift+← Backspace to open the control panel of Special K.
    Ctrl + Shift + ← Backspace 打开 Special K 的控制面板。
  3. Expand Framerate Limiter.
  4. Enable Framerate Limit and configure a desired value (Ctrl+MouseClick to type in an exact value).
    启用 Framerate Limit 并配置所需值( Ctrl + MouseClick 键入精确值)。
  5. Press Ctrl+ Shift+← Backspace to close the control panel of Special K.
    Ctrl + Shift + ← Backspace 关闭 Special K 的控制面板。
  6. (Optional) Clicking on Advanced to the right side of the Framerate Limit slider exposes in-depth configuration of the limiter:
    (可选)单击 "帧频限制 "滑块右侧的 "高级",可对限制器进行深入配置:
    • Use Multimedia Class Scheduling enables MCMCSS to ensure the limiter receives prioritized access to CPU resources.
      Use Multimedia Class Scheduling 启用 MCMCSS,确保限制器优先访问 CPU 资源。

Notes 说明

Limit the FPS to 3 below the maximum refresh rate if using a variable refresh rate monitor such as G-Sync/FreeSync.
如果使用 G-Sync/FreeSync 等可变刷新率显示器,将 FPS 限制在低于最大刷新率的 3 倍。

High dynamic range (HDR)

Special K allows for injecting HDR in many DirectX 11-12 and OpenGL based titles and supports remastering 8-bit, 10-bit, and 11-bit render passes in DirectX 11 titles.
Special K 允许在许多基于 DirectX 11-12 和 OpenGL 的游戏中注入 HDR,并支持在 DirectX 11 游戏中重制 8 位、10 位和 11 位渲染通道。
Includes a HDR Visualization feature that visualizes the brightness output of the game in various ways.
包括 HDR 可视化功能,可通过各种方式将游戏的亮度输出可视化。
Inject HDR into a game:
为游戏注入 HDR
  1. Open the Settings app of Windows, and navigate to System > Display.
    打开 Windows 的 "设置 "应用,然后导航至 "系统">"显示"。
  2. Select the HDR monitor and toggle Use HDR to On.
    选择 HDR 显示器并将使用 HDR 切换为开。
    • Ideally the display driver settings should also be set to a bit depth of at minimum 10-bit and use RGB or YCbCr 4:4:4 if possible. Use the Advanced display settings at the bottom of the Display settings page to identify what the display is currently set to.
      理想情况下,显示驱动程序设置的位深度至少应为 10 位,并尽可能使用 RGB 或 YCbCr 4:4:4。使用 "显示设置 "页面底部的 "高级显示设置 "来确定当前的显示设置。
  3. Install Special K for the game, either globally or locally.
    在全球或本地为游戏安装 Special K。
  4. Launch the game. 启动游戏
  5. If the game supports a borderless window mode, select it in the preferences.
  6. Press Ctrl+ Shift+← Backspace to open the control panel of Special K.
    Ctrl + Shift + ← Backspace 打开 Special K 的控制面板。
  7. Expand the Widgets section and enable HDR Display.
    展开 "小工具 "部分并启用 HDR Display
  8. In the top right corner a new widget called HDR Calibration will appear.
    右上角会出现一个名为 "HDR 校准 "的新部件。
  9. Enable the scRGB HDR (16-bit) option. 启用 scRGB HDR (16-bit) 选项。
  10. Restart the game to confirm everything works.
    • If everything works the Framebuffer Resolution row at the top of the Special K control panel should show (HDR).
      如果一切正常,"特殊 K "控制面板顶部的 "帧缓冲器分辨率 "行应显示 (HDR)。
    • If the game does not launch properly, remove the the game-specific config file.
  11. Click on HDR at the top menu bar of the Special K control panel, and adjust the luminance of Special K's UI as well as the Steam overlay (if playing a Steam game).
    点击 Special K 控制面板顶部菜单栏上的 HDR,调整 Special K UI 和 Steam 叠加层(如果正在玩 Steam 游戏)的亮度。
  12. In the HDR Calibration widget, make any necessary adjustments to improve the visual results.
    在 HDR 校准 widget 中,进行必要的调整以改善视觉效果。
  13. When finished, disable HDR Display in the Widgets section to hide the HDR widget.
    完成后,禁用 "部件 "部分的 HDR Display 以隐藏 HDR 部件。

Notes 说明

Ctrl+Mouse Click any UI slider to set a specific value. Values outside of the range is also acceptable.
Ctrl + Mouse Click 任何用户界面滑块来设置特定值。超出范围的值也可以接受。
DirectX 11 titles also has remaster options for the render passes which can further improve the visual look. Note that a few games (NieR: Automata in particular) also requires the Remaster 8-bit Render Passes option to be enabled, or occasionally one of the other remaster options to be disabled.
DirectX 11 游戏还为渲染通道提供了重制版选项,可进一步改善视觉效果。请注意,一些游戏(尤其是《NieR: Automata》)还要求启用 Remaster 8-bit Render Passes 选项,或者偶尔禁用其他重制版选项之一。
If Special K's HDR feature is used alongside the native HDR mode of a game the tonemap mode must often be set to HDR10 Passthrough (Native HDR). Sometimes the peak white and paper white luminance sliders must also be lowered to 80 nits to leave the native HDR look untouched.
如果将 Special K 的 HDR 功能与游戏的原生 HDR 模式同时使用,则色调分布模式通常必须设置为 HDR10 Passthrough(原生 HDR)。有时还必须将峰值白光和纸面白光亮度滑块调低至 80 尼特,以保留原生 HDR 效果。

Limit resolution 极限分辨率Link

Limits the minimum and maximum reported resolution to a game. In some games, this can be used to override the resolution to one not supported by the game.
DirectX 11 only. 仅限 DirectX 11。
Limit the minimum and maximum reported resolution for a DirectX 11 game:
限制 DirectX 11 游戏报告的最小和最大分辨率:
  1. Launch the game with Special K enabled and confirmed working for the game.
    启动游戏并启用 Special K,确认游戏正常运行。
  2. Press Ctrl+ Shift+← Backspace to open the control panel of Special K.
    Ctrl + Shift + ← Backspace 打开 Special K 的控制面板。
  3. Expand DirectX 11 Settings > Resolution Limiting.
    展开 DirectX 11 设置 > 分辨率限制。
  4. Change Minimum/Maximum Resolution to the desired resolution(s).
    Minimum/Maximum Resolution 更改为所需的分辨率。
  5. Restart the game to evaluate whether the resolution limiting is effective or not.

Notes 说明

Remove the resolution limit by changing the Minimum/Maximum Resolution values to 0, followed by a game restart.
Minimum/Maximum Resolution 值改为 0,取消分辨率限制,然后重新启动游戏。

Override resolution 推翻决议Link

Overrides the framebuffer resolution in windowed modes, forcing games to render at a higher resolution than what they might natively support.
Force an override resolution in windowed modes for games that do not natively support it:
  1. Launch the game with Special K enabled and confirmed working for the game.
    启动游戏并启用 Special K,确认游戏正常运行。
  2. Configure the in-game options to window mode.
    • See Windowed for how to force window mode for games that do not expose it.
      请参阅 Windowed 了解如何为不暴露窗口模式的游戏强制使用窗口模式。
  3. Press Ctrl+ Shift+← Backspace to open the control panel of Special K.
    Ctrl + Shift + ← Backspace 打开 Special K 的控制面板。
  4. Expand Window Management > Style and Position.
    展开窗口管理 > 样式和位置。
  5. Enable Borderless and Center.
    启用 BorderlessCenter
    • Do not enable Fullscreen (Borderless Upscale) as this will disable the override resolution.
  6. Change Override Resolution to the desired resolution.
    Override Resolution 更改为所需的分辨率。
  7. Restart the game to confirm everything works. See Mouse locking if the cursor is not locked to the game window.

Notes 说明

Remove the override resolution by changing the Override Resolution values to 0, followed by a game restart.
Override Resolution 值改为 0,然后重新启动游戏,即可移除覆盖分辨率。

Continue rendering 继续渲染Link

Prevents games from pausing when they lose focus.
  1. Launch the game with Special K enabled.
    启动游戏并启用 "特殊 K"。
  2. Press Ctrl+ Shift+← Backspace to open the control panel of Special K.
    Ctrl + Shift + ← Backspace 打开 Special K 的控制面板。
  3. Expand Window Management > Input/Output Behavior.
    展开窗口管理 > 输入/输出行为。
  4. Enable Continue Rendering. 启用 Continue Rendering
  5. Press Ctrl+ Shift+← Backspace to close the control panel of Special K.
    Ctrl + Shift + ← Backspace 关闭 Special K 的控制面板。

Flip model presentation 翻转模型演示Link

Flip model is a presentation model designed to make windowed mode effectively equivalent or better when compared to the classic "fullscreen exclusive" mode.[17]
翻转模式是一种演示模式,旨在使窗口模式与经典的 "全屏独占 "模式有效等同或更好。 [17]
Windows 10's fullscreen optimizations (FSO) for DirectX 9-11 tries to automatically convert some games configured to use "fullscreen exclusive" mode into using flip model presentation in a maximized borderless window instead.
Windows 10 针对 DirectX 9-11 的全屏优化(FSO)会尝试将某些配置为使用 "全屏独占 "模式的游戏自动转换为在最大化的无边框窗口中使用翻转模式呈现。
Allows the use of variable refresh rate (VRR, G-Sync, FreeSync, VESA Adaptive-Sync, HDMI 2.1 VRR) in borderless maximized windows even without the display driver configured to allow VRR in windowed mode.
允许在无边框最大化窗口中使用可变刷新率(VRR、G-Sync、FreeSync、VESA Adaptive-Sync、HDMI 2.1 VRR),即使显示驱动程序未配置为允许在窗口模式下使用 VRR。
On Windows 11 the use of Special K's flip model override also enables Auto-HDR for many games.
在 Windows 11 上,使用 Special K 的翻转模型覆盖功能还能让许多游戏实现自动 HDR。
Special K typically only supports forcing flip model presentation for games using DirectX 11, and even then it might not function properly for all games.
Special K 通常只支持在使用 DirectX 11 的游戏中强制显示翻转模型,即便如此,也可能无法在所有游戏中正常运行。
For DirectX 11 titles:
适用于 DirectX 11 版本:
  1. Configure the game to run in borderless fullscreen windowed mode (it is often called just borderless mode) first to ensure highest compatibility.
  2. Install Special K for the game, either globally or locally.
    在全球或本地为游戏安装 Special K。
  3. Launch the game. 启动游戏
  4. On newer versions of Special K the flip model presentation override is enabled by default, and should engage automatically.
    在较新版本的 Special K 中,翻转模型演示覆盖功能默认已启用,并会自动激活。
For a few DirectX 9 titles:
对于一些 DirectX 9 游戏

This method only works in some games.

  1. Install Special K for the game, either globally or locally.
    在全球或本地为游戏安装 Special K。
  2. Launch and close the game once to allow the Special K config file to be created.
    启动并关闭游戏一次,以便创建 Special K 配置文件。
  3. Open the game-specific config file, see Configuration file(s) location for details.
  4. Change ForceD3D9Ex to true. ForceD3D9Ex 改为 true。
  5. Save and close the file.
  6. Launch the game again. If everything works you can hover the mouse over the Framebuffer Resolution row at the top of the Special K control panel and the popup that appears should say Flip in the swap effect row.
    再次启动游戏。如果一切正常,你可以将鼠标悬停在 "Special K "控制面板顶部的 "Framebuffer Resolution(帧缓冲器分辨率)"行上,弹出的窗口应该会显示 "Flip(翻转)"在交换效果行中。

Input 输入Link

Mouse locking 鼠标锁定Link

Lock the mouse to the game window for games that do not natively support it:
  1. Launch the game with Special K enabled.
    启动游戏并启用 "特殊 K"。
  2. Press Ctrl+ Shift+← Backspace to open the control panel of Special K.
    Ctrl + Shift + ← Backspace 打开 Special K 的控制面板。
  3. Expand Window Management > Input/Output Behavior and set Cursor Boundaries to Keep Inside Window.
    展开窗口管理 > 输入/输出行为,将光标边界设置为 Keep Inside Window
  4. Restart the game to confirm everything is working as intended.

Haptic feedback 触觉反馈Link

The control panel of Special K uses haptic UI feedback; this can cause a controller to rumble even if the keyboard/mouse is being used to navigate the UI.
Special K 的控制面板使用触觉用户界面反馈;即使使用键盘/鼠标导航用户界面,也会导致控制器发出隆隆声。
Toggle haptic feedback:  切换触觉反馈:
  1. Launch the game with Special K enabled.
    启动游戏并启用 "特殊 K"。
  2. Press Ctrl+ Shift+← Backspace to open the control panel of Special K.
    Ctrl + Shift + ← Backspace 打开 Special K 的控制面板。
  3. Expand Input Management > Gamepad and toggle the following settings as desired:
    展开 "输入管理">"游戏手柄",然后根据需要切换以下设置:
    • Haptic UI Feedback affects only the built-in UI feedback of Special K.
      Haptic UI Feedback 只影响特殊 K 的内置用户界面反馈。
    • Disable ALL Rumble affects all haptic feedback.
      0# 会影响所有触觉反馈。
  4. Press Ctrl+ Shift+← Backspace to close the control panel of Special K.
    Ctrl + Shift + ← Backspace 关闭 Special K 的控制面板。

Disable type(s) of input 禁用输入类型Link

This will block the game from receiving input of the blocked type. It can be used to e.g. prevent input devices from messing with the game. The block only affects the game itself and not Special K.
这将阻止游戏接收被阻止类型的输入。例如,它可以用来防止输入设备干扰游戏。屏蔽只影响游戏本身,而不会影响 Special K。
  1. Launch the game with Special K enabled.
    启动游戏并启用 "特殊 K"。
  2. Press Ctrl+ Shift+← Backspace to open the control panel of Special K.
    Ctrl + Shift + ← Backspace 打开 Special K 的控制面板。
  3. Expand Input Management > Enable / Disable Devices and disable the desired type of input:
    展开 "输入管理">"启用/禁用设备",禁用所需的输入类型:
    • Disable Mouse Input to Game
    • Disable Keyboard Input to Game
    • Disable Gamepad Input to Game
  4. Press Ctrl+ Shift+← Backspace to close the control panel of Special K.
    Ctrl + Shift + ← Backspace 关闭 Special K 的控制面板。

Disable the use of input APIs in Special K
在特殊 K 中禁用输入 API

This will prevent Special K from making use of various input APIs which may solve issues related those APIs that occurs solely when Special K is injected into the game.
这将防止 Special K 使用各种输入 API,从而解决与这些 API 相关的问题,而这些问题仅在 Special K 被注入游戏时才会出现。
Disable the use of input APIs in Special K (does not affect the game):
在 Special K 中禁用输入 API(不影响游戏):
  1. Open the game-specific config file, see Configuration file(s) location for details.
  2. Add the following lines to the config file:
    • To disable the use of XInput API used by Xbox-style controllers:
      禁用 Xbox 式控制器使用的 XInput API:
    • To disable the use of native PS4 API used by DualShock 4 controllers:
      禁用 DualShock 4 控制器使用的原生 PS4 API:
    • To disable the use of DirectInput and/or HID API used by various input devices:
      禁用各种输入设备使用的 DirectInput 和/或 HID API:
      Warning! This can disable the ability to interface with the UI of Special K using a keyboard and mouse.
      警告!这会导致无法使用键盘和鼠标与 Special K 的用户界面进行交互。
  3. Save and close the file.

Audio 音频Link

Audio feature 音频功能 State Notes
Separate volume controls
Customize individual speaker volume in games, see Separate volume controls.
Surround sound 环绕声
Closed captions 封闭式字幕
Mute on focus lost
For games without native support, see Mute on focus lost.
对于不支持本机的游戏,请参阅 "焦点丢失时静音"。
Royalty free audio 免版税音频

Localizations 本地化Link

Language UI Audio Sub Notes

Separate volume controls 独立的音量控制Link

Special K allows muting or changing the volume per individual speakers for a game.
特殊 K 允许在一场比赛中调低或更改每个扬声器的音量。
While using a 7.1 audio output device (virtual or physical) this can be helpful to determine what surround sound a game supports.
在使用 7.1 音频输出设备(虚拟或物理)时,这有助于确定游戏支持何种环绕声。
  1. Launch the game with Special K enabled.
    启动游戏并启用 "特殊 K"。
  2. Press Ctrl+ Shift+← Backspace to open the control panel of Special K.
    Ctrl + Shift + ← Backspace 打开 Special K 的控制面板。
  3. Expand Volume Management.
    扩展 "音量管理"。
  4. All speakers used by the game will be listed, and the volume through each can be controlled or muted individually.
  5. Press Ctrl+ Shift+← Backspace to close the control panel of Special K.
    Ctrl + Shift + ← Backspace 关闭 Special K 的控制面板。

Mute on focus lost 焦点丢失时静音Link

This will mute the game when it does not have focus.
  1. Launch the game with Special K enabled.
    启动游戏并启用 "特殊 K"。
  2. Press Ctrl+ Shift+← Backspace to open the control panel of Special K.
    Ctrl + Shift + ← Backspace 打开 Special K 的控制面板。
  3. Expand Window Management > Input/Output Behavior.
    展开窗口管理 > 输入/输出行为。
  4. Enable Mute Game. 启用 Mute Game
  5. Press Ctrl+ Shift+← Backspace to close the control panel of Special K.
    Ctrl + Shift + ← Backspace 关闭 Special K 的控制面板。

Steam enhancements 蒸汽强化Link

Special K makes heavy use of the Steam API to enhance the experience of Steam players with various features, including custom notifications for unlocked achievement, smarter screenshot capturing, real-time player count, and various other enhancements.
Special K》大量使用了 Steam API,通过各种功能增强 Steam 玩家的体验,包括解锁成就的自定义通知、更智能的截图捕捉、实时玩家计数以及其他各种增强功能。
Due to the nature of these enhancements, third-party Steam API emulators is known to cause conflicts and crashes unless the enhancements are disabled.
由于这些增强功能的性质,第三方 Steam API 模拟器会导致冲突和崩溃,除非禁用这些增强功能。

Change position of Steam Overlay notifications

This allows changing what corner the default Steam Overlay notifications appear in.
这允许更改默认 Steam 叠加通知显示在哪个角落。
There is no way to disable or hide the notifications, as this option is not exposed through the Steam API.
由于 Steam API 不提供此选项,因此无法禁用或隐藏通知。
  1. Launch the game with Special K enabled.
    启动游戏并启用 "特殊 K"。
  2. Press Ctrl+ Shift+← Backspace to open the control panel of Special K.
    Ctrl + Shift + ← Backspace 打开 Special K 的控制面板。
  3. Expand Steam Enhancements > Overlay Notifications.
    展开 Steam 增强功能 > 叠加通知。
  4. Configure the setting appropriately.
  5. Press Ctrl+ Shift+← Backspace to close the control panel of Special K.
    Ctrl + Shift + ← Backspace 关闭 Special K 的控制面板。

Customize achievement enhancements

  1. Launch the game with Special K enabled.
    启动游戏并启用 "特殊 K"。
  2. Press Ctrl+ Shift+← Backspace to open the control panel of Special K.
    Ctrl + Shift + ← Backspace 打开 Special K 的控制面板。
  3. Expand Steam Enhancements > Achievements, as well as the Enhanced Popup section.
    展开 Steam 增强功能 > 成就,以及增强弹出窗口部分。
  4. Configure the settings appropriately.
  5. Press Ctrl+ Shift+← Backspace to close the control panel of Special K.
    Ctrl + Shift + ← Backspace 关闭 Special K 的控制面板。

Notes 说明

Use the Test Unlock button to test the current settings by faking an achievement unlock.
使用 Test Unlock 按钮,通过伪造成就解锁来测试当前设置。
Set Draw Mode to Disabled to disable the custom notification from appearing.
Draw Mode 设置为禁用,以阻止自定义通知出现。
Ctrl+ Shift+T is a hotkey that can be used to trigger a test unlock, however note that this is also used to toggle the clock/version row in the OSD.
Ctrl + Shift + T 是一个热键,可用于触发测试解锁,但请注意,它也可用于在 OSD 中切换时钟/版本行。

Throttle Steam API callbacks

Some games might not be limiting the number of callbacks performed to the Steam API, which can have an adverse effect on other parts of the game.
有些游戏可能没有限制向 Steam API 执行回调的次数,这可能会对游戏的其他部分产生不利影响。
The effect of throttling the callbacks differ between games. Some might not see a difference at all, while other games might see a noticeable improvement. For example, in Final Fantasy XV throttling the Steam API callbacks saw a decrease in loading times and minor improvements to frame pacing when data were streamed from the drive.
对回调进行节流的效果因游戏而异。有些游戏可能根本看不出差别,而有些游戏则可能有明显改善。例如,在《最终幻想 15》中,对 Steam API 回调进行节流后,加载时间缩短了,从硬盘流式传输数据时的帧间距也略有改善。
Throttle the Steam API callbacks for a game:
控制游戏的 Steam API 回调:
  1. Install Special K for the game, either globally or locally.
    在全球或本地为游戏安装 Special K。
  2. Launch and close the game once to allow the Special K config file to be created.
    启动并关闭游戏一次,以便创建 Special K 配置文件。
  3. Open the game-specific config file, see Configuration file(s) location for details.
  4. Find the [Steam.System] section and change the parameter CallbackThrottle to a value between 8 and 30.
    找到 [Steam.System] 部分,将参数 CallbackThrottle 改为介于 8 和 30 之间的值。
  5. Save and close the file.

Notes 说明

Set the parameter to -1 to disable the throttling.
将参数设置为 -1,以禁用节流。
Do not use a lower value than 8, as this can affect achievement unlocks.
请勿使用低于 8 的值,否则会影响成就解锁。
The change can be observed on the SteamAPI Frame value at the bottom of the in-game control panel of Special K.
在特殊 K 的游戏内控制面板底部的 SteamAPI 帧值上可以观察到这一变化。

Disable all enhancements 禁用所有增强功能Link

The Steam enhancements can be disabled if troubleshooting compatibility issues with a game, or if not desired.
如果要解决游戏的兼容性问题,或者不需要,可以禁用 Steam 增强功能。
Note that this also prevents game-specific fixes that rely on the enhancements from being applied, such as the Steam API callback throttling for Final Fantasy XV.
请注意,这也会阻止应用依赖于增强功能的特定游戏修复,例如《最终幻想 15》的 Steam API 回调节流。
Disable Steam enhancements for a game:
禁用游戏的 Steam 增强功能:
  1. Install Special K for the game, either globally or locally.
    在全球或本地为游戏安装 Special K。
  2. Launch and close the game once to allow the Special K config file to be created.
    启动并关闭游戏一次,以便创建 Special K 配置文件。
  3. Open the game-specific config file, see Configuration file(s) location for details.
  4. Find the [Steam.Log] section and change the parameter Silent to true:
    找到 [Steam.Log] 部分,将参数 Silent 改为 true:
  5. [Steam.Log]
  6. Save and close the file.

Issues fixed 已修复的问题Link

Game crashes with Special K injected
注入特殊 K 后游戏崩溃

Occurs most commonly at launch of a game, and is usually caused by conflict(s) with other running third-party tool(s) or application(s) like the UPlay Connect Overlay for an example.
最常发生在游戏启动时,通常是由于与其他正在运行的第三方工具或应用程序(例如 UPlay Connect Overlay)发生冲突造成的。
Note that the crash handler of Special K is capable of capturing data for crashes that occurred unrelated to the mod itself.
请注意,Special K 的崩溃处理程序能够捕获与修改器本身无关的崩溃数据。
Disable FRAPS if it is being used! FRAPS is known to conflict with Special K, and the nature of the crash prevents Special K from properly logging its presence (modules.log will be partially incomplete).
如果正在使用 FRAPS,请禁用它!众所周知,FRAPS 会与 Special K 发生冲突,而崩溃的性质会使 Special K 无法正确记录其存在( modules.log 将部分不完整)。
Troubleshoot the issue:  排除故障
  1. Temporarily disable/remove Special K from the game (either disable global injection or rename the local <wrapper-DLL>.dll) and see if the issue reoccurs. If it does then the crash was unrelated to Special K and there is no reason to troubleshoot further using the below instructions.
    暂时禁用/删除游戏中的特殊 K(禁用全局注入或重命名本地 <wrapper-DLL>.dll ),看看问题是否再次发生。如果再次出现,则说明崩溃与特殊 K 无关,没有理由使用以下说明进一步排除故障。
  2. Navigate to the game-specific log files, see Log file(s) location for details.
  3. Consult the crash.log, SpecialK.log/<wrapper-DLL>.log and the modules.log to find more information related to the crash.
    请查阅 crash.logSpecialK.log / <wrapper-DLL>.logmodules.log 以查找与碰撞有关的更多信息。
    • Does crash.log indicate that the crash was related to a Special K related function (SK_*)?
      crash.log 是否表示碰撞与特殊 K 的相关功能 ( SK_* ) 有关?
      • If a Special K related function were involved then it could be a bug in Special K itself.
        如果涉及到与 Special K 相关的功能,那么可能是 Special K 本身的错误。
      • If no Special K related function was involved then it is possible the game crashed completely independent of Special K.
        如果不涉及与 Special K 有关的功能,那么游戏崩溃可能完全与 Special K 无关。
    • Does modules.log indicate that non-Special K, non-Windows, non-driver, non-game, and non-Steam (or other platforms) related DLLs were injected into the game?
      modules.log 是否表明非特殊 K、非 Windows、非驱动程序、非游戏和非团队(或其他平台)相关的 DLL 被注入到了游戏中?
      • C:\Windows\system32\*.dll typically indicates a DLL file related to either Windows or a display drivers. These can typically be ignored, however do note that apphelp.dll, AcLayers.dll, or AcGenral.dll indicates that the application compatibility engine of Windows is influencing the game in some way, which can cause conflicts for Special K as well.
        C:\Windows\system32\*.dll 通常表示与 Windows 或显示驱动程序相关的 DLL 文件。这些通常可以忽略,但要注意 apphelp.dllAcLayers.dllAcGenral.dll 表示 Windows 应用程序兼容性引擎以某种方式影响了游戏,这也会导致 Special K 发生冲突。
      • <path-to-game>\*.dll are safe to ignore, unless using other non-Special K related third-party mods located in the game folder which can cause conflicts as well.
        <path-to-game>\*.dll 可以忽略,除非使用游戏文件夹中其他与特殊 K 无关的第三方修改器,这些修改器也会导致冲突。
      • Other locations (such as inside the Program Files folder(s)) indicates the presence of a third-party DLL file that might be causing the conflict.
        其他位置(如 Program Files 文件夹内)表明存在可能导致冲突的第三方 DLL 文件。
    • Does SpecialK.log/<wrapper-DLL>.log list additional third-party DLL files injected into the game that matches the list of things to look out for? Or does the log file indicate that the crash seemingly occurred at a specific point (i.e. what is the last thing logged)?
      SpecialK.log / <wrapper-DLL>.log 是否列出了注入游戏的其他第三方 DLL 文件,这些文件是否与需要注意的事项清单相符?或者日志文件是否显示崩溃似乎发生在某个特定时间点(即最后记录的内容是什么)?
  4. Use the name of the DLL file(s) found in the previous step, their path, and/or search online to locate what application or tool the DLL file is related to. Then proceed to exit/disable those applications/tools one by one until either the issue is fixed, or all of the third-part DLL files are excluded from the new logs that are generated from Special K.
    使用在上一步中找到的 DLL 文件的名称、路径和/或在线搜索来查找 DLL 文件与哪个应用程序或工具相关。然后逐个退出/禁用这些应用程序/工具,直到问题得到解决,或者从 Special K 生成的新日志中排除所有第三部分 DLL 文件。
  5. When all third-party DLL files have been excluded, various Special K components and modules can be disabled for troubleshooting purposes. Start by opening the game-specific config file, see Configuration file(s) location for details.
    排除所有第三方 DLL 文件后,可以禁用各种 Special K 组件和模块,以便排除故障。首先打开游戏特定的配置文件,详情请参阅配置文件位置。
    • General: 一般情况:
      • Disable Steam enhancements by changing the parameter Silent to true in the the Steam.Log section. See Disable all enhancements for details.
        将 Steam.Log 部分的参数 Silent 更改为 true,禁用 Steam 增强功能。详情请参阅禁用所有增强功能。
      • Disable all unrelated render API hooks by changing <API> to false in the the API.Hook section.
        将 API.Hook 部分中的 <API> 改为 false,禁用所有无关的呈现 API 挂钩。
      • Disable all unused input API hooks by following Disable the use of input APIs in Special K.
        按照以下步骤禁用所有未使用的输入 API 钩子 在特殊 K 中禁用输入 API。
    • DirectX 11 related: DirectX 11 相关
      • Disable the texture cache by changing the parameter Cache to false in the the Textures.D3D11 section.
        将 Textures.D3D11 部分的参数 Cache 改为 false,禁用纹理缓存。
      • Disable the hooks cache by setting EnableGlobalCache and EnableLocalCache to false in the the D3D11.Hooks and DXGI.Hooks sections. Also remove all existing hooks in those sections (basically everything else beneath both sections).
        将 D3D11.Hooks 和 DXGI.Hooks 部分中的 EnableGlobalCacheEnableLocalCache 设置为 false,禁用钩子缓存。同时删除这些部分中的所有现有钩子(基本上是这两个部分下的所有其他内容)。
  6. If the above did not solve the issue, upload the latest logs to a thread or reply over on the Special K Forums and request further help from the community.
    如果上述方法仍不能解决问题,请将最新日志上传到一个主题或在 Special K 论坛上回复,请求社区提供进一步帮助。

The Alert (!) sound from Metal Gear Solid plays when the game crashed

The crash handler of Special K plays the iconic Alert (!) sound from Metal Gear Solid if it managed to capture data related to a crash.
如果 Special K 的崩溃处理程序成功捕捉到与崩溃有关的数据,它就会播放《合金装备》中标志性的 Alert (!) 声音。
This does not mean that Special K was involved in the crash; it just means a crash occurred and Special K was able to capture data related to it.
这并不意味着 Special K 参与了撞车事故;这只意味着发生了撞车事故,而 Special K 能够捕捉到与之相关的数据。
Troubleshoot according to Game crashes with Special K injected.
根据注入特殊 K 后游戏崩溃的情况排除故障。

Controller does not work properly with Special K injected
注入特殊 K 时控制器无法正常工作

This applies to all types of controllers, from regular gamepads, steering wheels, arcade sticks, etc.
See the Disable the use of input APIs in Special K section.
请参阅禁用特殊 K 中的输入 API 部分。

Jumbled or overly bright in-game text

Often caused by incompatibility with the texture cache of Special K.
通常是由于与 Special K 的纹理缓存不兼容造成的。
Disable the texture cache of Special K[18]
禁用特殊 K 的纹理缓存 [18]
  1. Launch the game with Special K enabled.
    启动游戏并启用 "特殊 K"。
  2. Press Ctrl+ Shift+← Backspace to open the control panel of Special K.
    Ctrl + Shift + ← Backspace 打开 Special K 的控制面板。
  3. Expand Direct3D 11 Settings section and the Texture Management subsection.
    展开 Direct3D 11 设置部分和纹理管理分节。
  4. Uncheck Enable Texture Caching. 取消选中 Enable Texture Caching
  5. Restart the game to confirm everything works.

Problematic XInput software detected (infinite haptic feedback loop)
检测到有问题的 XInput 软件(无限触觉反馈回路)

Special K throws this warning if it detects a circular dependency issue involving different versions of XInput.[19]
如果 Special K 检测到涉及不同版本 XInput 的循环依赖问题,就会发出此警告。 [19]
Restart all applications drawing an overlay (e.g. Steam, Origin, Uplay) and/or disable said overlays.
重启所有绘制覆盖图的应用程序(如 Steam、Origin、Uplay)和/或禁用上述覆盖图。
Disable the use of XInput in Special K (does not affect the game):
在特殊 K 中禁用 XInput(不影响游戏):
  1. Open the game-specific config file, see Configuration file(s) location for details.
  2. Find the [Input.XInput] section and add a new line below that says Enable=false:
    找到 [Input.XInput] 部分,并在下面添加一行 Enable=false
  3. [Input.XInput]
  4. Save and close the file.

Less than 1 FPS in some Unreal Engine 3 games
某些虚幻引擎 3 游戏中的 FPS 不到 1

Update to a version of Special K dated March 2021 (21.03.xx) or newer.[20]
更新至 2021 年 3 月 (21.03.xx) 或更新版本的 Special K。 [20]

Issues unresolved 未解决的问题Link

Using d3d9.dll prevents games from launching
使用 d3d9.dll 会阻止游戏启动

Underlying cause of the issue seems to be a change in how Windows 10 handles the Disable fullscreen optimizations option in the application compatibility engine.[21]
问题的根本原因似乎是 Windows 10 处理应用程序兼容性引擎中禁用全屏优化选项的方式发生了变化。 [21]
A workaround is to uncheck Disable fullscreen optimizations or use another <wrapper-DLL>.dll as injection point.
解决方法是取消选中 "禁用全屏优化 "或使用另一个 <wrapper-DLL>.dll 作为注入点。
This issue also affects ReShade, although SweetFX is not affected.
这个问题也会影响 ReShade,但 SweetFX 不受影响。

Using dxgi.dll prevents fullscreen optimizations from being disabled
使用 dxgi.dll 可防止全屏优化被禁用

Underlying cause of the issue seems to be a change in how Windows 10 handles the Disable fullscreen optimizations option in the application compatibility engine.[22]
问题的根本原因似乎是 Windows 10 处理应用程序兼容性引擎中禁用全屏优化选项的方式发生了变化。 [22]
A workaround is to uncheck Disable fullscreen optimizations or use another <wrapper-DLL>.dll as injection point.
解决方法是取消选中 "禁用全屏优化 "或使用另一个 <wrapper-DLL>.dll 作为注入点。
This issue also affects ReShade.
这个问题也会影响 ReShade。

Other information 其他信息Link


This refers to the APIs supported by and compatible with Special K as an injection point.
这是指作为注入点的 Special K 所支持和兼容的 API。
DirectInput 8 is also supported as an injection point.
还支持将 DirectInput 8 作为注入点。
Technical specs 技术规格 Supported Notes
Direct3D 2, 3, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 11 D3D8 and earlier requires dgVoodoo 2.
D3D8 及更早版本需要 dgVoodoo 2。
Requires dgVoodoo 2. 需要 dgVoodoo 2。
Rendering is not available;[Note 3] manual edit of the config file is required.
渲染不可用; [Note 3] 需要手动编辑配置文件。
Executable 32-bit 64-bit Notes

Render API support 支持渲染应用程序接口Link

This is a general overview of the level of support Special K has for different render APIs, as well as what additional features might be available for each API.
这是 Special K 对不同渲染 API 支持程度的总体概述,以及每个 API 可能具有的附加功能。
Direct3D refers to the 3D render API of DirectX. In general, the terms 'Direct3D' and 'DirectX' are often interchangeable when discussing games.
Direct3D 指的是 DirectX 的 3D 渲染 API。一般来说,在讨论游戏时,"Direct3D "和 "DirectX "这两个术语经常可以互换。
Render API  渲染应用程序接口 Notes
Requires dgVoodoo 2 to wrap the calls to Direct3D 11.
需要使用 dgVoodoo 2 来封装对 Direct3D 11 的调用。
Direct3D 2-8 Requires dgVoodoo 2 to wrap the calls to Direct3D 11.
需要使用 dgVoodoo 2 来封装对 Direct3D 11 的调用。
Direct3D 9 Basic support as well as texture modding support.
Direct3D 10 Unsupported, although flip model override is known to work in some games.
Direct3D 11 Enhanced support, including HDR injection, texture modding, flip model override, and shader debugging.
增强支持,包括 HDR 注入、纹理修改、翻转模型覆盖和着色器调试。
Direct3D 12 Enhanced support like D3D11, though no texture mods yet.
虽然还没有纹理修改器,但已增强了对 D3D11 的支持。
OpenGL Promoted to OpenGL-IK (uses an interop system where D3D11 is used for final presentation), which brings enhancements such as flip model and HDR injection.
晋升为 OpenGL-IK(使用互操作系统,D3D11 用于最终呈现),带来了翻转模型和 HDR 注入等增强功能。
Vulkan No support, except in HDR enabled modes running on Nvidia hardware, where Special K hooks the Nvidia DXGI/Direct3D 11 interop layer instead.
不支持,除非在 Nvidia 硬件上运行的启用 HDR 的模式中,Special K 会挂钩 Nvidia DXGI/Direct3D 11 互操作层。

Configuration file(s) parameters

See config.cpp for a list of all parameters that can be used, as well as their section and configuration file.
请参阅 config.cpp,了解可使用的所有参数及其部分和配置文件的列表。
Below is a table of what the tab-based columns of the source code correspond to.
Column Comment
1 Internal parameter name.  内部参数名称。
2 Description of what the parameter does.
3 Lists what configuration file the parameter resides in (e.g. dll_ini for dxgi.ini/dinput8.ini/etc).
列出参数所在的配置文件(如 dll_ini 表示 dxgi.ini/dinput8.ini/等)。
4 Lists the section of said configuration file (e.g. [Input.Cursor]).
列出所述配置文件的部分(如 [Input.Cursor] )。
5 Lists the key for the parameter used in the configuration file (e.g. UseHardwareCursor)
列出配置文件中使用的参数的键值(例如 UseHardwareCursor )

Keybindings 按键绑定Link

General 一般情况Link

Keyboard Controller Function
Ctrl+ Shift+← Backspace Back/Select+ Win Toggle the control panel  切换控制面板
Ctrl+ Shift+O N/A Toggle the on-screen display (OSD)
切换屏幕显示 (OSD)
Hold Ctrl+ Shift while launching game
启动游戏时按住 Ctrl + Shift
N/A Opens the injection compatibility options

Control Panel 控制面板Link

Keyboard Controller Function
Caps Lock Hold Back/Select for 0.5 seconds
保持 Back/Select 0.5 秒
Toggle exclusive input mode (game vs. control panel)
+++ +++ Cycle through UI items  循环浏览用户界面项目
Enter A / × Activate selected item  激活选定项目
Ctrl+ Shift+← Backspace B / ○ Exit control panel  出口控制面板
(exclusive keyboard mode only)
X / □+Left Analog Stick Move the control panel window

On-Screen Display (OSD) 屏幕显示(OSD)Link

Color and scale config is stored in %USERPROFILE%\Documents\My Mods\SpecialK\Global\osd.ini
颜色和比例配置存储在 %USERPROFILE%\Documents\My Mods\SpecialK\Global\osd.ini
Keyboard Controller Function
Ctrl+ Shift+O N/A Toggle the on-screen display (OSD)
切换屏幕显示 (OSD)
Ctrl+ Shift++ / - N/A Resize the on-screen display (OSD)
Ctrl+ Shift+F N/A Toggle framerate counter  切换帧频计数器
Ctrl+ Shift+T N/A Toogle clock / version  Toogle 时钟/版本
Ctrl+ Shift+G N/A Toggle GPU monitor  切换 GPU 监视器
Ctrl+ Shift+C N/A Toggle CPU monitor  切换 CPU 监视器
Ctrl+ Shift+M N/A Toggle memory monitor  切换内存监控器
Ctrl+ Shift+I N/A Toggle I/O monitor  切换输入/输出监控器
Ctrl+ Shift+Alt+D N/A Toggle disk monitor  切换磁盘监视器
Ctrl+ Shift+Alt+P N/A Toggle page file monitor  切换页面文件监控器
Ctrl+ Shift+R N/A Toggle D3D11 shader analytics
切换 D3D11 着色器分析

Advanced 高级Link

Keyboard Controller Function
Ctrl+ Shift+Tab N/A Toggle the command console. See the console documentation for more information.


The modern launcher Special K Injection Frontend (SKIF)
The modern launcher Special K Injection Frontend (SKIF)
现代发射器特殊 K 注射前端(SKIF)
The legacy launcher Special K Install Manager (SKIM)
The legacy launcher Special K Install Manager (SKIM)
传统启动器 Special K Install Manager(SKIM)

Special K Injection Frontend (SKIF) is the new frontend developed along with the Steam distributed version of Special K and is used to manage the local Special K install. Features includes toggling global injection, disable individual games, or change the whitelist or blacklist for non-Steam games. As the tool is still under constant development in 2020 it often sees new features or functionality arrive monthly. As of August 2020 following the delisting of Special K on Steam the focus for the tool changed to become a cross-platform solution and is now provided through the Special K forums.
特别 K 注入前端(SKIF)是与特别 K 的 Steam 发行版一起开发的新前端,用于管理本地特别 K 安装。其功能包括切换全局注入、禁用单个游戏或更改非 Steam 游戏的白名单或黑名单。由于该工具在 2020 年仍在不断开发中,因此每月都会有新特性或功能推出。2020 年 8 月,Special K 在 Steam 上退市后,该工具的重点转向跨平台解决方案,现在通过 Special K 论坛提供。

Special K Install Manager (SKIM) is the old frontend used and distributed before the Steam version of Special K was introduced. SKIM is limited to toggling global injection as well as supports automated install of some game-specific mods.
特殊 K 安装管理器(SKIM)是在 Steam 版特殊 K 推出之前使用和分发的旧前端。SKIM 只限于切换全局注入,并支持自动安装某些游戏专用的 MOD。

The global injection service

The global injection feature of Special K allows it to initialize its functionality automatically in all Steam games/applications it detects, as well as non-Steam games the user manually allows. This feature is also sometimes referred to as the "system-wide" injection method. See Advanced (local) for how to install Special K for a single game.
Special K 的全局注入功能允许它在检测到的所有 Steam 游戏/应用程序以及用户手动允许的非 Steam 游戏中自动初始化其功能。该功能有时也被称为 "全系统 "注入方法。有关如何为单个游戏安装 Special K,请参见高级(本地)。

As with other third-party tools with similar system-wide injection functionality, Special K relies on so called CBT hooks in Windows to get its DLL files loaded ("injected") into processes within the same security context (the user space) that makes use of some sort of window. This injection method is necessary to inject Special K early enough within game processes to apply some of its more advanced functionality, such as HDR retrofits, flip model presentation, full render modding capabilities, and more. After the DLL file have been injected into a process Special K checks what process it finds itself in to determine whether to initialize its functionality or not; either by detecting the process as having been launched through Steam or by matching an entry on the user-managed whitelist of Special K. If Special K finds itself within a non-whitelisted process, it will not initialize itself fully and instead remain idle within the process until either the process is terminated or the global injection is stopped.
与其他具有类似全系统注入功能的第三方工具一样,Special K 依靠 Windows 中所谓的 CBT 钩子,将其 DLL 文件加载("注入")到使用某种窗口的同一安全上下文(用户空间)内的进程中。这种注入方法对于在游戏进程中尽早注入 Special K 以应用其某些更高级的功能(如 HDR 改进、翻转模型展示、完全渲染修改功能等)是必不可少的。在 DLL 文件注入进程后,Special K 会检查它所处的进程,以决定是否初始化其功能;要么检测进程是否通过 Steam 启动,要么匹配用户管理的 Special K 白名单上的条目。

Earlier versions of Special K (circa 2017) also unloaded ("uninjected") themselves from the process they found themselves in if the process was detected as non-whitelisted, however the way CBT hooks functioned meant that Windows would within milliseconds reload ("reinject") the DLL files of Special K within the process again. This behavior created an endless loop where the Special K DLL files got loaded and unloaded hundreds if not thousands of times per second in some processes. Shortly after the release of the CBT-based injection method the behavior was discovered to cause various unexpected issues in some third-party application, leading eventually to the behavior of Special K being changed to allow its DLL file remain in an uninitialized state within non-whitelisted processes instead.[24]
如果进程被检测为非白名单进程,Special K 的早期版本(约 2017 年)也会从进程中卸载("取消注入"),但 CBT 钩子的运行方式意味着 Windows 会在几毫秒内重新加载("重新注入")进程中的 Special K DLL 文件。这种行为造成了一个无休止的循环,在某些进程中,Special K DLL 文件每秒被加载和卸载数百次,甚至数千次。在基于 CBT 的注入方法发布后不久,人们发现这种行为会在某些第三方应用程序中引发各种意想不到的问题,最终导致 Special K 的行为被修改为允许其 DLL 文件在非白名单进程中保持未初始化状态。 [24]

System requirements 系统要求Link

Minimum Recommended
Operating system (OS) 操作系统(OS) 8.1
Processor (CPU) 处理器(CPU)
System memory (RAM) 系统内存(RAM) 512 MB
Hard disk drive (HDD)
128 MB
Video card (GPU) 视频卡(GPU) DirectX 9 compatible  兼容 DirectX 9
A 64-bit operating system is required.
需要 64 位操作系统。
Requires Visual C++ 2015-2022 Redistributables (32-bit, 64-bit).
需要 Visual C++ 2015-2022 Redistributables(32 位、64 位)。

Notes 说明Link

  1. Jump up Special K also includes contributions from other developers, mostly related to various game-specific fixes, features, or changes.
    特别 K 还包括其他开发人员的贡献,大多与各种游戏特定的修复、功能或更改有关。
  2. Jump up Community bans prevents almost all forms of participation in features tied to the Steam Community, including but not limited to posting on any public forums and Steam Groups (including those related to the user) as well as screenshot sharing, cloud save synchronization, etc.
    社区禁令禁止几乎所有形式的参与与 Steam 社区相关的功能,包括但不限于在任何公共论坛和 Steam 群组(包括与用户相关的群组)上发帖,以及截图共享、云同步保存等。
  3. Jump up While rendering through the Vulkan API itself is not supported as of June 2020, Special K can in some HDR enabled Vulkan games on Nvidia GPUs hook the DXGI interop layer used by Nvidia's drivers to enable HDR support, and render through that instead. This allows the use of Special K in games such as Doom Eternal and Red Dead Redemption 2.[23]
    虽然截至 2020 年 6 月,Vulkan API 本身不支持渲染,但在 Nvidia GPU 上的某些支持 HDR 的 Vulkan 游戏中,Special K 可以挂钩 Nvidia 驱动程序使用的 DXGI 交互层来启用 HDR 支持,并通过该层进行渲染。这样就能在 Doom Eternal 和 Red Dead Redemption 2 等游戏中使用 Special K。 [23]

References 参考资料Link

  1. Jump up Steam Community - Fallout 4 - Fallout 4 "Works" - last accessed on 2020-06-14
    Steam 社区 - 辐射 4 - 辐射 4 "作品" - 最后访问日期 2020-06-14
    "I've built this whole DLL up over several months and used it to fix Arkham Knight originally and then Tales of Zestiria. At the rate things are going I'm probably going to have to add new features to it every time a console game is ported to PC, lol."
    "我花了几个月的时间构建了整个 DLL,最初用来修复《阿卡姆骑士》,后来又用来修复了《塞斯提利亚的故事》。按照现在的进度,每当有主机游戏移植到 PC,我可能都要为它添加新功能,笑死我了。"
  2. Jump up GitHub - Kaldaien - Batman "Fix" (BMF) - last accessed on 2020-06-14
    GitHub - Kaldaien - 蝙蝠侠 "修复"(BMF) - 最后访问日期 2020-06-14
  3. Jump up GitHub - Kaldaien - Fallout "Works" (FO4W) - last accessed on 2020-06-14
    GitHub - Kaldaien - 辐射 "作品"(FO4W) - 最后访问日期 2020-06-14
  4. Jump up to: 4.0 4.1 GitHub - Kaldaien - Tales of Zestiria "Fix" (TZFix) - last accessed on 2020-06-14
    Jump up to: 4.0 4.1 GitHub - Kaldaien - Tales of Zestiria "Fix" (TZFix) - 最后访问日期 2020-06-14
  5. Jump up GitHub - Kaldaien - Tales of Berseria "Fix" (TBFix) - last accessed on 2020-06-14
    GitHub - Kaldaien - Tales of Berseria "Fix" (TBFix) - 最后访问日期 2020-06-14
  6. Jump up GitHub - Kaldaien - Tales of Symphonia "Fix" (TSFix) - last accessed on 2020-06-14
    GitHub - Kaldaien - Tales of Symphonia "Fix" (TSFix) - 最后访问日期 2020-06-14
  7. Jump up GitHub - Kaldaien - Fix (NieR) Automata Resolution (FAR) - last accessed on 2020-06-14
    GitHub - Kaldaien - Fix (NieR) Automata Resolution (FAR) - 最后访问日期 2020-06-14
  8. Jump up Steam Community - Monster Hunter: World - (Special K) Monster Hunter: World (Dead Mod) - last accessed on 2020-06-14
    Steam 社区 - 怪物猎人:世界世界 - (Special K) 《怪物猎人:世界》(死亡模版) - 上次访问日期:2020-06-14世界(死亡模式) - 最后访问日期 2020-06-14
  9. Jump up Steam Group - Special K - "Kaldaien's Mod" - HDR FAQ - last accessed on 2020-06-14
    Steam Group - Special K - "Kaldaien's Mod" - HDR FAQ - 最后访问日期 2020-06-14
  10. Jump up Steam - Special K v - Improved HDR Retrofit - last accessed on 2020-06-14
    Steam - Special K v - 改进的 HDR Retrofit - 最后访问日期 2020-06-14
  11. Jump up =Steam - Special K v. - Added support for HDR to NieR: Automata - last accessed on 2020-06-14
    =Steam - Special K v. - 为《尼尔:自动驾驶》添加了 HDR 支持 - 最后访问日期 2020-06-14
  12. Jump up SteamDB - Special K - Displaying change #U:13054713 - last accessed on 2020-06-14
    SteamDB - Special K - 显示更改 #U:13054713 - 最后访问日期 2020-06-14
  13. Jump up Steam Group - Special K - Special K - v 0.10.3 - (HDR stuff probably) - Reply #8021 by GPUnity - last accessed on 2020-07-30
    "After review, we will not be able to ship your game on Steam. While we strive to ship most titles submitted to us, we found that this title contains content that we won’t distribute, including the way it uses the Steamworks API, and marketing that uses copyrighted third-party IP."
    "经审核,我们无法在 Steam 上发布您的游戏。虽然我们努力在提交给我们的大多数游戏上架,但我们发现该游戏包含我们不会分发的内容,包括使用 Steamworks API 的方式,以及使用受版权保护的第三方 IP 的营销方式。"
  14. Jump up Verified by User:Aemony on 2023-06-14
    由 User:Aemony 于 2023-06-14 验证
    This is the mode we recommend constantly nowadays.
  15. Jump up to: 15.0 15.1 Special K Discussion - Global "main" settings - last accessed on 2020-10-31
    Jump up to: 15.0 15.1 特别 K 讨论 - 全局 "主要 "设置 - 最后访问日期 2020-10-31
  16. Jump up Steam Group - Special K - v 0.10.3 - (HDR stuff probably) - Reply #6818 - last accessed on 2020-06-14
  17. Jump up Microsoft - Programming Guide for DXGI - For best performance, use DXGI flip model - last accessed on 2018-07-25
    微软 - DXGI 编程指南 - 要获得最佳性能,请使用 DXGI 翻转模型 - 最后访问日期:2018-07-25
  18. Jump up Steam Group - Special K - Special K - v 0.10.3 - HDR stuff probably - Reply #7892 - last accessed on 2020-07-24
  19. Jump up Steam Group - Special K - Special K - v 0.9.24 <Alpha> Ryzen CPU Driver - (9/28/18) - Reply #7998 - last accessed on 2018-10-16
    Steam Group - Special K - Special K - v 0.9.24 <Alpha> Ryzen CPU Driver - (9/28/18) - Reply #7998 - 上次访问日期 2018-10-16
  20. Jump up Special K Wiki - Common Issues - last accessed on 2023-02-14
    Special K Wiki - 常见问题 - 最后访问日期:2023-02-14
  21. Jump up Steam Group - Special K - Local injection to any DX9 title causes crash - Reply #11 - last accessed on 2018-08-20
  22. Jump up Steam Group - Special K - Local injection to any DX9 title causes crash - Reply #10 - last accessed on 2018-08-20
  23. Jump up Verified by User:Aemony on 2020-06-21
    由 User:Aemony 于 2020-06-21 验证
  24. Jump up Verified by User:Aemony on 2020-06-14
    由用户:Aemony 于 2020-06-14 验证
    This endless loop of Windows injecting the DLL files of Special K within non-whitelisted processes and Special K unloading itself did not cause issues with all applications, however those that did would experience weird and unexplained behaviors. For example, WinSCP would mostly work, however when performing some actions a massive delay of 5-10 seconds could occur.
    Windows 在非白名单进程中注入 Special K 的 DLL 文件,然后 Special K 自动卸载,这种无休止的循环并没有导致所有应用程序出现问题,但那些出现问题的应用程序会出现奇怪的、无法解释的行为。例如,WinSCP 基本上可以正常工作,但在执行某些操作时会出现 5-10 秒的严重延迟。