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Study Session 4 2018 Sbc 201 Chapter 5 General Building Heights and Areas
学习会议 4 2018 Sbc 201 第 5 章 一般建筑高度和面积

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Study Session 4
2018 SBC 201 Chapter 5
General Building Heights and Areas
第 42018 次会议 SBC 201 第 5 章 一般建筑高度和面积


To gain an understanding of how a building is classified and regulated based on its floor area, height and number of stories.


Chapter 5, 2018 Saudi Building Code
2018 年《沙特建筑规范》第 5 章


  • How and why must buildings be identified by their address?

  • How is the maximum floor area of a building determined? The height in meters and number of stories?

  • How must multiple buildings located on the same lot be handled?

  • What types of special industrial occupancies are exempt from the height and area limitations of Sections 504 and 506?
    哪些类型的特殊工业用地不受第 504 和 506 条的高度和面积限制?

  • Under which conditions may the basic allowable height of a building be increased? How much of an increase is permitted?

  • Which special provisions address the construction of towers, spires, steeples and other roof structures?

  • What is a mezzanine?

  • Under which conditions may a floor level be considered a mezzanine?

  • Under what conditions is a mezzanine permitted to be enclosed or in some manner separated from the room in which it is located?

  • Which conditions provide for an increase in the allowable floor areas specified in Table 506.2?
    哪些情况可以增加表 506.2 中规定的允许楼面面积?

  • What is the minimum width of a yard or public way that can provide for a floor area increase?

  • How much of a building’s perimeter must be considered “open” for the area increase to apply?
    建筑物周边必须有多少面积被视为 "开放 "面积才适用面积增加?

  • How is a basement viewed in the calculation of maximum allowable floor area?

  • How is the maximum total combined floor area for a multistory building determined?

  • Which occupancy groups are eligible for unlimited floor area in a one-story nonsprinklered building?

  • Which criteria must be met for buildings of Groups A-4, B, F, M or S to be unlimited in floor area? Groups A-1 and A-2?
    A-4、B、F、M 或 S 组的建筑物必须符合哪些标准才能不限制建筑面积?A-1 和 A-2 组?

  • What is the minimum width required for open space surrounding an unlimited area building?

  • Under which conditions may that width be reduced?

  • Under what limitations is a Group A-3 occupancy permitted to be of unlimited area?
    在哪些限制条件下,A-3 类建筑的面积可以不受限制?

  • How may high-hazard occupancies be accommodated in an unlimited area building?

  • Which limitations are placed on motion picture theaters of unlimited area?

  • Where the special provisions for a horizontal building separation allowance are applied, what criteria must be met?

  • Which special provisions address the situation where an enclosed or open parking garage is located below another occupancy group? Below an open parking garage?

  • What are the height limitations for apartment houses and other Group R-2 occupancies where the special provisions are met?
    在符合特殊规定的情况下,公寓房和其他 R-2 类建筑的高度限制是多少?

  • How is an open parking garage regulated where located below Groups A, B, I, M or R?
    位于 A、B、I、M 或 R 组以下的露天停车场如何管理?

Topic: Address Identification
主题: 地址识别地址识别

Category: Building Heights and Areas

Reference: SBC 201-502.1 参考资料SBC 201-502.1

Subject: General Provisions

Code Text: 代码文本:

New and existing buildings shall be provided with approved address identification. Each character shall be a minimum of 100 mm high with a minimum stroke width of 12 mm. Where required by the fire code official, address identification shall be provided in additional approved locations to facilitate emergency response. Where access is by means of a private road and the building address cannot be viewed from the public way, a monument, pole or other approved sign or means shall be used to identify the structure. Address identification shall be maintained.
新建筑和现有建筑必须有经批准的地址标识。每个字符高度至少为 100 毫米,笔画宽度至少为 12 毫米。如消防法规官员有要求,应在其他经批准的位置提供地址标识,以方便应急反应。如果通过私人道路进出,且无法从公共道路上看到建筑物地址,则应使用纪念碑、柱子或其他经批准的标志或方式来标识建筑物。地址标识应予以保留。

Discussion and Commentary:

Buildings must be provided with plainly visible and legible address numbers posted on the building or in such a place on the property that the building may be identified by emergency services such as fire, medical and police.


Topic: Building Area 主题建筑面积

Category: Building Heights and Areas

Reference: SBC 201-503.1, 202
参考资料SBC 201-503.1、202

Subject: Definitions 主题定义

Code Text: 代码文本:

Building area is the area included within surrounding exterior walls (or exterior walls and fire walls) exclusive of vent shafts and courts. Areas of the building not provided with surrounding walls shall be included in the building area if such areas are included within the horizontal projection of the roof or floor above.

Discussion and Commentary:

The building area must be determined in order to verify that it does not exceed the maximum allowable area as determined by Section 503.1. The building area is considered, in very general terms, the “footprint” of the building, excluding those unroofed areas and any projections that may extend beyond the exterior walls. Where complying mezzanines are located within a building, they are not assumed to contribute to the building area.
必须确定建筑面积,以核实其不超过第 503.1 节规定的最大允许面积。一般而言,建筑面积是指建筑物的 "占地面积",不包括无屋顶区域和可能超出外墙的任何突出部分。如果符合规定的夹层位于建筑物内,则不计入建筑面积。


Topic: Story Above Grade/Basement

Category: Building Heights and Areas

Reference: SBC 201-503.1, 202
参考资料SBC 201-503.1、202

Subject: Definitions 主题定义

Code Text: 代码文本:

A “story above grade plane” is any story having its finished floor surface entirely above grade plane, or in which the finished surface of the floor next above is 1) more than 1.8 meters above grade plane, or 2) more than 3.6 meters above the finished ground level at any point. A “basement” is a story that is not a story above grade plane.
层高高于地平面 "是指任何一层的完成楼面完全高于地平面,或其上一层的完成楼面 1) 高出地平面 1.8 米以上,或 2) 在任何一点上高出完成地面 3.6 米以上。地下室 "是指不在地平面以上的楼层。

Discussion and Commentary:

A number of provisions in the SBC 201 are applicable based on the location of the floor under consideration, relative to the exterior ground level. Therefore, it is necessary to define specifically the circumstances under which a floor level is considered a story above grade plane.
SBC 201 中的许多规定都是根据所考虑的楼层相对于外部地面的位置而适用的。因此,有必要具体界定在哪些情况下楼层会被视为高于地平面的楼层。


Topic: Special Industrial Occupancies

Category: Building Heights and Areas

Reference: SBC 201-503.1.1
参考文献SBC 201-503.1.1

Subject: Height and Area Limitations

Code Text: 代码文本:

Buildings and structures designed to house special industrial processes that require large areas and unusual building heights to accommodate craneways or special machinery and equipment, including among others, rolling mills; structural metal fabrication shops and foundries; or the production and distribution of electric, gas or steam power, shall be exempt from the building height, number of stories and building area limitations specified in Sections 504 and 506.
为容纳特殊工业流程而设计的建筑物和构筑物,如轧钢厂、金属结构制造厂和铸造厂,或电力、 天然气或蒸汽的生产和分配厂等,其建筑高度、层数和建筑面积不受第 504 和 506 条规定的限制。

Discussion and Commentary:

A limited number of buildings that house special industrial processes need extensive heights and/or areas for their operations. The activities that occur are generally of moderate to low hazard, and the buildings are not typically accessible to the public. Therefore, it has been deemed appropriate that no type of construction limitations should be placed on these unique structures.


Topic: Buildings on the Same Lot

Category: Building Heights and Areas

Reference: SBC 201-503.1.2
参考文献SBC 201-503.1.2

Subject: Height and Area Limitations

Code Text: 代码文本:

Two or more buildings on the same lot shall be regulated as separate buildings or shall be considered as portions of one building where the building height, number of stories of each building and the aggregate building area of the buildings are within the limitations specified in Sections 504 and 506. The provisions of the SBC 201 applicable to the aggregate building shall be applicable to each building.
同一地段上的两幢或多幢建筑物应作为独立建筑物管理,或视为一幢建筑物的一部分,但建筑物的高度、每幢建筑物的层数以及建筑物的总建筑面积应在第 504 和 506 条规定的限制范围内。SBC 201 中适用于总体建筑的规定应适用于每栋建筑。

Discussion and Commentary:

In general, the provisions of Section 705.3 require an assumed imaginary line to be located between two buildings on the same site to regulate exterior wall and opening protection, as well as projection and roof-covering requirements. This method would provide protection equivalent to that of buildings on adjoining lots.
一般来说,第 705.3 节的规定要求在同一地块的两栋建筑之间设置一条假定的假想线,以规范外墙和开口保护以及突出物和屋顶覆盖物的要求。这种方法可提供与毗邻地块上建筑物同等的保护。


Topic: Allowable Height Determination

Category: Building Heights and Areas

Reference: SBC 201-504.3, Table 504.3
参考资料SBC 201-504.3,表 504.3

Subject: Building Height in Meters

Code Text: 代码文本:

The maximum height, in meters, of a building shall not exceed the limits specified in Table 504.3. See the exception for towers, spires, steeples and other roof structures.
建筑物的最大高度(米)不得超过表 504.3 中规定的限制。参见塔楼、尖塔、尖顶和其他屋顶结构的例外情况。

Discussion and Commentary:

The allowable height of a building in meters is based on three fundamental aspects of building classification and fire protection: occupancy classification, type of construction classification and the presence of an automatic sprinkler system. The limitation on building height recognizes the concern of property damage, along with the concerns of dealing with egress and fire department access. Table 504.3 typically reflects an increased allowable height for sprinklered buildings of 6 meters over the height permitted for nonsprinklered buildings. Also reflected in the table is the allowance for unlimited height in buildings of Type IA construction.
以米为单位的建筑允许高度基于建筑分类和防火的三个基本方面:占用分类、建筑类型分类和自动喷水灭火系统的存在。对建筑高度的限制考虑到了财产损失问题,以及处理出口和消防部门通道的问题。表 504.3 通常反映了已安装自动喷水灭火系统建筑物的允许高度比未安装自动喷水灭火系统建筑物的允许高度增加了 6 米。表中还反映了 IA 类建筑允许的无限高度。


Topic: Allowable Height in Stories

Category: Building Heights and Areas

Reference: SBC 201-504.4, Table 504.4
参考资料SBC 201-504.4,表 504.4

Subject: Building Height in Stories

Code Text: 代码文本:

The maximum number of stories of a building shall not exceed the limits specified in Table 504.4.
建筑物的最高层数不得超过表 504.4 中规定的限制。

Discussion and Commentary:

The maximum number of stories permitted in a building is generally represented in Table 504.4. However, the table only regulates the number of stories that are considered above grade plane. Basements are selectively permitted under various provisions throughout the code and regulated accordingly. The conditions that affect the allowable number of stories are consistent with those for the allowable height in meters: occupancy classification, type of construction classification and sprinkler protection. Table 504.4 typically reflects an increased allowable number of stories for sprinklered buildings of one story above the number permitted for nonsprinklered buildings. Also reflected in the table is the allowance for an unlimited number of stories in most buildings of Type IA construction.
表 504.4 通常列出了建筑物允许的最高层数。不过,该表仅规定了被视为高于地平面的层数。在整个规范的不同条款中,地下室是有选择地允许的,并受到相应的规范。影响容许层数的条件与容许高度(以米为单位)的条件一致:占用分类、建筑类型分类和自动喷水灭火保护。表 504.4 通常反映了已安装自动喷水灭火系统的建筑物的允许层数比未安装自动喷水灭火系统的建筑物增加了一层。表中还反映了大多数 IA 类建筑的允许层数不受限制。


Topic: Roof Structures 主题:屋顶结构屋顶结构

Category: Building Heights and Areas

Reference: SBC 201-504.3, Exception
参考资料SBC 201-504.3,例外情况

Subject: Height Modifications

Code Text: 代码文本:

Towers, spires, steeples and other roof structures shall be constructed of materials consistent with the required type of construction of the building except where other construction is permitted by Section 1510.2.4. Such structures shall not be used for habitation or storage. The structures shall be unlimited in height if of noncombustible materials and shall not extend more than 6 meters above the allowable building height if of combustible materials (see Chapter 15 for additional requirements).
塔楼、尖塔、尖顶和其他屋顶结构应使用与建筑物所需建筑类型一致的材料建造,第 1510.2.4 节允许的其他建筑除外。此类建筑不得用于居住或储存。如果是非可燃材料,这些建筑的高度应不受限制;如果是可燃材料,则不得超出允许的建筑高度 6 米(更多要求见第 15 章)。

Discussion and Commentary:

The types of structures addressed by this provision are intended to be unoccupied with no significant fire loading. It would seem logical that the height of such structures could be increased over that required for typical buildings. The only limitation occurs where the structure is of combustible materials, which would create a higher hazard.


Topic: Definition 主题定义

Category: Building Heights and Areas

Reference: SBC 201-505.2.1, 202
参考文献SBC 201-505.2.1, 202

Subject: Mezzanines 主题夹层

Code Text: 代码文本:

A mezzanine is an intermediate level or levels between the floor and ceiling of any story and in accordance with Section 505. The aggregate area of a mezzanine or mezzanines within a room shall not exceed one-third of the floor area of that room or space in which they are located. See the exceptions that allow for increased mezzanine sizes in 1) special industrial occupancies of Type I or II construction, 2) fully sprinklered Type I or II buildings provided with an approved emergency voice/alarm communication system, and 3) dwelling units.
夹层是介于任何楼层的地板和天花板之间的一个或多个中间层,符合第 505 条的规定。房间内一个或多个夹层的总面积不得超过所在房间或空间建筑面积的三分之一。请参见允许增加夹层面积的例外情况:1)特殊的 I 类或 II 类工业建筑;2)配有经批准的紧急语音/警报通信系统的完全洒水的 I 类或 II 类建筑;以及 3)居住单元。

Discussion and Commentary:

Because of size limitation and openness (a mezzanine is open to the room in which it is located, with exceptions), an intermediate floor level within a room adds minimal hazard to the building and its occupants. The occupants of the mezzanine by means of sight, smell or hearing will be able to determine if there is some emergency or fire taking place either on the mezzanine or in the room in which the mezzanine is located.


Topic: Scope 主题:范围

Category: Building Heights and Areas

Reference: SBC 201-505.2 参考资料SBC 201-505.2

Subject: Mezzanines 主题夹层

Code Text: 代码文本:

A mezzanine or mezzanines in compliance with Section 505.2 shall be considered a portion of the story below. Such mezzanines shall not contribute to either the building area or number of stories as regulated by Section 503.1. The area of a mezzanine shall be included in determining the fire area.
符合第 505.2 节规定的一个或多个夹层应视为下面楼层的一部分。这些夹层不应计入第 503.1 节规定的建筑面积或层数。在确定防火面积时,夹层的面积应包括在内。

Discussion and Commentary:

There are two distinct benefits derived from the qualification of a floor level as a mezzanine. One, the mezzanine is not considered in the allowable number of stories, and two, for allowable area purposes, the mezzanine floor area does not increase the building area of the story in which it is located. However, in the determination of fire area size for sprinkler requirements, the floor area must be considered. The requirements for sprinkler systems are generally based on the fire load expected in an occupancy; thus, an increased floor area would increase the potential fire loading.


Topic: Openness 主题开放

Category: Building Heights and Areas

Reference: SBC 201-505.2.3
参考文献SBC 201-505.2.3

Subject: Mezzanines 主题夹层

Code Text: 代码文本:

A mezzanine shall be open and unobstructed to the room in which such mezzanine is located except for walls not more than 1 meter high, columns and posts. See the exceptions addressing mezzanines a) where the enclosed area has a maximum occupant load of 10, b) having two or more means of egress, c) where the aggregate floor area of the enclosed space does not exceed 10 percent of the mezzanine area, d) in industrial facilities, and e) in fully sprinklered buildings where two or more means of egress are provided.
除高度不超过 1 米的墙壁、柱子和支柱外,夹层应向所在房间开放且不受阻碍。请参阅有关夹层的例外规定:a) 封闭区域的最大占用人数为 10 人;b) 有两个或两个以上的出口;c) 封闭空间的总楼面面积不超过夹层面积的 10%;d) 在工业设施中;e) 在设有两个或两个以上出口的完全洒水建筑物中。

Discussion and Commentary:

By definition, a mezzanine is intended to be open to the room or space below. This common environment allows individuals on either floor level to be aware of the conditions and hazards that may affect their safety. The SBC 201, through the application of one of five exceptions, permits the mezzanine to be enclosed when it has been determined that the enclosure creates little, if any concern.
根据定义,夹层的目的是向下面的房间或空间开放。这种共同的环境可以让任何一层的人都能意识到可能影响其安全的条件和危险。SBC 201 通过应用五种例外情况中的一种,允许在确定围护结构几乎不会造成任何影响的情况下,将夹层封闭起来。


Topic: Single-occupancy, One-story Buildings

Category: Building Heights and Areas

Reference: SBC 201-506.2.1
参考文献SBC 201-506.2.1

Subject: Allowable Area Determination

Code Text: 代码文本:

The allowable area of a single-occupancy building with no more than one story above grade plane shall be determined in accordance with Equation 5-1:
高出地平面不超过一层的单人使用建筑的允许面积应根据公式 5-1 确定:

Aa = At + (NS × If) where:
A a = A t + (NS × I f ) 其中:

Aa = Allowable area (square meters)
A a = 允许面积(平方米)

At = Tabular allowable area factor (NS, S1, S13R or S13D value, as applicable) in accordance with Table 506.2.
A t = 表中的允许面积系数(NS、S1、S13R 或 S13D 值,视适用情况而定),符合表 506.2 的规定。

NS = Tabular allowable area factor in accordance with Table 506.2 for nonsprinklered building (regardless of whether the building is sprinklered).
NS = 根据表 506.2 列出的非洒水建筑物允许面积系数(与建筑物是否洒水无关)。

If = Area factor increase due to frontage percentage as calculated in accordance with Section 506.3.
I f = 根据第 506.3 节计算的因正面百分比而增加的面积系数。

Discussion and Commentary:

The allowable building areas determined in accordance with Section 506.2 are based on the allowable area factors of Table 506.2, along with any available frontage increase as calculated by Section 506.3. The presence of sufficient open space adjacent to a building provides for an increase above the tabular value. The protection afforded by an automatic sprinkler system, as addressed in Table 506.2, justifies a significant allowable area increase.
根据第 506.2 节确定的允许建筑面积是基于表 506.2 中的允许面积系数,以及根据第 506.3 节计算出的可用正面增加值。如果建筑物附近有足够的空地,则可在表中数值的基础上增加面积。自动喷水灭火系统提供的保护(如表 506.2 所示)可使允许面积大幅增加。


Topic: Frontage Increase 主题增加门面

Category: Building Heights and Areas

Reference: SBC 201-506.3 参考资料SBC 201-506.3

Subject: Area Modifications

Code Text: 代码文本:

Every building shall adjoin or have access to a public way to receive an area factor increase based on frontage. The area factor increase based on frontage shall be determined in accordance with the following: If = [F/P-0.25] W/9.
每幢建筑都必须毗邻或通向公共道路,以获得基于临街面的面积系数增加。根据临街面增加的面积系数应按以下规定确定:i f = [f/p-0.25] w/9.

Discussion and Commentary:

It is assumed that every building will adjoin a street, alley or yard on at least one side. Therefore, no frontage increase is given for the first 25 percent of a building’s perimeter that is open. Credit is provided, however, where additional frontage is considered open (6 meters or more in width). The benefit of increased allowable building area is accrued based on better access for the fire department, as well as decreased exposure to adjoining properties. F/P represents the percentage of the building’s perimeter that has adequate open space, whereas W is width of the open space. The value of W must be at least 6 meters and typically cannot exceed 9 meters.
假定每栋建筑至少有一面与街道、小巷或庭院相邻。因此,建筑物外围前 25% 的空地不会增加门面面积。不过,如果额外的正面被认为是开放式的(宽度为 6 米或以上),则会得到补偿。增加可允许建筑面积的好处在于可以更好地为消防部门提供通道,并减少对毗邻物业的影响。F/P 代表建筑物周边有足够空地的百分比,W 代表空地的宽度。W 值必须至少为 6 米,一般不能超过 9 米。


Open space to be on same lot or dedicated for public use, and accessed from a street or approved fire lane.

*Fire lane need only be provided to within 45 meters of exterior wall per Section 503.1.1 of the IFC.
*根据 IFC 第 503.1.1 节的规定,消防车道只需延伸至外墙 45 米范围内。

Topic: Reduced Open Space

Category: Building Heights and Areas

Reference: SBC 201-507.2.1
参考文献SBC 201-507.2.1

Subject: Unlimited Area Buildings

Code Text: 代码文本:

The public ways or yards of 18 meters in width required in Sections 507.3, 507.4, 507.5, 507.6 and 507.12 shall be permitted to be reduced to not less than 12 meters in width provided all of the following requirements are met: a) the reduced open space shall not be allowed for more than 75 percent of the perimeter of the building, b) the exterior walls facing the reduced open space shall have a minimum fire-resistance rating of not less than 3 hours, and c) openings in the exterior walls facing the reduced open space shall have opening protectives with a minimum fire-resistance rating of not less than 3 hours.
第 507.3、507.4、507.5、507.6 和 507.12 条所规定的宽度为 18 米的公共道路或庭院,在满足以下所有要求的情况下,应允许宽度减至不少于 12 米a) 缩减后的空地面积不得超过建筑物周长的 75%;b) 面向缩减后的空地的外墙的最低耐火等级不得低于 3 小时;以及 c) 面向缩减后的空地的外墙开口必须安装最低耐火等级不得低于 3 小时的开口保护装置。

Discussion and Commentary:

When it is necessary or desirable to reduce the open space around the perimeter of an unlimited area building, the code provides an alternative. An equivalent level of protection can be provided by increasing the level of exterior wall and opening protection.


Topic: One-Story, Sprinklered Buildings

Category: Building Heights and Areas

Reference: SBC 201-507.4 参考资料SBC 201-507.4

Subject: Unlimited Area Buildings

Code Text: 代码文本:

The area of a Group A-4 building no more than one story above grade plane of other than Type V construction, or the area of a Group B, F, M or S building no more than one story above grade plane of any construction type, shall not be limited when the building is provided with an automatic sprinkler system throughout in accordance with Section 903.3.1.1, and is surrounded and adjoined by public ways or yards not less than 18 meters in width. Provisions also apply to two-story buildings of such occupancies other than Group A-4.
除 V 类建筑外,不超过一层的 A-4 类建筑的面积,或不超过一层的 B、F、M 或 S 类建筑的面积,如根据第 903.3.1.1 节的规定在整个建筑内安装了自动喷水灭火系统,且周围和毗邻的公共道路或庭院的宽度不小于 18 米,则不受此限。这些规定也适用于 A-4 组以外的两层楼建筑。

Discussion and Commentary:

It is often beneficial to have very large, undivided floor areas for facilities such as arenas, office buildings, factories, retail centers and warehouses. The unlimited area provisions allow for an alternative to the higher types of construction that would normally be required. The installation of a sprinkler system and sufficient open space around the building reduce the potential fire severity to a reasonable level in these moderate-hazard occupancies.

  • *Any type of construction permitted (other than Type V for Group A-4)
    *允许的任何建筑类型(A-4 组的 V 型除外)

  • **Limited to one story for Group A-4

Topic: Group A-3 Buildings
主题A-3 组建筑

Category: Building Heights and Areas

Reference: SBC 201-507.6, 507.7
参考资料SBC 201-507.6, 507.7

Subject: Unlimited Area Buildings

Code Text: 代码文本:

The area of a Group A-3 building no more than one story above grade plane used as a place of religious worship, community hall, dance hall, exhibition hall, gymnasium, lecture hall, indoor swimming pool or tennis court of Type II construction, shall not be limited when all of the following criteria are met: See three conditions for allowance of unlimited area. The provisions are also applicable to buildings of Type III and IV construction, provided four conditions are met.
当符合以下所有标准时,用作宗教礼拜场所、社区礼堂、舞厅、展览厅、体育馆、演讲厅、室内游泳池或网球场的 A-3 类建筑(平面以上不超过一层)的面积不受限制:见允许无限面积的三个条件。这些规定也适用于三类和四类建筑,但必须满足四个条件。

Discussion and Commentary:

The Group A-3 occupancy classification includes the most diverse types of assembly uses assigned by the code. Traditionally, the allowable area of Group A occupancies is greatly limited as compared to most other occupancy groups. However, those assembly uses expected to have a relatively low fire load are permitted in unlimited area buildings subject to the special conditions prescribed by the code.
A-3 组用途分类包括规范中规定的最多样化的集会用途。传统上,与大多数其他用途类别相比,A 组用途的允许面积受到很大限制。不过,那些预计火灾荷载相对较低的集会用途可以在面积不受限制的建筑中使用,但必须符合规范规定的特殊条件。


Topic: High-Hazard Occupancies

Category: Building Heights and Areas

Reference: SBC 201-507.8 参考资料SBC 201-507.8

Subject: Unlimited Area Buildings

Code Text: 代码文本:

Group H-2, H-3 and H-4 occupancies shall be permitted in unlimited area buildings containing Group F or S occupancies, in accordance with Sections 507.4 and 507.5 and the provisions of Sections 507.8.1 through 507.8.4. The aggregate floor area of the Group H occupancies located in an unlimited area building shall not exceed 10 percent of the area of the building or the area limitations for the Group H occupancies as specified in Section 506, based upon the perimeter of each Group H floor area that fronts on a public way or open space. The aggregate floor area of Group H occupancies not located at the perimeter of the building shall not exceed 25 percent of the area limitations for the Group H occupancies as specified in Section 506.
根据第 507.4 节和第 507.5 节以及第 507.8.1 节至第 507.8.4 节的规定,在包含 F 组或 S 组用途的无限面积建筑物内,应允许有 H-2、H-3 和 H-4 组用途。位于无限面积建筑物内的 H 组场所的总楼面面积不得超过建筑物面积或第 506 节规定的 H 组场所面积限制的 10%,以每个 H 组楼面区域面向公共道路或空地的周长为基准。不位于建筑物周边的 H 类场所的总楼面面积不得超过第 506 节规定的 H 类场所面积限制的 25%。

Discussion and Commentary:

The aggregate allowable area of the permitted Group H occupancies in a factory or warehouse regulated as an unlimited area building is dependent on the type of construction of the building and the location of the Group H occupancies in the building.
在作为无限面积建筑物管理的工厂或仓库中,允许的 H 类用房的总允许面积取决于建筑物的建筑类型和 H 类用房在建筑物中的位置。


Topic: Horizontal Building Separation

Category: Building Heights and Areas

Reference: SBC 201-510.2 参考资料SBC 201-510.2

Subject: Special Provisions

Code Text: 代码文本:

A building shall be considered as separate and distinct buildings for the purpose of determining area limitations, continuity of fire walls, limitation of number of stories and type of construction where all of the following conditions are met: See the list of six criteria.

Discussion and Commentary:

The special provisions of Section 510 are intended to modify the specific requirements of Chapter 5 regarding allowable heights and areas of buildings. The allowances granted in Section 510.2 address those structures typically referred to as “podium” or “pedestal” buildings. Compliance with the multiple conditions results in consideration of the structure as two separate and distinct buildings for four distinct issues. Similar provisions are established in Sections 510.3, 510.4, 510.7 and 510.8 where complying horizontal separations, along with other requirements, permit modifications to the general allowable height and area limitations.
第 510 节的特殊规定旨在修改第 5 章中有关建筑物允许高度和面积的具体要求。第 510.2 节中的允许高度是针对那些通常被称为 "平台 "或 "基座 "建筑的结构。在满足多重条件的前提下,该建筑将被视为两座独立的建筑物,涉及四个不同的问题。第 510.3、510.4、510.7 和 510.8 条中也有类似规定,在符合水平分隔以及其他要求的情况下,允许对一般允许高度和面积限制进行修改。


Topic: Open Parking Garages

Category: Building Heights and Areas

Reference: SBC 201-510.7 参考资料SBC 201-510.7

Subject: Special Provisions

Code Text: 代码文本:

Open parking garages constructed under Groups A, I, B, M and R shall not exceed the height and area limitations permitted under Section 406.5. The height and area of the portion of the building above the open parking garage shall not exceed the limitations in Section 503 for the upper occupancy. The height, in both meters and stories, of the portion of the building above the open parking garage shall be measured from grade plane and shall include both the open parking garage and the portion of the building above the parking garage.
根据 A、I、B、M 和 R 组建造的露天停车库不得超过第 406.5 节规定的高度和面积限制。露天停车库上部建筑的高度和面积不得超过第 503 条对上部建筑的限制。露天停车库上方建筑部分的高度(米数和层数)应从地平面起算,并应包括露天停车库和停车库上方的建筑部分。

Discussion and Commentary:

In the more common types of occupancies, it is desirable at times to provide tiers of parking below the major use of the building. In this special mixed-use condition, two different types of construction are permitted for determining the maximum allowable height and area. This special allowance is just one of several special provisions established in Section 510 that modify the general requirements of the code.
在较常见的用途类型中,有时最好在建筑物主要用途的下方设置多层停车场。在这种特殊的混合用途条件下,允许采用两种不同类型的建筑来确定最大允许高度和面积。这一特殊规定只是第 510 条中修改规范一般要求的若干特殊规定之一。


Quiz 小测验

Study Session 4
SBC 201 Chapter 5
学习课 4 SBC 201 第 5 章

  1. 1.Premises must be identified by numbers or addresses visible from the street, with a minimum character height of at least ______________ mm.
    房舍必须用从街上可以看到的数字或地址来标识,字高至少为 ______________ 毫米。

    1. a.75 mm 75 毫米

    2. b.100 mm 100 毫米

    3. c.125 mm 125 毫米

    4. d.150 mm 150 毫米

    Answer 回答

    Answer: b 答案:b

    Reference: Sec. 501.2 参考资料第 501.2 节

  2. 2.Building height is measured to the __________.
    建筑高度测量至 __________。

    1. a.average height of the highest roof surface

    2. b.highest point of the highest roof surface

    3. c.average height of all of the roof surfaces

    4. d.highest point of the lowest roof surface

    Answer 回答

    Answer: a 答案:A

    Reference: Sec. 202 参考资料第 202 节

  3. 3.The tabular allowable height and building area per story for a fully-sprinklered Group I-2 occupancy of Type IB construction is ______________ stories and ___________ square meters.
    表中列出的 IB 类建筑的 I-2 组全层允许高度和每层允许建筑面积分别为 ______________ 层和 ___________ 平方米。

    1. a.4, 3700

    2. b.3, 5600

    3. c.5, unlimited 5, 无限制

    4. d.unlimited, unlimited 无限,无限

    Answer 回答

    Answer: c 答案:C

    Reference: Tables 504.4, 506.2
    参考:表 504.4、506.2

  4. 4.What is the tabular allowable height, in meters, for a nonsprinklered Group B occupancy of Type IIA construction?
    表中以米为单位列出的 IIA 类建筑 B 组非裙楼的允许高度是多少?

    1. a.12

    2. b.13

    3. c.16.5

    4. d.unlimited 无限

    Answer 回答

    Answer: c 答案:C

    Reference: Table 504.3 参考:表 504.3

  5. 5.Basements do not need to be included in the total allowable area of a single-occupancy building, provided the total area of such basements do not exceed __________.
    地下室不必包括在单人住建筑的总允许面积内,只要地下室的总面积不超过 __________。

    1. a.one-third the floor area permitted for any single story

    2. b.the area permitted for a one-story above grade plane building

    3. c.twice the area permitted for a single story

    4. d.the tabular area based on construction type and occupancy group

    Answer 回答

    Answer: b 答案:b

    Reference: Sec. 506.1.3 参见第 506.1.3 节:第 506.1.3 节

  6. 6.A story is considered a story above grade plane where the finished surface of the floor above is more than ______________ mm above grade plane.
    如果上层楼面的完工面高出地平面超过 ______________ 毫米,则视为高出地平面的楼层。

    1. a.1

    2. b.1.2

    3. c.1.5

    4. d.1.8

    Answer 回答

    Answer: d 答案:D

    Reference: Sec. 202 参考资料第 202 节

  7. 7.The maximum building area of a six-story single-occupancy building is limited to ______________ times the allowable area permitted per story.
    六层单人建筑的最大建筑面积限制为每层允许面积的 ______________ 倍。

    1. a.two

    2. b.three 

    3. c.four 

    4. d.six

    Answer 回答

    Answer: b 答案:b

    Reference: Sec. 506.2.3, Eq. 5-2
    参考:第 506.2.3 节,公式 5-2

  8. 8.What is the maximum allowable height in meters above grade plane for a fully sprinklered Type IIA building housing a Group A-2 occupancy?
    对于容纳 A-2 类住户的完全洒水的 IIA 类建筑,在地平面以上的最大允许高度(以米为单位)是多少?

    1. a.16.7 meters 16.7 米

    2. b.21.5 meters 21.5 米

    3. c.22.8 meters 22.8 米

    4. d.25.5 meters 25.5 米

    Answer 回答

    Answer: d 答案:D

    Reference: Table 504.3 参考:表 504.3

  9. 9.What is the maximum allowable number of stories above grade plane for a fullysprinklered IIIB building housing a Group I-2 occupancy?
    容纳 I-2 类住户的全喷洒式 IIIB 建筑在地平面以上的最高允许层数是多少?

    1. a.0, it is not permitted

    2. b.1

    3. c.2

    4. d.3

    Answer 回答

    Answer: a 答案:A

    Reference: Table 504.4 参考:表 504.4

  10. 10.Combustible steeples are limited to a maximum height of ______________ meters above the allowable building height.
    可燃尖塔的最高高度不得超过 ______________ 米。

    1. a.5

    2. b.6

    3. c.9

    4. d.10

    Answer 回答

    Answer: b 答案:b

    Reference: Sec. 504.3, Exc.
    参考文献第 504.3 节,Exc.

  11. 11.The area of a mezzanine is not to be included in the determination of the ______________.
    夹层的面积不计入 ______________。

    1. a.fire area 防火区

    2. b.building area 建筑面积

    3. c.occupant load 载客量

    4. d.plumbing fixture count 管道装置数量

    Answer 回答

    Answer: b 答案:b

    Reference: Sec. 505.2 参考资料第 505.2 节

  12. 12.A minimum clear height of ______________ is required above and below mezzanine floor construction.
    夹层建筑上下的净高至少要达到 ______________。

    1. a.1.5 meters 1.5 米

    2. b.2 meters 2 米

    3. c.2.2 meters 2.2 米

    4. d.2.5 meters 2.5 米

    Answer 回答

    Answer: b 答案:b

    Reference: Sec. 505.2 参考资料第 505.2 节

  13. 13.In general, the aggregate area of mezzanines within a room is limited to ______________of the area of the room in which the mezzanines are located.
    一般来说,房间内夹层的总面积不得超过夹层所在房间面积的 ______________。

    1. a.10 percent 10%

    2. b.25 percent 百分之二十五

    3. c.331/3 percent
      33 1 / 3 %

    4. d.50 percent 50%

    Answer 回答

    Answer: c 答案:C

    Reference: Sec. 505.2.1 参考文献第 505.2.1 节

  14. 14.Portions of a mezzanine need not be open to the room in which the mezzanine is located, provided the enclosed space is limited in size to a maximum of ______________ of the mezzanine area.
    夹层的一部分不必向夹层所在的房间开放,但封闭空间的大小不得超过夹层面积的 ______________。

    1. a.10 percent 10%

    2. b.25 percent 百分之二十五

    3. c.331/3 percent
      33 1 / 3 %

    4. d.50 percent 50%

    Answer 回答

    Answer: c 答案:C

    Reference: Sec. 505.2.3, Exc. c
    参考:第 505.2.3 节,exc.

  15. 15.A mezzanine is not required to be open to the room in which it is located where the occupant load of the enclosed space does not exceed ______________.
    如果密闭空间的居住负荷不超过 ______________,则不要求夹层向所在房间开放。

    1. a.10

    2. b.20

    3. c.30

    4. d.50

    Answer 回答

    Answer: a 答案:A

    Reference: Sec. 505.2.3, Exc. a
    参考:第 505.2.3 节,exc. a

  16. 16.An allowable area increase for frontage is not permitted where a maximum of ______________ of the building perimeter is sufficiently open.
    如果 ______________ 的建筑周边足够开阔,则不允许增加正面面积。

    1. a.10 percent 10%

    2. b.25 percent 百分之二十五

    3. c.331/3 percent
      33 1 / 3 %

    4. d.40 percent 40

    Answer 回答

    Answer: b 答案:b

    Reference: Sec. 506.3.1 参见第 506.3.1 节:第 506.3.1 节

  17. 17.In order to be considered as sufficiently open for an allowable area increase for frontage, the public way or open space must have a minimum width of ______________ meters.
    公共道路或开放空间必须至少有 ______________ 米宽,才能被视为足够开放,允许增加临街面积。

    1. a.3

    2. b.6

    3. c.8

    4. d.9

    Answer 回答

    Answer: b 答案:b

    Reference: Sec. 506.3.2 参见第 506.3.2 节:第 506.3.2 节

  18. 18.What is the maximum tabular height, in number of stories above grade plane, for a Group R-1 occupancy of Type IIB construction where the building is protected by an NFPA 13R sprinkler system?
    对于采用 IIB 型结构的 R-1 类建筑,如果建筑物受到 NFPA 13R 自动喷水灭火系统的保护,以楼层数计算,地面以上的最大高度是多少?

    1. a.3

    2. b.4

    3. c.5

    4. d.6

    Answer 回答

    Answer: b 答案:b

    Reference: Table 504.4 参考:表 504.4

  19. 19.What is the allowable building area factor for a nonsprinklered Type VB building housing a Group B occupancy?
    容纳 B 组住户的 VB 型非裙房建筑的允许建筑面积系数是多少?

    1. a.836 square meters 836 平方米

    2. b.3344 square meters 3344 平方米

    3. c.2508 square meters 2508 平方米

    4. d.3530 square meters 3530 平方米

    Answer 回答

    Answer: a 答案:A

    Reference: Table 506.2 参考:表 506.2

  20. 20.The maximum permitted aggregate area of mezzanines, per story, in a Type IIB building provided with a sprinkler system and an emergency voice/alarm communication system is __________ of the floor area of the room.
    在配有自动喷水灭火系统和紧急语音/警报通信系统的 IIB 类建筑中,每层夹层的最大允许总面积为房间建筑面积的 __________。

    1. a.one-third 三分之一

    2. b.50 percent 50%

    3. c.two-thirds 三分之二

    4. d.75 percent 75

    Answer 回答

    Answer: b 答案:b

    Reference: Sec. 505.2.1, Exc. b
    参考:第 505.2.1 节,exc. b

  21. 21.What is the maximum allowable number of stories above grade plane permitted for a Type IIIA building housing a Group R-2 occupancy that is provided with a 13R sprinkler system throughout?
    容纳 R-2 类住户的 IIIA 类建筑在整个楼层都配备 13R 自动喷水灭火系统的情况下,允许的最高楼层数是多少?

    1. a.2

    2. b.3

    3. c.4

    4. d.5

    Answer 回答

    Answer: c 答案:C

    Reference: Table 504.4 参考:表 504.4

  22. 22.In order for a Group E building to comply with the unlimited area allowances of Section 507, the building’s construction type cannot be Type ______________.
    为了使 E 组建筑符合第 507 条的无限面积规定,建筑的结构类型不能是 ______________ 型。

    1. a.IIA

    2. b.IIB

    3. c.IIIA

    4. d.IIIB

    Answer 回答

    Answer: d 答案:D

    Reference: Sec. 507.11 参考资料第 507.11 节

  23. 23.In order to reduce the required open space surrounding certain unlimited area buildings from 18 meters to 12 meters, walls facing the reduced open space shall have a minimum fire-resistance rating of ______________ .
    为了将某些不限面积建筑物周围所需的空地从 18 米减少到 12 米,面向减少的空地的墙壁的最低耐火等级应为 ______________。

    1. a.45 minutes 45 分钟

    2. b.1 hour 1 小时

    3. c.2 hours 2 小时

    4. d.3 hours 3 小时

    Answer 回答

    Answer: d 答案:D

    Reference: Sec. 507.2.1, b
    参考资料第 507.2.1 b 节

  24. 24.A complying Group H-2 aircraft paint hangar may be unlimited in floor area when limited to one story, provided the hangar is surrounded by yards or public ways having a minimum width of ______________.
    符合 H-2 类标准的飞机喷漆机库,如果仅限于一层,其建筑面积可以不受限制,但机库周围的院子或公共通道的宽度不得小于 ______________。

    1. a.12 meters 12 米

    2. b.18 meters 18 米

    3. c.twice the height of the hangar

    4. d.one and one-half times the height of the hangar

    Answer 回答

    Answer: d 答案:D

    Reference: Sec. 507.10 参考资料第 507.10 节

  25. 25. Where using the special provisions of Section 510.2 for the horizontal building separation allowance, the horizontal separation between buildings shall be provided with a horizontal assembly having a minimum ______________ fire-resistance rating.
    如果使用第 510.2 节的特殊规定作为建筑物水平分隔的余量,则建筑物之间的水平分隔应使用耐火等级至少为 ______________ 的水平组件。

    1. a.1-hour 1 小时

    2. b.2-hour 2 小时

    3. c.3-hour 3小时

    4. d.4-hour 4 小时

    Answer 回答

    Answer: d 答案:D

    Reference: Sec. 510.2, a 参考:第 510.2 节 a

  26. 26.What is the maximum allowable height permitted for a noncombustible communications tower located on the roof of a Type IIB office building?
    位于 IIB 类办公楼屋顶的不可燃通信塔的最大允许高度是多少?

    1. a.17 meters 17 米

    2. b.19 meters 19 米

    3. c.21 meters 21 米

    4. d.unlimited 无限

    Answer 回答

    Answer: d 答案:D

    Reference: Sec. 504.3, Exc.
    参考文献第 504.3 节,Exc.

  27. 27.In order for a Type IIIB office building to be considered for unlimited area under Section 507, it must be limited to a maximum height of ______________ .
    为了使 IIIB 型办公楼能够根据第 507 款的规定获得无限面积的考虑,其最大高度必须限制在 ______________。

    1. a.one story 单层

    2. b.two stories 两层

    3. c.15 meters 15 米

    4. d.12 meters 12 米

    Answer 回答

    Answer: b 答案:b

    Reference: Sec. 507.5 参考资料第 507.5 节

  28. 28.A one-story Group A-3 gymnasium building of Type IIIA construction may be considered under the unlimited area provisions, provided the gymnasium floor is located a maximum of ______________ above or below grade level.
    根据不限面积的规定,IIIA 类建筑的单层 A-3 组体育馆建筑可以考虑,条件是体育馆地板位于地 面以上或以下最多 ______________。

    1. a.525 mm 525 毫米

    2. b.545 mm 545 毫米

    3. c.760 mm 760 毫米

    4. d.1200 mm 1200 毫米

    Answer 回答

    Answer: a 答案:A

    Reference: Sec. 507.7, c 参考资料第 507.7 节 c

  29. 29.A Group H-3 storage room located within a 9290-square meter unlimited area manufacturing building of Type IIB construction is limited to______________ square meters where not located on the building’s perimeter.
    位于 9290 平方米无限面积的 IIB 类制造建筑内的 H-3 组储藏室,如不位于建筑外围,其面积仅限于 ______________ 平方米。

    1. a.290

    2. b.325

    3. c.1160

    4. d.1300

    Answer 回答

    Answer: b 答案:b

    Reference: Sec. 507.8.1.1, Table 506.2
    参见第 507.8.1.1 节,表 506.2:第 507.8.1.1 节,表 506.2

  30. 30. A nine-story apartment building of Type IIA construction, where permitted, shall be located a minimum of ______________ meters from any other building on the lot and from all lot lines.
    在允许的情况下,IIA 类建筑的九层公寓楼应与地块上的任何其他建筑和所有地块界线相距至少 ______________ 米。

    1. a.3

    2. b.9

    3. c.15

    4. d.18

    Answer 回答

    Answer: c 答案:C

    Reference: Sec. 510.6 参考资料第 510.6 节

  31. 31. In buildings of Type I or II construction housing special industrial occupancies in accordance with Section 503.1.1, the aggregate floor area of mezzanines is limited to a maximum of ______________ of the area of the room in which they are located.
    根据第 503.1.1 节的规定,在容纳特殊工业用地的 I 类或 II 类建筑中,夹层的总面积最多不得超过所在房间面积的 ______________。

    1. a.1/4  1 / 4

    2. b.1/3  1 / 3

    3. c.1/2  1 / 2

    4. d.2/3  2 / 3

    Answer 回答

    Answer: d 答案:D

    Reference: Sec. 505.2.1, Exc. 1
    参考文献第 505.2.1 节,Exc. 1

  32. 32.Where the aggregate area of all equipment platforms within a room is limited to a maximum of ______________ of the area of the room in which they are located, the equipment platforms shall not be considered a portion of the floor below.
    如果房间内所有设备平台的总面积最多不超过所在房间面积的 ______________,则不应将设备平台视为下面楼层的一部分。

    1. a.1/4  1 / 4

    2. b.1/3  1 / 3

    3. c.1/2  1 / 2

    4. d.2/3  2 / 3

    Answer 回答

    Answer: d 答案:D

    Reference: Sec. 505.3.1 参考文献第 505.3.1 节

  33. 33.The area of a complying covered mall building and any anchor stores is not limited where their maximum height is ______________ stories.
    在最大高度为 ______________ 层的情况下,符合规定的有顶购物中心建筑和任何主力店的面积不受限制。

    1. a.2

    2. b.3

    3. c.4

    4. d.5

    Answer 回答

    Answer: b 答案:b

    Reference: Sec. 507.13 参考资料第 507.13 节

  34. 34.A Group E building of unlimited area shall be surrounded and adjoined by public ways and yards a minimum of ______________ meters in width.
    面积不限的 E 组建筑应由公共道路和庭院环绕和毗连,公共道路和庭院的宽度至少为 ______________ 米。

    1. a.9

    2. b.12

    3. c.18

    4. d.22

    Answer 回答

    Answer: c 答案:C

    Reference: Sec. 507.11, c
    参考资料第 507.11 节 c

  35. 35.What is the maximum allowable building height in meters above grade plane for a nonsprinklered IIIB building housing a Group B occupancy?
    对于容纳 B 组住户的不设裙楼的 IIIB 类建筑,允许的最高建筑高度(米)是多少?

    1. a.16.5 meters 16.5 米

    2. b.19.5 meters 19.5 米

    3. c.22.5 meters 22.5 米

    4. d.24.5 meters 24.5 米

    Answer 回答

    Answer: a 答案:A

    Reference: Table 504.3 参考:表 504.3

  36. 36. A building that is required to be protected by an automatic sprinkler system and has an industrial equipment platform with a width of 1500 mm shall be fully protected by sprinklers located:
    要求使用自动喷水灭火系统保护的建筑物,如果有宽度为 1500 毫米的工业设备平台,则应使用喷水灭火装置对其进行全面保护:

    1. a.only above the platform. 仅高于平台。

    2. b.only below the platform. 仅在平台下方。

    3. c.on all sides of the platform.

    4. d.above and below the platform.

    Answer 回答

    Answer: d 答案:D

    Reference: Sec. 505.3.2 参考文献第 505.3.2 节

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