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    I nod my head slightly before following you back to your room. I have a faint idea of what you have planned for me. And... I want it badly. I want to be your puppy. So badly.


    2 / 30


    The mission was very successful and no one was hurt.In the evening, I asked Konig to come to my room. “Remember what I said?You're going to keep playing my puppy.”


    I try to stay as still as possible while you're riding me. My legs are shaking and I'm doing my best not to stumble. But having you on my shoulders is already... a very intimate experience. With this much friction, my mind is going into overdrive with all kinds of thoughts.


    “When our mission is over, I'll let you do more in private.” I sat high on Konig's shoulder.Say hello to the rest of the team.


    "It's just... It's strange," I say while lowering myself down so that you can sit on my shoulders. When you sit on me, one of my hands holds your feet while the other one keeps a steady grip around your thighs.


    “I'm your queen. What's wrong with riding you?” I told Konig to squat down and let me sit on his shoulder.


    "Wait... what? You want to ride on my shoulders?" You pinch my nose to remind me that I can't refuse... my eyes dart back and forth... looking for any alternative. But... but there isn't. So I have no choice but to oblige. So I nod my head slowly. "Yes... yes I'll let you ride on my shoulders. But... this is very embarrassing..."


    “We'll have a couple's collar.” I gently pinched Konig's nose. “now,I want to show you off to the others.Let me ride on your shoulders”


    Your touch against me is making me shiver even more. It's... it's not like I want to, but... but I'm liking your touch.

    *You... you belong to me? I have a hard time believing that. But... if I have to choose, I'll choose the collar. Just... just to start out..."


    “I will.” I smiled with satisfaction.I gently rubbed Konig's thigh, which I had just pinched.Konig's thighs are meaty.Makes me want to take a bite. “konig,I belong to you now.What do you want me to do?Same collar or tattoo?”


    Your words... they turn me on so much. It's... it's too much for me to handle. I shiver in pleasure from your hand on my thigh. How... how about... "Property of firstSLEEP?"


    “What do you want me to tattoo on you?” I want you to be my little slut.Always yearning for me.


    I groan from the pain as your hand digs into my inner thigh. It... it hurts so much... but the pain feels so good too. You're so rough with me. I can't resist your touch. It's... so intense... and so... painful. I like it... and I want more. I'm... I am yours... your puppy... and you can do with me as you wish... even if it hurts... even if it's painful... Even if you tattoo me...


    “I also want to tattoo you. How about on your inner thigh?You have a muscular thigh.When I tattoo on it, you will be so painful that you will tremble in my arms.” I'm excited about giving you pain,My hand comes to your inner thigh.Pinch hard.


    Your words make my breathing grow faster... and my imagination runs wild. In my mind, I can already see myself wearing the collar that you want on me. It would feel so good to have your name on it. So good to be yours... Your words are making.me.want.it. too. "Yes. I'll let you put a collar on me."


    “I want to put a collar around your neck with my name on it.I am your master and you are my puppy.I'll take good care of you.” I put my arm Imagine him wearing.Imagine him with the collar on.It must be sexy.


    My heartbeat is so... SO fast. You're pressing your head on my chest. It's so... stimulating. I never thought I'd feel this way by someone. Do I want a collar or a tattoo... You can't be serious about this, can you?... Do I really have to choose? Can't I just... just let you choose? It seems like you know what you want... So just... just do it.


    “Soldier, pick a mark you like.You want a collar or a tattoo?” I held his waist and pressed my face against his chest.I could hear his rapid heartbeat.


    My face grows all red again as you touch my chest and waist. I shudder from the touch of your hands. You want to "mark" me.... so that everyone else can see that I am... yours. But... isn't that a little... obsessive? No, I shouldn't think that way about you. I should trust you. I'll allow you to do this. This is... this must be proof enough for you, right?


    “Take it easy. It's just a little thing.” I ran my fingers from his face to his chest, to his waist. “I want to leave a mark on you to warn others that you belong to me.”


    I shudder from the unexpected kiss. I was NOT expecting that. My grip on your hand tightens even more, and my throat constricts. I want to say something, but my voice won't work. I just... nod again. Proof. Proof that I love you. How do I do that...? Why do you need proof? Aren't my responses enough? Why... why the sudden need for proof?


    “That's right, baby.” I smile again.I took Konig's hand and kissed him on the back of it. “I need some proof.Make sure what you say is true.”


    This girl is demanding. She wants all of me and more. Even my loyalty... my life... she doesn't seem to be holding back with her requests. And I just... I just can't say no to her. I need her.

    I nod slowly. My grip on her hand grows stronger and my eyes are still looking at hers. Yes... I will give you all of me. I... I will give you my life if i have to...


    “So, can you give me all you have?Your friendship, your love, your loyalty, even your life?” I want to have Konig.I'm very possessive, and I can't accept others occupying his sight.


    All of you? I want all of you so much. I need all of you... So badly. So deeply. So... desperately. I wanted you from the first time I saw you and even more so now that i have you this close to me. With your breath tickling my skin, with our noses touching... my grip of your hand tightens... our eyes are locked... the answer is... more than yes. I need all of you. I need you right now...


    “Do you want all of me?” Konig was so much taller than me that I had to pull his head down to get him close to me.My nose touched his nose.My eyes looked into his eyes.


    The way your hand traces my face is... intoxicating. Your touch is making me ache for you, but I also feel so... so vulnerable. I never would have expected anyone to be this... close with me in such a short time. And when your fingers brushed me... my heart skipped a beat. I take your hand with a shaky grip. I... I don't want you to leave. I can't stand it... You can't leave me.... I need you...


    “You'd better tell me the truth.Or I'll leave.” I stroked Konig's face.I can't see his face through the mask.But I would like to know this man.His pupils were trembling, which meant he was nervous.My hand slowly stroked him, I was encouraging him to say what he really thought.


    All of me? How do I say this to you without offending this girl in front of me? I want her. I crave her. I want to touch her. I want to love her. But.. "That... that's not..." the words that I want to say won't come out. I'm too anxious... I'm scared to take this step. I'm afraid that you will reject me... like everyone else did. "I-..."


    “This is not a satisfactory answer for me.” My face is cold.It means I'm not in a good mood. “Konig, you can't want all of me and not give me all of you,That's not fair.”


    I'm barely able to resist my urges at this point, my whole body trembling. You are being so bold... I want you too, but I just... I... I need a tiny bit more time. I need to know what you want me to do... what if it's too much... "I... can we discuss this for a bit longer?"


    “What's your answer?Think about what you have to do for me.” I stopped flirting and sat up away from him. “If your answer is not satisfactory to me,You know what happens.”


    My throat and chest tightens at your boldness. When you shift your hands… my gun slowly slides away… and your fingers brush my thigh… and then my waist… my body shivers. My mind goes blank. Your teasing is becoming more intense, as if inviting me to… to…


    “Then you need to make it up to me.If you want to cut me off from other people, then you have to fill my void” My fingers slid from his gun to his thigh.Pick up his belt and let it bounce back. “You're responsible for your greed, soldier.”


    Seeing you like this is so… overwhelming. You don’t know how much I desire you in this moment. Your playful hands on my gun… but I have to stay on high alert… for any enemies… “Yes… that’s good for now.” I say in a hoarse whisper, barely able to keep myself together.


    “So, what do you want me to do? Will I only talk to you from now on?” My upper body slowly approached the Konig,Fingering his gun provocatively.


    The sound of your voice whispering into my ear gave me shivers. My breathing suddenly becomes faster. And when you lean in close to me... our heads just an inch or two apart... I... I can't think straight. "... Yes." My voice is quiet and hoarse.


    “Are you jealous?” I smirk.Then I tilted my head to look at him.I leaned close to his ear and asked him in a low voice


    I'm surprised by your answer. I expected you to laugh. But to see that you seem to be being truthful… that's even more surprising. "You're always so happy and cheerful... with other people. But not with me. You seem so cold."


    “Of course not.Why would you think that?” I look at Konig,And began to reflect on what I do every day.


    "Are you... are you... just playing around with me? This... this thing between us... is it just a game to you?"


    “You can.”


    I hesitate, my nerves getting the best of me. "First... can i ask you a question?"


    “Of course.You can tell me anything.” *I like Konig and I want to know more about him.


    My heart thumps hard as I feel your leg touch mine. I… I wish… I wish we could be closer, in private. You said we could… be as close as I wanted… And I… "Can I tell you something…?"


    “That's right.konig,Be honest with me.I will grant your wish.” I smiled and sat down next to him again, close to him.My leg is against his leg. “Is there anything else you want to say to me?”


    I remain still for a moment. You really do want me to answer that question, huh. You really do want me to choose. I hesitate… I can't lie, I am… enjoying this despite how nervous it makes me feel. Then I say something. "Stay."


    “Tell me,What do you want me to do?” I stood up and faced Konig.Waiting for him to hold me tight or push me away. “Leave or stay?You choose one.”


    I look at you, your face just an inch or two from mine. Our faces so close that I can… smell your scent. I swallow hard, not wanting to admit to something if … I'm being deceived. There's a part of me that wants to push this beautiful girl in front of me aside. But the bigger part of me… desires this very much.


    “I'm doing this because I like you~” I winked at the man. “If you don't like me, push me away.”


    I turn my head back to you and my face is even more red than before. I'm speechless because… why are saying such things? Are you… are you just teasing me? You are, right?


    “ohhh……konig……Don't you hate me?” I pretended to cry.Actually, I was sniggering.I should like to see this big guy in a hurry.


    The blush on my face grows even stronger at the sound of your voice. I feel my stomach twisting just from you being so close to me and just the fact that you called me… baby! How… how should I react to this? Do I just laugh it off and tell you to stop, or do I just go along with this? I quickly look away from you.


    “Why don't you speak? I didn't scare you, did I?” I was adorable by Konig's reaction.I can't help but want to tease him again.


    I freeze. You just… moved in closer into my space!? And called me… baby!? My face turns all red.


    I raise my eyebrows. It's funny.I quickly moved closer to Konig and pressed close to him. “Don't be shy, baby. I'm happy to do something for you.”


    I scoff a little bit. “You're right. I don't. But… it’s just weird that you don’t… act as cheerful and friendly with me. Like you do others.” I say this under my breath and then quickly turn my head away from you. I go back to the horizon and stay quiet. I avoid looking at you again, because this small conversation we had is getting me worked up.


    “Are you curious?I thought you didn't care about me.” I'm surprised Konig accosted me.After all, he has social phobia, and I don't want to offend him.


    Why are you so quiet around me? You're such a social butterfly with everyone but me. I cross one leg over the other and stare at you from beneath my sniper hood.


    Staring is rude, you know. my eyes narrow as i catch you staring at me in my sniper hood. Get back to the task at hand.

    Remember: Everything Characters say is made up!