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Momentum Transport(Summary)

2.Momentum Transport and Laminar Flow of Newtonian Fluids

(1)Explanation of terms  (1)术语解释
Laminar flow:Flow is regarded as being the unidirectional movement of lamellae of fluid sliding over one another,with no macroscopic mixing or intermingling of the fluid in the radial direction.
Turbulent flow:In contrast to laminar flow,the fluid undergoes chaotic fluctuations,leading to intense mixing both in the axial direction and in the radial direction.
Newton's law of viscosity:
τ = μ d v x d y τ y x = μ d v x d y τ = μ d v x d y τ y x = μ d v x d y tau=mu(dv_(x))/(dy)quadtau_(yx)=-mu(dv_(x))/(dy)\tau=\mu \frac{d v_{x}}{d y} \quad \tau_{y x}=-\mu \frac{d v_{x}}{d y}
τ τ tau\tau-----viscous shear or momentum flux, Pa
τ τ tau\tau -----粘性剪切或动量通量,Pa

μ μ mu\mu-----dynamic viscosity,Pa's
μ μ mu\mu -----动态粘度,Pa·s

c.iviomentum Transport and Laminar Flow of Newtonian Fluids

1)Explanation of terms  1)术语解释

Newton's law of viscosity: τ y x = μ d v x d y Momentum transport is driven by velocity gradient. τ y x = μ d v x d y  Momentum transport is driven by   velocity gradient. rarr"tau_(yx)=-mu(dv_(x))/(dy)"Longrightarrow{:[" Momentum transport is driven by "],[" velocity gradient."]:}\xrightarrow{\tau_{y x}=-\mu \frac{d v_{x}}{d y}} \Longrightarrow \begin{aligned} & \text { Momentum transport is driven by } \\ & \text { velocity gradient.}\end{aligned}
牛顿粘度定律: τ y x = μ d v x d y Momentum transport is driven by velocity gradient. τ y x = μ d v x d y  Momentum transport is driven by   velocity gradient. rarr"tau_(yx)=-mu(dv_(x))/(dy)"Longrightarrow{:[" Momentum transport is driven by "],[" velocity gradient."]:}\xrightarrow{\tau_{y x}=-\mu \frac{d v_{x}}{d y}} \Longrightarrow \begin{aligned} & \text { Momentum transport is driven by } \\ & \text { velocity gradient.}\end{aligned}
Reynolds number:  雷诺数:
Re = D × V 2 x 8 × ρ η = ( characteristic length ) × ( average velocity ) × ( density ) ( viscosity ) F g F η = ρ L 2 V x z 2 η V vzz L = ρ L V x z η = Re = Inertial force Viscous force Re = D × V 2 x 8 × ρ η = (  characteristic length  ) × (  average velocity  ) × (  density  ) (  viscosity  ) F g F η = ρ L 2 V x z 2 η V vzz L = ρ L V x z ¯ η = Re =  Inertial force   Viscous force  {:[Re=(D xxV_(2x8)xx rho)/(eta)],[=((" characteristic length ")xx(" average velocity ")xx(" density "))/((" viscosity "))],[(F_(g))/(F_(eta))=(rhoL^(2)V_(xz)^(2))/(etaV_(vzz)L)=(rho LV_( bar(xz)))/(eta)=Re=(" Inertial force ")/(" Viscous force ")]:}\begin{aligned} & \operatorname{Re}=\frac{D \times V_{2 x 8} \times \rho}{\eta} \\ & =\frac{(\text { characteristic length }) \times(\text { average velocity }) \times(\text { density })}{(\text { viscosity })} \\ & \frac{F_{\mathrm{g}}}{F_{\eta}}=\frac{\rho L^{2} V_{x z}^{2}}{\eta V_{\mathrm{vzz}} L}=\frac{\rho L V_{\overline{x z}}}{\eta}=\mathrm{Re}=\frac{\text { Inertial force }}{\text { Viscous force }} \end{aligned}
Viscosity of gases: μ = 2.6693 × 10 5 M T σ 2 Ω μ = 2.6693 × 10 5 M T σ 2 Ω mu=2.6693 xx10^(-5)(sqrt(MT))/(sigma^(2)Omega)\mu=2.6693 \times 10^{-5} \frac{\sqrt{M T}}{\sigma^{2} \Omega}
气体的粘度: μ = 2.6693 × 10 5 M T σ 2 Ω μ = 2.6693 × 10 5 M T σ 2 Ω mu=2.6693 xx10^(-5)(sqrt(MT))/(sigma^(2)Omega)\mu=2.6693 \times 10^{-5} \frac{\sqrt{M T}}{\sigma^{2} \Omega}
The viscosity of a gas is independent of the pressure of the gas and is a linear function of the square root of temperature.

vivmentum Transport(Summary)
vivmentum Transport(摘要)

2.Momentum Transport and Laminar Flow of Newtonian Fluids

(2)Analytical solutions  (2)解析解
Momentum balance based on a control volume(steady-state,constant density and viscosity)

R Rate = = == Flux × × xx\times Area
R 速率 = = == 通量 × × xx\times 面积

\square Momentum includes convective momentum and viscous momentum
\square 动量包括对流动量和粘性动量

\square Forces include pressure and gravity
\square 力包括压力和重力

-Couette flow  -库埃特流
-Fluid flow between two parallel flat plates

-Fluid flow down an inclined plane

-Fluid flow in a cylindrical tube

Momentum Transport(Summary)

2.Momentum Transport and Laminar Flow of Newtonian Fluids

2)Analytical solutions  2)解析解
\square Couette flow   \square 库埃特流
v x = V Y y τ z = μ d v z d y } τ y x = μ V Y v x = V Y y τ z = μ d v z d y τ y x = μ V Y {:[v_(x)=(V)/(Y)y],[tau_(z)=-mu(dv_(z))/(dy)]}tau_(yx)=-mu(V)/(Y)\left.\begin{array}{l} v_{x}=\frac{V}{Y} y \\ \tau_{z}=-\mu \frac{d v_{z}}{d y} \end{array}\right\} \tau_{y x}=-\mu \frac{V}{Y}
Application:viscometer  应用:粘度计

L.Momentum Transport and Laminar Flow of Newtonian Fluids

2)Analytical solutions  2)解析解
I Fluid flow between two parallel flat plates

v x = Δ P 2 μ L ( δ 2 y 2 ) τ y = μ d v x d y } τ y = Δ P L y v z = m = v x | , = Δ P 2 μ L δ 2 v x = 2 3 v x = Δ P 3 μ δ v x = Δ P 2 μ L δ 2 y 2 τ y = μ d v x d y τ y = Δ P L y      v z = m = v x , = Δ P 2 μ L δ 2 v x = 2 3 v x = Δ P 3 μ δ {:[v_(x)=(Delta P)/(2mu L)(delta^(2)-y^(2))],[tau_(y)=-mu(dv_(x))/(dy)]}{:[tau_(y)=(Delta P)/(L)y,v_(z=m)=v_(x)|_(,-oo)=(Delta P)/(2mu L)delta^(2)],[v_(x)=(2)/(3)v_(x)=(Delta P)/(3mu)delta]:}\left.\begin{array}{ll} v_{x}=\frac{\Delta P}{2 \mu L}\left(\delta^{2}-y^{2}\right) \\ \tau_{y}=-\mu \frac{d v_{x}}{d y} \end{array}\right\} \begin{array}{ll} \tau_{y}=\frac{\Delta P}{L} y & v_{z=m}=\left.v_{x}\right|_{,-\infty}=\frac{\Delta P}{2 \mu L} \delta^{2} \\ v_{x}=\frac{2}{3} v_{x}=\frac{\Delta P}{3 \mu} \delta \end{array}
c.iviumentum Transport and Laminar Flow of Newtonian Fluids
c.iviumentum 纽顿流体的运输和层流

2)Analytical solutions  2)解析解
-Fluid flow down an inclined plane
v x = ρ g cos θ 2 μ ( δ 2 y 2 ) τ y x = μ d v x d y } τ y z = ρ g y cos θ v x = ρ g cos θ 2 μ δ 2 y 2 τ y x = μ d v x d y τ y z = ρ g y cos θ {:[v_(x)=(rho g cos theta)/(2mu)(delta^(2)-y^(2))],[tau_(yx)=-mu(dv_(x))/(dy)]}tau_(yz)=rho gy cos theta\left.\begin{array}{l} v_{x}=\frac{\rho g \cos \theta}{2 \mu}\left(\delta^{2}-y^{2}\right) \\ \tau_{y x}=-\mu \frac{d v_{x}}{d y} \end{array}\right\} \tau_{y z}=\rho g y \cos \theta
v x , m a x = v x | y 0 = ρ g cos θ 2 μ δ 2 v x , m a x = v x y 0 = ρ g cos θ 2 μ δ 2 v_(x,max)=v_(x)|_(y-0)=(rho g cos theta)/(2mu)delta^(2)v_{x, m a x}=\left.v_{x}\right|_{y-0}=\frac{\rho g \cos \theta}{2 \mu} \delta^{2}
v ¯ x = 2 3 v x , m a x = ρ g cos θ 3 μ δ 2 v ¯ x = 2 3 v x , m a x = ρ g cos θ 3 μ δ 2 bar(v)_(x)=(2)/(3)v_(x,max)=(rho g cos theta)/(3mu)delta^(2)\bar{v}_{x}=\frac{2}{3} v_{x, m a x}=\frac{\rho g \cos \theta}{3 \mu} \delta^{2}

Nomentum Transport(Summary)
Nomentum Transport(摘要)

2.Momentum Transport and Laminar Flow of Newtonian Fluids

(2)Analytical solutions  (2)解析解
Fluid flow in a cylindrical tube(fully developed flow)

2)Analytical solutions  2)解析解

flow  库埃特流动

Fluid flow between two parallel flat plates
v x = V Y y τ μ = μ V Y v x , m x = V v z = 0 = Δ P 2 μ L δ 2 v ¯ x = 2 3 v x = v ¯ z = 1 2 v z = x ¯ ν x = Δ P 2 μ L ( δ 2 y 2 ) v z = ρ G cos θ 2 μ ( δ 2 y 2 ) v z = ( Δ P L ± ρ g cos θ ) R 2 r 2 4 μ τ y z = Δ P L y τ y z = ρ g y cos θ τ r = ( Δ P L ± ρ g cos θ ) r 2 v x = π = ρ g cos θ 2 μ δ 2 v z = = ( Δ P L ± ρ g cos θ ) R 2 4 μ v ¯ x = 2 3 v z = v ¯ z = 1 2 v z = v x = V Y y τ μ = μ V Y v x , m x = V v z = 0 = Δ P 2 μ L δ 2 v ¯ x = 2 3 v x = v ¯ z = 1 2 v z = x ¯ ν x = Δ P 2 μ L δ 2 y 2 v z = ρ G cos θ 2 μ δ 2 y 2 v z = Δ P L ± ρ g cos θ R 2 r 2 4 μ τ y z = Δ P L y τ y z = ρ g y cos θ τ r = Δ P L ± ρ g cos θ r 2 v x = π = ρ g cos θ 2 μ δ 2 v z = = Δ P L ± ρ g cos θ R 2 4 μ v ¯ x = 2 3 v z = v ¯ z = 1 2 v z = {:[v_(x)=(V)/(Y)y],[tau_(mu)=-mu(V)/(Y)],[v_(x,mx)=V quadv_(z=0)=(Delta P)/(2mu L)delta^(2)],[ bar(v)_(x)=(2)/(3)v_(x)=],[ bar(v)_(z)=(1)/(2)v_(z)= bar(x)],[nu_(x)=(Delta P)/(2mu L)(delta^(2)-y^(2))],[v_(z)=(rho G cos theta)/(2mu)(delta^(2)-y^(2))],[v_(z)=((Delta P)/(L)+-rho g cos theta)((R^(2)-r^(2))/(4mu))],[tau_(yz)=(Delta P)/(L)y],[tau_(yz)=rho gy cos theta],[tau_(r)=((Delta P)/(L)+-rho g cos theta)((r)/(2))],[v_(x=pi)=(rho g cos theta)/(2mu)delta^(2)],[v_(z=)=((Delta P)/(L)+-rho g cos theta)((R^(2))/(4mu))],[ bar(v)_(x)=(2)/(3)v_(z)=],[ bar(v)_(z)=(1)/(2)v_(z=)]:}\begin{aligned} & v_{x}=\frac{V}{Y} y \\ & \tau_{\mu}=-\mu \frac{V}{Y} \\ & v_{x, m x}=V \quad v_{z=0}=\frac{\Delta P}{2 \mu L} \delta^{2} \\ & \bar{v}_{\mathrm{x}}=\frac{2}{3} v_{\mathrm{x}}= \\ & \bar{v}_{\mathrm{z}}=\frac{1}{2} v_{\mathrm{z}}=\bar{x} \\ & \nu_{x}=\frac{\Delta P}{2 \mu L}\left(\delta^{2}-y^{2}\right) \\ & v_{z}=\frac{\rho G \cos \theta}{2 \mu}\left(\delta^{2}-y^{2}\right) \\ & v_{z}=\left(\frac{\Delta P}{L} \pm \rho g \cos \theta\right) \frac{R^{2}-r^{2}}{4 \mu} \\ & \tau_{y z}=\frac{\Delta P}{L} y \\ & \tau_{y z}=\rho g y \cos \theta \\ & \tau_{r}=\left(\frac{\Delta P}{L} \pm \rho g \cos \theta\right) \frac{r}{2} \\ & v_{x=\pi}=\frac{\rho g \cos \theta}{2 \mu} \delta^{2} \\ & v_{z=}=\left(\frac{\Delta P}{L} \pm \rho g \cos \theta\right) \frac{R^{2}}{4 \mu} \\ & \bar{v}_{x}=\frac{2}{3} v_{z}= \\ & \bar{v}_{z}=\frac{1}{2} v_{z=} \end{aligned}

Viomentum Transport(Summary)
Viomentum Transport(摘要)

3.Equations of Continuity and Conservation of Momentum and Fluid Flow Past Submerged Objects
1)Explanation of terms  1)术语解释
Incompressible fluid:A fluid that has constant density( ρ = ρ = rho=\rho= const.)
不可压缩流体:一种具有恒定密度( ρ = ρ = rho=\rho= const.)的流体

Entry length at entrance to a pipe:The distance a flow travels after entering a pipe before the flow becomes fully developed.
2)Equations  2)方程式

Equation of continuily  连续性方程

ρ t + ( ρ v ) = 0 v = 0 ρ t + ( ρ v ) = 0 v = 0 (del rho)/(del t)+grad*(rhov)=0quad grad*v=0\frac{\partial \rho}{\partial t}+\nabla \cdot(\rho \mathrm{v})=0 \quad \nabla \cdot \mathrm{v}=0
Equation of momentum conservation
t ρ v = τ ¯ ρ v v P + ρ g t ρ v = τ ¯ ¯ ρ v v P + ρ g (del)/(del t)rhov=-grad* bar(bar(tau))-grad*rhovv-grad P+rhog\frac{\partial}{\partial t} \rho \mathbf{v}=-\nabla \cdot \overline{\bar{\tau}}-\nabla \cdot \rho \mathbf{v} \mathbf{v}-\nabla P+\rho \mathbf{g}
\square Accumulation   \square 积累
\square Viscous   \square 粘性
-Convective  -对流
\square Surface force   \square 表面力
\square Body force   \square 体力
3.Equations of Continuity and Conservation of Momentum and Fluid Flow Past Submerged Objects
2)Equations  2)方程式
ρ D v D t = η 2 v P + ρ g { ρ D v z D t = η ( 2 v z x 2 + σ ^ 2 v z y 2 + σ ^ 2 v z σ ^ 2 ) σ ^ P x + ρ g z ρ D v y D t = η ( σ ^ 2 v y x 2 + σ ^ 2 v y y 2 + σ ^ 2 v y a ^ 2 ) σ ^ P ^ y + ρ g y ρ D v z D t = η ( 2 v z x ^ x 2 + σ ^ 2 v z y 2 + σ ^ 2 v z z ^ 2 ) ^ P c ^ z + ρ g ρ D v D t = η 2 v P + ρ g ρ D v z D t = η 2 v z x 2 + σ ^ 2 v z y 2 + σ ^ 2 v z σ ^ 2 σ ^ P x + ρ g z ρ D v y D t = η σ ^ 2 v y x 2 + σ ^ 2 v y y 2 + σ ^ 2 v y a ^ 2 σ ^ P ^ y + ρ g y ρ D v z D t = η 2 v z x ^ x 2 + σ ^ 2 v z y 2 + σ ^ 2 v z z ^ 2 ^ P c ^ z + ρ g rho(Dv)/(Dt)=etagrad^(2)v-grad P+rhog{[rho(Dv_(z))/(Dt)=eta((del^(2)v_(z))/(delx^(2))+( hat(sigma)^(2)v_(z))/(dely^(2))+( hat(sigma)^(2)v_(z))/( hat(sigma)^(2)))-(( hat(sigma))P)/(del x)+rhog_(z)],[rho(Dv_(y))/(Dt)=eta(( hat(sigma)^(2)v_(y))/(delx^(2))+( hat(sigma)^(2)v_(y))/(dely^(2))+( hat(sigma)^(2)v_(y))/( hat(a)^(2)))-(( hat(sigma))P)/(( hat(del))y)+rhog_(y)],[rho(Dv_(z))/(Dt)=eta((del^(2)v_(z))/(( hat(del x))x^(2))+( hat(sigma)^(2)v_(z))/(dely^(2))+( hat(sigma)^(2)v_(z))/( hat(z)^(2)))-(( hat(del))P)/(( hat(c))z)+rho g]:}\rho \frac{D \mathbf{v}}{D t}=\eta \nabla^{2} \mathbf{v}-\nabla P+\rho \mathbf{g}\left\{\begin{array}{l} \rho \frac{D v_{z}}{D t}=\eta\left(\frac{\partial^{2} v_{z}}{\partial x^{2}}+\frac{\hat{\sigma}^{2} v_{z}}{\partial y^{2}}+\frac{\hat{\sigma}^{2} v_{z}}{\hat{\sigma}^{2}}\right)-\frac{\hat{\sigma} P}{\partial x}+\rho g_{z} \\ \rho \frac{D v_{y}}{D t}=\eta\left(\frac{\hat{\sigma}^{2} v_{y}}{\partial x^{2}}+\frac{\hat{\sigma}^{2} v_{y}}{\partial y^{2}}+\frac{\hat{\sigma}^{2} v_{y}}{\hat{a}^{2}}\right)-\frac{\hat{\sigma} P}{\hat{\partial} y}+\rho g_{y} \\ \rho \frac{D v_{z}}{D t}=\eta\left(\frac{\partial^{2} v_{z}}{\hat{\partial x} x^{2}}+\frac{\hat{\sigma}^{2} v_{z}}{\partial y^{2}}+\frac{\hat{\sigma}^{2} v_{z}}{\hat{z}^{2}}\right)-\frac{\hat{\partial} P}{\hat{c} z}+\rho g \end{array}\right.