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Across the globe, data centers are stacked to the ceiling with shelf after shelf of humming servers. The collective number of operating CPUs is taking a toll on data centers’ energy bills, but the real culprit driving up the facilities’ energy costs may actually be their thermostats.
在全球範圍內,資料中心的天花板上堆滿了一架子又一架子嗡嗡作響的伺服器。大量運行的 CPU 正在對資料中心的能源帳單造成影響,但實際上,導致資料中心能源成本上升的真正罪魁禍首可能是它們的恆溫器。

Like humans, computers work best in a small temperature window roughly between 18 °C and 27 °C, with the sweet spot being about 24 °C. Data centers are on track to require an estimated 848 terawatt-hours by 2030, and up to 40 percent of that total will go toward cooling alone.
與人類一樣,電腦的最佳工作溫度大約在 18 °C到27 °C之間,最佳溫度約為24 °C。據估計,到 2030 年,資料中心將需要 848 太瓦時的電力,其中高達 40% 的電力將用於製冷。

Small improvements in energy consumption can be eked out by improving server operation efficiency. However, some experts believe that drastically changing how data centers are kept cool—or even, warm—may be the solution.

A paper published on 18 October in Cell Reports Physical Science and another presented at the 2022 International Electron Devices Meeting conference present two very different visions: One in which data centers are kept at a sweat-inducing 41 °C, and another in which they’re cooled down to an inhospitable 100 kelvins (roughly -173 °C), respectively.
10月18日發表在《細胞報告物理科學》(Cell Reports Physical Science)上的一篇論文和在2022年國際電子器件會議(International Electron Devices Meeting)上發表的另一篇論文提出了兩種截然不同的設想:一種是將資料中心的溫度保持在讓人出汗的41 °C,另一種則是將資料中心的溫度降到令人難以忍受的100 kelvins(大約-173 °C)。

The Case for Cryogenic Cooling

Arnout Beckers and Alexander Grill are coauthors on the cryogenic cooling paper. Beckers is an engineer and Grill is a researcher, both at Belgian nanoelectronics and digital technologies company Imec. They explain that cryogenically cooling a data center would not mean turning the whole building into an ice cube. Instead, the idea makes use of extremely cold and nonconductive liquids, like liquid nitrogen, to cool server systems by immersing them in the liquid.
Arnout Beckers 和 Alexander Grill 是低溫冷卻論文的共同作者。貝克斯是工程師,格里爾是研究員,兩人都在比利時奈米電子和數位技術公司 Imec 工作。他們解釋說,低溫冷卻資料中心並不意味著把整棟大樓變成冰塊。相反,這個想法是利用液態氮等極冷且不導電的液體,將伺服器系統浸入液體中進行冷卻。

“The main difference is in the cooling with liquids instead of air,” Beckers and Grill write in a joint email response. “Liquid-immersion cooling is already a trend coming to data centers, but with liquids above ambient temperature.”
"主要區別在於使用液體而不是空氣冷卻,"Beckers 和 Grill 在聯合電子郵件回覆中寫道。 "浸液冷卻已成為資料中心的趨勢,但使用的是高於環境溫度的液體"。

At these extremely cold temperatures, computing systems can see increases in efficiency as a result of reducing obstacles like mechanical resistance and transistor switching. Yet Beckers and Grill say that cooler isn’t always better. For example, cooling these classical servers down to the temperatures needed for quantum computers (1 kelvin or -272 °C) wouldn’t make the computers hyperefficient.
在這種極低的溫度下,由於減少了機械電阻和電晶體開關等障礙,計算系統的效率得以提高。然而,貝克斯和格里爾表示,低溫並不總是更好。例如,將這些經典伺服器冷卻到量子電腦所需的溫度(1開爾文或-272 °C)並不會使電腦效率過高。

By bringing servers’ temperatures down through cryogenic cooling, Beckers, Grill, and their coauthors argue that data centers could see a 16-fold increase in computational performance—partially offset by a 4-fold increase in the energy used to power the cooling system.
貝克斯、格里爾和他們的合作者認為,透過低溫冷卻降低伺服器的溫度,資料中心的運算效能可以提高16 倍,但冷卻系統的能耗卻增加了4 倍,這部分抵消了運算效能的提高。

“In a cold data center, most of the energy will go to the cooling, and only a small fraction will be for compute. The aim is to lower the compute energy as much as possible to maximize the net benefit,” Beckers and Grill write.
"在冷資料中心,大部分能源將用於冷卻,只有一小部分用於計算。我們的目標是盡可能降低計算能耗,使淨效益最大化,"Beckers 和 Grill 寫道。

The Case for Warm Data Centers

Rakshith Saligram is a graduate student in electrical and computer engineering at the Georgia Institute of Technology whose research focuses on cryogenic computing. He says that while work toward cryogenic server cooling has gained traction in recent years, it still faces many practical challenges, including prohibitive costs to transform the cooling systems and the introduction of new points of failure in the systems.
拉克希思-薩利格拉姆(Rakshith Saligram)是佐治亞理工學院電子與電腦工程專業的研究生,他的研究重點是低溫計算。他說,雖然近年來低溫伺服器冷卻的工作取得了進展,但仍面臨許多實際挑戰,包括改造冷卻系統的成本過高,以及在系統中引入新的故障點。

With those challenges in mind, perhaps a warmer data center is the solution. This is the argument that Shengwei Wang, director of the Research Institute for Smart Energy at the Hong Kong Polytechnic University, and his coauthors make in their Cell Reports Physical Science paper on the global energy saving potential of warming up data centers.

Wang and his colleagues evaluated ongoing research on raising the temperature of data centers and found that allowing temperatures to reach 41 °C could result in an energy savings of 56 percent globally. Unlike cryogenic cooling, which aims to reduce energy costs by improving compute efficiency, warm data centers would instead reduce energy costs by reducing the overall use of “chiller cooling,” such as air conditioning, in favor of “free cooling” from ambient external air.
Wang和他的同事評估了正在進行的有關提高資料中心溫度的研究,發現讓溫度達到41 °C可以在全球範圍內節省56%的能源。低溫冷卻的目的是透過提高運算效率來降低能源成本,而暖資料中心則不同,它將透過減少空調等"冷卻器冷卻"的整體使用,轉而使用外部環境空氣的"自由冷卻"來降低能源成本。

Essentially, raising the internal temperature of the data center creates a smaller difference between internal and external temperatures, and thus requires less active cooling to maintain the internal temperature.

Even though servers have traditionally been kept cool, Wang says that advances in material and server technology mean this isn’t necessarily the case anymore. In their paper, Wang and his colleagues cite server-performance guidelines from the American Society of Heating, Refrigeration and Air-Conditioning Engineers (ASHRAE) that already recommend operating temperatures up to 45 °C for newer classes of data processors.
儘管伺服器在傳統上一直保持低溫,但 Wang 說,材料和伺服器技術的進步意味著情況不一定是這樣了。在論文中,Wang 和他的同事引用了美國暖氣、冷氣和空調工程師協會(ASHRAE)的伺服器效能指南,該指南已經建議較新等級的資料處理器工作溫度最高可達 45 °C。

However, several things still need to go right for this warm data center future to come to fruition, such as the widespread proliferation of microprocessors and transistors that can handle warmer temperatures. Even then, these systems may face physical obstacles, says Benjamin Lee, a professor of electrical and systems engineering at the University of Pennsylvania who has previously written about data centers for IEEE Spectrum.
不過,要實現資料中心溫暖的未來,還需要做好幾件事,例如能夠承受較高溫度的微處理器和電晶體的廣泛普及。賓州大學電機與系統工程教授班傑明李(Benjamin Lee)曾為《IEEE Spectrum》撰寫過資料中心的文章,他表示,即便如此,這些系統仍可能面臨物理障礙。

“Microprocessors and their transistors could be designed to operate at higher temperatures, but their performance may suffer,” Lee says. “Current leakage increases with temperature, which means a microprocessor operating at higher temperatures will use more power to compute the same answer. Transistors could be tuned to control leakage better, but those solutions may harm transistor performance, causing the microprocessor to compute more slowly.”
"微處理器及其電晶體可以設計在更高的溫度下運行,但其性能可能會受到影響,"Lee 說。 "漏電流會隨溫度升高而增加,這意味著微處理器在更高溫度下工作時,計算相同的答案需要消耗更多的功率。可以對晶體管進行調整,以便更好地控制洩漏,但這些解決方案可能會損害電晶體的效能,導致微處理器的計算速度更慢。

Ultimately, Lee says that both warm and cryogenically cooled data centers could have their own benefits and downsides. The ultimate winner will come down to the balance of cost to performance as well as each data center’s threshold for risk.
最終,Lee 表示,溫冷資料中心和低溫冷卻資料中心各有利弊。最終的勝者將取決於成本與效能之間的平衡,以及每個資料中心的風險閾值。

“Warm data centers represent an incremental optimization and improvement beyond the current state of the art [while] cryogenic cooled data centers represent a more expensive, speculative solution,” Lee says. “Warm data centers reduce the costs of cooling without much impacting performance. Cryogenic data centers significantly increase the costs of cooling with the goal of improving performance by even more.”
"Lee說:"暖資料中心代表了在現有技術水平上的逐步優化和改進,而低溫冷卻資料中心則代表了一種更昂貴的投機性解決方案。 "暖溫資料中心降低了冷卻成本,但對效能影響不大。低溫資料中心大大增加了冷卻成本,但目標是提高更多的效能。

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Anjan Saha
Anjan Saha 安詹-薩哈18 Nov, 2023 2023 年 11 月 18 日

More than 90% of Electrical energy used for Servers in Data centres are dissipated as Heat energy. Servers
資料中心伺服器所用電能的 90% 以上都以熱能形式耗散。伺服器

are as good as Electrical

Heater. We need precision AC to cool Data centres Server room with controlled humidity. At high temperatures semiconductor circuits will create thermally generated noise and can not function.

We Need to Decarbonize Software

The green software movement is tackling the hidden environmental impact of today’s code

8 min read

RINA DIANE CABALLAR 2024年3月23日 8分鐘閱讀
An illustration of laptop with flowers coming out of the screen.
Elias Stein  埃利亞斯-斯泰因

Software may be eating the world, but it is also heating it.

In December 2023, representatives from nearly 200 countries gathered in Dubai for COP28, the U.N.’s climate-change conference, to discuss the urgent need to lower emissions. Meanwhile, COP28’s website produced 3.69 grams of carbon dioxide (CO2) per page load, according to the website sustainability scoring tool Ecograder. That appears to be a tiny amount, but if the site gets 10,000 views each month for a year, its emissions would be a little over that of a one-way flight from San Francisco to Toronto.
2023 年 12 月,來自近 200 個國家的代表齊聚杜拜,參加聯合國氣候變遷大會 COP28,討論降低排放的迫切性。同時,根據網站永續發展評分工具Ecograder的數據,COP28的網站每次頁面載入產生3.69克二氧化碳(CO 2 )。這似乎是一個很小的數字,但如果該網站每月的瀏覽量為 1 萬次,持續一年,其排放量將略高於從舊金山飛往多倫多的單程航班的排放量。

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Lord Kelvin and His Analog Computer

This tide-predicting machine was one of many advances he made to maritime tech

6 min read

allison marsh 19 小時前 6 分鐘閱讀
Photo of a brass and wood apparatus with multiple dials, cylinders of paper, and a crank on the side.

William Thomson’s ingenious tide-predicting machine could plot a year's worth of tides in just four hours.

Science Museum Group

威廉-湯姆森(William Thomson)獨創的潮汐預測機可以在短短四小時內預測出一年的潮汐。科學博物館集團
lord kelvin maritime technology past forward scientific instruments tide prediction transatlantic cable type:departments analog computing
開爾文勳爵 海洋技術 過去向前 科學儀器 潮汐預測 跨大西洋電纜 模擬計算

In 1870, William Thomson, mourning the death of his wife and flush with cash from various patents related to the laying of the first transatlantic telegraph cable, decided to buy a yacht. His schooner, the Lalla Rookh, became Thomson’s summer home and his base for hosting scientific parties. It also gave him firsthand experience with the challenge of accurately predicting tides.
1870 年,威廉湯姆森(William Thomson)因妻子去世而悲痛欲絕,又因鋪設第一條跨大西洋電報電纜而獲得了多項專利,因此他決定購買一艘遊艇。他的雙桅帆船 "Lalla Rookh "號成為了湯姆森的避暑勝地和舉辦科學聚會的基地。這也讓他親身經歷了準確預測潮汐的挑戰。

Mariners have always been mindful of the tides lest they find themselves beached on low-lying shoals. Naval admirals guarded tide charts as top-secret information. Civilizations recognized a relationship between the tides and the moon early on, but it wasn’t until 1687 that Isaac Newton explained how the gravitational forces of the sun and the moon caused them. Nine decades later, the French astronomer and mathematician Pierre-Simon Laplace suggested that the tides could be represented as harmonic oscillations. And a century after that, Thomson used that concept to design the first machine for predicting them.
海員們一直都很注意潮汐,以免發現自己被擱淺在低窪的淺灘上。海軍將領將潮汐圖視為絕密訊息。人類很早就認識到潮汐與月亮之間的關係,但直到 1687 年,艾薩克-牛頓才解釋了太陽和月亮的引力是如何導致潮汐的。九十年後,​​法國天文學家和數學家皮耶-西蒙-拉普拉斯提出,潮汐可以用諧波振盪來表示。一個世紀後,湯姆森利用這個概念設計了第一台預測潮汐的機器。

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The Future of Fully Homomorphic Encryption

NYU Tandon researchers are developing specialized hardware accelerators for enabling computation on encrypted data

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紐約坦登工程學院 01 Nov 2023 5 min read
The Future of Fully Homomorphic Encryption
NYU Tandon School of Engineering

This sponsored article is brought to you by NYU Tandon School of Engineering.

In our digital age, where information flows seamlessly through the vast network of the internet, the importance of encrypted data cannot be overstated. As we share, communicate, and store an increasing amount of sensitive information online, the need to safeguard it from prying eyes and malicious actors becomes paramount. Encryption serves as the digital guardian, placing our data in a lockbox of algorithms that only those with the proper key can unlock.

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Fast-Track Your Sensor Research: Essential Tools for Accelerated Testing

Learn about essential tools for controlling and rapidly testing your sensor

1 min read

蘇黎世文書 2024 年 4 月 3 日 1 分鐘閱讀

A sensor generates an electrical signal that depends on the physical quantity we aim to measure. Achieving the desired performance is an iterative process that begins with finding suitable materials, sensing methods, and control parameters. A complete toolset to characterize the prototype with efficient workflows is crucial to keep up with the project timelines. In this webinar, Kıvanç Esat and Jim Phillips present the measurement requirements, discuss the essential tools, and explain best practices with examples to accelerate your testing.
感測器產生的電訊號取決於我們要測量的物理量。實現理想的性能是一個反覆的過程,首先要找到合適的材料、感測方法和控制參數。要跟上專案的時間進度,就必須有一套完整的工具來表徵具有高效工作流程的原型。在本次網路研討會中,Kıvanç Esat 和 Jim Phillips 將介紹測量要求,討論基本工具,並以實例說明最佳實踐,以加快測試速度。

You will learn: 您將學到

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IEEE President’s Note: Amplifying IEEE's Reach
IEEE 主席致詞:擴大 IEEE 的影響力

Exploring diverse and unique opportunities to raise our name recognition

4 min read

湯姆-庫克林 2024年6月1日 4分鐘閱讀
Photo of a smiling man in a blue suit on a blue background.
IEEE  電氣和電子工程師學會
ieee member news ieee presidents column
IEEE 會員新聞 IEEE 主席專欄

In my March column, I discussed the need for IEEE to increase its retention of younger members and its engagement with industry. Another one of my priorities is to increase the organization’s outreach to the broader public. I want people to know who we are and what we do.
在三月的專欄中,我討論了 IEEE 留住更多年輕會員以及與業界合作的必要性。我的另一個優先事項是加強本組織與廣大民眾的聯繫。我希望人們知道我們是誰,我們在做什麼。

To tell the story of IEEE is to share the impact our members, products, and services make around the globe. Did you know the top 50 patenting organizations worldwide cite IEEE publications three times more than those of any other publisher? And that IEEE publishes three of the top five publications on artificial intelligence, automation and control systems, and computer hardware and software? And that IEEE has an active portfolio of more than 1,100 standards in areas including the Internet, the metaverse, blockchain, sustainable and ethical design, and age-appropriate design for children’s digital services? I bet you didn’t know that IEEE members file more than 140,000 patents yearly and have won 21 Nobel Prizes thus far.
講述 IEEE 的故事就是分享我們的會員、產品和服務在全球所產生的影響。您知道全球排名前 50 位的專利組織引用 IEEE 出版物的次數是其他任何出版商的三倍嗎?在人工智慧、自動化和控制系統以及電腦硬體和軟體領域排名前五的出版物中,IEEE 出版了其中三份? IEEE在互聯網、元宇宙、區塊鏈、永續和道德設計以及兒童數位服務的適齡設計等領域擁有超過1100項標準的活躍產品組合?我敢打賭,你一定不知道 IEEE 會員每年申請的專利超過 14 萬項,迄今已獲得 21 項諾貝爾獎。

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Space-based Solar Power: A Great Idea Whose Time May Never Come

Space-based solar power started as sci-fi. And it still is

2 min read

Harry Goldstein 2024年6月1日 2分鐘閱讀
Space-based Solar Power: A Great Idea Whose Time May Never Come
energy solar space solar robotics science fiction space-based solar
能源 太陽能 太空 太陽能 機器人 科幻小說 天基太陽能

The scene: A space-based solar power station called the Converter being commissioned some time in the Future. The characters: Two astronauts, Powell and Donovan, and a robot named QT-1 (“Cutie” to its human friends). The plot: The astronauts are training Cutie to take over the station’s operations, which involve collecting solar energy in space and then directing it as intense beams of microwaves down to Earth.
場景未來某時,一座名為 "轉換器 "的太空太陽能發電廠投入使用。人物兩名太空人鮑威爾和多諾萬,以及一個名叫 QT-1 的機器人(人類朋友稱之為 "小可愛")。劇情太空人正在訓練 "小可愛 "接管太空站的工作,包括在太空中收集太陽能,然後將其轉化為強烈的微波束發射到地球。

This is the backdrop for Isaac Asimov’s 1941 short story “Reason.” Most of the story centers around Asimov’s Three Laws of Robotics and the humans’ relationship with the robot. But the station itself is worth a second look. It’s pretty clear Asimov had no idea how a system like the Converter would actually work, except in the most basic terms. Here’s how Powell tries to explain it to Cutie:
這就是艾薩克-阿西莫夫 1941 年的短篇小說《理性》的背景。故事的大部分內容都圍繞著阿西莫夫的 "機器人三定律 "以及人類與機器人的關係。但太空站本身也值得再看一次。很明顯,除了最基本的術語之外,阿西莫夫根本不知道像 "轉換器 "這樣的系統實際上是如何工作的。以下是鮑威爾試圖向 ​​"小可愛 "解釋的過程:

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Exploring Sydney’s Deep Tech Ecosystem

With a vibrant startup ecosystem, Sydney emerges as an ideal hub for unveiling and developing deep tech innovations

4 min read

雪梨 2023 年 10 月 22 日 4 分鐘閱讀
Aerial view of buildings with green rooftops in Sydney, Australia.

Tech Central is a vibrant innovation and technology district in the heart of Sydney.

Atlassian HQ/SHoP Architects


This sponsored article is brought to you by BESydney.
本文由 BESydney 贊助。

In the dynamic landscape of Australian technology, market advancements are often attributed to consumer-focused products like Canva and Afterpay. Capturing headlines and attention with their renowned success stories, these, along with other global companies like Atlassian, Facebook, and Apple, have become the face of the tech industry.
在澳洲充滿活力的科技領域,市場的進步往往歸功於以消費者為中心的產品,如 Canva 和 Afterpay。它們與 Atlassian、Facebook 和蘋果等其他全球性公司一起,以其著名的成功故事吸引了頭條新聞和關注,成為科技業的代言人。

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How One Technology Precinct Is Attracting the World's Most Progressive Innovators

Sydney's Tech Central is redefining how large tech companies, startups, and academic institutions can work together to drive global change

1 min read

雪梨 2023 年 10 月 13 日 1 分鐘閱讀

Home to Atlassian, Canva and Afterpay and ranked #1 tech startup ecosystem in the southern hemisphere, Sydney’s Tech Central is redefining how large tech companies, startups, and academic institutions can work together to drive global change.
雪梨科技中心是 Atlassian、Canva 和 Afterpay 的總部所在地,也是南半球排名第一的科技新創公司生態系統,它正在重新定義大型科技公司、新創公司和學術機構如何合作推動全球變革。

Download tech & innovation ebook to learn more

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AI and DEI Spotlighted at IEEE’s Futurist Summit
IEEE 未來學家高峰會聚焦人工智慧和 DEI

It also celebrated Internet pioneer Bob Kahn and other technologists

6 min read

喬安娜-古德里奇 2024 年 5 月 31 日 6 分鐘閱讀
group of people standing for a portrait on a stage with a large projected screen behind them that reads “IEEE 2024 Honors Ceremony”

Those who developed technologies that changed people’s lives were recognized at the 2024 Honor Ceremony in Boston.

Robb Cohen Photography & Video

在波士頓舉行的 2024 年榮譽典禮上,那些開發出改變人們生活的技術的人受到了表彰。羅伯-科恩攝影與攝影
ieee news ieee awards ieee honors ceremony gps internet
國際電子工程師學會新聞 國際電子工程師學會獎項 國際電子工程師學會榮譽典禮 GPS 互聯網

This year’s IEEE Vision, Innovation, and Challenges Summit and Honors Ceremony, held on 2 and 3 May in Boston, celebrated pioneers in engineering who have developed technologies that changed people’s lives, such as the Internet and GPS. The event also included a trip to the headquarters of cloud service provider Akamai Technologies.
今年的電氣和電子工程師學會(IEEE)願景、創新和挑戰高峰會暨頒獎典禮於5月2日和3日在波士頓舉行,旨在表彰那些開發出互聯網和全球定位系統等改變人們生活的技術的工程界先驅。活動還包括參觀雲端服務供應商 Akamai Technologies 的總部。

Here are highlights of the sessions, which are available on IEEE.tv.
以下是會議的要點,可在 IEEE.tv 上觀看。

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