function is used in the activation of neurons. Quick back propagation learning algorithm was used for training the ANN. Maximum 5000 iterations were performed for each input set. When the system reach to the minimum error rate which defined by the user, the iterations will be stopped. The defined minimum error rate for this application is 0,001. Only one of the input images was used for testing the system, the rest was performed in training phase. The iteration-MSE graphics of best results for each character data set are shown in Fig 6. The training reaches the minimum error rate in 4457 iterations for the numbers and 1180 iterations for the letters.
功能用于神经元的激活。采用快速反向传播学习算法对ANN进行训练,每个输入集最多进行5000次迭代。当系统达到用户定义的最小错误率时,迭代将停止。此应用程序定义的最小错误率为 0,001。只有一个输入图像用于测试系统,其余的在训练阶段执行。图 6 显示了每个字符数据集的最佳结果的迭代 MSE 图形。训练在数字的 4457 次迭代和字母的 1180 次迭代中达到最小错误率。
Fig. 6. MSE – Iterations graphics of the training process
图 6.MSE – 训练过程的迭代图形
The success rates for the plate region localization (PRL), character segmentation (CS) and character recognition (CR) stages of the proposed system are given in Table 2. As a result, 247 license plates in 259 vehicle image were recognized correctly in this work, so the overall recognition percentage of the system is 95,36%.
Table 2. The success rates of the proposed automatic license plate recognition system.
表 2.所提出的自动车牌识别系统的成功率。
Stage 阶段 | Number of Samples 样本数量 | Number of Correct Results 正确结果的数量 | Success Rate (%) 成功率(%) |
PRL | 259 | 255 | 98,45 |
CS | 255 | 252 | 98,82 |
CR | 347 (Letters) + 1022 (Numbers) 347(字母)+ 1022(数字) | 344 (Letters) + 1000 (Numbers) 344(字母)+ 1000(数字) | 98,17 |
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