A Guide to Midjourney V6 "Character Consistency" 🔥3 Tips to Level Up!
Midjourney V6 指南“角色一致性”🔥:升级的 3 个技巧!

Maintaining a Consistent Character with Midjourney NEW "Character Reference"
与 Midjourney 保持一致的角色 NEW “Character Reference”

Exciting News! Midjourney has just released the highly anticipated NEW "Character Reference".
令人振奋的消息!Midjourney 刚刚发布了备受期待的新“角色参考”。

This is similar to the "Style Reference" feature, it tries to make the character match a "Character Reference" image. This allows you to create a consistent character across images! It will be great for Cohesive Storytelling & Precision Styling! 🎨

Today, I will share a quick guide to get started with three bonus tips at the end! Let's see how it works!

A pink hair girl in 4 different scenes

Today's content will be broken down into three sections starting with a brief description of the new feature and followed by

  • Part One: What is "Character References"
  • Part Two: How to use "Character References"
  • Part Three: 3 Extra Tips to Use "Character References"
    第三部分:使用“角色参考”的 3 个额外技巧

Part One: What is "Character References" 🎨
第一部分:什么是“角色引用” 🎨

This feature is similar to the "Style Reference" feature, but instead of matching a reference style, it aims to make the character match a "Character Reference" image.

"Character Reference" allows us to create a character roughly based on image(s) of an existing character provided via URLs.
“角色引用”允许我们大致根据通过 URL 提供的现有角色的图像创建角色。

Highlight Features 突出特点

  • ⚒️ Functionality: This feature is similar to regular image prompts except it 'focuses' on the character traits
    ⚒️ 功能:此功能类似于常规图像提示,只是它“专注于”角色特征
  • 👉🏻 Use: Type --cref URL after your prompt with a URL to an image of a character
    👉🏻 使用:在提示后键入 --cref URL 指向字符图像的 URL
  • 📝 Format: /imagine text prompt --cref URL 📝 格式: /imagine text prompt --cref URL
  • 🖼️ Compatibility: Works for both Midjournvey V6 and Niji 6
    🖼️ 兼容性:适用于 Midjournvey V6 和 Niji 6

Modify with --cw ( Details in Part 3 ) 修改方式 --cw ( Details in Part 3 )

  • You can use --cw to modify reference 'strength' from 0–100
    您可以使用 --cw 修改引用“强度” 0–100
  • --cw 100 (default) uses the face, hair, and clothes
    --cw 100 (默认)使用脸部、头发和衣服
  • --cw 0 focus on face  --cw 0 专注于脸部

Part Two: Quick Guide to Use "Character Reference"

Step 1: Choose Your Reference Image
第 1 步:选择您的参考图片

Use an image you generated with Midjourney or pick one online.
使用您使用 Midjourney 生成的图像或在线选择一个。

👉🏻 I am using Niji 6 for the tutorial today. This is our reference image for today's tutorial
👉🏻 我今天使用 Niji 6 作为教程。这是我们今天教程的参考图像

Pink hair girl in sakura woods

Step 2: Upload an Image or Copy a URL
第 2 步:上传图片或复制网址

Upload the images with the "+" side. Copy the image URL.
上传带有“+”面的图像。复制图像 URL。

Step 3: Type Your Prompt
第 3 步:输入提示

Type/imagineas you usually do. Then, input your prompt to describe the image you want to generate and add--cref URL
像往常一样键入 /imagine 。然后,输入您的提示来描述您要生成和添加 --cref URL 的图像

/imagine prompt: Text Prompt --cref URL
/imagine prompt :文本提示 --cref URL

Text prompt on Discord with Midjourney

Here are two resulting images


Here are some more examples:

Left: A cute pink hair girl walking to the school --cref url Center: A cute pink hair girl sitting with bunnies in the garden --cref url Right: A cute pink hair girl playing drinking coffee in a cafe --cref url
左:一个可爱的粉色头发女孩走到学校 --cref url 中心:一个可爱的粉红色头发女孩和兔子坐在花园 --cref url 里 右:一个可爱的粉红色头发女孩在咖啡馆 --cref url 里喝咖啡


As seen in the images above, the character is best suited for prominent features such as the face, hair, and overall clothing. However, tiny details like the decorations on her hair and dress change frequently.

⭐️ Something To NOTE: ⭐️ 需要注意的事项:

✅Character attributes that WILL work well with --cref:
✅可以很好地与以下角色 --cref 配合使用:

Big Obvious Features: teal curly hair, pink sunglasses, floor-length trenchcoat, green backpack

❌ Character attributes that will NOT work well with --cref:
❌ 不能很好地与以下角色 --cref 配合使用的角色属性:

Tiny Details: A silver pendant necklace with eight small pyramid-shaped jewels, dimples, freckles or t-shirt logos.
微小细节:一条银色吊坠项链,饰有八个小金字塔形珠宝、酒窝、雀斑或 T 恤标志。

⭐️ Three key ways to handle prompting with --cref
⭐️ 处理提示 --cref 的三种关键方法

  • 1. Anchor the details (pose, expression, emotion, costume, props, scene, action) so you're in control of them
    1. 锚定细节(姿势、表情、情感、服装、道具、场景、动作),以便您控制它们
  • 2. Use a light touch and let --cref handle most of it,
    2.轻触,让 --cref 大部分处理,
  • 3. Provide just the scene for the character and let --cref do ALL the work.
    3.只为角色提供场景,让 --cref 所有的工作。

Part Three: 3 Extra Tips to Use "Character References"
第三部分:使用“角色参考”的 3 个额外技巧

⭐️ Tip One: Modify the Details with --cw
⭐️ 提示一:修改 --cw 详细信息

How to Use --cw (cref weight) for effect
如何使用 --cw (cref weight)来达到效果

The character attributes that Midjourney can identify from the reference image(s) will be blended with the prompt to create the final expression of your character.
Midjourney 可以从参考图像中识别的角色属性将与提示混合,以创建角色的最终表达。

You can use --cw to modify reference 'strength' from 100 to 0
您可以使用 --cw 将参考“强度”从 100 修改为 0

👉🏻 Here's what --cw does:
👉🏻 以下是 --cw 其作用:

  • Strength 100 (--cw 100) is default and uses the face, hair, and clothes
    力量 100 ( --cw 100 ) 是默认的,使用脸部、头发和衣服
  • Values between --cw 99 to --cw 1 will begin to pick up less of the whole character
    --cw 99 之间的 --cw 1 值 to 将开始拾取整个字符的较少
  • At Strength 0 --cw 0 will pick up ONLY the face
    在强度 0 --cw 0 下,只会拾取脸部

⭐️ Face-Swap with --cw 0
⭐️ 换脸 --cw 0

  • Focus on the face. 专注于脸部。
  • Good for changing outfits/hair, etc
  • Roughly like a "Face-Swap".

Here are a few examples using --cw 0
以下是一些使用 --cw 0

Left: A cute japanese girl playing with bunnies --cref URL --cw 100 Center: A cute japanese girl wearing swimsuit in the beach --cref URL --cw 0 Right: A cute japanese girl wearing uniform going to school --cref URL --cw 0
左:一个可爱的日本女孩和兔子玩耍 --cref URL --cw 100 中:一个穿着泳装的可爱日本女孩在海滩上 --cref URL --cw 0 右:一个穿着制服的可爱日本女孩去上学 --cref URL --cw 0


As you can see, we are able to keep only the face in the two images on the right (--cw 0)and preserve face, hair, and clothes on the first image(--cw 100).
如您所见,我们只能保留右侧两张图片中的脸部 ( --cw 0 ),并保留第一张图片 ( ) 中的脸部、头发和衣服 --cw 100

🎎 Gender-swap with --cw 50
🎎 性别互换 --cw 50

  • Values between --cw 99 to --cw 1 will begin to pick up less of the whole character
    --cw 99 之间的 --cw 1 值 to 将开始拾取整个字符的较少
  • Write a prompt with the new gender and use--cw 50
    用新的性别写一个提示,并使用 --cw 50

A cute pink hair Japanese girl in the sakura woods--cref URL --cw 50
樱花树林 --cref URL --cw 50 里可爱的粉红色头发日本女孩


⭐️ Tip Two: Use Multiple Reference
⭐️ 提示二:使用多重引用

You can use more than one URL to blend the information /characters from multiple images (this is similar to multiple image or style prompts)
您可以使用多个 URL 来混合来自多个图像的信息/字符(这类似于多个图像或样式提示)

  • Use: Type --cref after your text prompt, followed by URLs to more than one reference image like this
    使用:在文本提示后键入 --cref ,然后键入指向多个参考图像的 URL,如下所示
  • Format: Text Prompt --cref urlA urlB urlC
    格式: 文字提示 --cref urlA urlB urlC

Here is an example: 下面是一个示例:

/imagine prompt: A cute pink hair girl in japanese traditional clothing holding an umbrella, walking in front of the temple --cref urlA urlB
/imagine prompt :一个穿着日本传统服装的可爱粉红色头发女孩,撑着雨伞,走在寺庙 --cref urlA urlB

Generate images with two characters reference

⭐ ️Tip Three: Working on Website
⭐ ️提示三:在网站上工作

Character Reference works well on Midjourney website as well. Here's how:
Character Reference 在 Midjourney 网站上也运行良好。方法如下:

Step One: Pick the Image

Drag or paste an image into the imagine bar.

Step Two: Select "Character Reference"

After picking the image, there will be three icons for you to select.

  1. Character Reference(--cref): Inspired by key character attributes.
    角色参考( --cref ):灵感来自关键角色属性。
  2. Style Reference(--sref): Inspired by visual style only.
    风格参考( --sref ): 仅受视觉风格的启发。
  3. Image Reference (URL in prompt): Inspired by composition, style, subject.
    图像参考 ( URL in prompt ): 灵感来自构图、风格、主题。

Select "Character Reference". You can also upload more than one image.

Character reference on Midjourney Website

Step Three: Generate 第三步:生成

Type the prompt and click "enter" as usual. And you will be able to generate a consistent character


💻 Midjourney website provides a seamless image generating experience, especailly with the new features and interface. Learn more from my Ultimate Guide to the Alpha Website
💻 Midjourney 网站提供无缝的图像生成体验,特别是新功能和界面。从我的 Alpha 网站终极指南中了解更多信息

More to Note for "Character Reference"

  • ✅ This feature works best when using characters made from Midjourney images. It's not designed for real people/photos (and will likely distort them as regular image prompts do)
    ✅ 此功能在使用由 Midjourney 图像制作的角色时效果最佳。它不是为真人/照片设计的(并且可能会像常规图像提示那样扭曲它们)
  • ✅ Cref works similarly to regular image prompts except it 'focuses' on the character traits
    ✅ Cref 的工作方式与常规图像提示类似,只是它“关注”了角色特征
  • ✅ Character attributes that WILL work well with big attributes
    ✅ 与大属性配合使用的角色属性
  • ❌ It won't copy the tiny details like exact dimples, freckles / or t-shirt logos.
    ❌ 它不会复制微小的细节,如确切的酒窝、雀斑/或 T 恤标志。

👉🏻 What's NEXT? More Advanced Tips and Prompting Multiple Characters 🔥
👉🏻 下一步是什么?更高级的提示和提示多个字符 🔥

Be prepared for a more in-depth guide to use "Character Reference" as I explore more of its features. I am also preparing a guide on prompting multiple characters

The --cref command works for single-subject, single-character images. If you plan to have multiple characters in the scene, you will need one extra feature.
--cref 命令适用于单主体、单字符图像。如果您计划在场景中拥有多个角色,则需要一个额外的功能。

👀 Here is a sneak peak of generating Consistent Multiple Characters. Stay tuned for my upcoming guide !💌
👀 这是生成一致多个字符的先睹为快。请继续关注我即将推出的指南! 💌


👉🏻Passive Income with AI art: Master Midjourney 🎨
👉🏻人工智能艺术的被动收入:掌握中途 🎨

Make over $5000 with AI Aart! Don't Get Left Behind in the AI Art Gold Rush of 2024!
使用 AI Aart 赚取超过 5000 美元!不要在 2024 年的 AI 艺术淘金热中掉队!

This is your ticket to passive income with AI art.💰 "Master Midjourney 2024: Beginner to Pro" digital guide.
这是您通过 AI 艺术获得被动收入的门票。 💰 “Master Midjourney 2024:从初学者到专业人士”数字指南。

Inside, you'll discover: 在里面,你会发现:

  • 🎨 1,000+ money-making prompts for stunning, sellable art
    🎨 1,000+ 赚钱提示,提供令人惊叹的可销售艺术品
  • 💡 Advanced Midjourney prompt writing, structure and techniques
    💡 高级 Midjourney 提示写作、结构和技巧
  • 🖼 Specialized commercial guidance for graphic design, branding, logo, UI, photography, mockup and more
    🖼 平面设计、品牌、徽标、UI、摄影、模型等的专业商业指导
  • 🚀 Insider tips to maximize profits
    🚀 利润最大化的内幕贴士
  • 💰 AI Arts Monetisation Strategies
    💰 AI Arts 变现策略
  • 💼 Top AI tools to edit Midjourney creations
    💼 用于编辑 Midjourney 创作的顶级 AI 工具

Turn your creative visions into a lucrative income stream with ease.


Hey, Friends 👋 I am Christie — An AI Art Educator & Creator 😊 Also a coffee lover ❤️☕️
嘿,朋友们👋,我是克里斯蒂——人工智能艺术教育家和创作者😊,也是咖啡爱好者 ❤️☕️

If you're craving more Insider Tips, Prompts and Tricks for creating and generating income with AI art, join me on this journey.
如果您渴望更多关于通过 AI 艺术创造和创收的内幕提示、提示和技巧,请加入我的旅程。

🎨 Hit that "Follow" button to stay in the loop for more AI wisdom 💌 Stay tuned for more tutorials & Midjourney updates!
🎨 点击“关注”按钮,随时了解更多人工智能智慧💌,请继续关注更多教程和Midjourney更新!

Let's explore the limitless possibilities of AI and build passive income together! 🚀

jellyfish hot airballoon

Midjourney V6 Essentials Midjourney V6 基础知识

With guide for text generation, prompt multiple objects and techniques for stunning images.

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