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Problem (1) gives 问题 (1) 给出
Therefore 因此
This is the wavelength of violet. The first diffraction maximum of violet light with wavelength will always coincide with the first minimum of red light with wavelength , no matter what the slit width is. If the slit is relatively narrow, the overlapping of the angle will be relatively large, and conversely. Therefore, each fringe is a rainbow of color except for the central maximum when white light falls on a slit.
这是紫罗兰的波长。无论狭缝宽度如何,波长 的紫光的第一个衍射最大值总是与波长 的红光的第一个最小值一致。如果狭缝相对较窄,则角度 的重叠将相对较大,反之亦然。因此,除了白光落在狭缝上的中心最大值外,每个条纹都是彩虹色。

15.11 Diffraction Grating
15.11 衍射光栅

A logical extension of Young's double-slit interference experiment is to increase the number of slits from two to a large number of . An optical component consisting of a large number of parallel, closely spaced slits- for example, as many as is not uncommon is called a diffraction grating. A diffraction grating can be used to determine the wavelength of light with high precision. Diffraction gratings are usually made by ruling equally spaced parallel grooves on a polished glass plate using a diamond-tipped cutting tool. The grooves are effectively opaque and they scatter the light and the space between the grooves behaves as a slit. Thus, the action of a diffraction grating can be described in terms of a regular array of parallel slits. The width of a slit is and the width of a groove is is called grating constant as illustrated in Fig. 15-36. Usually has orders of , meaning that there are grooves per centimeter. Gratings are widely used to measure wavelengths and to study the structure and intensity of spectral lines. Intensity patterns of bright and dark fringes can be seen on the viewing screen when monochromatic light passes through a single or double slit. The fringe patterns also result when light falls on a grating. Fig. 15-37 shows a grating with total number of slits . At any point on the screen, the available light intensity from each slit, considered separately, is given by the diffraction pattern of that slit. The diffraction patterns for each separate slit coincide with each other because parallel rays in Fraunhofer diffraction are focused on the same point of the lens' focus plane. The diffraction rays will interference with each other since they are coherent. The diffraction patterns for equals and 20 are shown respectively in Fig. 15-38. Two important changes occur when the number of slits increases:
Young 双缝干涉实验的一个逻辑扩展是将狭缝的数量从两个增加到大量 。由大量平行、紧密间隔的狭缝组成的光学元件(例如,数量 不少见)称为衍射光栅。衍射光栅可用于高精度地确定光的波长。衍射光栅通常是通过使用金刚石尖端切割工具在抛光玻璃板上划出等距的平行凹槽制成的。凹槽实际上是不透明的,它们会散射光线,凹槽之间的空间表现为狭缝。因此,衍射光栅的作用可以用平行狭缝的规则阵列来描述。狭缝的宽度 和凹槽 的宽度称为光栅常数,如图 15-36 所示。通常 有 的阶数, 表示每厘米有 凹槽。光栅广泛用于测量波长和研究光谱线的结构和强度。当单色光通过单缝或双缝时,可以在观看屏幕上看到明色和暗色条纹的强度模式。当光线落在光栅上时,也会产生条纹图案。图 15-37 显示了具有狭缝总数的光栅 。在屏幕上的任何一点,每个狭缝的可用光强度(单独考虑)由该狭缝的衍射图给出。每个独立狭缝的衍射图相互重合,因为弗劳恩霍夫衍射中的平行光线聚焦在透镜焦平面的同一点上。衍射射线会相互干涉,因为它们是相干的。 值和20的衍射图分别如图15-38所示。当狭缝数量增加时,会发生两个重要变化:
(1) The bright fringes become narrower and brighter;
(2) Faint secondary maxima appear between fringes.
It indicates that the diffraction pattern of a grating is total result of interference of the lights from slits and diffraction of a single slit. The more slits, the more principal maxima and the weaker the secondary maxima become. As increase, perhaps to for a useful grating, the bright fringes become very sharp and bright indeed while the secondary maxima become so
它表明光栅的衍射图是狭缝光的干涉和单个狭缝的衍射的总结果。狭缝越多,主最大值越多,次级最大值越弱。随着 增加,也许对于 有用的光栅,明亮的条纹变得非常清晰和明亮,而次级最大值则变得如此

reduced in intensity as to be negligible in their effects. We will ignore the secondary maxim in what follows and discuss the locations of the bright fringes of a diffraction grating. The optical path difference between rays from adjacent slits shown in Fig. 15-38 is
Fig. 15-36 Grating constant
图15-36 光栅常数
Fig. 15-38 Diffraction pattern for (from up to bottom)
图15-38 衍射图 (从上到下)
Fig. 15-37 Arrangement for a grating of
图15-37 光栅 的布置
where is diffraction angle. Constructive interference creates bright fringes. These sharp bright fringes which are sometimes called principal maxima will occur when
其中 是衍射角。相长干涉会产生明亮的条纹。这些尖锐的明亮条纹有时被称为主极大值,当
Where is the wavelength of incident light, is the order of the fringe (principal maximum) and corresponding to the central fringe (or central principal maximum). Eq. (15-35) is called grating equation which gives the condition necessary to obtain constructive interference for a diffraction grating in the case of normal incidence.
其中 是入射光的波长, 是条纹的阶数(主极大值), 对应于中心条纹(或中心主极大值)。方程(15-35)称为光栅方程,它给出了在法向入射的情况下获得衍射光栅的相长干涉的必要条件。
Missing orders occur for a diffraction grating when an interference maximum coincides with a diffraction minimum of a single slit. For example, if both the conditions and are satisfied for given , the th principal maximum of the grating diffraction is coincident with the th minimum of the gle-slit diffraction. As a result, there is no the th prin-
当干涉最大值与单个狭缝的衍射最小值重合时,衍射光栅会出现缺序。例如,如果两个条件 都满足, 则光栅衍射的 主最大值与 格栅狭缝衍射的 最小值重合。因此,没有 th prin-
cipal maximum on the viewing screen, that is such bright fringe disappears.
Eq. (15-35) can be used to study the dependence of the diffraction angle on the wavelength . When the grating constant keeps a constant, the diffraction angle of the th bright fringe is determined only by the wavelength . The longer the wavelength is, the lar
式(15-35)可用于研究衍射角 对波长 的依赖性。当光栅常数 保持恒定时, 第个明亮条纹的衍射角 仅由波长 决定。波长越长,波长 越长

ger the angle is. When we use white light as incident light, except for the central fringe keeps white, all the higher-orders maxima disperse white light into their rainbow of colors on the screen. The whole of all the same order fringe of the incident light emitted by a polychromatic source is called grating spectrum, the fringe on the grating spectrum is called spectrum line. The grating spectrum formed by one material is unique, that is, a kind of material has a characteristic spectrum. We can determine components of material by its grating spectrum.
蒙古角 是。当我们使用白光作为入射光时,除了中央边缘保持白色外,所有高阶最大值都会将白光分散到屏幕上的彩虹色中。由多色光源发射的入射光的所有相同阶的条纹称为光栅光谱,光栅光谱上的条纹称为光谱线。一种材料形成的光栅光谱是唯一的,即一种材料具有特征光谱。我们可以通过光栅光谱来确定材料的成分。
Example 15-13 A beam of white light ( ) falls normally on a grating, as shown in Fig. 1539. The grating constant is , the focal length is . Find the distances from the order spectrum line of violet light ( ) and the 2nd order spectrum line of red light ( ) to the centre on the screen, respectively.
实施例15-13 一束白光( )正常落在光栅上,如图1539所示。光栅常数为 ,焦距为 。分别求紫光的 阶谱线 ( ) 和红光的二阶谱线 ( ) 到屏幕中心的 距离。
Fig. 15-39 for Example 15-13
图 15-39 示例 15-13
Solution Assuming the diffraction angles of the 3 rd order spectrum line of the violet light and the 2 nd order spectrum line of the red light are and , respectively. The distance from them to the centre are and , respectively. From the grating Eq. (15-35), we have
解 假设紫光的 3 阶光谱线和红光的 2 阶光谱线的衍射角分别为 。从它们到中心的 距离分别是 。从光栅方程(15-35)中,我们有
From the geometry shown in Fig. 15-39, we have
从图 15-39 所示的几何形状中,我们有
We can see that is smaller than . It indicates that the 3 rd order spectrum line of the violet light is more near the central maximum line than the 2 nd order spectrum line of the red light and the two spectrums overlap with each other. Please note that when is very small (e. g. ), the relationship that is used in discussing of single-slit diffraction may not suitable for discussing of diffraction grating.
我们可以看到它 小于 。它表明紫光的3阶光谱线比红光的2阶光谱线更靠近中心最大线,并且两个光谱相互重叠。请注意,当 非常小时(例如 ),用于讨论单缝衍射的关系 可能不适合讨论衍射光栅。
Example 15-14 Light of wavelength is incident obliquely on a grating at an angle as shown in Fig. 15-40. The diffraction grating has 5000 lines per centimeter.
实施例15-14 波长 的光以一定角度 斜入射在光栅上,如图15-40所示。衍射光栅每厘米有 5000 条线。
Fig. 15-40 For Example
图 15-40 举例
(1) Find the diffraction angles for bright fringes corresponding to and , respectively.
(2) Find the highest order of maximum that can be seen. Compare it with the one in the case of normal incidence.
Solution (1) As light is oblique incidence, the optical path difference between rays from adjacent slits in Fig. 15-40 is
The principal maxima will occur when
Eq. (15-36) is called grating equation for oblique incidence. In this problem, the grating con.

stant 斯坦特
From Eq. (15-36), the diffraction angle for fringe of is
由式(15-36)可知,条纹 的衍射角为
It indicates the 0th order bright fringe located below the centre of the screen.
它表示位于屏幕中心下方的 0 阶亮条纹。
The diffraction angles corresponding to fringes of and are respectively
对应于 和 条纹的衍射角分别为
These tell us that the distribution of bright fringes is not symmetrical.
(2) The highest order of maximum corresponds with the maximum of , that is . From Eq. (15-36), we have
(2) 最大值的最高阶数对应 于 的最大值 ,即 。从式(15-36)中,我们有
This tells us that the highest order of maximum which can be seen is the fourth-order fringe when oblique incidence occurs.
Assuming the highest order of the spectral line is in the case of normal incidence, according to the grating equation for normal incidence
假设谱线的最高阶是在 正常入射的情况下,根据正常入射的光栅方程
we have 我们有
which means that the highest order of maximum which can be seen is the third-order fringe when normal incidence occurs,
Therefore, we can observe higher order of bright fringes in the case of oblique incidence. The highest order of spectral line is only decided by the incident angle when the wavelength and the grating constant are unchanged,
因此,在斜入射的情况下,我们可以观察到更高阶的明亮条纹。当波长 和光栅常数 不变时,光谱线的最高阶仅由入射角 决定,

15.12 Resolving Power of Optical Instruments
15.12 光学仪器的分辨能力

Diffraction comes from the wave nature of light and is determined by the finite aperture of the optical elements. An important property of any optical instrument, such as a camera or telescope, is its resolving power. Resolving power is the ability to distinguish between two closely spaced objects. We have known that light passing a small opening or a boundary of circular lens is bended so that the images are fuzzy. Diffraction fringes near the edges of in
衍射来自光的波动性质,由光学元件的有限孔径决定。任何光学仪器(例如相机或 望远镜)的一个重要特性是其分辨能力。分辨能力是区分两个紧密间隔的物体的能力。我们已经知道,通过圆形透镜的小开口或边界 的光会弯曲,因此图像是模糊的。边缘 附近的衍射条纹

ges usually make it difficult to determine the exact shape of the source. It limits the resolving power of an optical instrument because the diffraction pattern has certain intensity distribution. Fig. 15-41 shows a circular diffraction pattern formed by a small circular aperture. Note that the large central maximum (bright spot), called Airy disk, is surrounded by alternating bright and dark rings. This diffraction is of extreme importance in an optical instrument because it sets the ultimate limit on the possible magnification.
Fig. 15-41 Diffraction pattern of a circular aperture
图15-41 圆形孔径的衍射图
Fig. 15-42 shows that light from two sources and pass through a small circular opening in an opaque barrier. In Fig. 15-42 (a), the images of the sources and are distinguished as separate images. In this situation, the sources are said to be resolved. If they are brought closer together as shown in Fig. 15-42 (b), however, their images overlap resulting in a confused image. When the sources are so close together (or the opening is so small) that the separate images can no longer be distinguished, the sources are said to be unresolved. The resolving power of an optical instrument is a measurement of its ability to produce well-defined separate images.
图15-42显示了来自两个光源 的光,并通过 不透明屏障中的一个小圆形开口。在图15-42(a)中,图像源 图像被区分为单独的图像。在这种情况下,据说来源已解决。但是,如果将它们拉得更近,如图15-42(b)所示,则它们的图像会重叠,从而产生混淆的图像。当源距离如此之近(或开口如此之小)以至于无法再区分单独的图像时,则称源未解析。光学仪器的分辨能力是衡量其产生清晰定义的单独图像的能力的指标。
Fig. 15-42 (a) The images of the sources and are easily distinguished;
图15-42 (a)来源 的图像, 易于区分;
(b) As the sources are brought closer together, the images overlap, resulting in a confused image.
(b) 当来源靠得更近时,图像重叠,导致图像混淆。
It can be proved that the first minimum of the diffraction pattern of a circular aperture with a diameter (Fig. 15-43) is given by
可以证明,直径为圆形孔径 的衍射图的第一个最小值(图15-43)由下式给出
Fig. 15-43 Ariy disk
图15-43 Ariy圆盘
From Eq. (15-37) propor se that the size of the central maximum is directly portional to . That is, the central maximum is more spread out for longer wavelength and smaller aperture. No matter how perfectly a lens is constructed, the image of a point source of light will not be focused at a point. What is the condition of two images just re-
从式(15-37) 可以看出,中心最大值的大小与 成正比。也就是说,对于更长的波长和更小的孔径,中心最大值更加分散。无论镜头构造得多么完美,点光源的图像都不会聚焦在一个点上。两张图片的状况是什么,只是重新

solved? The accepted criterion for resolution is the Rayleigh criterion, first proposed by Rayleigh (1842-1919): two images are just resolved when the center of the diffraction pattern of one is directly over the first minimum of the diffraction pattern of the other. It tells us that two images are just resolved when the center of central maximum of one pattern coincides with the first dark fringe of the other. According to Rayleigh criterion and Eq. (15-37), two point objects separated by an angle are just resolved when
解决?公认的分辨率标准是瑞利准则,由 瑞利(1842-1919)首次提出:当一个图像的衍射图的中心正好位于另一个图像的衍射图的第一个最小值上时,两个图像刚刚被解析。它告诉我们,当一个模式的中心最大值中心与另一个模式的第一个暗条纹重合时,两个图像就会被解析。根据瑞利准则和方程(15-37),
where is called the minimum angle in radians, is called the resolving power of an optical instrument. It depends on the wavelength of the light and the diameter of the instrument's aperture. Fig. 15-44 shows two point objects when they are clearly resolved, just resolved and
其中 称为弧度的最小角度, 称为光学仪器的分辨能力。这取决于光的波长和仪器孔径的直径。图 15-44 显示了两个点对象,当它们被清晰解析、刚刚解析和

unresolved. 解决。

Fig. 15-41 Two point objects when they are clearly resolved, just resolved and unresolved
图15-41 清晰解析、刚刚解析和未解析的两点对象

15. 13 X-Ray Diffraction by Crystals
15. 13 晶体的X射线衍射

During the autumn of 1895 , when studying the conduction of electricity, W. K. Roent-
Fig. 15-45 X-ray tube gen discovered a mysterious radiation which was able to penetrate thin layers of material. He called this radiation as X-ray, with the " " standing for "unknown". But it was soon established that X-ray is a type of electromagnetic radiation with wavelength in the range of 0.01 to 10 nanometers. Fig. 15-45 shows an X-ray tube - a device causes the emission of X-ray.
图15-45 X射线管发现了一种神秘的辐射,能够穿透材料的薄层。他将这种辐射称为X射线,“ ”代表“未知”。但很快就确定 X 射线是一种波长在 0.01 到 10 纳米范围内的电磁辐射。图 15-45 显示了 X 射线管 - 引起 X 射线发射的装置。
Diffraction is a natural property of waves. The diffraction phenomena of X-ray ought to be observed. But it is very difficult to observe X-ray diffraction because the wavelength of X-ray is too small for ordinary diffraction gratings. Not all diffraction gratings are commercially made. Crystalline solids supply natural gratings. The regular array of atoms in a crystal forms a natural 3-dimensional diffraction grating with a spacing that falls in the wavelength gion of X-ray. The suggestion that crystal could be used to diffract X-ray was first made by German physicist M. Von Laue. In 1912, Laue carried out an experiment to prove the wa ware nature of X-ray. The experiment arrangement of X-ray diffraction is shown in Fi. . When a collimated beam of -rays with a continuous distribution of wavelength strikes a single cy tal, it is strongly scattered only in certain sharply defined directions. One certain pattern of spots 0 o
衍射是波的自然特性。应该观察X射线的衍射现象。但是观察X射线衍射非常困难,因为X射线的波长对于普通的衍射光栅来说太小了。并非所有衍射光栅都是商业制造的。结晶固体提供天然光栅。晶体中的规则原子阵列形成一个天然的三维衍射光栅,其间距落在X射线的波长 中。晶体可用于衍射X射线的建议最早是由德国物理学家M.Von Laue提出的。1912年,劳厄进行了一项实验,以证明X射线的威严 性质。X射线衍射的实验布置如图所示。 当具有连续波长分布的 准直射线束撞击单个射线 时,它仅在某些明确定义的方向上强烈散射。斑点 0 o 的某种模式

ours when the diffracted rays are fallen on a photographic film. These spots, called Laue Spots as shown in Fig. 15-47, are related in complicated ways to the internal structure of the crystal. The Laue spots is the diffraction pattern of X-ray through a single crystal and it verified that X-ray is a kind of wave.
Fig. 15-46 Experiment arrangement for X-ray diffraction
图15-46 X射线衍射实验布置
Fig. 15-47 Laue spots
图15-47 劳厄斑
After soon the experiment suggested by M. Von Laue, W. L. Bragg and his father W. H. Bragg suggested another method to study X-ray diffraction. The father and his son shared the 1915 Nobel Prize for their use of X-ray to study the structures of crystals. Fig. 15-48 shows a two dimensional representation of a three dimensional crystal and the rows of dots portray planes of atoms. The X-rays of a single wavelength are in phase before being scattered from the atoms in plane and in plane . For constructive interference of the X-rays scattered from each plane of atoms, the glancing angle is equal to the emergence angle. Note that both angles are measured relative to the planes. The path difference is in Fig. 15-48 since rays scattered from the atoms in plane travels a greater distance than those scattered from the atoms in plane . Let the distance between adjacent planes be . As ,
在M. Von Laue提出的实验后不久,W. L. Bragg和他的父亲W. H. Bragg提出了另一种研究X射线衍射的方法。父子俩因使用X射线研究晶体结构而共同获得了1915年的诺贝尔奖。图15-48显示了三维晶体的二维表示,点的行描绘了原子的平面。单个波长的 X 射线在从平面 和平面 上的原子散射之前是同相的。对于从每个原子平面散射的X射线的相长干涉,掠角等于出射角。请注意,这两个角度都是相对于平面测量的。路径差如 图 15-48 所示,因为从平面 上的原子散射的光线比从平面 上的原子散射的光线传播的距离更大。设相邻平面之间的距离为 。作为

we have 我们有
where is the order number of an intensity maximum. The angle of glance and emergence in above equation is also called a Bragg angle. The Waves scattered from the atoms in plane will arrive at the detector in phase with the waves scattered from the atoms in plane . An interfer-
其中 是最大强度的阶号。上式中的瞥角和涌现角也称为布拉格角。从平面 上的原子散射的波将与平面 上原子散射的波同相到达探测器。干扰器-
Fig. 15-48 X-ray diffraction-Bragg's low ence maximum appears in the direction of emergence angle . Similarly, constructive interference will occur for rays scattered from the atoms of each of many planes that are parallel to planes and . Eq. (15-40) was first developed by W. L. Bragg and is called Bragg's law. Each of the many families of planes has its own characteristic interplanar spacing . Bragg's law gives the angles which locate the maxima produced by the constructive interference of X-ray.
图15-48 X射线衍射-布拉格低值最大值出现在出射角 方向上。类似地,从平行于平面 的许多平面的原子中的每一个散射的光线将发生相长干涉。方程(15-40)最初由W.L.布拉格提出,被称为布拉格定律。许多平面系列中的每一个都有自己特有的 平面间距。布拉格定律给出了定位 X 射线相长干涉产生的最大值的角度。

15. 14 Polarization of Light and Malus's Law
15. 14 光的偏振和马鲁斯定律

characteristics. However, the phenomena of interference and diffraction can occur with
sort of waves, such as sound waves or waves on a stretched string. As noted in Chapter 13 ,
一种波,例如声波或拉伸弦上的波。如第 13 章所述,

the sound waves and waves on a stretched string are longitudinal and transverse wave disturb.

ance, respectively. More evidence is needed to determine whether light waves are longitudinal

or transverse. As we will see below, the polarization is a characteristic of transver a ance, respectively. The light can be polarized gives the best evidence that light is a transverse wave.

Light is one type of electromagnetic wave, as noted in Chap. 14. The electromagnetic pendicular to the direction of propagation. And the directions for the oscillations of the electric and magnetic fields are always perpendicular to each other, as shown in Fig. 14-7. Polarization is an attribute that the oscillations of a wave have a definite direction relative to the direc tion of wave's propagation. Waves having such a direction are side to be polarized. For an electromagnetic wave, the polarizing direction is defined as the direction parallel to the oscillaradiation are sensitive.
Fig. 15-49 (a) Random polarization
图15-49 (a) 随机偏振
(c) one polarized light (the beam molarized light is showed diagrammatically;
moving out of the plane of the page)
composed of many waves with all or the sun light are randomly polarized as they ard light or unpolarized light. Nature directions of polarization. Such light is called natur large number of atoms and moleculation mechanism. tation of the electric fields prillate independently so that the oriel ly, we can represent unpolarized ly, as shown in Fig. 15-49 (a). It is by double arrow electric field vector oriented randol
由许多波组成,所有或太阳光都是随机偏振的,因为它们是光或非偏振光。极化的性质方向。这种光被称为天然的大量原子和分子机制。电场的 tation 独立地进行,因此 oriel ly,我们可以表示非极化的 ly,如图 15-49 (a) 所示。它是由双箭头电场矢量 定向的兰多尔

components, but the phase difference between them is random, as shown in Fig. 15-49 (b). Logically, the polarized light can be represented by a double arrow electric field vector , as shown in Fig. 15-49 (c).
分量,但它们之间的相位差是随机的,如图15-49(b)所示。从逻辑上讲,偏振光可以用双箭头电场矢量表示 ,如图15-49(c)所示。
Fig. 15-50 Polarizing direction
图15-50 偏振方向
A wave can be polarized by use of a polarizing filter which acts as a polarizing slit for light. A polarizing filter allows just only polarization in one to pass through. The axis of a polarizing filter (also called polarizing direction) is the direction along which the filter passes the vector of light, as shown in Fig. 15-50. In fact, the polarizing direction of a light wave is defined to be the direction of its electric field.
波可以通过使用偏振滤光片进行偏振,该滤光片充当光的偏振狭缝。偏振滤光片只允许一个偏振通过。偏振滤光片的轴(也称为偏振方向)是滤光片通过光矢量 的方向,如图 15-50 所示。事实上,光波的偏振方向被定义为其电场的方向。
Let us place two polarizing filters in the way of light emitted from a bulb, as shown in Fig. 15-51. The polarizing filters and are usually called a polarizer and an analyzer, respectively. The polarizing directions of and are represented by the parallel lines in filters. If we rotate about the direction of propagation of light, the intensity of light transmitted from varies with angle , as shown in Fig. 15-51 (a). Two positions where the polarizing directions and are at right angle exist so that the transmitted light intensity is almost zero. This fact reveals the light emerging from is polarized. The light can be polarized gives the good evidence that light is a transverse wave. Furthermore, if we remove and rotate , the transmitted light intensity
让我们在灯泡发出的光中放置两个偏振滤光片,如图 15-51 所示。偏振滤光片 通常 分别称为偏振器和分析仪。和 偏振方向由滤光片中的平行线表示。如果我们 绕光的传播方向旋转,透 射的光强度随角度 变化,如图15-51(a)所示。偏振方向 直角的两个位置存在,因此透射光强度几乎为零。这一事实表明,从 中发出的光是偏振的。光可以偏振,这很好地证明了光是横波。此外,如果我们移除 并旋转 ,透射光强度
Fig. 15-51 (a) The light transmitted from is polarized; (b) the light emitted from a bulb is unpolarized keeps unvarying, which shows that light emitted from ordinary light sources such as bulb or the sun is unpolarized.
图15-51 (a) 透射光 为偏振光;(b) 灯泡发出的光是非偏振的,保持不变,这表明从灯泡或太阳等普通光源发出的光是非偏振的。
As shown in Fig. 15-51, the intensity of emerging light from varies with angle . What law does it follow? Etienne Louis Malus gave the answer in 1809.
如图15-51所示,出 射光的强度随角度 而变化。它遵循什么法律?艾蒂安·路易斯·马卢斯(Etienne Louis Malus)在1809年给出了答案。
If the amplitude of the polarized light falling on is , then, the amplitude of the light that emerges is , where is the angle between the polarizing directions of and . Since the intensity of light is proportional to its amplitude squared, so we have
如果落在上的 偏振光的振幅为 ,则出现的光的振幅为 ,其中 的偏振方向之间夹角。由于光的强度与其振幅的平方成正比,因此我们有
in which is the intensity of polarized light that incidents on is the intensity of the light that emerges from .
其中 入射的偏振光的强度 是从 中射出的光的强度。
Eq. (15-41) can be rearranged as:
which is called Malus's Law. In Fig. 15-51 (a), the maximum occurs at or . When or is rotated so that in Eq. (15-42) has value of or , the intensity of light that transmits through is a minimum, say, no light is passed.
这被称为马鲁斯定律。在图 15-51 (a) 中,最大值出现在 处。当 or 旋转时, 在方程 (15-42) 中具有 or 的值,透射 的光强度最小,例如,没有光通过。
Example 15-15 Unpolarized light falls on two polarizing filters placed one on top of the other. What must be the angle between the polarizing directions of two filters if the intensity of the transmitted light is one fourth of intensity of the incident beam? Assume that each polarizing filter is ideal, that is, it reduces the intensity of unpolarized light by exactly .
例 15-15 非偏振光落在两个偏振滤光片上,一个放在另一个上面。如果透射光的强度是入射光束强度的四分之一,则两个滤光片的偏振方向之间的角度必须是多少?假设每个偏振滤光片都是理想的,也就是说,它将非偏振光的强度正好 降低了 。
Solution Suppose the angle between the polarizing directions of two filters is is the intensity of incident unpolarized beam. The intensity of the light transmitted from the first filter is as the filter is ideal. According to Malus's law, the intensity of the light transmitted from the second filter is
解 假设两个滤光片的偏振方向之间的角度是 入射非偏振光束的强度。从第一个滤光片透射的光的强度与 滤光片一样是理想的。根据马鲁斯定律,从第二个滤光片透射的光的强度为
So we have 所以我们有

15. 15 Polarization by Reflection
15. 15 反射偏振

If you rotate a polarizing filter in front of one-eye, you can reduce or eliminate the glare from sunlight reflected from water or from any glossy surface. Such reflected light is fully or partially polarized by the process of reflection from the surface.
Fig. 15-52 shows an unpolarized beam falling on a glass surface. The electric field vector for each wave train in the beam can be resolved into two components-a perpendicular component (perpendicular to the plane of paper), represented by dots in Fig. 15-52, and a parallel component (lying in the plane of paper), represented by straight short lines. For unpolarized incident light, these two components are of equal amplitude. It can be proved experimentally that at a particular angle of incidence, called the Brewster's angle , the reflection for the parallel component is zero, which means that the reflected light is completely polarized, as shown in Fig. 15-52. The refracted beams, however, are not completely polarized, but par tially polarized.
图 15-52 显示了落在玻璃表面上的非偏振光束。光束中每个波列的电场矢量可以分解为两个分量——垂直分量(垂直于纸平面),由图 15-52 中的点表示,以及平行分量(位于纸平面上),由直线表示。对于非偏振入射光,这两个分量的振幅相等。可以通过实验证明,在特定的入射角(称为布鲁斯特角 )下,平行分量的反射率为零,这意味着反射光是完全偏振的,如图15-52所示。然而,折射光束不是完全偏振的,而是部分偏振的。
At the Brewster's angle (sometimes be called polarizing angle), it can be shown experi mentally that the refracted beams are at right angles with the reflected beams, or equivalently
From the Snell's law we have
Fig. 15-52 At the Brewster angle, the reflected lights is completely polarized but of low intensity
图15-52 在布鲁斯特角,反射光完全偏振,但强度低
Combining these equations leads to
where is the index of refraction of the medium in which the reflected light travels and is the index of refraction of the medium from which the light is refracted. Eq. (15-45) is known as Brewster's Law after Sir. David Brewster deduced it empirically in 1812.
其中 是反射光传播的介质的折射率, 是折射光的介质的折射率。方程(15-45)在大卫·布鲁斯特爵士(Sir David Brewster)于1812年根据经验推导出来后被称为布鲁斯特定律。
At the Brewster's angle, the reflected beam is of low intensity. Of the components perpendicular to the plane of incidence, about are reflected if the reflecting surface is glass. The refracted beam, which is not completely polarized, is bright. The intensity of the reflected polarized beam can be increased by combining reflections as a result of stacking several plates, as shown in Fig. 15-53. The combined refracted beam becomes less intense but more completely polarized.
在布鲁斯特角下,反射光束的强度很低。在垂直于入射平面的分量中,如果反射面是玻璃,则大约 被反射。未完全偏振的折射光束很亮。反射偏振光束的强度可以通过堆叠多块板来组合反射,如图15-53所示。组合折射光束的强度降低,但偏振更完全。
Example 15-16 One wish to use a plate of
例 15-16 一个人希望使用
Fig. 15-53 Stacking glass used to incrcease the intensity of reflected polarized light. The transmitted beam is almost polarized glass as a polarizer. (1) What is the Brewster's angle? That is, at what angle of incidence will the reflected beam be fully polarired? (2) What angle of refraction corresponds to this angle of incidence?
图15-53 用于增强反射偏振光强度的堆叠玻璃。透射光束几乎是偏振玻璃 作为偏振片。(1)布鲁斯特角是什么?也就是说,反射光束在什么入射角下会完全偏振?(2)这个入射角对应什么折射角?
Solution From Brewster's law, we have
解决方案 根据布鲁斯特定律,我们有
since 因为

15. 16 Double Refraction
15. 16 双折射

Corresponding to one beam of incident light, only one beam of light emerges through a homogeneous isotropic medium, such as glass or water. If the transparent medium is an anisotropic medium, such as a nature crystal of calcite as shown in Fig. 15-54, not one but two beams of light emerging from the calcite. This phenomenon is known as double refraction, The crystals having the property of double refraction are said to be double refraction crystals, Double refraction, also called birefringence, an optical property in which one beam of unpolarized light entering an anisotropic medium is split into two rays, each traveling in a different direction. One ray that follows Snell's law is called the ordinary ray (o-ray or o-beam), the other ray does not obey Snell's law is called the extraordinary ray (e-ray or e-beam). In double refraction, the ordinary ray and the extraordinary ray are polarized vibrating at right angles to each other.
Fig. 15-54 One incident beam be split into two beams
图15-54 将一个入射光束分成两个光束
(a) Negative uniaxial crystal
(a) 负单轴晶体
(b) Positive uniaxial crystal
(b) 正单轴晶体
Fig. 15-55 The wave fronts of o-ray and e-ray from a point source o in a uniaxial crystal
图15-55 单轴晶体中来自点源o的o射线和e射线的波前
Using monochromatic sodium light of and measuring the angles of incident and refraction, o-ray yields a constant index of refraction of 1.655 . However, the e-ray shows an index of refraction that varies from 1.486 to 1.655 depending on the angle of incidence. This difference suggests that the e-ray propagates through the crystal at different speeds in different directions.
使用单色钠光 并测量入射角和折射角,O射线产生的恒定折射率为1.655。然而,电子射线显示的折射率从 1.486 到 1.655 不等,具体取决于入射角。这种差异表明,电子射线以不同的速度在不同的方向上传播穿过晶体。
The double refraction phenomena can be interpreted By Huygens' principle. According to the Huygens' principle, since the speed of o-ray is the same in all directions, the secondary wavelets wave front of o-ray from a point source within a doubly refracting crystal is a spheri-
双折射现象可以用惠更斯原理来解释。根据惠更斯原理,由于 o 射线在所有方向上的速度都相同,因此来自双折射晶体内点源的 o 射线前波的次级小波是球形
The e-ray, however, has different speed in different direction, the wave front of e-asy's secondary wavelets is not a spherical surface, but an elliptical surface, as shown in Prif. 15-55. The two wave fronts of o-ray and e-ray are tangent to each other in direction ( in Fig. 15-55), which is called the optic axis of crystal. Thus the optic axis is such a direction in which the speed of o-ray and e-ray are equal. Fig. 15-55(a) represents a crystal in which the sped of o-ray is always smaller than that of e-ray in all directions is called negative uniaxial wys tral, such as Calcite and Tourmaline. Fig. 15-55 (b) represents for the positive uniaxial wrytral, such as quartz and ice, in which the speed of the o-ray is always faster that of e-ray in alldirections. In some crystals there are two different directions in which the speeds are enual. These crystals are called biaxial crystals. Almost all of the doubly refracting crystals used in optical instruments (chiefly quartz and calcite) are uniaxial, however, we will concentrate on uniaxial crystals.
然而,电子射线在不同方向上具有不同的速度,e-asy的次级小波的波前不是球面,而是椭圆面,如Prif所示。15-55. O射线和电子射线的两个波前在方向上相互切线( 如图15-55所示),称为晶体的光轴。因此,光轴是 o 射线和电子射线速度相等的方向。图15-55(a)表示一种晶体,其中O射线的加速在所有方向上总是小于e射线的加速,称为负单轴wys tral,如方解石和电气石。图15-55(b)表示正单轴辐状物,如石英和冰,其中O射线的速度总是快于电子射线在所有方向上的速度。在一些晶体中,有两个不同的方向,其中速度是一致的。这些晶体称为双轴晶体。几乎所有光学仪器中使用的双折射晶体(主要是石英和方解石)都是单轴的,但是,我们将专注于单轴晶体。
Fig. 15-56(a), (b), (c), (d) are diagrams showing the double refraction of calcite. The and in the Fig. 15-56 is the wave front of o-ray and e-ray, respectively. The plane tormed by normal and optic axis of crystal is called the principal section of crystal. In Fig. 15-56(a), (b), (c), the principal section is the plane of page, while the principal section of Fig. (d) is perpendicular to the page. When the incidence plane (the plane formed by incident light and normal) is parallel to the principal section, the vibration planes of o-ray and eray are perpendicular and parallel to the principal section, respectively. That means their planes of polarization to be perpendicular to each other. If the incidence plane is not parallel to the principal section, the vibration planes of o-ray and e-ray are not perpendicular to each other, but the angle between them nearly equal to . Even light incidents normally on the crystal as shown in Fig. 15-56 (b), the light will also be split into two beams. When the optic axis of crystal is parallel to the crystal's surface and the light incidents normally, the o-ray and eray pass through crystal in original direction of incident, not separated, but with different speeds, as shown in Fig. 15-56 (c) and (d).
图15-56(a)、(b)、(c)、(d)是方解石双折射图。图15-56中的 分别是o射线和e射线的波前。由晶体的法轴和光轴撕裂的平面称为晶体的主截面。在图15-56(a)、(b)、(c)中,主截面为页面平面,而图15-56(a)、(b)、(c)的主截面为页面平面。 (d) 垂直于页面。当入射面(入射光和法线形成的平面)平行于主截面时,o射线和eray的振动面分别垂直于主截面并平行于主截面。这意味着它们的极化平面彼此垂直。如果入射面不平行于主截面,则 o 射线和 e 射线的振动平面不垂直,但它们之间的夹角几乎等于 。即使光正常入射在晶体上,如图15-56(b)所示,光也会被分成两束光束。当晶体的光轴平行于晶体表面,光正常入射时,o射线和射线以原始入射方向穿过晶体,不是分开的,而是以不同的速度穿过晶体,如图15-56(c)和(d)所示。
Fig. 15-56 Diagrams showing the double refraction of negative uniaxial crystal: Incident at arbitrary angle in (a); normally incident with different optic axis directions in (b), (c) and (d) Thes to speed difference between o-ray and e-ray has a maximum in the direction at right an"tight optic axis; it is customary to define the index of extraordinary ray in the direction ray ingles to the optic axis, i. e. the ratio of the speed of light in a vacuum to the speed of in the direction at right angles to the optic axis. Some values of and , the indices for
图15-56 负单轴晶体的双折射图:(a)中任意角度入射;通常入射到(b)、(c)和(d)中不同的光轴方向,o射线和电子射线之间的速度差在右方向上最大,在“紧光轴”;习惯上定义异常光线在光线与光轴方向上的指数,即真空中的光速与与光轴成直角的方向的速度之比。 的一些值,索引

ordinary ray and extraordinary ray in the direction at right angles to the optic axis are listed in Table 15-4.
Table 15-4 Indices of refraction of doubly refracting crystals
表15-4 双折射晶体折射率
(for light wavelength )
Material 材料 n.
Calcite 方解石 1. 655 1.486

negative uniaxial crystal
Iourmaline 伊乌尔马林 1. 640 1. 620
Quartz 石英 1.544 1.553
1. 306 1.307 positive uniaxial crystal
Usually, the angle between o-ray and e-ray is not very large even with the highly doubly refracting crystal calcite, so that some extra technique is needed to separate them to obtain polarized light from nature light. A prism originally developed by Glan and Thompson and then modified by Ammann and Massey (1968) is such an example. The modified Glan-Thompson prism consists of a glass prism with index of refraction 1.655 and a calcite prism with index of refraction 1.486 that are cemented together by their long faces. The optical cement has the same index of refraction with glass. As shown in Fig. 15-57, where the thickness of cement is exaggerated, the natural unpolarized light incident from the left is resolved into two perpendicular components (represented by dots and double arrows). Both beams travel the same parh with equal speed in the glass. The parallel component is extraordinary ray (e-ray) in calcite with an index of refraction 1.486. It will totally internal reflected when traveling from cement ( ) toward calcite. The vertical component is ordinary ray (o-ray) in calcite with an index of refraction 1.655 and proceeds without deflection from glass to cement and to calcite. It emerges into the air on the right side since its polarization plane is perpendicular to the principal section, e. g, the plane of the page. The Glan-Thompson prism can be used as a polarizer or an analyzer, When the incident light is polarized light with its vibration plane parallel to the principal section, no transmitted light can be viewed by observer.
通常,即使使用高度双折射的晶体方解石,O射线和电子射线之间的角度也不是很大,因此需要一些额外的技术来分离它们,以获得来自自然光的偏振光。最初由 Glan 和 Thompson 开发,然后由 Ammann 和 Massey (1968) 修改的棱镜就是这样一个例子。改进的 Glan-Thompson 棱镜由折射率为 1.655 的玻璃棱镜和折射率为 1.486 的方解石棱镜组成,它们通过它们的长面粘合在一起。光学水泥与玻璃具有相同的折射率。如图15-57所示,水泥厚度被夸大,从左侧入射的自然非偏振光被分解为两个垂直分量(用点和双箭头表示)。两束光束在玻璃中以相同的速度传播相同的光束。平行分量是方解石中的非凡射线(电子射线),折射率为1.486。当从水泥 ( ) 向方解石移动时,它将完全内部反射。垂直分量是方解石中的普通射线(o射线),折射率为1.655,并且不会从玻璃转向水泥和方解石。它出现在右侧的空气中,因为它的偏振平面垂直于主部分,例如页面的平面。Glan-Thompson棱镜可用作偏振镜或分析仪,当入射光是偏振光,其振动平面平行于主截面时,观察者无法看到透射光。
Certain doubly refracting crystals exhibit dichroism, that is, one of the polarized components is absorbed much more strongly than the other. Hence, if the crystal is cut of a proper thickness, one of the components is practically extinguished by absorption, while the other is transmitted in appreciable amount, as indicated in Fig. 15-58. Tourmaline is one example of such a dichroic crystal. Dichroism is the basic operating principle of the commercial Polaroid sheet,
某些双折射晶体表现出二色性,也就是说,其中一个偏振成分比另一个成分被吸收得更强。因此,如果晶体被切割成适当的厚度,其中一个组分实际上会因吸收而熄灭,而另一个组分则以可观的量透射,如图 15-58 所示。碧玺就是这种二向色晶体的一个例子。二色性是商用宝丽来片材的基本工作原理,
Fig. 15-57 Glan-Thompson polarizing prism, as modified by Ammann and Massey
图15-57 Glan-Thompson偏振棱镜,经Ammann和Massey修改
Fig. 15-58 Plane-polarized light transmitted by a dichroism crystal
图15-58 二向色性晶体透射的平面偏振光

15.17 Optical Stress Analysis
15.17 光学应力分析

The two beams of light emerge from a double refracting crystal can not interfere with each other even though they could meet again. This is because their vibration directions nearly perpendicular to each other. As shown in Fig. 15-59, when a doubly refracting crystal is inserted between two crossed Polaroid sheets, the emerging beams from the analyzer are found to interfere. In Fig. 15-59, the o-vibration and e-vibration refer to ordinary ray and extraordinary ray, respectively. The polarized light falling on the crystal can be resolved into two components, -vibration and e-vibration. o-vibration and e-vibration are perpendicular and parallel to the principal section, respectively. Only the components of o-ray passes through the analyzer and e-ray still lies in its polarizing direction, so the components of o-ray and e-ray emerge analyzer and lie in the same direction of -axis in the figure. They will interfere with each other. When the two beams have an optic path difference of an odd multiple of one-half a wavelength, they interfere destructively; while the optic path difference is of even multiple of one-half a wavelength, they interfere constructively. The interference fringes will be viewed through analyzer. If the light applied is of many colors, the colorful interference fringes will appear.
从双折射晶体中射出的两束光即使可以再次相遇,也不会相互干扰。这是因为它们的振动方向几乎彼此垂直。如图 15-59 所示,当在两张交叉的宝丽来片之间插入双折射晶体时,发现来自分析仪的出现光束会发生干涉。在图15-59中,o振动和e振动分别指普通射线和异常射线。落在晶体上的偏振光可以分解为两个分量, -振动和电子振动。O-振动和电子振动分别垂直于主截面。只有O射线的分量通过分析仪,而电子射线仍然位于其偏振方向,因此O射线和电子射线的分量出现在分析仪中,并且位于图 中-轴的同一方向。它们会相互干扰。当两束光束的光程差为波长的奇数倍数时,它们会产生破坏性干扰;虽然光程差是二分之一波长的倍数,但它们具有建设性的干涉作用。干涉条纹将通过分析仪查看。如果施加的光是多种颜色的,则会出现彩色干涉条纹。
Fig. 15-59 A diagram showing the interference of polarized o-ray and e-ray
图15-59 偏振O射线和E射线的干涉示意图
Some substances, such as glass, celluloid and various plastics, with no natural doubly refracting, may become of double refracting ones when subjected to mechanical stress. From a study of the interference pattern due to the specimen between crossed polarized filters, much information regarding the stresses can be obtained.
Improperly annealed glass, for example, may be internally stressed to an extent, which might cause it later to develop cracks. It is evidently important that optical glass should be free from such a condition before it is subjected to expensive grinding and polishing. Hence such glass is always examined by use of two crossed polarized filters before grind-

ing operations begin. ing 操作开始。
The tece double refraction produced by stress is the basis of neering ique of photo-elasticity. The stresses in opaque engi-
Fig. 15-60 A photo-elastic stress pattern ling a materials, such as grinders, boilerplates, gear teeth etc., can be analyzed by construcject will be sparent model of the object, usually of a plastic. The transparent model of the obplaced between a polarizer and an analyzer which are in the crossed position and the
图15-60 光弹性应力图案 ling 一种材料,如磨床、样板、齿轮齿等,可以通过结构来分析物体的母体模型,通常是塑料。偏振片和分析仪之间的透明模型,它们处于交叉位置和

interference pattern of the model will be obtained. The stress distribution inside the object can be calculated by analyzing the interference pattern. Very complicated stress distributions, such as those around a hole or a gear tooth, which would be practically impossible to analyze mathematically, may thus be studied by optical methods. Usually, the denser the fringes are, the higher the stress is. Fig. 15-60 shows a model under light and heavy stress.

Questions 问题

15-1 What type of experimental evidence indicates that light is a wave?
15-1 什么类型的实验证据表明光是波?
15-2 Light has wave characteristics in various media as well as in a vacuum. The wavelength of light is smaller in any medium than it is in a vacuum. Does the color change when light going from one medium to another? Why?
15-2 光在各种介质和真空中具有波动特性。光在任何介质中的波长都比在真空中小。当光线从一种介质转移到另一种介质时,颜色会发生变化吗?为什么?
15-3 Why are interference effects not more commonly observed? How do you get coherent light rays? Explain your methods.
15-3 为什么干扰效应不常见?你如何获得相干光线?解释你的方法。
15-4 Why does sound bend around the corner of a building while light does not?
15-4 为什么声音在建筑物的拐角处弯曲,而光线却没有?
15-5 Suppose the Young's double-slit experiment is performed with a glass plate with index of refraction covering the entrance to one of the slits. Describe the effect of this plate on the resulting pattern on the screen.
15-5 假设杨氏双缝实验是用一块玻璃板进行的,其折射率 覆盖了其中一个狭缝的入口。描述此板对屏幕上生成的图案的影响。
15-6 Suppose we perform the double-slit experiment under water. How would the pattern be affected?
15-6 假设我们在水下进行双缝实验。该模式将受到什么影响?
15-7 Imagine observing the double-slit pattern for light of a given wavelength and gradually reducing the slit spacing . What happens to the pattern? Is there a minimum spacing for observing a pattern? If so, what is this spacing?
15-7 想象一下,观察给定波长的光的双缝图案,并逐渐减小狭缝间距 。模式会发生什么变化?观察模式是否有最小间距?如果是这样,这个间距是多少?
15-8 When light rays in air encounter the surface of water or glass, is there phase reversed upon reflection?
15-8 当空气中的光线遇到水或玻璃表面时,反射时是否有相位反转?
15-9 A soap film on a wire loop held in air appears dark at its thinnest portion when viewed by reflected light. On the other hand, a thin oil film floating on water appears bright at its thinnest portion when similarly viewed from the air above. Explain this phenomenon.
15-9 在空气中固定的金属丝环上的肥皂膜在反射光下最薄的部分看起来很暗。另一方面,漂浮在水面上的薄油膜在从上方的空气中看时,其最薄的部分看起来很亮。解释这种现象。
15-10 Describe how the Newton's ring pattern would change if the lens radius was doubled; if the incident wavelength were doubled; if both the lens radius and wavelength were doubled.
15-10 描述如果透镜半径加倍,牛顿环图案将如何变化;如果入射波长加倍;如果镜头半径和波长都加倍。
15-11 If the Newton's ring arrangement was composed by three
15-11 如果牛顿环排列由三个组成
Fig. 15-61 For problem 15-11 transparent materials (Fig. 15-61) whose index of refraction are not the same. What is the shape of Newton's ring? Is the point bright or dark?
图15-61 对于问题15-11,折射率不相同的透明材料(图15-61)。牛顿环的形状是什么?点 是亮的还是暗的?
15-12 Describe the effect on the Fraunhofer diffraction pattern produced by a single slit if (1) the slit width is doubled; (2) the wavelength is doubled; (3) both the slit width and wavelength are doubled.
15-12 描述如果 (1) 狭缝宽度增加一倍;(2)波长加倍;(3)狭缝宽度和波长均加倍。
15-13 What is the purpose of a diffraction grating? Why does a grating have a large number of slits? Why are the slits of a grating spaced very close together?
15-13 衍射光栅的用途是什么?为什么光栅有大量的狭缝?为什么光栅的狭缝间隔得很近?
15-14 We can observe diffraction pattern when a monochromatic beam incident normally to a single-slit of a diffraction grating. Why the equations for bright fringes are different in above two arrangements? Bragg's law, , is closely related to the grating equation . Explain the origin of
15-14 当单色光束通常入射到衍射光栅的单缝时,我们可以观察到衍射图案。为什么上述两种排列中明亮条纹的方程不同? 布拉格定律 与光栅方程密切相关 。解释的起源

the factor 2 in Bragg's law.
布拉格定律中的因子 2。
15-16 Unpolarized light falls on two polarizing filters so oriented that no light is transmitted. If the third polarizing filter is placed between them, can light be transmitted?
15-16 非偏振光落在两个偏振滤光片上,定向如此定向,不会透射光。如果在它们之间放置第三个偏振滤光片,可以透射光吗?
15-17 Devise a way to identify the polarizing direction of a filter of Polaroid without the help of another polarizing filter.
15-17 设计一种方法来识别宝丽来滤光片的偏振方向,而无需另一个偏振滤光片的帮助。

Chapter 16 第16章

The Special Theory of Relativity

Maxwell's electromagnetic theory, made a great success in classical physics, led to new question about the propagation of light. Through what medium are the electromagnetic waves propagated? There was no obvious medium to which one could assign electromagnetic waves, since they were known to pass through a vacuum. However, most of physicists believed that some medium was necessary for energy to be transmitted through a distance, and this medium was given the name "ether". Does such as ether exist? If it exists, how can one detect it and determine its characteristics?
If ether exists, the speed of light measured in a reference frame at rest with respect to this ether, according to the classical mechanics, should be different from the speed determined in a reference moving with respect to the ether. Thus the ether should provide an absolute reference frame to which the motions of all other frames and of all bodies in the universe could be referred. Then, how fast does the earth move relative to the ether ?
Maxwell's theory told us that the speed of light in vacuum, given by
is constant, independent of the reference frame. According to Galilean transformation of velocities, the speed of light in a reference frame is not equal to the speed in others. This means that Maxwell's theory is proper in a particular reference frame: ether. If so, we must find the ether. If we cannot detect the ether, what is the next step?
In 1905, Einstein proposed a theory called the Special relativity. He abandoned the idea of the ether and insisted that there was not any absolute reference frame and all the inertial frames are equivalent with respect to all the physical laws. One principal focus of relativity has to do with measurements of events (things that happen): where and when they happen, and by how much any two events are separated in space and time. In addition, relativity has to do with transforming such measurements and others between reference frames that move relative to each other. This chapter introduces the Lorentz transformation, some of the consequences of the relativity and the famous mass-energy formula.

16. 1 The Michelson-Morley Experiment
16. 1 迈克尔逊-莫雷实验

In previous chapter, we have described the Michelson's interferometer. This section is devoted to an application of Michelson's interferometer in which the effects of ether (if it ex-

ists) on the earth is measured. Historically, Einstein may have known only vaguely of the Michelson-Morley result. He was concerned instead with problems in the electrodynamics of moving bodies-the appearance of the fields in a light wave to an observer moving at speed . However, the result of this experiment is helpful for one to abandon the idea of ether and to verify the relativity.
ists)在地球上被测量。从历史上看,爱因斯坦可能只模糊地知道迈克尔逊-莫雷的结果。相反,他关心的是运动物体的电动力学问题——光波中场对快速 移动的观察者的出现。然而,这个实验的结果有助于人们放弃以太的想法并验证相对论。
As shown in Fig. 16-1, a beam of light emitted by S is split into two parts by G. The light (1) goes from to mirror and then to and recombines with the light (2) which goes from to mirror and then to at . Assume that the earth is moving with velocity relative to the ether in the direction . That is the apparatus is moving in the ether.
如图16-1所示,S发出的一束光被G分成两部分。光 (1) 从 镜像到镜 像,然后到 并与光 (2) 重新组合,光 (2) 从 镜像 到镜像,然后到 假设地球 以相对于以太的速度在方向 上运动。也就是说,设备在以太中移动。
Fig. 16-1 Schematics of Michelson -Morley Experiment
图16-1 迈克尔逊-莫雷实验示意图
Given , we first consider the transit time of a light beam (1) moving perpendicular to the velocity of the apparatus relative to the ether The speed of light relative to the ether is c. According to Galilean transformation of velocity, the speed of light (1) relative to the earth is given by
给定 ,我们首先考虑光束 (1) 的传播时间,该光束垂直于设备相对于以太的速度移动,光相对于以太的速度为 c。根据伽利略速度变换, 光速 (1) 相对于地球由下式给出
The time required for the light (1) to go from to and then return to is equal to
光 (1) 从 然后返回 所需的时间 等于
In the same way, we obtain the time required for the light (2) parallel to to travel from to and then return to
以同样的方式,我们获得平行于 的 光 (2) 从 到 然后 返回 所需的 时间
The difference is
区别 在于
Finally the difference of optical path lengths of two beams of light is
When the interferometer is rotated, interchanging the parallel and perpendicular paths, the total change of the difference of optical path lengths equals to . If the earth were moring through the ether, the interference fringes should have shifted through about
当干涉仪旋转时,交换平行和垂直路径,光程长度差的总变化等于 。如果地球穿过以太,干涉条纹应该已经移动了大约
fringes as the interferometer was rotated. Taken (effective length in Michelson-Morley experiment), and (the velocity with which earth rotates about the Sun), has a value 0.4 which can be observed by Michelson inter ferometer.
干涉仪旋转时的条纹。取 (迈克尔逊-莫雷实验中的有效长度) (地球绕太阳旋转的速度) 的值为0.4,可以用迈克尔逊干涉仪观测到。
The instrument used by Michelson and Morley was capable of detecting a shift in the fringe pattern as small as 0.01 fringes. However, no shift was detected in the experiments. Michelson and Morley performed this experiment repeatedly over many months. No effect was observed which could be interpreted as showing a motion of earth through the ether, in spite of the fact that they made measurements throughout the year, when the earth was moving in many different directions relative to the solar system. The experiment has been repeated many times by different scientists under a wide variety of conditions and no fringe shift has ever been detected. There had been various proposed explanations to interpret the results of the experiments and to save the ether frame concept and the Galilean addition law for the velocity of light. Lorentz and Fitzgerad suggested that the arm of the interferometer moving in the direction of the earth's motion shrinks just enough to lead to the null result. All proposals resulting from these efforts have been shown to be wrong. Therefore, this experiment shows that "ether" does not exist and there is not any motion of earth relative to the ether. As we shall see, the results of this experiment are supported by Einstein's theory of relativity.

16. 2 The Postulates of Special Relativity
16. 2 狭义相对论的假设

Einstein was keenly aware of the successes of classical mechanics, which predicted with great precision the motions of planets, aircraft, and baseballs. He proposed his special theory of relativity in 1905, not out of any attempt to explain the outcome of the Michelson-Morley experiment but based a thought experiment that he had devised. As a 16 -year-old student, Einstein had learned Maxwell's theory of electromagnetism and had thought about a paradox: if you were to move at the speed of light parallel to light beam traveling in empty space, you would observe "static" electric and magnetic field patterns. However, Einstein knew that such static electric and magnetic field patterns in empty space violated Maxwell's theory.
Einstein was faced with two choices to resolve this paradox: either Maxwell's theory was wrong or also the classical kinematics that permits an observer to travel along with a light beam was wrong. With the intuition that was perhaps his greatest attribute, Einstein put his faith in Maxwell's theory and sought an alternative to the kinematics of Galileo and Newton.
Einstein's special theory rests on two postulates:
The principle of the relativity : the laws of physics are the same in all inertial reference frames.
The principle of the constancy of the speed of light: the speed of light is the same for every inertial reference frame and is independent of any motion of the source or observer.
光速恒定性原理:每个惯性参考系的光 速都是相同的,并且与光源或观察者的任何运动无关。
Galileo assumed that the laws of mechanics were the same in all inertial reference frames. Einstein extended that idea to include all the laws of physics, including especially electromagnetism and optics. The first postulate declares that the laws of physics are absolute, universal, and the same for all inertial observers. Laws that hold for one inertial observer cannot be violated for any inertial observer. There exists no preferred frame in the universe; there is no

ether relative to which everything can be measured. One inertial reference frame is equivalent to another. The first postulate does not say that the measured values of all physical quantities are the same for all inertial observers; most are not the same. It is the laws of physics, which relates these measurements to each other, are same.
The second postulate means that the speed of light in a vacuum has the same value, regardless of the velocity of the observer or the velocity of the source emitting the light. This postulate is much more difficult to accept, because it violates our "common sense ", which is firmly grounded in the Galilean kinematics that we have learned from everyday experience. The first postulate implies that Maxwell's theory is the same in all the inertial reference frames and then the speed of light in the empty space (as shown in Eq. (16-1)) is the same in all the inertial reference frames. However, the second postulate is not a special case of the first postulate. The second postulate also implies there is in nature an ultimate speed (as we shall see in the section 16-5). The ultimate speed sets a limit to which any material particles such as an electron can be accelerated.
第二个假设意味着真空中的光速具有相同的值,无论观察者的速度或发射光源的速度如何。这个假设更难接受,因为它违反了我们的“常识”,而我们的“常识”牢牢地植根于我们从日常经验中学到的伽利略运动学。第一个假设意味着麦克斯韦理论在所有惯性参考系中都是相同的,然后空隙中的光速(如方程(16-1)所示)在所有惯性参考系中都是相同的。然而,第二个假设并不是第一个假设的特例。第二个假设也意味着自然界中存在着一种终极速度 (正如我们将在第16-5节中看到的那样)。极限速度 设定了一个极限,任何材料粒子(如电子)都可以加速。
According to Newton's mechanics, the kinetic energy of a particle can be increased toward very large values so that the speed of the particle exceeds the speed c. The above two postulates imply that it is impossible to accelerate a particle to a speed greater than , no matter how much kinetic energy we give it.
根据牛顿力学,粒子的动能可以增加到非常大的值,使粒子的速度超过速度c。上述两个假设意味着,无论我们给它多少动能,都不可能将粒子加速到大于 的速度。
According to the special theory, the speed of light is same in all the inertial reference frames. Therefore, the times required by the two beams of light for the Michelson-Morley experiment are equal and is zero, which implies there are no shifts in the experiments. The results of Michelson-Morley experiments also confirm the postulates of special relativity.
根据特殊理论,光速在所有惯性参考系中都是相同的。因此,迈克尔逊-莫雷实验的两束光所需的时间相等且 为零,这意味着实验中没有偏移。迈克尔逊-莫雷实验的结果也证实了狭义相对论的假设。

16. 3 The Lorentz Transformation
16. 3 洛伦兹变换

16.3.1 The space-time coordinates of an event
16.3.1 事件的时空坐标

An event is just something that happens, and anyone in any reference frame may measure it and assign space-time coordinates to it. For example, the turning on or off of a tiny light bulb are two events; the motion of a body in the space can be looked as many successive events. The events are represented by the symbols or with the space-time ordinates in physics.
事件只是发生的事情,任何参考系中的任何人都可以测量它并为其分配时空坐标 。例如,打开或关闭一个小灯泡是两个事件;物体在空间中的运动可以看作是许多连续的事件。 这些事件在物理学中用符号 空纵坐标表示。
A given event may be recorded by any number of observers, each in their own inertial reference frame. In general, all such observers will assign different space-time coordinates to the same event. Note that an event does not, in any sense, "belong" to a particular inertial reference frame. An event is just something that happens and anyone may look at it and assign space-time coordinates to it. Therefore, we require a set of relationships called transformation equations that relate observations of a single event by two different observers.
The transformation equations have three ingredients:
(1) an observer at rest in one inertial frame ( -frame);
(1)在一个惯性系( -坐标系) 中静止的观察者;
(2) another observer at rest in a different inertial frame ( -frame);
(2)另一个在不同惯性系( -坐标系)中静止的观察者 ;
(3) a single event that is observed by both and .
(3) 都观察到的单个事件。
When the event occurs, the time-space coordinates are recorded by and , which are and respectively. Knowing the relative velocity of and , we wish to find the relation between and . We simplify this problem somewhat, without losing generality, by always choosing the and axes to be along the direction of , as shown in Fig. 16-2.
当事件发生 时,时空坐标分别由 记录。 知道了 和 相对速度,我们希望找到 和 之间的关系 。在不失去普遍性的情况下,我们通过始终选择 轴沿 的方向 ,在一定程度上简化了这个问题,如图 16-2 所示。
In chapter two, we can calculate from by Galilean transformation Eq. (2-29)
在第二章中,我们可以根据 伽利略变换方程(2-29)进行计算
Here, when , let the origins of two inertial frames coincide. If a body has a velocity in the frame with components , the corresponding components in the frame are given by Eq. (2-30)
在这里,当 ,让两个惯性系的原点重合。如果一个物体 在有分量 的坐标系 中具有速度,则坐标系 中相应的分量由方程(2-30)给出
Galilean transformations predict that if a beam of light has a velocity in the direction of the rest
伽利略变换预测,如果一束光 在其余光 束的方向上具有速度
Fig. 16-2 moves with speed relative to along the common direction frame, its velocity in the moving frame is . This is not consistent with the Einstein's postulates. Hence we need a new set of relationships which reduce to Galilean transformation for low velocities but permit us to satisfy Einstein's postulates for very high velocities.
图16-2相对于沿共 向坐标系 随速度 移动,其在运动坐标系中的速度为 这与爱因斯坦的假设不一致。因此,我们需要一组新的关系,这些关系可以简化为低速度的伽利略变换,但允许我们满足爱因斯坦对非常高速度的假设。

16.3.2 The Lorenz transformation
16.3.2 洛伦兹变换

It was Einstein's good fortune that such a transformation had already been derived by Lortenz. It is (see appendix 1)
爱因斯坦很幸运,洛滕茨已经推导出了这样的转变。它是(见附录 1)
which is called Lortenz transformation. Eq. (16-10) can be derived directly from Einstein's Postulates as Einstein did, if we invoke certain reasonable assumptions about the symmetry

and the homogeneity of space and time. Note Eq. (16-10) is written with the assumption that when the origins of and coincide.
以及空间和时间的同质性。注式(16-10)的写法假设是, 当原点 重合时。
The inverse transformation of Eq. (16-10) can be obtained by switching primed and unprimed coordinates in Eq. (16-10) and substituting for :
方程(16-10)的逆变换可以通过在方程(16-10)中切换启动坐标和非启动坐标并 代入:
Introducing the Lortenz factor and the speed parameter :
介绍洛滕兹因子 和速度参数
We can rewrite Eq. (16-10) and Eq. (16-11) as
It can be easily proved that when or , the Lorentz transformation reduces to Galilean transformation,
可以很容易地证明,当 时,洛伦兹变换还原为伽利略变换,
The relationship between and is shown in Fig. 16-3, which implies that only at the high speeds must we take relativistic effects into account. When , the relativistic effects are very small and may be negligible.
之间的关系 如图16-3所示,这意味着只有在高速下,我们才必须考虑相对论效应。当 时,相对论效应非常小,可以忽略不计。
Two events and occur respectively at the time-space coordinates and according to the inertial frame . Corresponding their time-space coordinates observed by in the moving inertial frame are and . From Eq. (16-10), we have
两个事件 分别 发生在时空坐标 惯性系 上。对应于它们在移动惯性系中观察到的 时空坐标是 从式(16-10)中,我们有

and from Eq. (16-11), the inverse Eq. (16-16) are
obtained 获得
where and
are the time-space intervals between events measured by both and , respectively.
分别是 测量的事件之间的时空间隔。
Example 16-1 In inertial frame , a red light and a blue light are separated by a distance , with the red light at the larger value of . The blue light flashes, and later the red light flashes. Frame is moving in the direction of increasing with a speed of . What is the distance between the two flashes and the time between them as measured in ?
例16-1 在惯性系 中,红光和蓝光相隔一段距离 ,红光的值较大 。蓝灯闪烁, 随后红灯闪烁。框架 以 的速度 向增加 的方向移动。两次闪光之间的距离和它们之间的时间是多少
Solution The Lorentz parameter is
解 洛伦兹参数为
We are given the intervals in as and . From Eq. (16-16), we have the interval transformations
我们 得到了 as 的区间。从方程(16-16)中,我们有区间变换
In , the red flash is also located at the more distance coordinates, but the distance is 2.08 rather than . Also, in the red flash comes before the blue flash (in contrast to What is observed in ); the time between flashes is according to .
中,红色闪光灯也位于距离较远的坐标处,但距离为 2.08 而不是 。此外,在 红色闪光之前出现蓝色闪光(与观察到的内容 相反);闪烁之间的时间是 根据

16.4 Some Consequences of the Lorentz Transformation
16.4 洛伦兹变换的一些后果

the motion of the observer. In this section, we will discuss in detail the time-space intervals and the simultaneity in the special theory of relativity.

16.4.1 The relativity of simultaneity
16.4.1 同时性的相对性

As shown in Fig. 16-4, let us imagine a high-velocity train moving along the direction axis of (earth) with the velocity . There is a blue lamp in the point midway of the train,
如图 16-4 所示,让我们想象一列高速列车沿 (地球)的方向 轴移动,速度 为 。火车中间有一盏蓝色的灯,
Fig. 16-4 A high-velocity train moves along the -direction of . According to (train), the light, emitted from the point midway of train, arrive at the ends and of the train at the same time
图 16-4 高速列车沿 -方向 移动。根据 (火车),从火车中途发出的光同时到达火车的两端 火车
The beams of light, emitted by the lamp, will arrive at the ends and of train at the same time, according to (the train). The arrival of light at the end is looked as event and the arrival at the end as event . The time-space coordinates of two events and , measured by , are and respectively. The time interval between two events in the moving inertial frame (the train) is zero. That is and the two events occur at the same time measured by the observer in . Now consider the situation from the point of view of (the observer at rest on the earth). Clearly the light signal reaches before the light signal reaches , because the speed of light is constant. Hence, two events and does not take place simultaneously with respect to .
根据 (火车),灯发出的光束将同时到达火车的两端 火车。光在末 尾的到来被看作是事件 ,而在末 尾的到来被看作是事件 。两个事件 的时空坐标分别由 和 测量。移动惯性系(火车)中两个事件之间的时间间隔为零。也就是说 ,这两个事件同时发生,由观察者在 中 测量。现在从 (在地球上休息的观察者)的角度考虑情况。显然,光信号在光信号到达 之前到达 ,因为光速是恒定的。因此,两个事件 不会同时发生
From Eq. (16-17), the time interval between two events measured by is given by
根据方程(16-17),由 下式测量的两个事件之间的时间间隔由下式给出
where is the length of the train. Because . We therefore reach the following conclusion:
哪里 是火车的长度。因为 .因此,我们得出以下结论:
If two observers are in relative motion, in general they do not agree on whether two events at different location are simultaneous. If one observer finds the two events to be simultaneous, the other does not.
Note that this occurs only when the two events occur at different locations according to . If the two events take place at the same location and are simultaneous according to , they are simultaneous in all other inertial frames as well.
请注意,仅当两个事件根据 的不同 位置发生时,才会发生这种情况。如果这两个事件发生在同一位置,并且根据 是同时发生的,则它们在所有其他惯性系中也是同时发生的。
We cannot say that one observer is right and other wrong. The situation is completely symmetrical and there is no reason to choose one observer over the others because there is no preferred inertial reference frame and any inertial reference frame can be used to describe events and do physics. Although the two observers reach different conclusions, both are correct in their own reference frames. Hence we have:
Simultaneity is not an absolute concept but a relative one, depending on the state of motion of the observer.
Of course, if the relative speed of the observers is very much less than the speed of light, the meas

vred departures from simultaneity become so small that they are not noticeable. Such is the case for all our experience of daily living; this is why the relativity of simultaneity is unfamiliar.

16.4.2 The relativity of time (The time dilation effect)
16.4.2 时间的相对性(时间膨胀效应)

In Fig. 16-5, clock is at rest in the frame of , who moves at speed relative to measures the time interval in which the hand of the clock moves between two marks, passing the first mark at time ( looked as event ) and the second at time (looked as event ).
在图 16-5 中,时钟在 的帧中处于静止状态 ,该坐标系以 相对于 测量时钟指针在两个标记之间移动的时间间隔 ,在时间 (看作事件 )和时间(看作事件 )通过第一个 标记。
The hand of clock passing the two marks is two events which occur at the same location according to (because clock is at rest in the frame ). However, observes the hand of clock to pass the first mark (event ) at the location at time and to pass the second mark (event ) at the location at time . The time interval between two events and measured by is . We can find the relation between the time intervals and directly from Eq. (16-17)
通过两个标记的时钟 指针是两个事件,它们根据( 因为时钟 在帧 中处于静止状态)发生在同一位置 。但是, 观察时钟 的指针以在时间 的位置 通过第一个标记(事件 ),并在时间 的位置 通过第二个标记(事件 )。两个事件 之间的时间间隔为 。我们可以 直接从方程(16-17)中找到时间间隔 之间的关系
Fig. 16-5 Clock is at rest in reference .
图 16-5 时钟在参考 中处于静止状态。
With respect to reference , clock is in motion at velocity
相对于参考 ,时钟 以速度 运动
Because is at rest relative to clock , the time interval measured by is a proper time interval, which we represent as . Hence, we have
因为 相对于时钟 是静止的,所以 测量的时间 间隔是一个适当的时间间隔,我们将其表示为 。因此,我们有
Obviously is longer than . Thus, when an observer ( ) is moving relative to a clock (or the clock relative to the observer), the time interval as seen by this observer is longer than that seen by another observer at rest relative to the clock. This effect is called time dilation. is called the proper time, the time between two events as measured by an observer who sees two events occur at the same position. That is, the proper time interval between events is the smallest interval between them that any observer can measure; all observers in TWo evelative to the elock measure longer intervals. That is the time interval between terval measured by an observer moving with respect to a clock is longer than the time inclock. tion effect is completely symmetric. If a clock at rest in the inertial reference frame is observed by , then concludes the clock is running slow. Each observer believes that the other's clock (moving relative to him ) is running slower than the ones at rest in the reference frame of the observer. Note that the factor in the denominator differs appreciably from 1 only at speeds that approach the speed of light. That is, when the speed approaches the speed of light, the time dilation is pronounced.
显然 .因此,当观察者 ( ) 相对于时钟(或时钟相对于观察者)移动时,该观察者看到的时间间隔比另一个 静止观察者相对于时钟看到的时间间隔长。这种效应称为时间膨胀。 称为正确时间,即观察者看到两个事件发生在同一位置时测量的两个事件之间的时间。也就是说,事件之间的适当时间间隔是任何观察者都可以测量的最小时间间隔;TWo 中的所有观察者都对 elock 进行测量,间隔更长。也就是说,观察者相对于时钟移动 测量 的 terval 之间的时间间隔比时钟中的时间间隔长。效果是完全对称的。如果观察到惯性参考系 中的静止时钟 ,则 得出 时钟 运行缓慢的结论。每个观察者都认为对方的时钟(相对于他移动)比观察者参考系中静止的时钟运行得慢。请注意,分母中的因子仅在接近光速的速度下与 1 明显不同。也就是说,当速度 接近光速时,时间膨胀明显。
This time dilation effect is very real and has nothing to do with any mechanical change that takes place in a clock because of its motion. It is simply the nature of time. The time dilation effect is verified by the experiments of high energy physics. An interesting example of time dilation involves the observation of muons, unstable elementary particles that have a charge equal to that of the electron and a mass 207 times that of the electron.
Example 16-2 Muons are unstable, and when at rest in the laboratory, decay with an average lifetime of . This average lifetime, measured for resting muons with a single resting laboratory clock, is thus a proper time interval. Find the average lifetime of muons which is accelerated to a speed of .
实施例16-2μ介子不稳定,在实验室中静止时衰变,平均寿命为 。因此,用单个静息实验室时钟测量静息μ介子的平均寿命是一个适当的时间间隔。求出加速到 的 μ 介子的平均寿命。
Solution The accelerated muons can serve as tiny moving clock, to which the average lifetime of the muons is . From Eq. (16-20), the average lifetime by the observer at rest in the laboratory is given by
解决方案 加速的μ介子可以作为微小的移动时钟,μ介子的平均寿命为 。根据方程(16-20),观察者在实验室中休息时的平均寿命由下式给出
This value is in excellent agreement with the experimental data within the experimental error.

16.4.3 The relativity of length
16.4.3 长度的相对性

Suppose that a rod lies along the , moving with a velocity relative to , at rest in the moving reference frame , as shown in Fig. 16-6. The ends of a measuring rod are determined to be at and according to , relative to whom the rod is rest. To determine the length of the rod, must make a simultaneous measurement of the coordinates and of its endpoints. According to , the ends of the rod are at coordinates and , such that is called as the rest length of the rod (also known as the proper length ).
假设一根杆沿 相对于 的速度移动,在移动的参考系 中静止,如图 16-6 所示。测量杆的两端被确定为 相对于杆的静止位置。 要确定杆的长度, 必须同时测量坐标 及其 端点。根据 ,杆的两端在坐标 处,这样 称为杆的静止长度(也称为适当长度)。
Fig. 16-6 A rod moves with speed relative to along the common direction
图16-6 杆相对于 公共 方向的速度 移动
In order to measure the length of the rod, observer must make a simultaneous determination of the coordinates and of the ends of the rod. The interval gives the length of the rod according to S. From Eq. (16-16), we have
为了测量杆的长度,观察者 必须同时确定杆的坐标 末端。区间根据 S 给出杆的长度 。 从方程 (16-16) 中,我们有
For , we obtain
对于 ,我们得到
Thus, a rod moving relative to an observer appears to be contracted in the direction of motion by the factor . This effect is known as length contraction.
因此,相对于观察者运动的杆似乎在运动方向上被因子 收缩。这种效应称为长度收缩。
From Eq. (16-21), we conclude that the length measured by an observer who is at rest relative to the rod is the largest and all other inertial observers will measure a shorter length. That is the length of a rod is not absolute. Note that the contraction of rod happens only for dimensions along the direction of motion and length measurements transverse to the direction of motion are unaffected.
从方程(16-21)中,我们得出结论,静止的观察者相对于杆测量的长度 最大,而所有其他惯性观察者测量的长度较短。也就是说,一根杆的长度不是绝对的。请注意,杆的收缩仅发生在沿运动方向的尺寸上,并且横向运动方向的长度测量值不受影响。
Under ordinary circumstances , the effects of length contraction are far too small to be observed. For example, a rocket of length launched from Earth with the high speed sufficient to escape the Earth's gravity ( ) would be measured to contract, according to an observer on the earth, by an amount roughly equivalent to only 2 atomic diameters !
在一般情况下 ,长度收缩的影响太小而无法观察到。例如,根据地球上的观察者的说法,从地球 发射的火箭的长度足以逃离地球引力 ( ) 的高速将被测量为收缩量,大约相当于 2 个原子直径!
Like time dilation, length contraction is an effect that holds for all observers in relative motion. If a rod is at rest along in the frame , moving with a speed relative to the frame , the length measured by the is also contracted. The questions, "Does the rod really shrink ?" and "Do the atoms in the rod really get pushed closer together?" are not proper questions within the framework of relativity. The length of a rod is what you measure it to be and motion affects measurements.
与时间膨胀一样,长度收缩是一种对所有相对运动的观察者都适用的效应。如果一根杆 在框架 中静止,以相对于框架 的速度 移动,则由杆 测量的长度也被收缩。“棒真的会收缩吗?”和“棒中的原子真的会靠得更近吗?”这些问题在相对论的框架内都不是合适的问题。杆的长度就是您测量的长度,运动会影响测量。
Example 16-3 A rod lies parallel to the -axis of reference frame , moving along this axis at a speed of 0.632 c. Its rest length is . What will be its measured length in frame ?
例16-3 一根杆平行于参考系 的轴,沿该轴以0.632 c的速度移动。它的休息长度是 。它在框架 中的测量长度是多少?
Solution The rod is moving along the -axis of reference frame relative to the frame at a speed of . According to the , its length is contracted. From the Eq. (16-21), we have
解 杆沿参考系的 轴相对于坐标系 以 的速度移动 根据 ,它的长度是收缩的。从方程(16-21)中,我们有
which is the value of the length of rod measured by .
这是用 测量的 杆长度的值。
Example16-4 The length of a meterstick moving parallel to its length with a speed of relative to an observer is measured to be by this observer. Find the relative speed .
例16-4 以相对于观察者的速度平行 于其长度移动的米尺的长度由该观察者测量 。求相对速度
Solution The rest length of a meterstick is . By Eq. (16-21), we have
解 米尺的剩余长度为 。通过方程(16-21),我们有
From above formula, we obtain .

16. 5 The Lorentz Transformation of Velocities
16. 5 速度的洛伦兹变换

In this section we use the equation of the Lorentz transformation to relate the velocity measuracle measured by an observer in the frame to the velocity of the same particle along thed by an observer in the frame , who is in turn moving with velocity relative to three the common axis. Here, it is important to keep in mind the meanings of these cities,
在本节中,我们使用洛伦兹变换方程将坐标系中的观察者测量到的速度 测量值与坐标系 中的观察者沿同一粒子的速度 联系起来,该观察者又 以相对于 三个公共 轴的速度移动。 在这里,重要的是要牢记这些城市的含义,
Seeing Fig. 16-7, suppose observer finds the particle to move from time-space point ,
如图16-7所示,假设观察者 发现粒子从时空点 移动,

to . Observer , on the other hand records the observations of the initial and final coordinates of the same particle as and .
.而观察者 则记录了对同一 粒子的初始坐标和最终坐标的 观测结果。
Fig. 16-7 A particle is moving in the space.
图16-7 粒子在空间中移动。
The velocity of the particle is measured by both and
粒子的速度由以下 两者 测量
, the component of the velocity of the particle measured by , and , the component of the velocity of the same particle measured by , are given by
,由测 得的粒子速度 分量,和 ,由 测得的同一粒子速度 的分量由下式给出
where and . Using Eq. (16-16), we have
其中 .使用方程(16-16),我们有
In similar method, we obtain the transformation equation for the and components of the velocity
在类似的方法中,我们得到了速度 分量的变换方程
Note that , even though , because . Similar consideration holds for .
请注意, 即使 ,因为 .类似的考虑也适用于
Switching primed and unprimed velocities in Eq. (16-23a), Eq. (16-23b) and Eq. (16-23c), and substituting for , we have
在方程(16-23a)、方程(16-23b)和方程(16-23c)中切换启动速度和非启动速度,并 代入 ,我们有
which is the inverse Lorentz transformation of velocities.
Eq. (16-23a), Eq. (16-23b), Eq. (16-23c) and Eq. (16-24a) 、Eq. (16-24b) 、Eq. (16-24c) give the Lorentz transformations of velocities. They are analogous to the equations of the Lorentz transformations of coordinates. They relate observations in one reference frame to observations in another. When (or equivalently, ), it can be proved that Eq. (16-23a),Eq. (16-23b), Eq. (16-23c) reduce to
方程(16-23a)、方程(16-23b)、方程(16-23c)和方程(16-24a)、方程(16-24b)、方程(16-24c)给出了速度的洛伦兹变换。它们类似于坐标的洛伦兹变换方程。它们将一个参考系中的观测值与另一个参考系中的观测值相关联。当 (或等效地) 时,可以证明方程(16-23a),方程(16-23b),方程(16-23c)简化为
which is indeed the Galilean results.
Suppose that the common event being observed by both and is the passage of a light beam along the direction. Observer measures and . What velocity does observer measure? Using Eq. (16-23a)、Eq. (16-23b)、Eq. (16-23c), we find the velocity components measured by to be
假设两者都 观察到的共同事件 是光束沿 方向通过。观察者 措施 .观察者 测量的速度是多少?使用方程(16-23a)、方程(16-23b)、方程(16-23c),我们发现测量 的速度分量为
Hence a speed of measured by one observer must also be measured to be by any other observer. This is the result of Einstein's second postulate. Thus the speed of light is indeed the same for all observers. The same conclusion holds for any direction of travel of light beam.
因此,一个观察者 测量的速度也必须 由任何其他观察者测量。这是爱因斯坦第二假设的结果。因此,光速对于所有观察者来说确实是相同的。同样的结论也适用于光束的任何传播方向。
If , the Lorentz factor will be complex. However, our world is real so that the speed of is the ultimate speed limit. That is, no real body can move with a speed which exceeds .
如果 ,洛伦兹因子 将是复数。然而,我们的世界是真实的,因此速度 是最终的速度限制。也就是说,任何真实物体都不能以超过 的速度移动。
Example 16-5 A proton moving eastward with a speed of in a nuclear-physics laboratory passes an electron moving westward with a speed of . Find the speed of the electron relative to a frame of reference riding with the proton.
例 16-5 在核物理实验室中,一个以 的速度 向东移动的质子经过一个以 . 求电子相对于与质子一起行驶的参考系的速度。
Solution We call eastward the positive direction. Hence
解决方案:我们称向东为 正向。因此
By Eq. (16-23a), we obtain
which is the speed of the electron relative to the proton.

16. 6 The Relativistic Dynamic Theory
16. 6 相对论动力学理论

So far we have investigated the effect of Einstein's two postulates on the kinematical variable time, displacement and velocity as viewed from two different inertial frames. In this section, we will discuss the dynamical variable momentum and mass and energy of a particle.

16.6.1 Relativistic mass and relativistic momentum
16.6.1 相对论质量和相对论动量

If a constant force acts on a body of mass indefinitely, it is clear that Newton's second law ma must break down as the speed of the body approaches the speed of light. In the precious chapters, we have learned that the momentum conservation derived from Newton's second law is a universal theorem. According to Einstein's first postulates, if the momentum of a system is conservative in an inertial frame, it also is conservative in all others. Using the classical formula , it can be proved that the momentum may be not conserved in all the inertial frame. Therefore, we need to modify the Newton's law of mechanics,
如果恒定力 无限期地作用在质量 体上,很明显,当物体的速度接近光速时,牛顿第二定律 马必须崩溃。在珍贵的章节中,我们了解到从牛顿第二定律推导出的动量守恒是一个普遍的定理。根据爱因斯坦的第一个假设,如果一个系统的动量在惯性系中是保守的,那么它在所有其他系中也是保守的。使用经典公式 ,可以证明动量在所有惯性系中可能不守恒。因此,我们需要修改牛顿力学定律,
Einstein showed by application of the law of conservation of momentum that if is the ity of a body when it is at rest relative to an inertial frame, its mass , moving with a veloc-
爱因斯坦通过应用动量守恒定律表明,如果 一个物体相对于惯性系静止时,它的质量 是以速度运动。
and its momentum is defined as
Here, is called the rest mass, and the moving mass.
这里, 称为静止质量和 移动质量。
Using the definition (16-27), the Newton's second law has the same form as the classical case. That is
Eq. (16-26) and Eq. (16-28) are the relativistic extension of the classical Newton's first and second
Fig. 16-8 The moving mass as a function of speed law. They are satisfied with Lorentz transformation. They have the same form in all the inertial reference frames. In the special relativistic theory, the Newton's third law contains the same meanings as the classical case.
图16-8 运动质量 随速度 定律的函数。他们对洛伦兹变换感到满意。它们在所有惯性参考系中都具有相同的形式。在狭义相对论中,牛顿第三定律包含与经典案例相同的含义。
According to Eq. (16-26), when a constant force acts on a body and the velocity of the body increases with the time, its mass (that is its inertial) will increases with the increase of the velocity. If the velocity of the body approaches the speed of light, its mass will approaches , as shown in Fig. 16-8. Hence the speed of a body can not be in excess of the speed of light, which is the up limit of velocities.
根据方程(16-26),当一个恒定的力作用在物体上并且物体的速度随时间增加时,它的质量(即惯性)将随着速度的增加而增加。如果物体的速度接近光速,它的质量就会接近 ,如图16-8所示。因此,物体的速度不能超过光速,光速是速度的上限。

16.6.2 Relativistic energy
16.6.2 相对论能量

From the Eq. (16-28), the relativistic expression of the kinetic energy of a particle can be derived by using essentially the same procedure we used to derive the classical expression, starting with the particle form of the work-energy theorem. Using the Newton's second law, we have
Assuming the initial velocity is zero, the kinetic energy at the time is equal to
假设初始速度为零,则当时的 动能 等于
Eq. (16-29) looks very different from the classical result . You can also see from the first term of Eq. (16-29) that as . Thus we can increase the kinetic energy of a particle without limit, and its speed will not exceed .
方程(16-29)看起来与经典结果 大不相同。从方程(16-29)的第一项中也可以看出, . 因此,我们可以无限制地增加粒子的动能,并且其速度不会超过
We can also express Eq. (16-29) as
where the total relativistic energy is defined as
其中总相对论能量 定义为
and is defined as
并被 定义为
which is known as the rest energy. The rest energy is the total relativistic energy of a particle measured in a reference frame in which the particle is at rest. The total relativistic energy is given by Eq. (16-39) as
That is the total relativistic energy is equal to the sum of the kinetic energy and the rest energy. This is Einstein's famous mass-energy equation.
In interaction of particles at relativistic speeds, we can replace our previous principle of conservation of energy with one based on the total relativistic energy: in an isolated system of particles, the total energy relativistic energy remains constant. That is
where is the moving mass of the particle . Eq. (16-34) can be expressed as
其中 是粒子 的移动质量。式(16-34)可以表示为
which implies that the total mass of the system is conservative. The system is isolated-no external work is done by its environment.
If we expand the square root in Eq. (16-29) assuming that is small compared with 1 , We obtain
如果我们展开方程(16-29)中的平方根,假设 它与1相比很小,我们得到
In the limiting case, where is small compared with 1 , we obtain the classical formula
在极限情况下,其中 与 1 相比较小,我们得到经典公式
for the kinetic energy of a body. As approaches , we must turn to the relativistic relation for the kinetic energy as given in Eq. (16-29).
对于物体的动能。作为 方法 ,我们必须转向方程(16-29)中给出的动能的相对论关系。
From Eq. (16-34) and Eq. (16-35), the conservation of total energy is equivalent to the conservation of relativistic mass. Einstein's well known relation asserts that the rest energy is freely convertible into other forms. All reaction, whether chemical or nuclear, in which energy is released or absorbed involve a corresponding change in the rest energy of the reactants. The understanding of the mass converting into the energy is incorrect. The more total relativistic energy of a body, the greater its inertial. The increase of the mass of a body does not imply the increase of the numbers of atoms contained in the body in the relativistic theory.
从方程(16-34)和方程(16-35)可以看出,总能量守恒等价于相对论质量守恒。爱因斯坦众所周知 的关系断言,其余能量可以自由转换为其他形式。所有释放或吸收能量的反应,无论是化学反应还是核反应,都涉及反应物静止能量的相应变化。对质量转化为能量的理解是不正确的。物体的总相对论能量越多,它的惯性就越大。在相对论中,物体质量的增加并不意味着物体中包含的原子数量的增加。
The revolutionary formula has proved to be a cornerstone of modern physics, permitting a new understanding of nuclear physics and leading to the development of nuclear fission as a practical energy source.
这一革命性的公式 已被证明是现代物理学的基石,允许对核物理有新的理解,并导致核裂变作为一种实用能源的发展。

16.6.3 The relationship between the total energy and the momentum
16.6.3 总能量与动量的关系

In the classical mechanics, the momentum of a particle is
and its kinetic energy
If we eliminate between these two expressions, we find a directive relation between the momentum and the kinetic energy
如果我们 消除这两个表达式之间的定向关系,我们会发现动量和动能之间的定向关系
We can find a similar connection in relativity by eliminating between the relativistic definition of momentum Eq. (16-27) and the relativistic definition of kinetic energy Eq. (1-29). Doing so leads, after some algebra, to
我们可以通过消除 动量方程(16-27)的相对论定义和动能方程(1-29)的相对论定义来找到相对论中的类似联系。这样做会导致,经过一些代数,
With the aid of Eq. (16-33), we can transform Eq. (16-39) into a relation between the momentum and the total energy of a particle
借助方程(16-33),我们可以将方程(16-39)转换为动量 与粒子总能量 之间的关系
Eq. (16-41) is universally applicable. When the rest mass of a particle (photon) is equal to zero, we have from Eq. (16-41)
式(16-41)普遍适用。当粒子(光子)的剩余质量 等于零时,我们得到方程(16-41)
which is very useful in the following chapter.
The relationships between kinetic energy and velocity and between kinetic energy and mentum can be tested in the relativistic regime by accelerating particles to high speeds or by using high-speed particles (namely, electrons) emitted in certain radioactive decay processes. The experimental data are in perfect agreement with the relativistic expression and in disagreement with the classical expression. Similar results are obtained indirectly today at every large accelerator facility in the world. Particles are accelerated to speeds very close to , and the de-
动能和速度之间的关系以及动能和 精神之间的关系可以通过将粒子加速到高速或使用在某些放射性衰变过程中发射的高速粒子(即电子)来测试相对论状态。实验数据与相对论表达式完全吻合,与经典表达式不一致。今天,世界上每个大型加速器设施都间接获得了类似的结果。粒子被加速到非常接近 的速度,并且

imp parameters of the accelerators must be based on relativistic dynamics. Thus every modern (celerator is in a dramatic special relativity. Needless to say, the success dithese accelerators is a dramatic confirmation of special relativity.
Example 16-6 The total energy of an electron is . Find the velocity of the electron. solution According to Eq. (16-31), we have
例 16-6 电子的总能量为 。求出电子的速度。解 根据方程(16-31),我们有
Hence 因此
from which we obtain
Example16-7 Find the work which must be done on an electron to increase its speed from (1) to ; (2) to , where is the speed of light.
例16-7 求在电子上做功才能将其速度从(1) 提高到 ;(2) ,其中 是光速。
Solution The work is equal to the increase of the total energy of the electron. When the speed increase from to , the work done on the electron is
解 功等于电子总能量的增加。当速度从 增加到 时,对电子所做的功是
where . The work done on the electron with an increase of speed from to is
其中 .随着速度从 的增加,在电子上所做的功是
Example16-8 What must be the momentum of a particle with rest mass in order that its total energy is three times its rest energy?
例16-8 具有静止质量 的粒子的动量必须是多少,才能使其总能量是其静止能量的三倍?
Solution According to the given condition, we have
解决方案 根据给定的条件,我们有
Using Eq. (16-40), we obtain

Appendix 1 附录1

As shown in Fig. 16-2, considering the symmetry and the homogeneity of space and time, the needed transformation is written as
where and are, independent of the , constants. Noting that the coordinate of the origin is zero relative to the and relative to the , we have
其中 是,与 常量无关。注意到原 点的坐标相对于 和 为零, 我们有
Considering the origin o in the same way, we obtain
以同样的方式考虑原点 o,我们得到
Assume that at at which the beam of light is emitted in the direction . The position of the wavefront is measured by and measured by . This fact implies
假设 光束在 方向上发射。波前的位置由 测量 测量由。 这一事实意味着
Using Eq. (A1-2), Eq. ( A1-3) and Eq. (A1-4), the transformation (A1-1) reduces to
The description of the wavefront of light emitted at time in the direction is given by
在该方向 上发射 的光的波前的描述由下式给出
Inserting Eq. (A1-5) into Eq. (A1-7) and using Eq. (A1-6) yields
Hence we obtain the Lorentz transformation (16-10).
因此,我们得到了洛伦兹变换 (16-10)。

Appendix 2 附录2

Here, we consider a sample example in which a particle decays into two same particles. As shown in Fig. 16-9, the particle , located at the origin , is at rest relative to the reference and broken into two same particles (having the same mass). According to the conservation of the momentum, if the particles moves in the direction- with the velocity , the particle will move in the direction with the velocity .
在这里,我们考虑一个示例示例,其中粒子衰变成两个相同的粒子。如图16-9所示,位于原点的粒子 相对于参照 物处于静止状态,并分解成两个相同的粒子 (具有相同的 质量)。根据动量守恒,如果粒子 随速度方向运动 ,粒子 随速度方向运动
Suppose the reference moves along the with the velocity . To , the particle is at rest with the mass (the rest mass), and the particle have the mass (the moving mass) and moves at the velocity
假设参照 随速度移动 。对 ,粒子 与质量 (静止质量)处于静止状态,粒子 具有质量 (移动质量)并以速度运动
As suming the mass of the particle is , the conservation of the momentum measured by implies
由于粒子 的质量之和为 ,所 测量的动量守恒意味着
It is reasonable that we take
It is read  它被读取
That is, the mass of system is conservative. From Eq. (A2-1), Eq. (A2-2) and Eq. (A2-3), we obtain
Fig. 16-9 图 16-9
Lsing Eq. (A2-1), is equal to
Lsing 方程 (A2-1), 等于
Substituting Eq. (A2-5) into Eq. (A2-4), we have
The equation tells us that the particles and , having the same mass relative to the observer in the reference , have the different mass measured by the observer in the reference S. If the particle and are at rest relative to , their masses would be . Hence, the moving mass of the particle, which has the rest mass of and moves at the velocity , is given by
这个方程告诉我们,粒子 相对于参考 中的观察者具有相同的质量,在参考S中具有不同的质量。如果粒子 相对于 处于静止状态,它们的质量将是 。因此,粒子的运动质量,其剩余质量为 并以 速度 运动,由下式给出
That is Eq. (16-26).

Questions 问题

16-1 Why don't we observe relativistic effects in our everyday lives?
16-1 为什么我们在日常生活中没有观察到相对论效应?
16-2 A quasar (quasi-stellar object) travels away from the Earth at half the speed of light. What is the speed, with respect to the Earth, of the light we detect coming from it?
16-2 类星体(准恒星天体)以光速的一半远离地球。相对于地球,我们探测到来自地球的光的速度是多少?
16-3 A beam from a laser falls at right angle on a plane mirror and reflects from it. What is the speed of the reflected beam if the mirror is (1) fixed in the laboratory and (2) moving directly toward the laser with speed ?
16-3 来自激光的光束以直角落在平面镜上并从平面镜反射。如果反射镜 (1) 固定在实验室中,并且 (2) 直接向激光器快速 移动,反射光束的速度是多少?
16-4 Although in relativity (where motion is relative and not absolute) we find that "moving clocks run slow", this effect had nothing to do with the motion altering the way a clock works. With what does it have to do?
16-4 虽然在相对论中(运动是相对的,而不是绝对的),我们发现“移动的时钟运行得很慢”,但这种效应与运动改变时钟的工作方式无关。它有什么关系?
16-5 We have seen that if several observers watch two events, labeled A and B, one of them may say that event A occurred first but another may claim that it was event B that did so. What would you say to a friend who asked you which event really did occur first?
16-5 我们已经看到,如果几个观察者观察两个事件,分别标记为A和B,其中一个人可能会说事件A首先发生,而另一个人可能会声称是事件B首先发生的。如果朋友问你哪个事件最先发生,你会怎么说?

of two sticks, Does this seem like a paradox to you?

  1. According to Galilean transformation, the time-space intervals between two events are absolute with respect to all the inertial reference frames (observers). If two events take place at the same time in the inertial reference frame, they also occur at the same time in all other inertial reference frames. That is, the simultaneity is absolute in classical physics. However, the results of Example 16-1 show that the time-space interval between two events is related to
    根据伽利略变换,两个事件之间的时空间隔相对于所有惯性参考系(观察者)是绝对的。如果两个事件在惯性参考系中同时发生,则它们在所有其他惯性参考系中也同时发生。也就是说,在经典物理学中,同时性是绝对的。然而,实施例 16-1 的结果表明,两个事件之间的时空间隔与
  2. As shoen two in Fig. 16-5, is the time interval in which the hand of the clock moves beSo, time marks, and since , observer concludes that the clock is running slow.
    如图 16-5 所示, 是时钟指针移动的时间间隔,时间标记和 , 观察者 得出结论,时钟 运行缓慢。
    dime dilation is often summarized by the phrase, "moving clocks run slow". The time dila-
    一角钱膨胀通常用一句话来概括,“移动的时钟运行缓慢”。时间 dila-