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Customer-Driven AI at Intuit

Intuit’s strategy is to be an “AI-driven expert platform” where we solve the most pressing customer problems and deliver wonderful experiences using AI.¹ To that end, and to ensure our innovation is customer driven, Intuit® follows its “Customer Driven Innovation” (CDI) principles.²
Intuit 的策略是成為一個“人工智慧驅動的專家平台”,在這裡我們利用人工智慧解決最緊迫的客戶問題並提供美妙的體驗。 「客戶驅動的創新」(CDI)原則。²

In this post, I will share some powerful examples of how Intuit’s AI strategy works with its CDI principles to create customer driven AI solutions.
在這篇文章中,我將分享一些有力的範例,說明 Intuit 的 AI 策略如何與其 CDI 原則結合,創建客戶驅動的 AI 解決方案。

Customer-driven innovation

Principle 1: Find the problem

When we set out to design an AI solution, we start with the customer problem. The customer problem must be significant enough to justify the investment and must obviously be one that hasn’t been solved yet.

Principle 2: Ensure the tools are right for the job
原則 2:確保工具適合工作

Even though AI is powerful, it cannot solve everything, especially when you consider data availability and performance limitations. We seek out customer problems that we can solve well using AI, with the data we have at hand, and with high performance.

Principle 3: Create the advantage

We focus on areas where the more customers benefit from the AI solution, the better the solution becomes. For example, an AI solution that we can iteratively improve, as we get more data from real customers’ interactions, can result in a durable competitive advantage.

In the next sections, I will show how Intuit follows CDI to solve important customer problems, using the AI capabilities of two of its products: TurboTax and Mint.
在接下來的部分中,我將展示 Intuit 如何遵循 CDI,利用其兩款產品 TurboTax 和 Mint 的 AI 功能來解決重要的客戶問題。

Expediting the Refund Experience for TurboTax Customers³ ⁴
加快 TurboTax 客戶的退款體驗⁴

TurboTax is the #1 best-selling tax preparation software to file taxes online. As a result, TurboTax processes a huge amount of tax refunds.
TurboTax 是排名第一的最暢銷線上報稅報稅軟體。因此,TurboTax 處理了大量的退稅。

In order to receive the tax refund, the TurboTax user has to provide their bank account details. However, 1% of TurboTax users mistype their bank account details, which delays their refund by eight weeks!
為了獲得退稅,TurboTax 用戶必須提供其銀行帳戶詳細資訊。然而,1% 的 TurboTax 用戶輸錯了銀行帳戶詳細信息,導致退款延遲了八週!

This sounds like a major customer problem, but let’s go over the CDI guidelines to make sure it meets our criteria for a worthwhile investment:
這聽起來像是一個主要的客戶問題,但讓我們回顧一下 CDI 指南,以確保它符合我們值得投資的標準:

#1: “An important, unsolved customer problem …”

1% of users mistyping their bank account details, resulting in an eight-week delay of their funds, is definitely an important, unsolved customer problem.
1% 的用戶錯誤輸入銀行帳戶詳細信息,導致資金延遲八週,這絕對是一個重要的、尚未解決的客戶問題。

#2: “… that we, and those we enable, can solve well …”

We could solve this problem, and significantly reduce the probability of mistyping bank account details by asking the customer to verify their details when the AI model indicates it might be a wrong number.

#3: “… and build a durable competitive advantage.”

AI gets better with more data. As more customers use the solution, we gain more data, allowing us to improve it even further.

To solve this challenge, we applied an AI deep-learning algorithm to reduce payment failures. The AI model, called Verum (“valid” in Latin), reverse-engineers bank account number patterns to predict the likelihood of each account number being invalid.
為了解決這個挑戰,我們應用人工智慧深度學習演算法來減少支付失敗。這個名為 Verum(拉丁語「有效」)的人工智慧模型對銀行帳號模式進行逆向工程,以預測每個帳號無效的可能性。

This resulted in instant notifications of this possible error and reduced invalid account number issues by 55%, preventing the delay of more than $140 million in tax refunds in just one tax season.
這使得我們能夠即時通知這一可能的錯誤,並將無效帳號問題減少了 55%,從而避免了僅一個納稅季就造成超過 1.4 億美元退稅延遲的情況。

How Mint Is Helping Users Prevent Overdraft Fees⁵
Mint 如何幫助使用者防止透支費用⁵

An overdraft fee can be a headache and often is one of the most expensive fees from a bank. There’s a good chance that at some point in the last year, you have seen the dreaded “NSF Fee” transaction on your bank statement.
透支費可能會讓人頭疼,而且通常是銀行收取的最昂貴的費用之一。去年的某個時候,您很有可能在銀行對帳單上看到可怕的「NSF 費用」交易。

If you are unfamiliar with the term, NSF, or Non-Sufficient Funds, is when a customer tries to make a purchase without enough funds in their bank account to cover the transaction. The amount overdrawn incurs interest at a rate determined by the account provider and likely some additional (hefty) fees. For example, if you overdraw your bank account by a minimal amount, even by $1, you may be on the hook for a $30 (or more!) NSF fee per the terms you agreed to when you signed up for your account.
如果您不熟悉這個術語,NSF(資金不足)是指客戶試圖進行購買,但銀行帳戶中沒有足夠的資金來支付交易。透支金額會以帳戶提供者決定的利率產生利息,並可能產生一些額外(高額)費用。例如,如果您透支銀行帳戶的金額很小,即使是 1 美元,根據您註冊帳戶時同意的條款,您可能需要支付 30 美元(或更多!)的 NSF 費用。

This can really add up. Every year, U.S. consumers pay more than $15 billion in overdraft fees. On Mint, we were able to see that $250 million in NSF fees are paid out annually to the top five banks alone.
這真的可以加起來。每年,美國消費者支付超過 150 億美元的透支費用。在 Mint 上,我們可以看到每年僅向前五名銀行支付的 NSF 費用就高達 2.5 億美元。

NSF fees present a big problem. Let’s go over the CDI guidelines to see if it meets our criteria:
NSF 費用是一個大問題。讓我們回顧一下 CDI 指南,看看它是否符合我們的標準:

#1: “An important, unsolved customer problem…”

$250 million in NSF fees is a major customer problem, especially when you consider that customers are being charged at a time when they have a monetary shortage. In addition, this challenge hasn’t been solved before.
2.5 億美元的 NSF 費用是一個主要的客戶問題,尤其是當您考慮到客戶在資金短缺的情況下被收取費用時。此外,這個挑戰之前還沒有得到解決。

#2: “… that we, and those we enable, can solve well…”

We can solve this problem, since NSF is somewhat predictable when you have the customer’s historical financial data. For example, if there is a specific date when money leaves the account, and there is usually not enough funds in the account to cover it, there is a high chance that an NSF fee will be charged on this date. Knowing in advance that an NSF event might occur can help the customer avoid it.
我們可以解決這個問題,因為當您擁有客戶的歷史財務資料時,NSF 在某種程度上是可預測的。例如,如果資金離開帳戶有特定日期,而帳戶中通常沒有足夠的資金來支付該日期,則很有可能會在該日期收取 NSF 費用。提前知道可能發生 NSF 事件可以幫助客戶避免此類事件。

#3: “… and build a durable competitive advantage.”

This solution has enormous potential, and that potential grows over time. As more customers interact with the solution, we can learn how to make it better.

The result was fantastic: We created an overdraft prediction service for Mint users, a smart technology leveraging artificial intelligence and machine learning to predict when an overdraft is likely to happen, based on spending patterns. The service saves Minters more than $900,000 a year.
結果非常棒:我們為 Mint 用戶創建了一項透支預測服務,這是一項利用人工智慧和機器學習的智慧技術,可以根據支出模式預測透支何時可能發生。該服務每年為 Minters 節省超過 90 萬美元。

Winning AI solutions 獲勝的人工智慧解決方案

AI is extremely powerful, and it enables solutions we couldn’t have imagined possible in the past. When we at Intuit combine AI with clear CDI guidelines, we’re able to provide our customers with the best possible experience.

1. Intuit, Intuit®: Our Strategy. (n.d.). Intuit®. (n.d.). Retrieved May 25, 2022, from https://www.intuit.com/strategy/

2. Intuit, CUSTOMER DRIVEN INNOVATION — Intuit Labs. (n.d.). Intuit®labs. Retrieved May 25, 2022, from http://www.intuitlabs.com/customer-driven-innovation

3. Mintz, I., & Intuit Developer Team. (2021, February 25). Expediting the refund experience for TurboTax customers. Intuit Developer Community Blog. Retrieved May 25, 2022, from https://blogs.intuit.com/blog/2021/02/25/expediting-the-refund-experience-for-turbotax-customers/

4. Mintz, I. (2021, May 2). Ido Mintz, Intuit Israel: AI for the Masses: Avoiding $500M of Bank Account Mistakes. YouTube. Retrieved May 25, 2022, from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y-Ycokqc9XQ&t=11s

5. Mint. (2019, April 16). How Mint is Helping Users Prevent Overdraft Fees. MintLife Blog. Retrieved May 25, 2022, from https://mint.intuit.com/blog/updates/how-mint-is-helping-users-prevent-overdraft-fees/


