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Sichuan International Studies University

The 6th College English Project Competition
6 th 大学英语项目竞赛

Survey Report

Title Sex Differences in Consumption Habits of College Students
标题: 大学生消费习惯的性别差异

College: School of Education

Class Class 2 Grade 2018
班级: 2018 级 2 班

StudentsLu Man, Fu Yujiao, Chen Mengjie, Zhu Yijun, Guo Xinyan,

Hu Youzhi

Tutor Xiang Rong
导师: 向荣

Date March 27, 2020
日期: 2020 年 3 月 27 日

Department of College Foreign Language Teaching, SISU


Table of Contents

I. Executive Summary1
I.执行摘要 1

II. Background and Objectives1
II.背景与目标 1

III. Methodology2
III.方法 2

1. Survey Respondents.............................................................................................2
1. 调查对象.............................................................................................2

2. Survey Method......................................................................................................2

IV. Result......................................................................................................................2
IV.结果 ......................................................................................................................

1. Differences in Consumption Status2
1.消费状况的差异 2

2. Differences in Consumer Behaviors4
2.消费者行为的差异 4

3. Differences in Consumer Psychology 7
3.消费者心理的差异 7

V. Conclusion and Recommendation9
V.结论和建议 9

VI. Reference9
VI.参考资料 9

附录 11

Sex Differences in Consumption Habits of College Students

Executive Summary

In order to have a deeper understanding of the differences in consumption habits between male and female college students, we conducted an online questionnaire survey, and 335 college students from all over the country were surveyed. The questionnaire consists of three parts: basic information”“consumption habits, which includes the consumption status, consumer behavior, and consumer psychology, and feedback and suggestions. In terms of research method, we mainly use quantitative analysis method, qualitative analysis method and so on.
为了深入了解男女大学生消费习惯的差异,我们进行了一次在线问卷调查,来自全国各地的 335 名大学生接受了调查。问卷由三部分组成:"基本信息""消费习惯",包括消费现状、消费行为和消费心理;"反馈与建议"。在研究方法上,主要采用定量分析法、定性分析法等。

The results show that there are significant differences in consumption habits between male and female college students, and there are some problems with their consumption. College educators can refer to the results of this study, combine family education, and take targeted measures to actively guide college students to develop good consumption habits and conduct reasonable consumption.

Keywords: college students; male and female, consumption habits; difference.

Background and Objectives

Investigation Background

With the development of economy, people's living standard has been improved continuously, and consumption concept and consumption mode have also changed a lot. Most college students are not independent in economy, their daily consumption expenditure comes from their parents, and because of their younger age and less social experience, they have not formed rational consumption concept, and are easy to make irrational consumption. According to Wan Fang database statistics, at present, there are 1,234 papers on the study of college students' consumption, of which only 41 papers are about the difference between male and female college students' consumption. But with the rising popularity of online shopping and online payment, the changes of students consumption happen every day. So we made this research to learn how our college students spend their monthly allowance at the Internet age.
随着经济的发展,人们的生活水平不断提高,消费观念和消费方式也发生了很大的变化。大学生大多经济不独立,日常消费支出来源于父母,且由于年龄较小,社会阅历较少,没有形成理性的消费观念,容易进行非理性消费。据万方数据库统计,目前关于大学生消费研究的论文有 1234 篇,其中关于男女大学生消费差异的论文只有 41 篇。但随着网上购物和网上支付的普及,大学生消费的变化每天都在发生。因此,我们做了这项研究,以了解网络时代大学生每月零花钱的消费情况。

This paper studies the consumption habits of the undergraduates by means of the online questionnaire survey.

Objectives of the Survey

In order to make clear of the differences in consumption between male and female college students, understand the daily consumption of college students and analyze their consumption composition, and discover the problems, we determine to carry out the social practice of making a survey on the consumption of college students in the form of questionnaires. Trough the questionnaire focusing on the consumption status, consumption behavior, and consumption psychology of male and female college students, we hope to find out the differences between male and female students and have a deeper understanding of the reasons rooted in such difference, thus providing some constructive suggestions for our students to use their money rationally.


1. Survey Respondents

The main purpose of this survey is to study the consumption habits of college students, so we choose to conduct the survey in the colleges. The survey adopts a random sample of the entire group, and the age range is about 18 to 22 years old. We have received 335 valid questionnaires (171 females and 164 males). In order to protect the privacy of respondents, the survey is conducted anonymously.
本次调查的主要目的是研究大学生的消费习惯,因此我们选择在高校进行调查。调查采用全组随机抽样的方式,年龄范围约为 18 至 22 岁。我们共收到有效问卷 335 份(女性 171 份,男性 164 份)。为了保护受访者的隐私,本次调查以匿名方式进行。

2. Survey Method

We take the questionnaire survey method to carry out our research. For convenience of collecting the data, we created the questionnaire through So.jump.com, and generated a QR code of the online questionnaire. The subjects scanned the QR code, and answered the questions anomalously. We can see the respondents' answers from the background of the So.jump.com for classification and analysis.
我们采用问卷调查法开展研究。为方便收集数据,我们通过 So.jump.com 创建了问卷,并生成了在线问卷的二维码。受试者扫描二维码,并异常地回答问题。我们可以从 So.jump.com 的后台看到受访者的答案,以便进行分类和分析。

There are four types of questions designed in our questionnaire: structured questions, partially structured questions, ranking questions and unstructured questions. There are two main advantages of the online questionnaire survey method. Firstly, there is no need to make paper questionnaires, and arrange offline market researchers to make the research, which is low-cost and highly efficient. Secondly, it is easy for us to get first-hand data and convenient for later analysis.


Differences in Consumption Status

Figure 1. Monthly expenses of male and female college students
图 1.男女大学生的月支出

Figure2. Surplus of monthly allowance
图 2.每月津贴盈余

As can be seen from the Figure 1, more than 40 % of college students spend between 1000 yuan and 1500 yuan a month, and there are no huge differences among male and female students in monthly expenses. More than 20% of both male and female students spend over 2000 per month, which is staggering. From figure 2, we can see more than three-fifths of males and females have a little monthly allowance remaining. The proportion of students who have a large amount of surplus (more than half surplus and half surplus) is small, with males accounting for 15.25% and females accounting for only 7.01%, from which we may judge that more male students than female students are frugal. The proportion of males and females who have no surplus in their monthly allowance is almost the same.
从图 1 中可以看出,超过 40% 的大学生每月花费在 1000 元至 1500 元之间,男女生的月花销差别不大。超过 20% 的男女生每月花费在 2000 元以上,令人咋舌。从图 2 可以看出,五分之三以上的男生和女生每月的零花钱都所剩无几。盈余较多(盈余过半和盈余过半)的学生比例较小,男生占 15.25%,女生仅占 7.01%,由此可以判断节俭的男生多于女生。每月零用錢沒有盈餘的男女生比例差不多。

Figure 3. Whether there is borrowing to spend
图 3.是否有借贷支出

Figure 4. Whether there is impulse consumption
图 4.是否存在冲动消费

Figure 3 and 4 illustrate more than half of male and female students are borrowing to spend, and the proportion of male students is greater than that of female students. More than 70% of male and female students have experienced impulse consumption, and female students account for a larger proportion.
图 3 和图 4 显示,半数以上的男女生有借贷消费行为,且男生的比例高于女生。七成以上的男女生有过冲动消费的经历,女生所占比例更大。

Differences in Consumer Behaviors

Figure 5. Spending the most on clothes
图 5.在服装上花费最多

Figure 6. First considerations when buying clothes
图 6.购买衣服时的首要考虑

Figure 7. The highest price of clothes can be afforded
图 7.可承受的最高服装价格

Figure 8. Frequency of buying clothes
图 8.购买衣服的频率

According to these 4 figures, the consumption of clothing for males and females is mainly concentrated in shoes and clothes. The proportion of females buying clothes and shoes is 77.78% and 17.54%, and the proportion of males buying clothes and shoes is 54.48% and 42.07%. Females spend clearly more on clothes than males, while male spend significantly more on shoes than girls. When buying clothing, most of the college students will consider the style and quality, and style is their primary consideration, accounting for more than 70%. Also, females think more about the price but males pay much attention to brands. About two-fifths of the students think that personal preference is first, and the price does not matter when buying clothing. More females can accept clothing prices between 400 to 550 yuan, and more males can accept prices between 250 to 400 yuan and within 100 yuan. Most college students buy clothes that do not have a specific rule and just buy what they want to buy. Except for the students who buy clothing irregularly, male students buy clothes once every six months, and female students buy clothes once a month. It is noticeable that no female students buy clothes once a year.
根据这 4 个数据,男性和女性的服装消费主要集中在鞋子和衣服上。女性购买衣服和鞋子的比例分别为 77.78%和 17.54%,男性购买衣服和鞋子的比例分别为 54.48%和 42.07%。女生在服装上的花费明显高于男生,而男生在鞋子上的花费明显高于女生。在购买服装时,大部分大学生会考虑款式和质量,款式是他们首要考虑的因素,占比超过 70%。此外,女生更看重价格,而男生则更注重品牌。约五分之二的学生认为购买服装时个人喜好是第一位的,价格并不重要。女生能接受的服装价格在 400-550 元之间的较多,男生能接受的价格在 250-400 元和 100 元以内的较多。大多数大学生买衣服没有特定的规则,想买什么就买什么。除不定时买衣服的学生外,男生半年买一次衣服,女生一个月买一次衣服。值得注意的是,没有女生一年买一次衣服。

Figure9. Factors to consider when choosing a restaurant

Figure10. The usual way of eating
图 10.通常的进食方式

It is clear from Figure 9 and 10, the food in the restaurant is the first factor for males and females to consider when choosing a restaurant, accounting for more than 50%. The second consideration is the price. Besides, female students think more about the popularity of the restaurant than male students, and they are more concerned about whether the restaurant is a hot place. In addition, more than 60% of male and female students choose to eat in school canteens in daily life, but female students order takeaways more often than male students.
从图 9 和图 10 中可以看出,餐厅的食物是男性和女性选择餐厅时的第一考虑因素,占比超 过 50%。其次是价格。此外,女生比男生更看重餐厅的人气,更关注餐厅是否火爆。此外,在日常生活中,60% 以上的男女生选择在学校食堂就餐,但女生叫外卖的频率高于男生。

Differences in Consumer Psychology

Figure11. Whether there is a bookkeeping habit

Nearly three-fifths of male and female students do not have the habit of keeping books, and males account for a larger proportion.

Figure12. Reasons to shop
图 12.购物原因

From Figure 12, purchasing necessities is the main reason for male and female students to shop, and the second reason to attract students to shop is that the mall holds promotional activities. In addition, female students are more likely to buy things because they are recommended by friends or bloggers, while male students are less likely to do that.
从图 12 中可以看出,购买生活必需品是男女学生购物的主要原因,而吸引学生购物的 第二个原因是商场举办促销活动。此外,女生更倾向于购买朋友或博客推荐的商品,而男生则较少这样做。

Figure 13. Whether consumption habits are influenced by partner
图 13.消费习惯是否受伴侣影响

Figure 14. Whether spending are influenced by shopping festivals
图 14.消费是否受购物节影响

More than 30% of male and female students' consumption will be affected by their partners, but the impact is small. Nearly 8% of male students are also highly influenced by their partners, compared with a few female students whose spending habits are greatly affected by their partners. In terms of consumer spending, 54% of males and females are rarely affected by the shopping festival. In general, the shopping festival has a greater impact on females.
超过 30%的男女学生的消费会受到伴侣的影响,但影响程度较小。近 8%的男生受伴侣影响也很大,相比之下,少数女生的消费习惯受伴侣影响很大。在消费支出方面,54% 的男女生很少受到购物节的影响。总体而言,购物节对女性的影响更大。

Figure 15. Satisfaction with your consumption habits
图 15.对自己消费习惯的满意度

More than 60% of male and female students are generally satisfied with their spending habits, male students are generally more satisfied than female students, and about 21% of female students are very dissatisfied with their spending habits.
超过 60% 的男女学生对自己的消费习惯基本满意,男生的满意度普遍高于女生,约 21% 的女生对自己的消费习惯非常不满意。

Among those who said they were dissatisfied, most females thought they wouldn't manage their money well, and they want to cut back on blind spending, don't buy what they don't need. Besides, most male students wanted to correct their habit of borrowing to spend.

Among those who claim to be basically satisfied, both male and female students want to develop the habit of keeping books and improving their consumption habits.

Conclusion and Recommendation

In summary, this study found that most college students have some problems with their consumption. From the current consumption situation, most of them have over-consumption and impulse consumption due to their lack of social life experience and self-constraint. From the perspective of consumption behavior, the current consumption structure of college students is relatively simple, and they spend more on food and clothing. From the perspective of consumer psychology, sales promotion is an important factor to attract college students to shop, and female students are more likely to be guided by others to consume.

For females, they should plan their consumption reasonably to reduce blind consumption and over-spend on cosmetics or clothes. Besides, they should rationally understand the promotion activities and avoid being guided by others to make impulse consumption without any purpose. For males, they should pay attention to the practicality of goods in shopping instead of collecting value. Spend less on shoes and avoid borrowing to spend. In a word, college students should pay attention to developing reasonable consumption habits, and adjust consumption in diet and study. Not only should they plan their consumption composition rationally and enhance financial management awareness, but they also should develop the habit of bookkeeping and figure out their flow of funds.


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Sex Differences in Consumption Habits of College Students


一、Basic information基本信息

1. What is your gender?您的性别

A. Male

B. Female

2. How much do you spend each month?您每月的花费为

A. Within 1,000 yuan 1000元以内
A.1000 元以内 1000 元以内

B.1,000 yuan ~ 1,500 yuan 1000~1500
B.1000元~1500元 1000元~1500元

C.1,500 yuan ~ 2,000 yuan 1500~2000
C.1,500 元 ~ 2,000 元 1500 元~2000 元

D. Over 2,000 yuan 超出2000
D.超过 2000 元 超出 2000 元

二、Survey of consumption habits消费习惯调查

3. Is there any surplus in your monthly allowance?您每月生活费是否有剩余?

A. Yes, most of it 多半剩余

B. Yes, half of it一半剩余

C. Yes, a little 少部分剩余

D. No完全不剩

4. What is your monthly spending percentage?您每月的消费比例是?

0~25% 25%~50% 50%~75% 75%~95% 95%以上(above95%
0%~25% 25%~50% 50%~75% 75%~95% 95%以上(above95%)。








5.Do you borrow to spend in your daily lifesuch as Ant Credit Pay)?


A. Yes

B. No

6.Do you have a habit of keeping accounts?您有记录自己消费情况的习惯吗?

A. Yes

B. No

7.Which of the following factors will affect your choice when choosing a restaurant


A. Price价格

B. PopularityHave Internet celebrities been there? Or has it been recommended by social App?)热度(小红书是否推荐,是否为网红打卡地)

C. Environment 环境

D. Food菜肴本身

8. What is your usual way of eating? 您平常大多选择以怎样的方式就餐?

A. cafeteria食堂
A. 食堂食堂

B. take-out外卖
B. 外卖

C. restaurant饭馆餐厅

D. at home (do it by yourself or your parents)(自己或父母)在家做
D. 在家里(自己或父母)在家做

9. What is the reason for your usual shopping? (multiple) 您平常购物的原因是什么?(多选)

A. Purchasing necessities购置必需品

B. The mall (such as Taobao) promotions商城(淘宝)促销活动

C. Recommendation from friends or bloggers朋友或博主推荐

D. No purpose, just buy what I like无目的,好看就买

10. What piece of clothing do you spend money on the most? 在服饰方面,您支出最多的是?

A. clothes衣服
A. 衣服

B. bags包包

C. ornaments饰品
C. 饰品

D. shoes鞋子

11.What are your first considerations when buying clothes? (multiple) 您在购买服饰时最在意的是?(多选)
11.您在购买服饰时最在意的是什么? (多选) 您在购买服饰时最在意的是什么?

A. the band品牌
A. 乐队

B. the price价格
B. 价格

C. the style款式
C. 款式

D. the quantity质量
D. 质量

E. the fashion trend潮流趋势
E. 时尚潮流趋势

12.What is the highest price of clothes you can afford? 您能接受的最贵的服饰价格是?

A. Less than 100 yuan 100以内
A.100 元以内 100 元以内

B.100250 yuan 100~250
B.100~250元 100~250元

C.250400 yuan 250~400
C.250~400 元 250~400元

D.400550 yuan 400~550
D.400~550 元 400~550 元

E. Preference is first, the price does not matter喜欢就好,价格无所谓

13.How often do you usually buy clothes? 您一般多久购买一次服装?

A. Once a week 一星期一次

B. Once a month 一个月一次

C. Every six months 半年一次

D. Once a year 一年一次

E. Irregularly, just buy what I like没有规律看见喜欢的就买

14. What kind of transportation do you use to travel in your daily life?


A. Bus公交

B. Taxi (Car-hailing service) 出租(网约车服务

C. Walk + Subway步行+地铁

D. Bike自行车

E. Others, please add其它,请补充

15.Do you think the transportation you choose is economical?


A. Inexpensive很实惠

B. Affordable比较合适

C. Expensive价格偏贵

D. Overpriced价格太贵

16. Have you ever bought something unused because of impulse spending?您是否有过因冲动消费,而购买了闲置物品的经历?

A. Yes

B. No

17.Will your consumption habits be affected by your boyfriend/ girlfriend ?消费习惯是否受到对象影响?

A. No (no boyfriend or no girlfriend否(无对象)

B. Yes, a little 很少

C. Yes, a lot 是,很大

18.Will your spending be affected by shopping festivals?


A. Yes, often会,经常

B. Yes, sometimes会,很少

C. Not at all完全没有

三、Feedback and Suggestion反馈和建议

19. Are you satisfied with your spending habits? what are your attitudes or thoughts? (Please supply your idea) 你对于自己消费习惯是否满意,存在什么态度或想法?请补充你的想法和建议

A. Very satisfied 非常满意

B. Relatively satisfied 较满意

C. Dissatisfied 不满意

20. On what do you think you need to spend less or more? 你认为你需要在哪些消费方面减少或增加开支呢?
