Settings navigation


You do not have the privileges required to view this page. Contact your administrator to request the necessary privileges.

Organization profile 组织简档

Name 名称
The name is displayed in the gallery title and on the organization page.
The logo is displayed on the legacy home page.
no organization logo
Summary 总结
Appears on the sign in page associated with custom apps and sites. This summary has a maximum of 310 characters.
310 characters left 还剩310个字符

Organization defaults 组织默认值

Language 语言
Choose the default language for members of your organization. This choice affects the user interface as well as the way time, date, and numerical values appear. Individual members can customize this choice on their settings page.
Learn more about language defaults

Administrative contacts

Choose the administrators who will be listed as points of contact for members of your organization. The user profiles of these administrators will be listed on the Organization page for all non-administrator organization members.
Choose the administrators who will be listed as points of contact for members of your organization. The user profiles of the administrators will be listed on the Organization page for all non-administrator organization members.

If email settings are configured, these administrators will receive automatic email notifications.
If email settings are configured,the administrators will receive automatically email notifications.
Learn more about administrative contacts
Learn more about administrative contactts
易 智瑞
Removed. Undo

Shared theme

Use the shared theme to apply your organization's brand colors and logo to information products created from ArcGIS Configurable Apps templates, Web AppBuilder, and Enterprise Sites. Define the shared theme of your organization using the color pickers and logo options below.
Use the shared theme to apply your organization's brand colors and徽标to information products created from ArcGIS Configurable Apps templates,Web AppBuilder,and Enterprise Sites. Define the shared theme of your organization using the color pickers and徽标options below.
Color contrast is not sufficient to ensure that text is legible to all users.
Logo 标志
no organization logo

Navigation bar 导航栏

Page visibility 页面可见性
Modify the visibility of links in the navigation bar.
Learn more about navigation bar links

Help source 帮助源

The help source determines whether your organization's access to help topics is derived from a publicly available or installed source. By default, the source is set to the local, installed source.

When internet access is available, enable this option to deliver help from Esri's public web help.
Home page

Home page editor 主页编辑器

Create a modern entry point to your organization that works well on desktop and mobile browsers.

Use ready-to-use components that can help establish your brand, such as a custom colors and fonts, or provide important information to your users through multiple item galleries, links and text blocks.

Switch your active home page

You can view your legacy home page to improve your new default home page. You can also roll back to the previous configuration, bit it will not be maintained when you next upgrade. 
You can view your legacy home page to improve your new default home page. You can also roll back to the previous configuration, but it will not be maintained when you next upgrade.

Primary map viewer 主地图查看器

Choose the primary map viewer for your organization to use when working with maps and layers. Members can also set their own primary map viewer in their settings.
Learn more about map viewer options

Update your organizations's basemap gallery

Your organization's basemap gallery contains raster basemaps that have entered mature support and will no longer be updated. Update your basemap gallery to provide access to Esri's vector basemaps.

Map defaults 地图默认值

Default basemap 默认底图
The Default basemap opens when users click New Map. Set the group in the basemap gallery above and choose the map to open. It will open at the default extent you set.

To set the default extent to the extent of your currently selected default basemap, click Use Map Extent as Default. To set a different extent, click Choose extent and set the extent you want to use as your default extent.
Default extent 默认范围
The Default extent determines the extent used when users click New Map.
Left: -161.697 左:-161.697
Top: 80.695 最高价:80.695
Right: 161.697 右:161.697
Bottom: -72.673 底部:-72.673
Units 单位
Choose the default units for the scalebar, measure tool, directions, and analysis. US Standard sets the units to miles, feet, and inches; Metric sets the units to kilometers, meters, and centimeters. Members can set the units they see through their settings page.

Bing Maps Bing地图

Provide a Microsoft-supplied
Bing Maps key to use Bing Maps in your portal's web maps.

Configurable apps 可配置应用程序

ArcGIS Configurable Apps contain various settings users can configure to create web apps. Map-based apps display one or more maps. Choose which group contains the apps you want to use in the configurable apps gallery.
Choose which group contains the apps you want to use in the configurable apps gallery

    No groups found. Make sure your search is spelled correctly.

    Sort order

    Web styles Web样式

    Web styles are collections of symbols stored in an item. Apps can use web styles to symbolize features with 2D or 3D symbols. Select a group to be used in symbol galleries.
    2D web style group

      No groups found. Make sure your search is spelled correctly.

      Sort order
      3D web style group

        No groups found. Make sure your search is spelled correctly.

        Sort order

        Analysis layers 分析图层

        Select the group whose layers will be shown in the Analysis Layer gallery for the analysis tools. It is best practice to share feature items that contain only a single layer with this group.

        If your feature layer item contains multiple layers, save any of the layers as an item and share it with the group.
        Learn how to save an individual layer as an item.

          No groups found. Make sure your search is spelled correctly.

          Sort order

          Comments 评论

          Metadata 元数据

          Organization categories 组织类别

          Edit the current set of categories used by this organization.

          Search using related terms


          Configurable apps 可配置应用程序

          ArcGIS Configurable Apps contain various settings users can configure to create web apps. Group-based apps display the content of a group.
          Choose which group contains the configurable apps you want to use in the group configurable apps gallery.

            No groups found. Make sure your search is spelled correctly.

            Sort order 排序顺序

            Organization webhooks 组织webhooks

            Create webhooks to automatically notify an organization member when associated events occur for items, groups, users, and roles. To create, update, and delete webhooks, a member must be an administrator with webhooks privileges. 
            Learn more about webhooks
            Utility services

            Printing 印刷

            Configure your print service. Enter the URL of your print service, or leave blank to use the default print service.
            There is a limit of 10,000 results that can be retrieved via pagination. Try filtering or changing your search term to lower the number of returned results.

            Geometry 几何

            Configure your geometry service. Enter the URL of your geometry service, or leave blank to use the default geometry service.


            Configure your GeoEnrichment service. Enter the URL of your service.

            Hydrology 水文

            Configure your hydrology service. Enter the URL of your service.

            Orthomapping Elevation 正交映射高程

            Configure your orthomapping elevation service. Enter the URL of your service.

            Elevation 高程

            Configure your elevation analysis services. Choose the elevation service type, and enter the URL of your service.

            Directions and Routing 方向和路线

            Configure the source of the routing services used by all members in your organization. Learn more about configuring routing services.
            Travel modes 出行方式
            Configure the properties of default travel modes, add new travel modes that better reflect your organization's workflows, or remove travel modes that don't suit your organization's workflows.

            Cached Elevation Image Service

            Configure your elevation services for 3D applications. To add an elevation service, enter a service URL and click Add. You can also reorder or delete your elevation services.
            This cached elevation image service already exists in the list.

            Symbols 符号

            Configure your Symbols service. Enter the URL of your service.

            Geocoding 地理编码

            Establish the locators that members of your organization will have access to. Click Add to reference a URL, specify a user-friendly name, and set other properties. You can also reorder, configure, or delete your locators below.
            • ArcGIS World Geocoding Service
            ArcGIS Online

            Configure utility services

            To configure your portal to use utility services from ArcGIS Online:
            要配置门户以使用ArcGIS Online中的实用程序服务,请执行以下操作:
            1. Enable the ArcGIS Online utility service you want to configure with your portal.
              启用要与门户一起配置的ArcGIS Online实用程序服务。
            2. Enter the credentials for an ArcGIS Online organizational account that your portal will use to access those services.
              输入您的门户将用于访问这些服务的ArcGIS Online组织帐户的凭据。
            3. Click Configure services.
            To configure directions and routing services from ArcGIS Online, use .
            要从ArcGIS Online配置方向和路径服务,请使用。
            To remove an existing utility service and its corresponding items, disable the utility service and click Configure services.
            Elevation 高程
            Network 网络
            Traffic Data 交通数据
            Orthomapping Elevation 正交映射高程
            Geocode 地理编码
            Hydrology 水文

            Configure Living Atlas content
            配置Living Atlas内容

            Configuring 配置
            Access Living Atlas content in your portal.
            在您的门户网站中访问Living Atlas内容。

            Note: Clicking Configure content updates Living Atlas content in your portal and saves configuration changes. Content that is configured is shared with all users in your organization.
            注意:单击配置内容可更新门户中的Living Atlas内容并保存配置更改。配置的内容将与组织中的所有用户共享。

            Check the box for the additional types of Living Atlas content you would like to enable in your portal, provide ArcGIS Online organizational account credentials for accessing them and click Configure content.
            选中要在门户中启用的其他Living Atlas内容类型的复选框,提供访问这些内容的ArcGIS Online组织帐户凭据,然后单击配置内容。

            Using premium content in the portal consumes credits from the specified ArcGIS Online account.
            在门户中使用高级内容会消耗指定ArcGIS Online帐户中的配额。

            To disable an existing type of content, uncheck the account checkbox and click Configure content.

            Subscriber   订户Update
            Premium (requires credits Premium content requires credits.)
            Premium(需要积分 Premium content requires credits.

            Federated server sites 联合服务器站点

            You can add a server site to achieve a single sign-on experience, share items, and optionally host services. A server site that has been added to a portal is called a federated server site. Add one or more server sites to your portal.
            Optionally, provide a user-friendly alias to help identify your federated server site on this page.
            Status 地位
            Validating 验证
            Server role 服务器角色
            Service URL 服务URL
            Administration URL 管理URL
            Optionally, provide a user-friendly alias to help identify your federated server site on this page.
            Status 地位
            Validating 验证
            Server role 服务器角色
            Service URL 服务URL
            Administration URL 管理URL
            Member roles

            Manage roles 管理角色

            Create, edit, and manage member roles in your organization. You can create a role based on an existing role or role template by enabling or disabling associated privileges as needed.
            Learn more about roles
            Administrator   管理员
            Default 默认
            Data Editor   数据编辑器
            Default 默认
            Publisher   出版商
            Default 默认
            User   用户
            Default 默认
            Viewer   查看器
            Default 默认
            Custom 自定义
            There is a limit of 10,000 results that can be retrieved via pagination. Try filtering or changing your search term to lower the number of returned results.
            New member defaults

            User type and role

            Select the user type and role members are assigned by default when adding or inviting new members.
            User type 用户类型
            Role 作用

            Add-on licenses 附加许可证

            Select the licenses members are assigned by default when adding or inviting new members.


            Select the groups members are added to by default when adding or inviting new members.
            Featured Maps and Apps

            Member categories 成员范畴

            Select the member categories that members are added to by default when adding or inviting new members.

            Credits 学分

            Set the credit allocation members are assigned by default when adding or inviting new members.
            The credit value cannot exceed the organization's total available credits.
            Organization credits:0  组织学分:0

            Username format 用户名格式

            Customize the default username format that appears after entering a new member’s information while adding members through the ArcGIS Enterprise portal.
            通过ArcGIS Enterprise门户添加成员时,自定义输入新成员信息后显示的默认用户名格式。
            test{Email address prefix}

            Distributed 分布式

            Distributed collaborations allow ArcGIS organizations to share and sync content using groups. When you create a collaboration, your organization becomes the host. Your organization may also be invited to join a collaboration as a guest.
            Distributed collaborations are trusted relationships where the terms and conditions set by all organizations apply.
            Create a distributed collaboration
            Accept Invitation   接受邀请
            No collaborations found. 没有找到合作。

            Host Organization: 主办单位:
            Contact Person: 联系人: Edit
            Requires Web Tier Authentication:
            Edit 编辑
            Invite Guest   邀请嘉宾 View Workspaces   查看工作区
            No guest organizations found.

            Host Organization: 主办单位:
            Contact Person: 联系人: Edit
            Requires Web Tier Authentication:
            Edit 编辑
            Create Workspace   创建工作区 View Guests   查看客人
            No workspaces found. 未找到任何标记。
            Contact Person: 联系人:
            URL: 网址:
            ArcGIS Enterprise Version:

            Requires Web Tier Authentication:
            Edit 编辑
            Edit Contact Person
            No guest organization found.

            Host Organization: 主办单位:
            Contact Person: 联系人: Edit
            Group: 组:

            Allow participants to view services without signing into this portal:
            Edit 编辑
            Scheduled Syncs: 计划同步:
            Last Sync: 上次同步:
            Status:  状态:
            Last Complete Sync: 上次完成同步:
            Next Sync: 下次同步:
            Immediate Syncs: 即时同步:
            Last Sync: 上次同步:
            Status:  状态:
            Pending: 待决:
            No guest organizations found.

            Policies 政策

            Access and permissions 访问和权限
            Sharing and searching 共享和搜索

            Sign-in policy 登录政策

            Password policy 密码策略
            You may set the following password rules for members in your organization who have built-in accounts. Note that member passwords may not match their username. Weak passwords will be rejected.
            Current password must 当前密码必须
            • Contain at least the following number of characters: 8
            • Contain at least one letter (A-Z, a-z)
            • Contain at least one number (0-9)
            Lockout settings 锁定设置
            Configure how many times a member can have failed sign-in attempts within a 15-minute time period before being locked out of the organization. You can also configure the duration of the lockout period. Applies to built-in accounts only.

            Current lockout settings 当前锁定设置

            Failed sign-in attempts: 5

            Lockout duration (minutes): 15

            Logins 登录

            Customize the organization's sign in page so that members can sign in using any of the methods below. The order they appear here will determine the order that they appear in the sign in page.
            ArcGIS login ArcGIS登录
            Allow users to sign in with their ArcGIS built-in account.
            OpenID Connect login OpenID Connect登录

            Multifactor authentication

            Multifactor authentication provides all members with built-in portal accounts in your organization with an extra layer of security by requesting additional information at the time of login to verify that it's you.

            Email settings must be configured to enable Multifactor authentication.
            Learn more about multifactor authentication
            Designated administrators
            Designate at least two administrators who will receive email requests to troubleshoot members' multifactor authentication issues.

            Access notice 访问通知

            For organization members
            Provide a notice of terms to be displayed to organization members after they have signed in. Members can proceed only if they accept the terms of the notice. They will not be prompted again till the next time they sign in.
            For all users 为所有用户
            Provide a notice of terms to be displayed to all users who access your organization. Users can proceed only if they accept the terms of the notice. They will not be prompted again for the remainder of the browser session.

            If you set both types of access notices, an organization member will see two notices.

            Information banner 信息横幅

            Use information banners to alert your organization's members about your site's status and content, such as maintenance schedules, classified information alerts, and read-only modes. Banners will appear at the top and bottom of your pages.

            Trusted servers 信托服务器

            Configure the list of trusted servers you wish your organization to send credentials to when working with services secured with web-tier authentication.
            This server already exists in the list.
            There is a limit of 10,000 results that can be retrieved via pagination. Try filtering or changing your search term to lower the number of returned results.

            Allow origins 允许原点

            Limit the web application domains that can connect via Cross-Origin Resource Sharing (CORS) to the ArcGIS REST API.
            限制可通过跨域资源共享(CORS)连接到ArcGIS REST API的Web应用程序域。
            This domain already exists in the list.
            There is a limit of 10,000 results that can be retrieved via pagination. Try filtering or changing your search term to lower the number of returned results.

            Allow portal access 允许门户访问

            Configure a list of portals with which you want to share secure content. This will allow members of your organization to use their enterprise logins to access the secure content when viewing it from these portals.
            This portal url already exists in the list.
            There is a limit of 10,000 results that can be retrieved via pagination. Try filtering or changing your search term to lower the number of returned results.

            Apps 应用程序

            Approved apps 已批准的应用程序
            Control which apps members are allowed to access without a 'Request for Permissions' prompt. Approved web apps can optionally be made available to organization members in the App Launcher.
            控制允许成员访问哪些应用程序而不出现“请求验证”提示。可以选择在App Launcher中将批准的Web应用程序提供给组织成员。
            Learn more about approved apps
            There is a limit of 10,000 results that can be retrieved via pagination. Try filtering or changing your search term to lower the number of returned results.

            Email settings 电子邮件设置

            Configure your organization to send email notifications. Learn more
            Organization extensions

            Location sharing 位置共享

            Location sharing is an organization-wide extension, providing the ability for users to share where they are and where they have been.

            When you enable location sharing, licensed users in your organization can use the Field Maps, Quick Capture, or Indoors mobile apps to upload their locations to the location sharing layer.
            启用位置共享后,组织中的许可用户可以使用Field Maps、Quick Capture或Indoors移动的应用将其位置上传到位置共享图层。
            Learn more about location sharing
            Roles that can view tracks:
            Administrator 管理员
            Allow additional roles to view location tracks by visiting the Member roles tab, and enabling the "view location tracks" privilege for any custom member role.
            To enable location sharing, your organization must purchase ArcGIS Location Sharing licenses.
            Scroll to section 滚动到部分