Abstract 抽象的

In this double-blind, placebo-controlled smoking cessation treatment study, 608 participants were randomly assigned to receive active bupropion and active 4-mg gum (AA, n=228), active bupropion and placebo gum (AP, n=224), or placebo bupropion and placebo gum (PP, n=156). Relative to the PP group, the AA and AP groups were each significantly more likely to be abstinent at 1 week, end of treatment, and 6 months but not at 12 months postquit. After the first week postquit there were no differences in abstinence rates between the AA and AP groups. We found no significant individual difference variables that moderated outcome beyond 1 week postquit.
在这项双盲、安慰剂对照戒烟治疗研究中,608 名参与者被随机分配接受活性安非他酮和活性 4 毫克口香糖(AA,n=228)、活性安非他酮和安慰剂口香糖(AP,n=224),或安慰剂安非他酮和安慰剂口香糖(PP,n=156)。相对于 PP 组,AA 组和 AP 组在治疗结束 1 周和 6 个月时戒烟的可能性明显更高,但在戒烟后 12 个月时则不然。戒烟后第一周后,AA 组和 AP 组之间的戒断率没有差异。我们发现没有显着的个体差异变量可以调节戒烟后 1 周后的结果。

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