* No more than 400 words
* 不超过 400 字
* Your Structured Abstract begins with a Rationale or Background. Begin your introduction by expanding this in the introduction, perhaps a single paragraph that explains what the psychological phenomenon is that you’re exploring, the results of a single study (or a few key studies) that examines it and why your current study is needed (e.g., what are you trying to find out? Why is this research question theoretically significant?). This might be only a single paragraph.
* 您的结构化摘要以基本原理或背景开始。通过在引言中扩展这一点来开始你的引言,也许是一段解释你正在探索的心理现象是什么,一项研究(或一些关键研究)的结果,以及为什么需要你目前的研究(例如,你想找出什么?为什么这个研究问题在理论上具有重要意义?。这可能只是一个段落。
* Your Structured Abstract included brief statements about your Aims and Method. Next expand on this information. This might be a second, single paragraph. It might be useful for you to look at some published journal articles to get a feel for the level of detail that are included in this part of the introduction. Often the final paragraph of the introduction, just before the Methods section, specifies the research aims (e.g., the purpose of the research), briefly re-caps why this research study is significant, and outlines the chosen method.
* 您的结构化摘要包括关于您的目标和方法的简短陈述。接下来扩展此信息。这可能是第二个段落。查看一些已发表的期刊文章,以了解这部分引言中包含的详细程度,可能会对您有所帮助。通常,引言的最后一段,就在方法部分之前,指定了研究目标(例如,研究的目的),简要回顾了为什么这项研究很重要,并概述了所选择的方法。
* Most journals are flexible about the sub-headings that are used in Methods sections, because studies vary. Here are some typical headings that will probably work in most qualitative research reports, but you should also consult published qualitative research in psychology.
* 大多数期刊对方法部分使用的副标题持灵活态度,因为研究各不相同。以下是一些典型的标题,这些标题可能在大多数定性研究报告中都有效,但您也应该查阅已发表的心理学定性研究。
* Who were your participants?
* 您的参与者是谁?
* How were your participants recruited (e.g., a convenience sample from where)?
* Include information about the mean age and age range, standard deviation of age and genders of participants in your data set.
* Briefly state that 10 participants’ responses were selected from a larger data corpus collected from all psychology students completing the lab class. However, you do not need to give details on the mean age, gender or number of participants in the data corpus.
*简要说明,10 名参与者的回答是从 从完成实验课的所有心理学学生那里收集的更大的数据语料库中选出的。 但是,您无需在数据语料库中提供有关平均年龄、性别或参与者人数的详细信息。
* You also do not need to state how your data set was selected. You would give this information in a published manuscript, but your selection was made by your lecturer simply to accommodate the time constraints of this assessment!
* This is not needed.
* 这不是 必需的。
* It is very unlikely that completing this online survey on the lab’s iMac vs. your own laptop altered participants’ responses.
* 在技工所的 iMac 上完成这项在线调查与您自己的笔记本电脑完成这项在线调查不太可能改变参与者的回答。
刺激 (删除此整部分):
* This is NOT needed.
* You do not have stimuli per se in this report. The online survey can be described as part of the data collection and procedure section (see below).
Data Collection and Procedure:
Data 采集和程序:
* How did you collect the data (e.g., with an online survey via the software of Qualtrics or semi-structured interviews with participants?)
* 您是如何收集数据的(例如,通过 Qualtrics 软件进行在线调查或对参与者进行半结构化访谈?
* List the name of the survey participants completed and all of the questions in the order that they appeared in the survey (do not put the questions in your appendix). Helpful hint: for the name of the survey and the academic reference: check the lecture slides on ‘autobiographical Wisdom’. The survey questions are also available for you on Moodle.
* 按照他们在调查中出现的顺序列出已完成的调查参与者的姓名和所有问题(不要将问题放在附录中)。有用的提示:有关调查的名称和学术参考资料:查看“自传式智慧”的讲座幻灯片。调查问题也可以在 Moodle 上找到。
* Did we adapt the original survey in any way, if so, how (e.g., administering it online rather than in an interview format? etc)
* 我们是否以任何方式调整了原始调查,如果是,如何调整(例如,在线管理而不是以访谈形式管理? 等)
* What type of analysis will you use? If it is a thematic analysis, what type (inductive or deductive)? What level will you identify the themes at (e.g., semantic or latent)?
* 您将使用什么类型的分析?如果是主题分析,什么类型(归纳或演绎)?您将在哪个级别 (例如,语义或潜在)确定主题?
* What epistemological standpoint will you apply?
* 您将采用 什么认识论立场?
* What are the analytic steps taken to analyse the data? Helpful hint: refer to the Braun & Clarke (2006) article on using thematic analysis in psychological research.
* 分析数据采取了哪些分析步骤?有用的提示:参考Braun & Clarke(2006)关于在心理学研究中使用主题分析的文章。
* When you discuss the step about collating your codes, refer the reader to a Table (in APA format) in your appendix that details all of your collated codes used to generate your themes, including any codes that were later excluded from the analysis in the later steps.
*当您讨论有关整理代码的步骤时,请向读者参考附录中的表格(APA 格式),其中详细说明 了用于生成 主题的所有 整理代码,包括后来在后续步骤中从分析中排除的任何代码。
1. Tell your reader how many themes you identified and the name of each theme. You should also specify the theme structure, but only if you have any sub-themes. Do not make this sound like a passive process (e.g., three themes emerged from the analysis). You did the thematic analysis, so you should take ownership of it…. E.G:
1. 告诉您的读者您确定了多少个主题以及每个主题的名称。您还应该指定主题结构,但前提是您有任何子主题。 不要 让这听起来像一个被动的过程(例如,分析中出现了三个主题)。你做了主题分析,所以你应该拥有它的所有权。例如:
“From the thematic analysis, I identified the following two themes: addiction to fast food and lack of time to cook with one sub-theme of convenience and modern changes to lifestyle values.”
“从主题分析中,我确定了以下两个主题:对快餐上瘾和没有时间做饭,其中一个子主题是便利和 生活方式价值观的现代变化。“
You can produce a Figure of your thematic map, if you want (but only if you feel that a Figure is necessary due to a complicated theme structure). A Figure is not necessary if you have a simple theme structure, because it doesn’t aid interpretation above and beyond your text description.
如果需要,您可以制作专题图的 Figure(但前提是您认为由于主题结构复杂而需要 Figure)。如果您有简单的主题结构,则不需要 Figure,因为它无助于文本描述之外的解释。
2. Describe each of your themes in turn.
2. 依次描述您的每个主题。
Discuss each of the unique ideas (or codes) that fall under each theme. This should not be a list of codes in written form. This can be seen from your table of collated codes. Instead, this should be a written justification that shows how codes are related to one another and shows how they speak to the research question. Provide evidence to show support for your themes. For each theme, try to select 2-3 quotations from different participants. It is ok to shorten the quotations, just do not lose too much context, because if you do this, it will look as though you are being too selective and trying to make your data fit your theme.
讨论属于每个主题的每一个独特想法(或代码)。这不应该是书面形式的代码列表。这可以从您的整理代码表中看出。相反,这应该是一个书面理由,说明代码如何相互关联,并说明它们如何与研究问题对话。提供证据以表明对您的主题的支持。对于每个主题,尝试从不同的参与者中选择 2-3 条引文。缩短引文是可以的,只是不要丢失太多上下文,因为如果你这样做,看起来你太挑剔了,试图让你的数据符合你的主题。
An example of describing a theme in your results section:
(1) Addiction to fast food.
(1) 快餐成瘾。
Many participants explained their unhealthy eating habits were caused by an addiction to fast food. Participants described how they grew up attending McDonald’s birthday parties and they have continued to go to similar fast-food restaurants in adulthood. Participants described how they felt addicted to the food served at these types of restaurants and they would crave it if they did not eat in these restaurants fairly frequently.
许多参与者解释说,他们不健康的饮食习惯是由快餐成瘾引起的。参与者描述了他们是如何参加麦当劳的生日派对长大的,并且在 成年后他们继续去类似的快餐店。参与者描述了他们对这些类型餐厅提供的食物上瘾的感觉, 如果他们不经常在这些餐厅用餐,他们会渴望它。
“…I don’t know. I guess I kinda got addicted in childhood. Birthday parties at McDonalds were fairly common when I was growing up, although I don’t think kids go anymore. It’s all about healthy eating these days, but I just crave it, if I do not go at least one a week.”
Participant #8
参与者 #8
* No more than 400 words. This Discussion is substantially briefer than in journal articles.
* 不超过 400 字。 这个讨论比期刊文章要简短得多。
* Briefly repeat the main findings of your work at a *descriptive* level (e.g., wisdom in this sample was described as… [insert your themes]).
* 简要地在*描述性*层面上介绍您工作的主要发现(例如,此示例中的智慧被描述为......[插入您的主题])。
* Are your themes similar in content to themes found in previous literature?
* 您的主题在内容上是否与以前文献中的主题相似?
* Are your themes different in content to themes found in previous literature? Did you find any novel themes? If so, why do you think you found differences from past research?
* 您的主题在内容上与以前文献中的主题不同吗?你找到什么新颖的主题了吗? 如果是这样,您认为为什么您发现了与过去研究的不同之处?
* Were there any study limitations? If so, what were they and how did they impact your findings? What would you do differently in a future study to fix these limitations?
* 是否有任何研究局限性?如果是这样,它们是什么,它们如何影响您的发现?在未来的研究中,您会采取哪些不同的措施来解决这些限制?
* How do you think your findings contribute to the literature? Do they offer any theoretical extensions to existing theory and/or findings? Or do they confirm what has been found already?
* 您认为您的发现对文献有何贡献?他们是否为现有理论和/或发现提供了任何理论扩展?还是他们确认已经找到的东西?
* Use APA formatting
* 使用 APA 格式
* Give each of your graphs, tables or other figures a page of their own.
* 为您的每个图表、表格或其他图表提供自己的页面。
* You MUST INCLUDE A TABLE OF YOUR COLLATED CODES. Use of Tables/figures is on the marking rubric, so ensure you include this information in an APA formatted table.
* 您必须包括一个整理代码表。使用表格/图表是评分标准,因此请确保将此信息包含在 APA 格式的表格中。
* Remember Figures are optional and only necessary with a complicated theme structure
* 记住数字是可选的,只有在复杂的主题结构中才是必需的
* It’s unusual to find appendices in published journal reports but you might find a use for them.
* 在已发表的期刊报告中找到附录并不常见,但您可能会发现它们有用。